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[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa

Created: 2022-03-07 03:59:12
Updated: 2022-07-13 16:37:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Rarity, an unicorn of generosity and Ponyville's resident fashion designer.
  2. >You are heading to to the train station for the guest from the Snowpitt, as you got a letter from Princess Celestia herself, and she has tasked you to be a guide for this cultural exchange in Ponyville to bring some skill and knowledge to and from Equestria to better diplomatic relations to the northern Snowponies.
  3. >They are strand of Earth Ponies, who have been isolated thousand years (until recently), evolved and adapted for the cold of the valley beyond the mountain range.
  4. >What made these ponies really unique to you was their long and dense coats and their fashion of utilizing strong colors, shapes and furs that have really given you some inspirations to draw from for your one of a kind dresses.
  5. >But what really exited you about this guest wasn't related to the clothing, but the fact that she is a mane stylist and a "coat groomer".
  6. >You are really looking forward for some unique mane styles she might share for you to try, your imagination is already beaming and eyes glittering stars for the possibilities for a unseen beauty!
  7. >Now now Rarity, get a hold of yourself and focus, if those are to be achieved you must make sure this mare will be happy and satisfied so she is willing to share them!
  9. >And you don't want to disappoint the Princess herself either, of course.
  10. >You arrive and perfect timing too, as the train from the Crystal Empire is just about to arrive and it makes its stop, it releases the steam and ponies begin to pour out the carts.
  11. >You keep an eye for the thick coated pony, but she doesn't seem to appear. Did you miss her amongst the other ponies?
  12. >"Uuuh miss..."
  13. >You suddenly hear someone say but it doesn't appear to be directed at you and it seems to come from inside the carts.
  14. >"The platform to exit to is at the other side."
  15. >"Ouuuhhh, Ai siee!" A mare's voice responds in the carts.
  16. >Out walks a seemingly middle aged mare, slightly larger than you, with light brown top covering grey coat, desaturated orange mane in a braid and tail wrapped on two places, and dark, royal blue bandanna over her head, saddlebags made out of woven birches and a thick, fluffy coat.
  17. >That must be her!
  18. >You approach her as she kept her gaze towards the whole train, she must be amazed of a marvelous technology she never could've imagined, but you don't blame her.
  19. "Ahem, Welcome to Ponyville, my name is Ra-- rity..."
  20. >You had your eyes closed for a moment only to see that she is missing, you quickly look around to find her at front by the engine, inspecting it and seemingly talking to the engineer.
  21. >"Such eh fasinating piece! How iet works? What kaind of eh magic makes this gou sou fast, that what would have taken daes on hooves onli eh day?!"
  22. >Her dialect is new to you, as you don't remember anypony talking like that last time you were at Snowpitt.
  23. >"Ma'am, I'd love to tell about these but we have a timetable to keep up to..."
  24. >"Ouh but yuu could still tell mie somthing pliese!"
  25. >You should really intervene, so you clearly, and loudly, clear your throat and it seemed to get her attention, you gracefully offer your hoof.
  26. "I believe you are our guest from Snowpitt, my name is Rarity and I welcome you to Ponyvil-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
  27. >A sudden pain and crunch sounds as you find yourself holding from screaming as the mare takes a strongest grip of your hoof you have ever felt for a shake.
  28. >"Oh yuu are Raritie! Ai've been luuking forward tu mieet yuu since Ai heard aboot yuu and for what yuu and yuur frends did for our village and kaind! Mai name ies Lushcoat and Ai'd liak tu thank yuu for yuur hospitaliti!"
  29. "Y-You-u a-are-e we-el-come-e!"
  30. >Oh by Celestia, please let go!
  31. >She finally let's go of your hoof and you could feel it throbbing as the blood finally moves through the veins.
  32. >"Sou then, shall wie begin heding tu the Spah then?"
  33. >Straight to the point I see?
  34. "Ahahahaa... yes, just follow me darling...."
  35. >You both start your walk to the Ponyville Day Spa.
