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Utilitarian observations by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:21:20
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:45:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Utilitarian observations by Anon
  3. (23/01/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >Be Moondancer.
  9. >You’ll be spending the Summer away from your home in Canterlot and living in Ponyville, as part of Princess Twilight’s new “Traveling Friend” program. Girls from around Equestria are assigned to live with other girls they wouldn’t normally associate themselves with, in hopes of promoting friendship, and offering a new chance to study friendship magic.
  10. >You’ve been assigned to live with Tree Hugger, a friend of Fluttershy’s. You were both given a cute little cottage on the edge of Ponyville. You’ve only been together a few days, but are starting to get along fine. She is a bit odd though. Definitely different from your normal set of friends. But that’s the point of the program, you guess.
  11. >About a week in, you come back into the house in the evening after spending the afternoon at the library. Tree Hugger is sitting on the couch looking at a lava lamp with a stupid look on her face. The window is cracked open, and there is an ever so faint haze in the room. There’s also a pretty distinct smell in the air. One you’ve never smelt before, but knowing her, you have a pretty good guess of what it is.
  12. >“Oh hey Moon.” She says, very relaxed. “How was the library?”
  13. >You look at her and furrow your brows. “Tree Hugger?”
  14. >“Yeah?”, she says smiling, clearly high.
  15. >“Have you been smoking weed?”
  16. >She cracks a grin: “Maybe.”
  17. >You look at her, shocked. “Wha…? Tree Hugger, that’s ILLEGAL.”
  18. >“Is it?” She says giggling. “I don’t remember.”
  19. >“Tree…-“ you facepalm and sigh. “Tree Hugger, you can’t do that. If Princess Twilight finds out you’ll be in huge trouble. I’LL be in huge trouble.”
  20. >“Come ooooonnnnn, Moon. What Twilight doesn’t know won’t, like….hurt her.”
  22. >You’re not putting up with this. You will not be able to spend the next three months in this house if this keeps going on. And knowing her, even if she promises not too, she’ll probably keep doing it every time you leave. And you can’t tell Princess Twilight, you want her to stop but don’t want Tree Hugger to get in trouble. The only thing you can think of doing is what your mom would have done.
  23. You walk directly over to her. You grab the sides of the skirt that she’s wearing, and yank it completely down in one smooth motion.
  24. >“Whoooaaa dude…chill out a little. If you wanted to experiment, you could have just asked.” She smiles, looking in your eyes.
  25. >You breathe in, annoyed. “That’s… not what’s happening here.” You sit down and pull her naked butt across your lap. “I’m not putting up with this. You can’t smoke in here. It’s against the rules.”
  26. >“Or what…?” She says sleepily. “What are you doing, anyways?”
  27. >“I’m going to spank you.” You sigh and roll up the sleeves of your sweater. “For smoking weed.”
  28. >You look down at her butt. You note that it’s definitely very…full. It isn’t chubby, by any means, you just notice it seems a little big in proportion to the rest of her body, but only a little. You wonder if your mom ever made such basic, utilitarian observations about you or your sister when you were kids. You stop thinking about it.
  29. >“Whaaaaaaaat….? But whhyyyyyy….?” She says, looking back into your eyes, just beginning to look concerned.
  30. >“Because its illegal. And it’s bad for you.” You have no idea what you’re doing. You’ve never spanked anyone before. You had definitely never planned on it. But you’ve definitely gotten it before, so at least you have that to go off of. You take a page from your mother’s playbook as to how to start. “Uhhh….this if for your own good.”
  32. >You start spanking, simple, fast, and hard. Just like mom used to do. No bullshit, just spanking. Tree Hugger yelps, half out of surprise, half out of pain. She wiggles her butt around, making a very obviously pathetic attempt to get away. You hold her down. She’s clearly aware that she’s in no state to be able to make a hasty get away. You’re stronger than her anyway. She cries and wiggles, as you spank at your constant pace. You’re following a pattern of swapping cheeks every two slaps. You think that’s what you remember your mother doing. You were hurting a bit too much at the time to really retain that info.
  33. >“Okaa-ay, okaaayyyy, I won’t smoke in here. Come on Moon, stop! Please!” You don’t give in at all. You keep spanking, hard and fast, completely unhindered, her butt getting really red, bouncing with each impact.
  34. >“No. And you’re right, you won’t smoke in here. But more than that, you won’t smoke ANYWHERE. Got it?” you ask, spanking away.
  35. >“Okay! Okay! Cool, I got it! I promise! I got it, Moon! Please! Stop!” she says though tears. She covers her eyes, looking shameful.
  36. >“No. We’ve still got quite a ways to go. This is for your own good. Stop talking.” You say, focused hard on her quivering behind.
  37. >She keeps crying as you keep spanking, but she listens to your command to stop talking. You could probably stop pretty soon, but you want to make sure that this is something that’ll make certain she doesn’t break her promise. You follow your mom’s example and press on.
  39. >After a few minutes, Tree Hugger’s tears turn into full on sobs. This is what you were waiting for. The break. The moment that came every time you got spanked by your mom, where you gave in completely, and just let it all out. Tree Hugger had stopped wiggling or trying to get away. She just lay there, eyes locked shut, sobbing like a baby, and taking each hard smack to her glowing red, bouncing ass. She wasn’t fighting back at all. She was a pacifist, after all. You decide to keep the spanking going for just a little while longer.
  40. >Finally, you give her one last, hard slap, and stop. She gasps for air, and tries to catch her breath between sobs. She continues to cry, and cry, and cry. You just sit there, her butt still quivering on your lap, and wait for her to let it all out. In a few minutes, her crying slowly turns into quiet sniffling. She turns her head to look into your eyes, still laying in your lap. Her eyes are still welled up with tears.
  41. >“I’m sorry, dude.” She says. You can tell she means it.
  42. >“It’s fine. Just don’t do it again. Or we’ll have to have this become a recurring theme. Got it?”
  43. >“Yeah…” she sniffs.
  44. >“Good.” You look out the window and see that the stars have been out for a while. “Then get up. It’s time to put on our pajamas.”
  45. >Tree Hugger gives a faint little smile. “I normally don’t wear clothes when I go to sleep.”
  46. >“Fair Enough.” You say.

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