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Slave days by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:17:08
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:09:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Slave days by Anon
  3. (23/05/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >it's monday morning.
  9. >you were walking on your to school.
  10. >while you were crossing the street.
  11. >A speeding car appeared out of nowhere and it was heading to your direction
  12. >you were unable to react in time and that car hit you.
  13. >it was a fatal. you died
  14. >almost instantaneous you found yourself in a white room.
  15. >the room had no windows or doors. it was empty except for the desk in the centre.
  16. >not knowing what happened or where you were. the only logical step for you is to head toward that desk.
  17. >on the desk was an envelop with your name on it.
  18. >you teared it open to get it's content.
  19. >inside it was a written paper.
  20. >it said
  21. you have died. and we stole your soul. You are our slave now and you cannot do anything about it. Your whole purpose now is it entertain us.
  22. We will give you instruction on your assignment. fail to do so and you will be severely punished.
  24. you first assignment is to eat this paper then take the pen and write "I'm your slave and I will do your bidding master" 150 times on the floor.
  25. PS - Refuse and you will have a taste of your punishment.
  27. >You were confused.
  28. >you have so many questions...
  29. >Who are they ?
  30. >Am I really dead ?
  31. >what pen ? ..oh there it is .
  32. >you picked it up.
  33. >wait why do I have to do this.
  34. >they can't do this to me.
  35. >eat the paper... yea right ... this is just some sort of a prank.
  36. >you crumbled the paper and threw it back on the desk.
  37. >then suddenly the room turned red.
  38. >you found yourself being lifted by unknown force.
  39. >You felt yourself being pressured. as if something squeezing your body.
  40. >it quickly escalated from light pressure to really unbearable agony.
  41. >at that point you did break. I'll do anything please stop.
  42. >the pressure was gone. the room color changed back to white.
  43. >you fell on the floor trying to catch up with your breath. while sweating.
  44. >it was really painful. you definitely don't want to experience that again.
  45. >eating a paper was really an easy breeze than that.
  47. >you knew that they meant business so you complied.
  48. >you picked that crumpled paper from the desk.
  49. >you closed your eyes and swallowed it.
  50. >then you took that pen and started to write down that sentence on the floor.
  51. >hour later you finished. you lost count of the number of lines you did but you were pretty sure u did more than 150.
  52. >Then suddenly another envelop materialised on the desk.
  53. >you opened it. and took the paper that was inside.
  54. >it read
  55. Congratulation you made it.
  56. Normally souls return to their afterlife after 2 hours. but since you did write that on the floor made you an official slave. You have sealed your own fate. now you will spend your eternity entertaining us.
  58. from now on you won't have a name. you will be forever be called anonymous.
  60. we will put you into another world with a task. failing to do that within the time limit you will be punished. Far more severely than before.
  62. >you gulped.
  63. >that was all that was written on that paper.
  64. >before you know it. a door suddenly appeared in the room.
  65. >there was a written paper hanged in there at that door.
  66. >you head to the door and read the paper.
  67. World - Equestria
  68. Mission - Spank a filly
  69. Time limit - 5 days
  70. (note timer will start as soon as you enter - Good luck)
  72. >being out of options. you entered the door.
  74. >You found yourself in a colorful cartoonish looking world.
  75. >it was very trippy as fuck.
  76. >the door behind you disappeared leaving you stuck there.
  77. >you look at your surroundings.
  78. >the first thing you noticed that your skin color changed to green.
  79. >what the hell happened to me. did I turn into hulk or something ?
  80. >your self questioning were cut short by your surroundings.
  81. >you were standing on a dirt road that was leading toward some sort of town. behind you was a forest.
  82. >you walked along the road toward the town.
  83. >you still can't get pass the idea that you are inside some sort of cartoon world.
  84. >as you were walking you noticed something moving fast in the sky.
  85. >you heard someone yelling "hey watch out below"
  86. >you turn around to see who was saying that. only to see a blue object heading really fast toward you.
  87. >it crashed into you. and you fell on the ground.
  88. >after the shock faded. you were unable to breath.
  89. >something warm and wet covering your mouth and nose.
  90. >you opened your eyes to see
  92. >a big blue bubbly butt in front of your face.
  93. >you soon noticed that your face was covered deep inside it.
  94. >That blue butt was belong to a pegasus pony named rainbowdash.
  95. >she soon realised what you were doing with her pussy.
  96. >she Squealed. Hyaa.. what the hell are you doing you perv.
  97. >her body reacted by crossing her legs together across your head.
  98. >she wasn't aware that she actually trapped you in.
  99. >your nose and mouth was stuck inside her mare part.
  100. >you were actually suffocating. you were losing conscious.
  101. >you tried to get your face out of her. but she was stronger than you in that postion.
  102. >you didn't actuly know what type of creature was that all you can think of was getting air.
  103. >you tried pushing her butt. but it didn't work.
  104. >it was getting more intense. you tried fighting back as much as you could.
  105. >you started slapping her butt with whatever strength you can muster.
