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Helping Lyra by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:15:37
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:11:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Helping Lyra by Anon
  3. (14/07/2014)
  6. ---
  8. >You are Bon Bon, the earth pony.
  9. >You are reserved, a bit of a jerk, but very loyal to your friends.
  10. >The best of wich is also the one you live with.
  11. >That pony is Lyra, the unicorn, and is one of the very few ponies you can open up to, sometimes.
  12. >She is, on her part, very open, very friendly, very energic, but maybe a little excentric...
  13. >Alright, very excentric.
  14. >She plays her namesake instrument in a a local musical group.
  15. >This group is having a demostration for an event tomorrow, in Manehattan.
  16. >It has been a long time since they have tried something this "big", compared to the shows they often do in little ol' Poniville.
  17. >As you expected, Lyra is very nervous and anxious; as you also expected, she's letting herself get carried away by her current emotions.
  18. >She's troting from one side of the living room to the other, saying this and that about what if this and what if that, over and over again.
  19. >And you are sitting on the couch, following her with your eyes, motionless.
  20. >You have already told her everything you could possibly tell her, about her skills, about her history, about their history, about their team work, that everything will be fine, that you will be there for her, you name it.
  21. >Tears almost came out of your eyes while telling her these things.
  22. >You opened up to her...
  23. >But to no avail; she's still doing it, acting nervous and anxious, saying the same stuff over and over again, and at this point it comes as somewhat forced.
  24. >You realize she's only in the living room because you are there; she's making sure you can see her.
  25. >And now she's walking on her back legs.
  26. >You look down at your stifles and sigh; she wants atention, and you'll have to give it to her.
  28. >Still looking down, you wait for Lyra to get close to you, walking from your right towards your left, and you take her left hoof (wich she wasn't using to walk) with your own left hoof.
  29. >She stops moving and talking inmediatly, still on two hooves, quiet like processing what's happening, still looking at the floor like she has been doing all this time.
  30. >You both move your heads almost at the same time; she looks down at your hoof you are holding hers with, you look up at her face, and then she looks at yours.
  31. >Almost not giving her time to make eye contact, you bring her closer to you, making her stand in front of you; you are now holding her left hoof with both of your hooves, and now with only your right hoof.
  32. >She can't keep herself in her bipedal position any longer.
  33. >Whith your right hoof you are moving her left hoof to your right, and with your left hoof you are holding her by the back, lowering the upper side of her body also towards your right and closer to you.
  34. >she starts to lay her right hoof on the couch.
  35. >You let her left hoof go, and use both your hooves on her back; she now lays her left hoof on the couch too.
  36. >She doesn't move her head or eyes at any point, meaning she's now looking somewhat down at the couch.
  37. >She finally rests her body over your stifles (or "knees" as she sometimes call them)
  38. >At your left her back legs are now partially floating above the floor, while at your right her upper body is resting on the couch.
  39. >You have your front hooves resting on her back, at the left is the origin of her tail, and more at the left is her rear, covered by the tail.
  40. >With your left hoof, making sure you don't touch her fur, you pick up her tail and move it to the right, exposing her rear.
  41. >The tail is now under your right front leg, wich you are now using to hold her across her back.
  42. >She won't be able to cover her rear with her tail unless you let her, wich you won't.
  44. >She slowly starts kicking, she's trying to lay her legs on the couch too.
  45. >You don't let her, instead you move forward a little so the upper side of her body is left hanging as well.
  46. >This makes her kicking a bit faster, she's also moving her front hooves wich aren't reaching the floor.
  47. >You can feel she's nervous, but a different kind of nervous to the one she has been showing all day.
  48. >But she won't be after you are finished, you are going to make her unwind.
  49. >Whatever she may have inside, she will let it all out.

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