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Shorts by RoyalBardofCanterlot

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:51:21
Updated: 2022-02-22 22:09:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by RoyalBardofCanterlot
  3. ---
  6. Twilight realized that too many Ponies were turning in overdue books. For adults, she decided to increase the fees. For fillies and colts, the consequences would be the very real possibility of a trip across her knee and a sore behind (with parental approval of course.) If the book was a week late it meant two swats for each day it was late. More than a month, three spanks for each week it was late.
  8. @@@
  11. Starlight panted, her rump and other areas jiggling, the paddle about an inch behind her. She picked up the pace when the paddle smacked her rump.
  12. "You're doing great Starlight!" Twilight levitated some water. "Only ten more laps to go! Next time, THINK before you cast a mind control spell!"
  14. Starlight took the offered water, sighed. At least she'd lost ten pounds already. Sensing her slowing, the paddle spanked her again.
  16. "You're getting off light. Celestia had the paddle give me a swat for every two laps. Never used a want it-need it spell again!"
  18. @@@
  21. Dash brought home a bad report card. Didn't do her homework.
  22. Mommy takes her across her knee and stars spanking her.
  23. "Why are you spanking me?" Whined Dash.
  24. "I thought it'd make you smart." Mommy answered.
  26. ...
  28. Dash sighed, holding the report card. Even after all the work-she'd really TRIED this time-a sore butt would still be her fate.
  29. She walked into the living room.
  30. "Oh, Hi Sweetie." Her mom nuzzled her in greeting. "Uh-oh, report card. Let me see it."
  31. Her mom took it. "Hey, not too bad."
  32. Dash gaped. "H-huh?"
  33. "You did your homework according to the teacher. And you raised your grades from D's and F's to C's and D's!" She patted Dash's head. "You get a best improvement trophy!"
  34. "Yay! Thank you Mommy!" Dash hugged her and was enveloped in her mother's wings.
  36. Dash grinned. She guessed that spanking had made her smart.
  38. @@@
  41. Flurry sat down at the dinner table. "Mommy, did you wet the bed last night?"
  43. Cadence blushed. "W-what?"
  45. "Is that why Daddy spanked you?"
  47. Shining's face took on the color of a cherry. "W-w-huh?"
  49. Flurry speared a pancake. "I head Daddy say you were wet then he said you were a bad filly and then I heard you gettin' a spankin'!" She looked to Shinining with wide adorable eyes. "You shouldn't spank Mommy just for bedwetting! Maybe she just forgot to go potty before bed."
  51. Both parents sputtered, unable to collect their thoughts.
  53. "You never spank me for bedwetting. Daddy, would you ever spank me for wetting my bed?"
  55. Shining, grateful for a change in conversation, pounced on it. "Well, I mean, not if you're really trying to stay dry and remember to go potty before bed. And you don't wet the bed that much so don't worry about it. And only mommies spank little fillies, daddies are to big to do that."
  57. "I didn't wet the bed!" The older princess shouted. "I spilled water and Daddy cleaned it up and I...umm,clapped because your daddy cleaned it up so fast."
  59. Flurry gobbled down her pancake. "Ohhhh."
  61. @@@
  64. Sugar Belle sat at the kitchen, eating a muffin.
  65. The kitchen is a mess, dishes undone, floor dirty, trash not taken out.
  66. She knows exactly what fate awaits lazy wives.
  67. A shiver passes through her when she hears the heavy hoofsteps of the mighty red stallion, Big Mac, her husband.
  68. She grinned when he stopped at the kitchen. "You sick today, Sugar?"
  69. "I feel as healthy as a horse."
  70. He trotted towards, stroked her mane. "You know what happens to naughty fillies who don't do their chores?"
  72. She stood, wiggling her rump. "They have to take it up the butt?"
  73. He snorted. "Have to. Right. No, that just ain't enough punishment. Lazy fillies get spanked. You get your pink behind across my knee."