  106. >but then you passed out...
  107. >Next thing you remember was when you woke up being tied up to a post.
  108. >your hands were tied behind your back along with your waist.
  109. >you were inside what it appears to be a basement. no one else was there but you. you noticed that you were striped out of your shirt for some reason.
  110. >you tried to untie yourself.
  111. >your struggling got interrupted by the the pain in your arms.
  112. >you noticed that your arm was injured with some minor cuts and bruises.
  113. >you don't recall your arms being injured like that. but someone did tend to your wound.
  114. >you were still confused on what's going on. and you kinda hate it.
  115. >suddenly you heard some female voices.
  116. >there were some people talking in the other room.
  117. >you tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.
  118. >Person A" I'm telling you this creature is dangerous"
  119. >person B softly spoken "sa ssssaasas never seen anything like this wissas sssaasa sasa"
  120. >you couldn't hear that person clearly
  121. >Person C "Where is it anyway ?"
  122. >Person B " it's down stairs. Rainbow dash insisted that I keep him tied up ss sasas...."
  124. >the door was opened.
  125. >you saw 3 little colorful little horses march inside the basement.
  126. >every one of them were in different color.
  127. >the purple one stood in front of you then actually talked.
  128. >"oh my I never seen this type of creature before"
  129. >at that point you just gave up on logic. you have seen it all. nothing can amaze you anymore.
  130. >the yellow one on her left then spoke softly "oh it's finally awake. I was worried about him"
  131. >which she got interrupted by a flying blue one with rainbow mane.
  132. >"You! "
  133. >she flew toward you pointing her hoof at your face.
  134. >"How dare you do that to me ,where did you come from ? and state your purpose perv!"
  135. >why was she pissed. what did I do to her ..I never seen her before... oh wait that coat color ... yea I remember now
  136. >then the purple one's horn just glowed by surrounding aura. which also surrounded that blue flying pony. which made her to pull back"
  137. >wait that purple pony has a horn! I take that back there are stuff that still can amaze me.
  138. >Twilight " Hold on rainbow dash I'm not sure if it can understand what you are saying."
  139. >"It... that's rude I am a person..."
  140. >Twilight "oh it can talk"
  141. >"ofc I can talk. what the in god's name are you. why am I being tied up here. how can you creatures talk... is that a horn are you actually a real talking unicorn. where is my shirt. and what did you do to my arms why Am I injured."
  142. >you bursted everything that was in your head.
  143. >Fluttershy "oh my he is sure talkative ..."
  144. >Twilight "aham... sorry about that let's start again from the beginning "
  145. >"Hello , my name is Twilight sparkle.I'm an alicorn , this pegasus over here is rainbow dash and the other one who was taking care of you while you were unconscious is fluttershy.
  146. >that was rather insightful introduction well..
  147. >"Hello twilight, my name is... (suddenly you forgot your name. all what you can think of was anonymous.)
  148. >they were starting to get worried about your sudden pause
  150. >you cleared your throat and continued.
  151. >"My name is Anon. (you just went on with it) I'm err a human.
  152. >Twilight : A human ? then she started mumbling to herself.
  153. >Fluttershy : you know what a human is ?
  154. >Twilight : Humans were supposed to be extinct. way before our pony kind exists.
  155. >Fluttershy : wow. oh that poor human he is probably lonely and he is the only one left of his race.
  156. >Rainbow Dash : don't assume much . hey you! Anon was it. what are you doing in equestria. why were you heading toward ponyville ?
  157. >That blue pegasus sure asks a lot of questions.
  158. >"well believe it or not. I just got here from a door. there was a white room with a note inside it instructed me to ..."
  159. >Rainbow dash : you are not making any sense
  160. >Twilight : a door that lead you to equestria ?
  161. >"ok so this place is called equestria... I had no idea what that note meant by that"
  162. >Twilight : you keep mentioning a note .
  163. >Well you see ... ugh can you untie me first?
  164. >Rainbow Dash : never ... we are still not sure if you would do what you did to me again...
  165. >Twilight : what did he do to you really ?
  166. >Rainbow dash blushed and didn't answer her.
  167. >Twilight : I'm pretty sure he won't do anything while I'm around. So untie him Rainbow dash.
  168. >with little hesitation she complied and untied you.
  170. >Twilight : now then mr.anon tell us how you got here. start from the beginning.
  171. >you sat down comfortably and started tell her what happened to you.
  172. 6 mins later.
  173. >Anon : and that's when that pegasus crashed her butt into my face.
  174. >an awkward silence roomed the basement.
  175. >the ponies were more confused than before. twilight was taking a notes of everything you said.
  176. >Twilight was the first to break the silence .
  177. >Tw: So let me see if I got this right . you died in your world yet your soul was stolen by an unknown entity which they force you to do whatever they want or they punish you.
  178. >Anon : that's pretty much it.
  179. >Fluttershy : and they asked you to umm.. (blush)spank a filly.
  180. >RD: that's a load of bull...
