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Griffon guard duties by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:26:29
Updated: 2022-05-06 12:08:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Griffon guard duties by Anon
  3. (05/11/2021 - 11/11/2021)
  6. ---
  8. With all these wrestling and arena spanks, I wonder how foreigners would react.
  9. It is interesting to think of a foreigner perspective on "Spankoquestria".
  11. >Be a griffon guard.
  12. >Your society may not be one for much rules, but they do exist and its your job to enforce them.
  13. >Recently, pony tourists have been visiting griffon lands.
  14. >You think those pansy little ponies couldn't handle a week in these harsh lands.
  15. >Your people are made of sterner stuff then them.
  16. >You see one of those tourists, a filly poke and knock over a ceremonial bust of an important old figure.
  17. >One of the rules of the town your serving in is that that's a no-no.
  18. >You grin. Time to teach this interloper and her mother, who is now scolding her, a lesson.
  19. >You will go there, give them a few harsh words about what they did and take them to the station.
  20. >Most likely the chief will make the dumb brat spend an hour in jail without her mother.
  21. >You are giddy at the prospect of their terrified reactions. This will certainly put those weak ponies in their place.
  22. >Without warning, you drop down in front of them, watching with satisfaction as they are startled by your arrival.
  23. >"Halt! You have violated the law!" You start to say.
  24. >"Oh, a guard!" The mare whom you assume is the filly's mother exclaims. To your surprise, she's smiling.
  25. >"Yes!" You confirm. "And this filly has knocked over a sacred artifact. For that, she must be punished!"
  26. >To your continuing surprise, the mare actually nods while the filly looks more embarrassed then scared.
  27. >"Indeed she does." She says. "Would it be alright if I handled it quickly though? We want to see the sights before it gets dark."
  28. >You frown, how dare this stupid pony assume she could just decide what counts as punishment here? Even the filly looks scared now, most likely because she realized the stupidity of her mother's statement.
  29. >"Listen, lady. You will not be the one to-"
  30. >"Oh, please!" She begs. "I promise I'll spank her good."
  31. >"What?" You expected a pony like her to suggest something along the lines of a firm scolding.
  32. >She's probably joking. There is no way a pony would ever suggest a physical punishment to their "pwecious wittle fows".
  33. >"Of course, you are completely free to watch, mister guard." She then says, most likely noticing your skepticism.
  34. >"Mooom." The filly moans. You just notice that while she does look embarrassed and scared, she doesn't seem surprised.
  35. >You shake your head. This is probably some dumb idea to get out of prison time. "Look, I don't-"
  36. >"Would you like to spank her yourself?"
  37. >You stop whatever you wanted to say and just look at her flabbergasted while the filly lets out a whine.
  38. >"I mean, she did cause trouble for you so its only fair that you get to carry out her punishment. I'm sure a well-trained and disciplined guard like you can easily and safely tan a little filly's hide!" The mare says cheerfully.
  39. >That mare just happily gave you full on permission to spank her kid.
  40. >They didn't teach you t how to deal with something this at the academy.
  42. >You look over the patiently smiling mare and the now nervous looking filly.
  43. >You can hardly believe that this mother would just randomly entrust you to spank her daughter as an alternative to official punishments.
  44. >By law, you are required to take the filly to the station.
  45. >Then again, laws are rather lax around here...
  46. >And you do hate the paperwork which would come with this...
  47. >That's not even mentioning the fact that this mare probably believes that a weak pony, let alone a kid could handle a spanking from a strong and tough griffon like you...
  48. >Eh, fuck it.
  49. >"So be it." You say in the most authoritative voice you can. "Follow me."
  50. >You lead them to an alleyway that you know is generally abandoned.
  51. >It's too rundown and far away from any proper homes or services for normal citizens to want to go there, but still too open and obvious for criminals. Perfect for your current needs.
  52. >Agreeing to this might be illegal, but what the chief doesn't know won't hurt him.
