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Shorts by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:44:07
Updated: 2024-11-03 13:57:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by Pan
  3. ---
  6. Ethical pony world:
  7. Everything Garble says and does in Starlight's office is confidential. Only when his parents make a special visit does the truth come out.
  9. >Mr. and Mrs. Huffy the magic dragons demand to speak to the guidance counselor
  10. >Mr. Garble is dragging his errant son by the ear
  11. >"Can you explain why my son's grades are so awful? His mid-semester grades were all good!"
  12. >"I'm sorry Mr. Huff, but my records show Garble's grades have been awful since the second week of classes. He does not do any of his assignments. Because he is in the older form, he was not required to get his midterm grade signed by a parent or guardian."
  13. >"Boy--! Is this -pony- telling the truth?"
  14. >such disdain at having to respect a pony
  15. >"Uh, kinda, dad..."
  16. >"But in your letters you said..."
  17. >"I sorta... fibbed."
  18. >daggers from both parents
  19. >"I had to prove I could win!"
  20. >"Commendable. Yet you have to win honestly in international competitions. We can't have the ponies beating us at friendship. They will use it to steal our land."
  21. >Starlight makes a face but doesn't say anything
  23. >"Ms. Glitter."
  24. >"Glimmer."
  25. >"Ms. Glimmer, not to tell you how to do your job, but is the school doing anything to punish my son? Not doing work gets the flammable snot beaten out of you where we come from."
  26. >"He has had detention every week. It does not seem to affect him."
  27. >"Time out? Just spank the brat!"
  28. >"Daaaaaad!"
  29. >Garble could take the detentions
  30. >He HATED spankings
  32. >"We actually do use corporal punishment here."
  33. >"And?"
  34. >"For legal reasons we require a parent's signature on the corporal punishment approval form."
  35. >he gets in his son's face
  36. >"WHY didn't you tell us about this form?"
  37. >"I'm not a hatchling! I don't need to be spanked!"
  38. >"Oh yes you do! All I see is a little kid who needs somecreature to light a fire under his butt! And Ms. Glimmer here will see to it that you get what you need, won't she?"
  40. >"Y-yes sir!"
  42. ...
  44. Semi ethical:
  45. She is not allowed to disclose anything specific. She is allowed to refer him to Applejack (staff disciplinarian) for punishment.
  47. Not ethical:
  48. Guidance counselor is also in charge of discipline. You just came to Starlight for advice on how to move forward when a friend helped you cheat and the guilt is tearing you up?
  50. Bend over.
  52. @@@
  55. Dragonbreath
  57. Spike kicked his legs and tried to jerk his tail around. No good, Ember held it tightly in her right claw.
  59. >"You just earned extra for fidgeting."
  61. Ember chided, smacking Spike's flame-broiled tush with the flat part of her tail.
  63. Spike felt like such a baby! He didn't even want to be here... as Ember yanked up on his tail and pushed down on Spike's frantically moving legs, making his rear more accesible for some extra-stinging sitspot swats, he realized with a blush that Ember was in complete control. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He cried his head off, his demeanor matching the typical context of corporal correction.
  65. This was how kid dragons were disciplined by their strict mothers. Twilight made Spike study some dragon culture. A dragon mom hoists up your tail, and before you know it, fire on your backside and stinging slaps likewise signal to you and the other juvenile dragons that just like ponies, naughty dragons get physical reminders to behave, right on your naughty bottom.
  67. @@@
  70. >you are a colt
  71. >you have a writing assignment
  72. >it was due a week ago
  73. >Cheerilee has lost her patience for your excuses and sends a note home, demanding a prompt return
  74. >this kind of laziness for schoolwork is usually rewarded with a paddling at home or school
  75. >momhorse comes up with a motivator
  76. >she promises two swats after you finish each page
  77. >"to keep some heat in your stubborn seat and give you something to think about while you write"
  78. >thanks mom
  79. >but she also promises five swats after every half-hour that goes by without a new page done
  80. >as you write, you fidget in your chair
  81. >every word you write brings your rump closer to that paddle
  82. >and every second you dawdle brings the paddle closer to your rear
  83. >not an easy choice for a colt to make
  85. @@@
  88. A cool scenario with Rainbow Dash would be that her parents catch wind of what she did to the weather factory in Tanks for the Memories, and decide to reintroduce Rainbow's bottom to a long, hard spanking when she visits them next.
  90. >RD gets a package in the mail
  91. >It's from her old home address
  92. >what could it be?
  93. >signs for it, opens it before the mail pony even leaves
  94. >"A manebrush? Heh, looks like the old-fashioned kind my parents used to roast my bottom with."
  95. >"Heh-heh, me too..."
  96. >Rainbow is not into the comparison
  97. >The letter makes her clench her rump
  98. >Dear Dashie,
  99. >We heard about what you did at the weather factory.
  100. >I thought your spanking days were over, but it seems you never outgrew your naughtiness and could make good use of a mother's firm hoof once again.
  101. >I expect you to grab this manebrush in your mouth and fly here this instant to beg me to use it to light your little fanny on fire.
  102. >Just like you did when you lived here, to persuade us not to use your father's belt.
  103. >A practice which rarely did your backside any favors, I might add.
  104. >I want you to think about that as you high-tail it over here on the double, young filly.
  105. >See you soon.
  107. @@@
  110. >"Apple Bloom! Scoot your little butt over here!"
  111. >Apple Bloom had just been flipped through the air in every possible way
  112. >But that was less disorienting than being taken, head low and bottom all too high, over Granny's lap
  113. (spank spank spank)
  114. >She feared the other crusaders who were with her in the doomed vehicle had been taken by their caretakers off to a similar fate
  115. >They would have to compare their behinds tomorrow
  116. >Apple Bloom had a hunch hers would be the reddest
  117. >It always felt that way
  118. >It felt that way for each crusader, none willing to admit that there was a pain in all of Equestria worse than what their own hindquarters had felt
  120. @@@
  123. >Foal Free Press publishes fake article on Celestia banning spanking
  124. >Caretakers catch wind of this and spank the CMCs and all their co-writers
  125. >Parents mandate a "staff photo" of all their spanked flanks for the next issue, with the headline "Spanking... Alive and Well" and an apology from the newspaper staff
  126. >Dear Princess Celestia,
  127. >Today I learned not to abuse the trust others give you. It can leave you feeling bad from top to, well, bottom!
  129. @@@
  132. >Cadance disciplined her daughter in the semiprivate dining room, where they were eating dinner
  133. >muzzle pressed against the cold crystal wall, Flurry Heart could hear some ponies enter
  134. >she blushed as she realized it was Crystal Empire military advisors
  135. >"anomalous magical readings in the empire"
  136. >they had to tell Cadance right away
  137. >So much for pulling her sheer dress down over her rump and hiding her shame from everypony
  139. @@@
  142. >Novo pulled out all the stops to try and find her daughter
  143. >Used her best spies and scouts, deep undercover
  144. >Showed weakness to other states, ranging from friendly to borderline hostile
  145. >All this for her daughter's impulsiveness
  146. >Novo needs to meet with all the nations on the way back to her queendom
  147. >And her daughter needs to be there
  148. >Sporting a bright red birdbutt to show that Novo is a fierce leader
  150. @@@
  153. 1:
  154. >All the Apples are getting up there in years
  155. >Big Mac is not so little anymore
  156. >Even Apple Bloom has her cutie mark
  157. >Funds were tight this Hearth's Warming Eve
  158. >Granny didn't buy Mac anything
  159. >He pouts about it and acts like a brat
  160. >"You wish you were younger so you'd get the presents instead of Apple Bloom? I'd do this to ya if you were younger and you acted this way."
  161. ...
  162. >"I better not catch ya closin' that flap today"
  163. >"I don't want your caboose too far out of reach if ya slip up later"
  164. >"My hooves ain't as nimble as they used to be..."