  181. >Tw : Rainbow
  182. >RD : sorry but he is just a perverted human came here to molest us. we should throw him in a dungeon or worse.
  183. >Twilight : I don't think he would reveal his ill intention to us if that was true.
  184. >RD: still...
  185. >Tw : if what he is telling the truth I would be able to detect the teleportation dust from him.
  186. >anon : Teleportation dust ?
  187. >Tw: you said you can here from a door right. the science lab in canterlot can detect the teleportation particles . I want to analyze it.
  188. >Anon : do what you please. It's not as if I was making all this up or anything.
  189. >Tw : but the real problem is getting him to canterlot.
  190. >RD : we can put him in a cage and transport him there.
  191. >Anon: hey I'm not an animal.
  192. >RD : but you look like a giant ape to me.
  193. >Anon : what is it with you. why are you so mean to me.
  194. >RD : ugh playing innocent with me.
  195. >Anon : I was minding my own business before you came in crashing on me.
  196. >RD : you could have I don't know move away ?
  197. >Anon : that's your argument you are so stubborn .
  198. >RD : pervert
  199. >Anon : hardhead
  200. >Twilight : Quit it both of you. geez you are acting like a school foals.
  202. >RD: he started it.
  203. >Anon : ...
  204. >Twilight : enough of this. we aren't gonna get anywhere with this attitude. Anon you said earlier that you have been told to span a filly.
  205. >Anon : Spank a filly. that's what the note on the door said.
  206. >Twilight : do you have any idea what this spank mean ?
  207. >Anon : um... you know spanking ..
  208. >Twilight: nope doesn't ring a bell . have you heard about this rainbow ?
  209. >RD : nope no idea but it's probably something perverted.
  210. >Twilight : sigh... what about you fluttershy ?
  211. >fluttershy blushed and then shook her head.
  212. >Anon well that yellow one surely know something about it but she is kinda embarrassed to admit it.
  213. >Twilight : well can you tell us what it is ?
  214. >Anon : hmm.. it's a form of physical punishment for kids.
  215. >Twilight : corporal punishment!
  216. >Anon : no it's not something Drastic. it's just to cause the misbehaving kids some minor pain or discomfort by giving them few smacks on their behind.
  217. >Twilight : we don't have that sort of "physical punishment" here in Equestira .
  218. >Rd : what about when the teacher smacks our hooves with a ruler ?
  219. >Anon : yea exactly like that. but it's delivered to the rear.
  220. >Twilight : why the rear ?
  221. >Anon : well I think cause it's the meatiest part of the body and it's cushion the bones. hitting someone there wont cause permeate damage.
  222. *beside it's more humiliating that way* -anon thoughts
  223. >Twilight : interesting. you humans have put way too much thought into this.
  224. >Anon : well spanking goes way back centuries ago.
  225. >Twilight : Still not sure about this. I need to see it done can you do it anon ?
  226. >anon : do it. as in to spank someone ?
  227. >Twilight : yeah. I want you to Demonstrate how it's done.
  228. >Anon : it's fine by me but i need a volunteer.
  229. >Twilight : volunteer ?
  230. >Anon : yea It's a 2 man's job.
  231. >Twilight *snickered
  232. >Anon : what's so funny.
  233. >Twilight : oh sorry but I find your human wording funny "2 man "
  234. >Anon : that's how we say it.
  235. >Twilight : I kinda cute.
  237. >Tw : anyway a volunteer you say.
  238. >fluttershy was blushing . her heart was racing.
  239. >she wanted to volunteer to take the spankee role but she was struggling internally.
  240. >Fluttershy mustered her courage and said : I'll do it
  241. >Twilight : Rainbow Dash can you help anon with the demonstration.
  242. >no one heard fluttershy and she didn't even crossed Twilight's mind.
  243. >Rainbow : what , why me ?
  244. >TW : You are the toughest pony here.
  245. >RD : but you are an Alicorn you have I don't know the Earth pony part in you ?
  246. >TW : while yes I do . but I want to take notes I want to see it in my own eyes first.
  247. >RD ; well fine. hey you Perv. don't do anything stupid or i'll smack your face.
  248. >Anon *oh great more that blue pony babbling"
  249. >Anon : alright let's get this over with. hey blue pony.
  250. >RD : me ?
  251. >Anon : yes you. is there any other blue pony around ?
  252. >RD : I have a name you know It's Rainbow Dash Remember it
  253. >Anon * Rainbow dash , or more like Rainbow Crash.*
  254. >anon : alright Rainbow , I need you to stand there and put your arms over that create.
  255. >RD : put my what now ?
  256. >Twilight : he meant your forelegs.
  257. >RD : like this ?
  258. >Anon : yes now spread open your err... back legs
  259. >Twilight : hind legs.
  260. >anon : Hind legs.
  261. >RD : ... Sure.
  262. >Anon : perfect. now hold still this might hurt a little.
  263. >RD : yea as if a pathetic human like you can hurt me.

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