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Time travel shenanigans by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:16:47
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:36:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Time travel shenanigans by Anon
  3. (11/03/2019)
  6. ---
  8. Idea
  10. >Time travel shenanigans
  11. >Filly main 6 get sent to future to current main 6
  12. >Main 6 need to take care of there younger selves
  13. >Turns out they used to be quite a hoofful
  14. >Spankings happan
  16. What would be the best pairing in this scenario?
  18. ...
  20. R=Mare Rainbow Dash
  21. D=Filly Rainbow Dash
  23. >R taking care of her younger self
  24. >Started pretty well, R reminded of Scootaloo many times
  25. >Until R was remined why even her hyper fanpony parents had to punish her at times
  26. >D was way too hyperactive, rude at times to other adults and tended to touch things she shouldn't have
  27. >R has enough after D breaks Wonderbolts trophy
  28. D:"Eh, no big deal, you know how mom and dad keep getting those like candy"
  29. >R angry, sends D tells D to atleast clean up the mess
  30. >D does so, grumbling but preceds to break 2 more trophies in the process
  31. >R tells D to be more carefull, D brushes R off
  32. >R raging
  33. >Doesn't know what comes over
  34. >R pickes D up, both of them in the air
  35. >R puts D under armpit and proceeds to spank with hooves
  36. >D whining, complaining and struggling to escape, to no avail
  37. >R soon stops, but descides her younger self needs more discipline
  38. >Grabs mainbrush, taked D to couch and puts
  39. her otk on lap, ignoring D's pleading
  40. >Gives D a prett decent brushing
  41. >Tries her best to make it just like her parents gave her, does pretty well all things considered
  42. >D acting just like she would over moms lap
  43. >Every part of rump is smacked, leaving it nice and red
  44. >R finally finishes, thinks for a bit on what mom or dad used to do after spanking
  45. >Hugs D
  46. R:Sorry D, but you needed that
  47. D:So uncool, you totally didn't have to do that!
  48. R:Kinda had it coming squert. Look at the bright side, atleast dad wasn't here to cheer you on excessively in the middle of this.
  49. D:...Yea
  50. >Shortly after this exchange D was sent to corner for half an hour (much to her displeasure)
  51. >Corner time soon ended, all forgiven
  52. >Rest of R's time spent with D was much better
  53. >D was still quite hyperactive and occasionally troublesome, but she was much more managabe
  54. >If she went too far R would just threaten another spanking
  55. >Worked pretty well for the most part
  56. >R now understood the more unpleasent time spent with her parents during fillhood and reminded herself to visit and thank them for putting up with her
  58. ...
  60. Pinke=Mare Pinkie Pie
  61. Pie=Filly Pinkie Pie
  63. >Pie recently came into the care of her older counterpart
  64. >The two had lots of fun together
  65. >Pie was at the point where she recently got her cutie mark, so she had a lot to learn about her new "lifesyle"
  66. >Pinkie was all too happy to teach
  67. >Cakes also liked Pie, it was nice to see Pinkie when she as young
  68. >But nothing was perfect
  69. >Pie, being young Pinkie, as expecte, was quite a hooffull
  70. >She would try to do a lot of things Pinkie would do, even things she wasn't quite ready for
  71. >Her attempts at cooking (without permission) didn't end very well, her pranks sometimes came off as unintentionally mean and her attempts at "making others laugh" came off as just plain annoying
  72. >Cakes were a bit miffed
  73. >Pinkie knew she had to do something
  74. >It all accummulated in a prank gone wrong, almost resulted in injury
  75. >Pinkie apolagized to Cakes and took her to her room
  76. >Both sat on bed
  77. Pinkie: That prank of yours coulda gone better
  78. Pie: I'm veryveryveryveryvery sorry Pinkie, I thought-
  79. Pinkie: I forgive you, silly! But I kinda have to punish you.
  80. Pie: Aww
  81. Pinkie: You know, when I got my cutie mark, I was just like you. I got into trouble alot. Mom and dad punished me for them.
  82. >Pie looked a bit nervous now
  83. Pie: How?
  84. Pinkie: With spankies of course!
  85. Pie: Are you gonna spank me?
  86. >Pinkie nodded sadly
  87. >Pie let out a 'EEP!' and backed away
  88. Pinkie: Come here and we can get it over soon
  89. >Pie whimpered and gave Pinkie her best puppy dog eyes
  90. >Pinkie did the same
  91. >The two stared at eachother like this for a while before Pie finally relented and, with a whimper, made her way onto Pinkies lap
  93. >Pinkie grabs a spoon she had for some reason
  94. >Spanking are given
  95. >All of pink fanny is covered
  96. >Spoon make laud noises as it lands
  97. >Kicks and struggles are a plenty, so are tears
  98. >Atleat six smacks are given to sitpots
  99. >Pinkie soon stops
  100. >Comforting happens
  101. >Pinkie later brings Pie down
  102. >Pie apolagizes to Cakes
  103. >PInkie bring Pie to clean up the mess from the prank, then promises to teach her baking
  104. >Pie overjoyed
  105. >Cakes surprised to see Pie's red bottom as the two leave
  106. >Descide to let Pinkie discipline twins when they get older and need foalsitter

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