  53. >Besides, you could use a good bit of stress relief.
  54. >"Alright, here's where were gonna do... this." You say with the absolute confidence of a griffon completely prepared to teach an insolent tourist or two a harsh lesson.
  55. >"Wow, mister guard. You picked a perfect place! I bet you know this town inside out!" Praises the mare.
  56. >You scoff. "Of course I do." Then let out a vicious smile. "I hope your prepared for the cries of your offspring, pony!"
  57. >She nods. "A good cry is essential in every fillies life. Why, I remember crying from all the times I got spanked myself."
  58. >You just stare at her in disbelief. Were spankings that normal to ponies?
  59. >"Anyways, I need to go to the little fillies room. I'm sure you can handle her while I'm gone."
  60. >"Wait, what?!" You say, but she's already walking away. Your too stunned to stop her.
  61. >Suddenly, you feel a tug at your side.
  62. >"Uh, mister guard?" Asks the filly. "I'm really sorry about knocking that thing over. Could you please go easy on me while my mom is gone? I promise I won't tell her."
  64. >"No!" You bark at the filly. "Brat!"
  65. >You sure told her.
  66. >The filly's ears drop as she lets out a disappointed "Aww.".
  67. >Clearly, you need to show her that fear is what she should be feeling. Not disappointment!
  68. >You look around for something to spank the filly on and spot an abandoned wooden chair which looks to be durable enough for this.
  69. >"Now, pony, bend over that chair!" You order, already getting ready to drag her there as she will clearly be too scared to move.
  70. >The filly sighs, and sadly does as she is told.
  71. >You frown. "I hope you realize the sheer misery of what you are about to experience."
  72. >"I said I was sorry, sheesh." She mutters.
  73. >...Perhaps you should just stick to tormenting her with your claw. Your tongue is obviously out of practice.
  74. >You never spanked anycreature, let alone a filly before, so your a bit unsure about this.
  75. >You decide to drag the filly onto the chair so as to have all her hooves dangling in the air. You are rewarded with a surprised grunt for your troubles.
  76. >Then you use your superior griffon brain to deduce that you should probably hold her down to stop her from moving.
  77. >Your genius solution is to bend down and hold her down with one claw. In what is a clear showcase of griffon ingenuity, you even make sure to pin her tail down as well.
  78. >It's actually pretty uncomfortable as both the filly and the chair are significantly shorter then you forcing you to essentially stand on your back legs while your front ones are being used at an awkward angle.
  79. >Still, you solder on. It would not look good for you or your species if you were to try and find a more comfortable position now.
  80. >Besides, you are a hundred percent sure that the filly is feeling far more uncomfortable then you.
  81. >You raise your claw and remind yourself to not inflict actual injuries as that would get you in trouble.
  82. >As much as you hate it, you may need to swing lightly as there is no way a filly's tush can possibly handle anything remotely hard.
  83. >She should be screaming at even the lightest swat anyway. She is a soft little pony, after all.
  85. >Now comes the fun part.
  86. >You give her butt a slap.
  87. >This feels weirder then you thought.
  88. >Still, you convince yourself that this is your duty now so you suck it up.
  89. >The filly doesn't react. She is most likely in shock.
  90. >Apparently, ponies express shocks differently because she lets out what seems to be a sigh of relief.
  91. >"Thanks, mister."
  92. >Or you just fumbled your start. Clearly in your extreme caution to not injure this filly, you did not put an ounce of strength into your swing.
  93. >A mistake that you will now correct.
  94. >"Slap!"
  95. >It was still relatively light, but you are quite certain that a pony filly would have trouble handling it.
  96. >Sadly, you are proven wrong when all you get is a light wince from her.
  97. >Okay.
  98. >Time to get serious.
  99. >You continue to slap her with increasing, getting more and more frustrated with her lack of a proper reaction, but too scared to go much harder in fear of legal troubles.
