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Spanquestria by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:15:17
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:47:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Spanquestria by Anon
  3. (12/06/2018)
  6. ---
  8. So the latest Flavor-of-the-Month villain takes over Happy Horse Land. Maybe it's Tirek, maybe it's Chrysalis or the Storm King, maybe it's someone we haven't even seen. It doesn't matter; they've won and now they're in charge.
  10. Strict policies are enacted. EVERY violation results in arrest and severe corporal punishment.
  11. >Put your garbage out on the wrong day?
  12. That's a paddlin'.
  13. >Late with taxes?
  14. That's a paddlin'.
  15. >Jaywalking?
  16. That's a paddlin'.
  17. >Failure to step aside for the new ruler's troops?
  18. You better believe that's a paddlin'.
  20. Even foals are not exempt. Cheerilee has to submit a daily report to the new Town Supervisor. Any student who giggled in class, was late coming in from lunch, scored less than satisfactory on the day's quiz gets reported.
  21. And what if Cheerilee is late with the report? It's her ass.
  23. Every village is required to build a public punishment scaffold in the center of town. Large cities like Manehattan have multiple ones all over the city. Still, demand outstrips supply. There are often long lines for the whipping post...ponies in chains waiting their turn as they watch and listen to their neighbors suffer and cry, knowing they will be doing the same soon.
  25. Every spanking is severe. Even a tiny misdemeanor results in a glowing red rump and welts that take days to heal. Many prisoners are charged with multiple violations but only one is dealt with at a time.
  26. >Get your spanking
  27. >Be released from the dreaded spanking rack
  28. >Get back in line
  29. >Wait your turn again
  30. >Worry as you watch others get theirs again
  31. >Hear your name called again
  32. >Climb those stairs and be strapped into position again
  33. >Get whipped again.
  35. Sometimes punishments go on from morning to past sunset. Equestria always had judicial corporal punishment but in a small village like Ponyville it happened once a month. Now it's constant. Ponies draw their curtains in the evening and try to ignore the cries of suffering and fear.
  37. Equestria has become Spanquestria.

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