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Medical diagnostic by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:57:08
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:57:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Medical diagnostic by RusticAnon
  3. (01/02/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >you are a doctor at a local clinic.
  9. >it's time for your next patient.
  10. >A mare came in dragging her little colt inside the examination room.
  11. >Come on Shady the doctor doesn't have all day,
  12. >no mommy I'm scared.
  13. >there is nothing to be scared of.
  14. >the sat down dragging his butt on the floor in protest.
  15. >Stop doing that , Move your butt this instant.
  16. >you interfered by putting your hoof against her shoulder.
  17. >Let me handle him. you can leave now.
  18. >you sure.
  19. >Of course I deal with foals on daily bases.
  20. >if you say so .. she then left the room.
  21. >the Blue colt was still sitting on the floor.
  22. >you lowered your head to reach his eye level.
  23. >"come on the floor is not a comfortable place to sit. what's your name brave little stallion.
  24. >Errm I'm Shady Daze.
  25. >oh Hello shady Daze I;m Dr.Anon. I'll do some routine check up on you.
  26. >will that hurt.
  27. >the check-up ? no it's just harmless little tests. everypony have to take. even little foals take it. but you are not a foal anymore you are a stallion.
  28. >ok.
  29. >you read the chart and it says that he suffers from fatigues and some hair loss according to his mother.
  30. >these are general symptoms and might be caused by multiple causes.
  31. >you start the routine checks on him.
  32. >took his height . weighed him - blood pressure. eye movement and muscle reflexes... etc.
  33. >the colt followed through with all these tests. and didn't make a fuss.
  34. >then you took his temp.
  35. >the reading was 35.5 which is kinda low for an oral test.
  36. >Shady I need to take your temperature again.
  37. >grr again? AAaaa.
  38. >no not from your mouth. this thermometer is different.
  39. >Different how ?
  40. >just lay down on the bed.
  41. >umm like this ?
  42. >no lay down on your stomach
  43. >he turn around and laid down on his stomach just like you asked.
  45. >you wore down a latex horn glove on your horn. then you cast the magical medical finger spell.
  46. >you formed a floating magical fingers to proceed with temp reading.
  47. >you dipped your magical fingers inside a lobe and with your hooves you moved his tail out of the way.
  48. >he was getting a bit anxious by this.
  49. >you then spread open his anus.
  50. >Hey Doc. what are you doing ?
  51. >stay still and this won't hurt a bit.
  52. >then you inserted the lubed finger in.
  53. >he clenched his butt muscle as a reflex.
  54. >relax your muscle . it's ok.
  55. >with a little blush he relaxed his butt.
  56. >you proceeded with the lubrication and then you inserted the tip of the rectal thermometer in.
  57. >ok I need you to hold still for 30 seconds.
  58. >you sat down and looked at your hoof watch.
  59. >you noticed that his butthole was twitching moving the thermometer up and down with it.
  60. >after 30 seconds you pulled it out.
  61. >he let out a gah sound of relief.
  62. >you took the reading and it was as you suspected low. 34.9 c
  63. >err doc ?
  64. >oh yes you can sit down straight now.
  65. >what is it doc you have a worried look on your face.
  66. >well there is one more test that I need to perform.
  67. >oh no please no more.
  68. >it's for your own good. you were brave enough so far don't ruin it.
  69. >grr. ok what's next ?
  70. >this time I need a perform a simple blood test.
  71. >a blood test ? does this mean an injection ?
  72. >no silly just a tiny pin drop you won't feel a thing.
  73. >you lie . It is still a needle .. owe
  74. >as he was protesting and arguing with you. you sneak behind him and floated a pin needle . and pinned his shoulder with it.
  75. >a tiny drop of blood came out.
  76. >you tricked me.
  77. >see it wasn't so bad the pain is all in your head.
  78. >wait was that it ?
  79. >yes.
  80. >you floated the blood drop in the air and inserted in a test tube.
  81. >you cast some magic on it and it turned light blue.
