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Caged filly by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:25:33
Updated: 2022-03-12 18:04:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Caged filly by Anon
  3. (19/04/2021)
  6. ---
  8. Cozy Glow getting a good spanking right before getting turned to stone in an embarrassing position. Alternatively, she could get sent to Tartarus with a spanked bottom earning much mocking from Tirek.
  10. ...
  12. >Cozy Glow has been recently defeated and now Luna is about to take her to Tartarus.
  13. >Twilight looks at the caged filly and thinks of all the shit that led up to this point. She makes a decision.
  14. >Runs after Luna as she's carting Cozy away.
  15. "Wait, Luna!"
  17. >Be Tirek.
  18. >Your still in this cage with that damn mutt now whining right in front of you.
  19. "At least your not stuck in this cage!"
  20. >A portal opens up.
  21. >You are surprised by what comes out. Did they intend to put her here?
  22. >You notice a particular detail on what is apparently your new cagemate.
  23. >No fucking way.
  24. "H-hey neighbor 'sniff' wanna be friends?"
  25. >You continue to gape at her. She looks absolutely pathetic!
  26. "Um, hi?"
  27. >Unable to hold it in any longer you unleash a tide of cruel laughter.
  28. "Hey!"
  29. >The way she pouts and blushes at her cheek while trying to hide her other "blush" makes this all the more better.
  30. "BAHAHAHAHA! Did da widdle filly get a spankin'?!"
  31. >You embarrass Cozy enough for her to quickly sit down only to jump back up at the sudden pain. You laugh even harder.
  32. "Stop it!"
  33. >She starts sobbing.
  34. >Holy shit, this is just the kind of entertainment you need!
  36. >Be Cozy.
  37. >Fucking Tirek wont stop bullying you.
  38. >You'd think that he'd get bored eventually, but old farts like him like to stick to one shitty joke.
  39. >There is no way he'd take you seriously now.
  40. "Who spanked you anyway? Your mommy?"
  41. >It was Twilight, actually. But there is no way your telling him that.
  42. >You curl up in a ball while trying to ignore your still red and sore bottom.
  43. >Shouldn't that stupid thing have faded by now?
  44. "You know the best part of this? Tartarus makes conditions like that red ass of yours take much longer to heal!
  45. >You yet out a miserable groan causing him to start laughing again.
  46. >Stupid Twilight. You bet this was her plan to stop you from forming another alliance with that dumb old centaur.
  47. >You rub your bottom just thinking about her and her stupid magically charged hoof.
  48. "And now she's rubbing it, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  49. >Tears come out of your eyes as you try to ignore him despite your increasing frustration. You vow to spank Twilight with something big and painful once you get out of here.
  51. >At least you hope you can get out of here.
  52. "Putting you next to me was one of the best things those accursed ponies could have done!"
  53. >Please don't let this be a permanent sentence.

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