  166. 2:
  167. >Moderate humans in the slave pony owning land of Earth
  168. >Ponies are sapient and deserve some dignity
  169. >But they're still slaves and you can't let them walk all over you
  170. >Morally, beating your pony all over its body is cruel
  171. >Economically, you could damage the merchandise
  172. >Small advocate network forms around fair discipline
  173. >Humans are encouraged to take their pony to a seminar
  174. >Sturdy chairs set up in a gymnasium
  175. >Enough space for an owner to sit and a pony to stand on a leash beside them
  176. >Advocate goes through a degrading presentation on "the proper way to punish a little pony"
  177. >They even encourage the humans to take their ponies over their laps during the presentation, to know the proper positioning
  178. >You shouldn't wreck your back!
  179. >There isn't enough evidence yet to say nonphysical punishments are better than physical ones
  180. >But it is clear that a spanking is more humane than a beating
  181. >"Does anyone here have a pony that made a big mistake recently?"
  182. >A few humans volunteer their ponies to come onto the stage so the advocate can demonstrate a proper, full spanking
  183. >"Ponies are social creatures. If you have the opportunity to lower their place in the heirarchy as punishment, the punishment is more intense without any extra physical harm."
  184. >"Gumdrop, put your muzzle against that wall until I say you can come out. I want the other ponies here to see what happens when you let your owner oversleep."
  186. @@@
  189. "WAIT, mommy! I've got hollow bird bones~ I'm too delicate!"
  190. You even shake your rear to demonstrate. You try to make your eyes look like a newborn hippogriff, cute and worth protecting.
  191. "The part I'm concerned about is your back half,"
  192. She pats your bottom! There's no going back!
  193. "Which is -definitely- strong enough to take a spanking.
  195. @@@
  198. Here's my idea:
  199. Queen Novo insists on whuppin' Princess Skystar immediately after they are reunited.
  200. If a similar infraction had been done in or near the kingdom (queendom?), Skystar would indeed just be "so grounded".
  201. The problem is a diplomatic one. Many leaders and representatives at the Friendship Celebration have a working relationship with Novo. If she's seen going easy on her daughter, it could hurt future negotiations.
  202. So Novo grabs her daughter by the ear and takes her only a little bit out of the mob of people. She gives her an awful whuppin'.
  203. But there's the matter of the states enroute between Equestria and Mount Aris / Seaquestria. In peacetime, they had friendly relations with the hippogriffs. Although the seaponies are in hiding, they still managed to send out scouting parties offering sizable rewards for the recovery of Skystar.
  204. Again, this sends a bad message for diplomacy that Novo can't keep track of her own daughter. The hippogriffs head back to her home. Novo doesn't make a big deal about her daughter, but she is there when Novo meets with leaders of the other areas. They thank the leaders for keeping an eye out, and Skystar apologizes for making them worry. Not only is her butt red from the initial spanking, Novo re-spanks her to achieve a high level of redness before they enter any town.
  206. This is hard power in the world of MLP.
  208. @@@
  211. Does rainbow deserve some soap in her mouth after the episode today? Her intentions were good but a lie is a lie. Watch the episode to understand.
  213. >Spitfire hears about this fiasco
  214. >She, Soarin', and a few of the other mainline Wonderbolts punish her for it
  215. >It's somewhere between real discipline for giving the Bolts a bad image, and hazing that they know RD can take
  216. >Spitfire grabs the official group paddle
  217. >it's Wonderbolts blue and full of holes for speed (naturally)
  218. >it has a simple inscription: "For Wonderbutts"
  219. >They make her keep soap in her trap while each one of them gives her rump a few love taps with the paddle
  220. >Dash inhales sharply after each one
  221. >They don't feel like love...
  223. @@@
  226. >"Discord! Let us go!"
  227. >"So soon? I just transformed you and you already want to go back. We still have to deliver presents to all the good foals in Ponyville!"
  228. >He cracks the reigns, whipping each pony on the bum.
  229. >The bells lining each pony's body ring out.
  230. >AJ and Rarity grunt, trying and failing to pretend the nip on the butt didn't hurt.
  231. >"Mush!"
  232. >In fact, the reigns don't have enough control to only smack one pony's hindquarters and not the other.
  233. >Discord easily could have modified the reigns or used a different implement, but he chose not to.
  234. >The shared punishments will keep these ponies working as a team.
  236. @@@
  239. >naughty foals wake up from a dream spanking like any other nightmare
  240. >their parents rush in, hearing their apologies and cries to Luna
  241. >Luna does not spank without cause, so the parents know to shift this punishment into the physical realm
  242. >sometimes right then in the dead of night
  244. @@@
  247. >Fluttershy bossing around her parents
  248. >"Are we having spaghetti tonight?"
  249. >that's her favorite
  250. >"No, we're out of sauce so I'm making salads."
  251. >Fluttershy tries "the stare" on her mom
  252. >"Put that stare away."
  253. >She hits her bottom not enough to hurt, but enough for Fluttershy to feel it
  254. >Fluttershy scurries off and waits for dinner
  256. @@@
  258. Anon and Pan
  261. >After some controversy at a city council meeting, corporal punishment in school, home, and in the legal system is put on the Ponyville ballot as a referendum. Who comes out in support of the measure? Who opposes it?
  263. Opposes: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy
  265. Supports: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity (her opinion differs greatly from the whole Canterlot elite)
  267. Others against: Mayor Mare, the Cakes
  269. Others for: GRANNY SMITH and the rest of the Apple clan, Cheerilee (those fillies and colts have been too naughty too long)
  271. ...
  273. After it is passed
  274. Twilight fluttershy mayor mare and the cakes are spanked.
  276. ...
  278. >Filthy Rich funds mailers and posters in favor of the measure
  279. >Diamond Tiara is not spanked
  280. >He argues with his wife about it constantly
  281. >She never had to work for her wealth
  282. >Filthy is rich, but he has to work hard to keep it that way
  284. >The posters show a pink filly with a smirk and balloon
  289. >It's not Diamond on the poster, that would be cruel
  290. >But everypony knows she may as well be the "poster pony" of the campaign
  291. >Diamond Tiara is mortified
  293. >Deep down, Filthy hopes that the ballot issue passes
  294. >Spanking is already legal domestically
  295. >But he hopes maybe his princess will come home with a reddened rush in the future
  296. >His wife stops him from spanking DT, but she can't stop the school or the legal system from dealing with their daughter
  298. ...
  300. >"Mom bought WHAT at Barnyard Bargains?"
  301. >"A new p-p-paddle?"
  303. ...
  305. Filthy stocks all kinds of punishment implements. He recommends the right soap for washing a filly's mouth out (tastes bad, but not cruelly so, and no lasting damage), and the proper stool to drive home a lesson to a colt nursing a sore backside. All these are stocked next to the wooden spoons, manebrushes, paddles, canes, and for exceptionally bratty teenagers, riding crops. He sells horsewhips too, but they are just for show: a way for a mare or stallion at the end of their rope to scare the daylights out of a naughty pony. He wouldn't sell them if he found out they were actually used. He does make an exception for adult judicial offenders. His store and house are kept orderly. He would like Equestria to be the same way.
  307. ...
  309. Publicly, all Fluttershy would talk about was how mean it was to spank somepony. She keeps to herself the fact that she was spanked often at flight camp for underperforming. She resented it then and swore she wouldn't spank any foals when she was older.
  311. ...
  313. >Twilight Sparkle
  314. She just wants to save her own flanks when she upsets the princesses.
  316. >Twilight Sparkle
  317. >Youngest foal of her family
  318. >Goes to the most demanding school in Canterlot
  319. >Personal protégé of Princess Celestia
  321. >Parents spank her
  322. >Teachers are authorized to spank her
  323. >Nobody would challenge the Princess' authority to spank her
  324. >Older brother is allowed to spank her
  325. >She has a Princess foal-sitter who's allowed to spank her
  327. Sporkle might just have the most spanked flank in all Equestria.
  329. @@@
  332. >Every new parent in Equestria gets a new parent box from the government
  333. >Baby food, diapers, a pamphlet, and a manebrush
  334. >Plain unfinished wood and a flat back
  335. >As kids grow up, the manebrush gets used more and more
  336. >Once a pony gets their cutie mark, their parents decorate it
  337. >Themed after their special talent, or some aspect of their personality, or an inside joke
  338. >The brush is presented at the pony's cuteceañera in front of everypony
  339. >It is customary for each presenting parent to swat one cheek of the foal and give them a hug
  340. >A symbol that despite the cuteceañera, they are still a child and they still need their parents to apply loving care, in good times and bad
  342. >This is the official dividing line between hoof discipline and brush discipline
  343. >Before they are of-age, a foal will get a manebrushing for serious naughtiness
  344. >Or to make sure a lesson is keenly felt as the coda to a hoof-swatting
  345. >Once a pony has a cutie mark, it is widely understood that they are old enough for the brush to be their default tushie torcher
  347. >It is personal preference if another implement is used as they grow older
  348. >Preference from the parents, of course
  349. >Their foals would rather not be spanked at all!
