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Discipline centers by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:21:52
Updated: 2022-03-12 18:34:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Discipline centers by Anon
  3. (10/11/2016)
  6. ---
  8. >Princess Celestia issued a new decree
  9. >from no one Ponies of Equestira must be held responsible for their actions.
  10. >There have been a lot of destruction of property, and criminals activities that went unpunished.
  11. >From this day forward any pony breaks the rules would be reported to their local discipline center.
  12. >there the Judging community would pick the proper form of disciplinary action and execute them.
  13. >Everypony that did break the law would get a free pass for now. but any future incident would be dealt with severe consequences.
  14. >the constructions of these centers would be effective immediately.
  15. >few weeks from this royal decree . each town and city in all over equestria got a discipline center.
  17. ...
  19. AB running a dangerous route alone, only I think that should take place outside of a discipline center. A good switch held in Applejack's mouth should do the trick.
  21. >after appleJack caught up with applebloom and escorted her to safety.
  22. >she was relived that her sister was ok. and kinda amazed that she managed to deliver the cart in one piece.
  23. >they made the delivery there.
  24. >as the hillbilly ponies were enjoying the pies.
  25. >AJ said" Just remember you wont be enjoying these pies if it weren't for my little sister."
  26. >And my sister.
  27. >But this don't change the fact that trying to make this delivery on your own was a plum crazy thing to do.
  28. >applebloom lowered her head in shame "i know"
  29. >disobeying your big sister, sneaking out while being grounded.
  30. >but.. I did deliver the pies..
  31. >You did and it was mighty impressive. but that doesn't mean you wont get punished for what you did.
  32. >I said I'm sorry.
  33. >sorry wont cut it... I cannot ground you , cause you are already grounded.
  34. >so no broccoli for a week ?
  35. >applejack narrowed her eyes at her sister's sassy remark.
  36. >you know what, I'll let the judges in the discipline center decide the proper punishment for you.
  37. >no .. not them it will be embarrassing..
  38. >you should have thought of that before getting yourself in danger.
  39. After they head back to ponyville applejack dragged AB to the discipline center.
  40. >there was a long line there, each pony got their number to be seen by the judging comity.
  41. >after long wait their number was up and they went to talk to him.
  42. >Aj explained what applebloom did , then listened to what AB part of the story.
  43. >the judge took a short moment of thinking then decided the proper punishment.
  44. >he went and opened a cupboard, and pulled out a cane.
  45. >appleboom trembled in fear when she saw that cane. the judge went ahead and gave it to AJ.
  46. >give her twelve strokes on hind .
  47. >applejack was unsure about this and hesitant to take the cane.
  48. >she lowered her voice and said "don't you think that's a little bit much?"
  49. >miss this is the law and you have to obey it like everyone else.
  50. >he pulled a documented paper of her case and stamped it.
  51. >now it is official.
  53. >applejack felt that the matter was getting out of her hooves.
  54. >she took the cane and looked at applebloom.
  55. >her little sister was kinda afraid of what's gonna happen to her.
  56. >she was breathing fast and starting to sweat.
  57. >Applejack couldn't bare the look at her sister and dropped the cane.
  58. >she went there and hugged her little sister.
  59. >I aint gonna do this.
  60. >miss applejack mind I remind you that you are directly disobeying the law.
  61. >I don't care. I'm going to take my sister and go home.
  62. >as she was leaving the guards stood in front of applejack.
  63. >miss for directly disobeying the disciplinary comity you will be punished instead of your sister. and you will be placed on the stocks.
  64. >one of the gaurds escorted applebloom out.
  65. >the other one escorted AJ to the disciplinary room.
  66. >there she was instructed to lay on a bench and wait.
  67. >minutes later. a pony came wearing the official discipline center uniform holding a cane in his mouth.
  68. >he carried out her punishment.
  69. >He cut her 12 times as instructed.
  70. >the strokes left a mark on her butt.
  71. >she was then escorted out of the center and got placed on the wooden stocks midtown.
  72. sorry for rushing in like that
  73. >applebloom's guilt was eating her alive.
  74. >seeing her sister suffer all caused of her.
  75. >she visited and stayed with her stocked sister.
  76. >she cried and said that she was sorry.
  77. >applejack reassured her little sister that its ok, and its not a big of a deal.
  78. >but applebloom was still feeling guilty.
  79. >applejack stayed in her stocks from noon till dawn.
  80. >then she was released.
  82. ...
  84. >you are anon
  85. >you have been hired to be the judge in the in the newly opened Disciplinary center.
  86. >it was an official establishment issued by the princess herself.
  87. >the reason behind it is to raise awareness of consequences and to lower the "incidents" rates.
  88. >many ponies in the past got away with criminal and destructive behaviors due to lack of proper punishment system.
  89. >so there you are inside one of the new established building.
  90. >at the first 2 weeks there wasn't many incident reports and it was the good life.
  91. >on your 3rd week the amount of reported incidents rose up.
  92. >one of these reports was about a clumsy Pegasus that caused the construction of a new bridge to collapse.
  93. >it was her fault and there was no excuse for it.
  94. >you decided that
  95. A1 - send her to the stocks.
  96. A2 - 30 smacks on her behind.
  97. A3 - get her fired from her job.
  99. >another case of stealing. a unicorn used his magic to teleport stuff to his bag.
  100. he already sold all the goods.
  102. B1 - make him pay for all the stolen good, and work for the missing ones.
  103. B2 - public stocks for him.
  104. B3 - make him wear the magic muffler for a 2 months.
  106. >these were the good old times.
  107. >when you get actual cases.
  108. >but few months later.
  109. >these incidents reports have been lowered drastically
  110. >now most of your cases are minor stuff.
  111. >and mostly fillies problems.
  112. >one of your frequent customer is the school teacher.
  113. >she's there almost 3 times a week.
  114. >reporting children to you.
  115. >you ended up being foal sitter... than a judge.
  116. >one of these reports was about 2 little foals
  117. a filly named Red june and the other one was a colt carrot Crunch.
  118. these two foals were fighting with each other.
  119. Red June did swear at Carrot. and carrot did tease her earlier for failing the running race.
  121. >remembering this case made you sigh.. this is what my job turned into. instead of doing important and powerful disciplinary actions now you ended up with the verdicts like
  122. C1 : issue mouth soaping for Red June.
  123. C2 : Take Red june over your knee and spank her yourself.
  124. C3 : let her write I'm sorry for swearing and fighting to Carrot crunch.
  125. and issued
  126. D1 : 5 hits with a ruler on the top of his hooves.
  127. D2 : take him over your knee and spank him.
  128. D3 : make him sit on the naughty stool in class.
  129. >compared to what you used to deal with these verdicts were nothing.
  130. >and here you are sitting on your disk. waiting for the next report...
  132. the end?
  134. --
  135. forgot to mention that you pick one of these punishment as you read. like A2 then B2 ...etc
  136. that's is how imagined how the scenarios go with that set up.

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