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Hiking trip (wip) by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:21:38
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:19:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Hiking trip (wip) by Anon
  3. (16/04/2016)
  6. ---
  8. Springtime has recently hit the nation of Equestria, and the light of the sun and cool breeze attracts many ponies to the great outdoors. The royal family of the Crystal Empire is no exception, as they recently traveled south from their city borders to witness the beauty of Neighagra Falls for a quick vacation. However, the area around the popular tourist attraction had no lodges to speak of, in order to preserve the natural excellence for all to see. So, the family has no other choice but to rough it in the wilderness during their stay. While this might sound like a quiet and fun time for Shining Armor and Cadence, their daughter, Flurry Heart, prefers to be back at the castle. On the half-day train ride over to the camp site, the spoiled princess already misses chilling out out on her bed, listening to the latest hits that the music world had offer, and reading the latest issue of her favorite gossip magazine, Horse's Mouth.
  10. As if it wasn't bad enough for her, she also had to endure a lengthy walk with her parents to the sight itself before the sun sets. She could swear that, while it's unheard of to form blisters on one's hooves, one is in process of forming from the trek while carrying some of the camp equipment.
  12. "Are we there yet? It feels like we walked halfway across Equestria", she complains.
  14. "Just a bit further", assures her father with an encouraging tone. "I used to come here before with your mother, so I know which way to go."
  16. "The last thing I trust is your sense of direction. Remember when we got lost in Canterlot castle? You tried to find the exit to the courtyard and we found ourselves walking in circles for a good hour."
  18. "Now, now", Flurry's mom interjects. "If there's one thing I know that's drilled into my dependable knight's memory, it's the location of one of our honeymoon spots." She sighs romantically and begins to reminisce. "I remember cuddling with my hubby and listening to the sound of the roaring water under the pale moon sky. Our love burned brighter than the sun, as we-"
  20. "Ew! No! Stop! I don't wanna hear about you two doing Celestia-knows-what in the privacy of your own tent!" Flurry shouts in disgust.
  22. For both Cadence and Shining Armor, it's hard to believe that a full 15 years passed by so fast since Flurry Hearts birth. Now she is teenage mare that is in the middle of the dreaded "rebellious streak" that is popular for ponies her age. She's still a good pony at heart, but her attitude is still in need of an adjustment from time to time.
  24. "Oops! Speaking of roaring falls, I can hear it now.", says Shining Armor, quickly diffusing an awkward conversation of supposed moonlit copulation. The family reaches the top of a hill to see the falls off into the distance. The rushing waves of water emit a crashing cacophony of sound that is heard from their location. Both Shining Armor and Cadence take the time to face each other and give one another a wistful smile. Then, they move their heads in close to rub their horns together, in an affectionate and passionate moment. That moment is quickly interrupted by Flurry Heart's protests.
  26. "Oh, hey, look at that. It's a waterfall. Just like what's on the cover of those hiking magazines. Neat. Well, when are we heading home?"
  28. Cadence gives her daughter a blank stare, looks back to her husband that is doing the same, and begins to talk in disbelief.
  29. "Um, we said that we were going to be camping here for a few days."
  31. "But we saw the waterfall, there's no point in staying here any longer."
  33. "You haven't even seen it up close yet. Besides, your father wanted us to go and enjoy nature for a while."
  35. "Nature is full of bugs, mud, and animals that want to eat you. Why would we ever want to leave our cozy castle for that horse apples?"
  37. "Watch your language, young lady! That's very unbecoming of a princess like you."
  39. Shining Armor stayed at the side lines and thought of how to make the two mares stop bickering. He hates it when this happens. He feels like it's hard for him to give his input when his wife made solid points on her own. After all, mares understand mares better than stallions do. But this time, Flurry is more resistant to the idea of camping than anything else. It;s time for his trump card: buying cooperation.
  41. "Honey", stated Shining Armor. "If you promise to behave during this trip for your mother and me, I promise that I'll buy you that new cassette player that you've been asking me about."
  43. "A Pony Trotmare (TM)? Really?", asks Flurry excitedly.
  45. "Shining, don't-", Cadence protests.
  47. "Yep, but only if you behave yourself", confirms Shining Armor.
  49. "Oh, thank you, daddy! Alright. I'll do it!"
  51. With a sudden spring in her step, Flurry treks toward the waterfall with her parents following behind, arguing about better parenting techniques.

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