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Shorts by Vega

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 21:08:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by Vega
  4. ---
  6. >Season 1 Luna just back from the moon.
  7. >Your sister was so nice to you today, maybe shes changed.
  8. >Bedroom door opens.
  9. >She kept that hairbrush for over 1000 years?
  10. >Guards outside have to pretend not to hear their new sovereign cry as she gets her moons turned red all over again.
  12. ...
  14. Little did anyone know, there's a direct correlation between Luna's butt cheeks and the actual moon.
  15. >civil unrest starts as the moon keeps turning red every night around the same time.
  16. >Celestia blames luna
  17. >Only reasonable solution is to spank her more right?

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