  350. >Many fathers create or buy a wooden paddle, finding it manlier than a brush
  351. >Mothers continue to brush their offspring, for grooming and punishment, finding it easier to use
  352. >Other parents use a riding crop or wooden spoon when their young one grows beyond a brush
  353. >But the brush's portability, and its necessity for a growing foal, means it is always at the ready to quell any naughtiness
  354. Young stallion, don't think you'll escape a sore flank just because your paddle is at home. Get your brush.
  356. @@@
  359. >Apple Family Reunion
  360. >Grownups were preparing dinner
  361. >Foals had a game of hide and seek that turned into tag
  362. >They made a huge mess of the dinner preparations
  363. >Hours of work wasted, spilled on the ground
  364. >Even the utensils got dirty
  365. >Everypony is angry
  366. >Bickering with each other
  367. >Some are covered in dirt or applesauce
  368. "the Reunion is ruined!"
  369. >Big Mac is upset like the rest of them
  370. >But he pushes it deep down
  371. >Thinks
  372. >"if nopony else wants to get us out of this mess, I will"
  373. >"I'll be darned if I go to bed without supper tonight."
  374. >Big Mac gets a big gulp of air
  375. >Stomps his hoof and draws a line in the dirt
  376. "Alright y'all, sundown is chasin' us like a sheepdog, and we got a few dozen hungry ponies here. Apple Cobbler, make sure nopony's injured. Granny Smith, yer in charge of fixin' up some grub quickly. Apple Dumpling, salvage whatcha can of our tables. Get em cleaned up and get creative.
  377. >He breathes again
  378. If you got nothin' to do, wait here outside the barn. Leaders, whenever ya need help, c'mere and pick a pony like it's buckball.
  379. Step forward if you want to be a leader.
  380. Plates and whatnot. Apple Fritter, good.
  381. Washin' the ponies that got dirty. Apple Honey.
  382. It'll be dark soon. Somepony wanna do something about that? Apple Leaves, I knew you would.
  383. That leaves just two jobs. I'm in charge of discipline. Applejack, can I count on you for gettin' some whuppin sticks?
  385. Youngsters, put yer snouts against the barn. No moving unless a stallion or mare gets ya."
  386. "I need three ponies to chop vegetables."
  387. "Apple Butter, where do you think yer going?"
  388. "I want ta help Granny chop!"
  389. "Oh no you're not. You were the ringleader. Muzzle on the barn!"
  391. ---
  393. (Apple Butter is a teenager, right on the cusp of adulthood if not past it already. But he/she/they made a mistake, and now must pay the price the Apple family way.)
  395. This is basically all I have written now, so it's going to be a long while.
  397. @@@
  400. In Zebraca, they sometimes punish foals with "striping." They paint red lines on a misbehaving colt or filly's behind. Within 3 minutes, pain shoots through their body like each stripe is a lick of the cane. Because it takes time to apply, each stripe activates in a staggered fashion, just like a traditional spanking. It is ancient zebra magic, and they refuse to give it up even to their allies in Equestria.
  402. They use this sometimes for speed, convenience, quietness, or ceremonial purposes. Though the pain is the same, the striping process is a formal application of punishment often preferred for medium to high naughtiness. Everyzebra in the village watches stripings in the center of all the huts. Regular spankings are on-the-spot and as unremarkable as they are in Equestria.
  404. Seeing a zebra parent get out a bottle of stripe salve is like seeing a pony parent take a manebrush out of their saddlebags.
  406. ...
  408. Zecora pulls reverse psychology.
  410. >You three must rethink your goals
  411. >It should not be used by little foals!
  413. >That substance makes little ones jump
  414. >Do not use it on your rump!
  416. Zecora chuckles a half hour later when they give it back. Bottle almost full, but they're walking funny. Each pony has a crudely painted cutie mark on each flank. Apple Bloom with an apple flower, Scootaloo with a lightning bolt, and Sweetie Belle with a house.
  418. The terrible trio painted more designs on their backsides. They all abruptly stopped like they ran out of ink partway. Apparently the effects kicked in before they finished.
  420. Apple Bloom had the worst luck. Each crusader painted a friend's rump, since they couldn't reach their own. Scootaloo, with the least artistic practice of the three, merely shaded a lot of Apple Bloom's rear-end in basic repeating designs. Her rump's coverage rivaled her Granny's dexterity with an apple switch.
  422. Smugly, Zecora chided them:
  423. >The words I say always have use
  424. >Ignore them for a red caboose!
  426. @@@
  429. Sequel idea for DC's Sugar Cube Horror. The adults in that story find the conversation useful. Some of the mares and stallions talk to each other after the fact and decide to start a club for discussing pony rumps and the adequate disciplining thereof.
  431. The Cakes graciously agree to provide the venue. Not only do they agree with the content (as Pinkie knows all too well), it's good PR for the shop. It was just a matter of picking a time during the week that's normally slow. Bam, new business and now the whole town knows you care about making each little pony grow up into an upstanding citizen.
  433. Many parents are busy as it is; they can't afford sitters and don't have older children to watch the youngins. These unfortunate foals are dragged to the Happy Ponies Society against their will. The name alone gave them the creeps. Apparently, parents think that spanking the daylights out of their foals' bottoms is good for them. The children never got an answer as to WHO was happy, the parents or the foals they spank.
  435. Luckily, they don't have to stay for the meeting, but different guardians have different rules. Some are allowed to play outside the shop while others can't leave the building. They are in earshot of each adult discussing the finer points of how to get a bratty teen who's too big for their britches down to bawling foal status. Each week the indoor colts and fillies hear their parents become more competent spankers.
  437. It's mortifying, and each non-adult wants it to end as quickly as possible. Naturally, they are on their best behavior. They know the consequences of naughtiness. But foal brains are still growing, and a mistake was bound to happen eventually.
  439. That poor colt who crashed into the glass pastry display soon found his parents dragging him by the ear to the front of the meeting for a demonstration on effective spanking technique. It was his first time being spanked on his sitspots (a topic of the meeting) but unfortunately his parents found it so effective that it became a regular part of his punishment. He was put in the corner for the rest of the meeting, a lesson on corner time and a vibrant heinie warning to the other foals.
  441. After a few weeks of steady attendance, the Cakes honor the attendees with a batch of free spanked buns. Composed of two sweet buns side-by-side with a red glaze on top, they are always served warm. Pinkie hated preparing these, but knew the alternative. They were such a hit they became a menu item.
  443. One week, they make too many and offer extras to the foals. Blushing, they accept. Of course, they taste delicious, putting the foals in the unenviable position of asking their parents every week for "spanked buns". It leads to a lot of giggling and teasing at the start of every meeting.
  445. >Mom, can I have spanked buns?
  446. >But I already gave you some two days ago! You don't want more so soon I hope?
  448. ...
  450. The Cakes recognize yet another business opportunity. Any foal who has been spanked that day gets a free spanked bun with parent or guardian permission. They don't want to reward misbehavior, but if the parent decides to put the sordid affair behind them, the Cakes will oblige.
  452. To avoid misuse, the spanked pony does have to quickly turn around and show off their red flank. After a comment from whoever's working the register (such as "wow, you got it good!") they are hoofed a spanked bun, free of charge. Most of the time, a parent will buy something for themselves, after a stressful day usually culminating in spanking the pony standing before them. Thus, the promotion makes money and becomes permanent.
  454. Word of the promo spreads like pain across a colt's rear-end. Foals tell their friends, parents tell theirs... Eventually even tourists know about the Cake promotion.
  455. >Dad, I know I was really bad at Princess Twilight's castle and I'm really sorry...
  456. >But can I get a spanked bun at Sugarcube Corner? It's free!