  74. He sat down and she layed herself across his lap, her bottom stuck out.
  75. He held her down, lifted one strong hoof, brought it down with a firm whack across her bottom.
  76. Her rump jiggled from the rain of spanks. Big Mac's soundly smacked her rump till it was red, his cock growing with every cute squeak she made as she squirmed across his lap.
  77. He gestured to his rod. "Now, you best lube this up good considerin' where it's goin'."
  78. She got off of his lap, knelt, took the throbbing organ in her mouth. Big Mac moaned while she went up and down. Her butt burned, but her pussy was dripping like a faucet. She couldn't wait till what came next.
  79. "B-Bend over." He ordered.
  80. She placed her forelegs on the table, pushed out her bottom. He gripped her by the shoulders, mounting her so his belly was against her back, his cock prodding at her backdoor.
  81. He slid inside and she groaned. It hurt, just a little bit, but how wonderful it felt to be filled!
  82. "Bad filly. Bad fillies get it up the butt." He whispered in her heart, continuing to gently thrust inside of her until the orgasm overtook her.
  84. @@@
  87. Pinkie had wet the bed and her yellow jammies. She looked at the ground, avoiding Mommy's gaze. Mommy pointed at the wet spot. "Pinkamena. You know to go to the potty."
  88. Pinkie pouted. "Sorry."
  89. Sue Pie sat on the edge of the bed, took her daughter by the foreleg. Pinkie sniffled and whimpered as Sue Pie bent her across her knees and yanked down her pajamas.
  90. Pinkie kicked her legs, squirmed over her mommy's knee as firm slaps fell across her bottom. Sue slapped the exact center of her daughter's rump, gave two more spanks to her now red behind. "Maybe this will help you remember to use the potty. Go stand in the corner."
  91. Pinkie sniffled and sadly made her way to the corner, her soundly spanked bottom on display.
  92. Limestone, from beneath her covers, snickered at Pinkie.
  93. Sue glared at her. "Do you find her plight amusing young filly?"
  94. Limestone cried in surprise as Sue sat on her bed and dragged her across her knees, pulling down her jammies and firmly smacking her bottom. Several spanks fell down onto her rump and Limestone was sent to join her sister, her red bottom on display.
  95. Sue sighed after a few minutes. "That's enough." She went to the sniffling fillies, pulled both of them into a hug. The fillies cuddled into the affection, the pain of the spanking forgotten in their mother's embrace.
  97. @@@
  100. Chrysalis was sitting on her "throne"-a wooden log when Cozy came up and laid over her knees before lifting her tail. Her rump was stuck up.
  101. "Child what are you doing?" Chrysalis idly stroked the tail. It was warm, Soft. She absorbed some love. The admiring sort. Like honey.
  102. Cozy squirmed. "I'm having bad feelings. Can you spank'em out? Mama used to when...when she was..." Cozy trailed off.
  103. "What sort of bad feelings?" She paused the stroking (and feeding.)
  104. Cozy wiggled. "Mad? I don't know. I'm gonna explode or something."
  105. "I can't very well spank you if you've done nothing-yeow!"
  106. Cozy chomped onto her leg, let go.
  107. Chrysalis scowled. "Oh NOW you're going to get it!"
  108. She lifted a hoof and walloped Cozy's behind. Cozy struggled at the chastising swats falling across her behind, then burst into long wails. The Dark Queen was pitiless, landing hard swats to the child's darkening rear, not letting up until the girl's bottom was nearly bruised. Cozy howled, her rump jiggling beneath the blows. Chrysalis stopped. "That should teach you your place, insolent nymph!"
  109. Cozy sniffled then sat up, throwing her forelegs around Chrysalis. Chrysalis caught her, instinct taking over and simply held her close while Cozy cried. She sniffled again after a few moments. "Th-thank you."
  110. Chrysalis stroked her mane. "You are a very strange child."

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