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A Feud Between Two Magic Hearts

By PurpTrix
Created: 2022-03-30 01:48:09
Updated: 2023-09-19 23:55:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >A senior at Canterlot High.
  3. >Damn does time fly.
  4. >It feels like just yesterday, you were a freshman.
  5. >You're at home, eating breakfast when you glance at your clock.
  6. >You notice you're late for your first class, so you grab your bag and rush out the house with toast in your mouth.
  7. >As soon as you step outside your house, you realized you forgot your glasses.
  8. >You rush in and grab your glasses from the kitchen table.
  9. >You started wearing glasses two months ago.
  10. >Due to doctor's orders, you were forced to wear glasses
  11. >According to the doctor, your eyesight was terrible and would get worst as the years go.
  12. >Ever since you got these glasses, you been able to see things you barely saw before.
  13. >You rush out your house and lock the door.
  14. >You look at your watch and see you have 15 minutes until your first class starts.
  15. >Shit. Got to hurry.
  16. >The walk from your house to school is about a ten minute walk, but you can't help but rush.
  17. >You start running down the street, hoping to get to school on time.
  18. >As you're running, you keep checking your watch.
  19. >You look up to see your vision blocked by a purple figure.
  20. >*CRASH*
  21. >You fall on your ass and rub your head.
  22. "Ow.."
  23. >You open your eyes, but you can barely see.
  24. >Your glasses must have fell off.
  25. >You search for your glasses.
  26. >You hear a giggle and feel yourself being pulled up by the arm.
  27. >Next thing you know, you're on your feet.
  28. >As you try to figure out what happened, your vision comes back to normal. Your glasses must be in front of your eyes again.
  29. >When you look, you see what you bumped into.
  30. >A purple girl standing in front of you, flashing you a big warm smile.
  31. >It's Twilight Sparkle.
  32. >"Hey Anon!" She says as she jumps in your arms for a hug, still keeping that smile. "I put your glasses back on you."
  33. >You hug her back, smiling.
  34. >You pull back from the hug and look at her.
  35. "Thank you, Twilight. It's nice to see you. How are-" You cut yourself off as you remember you're late for school. "Oh shit."
  36. >You pick up your bag and start running backwards.
  37. "Sorry, Twilight! I'm late for my first class! I'll talk to you at school! Bye!"
  38. >She flashes you another smile and waves at you as you run to school.
  39. >As you're running, you start thinking about Twilight.
  40. >She's been your best friend since you were kids.
  41. >Both of you grew up together in Manehattan, but Twilight moved to Canterlot because her parents wanted to move to a place with better scenery.
  42. >It was around when middle school was starting.
  43. >You remember how upset you was.
  44. >Kept thinking about how you was never gonna see her again.
  45. >One day, your mother agreed to move to Canterlot so you two can be close to Twilight and her family.
  46. >You were so excited that day
  47. >You smiled at the flashbacks that kept replaying in your head
  48. >You were so distracted, you ran past your school.
  49. >"Hey! Anon! The school is over here!" a voice yells out to you.
  50. >You stop running and look around to see where the voice can from.
  51. >As you look around, you see a girl waving with the school behind her.
  52. >She has rainbow hair and looks very athletic.
  53. >You run towards the girl.
  54. "Hey, Rainbow. Looks like I got too distracted." you say as you laugh nervously.
  55. >The girl is Rainbow Dash. The captain of every sports team in school.
  56. >Twilight introduced you both in the first year of high school.
  57. >Ever since, she's been a real good and loyal friend.
  58. >"I noticed." she laughs. "By the way. Have you see that egghead, Twilight?"
  59. >You laugh at the nickname Rainbow Dash give Twilight.
  60. >It always seems funny to you.
  61. >"W-What are you laughing at?!"
  62. >You stop laughing, but chuckle here and there
  63. "Oh nothing, Dash and yeah. I bumped into her on the way to school. Why? Need her for something?"
  64. >"Yes. I wanted to know if she let me copy her homework."
  65. >A serious look is formed on your face.
  66. "You know, Dash. You should really do your own homework and stop depending on Twilight all the time."
  67. >She looks at you
  68. >"But I'm lazy, Anon! Plus I'm always at soccer practice."
  69. "I understand, but you can't always depend on Twilight." You keep looking at her with a serious look.
  70. >"Fine, fine. I won't." She looks down, then back up at you and into your eyes. "Can I copy yours then?"
  71. >Your facial expression is changed to a disappointed one.
  72. >You fell for that one, Anon.
  73. "Fine, Dash. I'll let you co-" you are interrupted by the sound of the school bell.
  74. >As soon as you hear the bell, you rush into the school.
  75. "Fuck! Sorry, Dash! I got to make it to my first class! You might need Twilight after all! See you at lunch!"
  77. >Finally, you made it into the class, but you were late.
  78. >As you step in the classroom, you see Ms. Cheerilee looking at you with an annoyed face
  79. >"Mr. Anonymous! That's the third time in a row that you're late to my class!"
  80. "I'm sorry, Ms. Cheerilee. I just got distracted on my way to school.." you say as you look down to the ground, as you prepare yourself for a scolding.
  81. >As you're looking down, she grabs your shoulder
  82. >"Anonymous, you're one of my favorite students." she says in a hushed tone. "I'll let you off the hook this time, but if you're late to my class again, I'm gonna have to give you detention. Understand?"
  83. >You nod.
  84. >"Good. Now go to your seat."
  85. >Another nod as you walk to your seat.
  86. >You hear whispers around the classroom.
  87. >Everyone is probably talking about you, but you don't care, so you brush it off.
  88. >You keep your attention to the front of the class, listening to everything the teacher says.
  89. >As you're listening, you take quick glances at the clock.
  90. >You want this class over with.
  91. >"Everyone! Get back to your seats!" you hear Ms. Cheerilee say.
  92. >As you turn in your seat, you see lots of students rushing to their seats.
  93. >You look and see a girl with a relieved look on her face
  94. >She has wild blue hair, wore glasses that always covers her eyes and always has headphones on her.
  95. >You look at Vinyl Scratch.
  96. >Everyone must of been crowding her to DJ Pinkie Pie's party this Saturday.
  97. >Wait...
  98. >Today is Friday!
  99. >You almost forgot.
  100. >A sigh of relief escapes your mouth as you turn back to the front of the class.
  101. >The bell rings, causing everyone to rush out the classroom.
  102. >You pack everything in your bag and head for the door.
  103. >"Remember! Your oral reports on Equestria history is due on Monday!" Ms. Cheerilee yells as everyone exits the room.
  104. >You walk down the halls to your locker.
  105. >"Hey! Glasses Kid!" a voice calls to someone.
  106. >You sigh and laugh knowing that call was for you.
  107. >As you were about to turn around and greet the person that called out to you, you feel something jump on your back.
  108. >The sudden attack causes you to stumble forward, almost losing your balance, but you happen to maintain it.
  109. "Damn it, Trixie! I told you to stop doing that! You are gonna make us both fall one day."
  110. >You hear Trixie laugh.
  111. >"Oh suck it up, Glasses Kid. You should be happy that The Great & Powerful Trixie graced you with her presence."
  112. >The nickname she gave you made you uneasy, but you grown a bit used to it.
  113. "Why do you still call me Glasses Kid? Doesn't it get old?" you ask her.
  114. >"Because Trixie loves to annoy you." she says as she presses a finger in your chest.
  115. >You give her an annoyed look.
  116. "Asshole..." you mumble to yourself.
  117. >"Excuse me?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.
  118. "N-nothing Trixie."
  119. >She lightly punches your arm.
  120. >"It better be nothing. Well Trixie must go to her next class. See you later, An- I mean, Glasses Kid." she gives you a smirk as she walks away.
  121. >You smile and shake your head as she walks away, thinking about her.
  122. >Trixie introduced herself to you in the second year of high school.
  123. >Even though she was a bitch about her introduction, you accepted her as a friend.
  124. >She always put on magic shows in the parking lot of the school, getting the attention of everyone. Even you.
  125. >Of course, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna never allowed it, so she did it in secrecy.
  126. >She had stopped the magic tricks a few months ago due to an accident that almost put her in the hospital. That's probably why Celestia and Luna never allowed it.
  127. >Rainbow Dash and Twilight never really liked Trixie since she was too arrogant all the time, but Twilight always tried to make friends with her.
  128. >Trixie's arrogance was annoying to you at first, but you have grown used to it.
  129. >The only thing that still bothers you a bit is when she talks in third person. You always wondered why she does it.
  130. >Finally, you snap back into reality and head to class.
  131. >The second class goes by quickly. So does your third class.
  132. >The bell rings.
  134. >Lunchtime.
  135. >Finally, you been waiting for this. You're starving. You never really finished your breakfast since you had to rush to school.
  136. >You grab a tray and step in line
  137. >There was a good three people ahead of you.
  138. >All you hear is people's conversations in the cafeteria.
  139. >You look around to see if you see people that are familiar to you.
  140. >"Next!" a voice yells.
  141. >The loud voice stops you from your search and informs you that you are next in line, so you walk in front of the elderly lunch lady.
  142. >Her name was Granny Smith
  143. >"Howdy there, sonny! What would ya like?"
  144. >You look at the food through the window.
  145. >Everything there looked unappetizing, but you manage to figure out what you want.
  146. "I'll take a hot dog and some fries." you say while still looking.
  147. >You see something that catches your eye.
  148. >The last slice of Granny Smith's famous Apple Pie.
  149. "I'll also take that piece of apple pie, if you don't mind."
  150. >Granny Smith smiles as you say that.
  151. >Her apple pies were the greatest. They were popular in the school. Every student always comes early to lunch to try to get a slice.
  152. >She only makes two pies every other day.
  153. >She puts what you asked for on the tray. So you grab it and look behind you.
  154. >A group of students looks upset and disappointed. Probably because you took the last slice of the pie.
  155. >Granny Smith notices the faces of the students.
  156. >"Don't worry, fellers'" She says while smiling. "I have one more pie baking for ya'll."
  157. >The students starts cheering.
  158. >You smile as you walk off the line, searching for a table.
  159. >As you keep walking, you find an empty table, so you go to it and take a seat.
  160. >The food in front of you looks like a feast since you haven't eaten since breakfast, which you hardly ate.
  161. >You take a bite of your hot dog.
  162. >You was trying to eat quickly so you have time to roam around for your lunch break, but not that where it can give you a stomachache.
  163. >You finish your hot dog. As soon as you reach for some fries, your vision is blocked by a pair of hands.
  164. >"Who am I?" the voice says in a cheerful way.
  165. >You try your best to pry the hands off your eyes.
  166. >As you keep on, you separate the hands from your eyes and take a good look at them.
  167. >A laugh escapes you as you figure out who is behind you.
  168. >"It's me!"
  169. >You turn around and see Twilight.
  170. "Hey Twilight. I knew it was you."
  171. >She sits next to you, so you turn back and start eating some fries.
  172. >"Hello, Anon!" she says while giving you a warm smile. "How was your morning? Did you make it to school on time?
  173. "It was okay, and I did.. but I didn't make it to class on time.."
  174. >Twilight looks at you with a confused look on her face.
  175. >"If you made it to school on time, why was you late to class?"
  176. >You explain to her how Rainbow Dash took up most of your time trying to convince you to let her copy your homework when she couldn't copy Twilight's.
  177. >Twilight laughs.
  178. "What's so funny?"
  179. >"Sorry Anon." she says between laughs. "It's just that I now know why she rushed me to let me copy her homework and why she was calling you a dweeb, saying you're no help."
  180. "What?! ... Never mind. That sounds like something she would say... Did you let her copy your homework?"
  181. >"Yes. Why?"
  182. >A sigh escapes your mouth.
  183. "It's just that. I kind of wish Rainbow would get more serious about her schoolwork and stop bugging you all the time."
  184. >Twilight places a hand on your shoulder, so you look at her.
  185. >She looks back at you with a serious face.
  186. >"Oh Anon. It's fine. I don't mind helping my friends out. Even if it's letting them copy my homework."
  187. >She flashes you a smile that tells you everything is alright.
  188. "Well alright, Twilight. If you say so."
  189. >You start eating your slice of apple pie.
  190. >Twilight is telling you about her day while you eat.
  191. >She tells you how Rainbow Dash asked for her help, how she ran into Trixie and gave her a certain look.
  192. >That part about Trixie peaks your interests.
  193. "What kind of look did she give you?"
  194. >Twilight puts a finger to her chin, trying to find the words to say.
  195. >"Well.. It's kind of a glare. Like she was disgusted by me."
  196. >You look at her.
  197. >She looks a bit upset.
  198. >Fuck. Think of something, Anon...