  458. @@@
  460. Pan and Anon
  463. See, I would call on the baby gang to rise up, but by the time they all got here it would be nap time.
  465. Much prefer a nap to a time out.
  467. ...
  469. >You're all going to get the worst punishment imaginable!
  470. >No dessert?
  471. >A time out?
  472. >No
  473. >Nothing's worse than a time out!
  474. >A spanking.
  475. >No!
  476. They all cover their backsides.
  478. >Not gonna let me get to your butt?
  479. They all shake their heads.
  480. >Gonna keep your hooves there?
  481. They nod.
  482. >So be it.
  483. They sigh in relief
  484. >I'll only spank the little pony who lets go first.
  485. They start looking at each other.
  486. >And no fighting, or everypony fighting will also get spanked!
  487. They gulp.
  488. >Oh, and the spanking will get longer the longer you hold it.
  489. >One of you better take the fall soon. I've got all day!
  491. One swat per minute and one minute of time out afterwards for each minute spent waiting.
  493. Desserts are allowed though.
  495. >Mean enough to potentially spank for hours on end, but draws the line at denying desserts.
  497. @@@
  500. Prompt I'd like to see more of:
  501. All the spell books on the lowest few shelves of the forbidden section are decoys. Young students sneak in and try to cast them, only to find the spell just puts them in the corner, spanks them, drags them to Celestia, washes their mouth out, dresses them like a foal, etc.
  503. The spells can have ironic titles and descriptions.
  505. >Be the Center of Attention
  506. >Change the Color of Your Coat
  507. >Twist Your Body in Interesting Ways
  508. >Feel Different Every Time You Sit
  509. >A Brush That Never Leaves Your Side
  510. >Brush Your Tail
  511. >Stop Yourself From Saying Anything Foalish
  512. >Make Creatures Recoil When They Gaze Upon You
  514. @@@
  517. >Social worker travels from town to town, looking for signs of abuse or neglect
  518. >She also performs the annual physical for the foals in town
  519. >It's in private
  520. >They can talk about anything... a safe space to ask innocent questions that may reveal something darker
  522. >Dr. Deep Breath heads to Ponyville
  523. >She recently got her license
  524. >Community service like this is common the first year of being a doctor
  525. >She had been an understudy resident in Canterlot General Hospital
  526. >And later, Canterlot Foals' when she decided to specialize in children's medicine
  527. >She thought her education and training prepared her
  528. >But she wasn't prepared for this
  530. >As she does the physicals, she notices that a full one-third of the foals present evidence of corporal punishment
  531. >From pre-cutie-marked youngsters all the way up to teens a few years from graduation
  532. >Only slightly tapering off with the oldest two grades, but even those had a few red backsides
  533. >All only on the rumps, thank Celestia, but she is worried
  535. >First she wonders if the teacher is abusing them
  536. >But Miss Cheerilee doesn't teach older foals
  537. >She then confirms that there's no common coach or parent volunteer that's causing all the marks
  538. >It's very difficult asking these questions without stigmatizing the content or traumatizing the patient further
  539. >She trained for this in her foal classes
  541. "Can you tell me about your muzzle?"
  542. "My daddy says it's the cutest muzzle in all of Equestria! He says when I run I snort out of it and it's a-door-bowl! ..."
  543. >He goes on
  544. >It's just misdirection and getting the foal more comfortable
  545. >Some back and forth later
  546. >Rushing causes stigma
  547. "What about your rump?"
  548. "It's great for sitting! When I go potty it's what I use! Someday it will have a cutie mark but my other daddy says that will be a long time from now! ..."
  549. "Can you tell me about the colors on your behind?"
  550. "It's black 'cause I was born that way! Dad can never find me at night..."
  551. "And the red?"
  552. "Oh that. Dad told me a hundred times not to go out of sight of our house but I didn't listen. He said I would remember not to do it if I got spanked. So I did. My tail is navy like the night sky, one day my papa took me out on this camping vacation..."
  554. >On and on it went
  555. >Deep Breath would take her time asking non-judgmental questions, and in return get non-judgmental answers
  556. >She was waiting for her professor to jump out from the curtain and tell her these stories constitute abuse and should be reported to the government for investigation
  557. >It didn't add up
  559. >She spoke with Cheerilee, whom the foals loved
  560. >She was growing on Deep Breath as well
  561. "The ponies look happy, so why have they all been beaten?"
  562. "Pardon?"
  563. "Your classes. The older classes. Practically every pony had marks on their butt! I have to report this! Just documenting what I see and hear makes each physical take 3 times as long!"
  564. >Cheerilee was wondering why Deep Breath took three school days to do what the old guy did in one
  565. >Shame he retired, the kids liked Dr. Sugar Taste
  566. "I may not be a doctor, Dr. Deep Breath, but unless something has changed up in Canterlot you don't need to document every little mark some foal has."
  567. >Deep opened her mouth in shock
  568. "I have to document and report all abuse."
  569. "So do I, Doctor. Corporal punishment when used correctly does not constitute abuse."
  570. "It makes me sick. Ponies laying a hoof on foals just because they're weaker."
  571. "Were you ever spanked, Doctor?"
  572. "No. If you think I should have been beaten just so I can think it's okay to beat little ponies, that just proves my point."
  573. "I think you could use an attitude adjustment. And I don't mean being spanked."
  575. "Ponyville is all farmland. We were founded by earth ponies and we're still majority earth. Simple ponies working the land day in and day out. We didn't even teach passed 8th grade until the second generation was raised here."
  576. "So they're uneducated and they beat their kids?"
  577. "No, let me explain. There's no unicorn industry driving the economy like in Manehattan. Foals have to work the farms and the family business. We hardly assign homework here because nopony would do it."
  578. >Cheerilee continued her lesson
  579. "When you're working 14 hour days in the summer, you can't ground your youngest, healthiest workers."
  580. "If you aren't a unicorn you can't enchant your own cool-off stool, and most ponies can't afford one at the store."
  581. "Spanking is what we know here. It's quick and stops misbehavior before it gallops away. For a lot of ponies in our town, a little heat for the seat is the most effective punishment there is."
  583. "So you're saying... they weren't beaten?"
  584. "A red tush? Celestia, no! I'd have to report practically every foal in town! And I'd have been taken away from my loving parents at age 5 if you were in charge!"
  585. "No, you just have to look out for the actual abuse. Signs of bleeding. Bruises that last a while. Punishing for trivial things or for basic needs. Anything not on the bottom or upper thighs. Parents spank there because it hurts more when they sit down. Firm but not abusive. It's all fat and muscle down there."
  586. "You're joking."
  587. "You may not agree with it, but the law doesn't ban spanking."
  589. @@@
  592. Sunset Shimmer went poking her muzzle in places she shouldn't, again. Now she was a raging she-demon with too much power. She was harmless with the Antimagic Amulet Celestia was wearing, but she still needed to drain her cursed magic to go back to normal.
  594. Celestia had a solution and a punishment in mind. She simply made Shimmer conjure Nightmare Flail and spank herself.
  596. The curse made incredible energy course through her body. The Nightmare Flail would hurt the way any naughty tush needs to hurt, but not cruelly so. Celestia was pretty sure.
  598. If not, well, actions have consequences for bad little fillies.
  600. @@@
  603. A young pony gets put into advanced and next-year classes. Eventually they are taking college classes in middle or high school.
  605. They are teased just for being so precocious, but the teasing reaches new levels when they show up with a red bottom. Sitting in the front, raising their hoof to answer calculus questions, acting smart with a smarting fanny.
  607. @@@
  610. >When Sweetie gets spanked in front of AB for the third time this month
  612. @@@
  615. The CMCs knocked over a whole row of ponequins from horseplay. Rarity spanked the 3 of them, and when their sisters pick up Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, they scold them and spank them even more, with an assurance to Rarity that they will get further punishment at home. They are led out with a bite to the ear.
  617. @@@
  620. "You are right, sister. You will not have to endure a Solstice Punishment for the next one thousand years."
  621. "Finally you see reason, my dear sister."
  622. "Indeed, it would be more fitting to give all one thousand paddlings as soon as possible. They are overdue, after all."
  623. "B-butt- That's impossible! Unethical! Immoral!"
  624. "All descriptors of your reign of terror, if thousand-year-old memory serves."
