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Haystation 7 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:24:54
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:08:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Haystation 7 by Anon
  3. (16/06/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >Background pony Mom
  9. >Husband, 3 that background pony life.
  11. >Kids see the first ads for the new Haystation 7 console
  12. >They go ape-shit over it
  13. >They don't want the new console
  14. >They NEED it
  15. >"MompleasepleasepleaseMompleasepleaseMompleaseMomplease..."
  16. >You get the idea
  18. >Okay
  19. >It's expensive, but not impossible
  20. >Gonna take some long-term saving
  21. >Mom sets up a small bucket on the living room mantle
  22. >Above the fire, where the Hearthswarming dolls go in that season
  23. >The "Best Behavior Bucket"
  24. >Every day the kids all behave a contribution gets tossed in there
  25. >Poor behavior = no contribution that day.
  26. >Very bad behavior and the money gets spent on something else
  27. >Something the foals won't like
  29. >Things go well, money collects in the bucket
  30. >Just pocket change, a few bits at most
  31. >But it's progress
  32. >Most days Mom & Dad put in a few bits
  33. >They're sacrificing their own pocket money
  34. >But the kids are excited about this
  35. >And their behavior has been mostly good
  36. >But then the 'Week of Tartarus' hits
  38. >Youngest filly won't eat her peas and lies about cleaning her room
  39. >Middle colt gets busted cheating on a History paper at school and blows off his chores at home
  40. >Teen filly breaks curfew and gets caught sneaking in wearing lewd clothing.
  42. >It's a tough decision, but Mom knows what she has to do
  43. >Discusses it with Dad for a second opinion
  44. >He grudgingly agrees
  45. >You can sense disappointment in his voice
  46. >He was looking forward to that new console too
  47. >So were you, to be honest
  48. >What? Mom's can't enjoy vidya too?
  49. >But you have to be stern about this
  51. >Amid great wailing and disappointment, the bucket is emptied
  52. >The money gets spent on something else
  53. >Mom brings home a package from Barnyard Bargains
  54. >A brand-new mahogany spanking paddle
  55. >Beautiful hoof-crafted piece...but terrifying at the same time
  56. >The kids DO NOT LIKE
  57. >But they knew the rules when this started
  59. >It doesn't get used on any
  60. >The new paddle gets hung up as a warning
  61. >And it works
  62. >Teen filly volunteers to help cooking dinner
  63. >The younger two clear the table and wash the dishes without being asked
  64. >There is no whining or complaining at bed-time
  66. >Just before they go to bed the foals hear the clink of coins
  67. >Mom drops the first few coins in the newly re-started Best Behavior Bucket
  68. >The foals go to bed with hope in their hearts
  69. >A good Mom knows to never leave them without hope.
  71. END

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