  38. ♪ My Little Pony~ My Little Pony AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAA!~♫
  41. >As you walk with Lushcoat, who has been looking around with curiosity and other ponies glancing at her, you decide break the silence.
  42. "So do you know Frosty Flakes?"
  43. >"The new yong mare? Ai du."
  44. "Has she been fitting in well?"
  45. >"Ouh yies, she has bien fitting better than well, Winter Wonder and Cold Shoulder have been such good frends with her, along with few others she biefrended! Such eh star laight that filli."
  46. "Oh that is so good to hear, especially after we learned, you know..."
  47. >You two are walking past Sugarcube Corner as suddenly three fillies run out of the door and almost crashes onto you two. You notice it's your baby sister Sweetie Belle, and her friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.
  48. "Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about rushing out of the doors?"
  49. >But before your meek sister can even say sorry...
  50. >"Ies she yuurs? Ouh by the stars she ies sou adorabul!"
  51. >Lushcoat is rather beamy eyed as she has one of her hoof on her cheek.
  52. >Hold on! Is she assuming that...?
  53. "Um actually, she is my little sister."
  54. >"Lil' siister? ...Oh sorie, Ai realli thought she was..."
  55. "Oh no it's quite alright darling, many assume that on a first meetings!"
  56. >"No they don--hmph!"
  57. >You put your hoof in Sweetie Belle's mouth before she could protest.
  58. >And you are not that old, or do you really look old enough to be Sweetie Belle's mother?
  59. >"Ah'm sorry, but who are you?"
  60. >APPLE BLOOM! Do you realize how rude that can sound?!
  61. >"Lushcoat lil' filli, and are yuu wondering what kaind of poni Ai am?"
  62. >Oh thank goodness she didn't take offence!
  63. >The fillies were really thinking until Scootaloo spoke up.
  64. >"Wait, are you a Snowpony we've heard of!?"
  65. >"Yies mai lil poni, and Ai'm eh coat gruumer."
  66. > Your little sister pushed your hoof off her mouth.
  67. >"What exactly you do?"
  68. >"Ai take care of ponies coats and maines, whenever tu readi for ceremoniis or need the winter coats desheded off en spring."
  69. >She reaches into one of her birch saddlebags. "With tuuls liek this!"
  70. >She pulls out what looks like brush, but it has three sets of sawblades, and you barely are able to hold your startle as fillies let out the gasps!
  72. >"This hiere ies mai favorit!"
  73. >She then starts to "brush" that thing against her chest and it... only has bit of hair on it?
  74. >"Giets ded undercoat well, useful when wie shed winter coats ien spring."
  75. >Alright guess that works for thick long coats, so no reason to try that yourself.
  76. >You suddenly can't help but feel somepony else is there, but just turn the head to the door and who else, but your (and everypony's) friend, Pinkie Pie.
  77. "And how long you have been standing there?"
  78. >"Since the start, didn't wanna interrupt. Scootaloo, you forgot your change!"
  79. >Pinkie Pie stretched her hoof to Scootaloo with a couple of bits in it, the pegasus filly took them.
  80. >"Oh, thanks Pinkie Pie."
  81. >"Pinki Pai? Yuu aer THE Pinki Pai?!"
  82. >Lushcoat quickly puts her "brush" in the saddlebag and shakes Pinkie's hoof, who doesn't seem bothered by the grip.
  83. >"Ouh, mai niices have bien talking aboot yuu all the times ever since Ai returned!"
  84. >"You mean Bright Snow and Shiny Snow?"
  85. >Lushcoat finally releases Pinkie from her grip.
  86. >"Yies! Houw did yuu knou?"
  87. >"You three share the eyes."
  88. >"Ohohoho! Thei du share mai lil' brother's, their papa's, eyes, but Ai'm shuur he didn't siee yuurs, with aal that hair on his face."
  89. >Both let out a giggle.
  90. >"Also you talk funny, nothing like the others."
  91. >You cringe hard as Pinkie let those words out...
  92. >"Ouh, that's because mai and lil' brother aer not from Snowpitt, wie moved there from Fennhoof, that ies ien wetlands tu the eest, when wie were foals. He grew up tu speek liek others... Hahaha, Ai never bothered and tuuk for teh other ponies forever tu understand what Ai'm seing!"