  83. >Just as I suspected. your testosterone level is low.
  84. >testototoren ?
  85. >testosterone. its something you need to have in your blood stream. and you are running low on it.
  86. >is it bad.
  87. >yes very bad. but don't panic. we have a cure.
  88. >a pil ?
  89. >no actually it's an injection.
  90. >no not another needle.
  91. >you have to take it.
  92. >he gathered his will and said "ok"
  93. >but I have to warn you this one will really hurt.
  94. >oh no I don't wanna . its gonna hurt . how bad will it hurt ?
  95. >it will feel slight burn. don't worry I know a way that it will make it less painful.
  96. >he start listening to your suggestion.
  97. >If I warm up the muscle around it. it will hurt less.
  98. >anything if it get the pain away.
  99. >ok then come over here.
  100. >you picked him up and laid him on your lap.
  101. >you pushed his tail away exposing his butt.
  102. >he pushed his legs together as a reaction to his exposure.
  103. >with your hoof you start rubbing and massaging his butt.
  104. >you moved your hoof around in circular motion on his right butt cheek.
  105. >he clenched his ponut as you were doing that to him.
  106. >you then moved to his other cheek.
  107. >his face turned red. he was squirming around .
  108. >hey you ok ?
  109. >he just noded.
  110. >something was definitely not right with him.
  111. >his face was flushed and started sweating.
  112. >his face looks like he was about to burst.
  113. >Hey what's wrong ?
  114. >with much difficulty he replied "Noth nothing"
  115. >you continued massaging his butt with both your hooves.
  116. >and then he Farted
  117. >he blushingly looked back at you and said "sorry"
  118. >you chuckled. that's what was wrong with him. he was holding it in.
  119. >hey that was kinda rude.
  120. >it can't be helped.
  121. >in that case.
  122. Smack!
  123. >you smacked one of his butt cheeks.
  124. >his body jumped in shock of that impact.
  125. >you rubbed the smacked area then gave him another one.
  126. >doc... why are you spanking me ?
  127. >I am not. I'm just warming up your butt muscle cause you are so tense.
  128. Smack!
  130. >ow is there another way ?
  131. >do you want to get burned by that needle ?
  132. >no.
  133. >then stop complaining.
  134. Smack smack smack
  135. >you continued smacking his bottom. you weren't using much force. but enough to make it jiggle around.
  136. >as you were smacking his butt you noticed his penis leaving it's sheath.
  137. >it was growing and going hard with each smack.
  138. >you felt silly stimulating him like that. so you had to wrap this up.
  139. >you gave him few fast hard smacks that made him yelp.
  140. >his butt cheeks turned red.
  141. >it felt warm and you made sure it didn't sore or bruise. it still got the soft texture.
  142. >alright it's time for your shot.
  143. >he gulped.
  144. >you took the needle out and prepared it.
  145. >he got all tense.
  146. >Shady daze relax your muscle. and it will be over really soon.
  147. >his breath got short. his heart rate increased.
  148. >you patted his head to calmed him down.
  149. >Relax it's gonna be ok.
  150. >tell me something. did your mom spank you before.
  151. >he stopped breathing for a sec. that question totally caught him off guard.
  152. >err why do you ask.
  153. >I mean you seems used to being hit in the butt. usually other foals scream when I do that.
  154. >you did that to other foals.
  155. >yes other colts your age.
  156. >umm did u do that to filles too ?
  157. >this colt is gonna go placed.
  158. >yes.
  159. >as he was distracted with topic you shot him with the needle.
  160. >Hnng.
  161. >is there a specific filly in your mind ?
  162. >ow eoo no not a real filly in particular.
  163. >ok we are done .
  164. >you removed the needle and rubbed the injected area with your hoof.
  165. >can I go now?
  166. >yes we are done. see it wasn't so bad.
  167. >easy for you to say it my butt really hurt. glad it's all over.
  168. >but you need to come back here in 5 days for another shot.
  169. >Another one! oh iron bucket.

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