  100. >You stop for a little bit to calm yourself down.
  101. >This filly is clearly much tougher then the rest of her kind.
  102. >Maybe she's actually a mare in disguise!
  103. >...Okay, that would be ridiculous, but still.
  104. >A pathetic pony filly should at least be sobbing by your admittedly light swats.
  105. >You notice her seemingly relax under your claw.
  106. >You frown, this is obviously not working.
  107. >You had one chance to teach the weak ponies who's the boss and you fumbled it.
  108. >Your entire kind would be laughing at you right now.
  109. >How could you underestimate the strength of a pony butt this much?
  110. >This is supposed to be a serious punishment, for crying out loud!
  111. >Screw caution!
  112. >In your righteous fury, your slam your claw down hard.
  113. >'SLAP!'
  114. >The filly lets out a quick shriek as the flatter part of your talons dig into her flank.
  116. >Oh, shit!
  117. >You did not mean to hit that hard. This could land you in trouble.
  118. >The filly, was now kicking her hindlegs up and down in visible reaction to the butt pain.
  119. >You stop spanking her as you take your claw away to survey the damage.
  120. >Which actually isn't that bad.
  121. >There is a red mark in the shape of your claw on it, but otherwise no skin break or blood.
  122. >You sigh in relief.
  123. >Then the surprise kicks in.
  124. >Pony butts can handle this sort of abuse?
  125. >Apparently they can as it looks like you can keep going at this strength without any problems.
  126. >Perhaps this weak species is more durable then you thought.
  127. >Most likely to compensate for their weakness, obviously.
  128. >A griffon chick would laugh at such a swing, after all.
  129. >Totally.
  130. >Either way, you can't help but let out a little smirk now that you know you don't have to hold back as much.
  131. >"Me and my big mouth." Says the filly, most likely to herself.
  132. >Indeed, she could have simply lied about the pain, or lack thereof.
  133. >Yet another example of pony stupidity.
  134. >Now, time to get back to work.
  135. >With your newfound confidence, you smack her tush.
  137. >Indeed, you seemed to have found the right strength as evident from the filly's cries despite her lack of injuries besides the rapidly growing red claw marks.
  138. >She is squirming pretty heavily as well, but to no avail.
  139. >Your quite proud of showcasing your superior griffon strength in holding down this small filly. Truly a great benchmark for it.
  140. >You don't swing too fast, because that would tire your claw out too quickly. Your back is already hurting enough without adding another source of soreness to it, but you don't swing slow either.
  141. >In a way, you get into a nice slapping rhythm. Something that the pony just can't seem to appreciate.
  142. >You decide to up the ante a little bit by starting to slap slightly harder.
  143. >You don't notice much of a change, so you guess its good to continue.
  144. >"I'm sorry!" Shouts the filly.
  145. >You decide not to forgive her.
  146. >As you hear the sound of her cries and your smacks, a thought pops up in your head.
  147. >What if someone notices?
  148. >The main reason why your doing this here is to not get in trouble for it, after all.
  149. >You briefly stop to look around, the filly relaxing slightly once she notices her reprieve.
  150. >As you turn to your side, you are startled by a certain mare standing right beside you.
  151. >"Don't you worry about me, dear." The mother says. "I just came back from the little fillies room."
  152. >"Is anyone else here?" You ask after covertly composing yourself.
  153. >She shakes her head, "Not at all. Just the three of us."
  154. >"Mommy, it hurts!" Shouts the filly.
  155. >"Now-now, honey, you know better then to try and weasel yourself out of a well-earned spanking like that." The mare scolds. "I think we both know that you had worse and came out just fine from them."
  156. >"Crud." The filly mutters.
  157. >Really, these two still have it in themselves to banter like this despite the harsh justice your giving to this filly?
  158. >Clearly, the filly needs to be taught more of a lesson and her mother needs to see her child properly suffer for her crimes.