  625. "One thousand spankings-- even once a day would be over three years!"
  626. "When you put it that way, little sister, you do have a point."
  627. Luna waited for the other horseshoe to drop.
  628. "Once a day would be a waste of precious royal real estate. I told the Royal Gardener we only need a venue for 500 days."
  629. "You cannot possibly-"
  630. "Once in the morning and once before bedtime. A growing filly needs a warm rump to keep her in line, and prevent further Moon-related"-Celestia poked Luna in the chest with her gauntlet-clad hoof-"lunacy."
  632. "Another word, and I will have our Sorceress dust off my Daybreaker Gauntlets when she's retrieving the Nightmare Regalia and then I will really light a fire on thy behind."
  634. @@@
  637. >Scoot! Hold *still!*
  638. >I can't! It hurts too much!
  639. >We're never gonna solve this if you keep squirming.
  640. >I can't help it!
  641. >... Here. I got an idea.
  642. >Rainbow, how can you brush my tail while it's under your hoof? ... OW! That's worse!
  644. @@@
  646. Pan and anon
  649. What if Crimson Brush's "uniform" for the foals she employs is a red rump? All her helpers are sent there by their families as punishment for misbehavior. Kind of like my Diamond Tiara story.
  651. And the priorities for her helpers are:
  652. >deliveries and pickups
  653. >Sweeping and cleaning up the storefront
  654. >Working on the window displays
  655. >Being on the show floor and answering any questions
  656. >Helping guardians in the back room learn how to position and punish a naughty pony
  657. >Teaching what hurts more
  658. >Allowing themselves to be the test dummies when parents aren't sure about hurting their little angels
  660. She keeps them out in public as much as possible. With enough new misbehaving ponies, Crimson could have a reliable stable of helpers every day.
  662. Crimson does have an advertising apron she makes the ponies wear sometimes:
  663. >Does your foal need what this pony's got?
  664. >Come to Crimson's Brushes!
  666. ...
  668. Nice. I bet all foals in Ponyville and maybe even Spike would be working there at one point eventually.
  670. ...
  672. Imagine what someone moving to Ponyville would think.
  674. >Foal and their parents move to Ponyville.
  675. >Foal wants some extra allowance money to buy something expensive.
  676. >Parents won't give it and suggest getting a job.
  677. >Not many places offer job opportunities to kids, especially a small town.
  678. >Foal sees that colts and fillies are working at the brush shop.
  679. >Approaches one of them.
  680. >"Hey, do you think the owner let me work here?"
  681. >"Sure, if you break a window." The colt says solemnly before going back to work.
  682. >Foal is confused.
  684. @@@
  687. I've had an idea for ages of Rarity taking Sweetie for ice cream after their chapter in The Many Uses of a Brush. She activates "mom mode" and has no embarassment whatsoever explaining to all within earshot that Sweetie took her spanking like a good little filly, and even though her butt looks red as a tomato, it's just muscle and fat and it will heal. But because she bucked and screamed so much during her first of many punishments, she's getting triple scoop ice cream for being the best-behaved filly with a red tush out there.
  689. @@@
  692. >What would it actually feel like to spank a pony?
  694. They would feel really heavy. Their stomachs would press into your lap and their legs would have real weight as they squirm and kick in response to the chastisement.
  696. As the spanks get going and they keep squirming >>40245317, you might have to put a leg over their back legs to pin them down, or have a friend pony or human assist you in helping the naughty pony get their just deserts.
  698. The rumps would be heavenly. A dense, complex machine of pure muscle. Their tushies contain plenty of shock absorbers for your whacks, so even if they whinny and cry you know their butts can take it. Just a red heiny, not the end of the world, my little pony.
  700. After it's all over, they heave and cry over your lap. They reach hooves back to tentatively massage their rosy red rear ends if they are allowed to. If not, they beg you to apply some aftercare to their backsides, which you are under no obligation to provide. Eventually their tears slow down and you shimmy them off your knees. Maybe you order them to the corner. Maybe you cuddle them on their bed. As you watch them walk off, they are plaintive and cautious, each step reigniting the flames of a well-earned spanking.
  702. For the rest of the day, you get to watch the telltale cherry-red signs of a spanking radiate from their naughty behinds. You will see it in the way they walk (slowly and with a bit of a waddle) and sit down (wincing when flank touches chair). You will hear it in the way they say please and thank you, making sure not to cross you again.
  704. As they get ready for bed, you will go to their bedrooms to wish them a good night. Even if you didn't massage their rump before you will surely consent now, the punishment long over but not yet forgotten. Maybe you have special skin cream just right for this purpose, or maybe your human hands are enough to feel like heaven on a whupped rump.
  706. You close the door and smile when you see that your little pony is sleeping rump-up with no covers tonight.
  708. @@@
  711. >Firelight has no problem with his daughter's goth phase
  712. >Starlight can do whatever she wants
  713. >But she has to be back by curfew and keep her grades up
  714. >Otherwise he uses the belt
  715. >The other parents saddle their foals with rules, rules, rules
  716. >Why bother? She's becoming her own pony
  717. >He thinks Starlight looks ridiculous but it's not his life to live
  718. >He had shaggy hair and a lightning bolt on his face when he was her age
  719. >Who is he to judge?
  720. >Even with all the freedom she still makes mistakes
  721. >No matter
  722. >That's what the belt is for
  723. >It's a good thing she has a parent who cares for her.
  724. >Who knows what kind of trouble she'd get in on her own?
  726. @@@
  728. Pan and DC
  731. >teenager has an odd day
  732. >all day long there's just something weird about how creatures are treating them
  733. >friendlier service
  734. >larger portions
  735. >everypony smiling at them
  736. >finally they break down with their family
  737. "WHY is everypony being so nice to me?"
  738. >Their mother replies as if being asked about the weather
  739. "Probably because your spanking is still showing on your rump, my little pony."
  740. "WHAT?"
  741. >it all comes flashing back
  742. >Yes their rump still hurt here and there today
  743. >But only when sitting
  744. >It was easy to forget
  745. >Not for all the clerks and passerby
  746. >The teen slumps down and their day flashes before their eyes
  747. >All those humiliating conversations where they were the rump of a joke they didn't even know was being told
  748. >The smiles
  749. >They were just happy to see a teen who had been taken down a peg
  750. >The teenager suddenly found it hard to finish their hayburger and flowers
  753. >Morning in Ponytown
  754. >Youngster got a spanking last night
  755. >For what is not relevant, but it was a bad one
  756. >Rump still marked by the mane-brush
  757. >Foal inspects it in the mirror
  758. "Yes! Jackpot!"
  759. >Bounds out of bedroom,
  760. >washes up
  761. >Has a quick breakfast
  762. >Checks one important thing...
  763. "Sooo, Mom, I'm definitely not grounded, even after last night? For sure?"
  764. >Mom tries to squeeze in a soft lecture
  765. "No, not this time, sweetie, but if you ever..."
  766. >But that's all her foal needs to hear
  767. "Okaythanksbye!"
  768. >Tries to rush out but Mom asks;
  769. "What are you in such a hurry for?"
  770. >Foal turns around to show off the spanking marks
  771. "I wanna go into town and take advantage of this before it fades.
  772. "Every pony is nicer to you after a spankin'!
  773. "Free samples at SugarCube Corner,
  774. "Extra games at the fun parlour,
  775. "The best seat and a complimentary pillow at the movie theater!
  776. "And all my friends let me choose what we play today.
  777. "But I gotta hurry and cash in before these marks fade away!"
