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Switch by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-02 23:20:18
Updated: 2022-03-14 15:58:18
Expiry: Never

  1. Switch by Nomine
  3. (23/02/2019)
  6. ---
  8. It had only been a couple of months since the day of the educational grilling in the home of the small family of ponies, and still the son nursed his memory of his sore bottom from that in-store spanking. Oh, that had been bad...a blow to his bottom AND to his pride. Being spanked in front of the entire store, pleading and begging for Daddy to stop, but to no avail!
  10. But, he thought as he came home from school, leaving his report card laying on the table, along with some homework he was about to do, at least something good HAD come of the horror his bottom had faced that day. And not even the kind of good that had followed, with Daddy teaching him how to grill and season. No, this was even BETTER than that.
  12. See, while Daddy was strict, Momma was usually a good bit more lax on him. He’d heard her say once that Daddy favored the firm and stern model, while she favored a gentle hoof. Which, he mused, as he got himself a snack from the fridge, made sense. After all, Daddy was a guard.
  14. But Mommy had really lit into him that day when she found out what happened. “It was an accident! There was no need to publicly humiliate him! A simple scolding would have sufficed!” he had overheard her yelling, and heard her shutting down all his Dad’s justifications for that spanking too.
  16. In the end, Daddy had come in and actually apologized, and admitted he was being too hard on him, and that he WAS still a colt. And they had hugged and made up and all that sappy stuff...complete with a kiss to Daddy’s cheek that NEITHER of them would ever admit to Mommy.
  18. But, the next day, Daddy had come in with a present as I’m Sorry present just for him!
  20. The colt smiled as he sipped from his juicebox, nibbling his cookies as he got down to business with the math problems his teacher had set them for the day. Nothing too very hard, but he still questioned why he needed to know how to divide 1373 by 19, and why that was even important to life.
  22. Finally, though, after an hour of mind-mushing numerical tedium, he was done! Now he could enjoy the present Daddy had given him!
  24. He darted into the living...whoops!
  26. He darted back into the kitchen and cleaned up his snack dishes and threw away his empty juicebox and left his homework and report card on the table for Mom and Dad to look over.
  28. THEN he darted into the living room!
  30. And there it was….A Switch! Not the kind feared by farmer fillies and Anthro shadows, no…
  32. A Nintendoe Switch! Complete with Mare-io Kart! (And some old Zelda games Dad said he grew up playing, but those were HARD!)
  34. Immediately, he turned the TV on and grabbed the controller, beginning to race against the computer, whooping every time he won and stifling childish curses when he lost!
  36. That was when Daddy came in from his patrol, watching his colt play before smiling. “Hey son? Think I could have a turn at that? Or is it two player? I don’t know how these new games work…” he asked, only for his colt to smile and help him get set up!
  38. Once Dad was ready to control a character of his own, the colt nodded. “Okay, Daddy...Here’s how you race.” he said, explaining the controls to his Dad with a smile. “And don’t feel bad if you lose to me or the computer, I’m pretty good!” he said, chest puffed out a little.
  40. Dad smiled, nodding as he sat in a chair. “Don’t worry, son. I’m not a sore loser. Got that beaten out of me back in the NES days.” he said, his son groaning a little...and then the race started!
  42. And...what a race it was! Daddy was actually pretty good, for a first time player! He was weaving and drifting in and out, collecting coins. The only thing he wasn’t doing was...he wasn’t using powerups.
  44. “Daddy...don’t forget to use your powerups!” the colt reminded him. Yeah, he wanted to win, but he wanted to win fair and square...and now Daddy was in third place and STILL hadn’t used one!
  46. “Don’t worry, son. I know.” he responded, the stallion grinning like a fox as he took a boost pad and zoomed into second place!
  48. Now, it was neck and neck...Daddy was so close behind him too! And he was almost at the finish…
  50. POW!!!
  52. A blue shell smacked him right from behind as Daddy zoomed past into first and Won! And...oh no, the other racers too!
  54. By the time the colty had recovered and crossed the line...he was dead last. And he sat there, eyes wide as he looked up at his father.
  56. “I was saving that shell the whole race, Son. Picked up that trick against your uncle when we were colts, playing Mare-io Kart on the SNES.” Daddy said, leaning down to nuzzle his little foal. “I was a colt once too, you know.” he said, getting up and trotting out.
  58. As the colt sat there, agape, a thought occurred to him. “Daddy! Isn’t this supposed to be a Spanking Fic?” he called out.
  60. “It was!” came the reply, as Dad poked his head back in.
  62. “How?!”
  64. Daddy smiled. “Did I, or did I not, just Whip your Flank in that race?”

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