  199. "Maybe she's just jealous of you. You are more popular than her in this school. You know Trixie loves to be the center of attention."
  200. >"Hmm.. I know that, but I would still like to be friends with her."
  201. "I know, Twi. Just give her some time. Maybe she'll have a change of heart."
  202. >That comment must have work, because Twilight seems a little happier.
  203. >As she begins to open her mouth to talk, the bell stops her in her tracks.
  204. >The sound of the bell rings in your ear.
  205. "Fuck..." you say under your breath.
  206. >You didn't get to roam around the school like you wanted to.
  207. >Oh well. At least you had Twilight around.
  208. >"Come on, Anon! We're gonna be late for Mr. Discord's Class!" Twilight yells to you.
  209. >You snap out of your thoughts and runs towards her.
  210. >You two are walking towards your next class, talking about it.
  211. >"Hey guys! Wait for me!" a voice yells out.
  212. >You both turn around and see Rainbow Dash running towards you.
  213. >She catches up and throws her arms around both your shoulders.
  214. >All three of you walk to class together talking about random shit.
  215. >You finally reach the classroom and notice that Mr. Discord isn't there.
  216. >That's weird. He is never absent from school.
  217. >As you look around, you find an empty seat in the back, so you go to it and sit in it.
  218. >Twilight takes a seat in the front and Rainbow Dash takes a seat next to her.
  219. >She starts to mumble to Twilight to get her attention.
  220. >The two are now having a conversation.
  221. >You can't hear it since they're whispering.
  222. >You're not the one to be nosy, but you were kind of curious for some reason.
  223. >When you look at Twilight, you see her face is the color of crimson red.
  224. >Rainbow Dash starts laughing.
  225. >The curiosity is eating at you, so you start to get up to go see what they were talking about.
  226. >As you're about to walk over to them, something you see stops you in your tracks.
  227. >At the door, you see Trixie.
  228. >She seems to be scoping out the class for something.
  229. >Twilight and Rainbow Dash doesn't seem to notice her, as they are still talking.
  230. >Behind Trixie, an older woman with green, blue, and pink hair stands behind her.
  231. >"Trixie Lulamoon. Can you please take your seat?" The woman says to Trixie.
  232. >Trixie looks behind her and sees Principal Celestia.
  233. >Everyone turns their attention to the front of the class and notices Celestia and Trixie.
  234. >"Y-yes, Principal."
  235. >Trixie begins to walk around and passes between Twilight and Rainbow Dash.
  236. >You could have swore that Trixie gave Twilight a dirty look.
  237. >As she was walking, her eyes lit up.
  238. >She began to power walk to the back of the class.
  239. >Twilight and Rainbow Dash was looking back at her, with a serious look on their faces.
  240. >Trixie reaches the back of the class and takes a seat next to you with a smile on her face.
  241. >You give a nervous smile at her.
  242. >This is confusing to you.
  243. >Normally, Trixie always avoids you in classes, and talk to you in the halls or lunch. She did talk to you in the hall, but she didn't even talk to you at lunch.
  244. >What could she want from you now?
  245. >Trixie snaps her fingers in front of your face, which gets you out your thoughts.
  246. >"Hey. Earth to Glasses Kid." Trixie says in a hushed tone.
  247. >There she goes with that nickname.
  248. "Oh. Hey Trixie. What brings you around me?" you say, jokingly.
  249. >Trixie looks at you with a serious look.
  250. >"Trixie needs to talk to you, Anon. It's really important."
  251. >You glance at Trixie.
  252. >You notice her face is a bit red from blushing.
  253. >"Well.. You see.. Would yo-" she starts to say before she is interrupted.
  254. >"Students!" Celestia shouts to get the class's attention. "Listen up. Mr. Discord won't be in today. He caught the blue flu. He's gonna be out for a couple of days, so I will be teaching this class. I want no distractions. Understand!?"
  255. >The class yells "Yes" in unison.
  256. >"Good. Now take out your textbooks and turn to page 284 and do all it says."
  257. >Everyone does as they are told. So do you.
  258. >Before you do so, you turn to Trixie.
  259. >You nudge her to get her attention.
  260. "So Trixie. What you wanted to ask me?" you say really low so Celestia won't hear and catch you.
  261. >Trixie begins to blush a little again.
  262. >"Oh.. Well.. Can we hang out at the mall tomorrow? That's not the question... I'll ask you the real question at the mall..."
  263. >Something seems to be troubling her. You wanna know now, but you decide not to push her.
  264. "Okay. Let's meet at 2pm tomor-" you're about to finish your sentence, but interrupted again.
  266. "Y-yes ma'am..." both of you respond in unison
  267. >The whole class looks at you and Trixie and begins to laugh.
  268. >Oh well. It was your fault.
  269. >The classroom is now silent and everyone is doing their work.
  270. >You're glad that time is passing by fast.
  271. >There's only five minutes in the way of you enjoying your weekend.
  272. >You finish up your work and close your textbook.
  273. >You look around the class and see that everyone is doing their own thing.
  274. >Twilight is reading like always. She always has her head buried in a book whenever she has free time.
  275. >Rainbow Dash is just sitting back in her seat, staring at the clock.
  276. >As you scan the room, you look at Trixie.
  277. >She seems to be sleeping.
  278. >You laugh to yourself.
  279. >The bell rings. Finally! That felt like an eternity
  280. >Trixie jumps up from her seat.
  281. >The bell must have woken her up, causing her to get startled.
  282. >She grabs her things and power walks out the class, being the first one out.
  283. >Damn. No bye?
  284. >She still must be troubled.
  285. >You walk over to Twilight and Rainbow Dash and you still see Twilight reading that book.
  286. >Must be a good ass book to not hear that bell.
  287. >The classroom is empty besides you, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight.
  288. >"Hey, Egghead! Class is over!" Rainbow Dash says to Twilight.
  289. >Hearing her voice, Twilight looks up to see the both of you staring at her.
  290. >"Oh.. Sorry guys. Guess I got too distracted by this book.." she says, laughing nervously.
  291. "Yeah, no kidding."
  292. >You and Rainbow starts laughing.
  293. "So. You girls wanna walk home together?"
  294. >"Sorry, Anon. I promised to volunteer at the library after school today." Twilight says.
  295. >"And I have soccer practice, so I can't go either." Rainbow Dash says after Twilight.
  296. "Alright. I guess I'll see you girls on Monday."
  297. >As you're about to walk out the door, Rainbow Dash yells out at you.
  298. >"Wait! Before you go. What were you and Trixie talking about? Me and Twilight saw you guys whispering in the back of the class."
  299. >Twilight leans in to listen.
  300. "Oh that. She wanted to ask me a question, but since we almost got in trouble, we decided to wait till tomorrow to talk about it at the mall."
  301. >Rainbow Dash got a worried look on her face.
  302. >"O-oh.. Well hopefully it goes well.." Rainbow Dash says with a low voice.
  303. >What's with that response?
  304. >Oh well. Fuck it. You wanna go home.
  305. "Well. If that's all, I'm gonna head home. Bye girls. See you Monday."
  306. >You walk out the classroom, ready to get the fuck out of here.
  307. >You head out and begin walking home.
  310. >As you're packing your stuff, you take a look at Rainbow Dash and see she has distraught look on her face.
  311. "Everything okay, Rainbow?" you ask, concerned about her.
  312. >Rainbow looks at you.
  313. >"No. It's not."
  314. "What's wrong?"
  315. >"Let's talk in the library. More quiet there."
  316. "Wait. Don't you have soccer practice?"
  317. >"I did, but it got cancelled. The only reason I said I had soccer practice was an excuse to not go with Anon. I need to talk to you, Twilight."
  318. "About what?"
  319. >"Like I said, let's talk about this in the library."
  320. "Well alright.." you say with a confused look on your face.
  321. >You finish packing your stuff.
  322. >What Rainbow Dash said is still going through your head.
  323. >"I need to talk to you, Twilight..."
  324. >What is it that she wants to talk to you about?
  325. >She is already waiting for you at the door.
  326. >You run to her, and you two begin to walk to the library.
  327. >The rest of the walk is quiet and for some reason, awkward to you.
  328. >Rainbow Dash's head was down for five minutes already.
  329. >What could be eating at her?
  330. >Could it be what Anon said before he left?
  331. >No, you don't think so. It couldn't be.
  332. >You two finally arrive at the library.
  333. >Your face had a huge smile on it, you couldn't help but rush into the library and being to work with books.
  334. "Rainbow. Would you mind waiting for me till I finish my work around here? It shouldn't take more than ten minutes."
  335. >Rainbow Dash finally looks up.
  336. >"Uh. Sure thing, Twi.." she says, rubbing her arm.
  337. >You wave at her before getting to work.
  338. >The first task you had to do was grab all the books on a cart and put them with their right genre.
  339. >There's about thirty or more books on this cart. This shouldn't be long. Maybe you'll get done earlier.
  340. >It also seems like the books are from many different genres.
  341. >Mystery, CYOA, Non-Fiction, Fiction, ect.
  342. >You get busy, putting all the books in their right place.
  343. >Luckily, the aisles are close to each other, so you rush from aisle to aisle.
  344. >The library's layout is already in your heart. You know where which aisle is which and where every book goes.
  345. >It's because you spent most of your time here.
  346. >Everyday you come here to read, study, or just relax. Except Tuesday and weekends.
  347. >Tuesdays, you go home after school to help your mother around the house.
  348. >Finally, you're done with the books.
  349. >Now you have to go and complete some paperwork for the librarian.
  350. >Even though it's her job, you assisted that you do the paperwork.
  351. >After minutes of begging, she gave in.
  352. >The paperwork on the desk is not as you thought it would be.
  353. >It's not even high. Maybe like ten pieces of paper.
  354. >As you're about to be begin, you find another piece of paper on the desk.
  355. >Is it a letter?
  356. >You pick it up and you see your name on it.
  357. >It is a letter. Probably from the librarian.
  358. >Maybe it's more work.
  359. "YesYesYesYes!" you say to yourself.
  360. >Quickly, you open up the letter and begin reading.
  361. >"Dear Twilight Sparkle. The librarian told me to write this letter for you."
  362. >It isn't from the librarian.
  363. >Who's it from?
  364. >You continue to read.
  365. >"She says thank you for your help at the library. She knows you'll do a good job. Also, she said she did most of the paperwork. So don't be upset. She didn't want you working too hard. From, Ms. Cheerliee. P.S. The paperwork should be your last job of the day."
  366. >You groan.
  367. >You didn't mind the work. You love working around the library. Even if it was paperwork.
  368. >Well, you can't really blame her. She's just looking out for you.
  369. >A smile appears on your face as you start getting to work.
  371. >At last, you're done with the paperwork and done for the day.
  372. >That only took three minutes.
  373. >You stack the paperwork neatly and put it in the drawer.
  374. >Now that you're finished, you can go back to Rainbow Dash.
  375. >You look around for her.
  376. >A thought comes to your head. You can probably find her easily.
  377. >You begin to walk to the section where the Daring Do books.
  378. >Sure enough, you was right.
  379. >You see Rainbow Dash looking for a Daring Do book.
  380. "I knew I'd find you here."
  381. >She gets startled and looks at you.
  382. >"Oh. Hey Twilight." she says, looking at you, smiling.
  383. "Hello. Ready to go home? I finished all my work here."
  384. >"No. We still got to talk. Did you forget?"
  385. >Oh yeah. Rainbow Dash did want to talk about something. You totally forgot. You were too excited about the library.
  386. "Oh.. Yeah I guess I did forget. You know how I get when I'm in a library." you laugh nervously.
  387. >She laughs at you.
  388. >"You really are an egghead, Twilight."
  389. "H-hey! Shut up.."
  390. >She laughs a little more.
  391. >"Come on. Let's sit down and talk."
  392. >You agree as you begin to follow Rainbow Dash.
  393. >All that is going in your mind now is what she wants to talk to you about.
  394. >Maybe it is about Anon...
  395. >But what for?
  396. >You scratch your head as your confusion takes over your head.
  397. >Rainbow finally finds a table and sits down. You take a seat across from her.
  398. "So what you wanna talk about, Rainbow?" you say.
  399. >Rainbow Dash looks at you with a nervous look on her face.
  400. >What could be on her mind?
  401. >"It's about..." she finally speaks. "Trixie..."
  402. >You give a confused look.
  403. >Looks like you were wrong about it being about Anon
  404. "What about Trixie?" you ask, looking more confused.
  405. >"Remember what Anon said to us? How Trixie wanted to talk to him about something?"
  406. "Yes. What about it?"
  407. >"Come on, Twilight! You're the smart one! Do I have to spell it out for you!?"
  408. >Her voice is getting louder and it's scaring you a bit.
  409. >She must have seen a worried look on your face, so she relaxes and collects herself.