  779. >Mom: Facehoof
  781. @@@
  784. >Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns has a well-stocked library
  785. >You need lots of books to teach the next generation of leaders, magicians, and sorceresses
  786. >The books are free
  787. >There are no late fees
  788. >The usual lending period is 2 weeks
  789. >Shorter during finals and for popular books
  790. >When a book is overdue, its borrower gets a friendly reminder
  791. >The librarian is sweet as could be
  792. >Two more reminders come for forgetful little ponies
  793. >Notes on school stationery delivered to their classrooms
  794. >Finally, when a book is 1 week overdue, the little borrower gets another note
  795. >A summons to the library
  796. >They are excused from their classroom
  797. >And even though there's nothing they can do at school about the missing book
  798. >(surely forgotten at home)
  799. >The sweet librarian instructs the absentminded filly or colt to bend over the checkout desk
  800. >Asks them to sweep their tail out of the way
  801. >Picks up her cane
  802. >Adjusts her glasses
  803. >And gives six of the least sweet cane strokes to the little one's rump
  804. >Bright red lines cross the rump, almost as bright as the student
  805. >Four horizontal lines level enough for a foundation
  806. >Two diagonal cuts to make the overlapping lines hurt even more
  807. >The student gets up
  808. >Sobbing, hooves together
  809. >Begging for another chance
  810. >Rubbing their fanny
  811. >The sweet librarian comforts them but soon it's time to go
  812. >Can't reward students who don't follow the rules
  813. "Back to class, little one."
  814. ...
  815. "Tomorrow's late fine is 3 strokes."
  817. Extra:
  819. Yesterday's fine plus 3 strokes. After the 4th day of spanking (6, 3, 6, 9, each day over the existing welts on the poor pony's rear), if the book still isn't back on day 5 it's considered lost. The pony can also report the book lost and get it over with.
  821. But that is a last resort. You see, ponies cannot be banned from the library. It's too academically important. They carry many scholarly works not available even at Canterlot Public Library. A bit deposit or fine would not be fair to the poor ponies who are attending the elite school on scholarship. Like it or not, everycreature at school needs to borrow books.
  823. When a creature has lost a book, they first have to "pay down" the lost book fine. The fine is 15 strokes of the cane, minus any already received. The remaining strokes are applied all at once, not with a day in between like the overdue return system.
  825. On the fourth day of spanking (after 15 strokes had already been delivered), the pony must admit that they lost the book by the end of first period. Otherwise they will receive all 9 new strokes on a very well-torn backside for a total of 24 blazing red lines decorating their bottom. Many try to claim asylum by saying the book is lost and they already served their 15 strokes. The nice librarian politely informs them that she has strict deadlines, and the time for letting her know was hours ago.
  827. The disorganized creature who lost the book then must sit on one of the antique wooden chairs in the library and write an apology note. The chairs are a hundred years old and the cushions have hardened and flattened into rock.
  829. The nice librarian proofreads the note. It must have impeccable penponyship, in cursive, and be free of all spelling and grammatical errors. If the note fails, the librarian tears it up, informs the miscreant of the mistakes, and makes them write a new one.
  831. This is because the note is part of the library's collection. The note will be placed on the shelf in a hollow book-like shell in place of the original book. The embarrassing note will be there to read for as long as the book is not replaced. Popular books are mercifully replaced in due time. (The librarian does keep all notes on the shelf for at least a month, as humiliation and a deterrent for other points.) Rare and out of print books may be replaced by request, if funding allows and the librarian can even find another copy.
  833. If the book was expensive, the student also has after school detention for a few days. They help around the library, learning how it works and all the work that must be done when a book is lost.
  835. Detention or not, the absentminded student then has to trade in their yellow library card. The normal card bears their signature, and the signature shows agreement with "consequences" for late books. They felt the consequences all right. Their butt is still sore from 15 or more consequences.
  837. The new card is red, and bears the title "Provisional Library Card". A pony's signature indicates that "Books may be loaned to the bearer of this card, subject to a daily deposit and librarian approval. Consequences will be applied for overdue or lost books."
  839. The library uses a deposit system for ponies on a provisional card. The librarian usually remembers the ponies that have lost her books, but if she doesn't, or another faculty member is filling in for her, the red card clues them in.
  841. Remember how I said she canes borrowers at the checkout desk? By presenting the library card and signing the book card at the front of the book, the pony has signed their own death warrant. They bend over the desk and pay their "deposit": one stroke per book. It's a reminder of what's to come if they don't return the books. By applying the deposit per book, it reduces the number of books checked out by irresponsible students to those strictly necessary.
  843. The borrowers are spanked right there, with anypony in line grinning as they watch the transaction happening a few feet away.
  845. Then the librarian asks: "do you understand you will receive 25 strokes of the cane directly on your glutes if these books are not returned? And 5 strokes for any day the books are not returned for a deposit without a valid excuse?" She asks this EVERY TIME, and it causes cheek-reddening EVERY TIME.
  846. "I need a 'yes.'"
  847. That's right. She makes the little pony with fresh zebra stripes AGREE to their future spanking, in front of anypony else in line. Once they do:
  848. "Good. You are to bring back all books tomorrow for another deposit."
  850. It's only one stroke, thankfully, but a borrower still gets daily maintenance spankings for as long as a book is checked out. The daily deposit helps the pony and librarian keep track of where the borrowed book is at all times.
  852. Ponies with provisional cards return books twice as fast as other ponies, and have never lost another book.
  854. The provisional card is forgiven after one semester. Repeat offenders are given provisional cards for life. They are rare, but there are some senior ponies just about to head off to college or the Royal Guard who still have to bend over the checkout desk and move their tail for their deposit from the librarian 2/3 their size.
  856. And yes, she does keep all the apology notes even after removing them from circulation. Many great ponies have been given the cards, owing to their voracious appetite for learning. She likes reading through apologies from future generals, provincial heads, even the Princess of Friendship.
  858. Someday she may turn them into a special collection anycreature can read... but not check out.
  861. That's a lot of potential spankings for a late book. Imagine if in Point of No Return Twilight had to endure this punishment for not returning a book in years, possibly decades. She would be a sore princess. A well-thought out system either way. I particularly love having to write notes.
  864. Imagine the agony of finals time where a provisional student truly needs 6 books to write a report.
  866. The librarian could aim for the sitspots for the deposits, to remind the borrower as often as possible to keep track of the books.
  868. The late or missing book fee could be assessed for each book. It could collect interest well beyond 4 days if you choose. So much potential.
  870. @@@
  873. Twilight dragging Spike to commision what may as well be a paddle for his backside
  875. >He can pick the design
  876. >Do you want oval shaped red marks on your bum? Maybe square? We can even do circles. I can guarantee they will all hurt just as much and I'm sure Twilight will work to cover your entire butt with them.
  878. >I would be honored to make a brush for you, Spike.
  879. >I have to ask, however:
  880. >Does corporal punishment work on dragons? I would have thought your scales protected you.
  881. Twilight chimes in:
  882. >Oh, it is quite effective. Dragon hindquarters have softer scales than the rest of their body. Makes raising them easier. Spike can't get out of a lesson that easy!
  883. Spike, in his classic deadpan:
  884. >Just my luck.
  886. ...
  888. Always how I imagined his scales would work. I bet the light green parts are weak soft points and remain so until adulthood. This is a dragon evolution thing designed to aid parents in controlling their offspring via correction. Something which Twilight is more then happy to exploit.
  890. Speaking of dragon biology, I`m willing to bet that the reason why Twilight is just now commissioning a brush for the two of them is because Spike "accidentally" burned her old one conveniently right before she was about to use its flat part on him. If that's the case I wonder if Crimson would have access to fireproofing methods. I bet that would be a new request for her.
  892. ...
  894. Ebony, if she had it, would work. It's naturally highly resistant to flames, and its hardness makes for a harsh sting on the backside of any fiery creature like a dragon.
  896. ...
  898. Twilight and Crimson going on a research quest, with Twilight making Spike take the lead. He has to write experts in other towns asking for a way to fireproof a manebrush, with embarrassing detail as to WHY he needs it.
  900. ...
  902. Even better. Crimson would get to work with a brand spanking new type of material that she never got to use before. I bet Spike would really appreciate all the extra effort going into his future spankings.
  903. That would be amusing. I bet he'd even have to write to Celestia. That would take a while though. How would Twilight ensure that his corporal-punishment needs are met in the meantime?
  905. ...
  907. >How would Twilight ensure that his corporal-punishment needs are met in the meantime?
  908. Time for a trip to the Dragon Lands to seek their wisdom! And a sore bottom for the road, he probably earned it for something.
  910. ...
  912. But what could/would she use to deliver the sore bottom? Or would she buy a sacrificial brush from Crimson for the purpose?
  914. ...
  916. Why not simply forgo punishing Spike before the new brush is made? Twilight simply keeps a mental note of anything spankworthy that he does and uses it as dept which is repaid in the demonstration room after the brush is done.
