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Old techniques by Anon and Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 00:32:18
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:22:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Old techniques by Anon and Pan
  3. (31/12/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >Twilight Velvet gives her daughter's friends tons of stories about Twilight's foalhood
  9. >"I used to take her over my lap and... Twily! Come here so I can show them!"
  11. >Come over here twilight.
  12. >but mom.
  13. >giggles why are you standing there staring at me like that.
  14. >blushes intensively.
  15. >mom used her magic to pull her over.
  16. >pomf she is now laying on her moms lap.
  17. >my twilight you have grown big since last time I pulled you in like that.
  18. >appleJack - I can hardly imagine what kind of mischief that our friend did to deserve that.
  20. >"You're spoiling my granddaughter!"
  21. >"Ah! Mom what do you mean?"
  22. >"You know as well as I do that now that Flurry Heart has grown up a bit, she's a little hellion."
  23. >"Maybe so, what does that have to do with spanking your grown daughter?!"
  24. >"You're the only foalsitter she has that refuses to tan her hide! She's a little brat every time she comes home from the castle. Shiny told me all about it."
  25. >"And I know for a fact that you know how spankings are carried out... so I'm hoping this lesson gets through to you and you will start disciplining Flurry in the same way."
  26. >"Mom, corporal punishment is straight out of the middle ages. We have newer techniques backed by science... ow!"
  27. >"A rump is a rump, Twily. You don't need a textbook to figure out a naughty foal avoids a red bottom like the Bluebloods avoid menial labor."
  28. >"I'll consider it! Just stop!"
  29. >"Consider it? Or do it?"
  30. >"OW OW I'll do it!"
  31. >"What was that about corporal punishment being ineffective..?"

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