  410. >"Sorry.. I got carried away, but Twilight. You have to see it."
  411. "See what..?"
  412. >She sighs.
  413. >"Twilight. Trixie is gonna reveal her feelings for Anon!"
  414. >As soon as the words leave her mouth, your eyes get bigger as you get a worried look on your face.
  415. "H-how do you know she even likes him!?" you start to raise your voice.
  416. >"Shh!" a group of students say to you.
  417. >You cover your mouth and look around.
  418. >A group of annoyed students are around looking at you and Rainbow Dash.
  419. >"Maybe we should have this talk somewhere else." Rainbow Dash says as she gets up.
  420. "G-Good idea.."
  421. >You push your seat in and walk out with Rainbow Dash.
  422. >The two of you begin to walk down the hall to exit the school.
  423. >Everything is quiet between you and her, so you decide to break the silence.
  424. "So where are we gonna finish the talk at, Rainbow?"
  425. >She looks at you and thinks.
  426. >"How about Sugarcube Corner?
  427. "That sounds good."
  428. >The two of you exit the school and head for Sugarcube Corner.
  430. >At Sugarcube Corner.
  431. >You sit at a table, looking out the window with a lot going through your mind.
  432. >Mostly Anon is on your mind.
  433. >You also remember the talk you had with Rainbow Dash in the last class.
  434. >...
  436. >"Hey Twi. Tell me the truth."
  437. "About what, Dash?"
  438. >"Don't play dumb. Tell me your feelings for Anon!"
  439. "W-what feelings..?"
  440. >"I know you like Anon, Twi! I figured it out two years ago. I saw how you looked at him, how you talked about him, I can just tell you really like him."
  441. >That comment causes you to blush a bit.
  442. >"Bahahaha." She started laughing. "I knew you liked him."
  443. "I don't just like him... I love him..."
  444. >...
  446. >"Twilight! Earth to Twilight! Hey!"
  447. >The sudden voice startles you and snaps you out of your thoughts.
  448. >As you stare down in front of you, there's a sundae and a hand handing you a spoon.
  449. >You take the spoon and look up to see Rainbow Dash with a worried look on her face.
  450. >She uses the hand that had the spoon to feel your forehead.
  451. >"You okay, Twi..? You look very pale and also it looked like you were about to cry."
  452. >Your head drops as you stare at your sundae.
  453. "I'm fi-" you stop mid sentence. "Actually, no. I'm not okay.."
  454. >"Well what's wrong?"
  455. >You stay silent for a while.
  456. >"Come on, egghead. Tell me."
  457. >You look up at her with sadness in your eyes.
  458. "How do you know Trixie likes Anon..?"
  459. >She looks at you and takes a seat, scratching her head.
  460. >"I overheard her and Sunset talking." she says, now imitating Trixie. "She said: I, The Great and Powerful Trixie likes Anon. I'm gonna ask him how he feels. Hopefully he feels the same way."
  461. >Your heart felt like it snapped in half.
  462. >"I'm really sorry, Twilight.. Maybe you should just tell Anon just how you feel."
  463. "And what if he doesn't like me back, Rainbow!?" you snap at her.
  464. >You look at your friend as she looked a bit shocked with your outburst.
  465. >You stand up to go through your wallet and give some money to Rainbow Dash.
  466. "This is for the sundae.. I'm sorry.."
  467. >As soon as you place the money on the table, you run out the shop, almost crying.
  468. >Rainbow Dash calls for you, but you just keep running.
  470. >You run down the street, holding in your tears.
  471. >Why did you have to snap at Rainbow Dash like that?
  472. >You feel so bad...
  473. >She was right.
  474. >Why don't you just tell Anon how you feel?
  475. >You should have told him before you moved out of Manehattan.
  476. >You had so many chances to tell him after he moved close to you.
  477. >The feelings for Anon has been in your heart ever since you were elementary school.
  478. >Anon always been there for you.
  479. >He was your first friend you made.
  480. >You remember how his mom always used to bring him over your house for a playdate.
  481. >He was so funny when he tried to be like Sherlock Holmes.
  482. >He once help your mother found her lost wedding ring just pretending to be him.
  483. >You were so shocked about that.
  484. >How did he know where it was?
  485. >After that, Anon wanted to be a private detective when he grew up.
  486. >You wonder if he still has that dream.
  487. >After a few memories, you stop running and begin to walk as you wipe away some tears that may escaped from your eyes.
  488. >A smile appears on your face.
  489. >You love Anon so much, you wish he'd be yours.
  490. >He's the greatest person you know.
  491. >His parents loved you. They always talked about how you would be a great wife for him.
  492. >It was cute and funny how his face was when his parents always mentioned it.
  493. >Maybe he really does like you.
  494. >But that was long ago... What if his feelings changed?
  495. >You clinch your fists in frustration.
  496. >Finally, you arrived at your house.
  497. >All the lights in the house are off.
  498. >That's weird. You would think someone would be home at this hour.
  499. >You take out your keys and open the door to your house.
  500. >A quick look around makes you a bit curious on why is the house so quiet and empty.
  501. >It's also a bit dark, but you manage to spot a note on the living room table.
  502. >Why would a note be here?
  503. >You shrug it off and walk to the note and pick it up. You begin reading it.
  504. >"Twilight. Your father and I will be away at Las Pegasus. Something urgent came up. We don't know when we will be home, so you're gonna have to take care of yourself till then. I'm sure you can do it. We love you. Love. Mom & Dad."
  505. >That's great.
  506. >You don't mind being alone, but you was hoping someone would be home. Especially now of all times.
  507. >Feeling a bit alone, you toss yourself on the couch and go through your bag.
  508. >Guess some homework will take your mind off everything.
  509. >Tomorrow is Saturday, so you could take your time with it, which is relaxing.
  510. >You don't like rushing things since you like to look over your work and see if it's perfect.
  511. >As you're about to get ready to work, your phone goes off on the table.
  512. >The way the ringtone is, you realize is a text message.
  513. >Who could be messaging you at this time?
  514. >The phone rings again. Two text messages? What could this person want?
  515. >You pick up your phone and look to see who it is.
  516. >It's from...
  517. >Anon!?
  518. >You look at the clock and it reads 6:43.
  519. >Why would he be messaging you at this time? He is usually asleep as soon as he gets home from school.
  520. >You look at the phone to read what the messages says.
  521. >["Hey Twilight."]
  522. >["You Busy?"]
  523. ["Kind of. I was gonna get started on my homework. Why you ask?"]
  524. >Send.
  525. >You set your phone down and pull out your math homework first.
  526. >A few math equations. Should be easy for you.
  528. >Ten minutes has passed and your phone goes off again.
  529. >That's right. You were messaging Anon.
  530. >You totally forgot since you started your homework.
  531. >You finish the last problem and pick up your phone to check the message.
  532. >["Oh. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the game store. This new game came out yesterday and I just got the money to buy it. Can you please come with me? I really would like the company. I'll buy you something to eat or something."]
  533. >You let out a sigh
  534. >Anon and his games. Last month he just bought a game, and now he wants to buy another one? He must love video games.
  535. >Should you go?
  536. >Maybe you could finally tell Anon about your feelings about him.
  537. ["Sure, Anon. I'll go with you. Shall I come over now?"]
  538. >A reply shows up really fast this time.
  539. >["If you don't mind. Thanks, Twilight."]
  540. >You stand up and grab a jacket.
  541. >The homework will have to wait.
  542. >You really wanted to get started on it as soon as possible.
  543. >Oh well. You don't mind if it's for Anon.
  544. >You do anything for him. Anything...
  546. ~ANONYMOUS~
  547. >About seven minutes has passed.
  548. >The clock now says 7:10 and the store closes at 8.
  549. >You hope Twilight gets here soon.
  550. >You don't mean to rush her, but you really want this game.
  551. >This is all your fault.
  552. >If you would have just got the game after school, you wouldn't have to bother Twilight.
  553. >Twilight...
  554. >Why do you always get butterflies in your stomach when you say or hear her name?
  555. >Could it be that you like her?
  556. >Her beautiful eyes, her amazing hair, her intelligence.
  557. >A sound from your pocket breaks you out of your daydream
  558. >It's a text message. Must be Twilight.
  559. >Finally. You're ready to go.
  560. >You take out your phone and check it.
  561. >The text is from someone you didn't expect to text you at this time.
  562. >It's from Trixie.
  563. >You open up the message and read it.
  564. >["Hey, Brat with the glasses. Just letting you know to not forgot about our meet-up at the mall tomorrow. Goodnight."]
  565. >Again with the glasses, damn it.
  566. >As you're about to reply, you hear a knock on the door.
  567. >You look up at the door and walk to it.
  568. >A look through the peephole shows you that Twilight is at the door.
  569. >You open the door and greet Twilight.
  570. >"Hello, Anon. Ready to go?"
  571. "Yes, Twilight. Let's hurry. The store closes in 45 minutes."
  572. >You exit your house and lock the door.
  573. >You turn and see Twilight shivering a little.
  574. "You cold, Twi? Is that jacket not good enough?"
  575. >She looks at you and shakes her head.
  576. >"N-no.. I didn't think it would be this c-c-cold.." she says while shivering.
  577. >You go to her and feel how thin the jacket is.
  578. "I see. Alright. Come inside and wait in the living room."
  579. >She looks at you while you're taking your keys out your pocket.
  580. >"B-but Anon. If we don't hurry, we're gonna be la-"
  581. >She stops talking as you put a finger on her lips.
  582. >She blushes a little.
  583. "It's fine, Twilight. I can't have you going with me if you're freezing." you say as you unlock your door and open it. "Now step inside and make yourself at home. I won't be long."
  584. >You enter your home and Twilight goes in the direction of the living room as you point the way for her.
  585. >Twilight sits on the couch.
  586. >"This is a nice house, Anon." she says, looking around.
  587. "Thank you. Glad you like it. My house is your house."
  588. >That caused her to giggle a little.
  589. >"Why thank you, Anon."
  590. >A smile appears in your face as you head upstairs to your room.
  591. >As you enter your room, you realize how much a mess it is.
  592. >When you come back, you have to clean your room.
  593. >You look in the closet and start searching for a jacket Twilight might like.
  594. >After a few jackets, you spot one that catches your eye.
  595. >It's a purple jacket with the school's logo on the back.
  596. >It's a little big, but you're sure she won't mind.
  597. >You swing the jacket over your shoulder and begin to exit your room, but something stops you.
  598. >Maybe you should bring a jacket too.
  599. >It was cold when you stepped out.
  600. >You go back to the closet, grab a black jacket, and put it on.
  601. >Finally. Now you're ready to go.
  602. >You quickly exit your room and head downstairs to the living room.
  603. >You see Twilight sitting there on her phone.
  604. "Alright, Twi. I'm back." you say, holding the jacket out to her. "It's a little big. Hope you don't mind wearing two jackets."
  605. >She looks up from her phone and grabs the jacket.
  606. >As she gets up from the couch, she puts on the jacket.
  607. >You was right. It was a little big for her.
  608. >Some laughs escape your mouth as you keep looking at her.
  609. >"H-Hey! Don't laugh!" she says to you as she lightly pushes you.
  610. >Your laughter subsides a little.
  611. "Sorry Twilight. Couldn't help it. It just looks funny." you laugh a little more. "Anyways. How's the jacket for you?"
  612. >Twilight looks down at it.
  613. >"I like it. Thank you, Anon. Shall we go now? I don't want you to be late."
  614. "Oh that's right! What time is it?!" you say, while looking around for the time.
  615. >Twilight pulls out her phone and looks at the time.
  616. >"It's 7:30. Shall we hurry?"
  617. "Yes, please."
  618. >You begin rushing out the house, patting your pockets making sure you have everything with you.
  619. >Twilight begins laughing and walks out after you.
  620. >As you get outside, you begin looking for your keys.
  621. >Shit. You must have left them inside.
  622. "Fuck. Wait here, Twi."
  623. >As you're about to run into your house, Twilight grabs your arm and stops you.
  624. >You look at her and see her jingling the keys in the air.
  625. >She giggles a little and she puts the keys in your hands.
  626. >"I noticed them on the table so I grabbed them." she says while giving you a smile.
  627. "Thanks, Twilight.. Sorry for rushing.." you say as you lock your door.
  628. >Twilight walks ahead of you, but slowly so you can catch up.
  629. >You catch up and you two start to walk alongside each other.
  630. >The night sky is clear, and the stars are shining bright.
  631. >It's also very quiet around here.
  632. >That's why you love it around here.
  633. >The neighbors are nice, it's mostly quiet, and it looks nice.
  634. >Nothing ever really happens around here.
  635. >The people of Canterlot voted this place the most safest and secured place in the town.