  918. @@@
  921. >Best spanking position besides OTK?
  922. >Diaper position
  924. Agreed.
  925. Especially if the spankee resists going over-the-knee.
  926. Double especially if they resist because they think they're too old for it
  928. >A bratty tween filly who digs in and refuses to roll over for her spanking
  929. >That's no problem for Mom
  930. >With a surprised shriek the legs go up
  931. >She's flipped on her back now, rear perilously exposed
  932. >A little pressure from Mom holds her in position;
  933. >she can't escape, she tries with all her adolescent strength
  934. >But Mom has her under control
  935. >And she's getting a double spanking now for not bending over as she was told
  936. >That sass mouth now has nothing but "I'm sorry" and "Please don't, Mommy" to say
  937. >But once the manebrush starts to whack those defenseless cheeks it's nothing but crying
  939. @@@
  942. >Which one spanks more?
  944. Mom is more orderly and home more. She cleans up more of Twily's messes and has seen Twily's puppy-dog-eyes when she is naughty.
  946. Dad isn't home as much and not as wise to her tricks. He is softer on her.
  948. Eventually, it got so bad that Twilight had to be sent to a rump inspection after every spanking from her father. She bends her front half over her parents' bed, puts her tail to the side, and asks her mommy if daddy spanked her enough. With two careful swats and a pat on the butt, Velvet answers in the affirmative.
  950. @@@
  953. The Belle family is all drama queens. The parents spank so infrequently that when the sentence is handed down, it causes 15 minutes of begging and crying. Arguments that it's undignified and outdated. Assertions that the perpetrator is too old.
  955. No matter. Sentence not commuted. Manebrush/hairbrush applied to naughty tushie. Mascara running. Dresses definitely worn the next few days, pony or human. Pony Rarity/Sweetie want the coverage. Humans want the least amount of material on their bottoms. Sweetie Belle might even wear sweat pants. Rarity would find them too unfashionable and opt for a dress. She just has to hope there aren't any unfortunate gusts of wind.
  957. ...
  959. >Sweetie Belle might even wear sweat pants.
  960. >Rarity would... opt for a dress.
  962. Data nerds (virgins) at Canterlot High collect information what girls are wearing each day at school.
  963. Effects such as weather and day of the week play the most important role but the analysis indicated an unexpected spike in long, loose skirts, soft sweatpants and baggy shorts directly after report card day.
  965. Further, this spike was matched by an increase in girls wearing newly purchased outfits during the same time period. This data did not reflect a trend toward the loose clothing adopted by others.
  967. The two spikes show up in the data consistently at end of semester when report cards are sent home, but the soft clothing aberration sometimes appears alone, without the accompanying spike in girls with new outfits. These data points seem to be random, the last one occurring when several female students attempted to fake a snow day.
  969. Data nerds are perplexed as to an explanation for these phenomenon, which is probably one of the reasons they are still virgins.
  971. @@@
  974. Colt is dragged into Crimson's Brushes.
  975. >"NO! NO! NO! I WON'T DO IT!"
  976. With much pushing, he clears the doorway.
  977. His father blocks the door.
  978. Other father nervously grins and gestures with his eyes, neck, and shoulders at the overwhelming scene.
  979. >"As you can see, we really need a brush."
  980. Crimson smiles.
  981. >"I suppose I don't need to explain what I make brushes for, do I? If you can get this 'energetic' young stallion into my Demonstration Room, we can knock some sense into him. Wouldn't be the first time..."
  982. She said, wistfully.
  983. >"Do keep the devil away from my merchandise, or there will be multiple 'demonstrations' today."
  984. With an impish grin, the brushmaker added:
  985. >"Feel free to aim him in the right direction and give him a motivational smack. That always gets a pony moving."
  986. After a 5 minute struggle and no shortage of swats, with color commentary provided by Crimson and miraculously without damage to her wares, they got the hellion into the Demonstration Room.
  987. The zebracorn followed the two stallions and one very naughty colt into the room.
  988. >"Normally, I make custom brushes for individual foals. But in times of urgent need, I use this."
  989. Crimson's horn lit up, and she levitated a plain wooden brush off a hook. It had basic, uncomfortable-looking bristles, and its only adornment was a lacquer sheen.
  990. >"Drag him over the spanking pillow and put some weight on his back. He won't be able to get up until you allow it. Gravity and physics are a naughty foal's two worst enemies."
  991. Crimson giggled.
  992. Soon enough, the colt was in position.
  993. >"Perfect. Can you hear me, young colt?"
  994. >"I WON'T GO! I WON'T GO I WON'T GO!"
  995. (CRRRRACK!)
  996. Crimson had had enough, and provided the inaugural spank.
  997. >"We've got a feisty one, I see. I'll teach you how to punish a misbehaving (and squirming) bottom, and once he's calmed down enough to *listen* we can pick a design for Nightmare Son."
  999. After a productive "conversation", the two harried fathers placed an Ultra-Rush order for an extra-large, neon red brush with "NO!" in black letters on top of it. They wanted something bold enough to get through to their headstrong colt.
  1001. Crimson was nice enough to send them on their way with a giggle and a loaner of the same brush they had disciplined their offspring with in the Demonstration Room. She conveniently forgot that she sold cloaks, after hearing what the colt had done. The townsponies should see what happens to bad little ponies.
  1003. She took a mental picture of the stallions walking out with a tearful sandy colt in tow. The neon red color emblazoned across his backside would be perfect for the brush.
  1005. @@@
  1007. Pan
  1010. "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well!"
  1011. "Pinkie! Careful with the fancy grape juice!"
  1012. "I changed my catchy lyrics though the music rings a bell!"
  1013. She took her acrobatics right between each glass of juice, making all seven of them wobble on the uneven ground, but not spill. Her athletics put the Wonderbolts to shame.
  1014. "She's freaky good at that,"
  1015. was all Rainbow thought to say.
  1016. "Pinkie--- Careful---"
  1017. "Winter is already Wrapped so now the Spring has sprung!"
  1018. "At our Plus-One Party we will see which friends we've brung!"
  1019. For her finale, Pinkie balanced four hooves on four of the fancy glasses. Two more were perched atop her ears and one balanced on her muzzle. As the Pink-grammar note left her snout, so did the grape juice. It spilled in and out of the glass as it tumbled to the picnic blanket. As if suddenly realizing their impossible perch, the other glasses followed, sending the juice onto the blanket.
  1020. "(sigh) Sorry girls. It worked in rehearsal."
  1021. Rarity went red.
  1022. "Rehearsal!? Pinkie, that grape juice was imported from Prance! From the 'We will juice no grape before it's late.' ponies!
  1023. Twilight got angry too.
  1024. "With the 'Citizen Colt' spokespony!"
  1025. "I know you like to perform, but that juice was -really- hard to get!"
  1026. "Like, 'special fashion for Canterlot elites AND a referral from Princess Celestia!'"
  1027. "I can say for a fact we won't get any more before next season. Every crop is pre-ordered."
  1028. "Speaking of 'crop,' step aside girls. SOMEpony has to teach Pinkie Pie some manners."
  1029. "I'm really, really sorry Twilight. And Rarity. And Applejack. And--"
  1030. Twilight snagged Pinkie's ear in her magic and pulled.
  1031. "Ow, okay..."
  1032. Obediently and with a sad look in her eyes, Pinkie followed Twilight to the now-cleared other blanket.
  1033. "I'm really sorry..."
  1034. "We know, Pinkie."
  1035. CRACK!
  1036. CRACK!
  1037. Just a hoof was all Twilight needed. It's not the implement, it's what you do with it that matters for a naughty rump.
  1038. SMACK! WHAP!
  1039. Pinkie's behind was turning pinker than the rest of her coat.
  1040. She was suddenly reminded of her fillyhood on the rock farm. And not in a good way.
  1041. "Owie Owie Owie OWIE! Twilight!!! Please! I've learned my lesson!"
  1042. "Sorry Pinkie, 'We spank all tushies until they're cherry.'" SMACK! "Especially when that tushie is old enough for fancy grape juice."
  1043. Twilight made sure to give attention to Pinkie's sitspots, ensuring they would be doing no such thing during the picnic.
