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Firelock by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-02 23:48:17
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:34:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Firelock by Pan
  3. (01/01/2019)
  6. ---
  8. >be Firelock
  9. >life is good for a cute filly like you
  10. >only foal
  11. >the joy of your parents' lives
  12. >you try not to be a hooffull
  13. >get good grades
  14. >don't get in with the wrong crowd
  15. >make a mistake every now and then
  16. >since you are a "good filly" you usually get off the hook
  18. >mostly you get in trouble for your big mouth
  19. >talking in school when you aren't supposed to
  20. >swearing
  21. >inventing new swears while peppering in old classics
  22. >this is not quite a conscious decision
  23. >ponies make fun of you, you make fun of them back
  24. >it's self-defense!
  25. >usually bullies and nobodies are the ones doing it
  26. >Miss Cheerilee has bigger stuff to deal with
  27. >She'll say "cut it out, you two", but that's all
  29. >You have only ever had one detention
  30. >it was technically a "food fight" by school rules
  31. >strict and silly school rules, your parents agreed
  32. >all you did was throw your food into the trash from a little far away
  33. >it all made it in
  34. >no biggie
  35. >as punishment you had to write "I will not throw food" 150 times...
  37. >you are a unicorn!
  38. >but all discipline is the same at Cheerilee's school
  39. >no matter what kind of pony you are
  40. >once you grabbed your stack of paper and showed Cheerilee, you spent the rest of the hour cleaning up around the lunch tables outside the school
  41. >it sucked and was boring
  43. >this is what counts as punishment in your mind
  44. >the same smart mouth that gets you into trouble gets you out of it
  45. >your mom and dad are too soft to really give you any consequences
  46. >they threaten to ground you rarely
  47. >other foals are not as lucky
  48. >sometimes they come to school with a spanked rear-end
  49. >ponies in Ponyville don't normally wear clothes
  50. >so the painful red marks are painted onto your friends' haunches, plain as Celestia's day
  51. >Cheerilee does not paddle often, but she leaves the option open
  52. >her paddle hangs on a hook in the back of the classroom
  53. >Screwups and burnouts get it the most
  54. >you would die if that ever happened to you
  56. >you have to do an end-of-semester project
  57. >a report on the topic of your choice
  58. >some time in school is dedicated to working on it
  59. >"You need to know how to do work like this"
  60. >whatever
  61. >you didn't touch it outside of school
  62. >you chat with your filly friends about it
  63. "It's SO HARD!"
  64. "My brother says it never gets easier. You just get older and older and then you die!"
  65. "How about you, Firelock?"
  66. "Oh, I was going to do that closer to the deadline."
  67. >Shocked looks
  68. >That's what you get for making friends with overachievers
  69. "You can't do it in one night. Miss Cheerilee says and everything."
  70. "Okay, I'll start it earlier. Doesn't mean I have to waste all my time after school on it."
  72. >it's now the night before it's due
  73. >you haven't worked on it at all
  74. >in some way you didn't see this coming
  75. >deeper down, you absolutely did
  76. >Next time you will not procrastinate
  77. >you have your books on flowers from the library
  78. >how hard could it be?
  80. "Pumpkin, time for dinner!"
  81. >It's SO HARD!
  82. >You have been working since after school and you barely made a dent in it!
  83. "I need three whole pages TOMORROW and I don't even know where to start!"
  84. "How long have you had to work on it?"
  85. "Umm... about a month."
  86. "A month?! Young filly, you said you didn't have homework!"
  87. "This is a project."
  88. >your mother rolls her eyes
  89. "Well it's your responsibility. Maybe this will teach you not to put off work just so you can play outside."
  90. "Do you need help?"
  91. "No dad..."
  92. >What would they know about flowers?
  94. >after dinner you are back at it
  95. >your real problem is coming up with topics
  96. >you skim over one of your books for the 30th time
  97. >you need a three page paper
  98. >there are three headings in this part about flowers
  99. >gears are turning...
  101. >your mommy kisses you goodnight and reminds you "don't stay up too late"
  102. "I won't, mom."
  103. >the paper is not hopeless anymore
  104. >you just have to take what your book says and put in stuff from the other books
  105. >parts of flowers
  106. >genetics
  107. >cultural uses
  108. >you get to bed 2 hours later than normal
  110. >your mother wakes you up for school
  111. >you stumble to the kitchen, kicking yourself for punishing your procrastination with lack of sleep
  112. >your dad makes breakfast as usual
  113. "Did you finish your report?"
  114. "Yes daddy"
  115. "That's my muffin."
  116. "Daaaaad-!"
  117. "That's the last blueberry one. It's mine!"
  118. >You and your mom simul-facehoof
  120. >you walk to school
  121. >sun is shining
  122. >the cold isn't too bad
  123. >you have your fur coat
  124. >the semester is almost done
  126. >at school
  127. "Pass your papers forward, please."
  128. >your friends chat with you
  129. "Did you finish in time?"
  130. "Yeah. It sucked but I got it done."
  131. "As long as you get a good grade on it."
  132. >you hope you do well on it
  133. >even using those books as a guide it took a long time
  135. ...
  137. >the last few minutes of the semester
  138. >Miss Cheerilee hoofed out report cards and your graded papers
  139. >your report card was sealed
  140. >as always
  141. >but your paper had a "see me" note on it!
  142. >even in Cheerilee's green writing it looked scary
  143. >you stealthily panic
  144. "Happy Hearthswarming, everypony. Class dismissed!"
  145. >thankful that nopony will be paying attention to your meltdown
  146. >Students rush out of the classroom, just slow enough to avoid complaints about "running" indoors
  147. >she has to think you copied
  148. >the paper was well written
  149. >even if it wasn't, what would you get? A "B"?
  150. >You take your paper up to the teacher's desk
  151. >a short walk
  152. >you sit in the front row

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