  636. >You will never know how your parents got a house like this.
  637. >All they told you was that the house was easy to get.
  638. >Till this day, they never told you anything else.
  639. >They left the house to you after the had to go overseas 2 years ago.
  640. >They call you from time to time to see how you doing.
  641. >Your mom always worry about you, and you don't blame her.
  642. >You always been kind of a daredevil and always got yourself into some sort of trouble. No matter how small.
  643. >They may get on your nerves, but you love them and couldn't ask for better parents.
  644. >The walk with Twilight is peaceful and quiet.
  645. >A little too quiet, actually.
  646. >Twilight is usually talking up a storm about her day or school, but now, she's being the opposite.
  647. >Maybe you should talk to her.
  648. >Should you?
  649. >Maybe not...
  651. >You two finally reach the bus stop and take a seat.
  652. >Twilight stands a few inches away from you and it confuses you.
  653. "Um. Hey, Twilight." you finally speak up. "Why don't you sit over here?"
  654. >She looks at you, and the face she is giving you making you seem like she's hesitating to say something, but she finally builds up the courage to say something.
  655. >"N-no thanks, Anon.. I'm fine."
  656. >You continue to look at her as she's playing with her fingers while she's lost in thought.
  657. >Something's bothering her and you're curious.
  658. >More than you ever been in your life, but you decide not to push her.
  659. >After all, you did drag her out here.
  660. >You look at your phone for the time and it says 7:40.
  661. >Shit. You might not make it if the bus takes forever to come.
  662. >You turn to look at Twilight and you see her staring off into space.
  663. >A sigh comes out your mouth as you keep looking at her.
  664. >As you get up to approach her, the bus comes and parks right in front of you two.
  665. >You and Twilight enter the bus and you dump the change in and begin to walk to the back of the bus, but you turn around and see Twilight patting her pockets.
  666. "Hey. Everything okay, Twi?" you ask as you walk back to her.
  667. >She looks at you with a little sadness in your face. "No. I forgot my wallet at home, so I have no change. Sorry, Anon.."
  668. "That's alright. I'm sure I got extra change."
  669. >As you start digging in your pockets for change, the bus driver speaks up.
  670. >"It's okay, young lady. I'll let you on for free this one time."
  671. >Twilight turns to the bus driver and smiles.
  672. >"Thank you, sir." she says as she walks to the back of the bus.
  673. >You follow behind her and watch her take a seat.
  674. >A thought runs through your mind.
  675. >She didn't want to sit next to you at the bus stop.
  676. >Maybe you shouldn't try to sit next to her this time.
  677. >She looks out the window with her hand on her cheek.
  678. >Now you're starting to feel that you shouldn't have asked her to come with me.
  679. >She looks like she doesn't wanna be here.
  680. >It's causing you to feel horrible.
  681. >You let out sigh and take a seat behind her.
  682. >Next time, you'll just go alone.
  683. >The bus ride really quiet and kind of slow.
  684. >This traffic is terrible because of some accident that happened a few blocks away.
  685. >You let out a groan, knowing you're not gonna make it to get your game.
  686. >Maybe you can buy it when you go to the mall when you go see Trixie.
  687. >This trip became completely pointless real fast.
  688. >Guess there's nothing left to do but to go home.
  689. >Wait...
  690. >You start to remember that you promised to buy Twilight some food for going with you.
  691. "Hey, Twilight. What would yo-" you keep talking until you see Twilight asleep.
  692. >A smile appears on your face as you see her sleeping face.
  693. >You look out the window and notice that there's a diner close by.
  694. >Due to the accident up ahead, it is best to walk it from the next bus stop, which is about to come out.
  695. >You reach from the rope and pull it to signal the bus to stop.
  696. "Hey, Twilight. Wake up. It's time to get off." you say while nudging her awake.
  697. >Twilight groans and rubs her eyes.
  698. >"Sorry, Anon.. Guess I must have fell asleep.." she says while yawning.
  699. "It's okay. Come on. We have to get off."
  700. >She gets up and keeps on yawning. "Coming, Anon."
  701. >The bus makes a stop and both you and Twilight gets off the bus.
  702. >Twilight looks around and looks confused.
  703. >"Um.. Anon? I don't think this is the right stop."
  704. "Yes, I know, but there has been an accident up ahead and traffic is terrible because of it. Besides." you show her the time. "It's too late."
  705. >She looks at your phone and gets a little disappointed.
  706. >"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I didn't make you get a jacket for me, we'd be on time..."
  707. >You laugh a little.
  708. "It's not your fault, Twi. Who would have known that this accident would happen? Don't stress it."
  709. >She looks down, still looking upset.
  710. >"Alright.. I'll try not to."
  711. "Good. Now come with me. We're gonna get something to eat. I did promise you that."
  712. >"Where are we gonna go to eat?"
  713. "There." you say as you point to the diner a block away. "I hear their food is great and also have fantastic desserts."
  714. >She looks at it and smiles a bit.
  715. >"Okay. I am starting to feeling hungry." she says while laughing a bit.
  716. "Good. Let's hurry then."
  717. >Twilight agrees and you two start walking.
  720. >At the diner.
  721. >This place looks real nice for a diner.
  722. >As soon as you walk in, everyone greets you and brings you to your table.
  723. >Anon pulls your chair out for you and pushes you in.
  724. "Why, thank you, Anon." you say as you smile.
  725. >Anon smiles and sits across from you.
  726. >As you're waiting, you see a pink figure on roller skates coming towards your table.
  727. "Is that.. Pinkie Pie?!" you say as you look shocked.
  728. >Anon turns in his seat and notices the pink girl as well.
  729. >"Oh shit. It is Pinkie Pie." he says and starts to laugh. "Who would have known she worked here."
  730. >Pinkie Pie comes to your table holding menus.
  731. >"Hello. My name is Pinkie Pie an-" she stops talking as she sees you and Anon. "Oh, hi guys! What are you doing here!?"
  732. >"Well I was going to GameStop to buy this new game, but we were too late, so we came here to grab a bite to eat."
  733. "Yeah. Anon did promise me something to eat, so I forced him to come here." you laugh as you say that. "Kidding, but how come you're working here, Pinkie?"
  734. >"I just thought I should get a job to make some extra money and I saw this place and I was like *gasps* and applied."
  735. >You let out a laugh.
  736. >Typical Pinkie Pie.
  737. "Well. I'm glad you got the job, Pinkie."
  738. >"Thank you, Twilight! So um.." she stops and points at both you and Anon. "Are you two," she moves in closer and whispers "a dateeeeee."
  739. >You start to feel your face getting a little hot from it turning bright red.
  740. "N-no!"
  741. >"Ohhhhh! I get it!" she lowers her voice a little. "It's a secrettttt."
  742. >Anon starts laughing, and it annoyed you a little bit on why he thought that was funny.
  743. >"No, Pinkie. We're not on a date. I just asked Twi for the company."
  744. >"Oh, okay. Well it's good to see you an-" she keeps going until she's cut off by a loud voice.
  745. >"Pinkamena! Stop loggygagging and get back to work!" a man says from behind the counter.
  746. >The voice startles Pinkie a bit as she looks the way of the voice.
  747. >"Y-yes sir!" Pinkie exclaims, then turns to you. "Here are your menus. Call me when you're ready to order."
  748. >Pinkie skates away to get more menus for another table.
  749. >Anon looks through the menu for a second, then closes it.
  750. >Jeez. He already knows what he wants?
  751. >You keep looking through the menu, and you can't seem to make up your mind on whether you should get the steak or the triple play combo.
  752. >Both of the items seem kind of expensive.
  753. "Anon?" you speak up. "Are you sure I can get whatever I want? I don't want to go overboard.."
  754. >"It's fine, Twilight. Order whatever you want."
  755. "Okay. Let's call Pinkie back here then."
  757. >Finally, you're ready to order.
  758. >Pinkie Pie comes skating to your table and ready to take your order
  759. >Anon orders a turkey sandwich with cheese with a side of fries and a coke as his drink.
  760. >It took you a while, but you decided what you want, and that's the triple play combo.
  761. >It comes with four halves of baked potatoes with cheese and green peppers on it, 6 pieces of hot wings, and a salad, with an Iced Tea to drink.
  762. >"Okie Dokie Loki! Be back in a jiff with your drinks!" Pinkie says as she skates away.
  763. >As you wait for your food to get your table, you listen to your surroundings.
  764. >You hear people conversation, music, and the sound of roller skates.
  765. >Pinkie comes to your table with your drinks and places it in front of you and Anon.
  766. >"Your food is getting ready as we speak, so please wait a little bit longer." Pinkie announces, then skates away again.
  767. >You and Anon both wait for the food without touching your drinks.
  768. >At last, your food arrives.
  769. >Finally, you were starving and the food looks so good that you can't wait to dig in.
  770. >Before you can start eating, Anon is already stuffing his face with fries.
  771. "Anon. You should slow down. You're being a little. Piggy."
  772. >"Oh come on, Twi." Anon says after swallowing his food. "You're one to talk. Remember the time at McDonald's?"
  773. >Your face turns red of embarrassment.
  774. "Fine, fine! Just don't remind me!" you say, hiding your face.
  775. >Anon laughs and goes back to eating his food.
  776. >You place the napkin on your lap and begin working on your food, but not like the time that Anon just mentioned.
  777. >The baked potatoes are so good, it's actually making your mouth water, but you eat slowly so you can savor the moment and taste.
  778. >As you somewhat expected, the hot wings are spicy, so spicy, that you had to take sips of your Iced Tea between each wing.
  780. >Finally, you finish your food and it was amazing.
  781. >You were too stuffed, that you left some of your salad, but ate all of your potatoes and wings.
  782. >Anon finished all of his food, that the plates are clean.
  783. >How can Anon eat a sandwich that big with fries?
  784. >The sandwich was as big as your head
  785. >You probably would have left half of the sandwich and some fries.
  786. >Anon was right when he said that the food was great, but you don't think great is the right word.
  787. >As you're sipping the last of your drink, Anon calls Pinkie over to the table.
  788. >After he does, he turns to you.
  789. >"Hey. Would you like some dessert?" he asks you.
  790. >You totally forgot about dessert.
  791. >You're so full, you can't eat another bite, so you're gonna have to pass on dessert.
  792. "Sorry, Anon. I can't eat another bite, so no thank you."
  793. >"Very well..." Anon says as Pinkie comes by.
  794. >"Did someone call..." Pinkie Pie strikes a pose. "Pinkie Pie?!"
  795. >You and Anon start laughing.
  796. >"Why yes, Miss Pinkie. I did." Anon says between chuckles "I would like to order dessert."
  797. >Pinkie Pie gets her pencil and pad out before you can say ready.
  798. >Anon orders two pieces of strawberry cheesecakes with whipped cream on top.
  799. >How can he eat this much and where does it all go?
  800. >Pinkie Pie finishes and dashes away to get the order.
  801. >A few minutes later, she comes back with the cheesecakes in a bag and the check.
  802. >Anon asks if you can grab the bag while he takes care of the check.
  803. >Everything came out to $37.95.
  804. >You feel a bit bad that Anon has to spend that much.
  805. >He puts the money on top of the check and gives it to Pinkie.
  806. >As she's about to skate away, Anon calls out to her.
  807. >"Wait Pinkie!" Anon stops her and pulls out $15. "Here. A tip. Thanks for being our waitress. Glad it was you."
  808. >Pinkie looks at the money and takes it from his hand
  809. >"Wowie! Thanks, Nonny!" she exclaims as she accepts the money. "I'm glad you two stopped by. Thank you for eating here. Have a safe trip home!"
  810. >Pinkie grabs you and Anon and bears hugs the both of you.
  811. >"Bye, guys! Drop by again!"
  812. >With that, she skates away.
  813. >"Well then." Anon says to you while putting away his wallet. "Shall we go home? I bet you're tired since you fell asleep on the bus."
  814. >Anon laughs as he finishes that sentence.
  815. >You become a little embarrassed.
  816. >You hope you didn't snore or talk in your sleep because you've been known to do that.
  817. "Y-yes. Let's go home."
  818. >Both of you say goodbye to Pinkie Pie, walk out the door, and start walking home.
  820. >Finally, you've reached your house.
  821. >At last, you can relax in your home and maybe do some homework, but something pops in your head that you forgot to do.
  822. >As that gets in your head, Anon speaks up.
  823. >"Well I'm gonna go home now. Thanks for com-" he is interrupted as you grab his arm and look at him.
  824. "Wait." you speak up. "Can you please come inside for a while? My parents aren't home and I don't feel like being home alone.."
  825. >"But won't your parents be mad if they found out?"
  826. "They won't. I promise. Please, Anon..?" you look at him puppy dog eyes.
