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Monster in the high tower by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:26:43
Updated: 2022-03-12 22:30:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Monster in the high tower by Anon
  3. (10/12/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >Rumors circulate around Canterlot Castle
  9. >Princess Celestia is keeping a MONSTER in the high tower
  10. >Bad ponies who have committed crimes are brought to the castle
  11. >The worst hardened criminals in Equestria
  12. >After a short meeting with the Princess, they are led to the tower
  13. >Several minutes later they return, sobbing, sniffling and contrite.
  15. >What happened to them up there?
  16. >What did the terrible thing in the tower do to them?
  17. >What is the monster in the tower?
  18. >All the other maids gossip about it
  19. >But you are about to learn for yourself.
  21. >Only one maid is allowed to go up to the tower.
  22. >But she took a sick day
  23. *gulp*
  24. >That means you are assigned the task today
  25. >The other maids show sympathy
  26. >But they won't trade with you
  28. >The Royal kitchen sends a breakfast tray
  29. >The Head Housekeeper mare orders you to bring it up
  30. >Every step is filled with terror
  31. >What is the monster doesn't enjoy the breakfast you brought?
  32. >Will it want to eat PONY for breakfast instead?
  33. >You're too young to die!
  35. >With a brief knock you peek inside
  36. >There, in the center of the room is the horror you feared
  37. >It is seated, reading a newspaper like a pony
  38. >Can it really read? Or is it just imitating pony behavior?
  39. >Maybe it's a trap
  41. >You say nothing, but place the beast's tray on its table
  42. >Its proportions are terrifying
  43. >Long legs, weird torso, and a round head with tiny ears on the side
  44. >A squashed little muzzle.
  45. >But the lap is what scares you most
  46. >It's HUGE!
  47. >You thought Dad's lap was big when you were a filly.
  48. >Both your Mom & Dad could sit side-by-side on the monster's huge lap
  49. >With you in-between!
  51. >Then, to your horror, he stands.
  52. "Oh, hi. Good morning."
  53. >Oh can speak like a pony!
  54. >You shake in fear and nearly pee yourself.
  55. "You're not the usual maid. Is she okay?"
  56. >He puts down his paper and for the first time you see his scariest weapon.
  58. >He has NO HOOVES!
  59. >Where his front hooves should be the monster just has two flat slabs of flesh
  60. >Kinda like a sea turtle's flipper
  61. >Except the flipper can split into 5 little tendrils that can spread out
  62. >It's an abomination.
  64. >The long arms
  65. >The wide lap
  66. >The huge, paddle-like hooves
  67. >You realize the awful truth
  68. >This beast is perfectly suited for SPANKING!
  69. >The worst judicial punishment in Equestria
  70. >What every pony, foal and adult fears
  71. >And Princess Celestia has a MONSTER designed to do it.
  73. "Hey, would you mind telling the kitchen..."
  74. >Oh wants to eat more pony meat for breakfast!
  75. "I don't need a straw in my drinks.
  76. "I never use them; seems wasteful."
  78. >But you've reached the limit of your courage
  79. >Like the skittish wild ponies you descended from, you panic and bolt away
  80. >Screaming as you run back to safety.
  82. >Other maids comfort you
  83. "Whatever you saw up there can't be that bad, is it?"
  84. >But you do not tell them.
  85. >You can not put the horror into words
  86. >Wrapped in a blanket, trembling
  87. >Cup of cocoa in your hooves
  88. >You can only tell them one thing;
  89. "No...more...straws..."
  91. ...
  93. Small addition by Pan:
  95. >They taught us monkeymen were super easy to anger
  96. >With hands like paddles, and legs for saddles, and boots with spurs
  97. >They take your rump and then they spank off all of your good fur
  98. >The basic gist of it is monkeymen are not okay

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