  159. >You turn back to the filly and continue fulfilling your "duty".
  161. >That self imposed duty being to continually hit this little filly's butt.
  162. >You start going harder on her and to your slight surprise, there are still no injuries.
  163. >You don't want to push your luck anymore though, so you stick at this level of strength.
  164. >She, of course, reacts accordingly.
  165. >She's not crying like an infant per say (whatever pony infants may sound like), but its certainly noticeably louder, and her squirming and kicking matches it.
  166. >Her bottom, once unmarked, then full of griffon claw marks now sports big red blobs instead.
  167. >That is good, now its unlikely that anyone will make out the fact that she was spanked by a griffon, thus decreasing the chance of you getting into trouble.
  168. >Your claw, shoulders and back are getting tired though, so you stop for a bit.
  169. >"Are we done, mister guard?" Asks the mother.
  170. >"No!" You shout before thinking. There is no way you'll show any weakness to these ponies. Not before the mare is begging you to stop at the very least.
  171. >You really should have found a more comfortable position to do this in.
  172. >Either way, you continue to smack that tush, your claws digging into it as if if each of its branches were a small stick.
  173. >And you don't pull them out until your sure they have the full effect, no matter how much their target tries to retreat.
  174. >Soon though, you notice your swings getting weaker and weaker.
  175. >You can't help it, your getting tired and your arm is sore.
  176. >As much as you hate to admit it, you need to end this before you can't hit hard anymore.
  177. >So, with some reluctance, you do just that.
  179. >"Are you done now?" The mare asks.
  180. >"...Yes." You say against your better judgment.
  181. >"Wonderful!" She said as you get up and stretch your back.
  182. >The mare inspects her filly, who hasn't moved from the chair yet.
  183. >"My, you certainly did not go easy on her."
  184. >Your roll your eyes. "Why should I?!"
  185. >"I guess your right." She says. "You must be very experienced in spanking naughty little... chicks, I believe."
  186. >"Of course I am! They usually handle it without any tears."
  187. >You never actually spanked anycreature before and you have a feeling that a griffon chick would react to this spanking like the still sniffling filly on the chair.
  188. >She doesn't need to know that.
  189. >"Well, either way, I'm glad we managed to sort this out." The mother says as she lifts her filly onto her back, prompting the littler pony to whine about "feeling the marks burn" or something. It's probably a good sign.
  190. >"You shouldn't have done such a disrespectful thing if you did not want a spanking." The mare scolds before turning to you. "Now, apologize to this nice guard!"
  191. >"Sorry, 'sniff' mister guard." The filly apologizes through her tears.
  192. >"Whatever." You mutter back, disappointing that she could still give a coherent apology after the thrashing you gave her.
  193. >"I think its time we head back to our hotel." The mother says. "I apologize for my daughter. I'll be sure to give her a quick brushing when we get back."
  194. >"Mooom!" The filly whines.
  195. >You tune out her further complaining, most likely about not wanting her mane brushed or something as you watch the pair leave, taking some satisfaction at the crimson color the little filly is now sporting.
  196. >You can make out a few darker lines, most likely from the thin ends of your claws, but nothing to incriminate you.
  197. >With nothing else to do here, you fly off to continue on with your patrol, occasionally taking a few glances at the mother and daughter.
  198. >You smirk at how the filly now seems to be simultaneously complaining to her mother while trying to hide in her mane now that she, or more specifically her butt is being unintentionally presented to the large crowd around her, most of whom are more then willing to take glances at it.
  199. >It is obvious that she just got spanked, and some are seemingly chuckling around her.
  200. >Looks like you managed to teach her a harsh lesson after all.
  201. >Clearly this incident of you spanking a little filly is proof of superior griffon toughness.
  202. >Somehow.
  203. >With a proud flap of your wings, you fly towards the opposite direction, ready to arrest any would-be criminal.
  205. The end.

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