  827. >These eyes always got what you want with Anon when you two were kids.
  828. >Hopefully they work this time.
  829. >Maybe you can finally admit your feelings to him tonight.
  830. >Anon looks at you and chuckles a bit.
  831. >"That's not fair. You know I can't say no to those eyes. So I guess I'm staying."
  832. >Yes! These eyes never fail.
  833. >They're a gift and you're glad you have them.
  834. "Yay! Thank you, Anon!"
  835. >You grab Anon and pull him to your house.
  836. >Unlock the door and direct him to the living room.
  837. >Anon goes where you point to and you follow.
  838. "I will be right back. I'll get us some drinks. Anything you like?"
  839. >He puts a finger to his chin and begins to think, until he notices the cheesecakes in the bag.
  840. >He smiles as he begins to speak up.
  841. >"I'll take a glass of milk, thank you."
  842. "Well alright then. One glass of milk coming up." you say as you begin to take off the jacket that Anon gave you. "Oh yeah. Here's your jacket back. It helped a lot. Thank you."
  843. >You hold the jacket out to him.
  844. >Anon looks at it, then you.
  845. >"Keep it, Twi. I have no need for it. I have plenty of jackets at home." he gets up and takes his jacket off to get more comfortable. "And besides. Think of it as a present from me to you."
  846. >A smile appears on your face.
  847. >It now feels like you have a piece of Anon with you.
  848. "W-wow. Thank you so much, Anon. I'll take good care of it. Promise."
  849. >"Good to know. Now. About that glass of milk?" he asks, trying not to sound rude.
  850. "Oh! Yes! Sorry about that. I'll get on it right away!"
  851. >You leave the living room and head straight to the kitchen.
  852. >You grab two glasses off the shelf and grab the milk out the fridge.
  853. >>As you begin pouring the milk, Anon starts to enter your mind.
  854. >Now that he gave you his jacket, it's like he'll always be with you.
  855. >If only he was with you for real...
  856. >Thoughts about you and Anon being together keeps flooding your mind as the milk overflows the glass and falls out the ground.
  857. "AH!" you let out a loud scream.
  858. >Anon shouts from the living room; "Is everything okay!?"
  859. "Yes! Just a little accident!" you start cleaning the milk off the floor with a wet rag.
  860. >You finish cleaning the mess and bring the glasses of milk to the living room.
  862. >Walk in to the living room and see Anon going through his phone.
  863. >He is just typing away on his phone, probably sending a message to someone.
  864. >You sit next to him and put his glass in front of him, then you remember something.
  865. "Oh dear!" you shout out
  866. >Anon jumps a little and looks at you.
  867. >"Is something wrong, Twilight?"
  868. "Yes. I forgot the coasters. If my parents find rings from drinks, they'll flip. I'll be right back again. Sorry Anon, but can you hold your drink till I come back?"
  869. >"Sure thing, Twi." he shoots you a smile.
  870. >Anon holds his drink and you go back in the kitchen to look for two coasters.
  871. >You start to look where the coasters are, but when you search, they are not there.
  872. >That's weird, since the coasters are always in the cabinets above the sink.
  873. >The search continues for at least thirty more seconds, but there's no luck of finding them.
  874. >Did your parents throw them out or something?
  875. >If so, why didn't they tell you something?
  876. >Oh well, it's fine.
  877. >Guess you won't be using coasters.
  878. >As you go back to the living room, you see Anon's drink on a coaster and another coaster next to his.
  879. >A confused look appears on your face as you keep staring at the coasters.
  880. >Anon notices you and stares at you.
  881. >"Is something wrong there?" he says.
  882. "Where did you find those?" you point at the coasters.
  883. >"Oh. I found those on the desk next to me." he points to his right. "They were just sitting there and I started using them as soon as you left to look for some."
  884. "And you didn't tell me, why?" you raise an eyebrow.
  885. >"Well, no. I thought it'll be funny if you brought extras." he laughs.
  886. "Well the joke's on you because I didn't find any so ha!"
  887. >"Actually, the joke is still on you because you had to go through the trouble of looking for them."
  888. >You couldn't help but pout after Anon said that.
  889. >That went way better in your head, but he ruined it.
  890. "You're such a jerk, Anon." you say through your pouting lips.
  891. >He laughs and takes out the cheesecakes from the bag.
  892. >"I'm sorry. It won't happen again ... yet."
  893. >You lightly slap his arm and sit next to him.
  894. >"So would you like a cheesecake?"
  895. >A confused look appears on your face as he asks that question.
  896. "But, what about you, Anon?"
  897. >"Huh? What you me-" he stops mid sentence and starts a question. "You didn't think I bought these two pieces for myself, did you?"
  898. >That's exactly what you thought.
  899. "Uh, I kind of did. Since I said I'd pass on dessert."
  900. >"Well I know you didn't want, but I'd still bought you a piece because I thought you'd be hungry again.
  901. "Oh, well sorry Anon but I'm not hun-" you are interrupted by the growling of your stomach.
  902. >Great timing, stomach...
  903. >"I'm sorry. What was that, Twilight?" He leans his head a bit towards you and puts his hand behind his ear.
  904. "Okay, okay! Maybe I am a bit hungry!"
  905. >"Good. Because I know strawberry cheesecake is your favorite."
  906. >He places the cheesecake in front of you and you two begin to chow down.
  908. >After you two finish the cheesecake, Anon starts stretching and finishes his milk.
  909. >He stands up and grabs both the cups and any garbage on the table.
  910. >"Where's the kitchen?" He speaks up. "I'm gonna wash these cups."
  911. "You don't have to do that, Anon. I can do it." you start to stand, but you feel yourself being pushed down.
  912. >"It's fine. I want to. Just relax."
  913. "Oh.. Well the kitchen is just between those doors." You point at the doors and he smiles and walks towards that way.
  914. >That Anon.
  915. >He's always been helpful to you and your family.
  916. >You close your eyes and begin thinking about the past, when a voice startles you.
  917. >You open your eyes and find Anon staring at you.
  918. >"You okay, Twi? Are you tired?" Anon says, sounding concerned.
  919. "N-no, Anon.." Your face turns a little red. "I'm fine."
  920. >"Oh. Well I was wondering if you can tell me where the bathroom was."
  921. "Sure." You sit up straight. "When you step into the kitchen, there should be an archway on the other side. Once you go through there, turn to your left, and it's the second door on your right."
  922. >"Thanks. Be back in a bit."
  923. >He leaves through the doors and you're alone again.
  924. >Where were you?
  925. >Ah right. The past.
  926. >You lay back down and begin to think about back in the days again.
  927. >...
  929. "Mom!?" You yell out, trying to locate her.
  930. >"I'm in the kitchen, sweetie!"
  931. >You follow the sound of the voice down the stairs and into the kitchen.
  932. >As you enter, you find your mother on the floor, near the refrigerator.
  933. "Um. Mom?" You speak up. "What are you doing on the floor?"
  934. >"I misplaced my wedding ring and I'm looking for it." She stands up and looks somewhere else.
  935. "Oh my. Did you ask dad for help?"
  936. >"Yes. He should be looking in the garage."
  937. "Can I help!? I'll get Anon to help!"
  938. >"Thanks, Twilight, but I think your da-"
  939. >Before she finishes her sentence, you run out the kitchen and upstairs in your room.
  940. >A few minutes pass by, and you run back downstairs with Anon by his wrist.
  941. >Everywhere you looked in the house, your mother was nowhere to be found, so you decide to check the backyard.
  942. >Sure enough, she was there with your dad, probably still searching.
  943. You run up to them with Anon and say, "Me and Anon are here and we're ready to help!"
  944. >Your mom looks at you two and goes back to looking.
  945. >"Honey, I told you it's fine. Your dad and I can handle it."
  946. "Nonsense! Anon, you look over by the flowerbed and I'll look by the fence."
  947. >"Yes, Twilight." Anon says as he follows your orders.
  948. >After 20 minutes of search, not a single thing was found on your side.
  949. >You meet up with your parents and Anon
  950. >"Did either of you two find it?" Your father asks.
  951. "Sorry Dad, but I had no luck.. How about you, Anon?"
  952. >Anon shakes his head.
  953. >You look over to your mom and see her crying a bit.
  954. >"I'm not gonna find it..." your mother says between sobs.
  955. >"Don't cry, dear. If we don't find it, I'll buy you a new one." Your father hugs and tries to comfort her.
  956. >Just when you were all about to give up, Anon speaks up.
  957. >"Um. Where did you last have your ring, Mrs. Velvet?"
  958. >She wipes away her tears and begins to talk.
  959. >"I had it last when I was doing the dishes. I took it off because it started to hurt for some reason"
  960. >"Then maybe we should take our search into the kitchen."
  961. "But Anon. My mom already searched there and she didn't find anything."
  962. >He still walks into the house, and everyone follows him.
  963. >Everyone is in the kitchen and Anon is looking around.
  964. >"Mrs. Velvet. Where did you place your ring and when did you take it off?" Anon asks.
  965. >Your mother steps forward and begins to explain.
  966. >"I took it off when I was half way done and I placed it at the edge of the sink."
  967. >"And how long would you say did it take you to finish after you took the ring off?"
  968. >"Lets see. I would say 3 minutes."
  969. >"And when did you realize that your ring was missing?"
  970. >"At least 2 minutes after I was done."
  971. >Anon looks around and in the sink and asks one more question.
  972. >"Did anyone come in or out in that time span?"
  973. >"No. No one."
  974. >"I see" Anon leans in the sink and examines it for a while.
  975. >After a while, Anon chuckles.
  976. "What's so funny, Anon?" You ask, confused
  977. >"The thing that's funny is I found the ring." Anon looks at everyone.
  978. >"Really!? Where is it!?" Your mother exclaims.
  979. >Anon points to the sink, but you can't see what he's directly pointing at.
  980. >So you all move to the sink and notice that he is pointing down the drain.
  981. "D-down there?" You ask.
  982. >He nods.
  983. >"But how did it get down there, dear?"
  984. >"Elementary, Mrs. Velvet, but before I explain, let's get the ring out first. Mr. Light. Can you undo the pipes? The ring should be in the middle one."
  985. >"Will do."
  986. >Your father gets his tools and starts working on the pipes.
  987. >After a while, he gets the pipe off and looks in it.
  988. >"Well I'll be." Your father digs two fingers into the pipe and pulls out the ring.
  989. >Both yours and your mom's eyes widen as your dad holds the ring in his fingers.
  990. "Wow, Anon! How di-" your words are interrupted as your mother gives Anon a bearhug.
  991. >"Oh thank you so much, Anonymous!"
  992. >"You're.. *gasps* welcome.."
  993. You see that Anon can barely breathe and say, "Um. Mom. I don't think Anon can breathe."
  994. >She quickly releases her grip on him and fix him up.
  995. >"So sorry, dear. I'm just so happy to have my ring back."
  996. >Your father hands her back the ring and she quickly puts it on.
  997. "I just have one question." You ask. "How in the world did you know the ring was there?"
  998. >Everyone looks at Anon, waiting for him to give his explanation.
  999. "Well. When your mom said she placed the ring on the edge of the sink, I suspected that it fell in the drain, but had no evidence. So when I looked around and in the sink, it all become clear to me."
  1000. >Anon walks over to the sink and motions everyone to come close, so we all join him.
  1001. >"Now. What does everyone notice about the sink?"
  1002. >Everyone examines the sink carefully, but looks confused.
  1003. "It's clean?" You ask.
  1004. >"Exactly. There's no water on the sink. Not even a drop." Anon grabs a little towel that was by the sink. "Plus, this towel is still damp."
  1005. "How did that tell you where the ring was?"
  1006. >"Well. Since your mother said she did the dishes, I knew it was gonna be spotless. If your father did them, there would have been water all over."
  1007. >Your father scratches his head and chuckles nervously as your mother looks at him with an eyebrow raised.
  1008. >"Anyways." He continues. "Since the towel is damp, it's the one you used to wipe the sink dry. Am I right?" He turns to your mother.
  1009. >"Why yes." She responds. "But I still don't understand how my ring got in the drain."
  1010. >Anon grabs a coin from his pocket and hands it to your mother.
  1011. >You're wondering what's he gonna do.
  1012. >"Mrs. Velvet. Please place the penny at the same spot you placed your wedding ring.
  1013. >She gives you a confused look before doing so.
  1014. >She places the coin on the edge of the sink and looks at Anon
  1015. >"Now what, dear?" She speaks up.
  1016. >"Now, with the damp towel, clean the sink like you would normally do."
  1017. >Everyone is still confused, but Anon's face has a determined look.
  1018. >Your mother looks at her father before doing so, and your father motions her to do it.
  1019. >Slowly, she starts wiping down the sink all around to make sure she's doing it right.
  1020. >Anon looks at her.
  1021. >"No need to be nervous, Mrs. Velvet. Just pretend we're not here."
  1022. >She does what Anon says and she begins cleaning the sink like she normally does.
  1023. >After a few seconds of watching your mom cleaning the sink, everyone's eyes except Anon widens after we all hear a strange sound.
  1024. >It sounded like something fell in the drain.
  1025. >No.. It couldn't be.
  1026. >There's no way that your mother made the penny go in the drain just by cleaning, right?
  1027. >"W-what was that noise?" Your father speaks up.
  1028. >Anon smirks.
  1029. >"You're done cleaning, Mrs. Velvet. You can stop now." Anon walks towards the sink. "Everyone. Look at the sink. What do you notice now?"
  1030. >You spot it quickly, even though you knew the outcome when you heard that noise.
  1031. "The penny is gone. It fell down the drain."
  1032. >All of you look in disbelief.
  1033. >"So that's how the ring got there..." Your mother says as she puts away the damp towel.
  1034. "Wait a minute!" You speak up. "If that's how it happened, then how come my mom had to look for it? She would have heard the ring fell in the drain like we did, right mom?
  1035. >"But what if she didn't hear it, Twi?"
  1036. "Huh? How can she not hear it? Mom. You heard it, right?"
  1037. >Your mother shows a hint of embarrassment when you ask that question, and finally speaks up.
  1038. >"I guess the music drowned out the sound..." She cups her right cheek to cover her embarrassment.
  1039. >That's right. Your mom tends to listen to music when she's doing chores.
  1040. "Geez, mom... Nice going."
  1041. >She chuckles nervously.
  1042. >"Case Closed." Anon snaps his fingers.
  1043. >Your mother walks to Anon and hugs him.
  1044. >"Thank you so much, dearie. Thanks to you, I have my ring back. You're pretty smart for a 9 year old."
  1045. >She's right. He is very smart.
  1046. >Smarter than you? Probably...
  1047. >Your parents are congratulating Anon on a job well done.
  1048. >What's this funny feeling that you're getting inside you?
  1049. >Could it be that you are starting to like like Anon?
  1050. >"Oh yeah. One more thing." Anon walks over to you, "Twi. Can you wake up?"
  1051. >Huh? Wake up?
  1052. >What does he mean wake up?
  1053. >He snaps his fingers in your face.
  1054. >At that instant, you find yourself in your living room with Anon looking at you.
  1055. "A-Anon..?" You rub your eyes.
  1056. >"Hello, Twi. Finally you're awake."
  1057. >Awake? You must have fell asleep when Anon was cleaning and using the bathroom.
  1058. "Y-yeah.. Sorry, Anon. Guess I was more tired than I thought..."
  1059. >Anon chuckles a little.
  1060. >"Yeah, you were. Your snoring told me." He laughs after saying that.
  1061. >Ah! You was afraid of that!
  1062. >You were probably as loud as Rainbow Dash when she's sleeping.
  1063. "D-did anything else happen when I was sleeping..?"
  1064. >Anon thinks for a while.
  1065. "No, not that I know of." He scratches the back of his head.
  1066. >Whew. That's a relief.
  1067. >For a moment there, you thought you were talking in your sleeping.
  1068. >That would have been embarrassing if that happened.
  1069. >You see Anon is packing his stuff.
  1070. "W-what are you doing, Anon?" You say with a worried tone.
  1071. >You have a feeling that Anon is gonna leave, but you hope he doesn't.
  1072. >"I have to go, Twi." He finished getting his stuff ready. "Look at the time."
  1073. >You look at the clock to see the time.
  1074. >11:00pm!?
  1075. >It can't be.. You only fell asleep for like 30 minutes.. Right?
  1076. "Um. Anon..?"
  1077. >"Mhm?" He says as he's buttoning up his jacket.
  1078. "How long was I asleep for?" You yawn after talking.
  1079. >"Let's see... I'd say maybe about a hour or so. I'm not really sure, so I could be wrong."
  1080. "A hour!?" You shout. "Can't be.. It only felt like 30 minutes or something.."
  1081. >Anon laughs at your outburst.
  1082. >"Like I said, Twi. I'm not really sure. Maybe I'm wrong." Anon finishes getting ready to leave. "Well I got to get going. It's getting late and I'm tired."
  1083. "W-wait, Anon!" You shout out at him.
  1084. >He turns around with his hand on the door knob.
  1085. >This is your chance!
  1086. >You have to confess to Anon. About your feelings. About everything!
  1087. "Um.. I-I-I..." You stutter, trying to find the right words to say.
  1088. >Right now, you sound like an idiot and Anon is just standing awaiting for a response.
  1089. >"Yes, Twi?" He speaks up.
  1090. >Your face is as red as it can be right now.
  1091. "I hope you get home safe!" You randomly blurt out.
  1092. >"Oh.. Well okay. Thanks, I guess. Good night, Twilight." Anon leaves and closes the door behind him.
  1093. >What was that, Twilight Sparkle!?
  1094. >You were suppose to do it, but instead you chickened out!
  1095. >Rainbow Dash will be so disappointed in you.
  1096. >You look out the window and see Anon walking down the street.
  1097. >You let out a sigh.
  1098. >Anon...
  1100. ~ANONYMOUS~
  1101. >You're walking home after a somewhat good night with Twilight.
  1102. >The first half was good, but when you both got to her house, she just slept it away.
  1103. >You don't mind though. She does tend to work herself to the bone, so you can understand why she's so tired all the time.
  1104. >She could really use some relaxation one day.
  1105. >Maybe tomorrow, you two can hang out..
  1106. >Wait. You promised Trixie that you'd meet her at the mall in the afternoon.
  1107. >You're not the one to turn your back on a promise, so I guess you'll have to wait till another day to hang out with Twilight.
  1108. >But what happened just before you left is still bugging you.
  1109. >Twilight looked like she was nervous to say something else.
  1110. >It was very clear she didn't want to say what she said.
  1111. >You mean, you do live a few blocks away from her house, but even then, she'll just say be careful.
  1112. >Something else must be on her mind, you'll get to the bottom of it.
  1113. >Right now, you just want to sleep.
  1115. >Finally. You arrive home.
  1116. >You can hear your bed calling your name.
  1117. >Today was a long day. You felt like it was never gonna end.
  1118. >At least you didn't spend it all alone.
  1119. >You open your door and enter your home.
  1120. >The house is completely empty and silent. You really miss your parents.
  1121. >Now you know why Twilight wanted you to spend time with her for a while.
  1122. >You'll call your parents tomorrow as soon as you can.
  1123. >Right now, you just want to get some sleep.
  1124. >Have to get up early and get ready to meet Trixie.
  1125. >You also got to clean your room.
  1126. >You jump right into bed until sleep fully takes control of your body.
  1127. >...
  1130. >...
  1131. >A bright light is shining right in your eyes and it's annoying you.
  1132. >You toss your sheets to the side and sit up.
  1133. >Geez. The sun is shining bright today.
  1134. >Well, you can understand why, since it is Summer already.
  1135. >You look at your clock to see the time.
  1136. >10:23am
  1137. >Ugh. Thanks a lot, sun.
  1138. >On weekends, you love to sleep in since you always got to wake up early for school and stuff.
  1139. >But thanks to the rays of the sun, it looks like that won't happen.
  1140. >You could always close the curtains, but it makes no sense since it's impossible for you to go back to sleep anyways.
  1141. >Looks like your day will be starting a little earlier than usual.
  1142. >Oh, that's right! You have to meet up with Anon today.
  1143. >How can you forget?
  1144. >After all, you did suggest it in class yesterday.
  1145. >You've finally built up the courage to ask Anon out even since you met him.
  1146. >Even though he's out of your league, well, every guy at CHS is out of your league, you find something special in that boy.
  1147. >He must be special to caught your, The Great and Powerful Trixie's attention.
  1148. >You laugh while walking to the bathroom.
  1149. >Time to take a shower and do the worst thing you hate to do and that's shaving your legs.
  1150. >Let's get this over with, Trixie.
  1152. >Minutes later, you're finally done in the shower and you feel as clean as a whistle, but your legs aren't doing so good.
  1153. >You must have cut yourself at least five times.
  1154. >It hurts like hell, but at least the bleeding stop.
  1155. >You'll have to find another painless way to do this.
  1156. >But for now, you have to get ready to go to the mall.
  1157. >Since today is Saturday, the mall will be crowded by everyone.
  1158. >Everyone at school, adults with their kids, even elderly people.
  1159. >It might be a bit difficult to maneuver, but you can probably manage.
  1160. >Hopefully it won't be hard to find Anon.
  1161. >Maybe you should shoot him a message telling where to meet up.
  1162. >You walk in the room only wearing a towel, looking for your phone.
  1163. >You find it and look through your contacts.
  1164. >After a few scrolling, you find him under the name, "Glasses Kid."
  1165. >You laugh at your screen.
  1166. >That nickname is so funny to you, you can't help but call Anon that.
  1167. >Four-Eyes is too played out and it's the most common nickname for people with glasses, so you decided to make up your own.
  1168. >Sure it's not really creative, but it's funny to you, and it annoys Anon, so you're fine with it.
  1169. >A sound from your phone gets your attention.
  1170. >When you look, you see a text message notification.
  1171. >There's no way that this can be Anon...
  1172. >New Message(s) from: Sunset Shimmer.
  1173. >Oh. You wonder what she wants.
  1174. >You open up the message and start to read it.
  1175. >["Hey, Trix. What's going on? Wanna hang out today?"]
  1176. >You start typing away with a speed like lightning.
  1177. >Everyone says you are a fast texter and you noticed that you are.
  1178. ["Sorry, Sunset. Trixie meeting up with Anon at the mall. Didn't I tell you yesterday?"]
  1179. >You send the message and set the phone to get dressed.
  1180. >Let's see, what to wear.
  1181. >It is humid outside, but you don't wanna dress to revealing.
  1182. >Maybe you'll just wear some caprice and a thin shirt.
  1183. >But first, your bra and panties.
  1184. >You pick out your favorite pair. A light blue combo with stars on them.
  1185. "Looking good, Trixie." You look in the mirror posing in your bra and panties.
  1186. >Something falls in front of your vision.
  1187. >It's your hair.
  1188. >Ugh. Always the hair. It can be a bothersome sometimes.
  1189. >Sometimes, you have thoughts on whether you should cut it or not, but you love your hair.
  1190. >You grab the brush off your nightstand and begin brushing your hair in front of the mirror
  1191. >The brush is somewhat getting caught in your hair.
  1192. >Maybe it isn't such a bad idea to cut a few inches off your hair... Nah. You love your hair.
  1194. >At last. Your hair is perfect, you're dressed, and you're ready to go.
  1195. >Oh yeah, almost forgot that you have to message Anon, telling him where to meet up.
  1196. >You look for your phone, and find it on the bed.
  1197. >You turn it on and notices a message from Sunset.
  1198. >She'll have to wait for a while. This is important that Anon knows where to find you.
  1199. >The time on your phone reads 11:37am.
  1200. >Not bad, not bad. Now, back to what you was doing.
  1201. >Let's see... Glasses Kid, Glasses Kid... Ah! Got it.
  1202. >After selecting his name, you press the message button and begin typing your message.
  1203. ["Hey. Brat with the Glasses! Don't forget about our meet-up. Let's meet at the center of the mall. Where the big fountain is. Hope you know where it is. Later!"]
  1204. >And send.
  1205. >That's done. Now let's see what Sunset has said.
  1206. >Open the message and begin to read.
  1207. >["Oh that's right. Guess I forgot, haha. Well I guess we'll hang out another time. Bye-bye. Good luck, Trix ;)"]
  1208. >A laugh escapes your mouth and you put your phone in your pocket.
  1209. >Well, you have some time before you have to meet Anon, so you'll grab some food here.
  1210. >You are getting a bit hungry.
  1211. >Since it's almost lunch, you'll probably eat a sandwich or something.
  1212. >Nothing to fattening. You wanna keep your amazing figure after all.
  1213. >You race down the stairs and enter the kitchen.
  1214. >There, you see your parents, the most normal people you know.
  1215. >You act totally different from them, and it's somewhat weird to you.
  1216. >They have such amazing jobs, money comes in like nothing.
  1217. >Your father owns his own company and your mother is a nurse.
  1218. >You love them a lot, but they are so embarrassing.
  1219. >They notice you and greet you with smiles.
  1220. >"There's my little gumdrop!" Your father jumps up from his chair and places his newspaper on the table to hug you.
  1221. "Dad!" You're stuck between his arms. "Stop with the nicknames!"
  1222. >He lets you go and chuckles.
  1223. >"Come on, sweetheart. You know what I always say. No matter how old you get, you'll always be daddy's little girl."
  1224. >Your mother laughs and stands up.
  1225. >"You know how your father is, honey." She gives you a hug as well, then scans you from top to bottom. "I would have thought you'd still be in your PJ's. What are you doing dressed so early?"
  1226. "Trixie is meet-" You stop talking as your mother stares you down.
  1227. >She then begins to speak.
  1228. >"I'm sorry. What was that? Were you using third person? You know I hate it."
  1229. "Sorry, mother. I'm meeting a friend at the mall." You sit down at the table.
  1230. >Your father perks up his ears then sits down.
  1231. >"Is this friend a boy?" He leans in with a serious look on his face.
  1232. "D-Dad!" Your face turns red, but you manage to hide it from your parents.
  1233. >He lets out a laugh.
  1234. >"I'm just joking, sweetheart." He goes back to his newspaper and sips his coffee.
  1235. >"Anyways." Your mother speaks up. "Would you like anything to eat, dear? You name it, I'll make it."
  1236. "Yes, Mother. Trixie woul-" You are interrupted by a flick to the forehead. "Ouch! What was that for, mother!?"
  1237. >She gives you a cold look and leans in till your faces are close together.
  1238. >"What did I say about you and your third person speak?" She steps away from you. "Now. I'll ask again. What would you like to eat?"
  1239. "Sorry, mother..." You rub your forehead, hoping it doesn't leave a mark. "I'll have a sandwich and a glass of juice."
  1240. >"That's better. I'll get your sandwich ready." She kisses your forehead, where she flicked. "Sit tight."
  1241. >Geez. You understand that your mother hates your third person speaking, but flicking you was a bit harsh.
  1242. >After watching a movie where someone was speaking third person, you started to copying it, thinking it was funny and cool.
  1243. >It's stuck with you for a while and you like it.
  1244. >But your mother. Not so much...
  1246. >After a few minutes, your mother comes back with a sandwich just the way you like it and places it in front of you.
  1247. >A sandwich with Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Peppers, and a bit of Mayo.
  1248. >Can't wait to dig in. It looks so amazing.
  1249. >Well of course it looks like this. Your mother made it.
  1250. >She makes the best sandwiches in Canterlot. Maybe in the whole world.
  1251. >You start to eat the sandwich, but not like an animal.
  1252. >It taste like heaven.
  1253. >Your father keeps looking at you, but he's not looking directly at you. He's looking at the sandwich.
  1254. >His mouth starts to water as your mother snaps her fingers in his face.
  1255. >"Dear. Don't stare at Trixie that way. Let her eat her food in peace." She says as she places a sandwich in front of him.
  1256. >He lets out a nervous chuckle.
  1257. >"Sorry dear." He picks up the sandwich and takes a bite. "Sorry to you too, gumdrop." He also says with his mouth full of food.
  1258. >At that moment, your mother slaps your father upside the head.
  1259. >"Don't talk with your mouth full. That's disgusting." Your mother takes a seat next to him.
  1260. >You let out a laugh.
  1261. >It's always funny when someone else besides you gets hit.
  1262. >Especially when your mother does it to your father.
  1263. >He swallows the piece of food he ate and begins to speak.
  1264. >"Sorry..." He goes back to eating.
  1265. >"That's better. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for work." She kisses your father on the cheek and you on the head. "Have a good day you two."
  1266. "Trixie wi-" Your mother's cold stare stops you in mid sentence. "I mean... I will, mother."
  1267. >She gives you a big smile and walks upstairs to her room.
  1268. >You let out a sigh.
  1269. >Got to be careful talking around your mother. Don't wanna get flicked again.
  1270. >"Well." Your father finishes his sandwich and stands up. "I got to get going as well. Have a good time and remember. Call me if you need me for anything."
  1271. >He walks to you and kisses your head.
  1272. "Will do, Dad."
  1273. >With that, he leaves and walks upstairs into the bathroom.
  1274. >A smile appears on your face.
  1275. >You couldn't ask for better parents.
  1276. >After a while, you finish your sandwich and check the time.
  1277. >12:12pm
  1278. >Really? It's noon already? Time really sped up when you was with your parents.
  1279. >Well, you still got some time till you have to meet Anon. Maybe you can go up to your room and listen to music till then.
  1280. >That's exactly what you're going to do.
  1281. >Can't wait till it's time to go.
  1282. >Get ready, Anon.
  1285. >12:20pm
  1286. >The steam from your cup of coffee flows in your face as you stare into the cup.
  1287. >Last night was nice, but you missed half of it, sleeping it away as soon as you got home.
  1288. >A look in the mirror earlier showed you that you're a bit tired.
  1289. >It showed a bit of bags under your eyes and you kept yawning.
  1290. >You had a nightmare and you couldn't get back to sleep, so you had to break night.
  1291. >The nightmare seemed so real, that you woke up in cold sweat.
  1292. >Anon left with Trixie while you were crying on the floor and completely forgot about you.
  1293. >Trixie just laughed as she walked away with Anon, holding his hand and cuddling against him.
  1294. >A single tear leaves from your left eye into your coffee.
  1295. >You can't help but cry.
  1296. >After all, you deserve to because you should have followed Rainbow Dash's advice and told Anon everything.
  1297. >But no. You had to chicken out.
  1298. >You let out a sigh, knowing you messed up.
  1299. >Wait. Maybe you didn't mess up.
  1300. >Maybe you can catch Anon before he goes to the mall to meet up with Trixie.
  1301. >That's it! You'll just beat Trixie to the punch and let him know before anything happens!
  1302. >You slam your fist on the table and run up to your room to get ready.
  1303. >Anon will see all the good sides to you.
  1304. >You'll never give up until it's over!
  1305. >Gotta hurry, gotta hurry.
  1307. >At last, you're ready!
  1308. >Man, that took a while. People are right about girls taking long to get ready.
  1309. >But now's not the time to worry about that. You have to catch Anon before he leaves.
  1310. >You grab your keys and your phone and run out the house.
  1311. >Now to lock the door...
  1312. >The key is going everywhere but the keyhole and it's frustrating you.
  1313. >Come on ... Yes! Now to lock it.
  1314. >And done!
  1315. >Finally. Nothing should get in your way now.
  1316. >You begin running down the street, towards Anon's house.
  1317. >It's a mystery to you on how you got this much energy when you barely slept.
  1318. >Maybe it's your feelings for Anon giving you the energy.
  1319. >It's amazing how one person can give you so much confidence and motivation.
  1320. >Enough of that. Time to focus on getting there in time.
  1321. >A quick turn at the corner causes you to slow down your momentum for a little before speeding up again.
  1322. >Dodging people and other stuff along the way.
  1323. >You never knew you can run this fast.
  1324. >Heavy pants comes out of your mouth as you keep running.
  1325. >It'll be best to slow down, but you got to hurry before anything happens.
  1326. >Almost there...
  1327. >You can see Anon's house, so you speed up a bit more, even you're tired and breathless.
  1328. >Finally, you reach his house and look around.
  1329. >You pound on his door, hoping he is still home.
  1330. >You would yell out his name, but you're out of breath and can't get words out right now.
  1331. >He has to be here. He just has to.
  1332. >The knocking subsides as you are exhausted, so you slide your back against the door down to the ground to catch your breath.
  1333. >Maybe he already left to the mall.
  1334. >A groan escapes from you.
  1335. >It isn't over until you say so.
  1336. >You get up and make your way to the mall.
  1337. >You'll never give up. Not on this chance.
  1338. >Get ready, Anon.
  1340. ~ANONYMOUS~
  1341. >12:42pm
  1342. >Man, do you love sleeping in.
  1343. >But you couldn't even if you wanted to.
  1344. >You're on the bus, still a bit groggy from being woken up to multiple lawn mowers going off at once.
  1345. >It kept going on for at least 30 minutes or so, so you were forced to wake up.
  1346. >It was around 10:30 or something around there when it started.
  1347. >As soon as you was woken up, you stood in the bed for a while thinking about how you was gonna spend your day.
  1348. >After you meet up with Trixie, you're gonna buy your game and head to the park to relax and goof around maybe.
  1349. >Yeah, it seems childish, but you don't care.
  1350. >You've always liked going to the park when you had the chance.
  1351. >Being cooped inside all the time has never been your forte. You need to be outside at times.
  1352. >After you thought about your day, you finally called your parents.
  1353. >They were so excited that you called, that they didn't let you get a word in for a while.
  1354. >You told them that school is going well and so is everything else, but you also spoke about how you miss them.
  1355. >Your mom sounded a bit worried and started asking all these questions like if you needed her to come here and stuff.
  1356. >The talk was a bit short because your parents had to go and take care of some stuff.
  1357. >It really disappointed you because you hardly speak to your parents and they had to go so soon.
  1358. >You brushed it off, but it still bothered you. Still does right now, but not that much.
  1359. >All you're focusing on it getting to the mall in time.
  1360. >Oh yeah. You forgot to respond to the text you got from Trixie.
  1361. >It arrived at the time you was on the phone so you completely forgot about it when you hung up.
  1362. >Oh well. You'll just tell her what happened.
  1363. >At least you know where to meet up at.
  1364. >After the short phone call, you took a shower, got ready, and was out the house by 12:15pm.
  1365. >You always wondered why women take so long when they are getting ready.
  1366. >You let out a chuckle.
  1367. >As you look out the window, thinking about random shit, you feel the bus slowing down.
  1368. >The bus makes a hard stop that causes everyone to stumble forward. Even the people in their seats.
  1369. >Everyone gets up, complaining to the bus driver about the stop he made and gets off.
  1370. >The driver apologize as everyone steps off the bus.
  1371. >You get off the bus as well, and stare at the tall, wide building in front of you.
  1372. >Canterlot Center Mall.
  1373. >The biggest mall in the world.
  1374. >It takes up a block and a half and maybe more.
  1375. >It has everything you can possibly think of.
  1376. >Fast food joints, Clothing stores, restaurants, bars, and game stores. You name it.
  1377. >They even have a library. A fucking library.
  1378. >People come here to hang, have dates, and other shit.
  1379. >Other people come here from around the world to see this place.
  1380. >You look around and it's just as you thought.
  1381. >Crowded as fuck with a lot of people and kids.
  1382. >Honestly, today is probably the worst day to go to the mall.
  1383. >Mostly everyone is off of work, kids are off from school, which makes the mall hard to get around in.
  1384. >Hopefully you can find Trixie in the crowd.
  1385. >Well she did say by the fountain in the text, so maybe you should head there before anything.
  1386. >You look at the big clock on the building and it reads 1:14pm.
  1387. >That's not bad. You're early.
  1388. >Maybe you can stop by GameStop to get your game, then go to the meeting place.
  1389. >Yeah, that's what you'll do. You don't think Trixie would be this early anyways.
  1390. >You step through the doors and see lots of people walking around, eating, and sitting around.
  1391. >You also see lots of couples walking together.
  1392. >Elderly couples, middle-aged couple, and even young couples.
  1393. >Makes you a bit disappointed because you would like a relationship to be in.
  1394. >You shake your head to get out of your thoughts.
  1395. >That's enough of that. It's time to get that game.
  1397. >Finally. The game you wanted is in your possession.
  1398. >It was the last copy as well, so you're very lucky.
  1399. >You hope this game is what everyone makes it out to be.
  1400. >It's probably not, but it looks fun to you so fuck it.
  1401. >Now that you finally got it, you'll roam around the mall since you have enough time to kill.
  1402. >Maybe window shop for some other shit you might plan on buying.
  1403. >Even though you don't need anything, you like to buy stuff that catches your eye if you have money that you can spend.
  1404. >Right now, you only brought money for the game and maybe a bite to eat, if anything.
  1405. >You begin walking into stores and looks at what they have.
  1406. >Some stores didn't anything of interest to you, but other stores did.
  1407. >Noticed a couple of shirts, some action figures, and other collectible figures.
  1408. >You're a bit of a nerd when it comes to figurines and shit like that.
  1409. >Oh well. It's not a dangerous hobby and no one really knows about it except for your parents.
  1410. >They never really judged you, so it's cool.
  1411. >You'll have to buy them the next time you come here. Which will probably been soon.
  1412. >Well, that's enough of that. Time to go to the meeting place to see if Trixie's there.
  1414. >You're by the fountain, staring into the water while waiting.
  1415. >Lots of coins are scattered at the bottom and fish are swimming around quite gracefully.
  1416. >People are all around the fountain, throwing coins into the water, talking, and laughing.
  1417. >You sit on the fountain's edge, looking at your phone consistently.
  1418. >No new messages or missed calls.
  1419. >Damn. You're growing impatient.