  1044. "Might as well get comfortable, girls. Ah've a feeling Twilight took this personally."
  1046. "And don't look now, but I think Rarity's searching for her brush."
  1047. Fluttershy looked worried.
  1048. "We should intervene."
  1049. (SWAT!)
  1050. Applejack grinned.
  1051. "Not just yet. Let'er hide tan. Celestia knows she deserves it. For this and about a hundred other things."
  1053. @@@
  1055. Pan
  1058. (Sweetie Bell draws whiskers on Rarity)
  1060. >It was a sunny summer day
  1061. >No school
  1062. >But Sweetie did have day camp at the park
  1063. >Rarity noticed her new whiskers when doing her hair that morning
  1064. >Her scream startled Opaline and amazingly didn't break any windows
  1065. >Sweetie scampered off but Rarity caught her by the tail in her aura
  1066. "Get ready, Sweetie. I have to wash my face."
  1067. >Scared of what Rarity will do but scareder of the punishment for disobeying, Sweetie gets ready
  1068. >Avoiding the bathroom at all costs
  1069. >Sweetie's small saddlebags are loaded with an apple and water bottle
  1070. "Sweetie Belle. You're just in time. Chop chop."
  1071. Rarity hoists Sweetie's bags onto her own loin and trots out the front door.
  1072. "Why are you taking my saddlebags?"
  1073. "We can't have anything in the way. Now keep your tail up and keep moving. We don't want to be late. MARCH!"
  1074. >Sweetie felt a powerful SMACK to her haunches, accelerating her to a gallop immediately!
  1075. "Is this about the makeup? I thought you'd like it!"
  1076. >Sweetie squeaked.
  1077. "It's not proper--"
  1078. (WHAP!)
  1079. "to apply makeup--"
  1080. (the brush cracked)
  1081. "to somepony--"
  1082. (whack!)
  1083. "while she's asleep!"
  1084. >The brush scorched both of Sweetie's cheeks as she set a Ponyville land speed record.
  1085. "And I have appearances to keep."
  1086. She swatted every sentence or more.
  1087. "I could not be seen in public with crude cat whiskers on my muzzle. Ponies would think I've lost my sense of fashion, and there goes my business."
  1088. (WHAP!)
  1089. "Slow down, Sweetie. You will be tired out before we even get to camp."
  1090. >Tears streamed down the contrite filly's face
  1091. "You told me to go fast!"
  1092. (whap! WHAP!)
  1093. "Watch the attitude, missy. I simply misjudged the speed of a NAUGHTY (SMACK!) filly (smack!) getting corrected. Math was never my strong suit."
  1094. The two sisters continued apace, with Rarity not far behind her sister, and her sister's behind not far from lava.
  1096. "If you want to practice makeup or play pretend, just ask me next time."
  1097. (crack!)
  1098. "Okay, stop moving. Let's get you cleaned up."
  1100. Rarity produced a hooferchief and dabbed at her unhappy sister's drippy muzzle. She massaged Sweetie's rump, joining Sweetie's own hoof in assuaging the damage.
  1101. "Do you want to try again after camp? Maybe your cutie mark will be in cosmetology."
  1102. "What does makeup have to do with space?"
  1103. (giggle) "It means beauty, Sweetie Belle. Just like you are beautiful. One more spot and... voilà! All done! Nopony will know you were crying."
  1104. >Sweetie's cheeks blushed pink to match her others
  1105. "I'm sorry I was such a nimrod. Won't ponies know I got spanked from my rump?"
  1106. "Well, yes they will. Not much fun having a 'new look' forced upon you, is it?"
  1107. "No Rarity..."
  1108. >Rarity put a hoof on the spanked youngster's withers
  1109. "Just have fun. You are not the first pony with a 'rouge derrière'."
  1110. >They walked to the pavilion together and Rarity sent her on her way. As she stood with her friends, she overheard Rarity's concern with the counselors:
  1111. "...had to spank her. Go easy on her ... sit down ... too much exercise with her rump muscles."
  1112. >Sweetie blushed
  1113. >So much for keeping it low-key
  1115. @@@
  1117. A Brush with a Stranger - a Hearthswarming Festival Side Story
  1120. Our night on the town as a family was great. Holly and I asked to wear winter coats and our request was thankfully granted. Canterlot gets chilly in the winter, but mostly we wanted to cover up our rumps. The scorcher and the sizzler we had received, minus the two days of healing, left some pink discoloration on our behinds, and a twinge of pain if you sat the wrong way.
  1122. We loved seeing the city lit up and drinking hot cocoa. Holly's Dad wanted to treat us kids; he always made our vacations special. We even forgot we had been spanked the past two days. Then we attended an indoor choir concert. Apparently it had to be inside for the acoustics. This was some fancy concert hall and most of the year it was only attended by those much higher class than us. For these free shows, ponies of all backgrounds crammed in to hear the world-famous Canterlot Chorus. To our relief, it was standing room only.
  1124. Less luck to Holly and I, there was a mandatory coat check. We asked if we could wait outside but got swiftly turned down. Holly's Mom offered an olive branch: "Make a good impression tonight, and you might be allowed to go out tomorrow." Between that and knowing the alternative of our last two nights, we gave up our winter coats and shuffled into the main hall. We got there a half hour early and still ended up with unremarkable "seating." Ponies really care about their classical concerts and Holly's Mom was one of them.
  1126. Holly and I lightly blushed on giving up our last layer of defense from childish mockery, but nocreature said anything... until the end of the show. Everycreature entered the hall in a staggered fashion, but at the end, everypony just wanted to leave. There was a throng of creatures waiting to exit. In that wait, we couldn't even exit our row. Some mare we'd never met spoke up from behind us and started shaking our hooves.
  1128. "That was some show!"
  1129. Holly's Mom went on about cadenzas and soloists and the fifth row baritones... all lost on the rest of us.
  1130. We had zoned out until the stranger said "you kids were very well behaved. Your parents should be proud."
  1131. Our ears literally perked up when she said "you kids." The comment was a little embarrassing, but almost a relief after that 2 hour concert. One hour was fun, two hours was a long time to listen to mares sing in Prench.
  1132. Holly's Mom, ever oblivious to the delicate emotions of teen-agers, took the conversation to where I never thought it would go.
  1133. "They had better be. After two spankings apiece they're trying to earn back their 8pm curfew."
  1134. "Mooooom!"
  1135. "Hush, Holly."
  1136. Holly's Mom wasn't angry but it was the kind of authoritative command that would be angry if repeated. Holly and I had seen it enough times to know.
  1137. The mare just chuckled and said: "Oh, teenagers. You breathe and they get embarrassed. It's okay kids, I'm a parent myself. Wasn't too long ago I was making my teens hit 'soprano' notes as I made their backsides look the way yours do now."
  1138. Holly and I just looked at each other, tails quickly covering what we could and mouths agape.
  1139. "Oh, kids. I saw them for two hours, no sense hiding them now. Were you the one who did the punishment," she asked, looking to Holly's Dad.
  1140. "No, that honor goes to my wife. I was at the railyard. Whacking switches, not foals."
  1141. Holly's Dad couldn't resist the joke at our expense. It was good-natured, at least.
  1142. "I've got time. What did they do?"
  1143. We looked at Holly's Mom with puppy-dog eyes, but it was no use. She went over every excruciating detail, even the "get moving" swat we had been welcomed home with.
  1144. "Well you did a good job, miss. Exactly what I would have done. And they were still tonight, no talking during the quiet parts, and hardly any backtalk even when they want to crawl in a hole and die. I think they've earned their curfew."
  1145. That was good news, hearing another adult praise our behavior.
  1146. "That may be so. I will discuss it with them tonight."
  1147. "Let's hope that's the kind of 'discussion' where nopony's over anypony's knees."
  1148. She gave us a wink.
  1149. "Welp, line's moving. Here, I'll go first, only fair you get to see my rump. Happy Hearth's Warming!"
  1151. We practically ran to the coat check once it was our turn. Embarrassment aside, it was a fun Festival.
  1153. Holly's parents did have a discussion with us that night, and nopony was on anypony's lap. We were officially granted our freedom until 8 o'clock every night. We were home at least 10 minutes early, every day.

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