  93. >Alright that does explain the dialect and more importantly, she still hasn't taken any offence... so far.
  94. >At least you have been able to understand her just fine.
  95. >Is this going to be easier than you expected?
  96. >"Hey girls, shouldn't we be heading back to the clubhouse?" Scootaloo spoke up.
  97. >"Oh right! Sorry Sis, but we've got to go! It was nice meeting you Miss!"
  98. >Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom hopped onto cart attached to a scooter, which Scootaloo hopped onto.
  99. >Girls put on their helmets, shouted their byes as Scootaloo began flapping her tiny wings and they sped off, fast.
  100. >"WAIT!" Pinkie suddenly yelped and ran after them. "APPLE BLOOM, YOU FORGOT YOUR CHANGE TOOOO...!"
  101. >Lushcoat laughed "Ohohoho! Aer Ponivilleans this liveli?"
  102. "Ahah... Well... You could say that, this town has had its share of lively days. Shall we continue while the spa is still open?"
  103. >You now feel more confident that this must be easy, hopefully.
  106. >After some more walking and small talk, the spa is finally in the view.
  107. "Ah here we are! Miss Lushcoat, welcome to Ponyville Day Spa, the best spa in all of Equestria!"
  108. >She is giving a hard look at the building.
  109. >"Ief that ies the best, Ai don't daer tu think what does the worst luuk..."
  110. >....Did you oversell it?!
  111. >"Ohoh! Just jesting yuu."
  112. >Pheeeew!
  113. >You two go through the door, bell ringing as you enter a lilac lobby, catching Lushcoat off guard.
  114. "Let me handle the exchanges and do not be afraid to ask anything."
  115. >You step to the counter as the last pony in the line just stepped out and you fill the employee that you and your guest are there for the cultural exchange and that Princess Celestia herself will cover the costs for that day, which the employee acknowledges about.
  116. >While you were doing that, you kept hearing the bell ringing, but intervals were rather... short.
  117. >You notice the employee is looking awkwardly past you, you turn to look behind to find Lushcoat opening and closing the door, ringing the bell.
  118. >"Ai need one thiese!"
  119. >All the other ponies in the lobby were staring at her, but she didn't seem to even notice them.
  120. >Do not worry Rarity... she just doesn't know and it'll be worth it....
  121. "Ahahaha... Come Lushcoat, let's sit down, wait and while we are at it let's go over plans for the day."
  122. >You two sit down and go over some details, with other ponies unable to help themselves from staring or just glancing towards your guest.
  123. >Finally just after some time as you two were just about to go over steam room options, the two mares came to greet you.
  124. >"Welkome Rariti." the mare with pink coat and sky blue mane, Aloe, greeted you.
  125. >"And you must be Lushkoat, welkome to Poniville." the mare with sky blue coat and pink mane, Lotus, greeted Lushcoat.
  126. >"Mai thank yuu, such a kaind, beautiful mares yuu two."
  127. >The mares giggled cheerfully.
  128. "Lushcoat, we still need to choose which type of steam room we'll use to start with, so do we start with low steam or full steam?"
  129. >Lushcoat was giving a thought.
  130. >"Was the louw steem with the moor heet?"
  131. "Yes, the one with more focus on making you sweat and detox and--"
  132. >"Wie'll du that!" She said rather enthusiastically.
  133. >You two were then escorted to the changing rooms to get bathing robes and towels.
  134. >You noticed as Lushcoat took off the wraps on her mane and tail, and untied her braid free, you couldn't help but notice how thick and well maintained it was, it made you amazed and jealous at the same time, she really must know her stuff.
  135. >She's having trouble putting on the robe though, due to her thick, long coat moving around under it, making her a bit uncomfortable.
  136. >A small thing fixed quickly...
  137. >After a quick wash and drinking water, you two finally enter into the hot steam room, as you can feel the heat touching your face and take your seat.
  138. >"Sou, whai yuu ponis have thiese?"

[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa