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Best pony model by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:25:52
Updated: 2022-03-12 17:03:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Best pony model by Anon
  3. (17/10/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >"What kinda game is that?"
  9. >A curious uninvited unicorn asks, as you unpackage a box, that was just now delivered by Amarezon to you.
  10. >Be Anon. Trapped in the weird textured world of Equestria, Generation 5. You wanted four, but apparently mixing Orange Soda and Cola is a sinful offense to the gods. The Germans love it! So why-Ohhhhhh.
  11. >Anyways, in order to foster harmony among the races, You've been forced to spend time with one of each pony species 3 days a week. Today, you have Izzy Moonbow. Lucky you.
  12. "It's not a game. It's a scale model of the Dash X-1 Blue Pegasus. The pony that broke the sound barrier, and created the first Rainboom."
  13. >Izzy starts taking out random pieces of the model to examine them, as you try to keep them in order on the dining room table.
  14. >"The sound barrier must be pretty hard. This pony is all in pieces!"
  15. >You snatch a set of pieces from her, while glaring at her smiling face.
  16. "It's not smashed! I'm gonna build it. Also stop touching everything! You'll mix up the goddamn pieces!"
  17. >Izzy frowns quizzically.
  18. >"I've never heard of toys that come already broken..."
  19. >You roll your eyes, continuing to organize the frames, which eems to offend Izzy.
  20. >"Hmph! It's obvious that you don't want me here-"
  21. >The last horse crosses the finish line.
  22. >"-So you know what? I'm going! Never say I don't go when you want me to go, because I'm going! Like that! *snap*-
  23. "My watch!"
  24. >Izzy lifts her foot from your expensive pocket watch that was on the ground. You grit your teeth in anger.
  25. >"U-uhm...I'm going-"
  27. >"I'm gone!"
  28. >She gallops into another room, lest to escape your wrath. Some time later, you've been able to cool off, thanks to the relaxing solitude of putting all your focus into building your Rainbow Dash model.
  29. >Goddamn German soda pop-
  30. >You squint your eyes, as you paint the parts. You don't want even a speck of this blue paint to get on the cutie mar-
  32. "Holy shit!"
  33. >Izzy pops up from in your lap, touching noses with you. Her sudden appearance, makes you jump, causing your robin's egg blue paint to spill over.
  34. >"Oooh~! That's a pretty color!"
  35. "......"
  36. >You just stare daggers at Izzy with bloodshot eyes of fury, and vitrol.
  37. >"U-uhm...BYE!"
  38. >She ducks under the table, and scampers off into another room. How long does she have to be here for again?
  39. >3 Hours later,(and a couple more interruptions from Izzy who picked up the model while the paint was still fucking wet, and proceeded to wipe her hooves on your curtains, that little shit.) and it's finally done, and boy is it glorious.
  40. >Rainbow Dahs in all her splendor, and Magnificence, posed in her iconic stance before breaking the sound barrier, resulting in a Rainboom. 1/?
  42. (excuse the errors. I'll fix them later)
  43. "It's beautiful..."
  44. >You can't help but admire your hard work.
  45. "I have to capture this moment...! It must be immortalized forever!"
  46. >You quickly rush out of the room, and look for your phone. Thank god that these horses discovered that level of technology at least, though horse internet isn't very fun. All they talk about is oats, apples, and friendship. Weirdos.
  47. >You locate your Cell laying peacefully on your bed, and snatch it up. Walking back to the dining room, you start bringing up the camera app, pondering if you should take some shots with different filters on.
  48. "Okay baby, get ready for your money sh-"
  49. >You look up, and find it..gone?
  50. "Wait...GONE?!"
  51. >You frantically search around for your beloved Dashie, looking under the table, in the cupboards, in your shoes- It's nowhere to be found!
  52. "Where is she?!"
  53. >"Hey Anon!"
  54. >Izzy enters the dining Room, holding what remains of your model of best pony, shattered into various, broken beyond repair pieces, and shards. Remnants of your concentrated hard work.
  55. >"Are you sure you built this right? It didn't fly at all!"
  56. >You go numb, falling to your knees in shock.
  57. "I was only gone...for a couple minutes....It was only....."
  58. >"You said this pony broke the sound barrier, but she couldn't even handle just falling on some cobblestone! Did you follow the directions?"
  59. "I told you...don't touch it...i-it's a model..."
  60. >Izzy shrugs, putting the once pristine, and elegant Dash, now Rainbow Trash onto your table.
  61. >"I'm bored. What're we doing next?"
  62. "B-bored...?"
  63. >You can feel your blood start to bubble, like overheated chowder, your buttocks clench in fury, and your hands clench like an upset aardvark in a yellow sweater from a children's show.
  64. "You're BORED?!"
  65. >Izzy flinches.
  66. >"Y-yeah?"
  67. >You can't hold it in anymore. You need to punish this Unicorn. She needs to understand the seriousness of what she did, and you need to release this fury before you do something you'll surely regret.
  68. >Letting out am animalistic growl, you nab Izzy, and place her across your knees.
  69. >"W-wait! What're you doing?!"
  70. >Firmly pushing on hand down on the middle of her back, you raise your other hand high up.
  71. >"Anon! Stop! I don't want to play this game!"
  72. "...This is for you Dashie."
  73. >WHAP.
  74. >You bring your hand down onto soft, velvety cheeks, making them ripple from impact.
  75. >"....!"
  76. >Izzy jolts from the hit, but only lets a small gasp exit her mouth. She looks back at you with wide, huge eyes, and slowly slides off your knees.
  77. >Head lowered, she drags her feet to your door, silently leaving, your handprint, displayed prominently on her left buttock.
  78. >You nasally puff, feeling no guilt for your actions, but you know that may change later. Right now, you just want to mourn the loss of a friend.
  80. ~~~~~~
  82. >A week has passed since those tragic events, and the pain hasn't really left your heart. The company you bought the Dashie from was sold out. Scalpers they said. So what did you do? Bought a Fluttershy, but it's just not the same.
  83. >You stare at the completed yellow Pegasus, sitting on your coffee table.
  84. "I just can't find happiness, looking at you."
  85. >You sigh.
  86. >NOK NOK NOK.
  87. >Is it time for another pony visit? You had Pipp show up yesterday. Is it time for Izzy again?
  88. >You answer the door, only to find Sunny standing there.
  89. "Vanessa Hudgens? What're you doing here? It's not your day."
  90. >She cocks an eyebrow.
  91. >"Vaness-?That's not important, right now! I have to ask you something!"
  92. >You groan, leaning against your doorframe.
  93. "What is it?"
  94. >"Did something happen between you, and Izzy?"
  95. >You shrug.
  96. "Yeah. She broke my model or Rainbow Dash!"
  97. >"What?!"
  98. "I know right?!"
  99. >"RD is best pony!"
  100. "I KNOW RIGHT?!"
  101. >Sunny starts to get physically upset, but takes a few measured breaths to calm down.
  102. >"B-besides that, did anything else happen?"
  103. "Uhm...It's all kind of a blur, but I think I did something to her in retaliation.."
  104. >"Like what?"
  105. >You cross your arms, trying to remember.
  106. "Uhhh..."
  107. >You scratch your nose, when it dawns on you.
  108. >That's right. The feeling of soft felt flesh on the palm of your hand, and the satisfying crack resulting of the contact. Hm. You don't quite remember it sounding so..."appealing" when you did ti, but now that you're calmer, it sounds way better.
  109. "I spanked her."
  110. >Sunny gasps.
  111. >"You HIT her?"
  112. "I wouldn't put it into such a dramatic term as that, but yeah. I spanked her on the plot. Once."
  113. >Sunny curls her mouth, glaring at you.
  114. "What? She had it coming!"
  115. >"Even if she made you angry, you can't just HIT her!"
  116. "What's the big deal? I bet she's still bouncing around, and being her hyper-active self as usual!"
  117. >Sunny shakes her head.
  118. >"She hasn't left her house since her visit, actually."
  119. "Sh-she hasn't? Oh."
  120. >Sunny nods.
  121. >It was just one butt popping. What's the big fucking deal?
  122. >"You need to go apologize."
  123. "Hell no."
  124. >"Anon!"
  125. "She broke dashie. DASHIE. She deserves more spankings! She should be lucky, I left her with one handprint!"
  126. >"Anon...Please?"
  127. >Sunny pouts, giving you puppy dog eyes.
  128. "That doesn't work on me Vanessa Hudgens."
  129. >"Who in the hay is Vanessa Hudgens-Nevermind that, Anon please go talk to her at least? For me? I'll owe you a favor!"
  130. "What favor could you possibly owe me, that I'd want?"
  131. >Sunny smirks.
  132. >"I can get you another Dash-"
  133. "I'll do it."
  134. >On your coffee table, Fluttershy Model sheds a single tear.

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