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On Fire 2: Heart Afire (CYOA) by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-04 01:49:12
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:28:21
Expiry: Never

  1. On Fire 2: Heart Afire (CYOA) by Nomine
  3. (05/10/2018)
  6. ---
  8. 'Focus, Heart...Focus...Reach into your power, call out through the Void betwixt and between the realms. You don't have much time. You need guidance, guidance your familiar cannot give you. You need...'
  10. ......
  12. Oh. It's you lot again. Great. My spell must have gone on the fritz, I was hoping to call to a spirit or elemental that could help me out of this mess I'm in. Now I'm stuck with a bunch of...what even ARE you things?
  14. Well, it doesn't matter. It's me, Heart. We've met before, when I told my story about how I got my teacher for Elemental Magic, and got about five separate spankings that day besides. You lot remember that day?
  16. Well, this is worse!
  18. I turned in a group of bullies for cheating on a math test yesterday, and got each and every one of them spanked by Principal Aquaria! Now they're out for blood...or whatever it is bullies like that have, because sometimes I seriously wonder if they even bleed.
  20. They're gonna beat me up if they catch me, and I can't fight back. The other teachers won't help...they're as useless as almost every other adult. I have to get to Principal Aquaria's office, but it's all the way across the school!
  22. I'm hiding in the colt's room right now, my hooves pulled up in one of the stalls so they can't see me, but I can hear one, maybe two of them, shuffling about outside.
  24. What should I do?
  26. 1) Make a break for it! You're a fast little colt, right?
  27. 2) Stay where you are, wait for them to go away.
  28. 3) Try and sneak past them.
  29. 4) Talk them down, you certainly talk enough already.
  30. 5) Apologize and hope they accept it
  31. 6) Fight! You're a Fire Pony, right?
  33. (Giving a CYOA my own shot here)
  35. Alright...Sneaking first, then I'll make a break for it if they catch me.
  37. Spell's gonna fizzle soon...I'll be in touch.
  39. ----------------------------------
  41. With that, the young colt stood from the stall, shuddering a bit. 'Why did I have to contact them...' he thought to himself, carefully slipping down off the toilet and making his way to the door. Sure enough, at the automatic flush, the two bullies came rushing in to pound him, the door hiding him from their view!
  43. For a little bit, then one of them got bright. "Hey wait a sec! The shrimp played us! He's behind the door!"
  45. At hearing that, Heart gulped. Sneaking was out of the question now. Time to RUN!
  47. And run he did, fear putting the wind to his hooves as he rushed down the hallways. No teachers around or in sight, they were all out at the field trip to the museum, which HE didn't get to go to because he got suspended!
  49. So bucking unfair...screw up ONCE and you don't get to go see something, but fillies and colts who don't give a hoot about their educations get to go and just talk instead of learning stuff.
  51. 'FOCUS!' his mind hammered, as the colt rushed through the hall, only to suddenly trip over a hoof as one of the six bullies grinned down at him as his rolling came to a stop.
  53. "Um....I'm sorry I got you paddled?" he chanced, only for the bully to laugh. "Right, now you're sorry. But snitches get stitches, you little punk!" he said...only to look back from the laugh and see Heart was gone again.
  55. -----------------------------------
  57. Phew, that was a close one.
  59. Alright, seems running worked. Apologizing didn't. And WHY would you want me caught?!
  61. So, now what do I do...I'm maybe 1/5 of the way to the Principal's office, and there I'll be safe.
  63. I'm hiding under a teacher's desk in an empty classroom right now. I can hear that jerk and the other two talking, but they're not close.
  65. No options this time...just gimme some advice!

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