  1420. >Always been a bad habit of yours.
  1421. >It's almost 2pm and she's still not here.
  1422. >Why do girls always take forever to get ready or some shit?
  1423. >Now you're pacing around and frantically looking at your phone.
  1424. >Everyone is looking at you, probably thinking something is wrong with you.
  1425. >You can't stay still for shit, but all you can do is wait.
  1426. >You sit down and try to relax.
  1427. >A few looks around doesn't help.
  1428. >Well of course it wouldn't help with all the people here today.
  1429. >You let out a yawn and become drowsy.
  1430. >"Is that anyway to act in front of The Great & Powerful Trixie?" A voice pierces your ears, as you already knows who it is.
  1431. >You look up and see Trixie in front of you.
  1432. >One look and you're out of breath.
  1433. >She looks absolutely amazing.
  1434. >Her hair was shining while in a neat ponytail.
  1435. >The clothes she wore weren't too loose or tight, so it showed off her nice body.
  1436. >The curves on her body showed very well, that you couldn't stop staring.
  1437. >Trixie notices and lets out a shit-eating grin.
  1438. >"Well. You see something you like?" She rubs down her body while keeping that grin.
  1439. >Her voice brings your attention to her.
  1440. "Hehe. Sorry, Trixie. You just look very amazing."
  1441. >"You don't need to tell Trixie everything she knows."
  1442. >You laugh at Trixie's comment.
  1443. "Anyways. Where you wanna go first? Or do you want to ask me the question now?"
  1444. >Trixie looks around and then walks to a directory.
  1445. >You follow behind her and wait for her.
  1446. >She keeps looking, thinking about where to go.
  1447. >"Let's see... How about here?"
  1448. >She points at a section that reads 'Garden Zone'.
  1449. >It's a place where flower and gardening materials can be bought, but you can also sit around, chat, and eat there, as long as you don't disturb anyone.
  1450. >Why would she want to go there?
  1451. >Oh well. It doesn't matter.
  1452. "Sure. We can go there. How come that place though?"
  1453. >"You'll see soon enough, Glasses Kid." She flashes you a smile.
  1454. >Again with the nickname.
  1455. >Maybe you're not as used to it as you thought you were.
  1456. "You think you can stop calling me that, Trixie?"
  1457. >"Does it bother you?"
  1458. "Honestly, yes. A little."
  1459. >"Then too bad. I won't." She grabs your arm and pulls you while starting to run. "Now let's hurry."
  1460. "Whoa. What's the rush?" You begin running behind Trixie as she has your arm in her hand.
  1461. >"You'll see." You catch a shade of red on her face.
  1462. >Damn it. Can't she just tell you?
  1463. >Guess you will have to listen to her on this one.
  1464. >Nothing you say will probably get through to her.
  1465. >Oh well. Let's see where this takes you.
  1467. >Garden Zone.
  1468. >You're sitting on the bench, waiting for Trixie to come back.
  1469. >She went to go get some drinks for you on her.
  1470. >What's taking her so long?
  1471. >All you're thinking about is why she dragged you all the way here.
  1472. >Is the question that important, that she has to wait for a perfect time or something?
  1473. >You'll find out soon, but you want to know now.
  1474. >This girl loves to make you wait for some reason.
  1475. >Actually, she loves fucking with you.
  1476. >You're gonna get her back one of these days.
  1477. >You lean back on the bench and look up at the ceiling.
  1478. >It's a window ceiling, so you can see the sky.
  1479. >The sky is clear and the sun is shining, lighting up the whole place.
  1480. >You look at your phone to check the time.
  1481. >2:52
  1482. >At this rate, you'll never get to do what you want to do.
  1483. >Maybe you'll just go home and sleep.
  1484. >Yawns keep escaping through your mouth.
  1485. >Sleep doesn't sound too bad now that you think about it.
  1486. >Finally, Trixie comes back with two bottles of water in her hands.
  1487. >She hands you a bottle and sits next to you.
  1488. >You extend your hand out and she places it in your hand.
  1489. "Took you long enough." You jokingly say.
  1490. >"Well excuse me. This place is so crowded, that Trixie had a hard time getting to the vending machines." She drinks some water after finishing her sentence.
  1491. >You laugh and look at Trixie.
  1492. >She seems to be lost in thought.
  1493. >Must be about the question she wants to ask you.
  1494. >The whole reason why you're both here.
  1495. >Maybe it's time to push it out of her.
  1496. "So Trixie." You put your water to the side of you on the ground. "Would you like to share what you want to ask me?"
  1497. >Trixie turns a deep red in the face.
  1498. >"W-well.. The thing is... T-Trixie..." She is stuttering her words, like she's nervous about something.
  1499. >Her eyes are shut tight, still wearing that shade of red on her face.
  1500. >"Trixie.. L-.."
  1501. "Take your time, Trixie. I've got all day."
  1502. >Honestly, you don't, but fuck it.
  1503. >Before she can get another word out, your pocket is vibrating like crazy.
  1504. >You take your phone out your pocket and notice that it's a phone call.
  1505. >All you see on the screen is Twilight's winking face throwing up a peace sign.
  1506. "Um.." You look at Trixie and point at your phone. "You mind if I take this?"
  1507. >She gives you an annoyed look and sighs.
  1508. >"No. Trixie doesn't mind. Answer your phone." She looks away from you, looking a bit irritated.
  1509. "I'm sorry, Trixie." You answer your phone, walking away towards the entrance of the store.
  1510. ["Hello?"]
  1511. >["ANON! WHERE ARE YOU!?"] Twilight yells through the phone, startling you.
  1512. >You move the phone from your ear until she finishes, then start to speak.
  1513. ["I thought I told you and Rainbow that I'm gonna be at the mall today."]
  1514. >["I know that! Just tell me where in the mall!?"]
  1515. ["But why?"]
  1516. >["It's important! Now hurry!"]
  1517. >Guess nothing is gonna stop her from asking, so you're gonna have to tell her.
  1518. ["I'm at Garden Zone wi-"] She interrupts your sentence.
  1519. >["Garden Zone, got it! Bye Anon!"]
  1520. ["Twilight, wait!"]
  1521. >You then hear the sound of your phone letting you know that the call ended.
  1522. >You left out a sigh as you walk back to Trixie.
  1523. >She is sitting down, on her phone, texting away.
  1524. >You sit down next to her.
  1525. "Sorry, Trixie. Didn't mean for that to happen."
  1526. >Trixie looks at you and slides her phone in her pocket.
  1527. >"Don't worry about it. Trixie will be fine." She moves some of her hair out of her face.
  1528. "So. How about you tell me now? I'm sure nothing will distract us now."
  1529. >You lean forward a little with your arms resting on your knees, looking at Trixie.
  1530. >She looks down at her feet and grips her pants.
  1531. >"Alright.. Anon.. This isn't easy for Trixie to say and Trixie wanted to say this for a long time now, so here it is.." She looks up at you, having a innocent face. "Anon.. Trixie li-"
  1532. >"ANON!" A voice yells your name.
  1533. >Trixie lets out a groan while you look for who called your name.
  1534. >You see Twilight running towards you.
  1535. "Twilight?" You say, a bit shocked about her being here.
  1536. >"Sparkle!?" Trixie angrily looks at Twilight.
  1537. >Twilight has her hands on her knees, panting really hard, like she's almost out of breath.
  1538. >You walk over to her, seeing if she needs help.
  1539. "Twilight? Are you okay? Did you run all the way over here?"
  1540. >Trixie scoffs at the sight of you helping Twilight.
  1541. >Twilight nods, unable to get a word out.
  1542. "Take it easy, Twi." You grab your water bottle and hand it to her. "Maybe this will help."
  1543. >Twilight downs all the water without taking a breather once.
  1544. >Her panting is becoming less heavy now.
  1545. >"Thanks. I needed that." Twilight wipes her mouth.
  1546. >She looks at Trixie and notice that she's giving her a death stare.
  1547. >Now the two are just staring at each other, exchanging no words.
  1548. >You decide to break the silence.
  1549. "So Twilight. Why are you here?"
  1550. >She looks away from Trixie and puts all her attention to you.
  1551. >"For an important reason. I need to tell you something."
  1552. >Trixie steps in the middle, making sure Twilight doesn't get another word in.
  1553. >"Hey! Trixie also got to tell Anon something!" She yells at Twilight.
  1554. >"Well it's gonna have to wait!" Twilight snaps back.
  1555. >Both of them are now arguing back and forth, drawing a lot of attention to themselves.
  1556. >If you don't stop this soon, you could all get thrown out.
  1557. "Girls, girls!" You get in the middle of them, separating them from each other. "There's no reason to get this riled up! Just relax."
  1558. >The two of them settle down, just looking at each other.
  1559. >You could have swore that you saw fire in their eyes.
  1560. >Everyone is looking at the three of you, whispering back and forth.
  1561. >Maybe you should get these two out of here.
  1562. >You push them gently towards the exit while both of them is still giving each other death stares, not taking their eyes off one another.
  1563. >How did you get into the middle of this?
  1564. >All of you are at the exit.
  1565. >Now it's time to fix it.
  1566. "Girls." You speak up. "Is what you both have to tell me really important?"
  1567. >"YES!" They both snap at you.
  1568. "Well, can't you just tell me one at a time?"
  1569. >"NO!" They do it again.
  1570. >Well that didn't go well.
  1571. >They both turn away from you, with their arms crossed.
  1572. >Both of them stay quiet until they both speak up.
  1573. >"Oh forget it!" They said together as if they have the same mind set.
  1574. >They both turn to you with confidence brimming in their eyes.
  1575. >"Anon!" Both of them say at the same time again.
  1576. >Clamping their eyes shut with their faces turning a shade of red.
  1577. >"I LIKE YOU, ANON!" They both shout out, but Trixie saying her name instead of I.
  1579. >The two girls comment throws you off guard, that you don't how to respond.
  1580. >They open one eye to see you staring at them with a shocked expression.
  1581. >"G-Glasses Kid?" Trixie speaks up.
  1582. >"His name is Anon!" Twilight snaps at her.
  1583. >"Whatever! Trixie's just trying to get his attention!"
  1584. >You're still staring at them with your mouth open, trying to speak, but nothing is coming out your mouth.
  1585. >"A-anon?" Twilight walks towards you.
  1586. >Trixie just stands there, looking embarrassed.
  1587. >Finally, you are able to get words out of your mouth.
  1588. "L-like me? As in like-like?" You ask the both of them.
  1589. >They nod shyly.
  1590. "When? How?"
  1591. >Both of them look down, rubbing their arms.
  1592. >Trixie steps up, volunteering to go first.
  1593. >"E-ever since Trixie introduced herself to you... Matter of fact, this is the reason why Trixie introduced herself..."
  1594. >You look at Twilight, who is still looking down.
  1595. >She lets out a sigh and looks up at you.
  1596. >"When you did your deduction show that helped find my mom's wedding ring.." she says softly.
  1597. >Now you stare at the ground, unable to speak once again.
  1598. >Or what to do at this point.
  1599. >"Anon.." Trixie and Twilight says as they walk towards you.
  1600. >You turn your back to them, imagining their worried expression on their face.
  1601. "I'm sorry girls, but I need time to think about this... This completely took me off guard and I don't know how to deal with it." You look back at them and give them a half smile. "Now I see why you didn't want to say it one by one and why Twilight rushed here. I'll talk to you later, girls.."
  1602. >With that, you walk away towards the exit.
  1603. >Both Trixie and Twilight scream your name, but you don't pay them any mind.
  1604. >You exit the mall, with a lot of thoughts rushing through your head.
  1607. >You just watched Anon leave the mall, without giving you the reaction you was hoping for.
  1608. >Feeling hurt, you clench your fists tight and look at Twilight.
  1609. "Sparkle!" You shout at her. "This is all your fault!"
  1610. >She looks at you and gets furious.
  1611. >"My fault!? If you never would have butt in, all this would have been avoided!"
  1612. "You just couldn't let Trixie have this chance, could you!?"
  1613. >"I've known Anon since childhood. I deserve this chance!"
  1614. >That sentence ticks you off.
  1615. "Deserve it!? You had a lot of chances and you blew it!" You're on the verge of tearing. "You get everything you always wanted!" Your voice gets louder "IT'S NOT FAIR!"
  1616. >Twilight calms down and looks at you, noticing you're about to cry.
  1617. >"Trixie, I.." She tries to talk, but you won't let her.
  1618. "FORGET IT!"
  1619. >You run away towards the exit, not looking back.
  1620. >Tears are falling from your eyes, blocking your vision, but you don't care.
  1621. >Even though you can't really see, you manage to avoid bumping into anybody.
  1622. >You can feel people's eyes on you.
  1623. >"Miss, are you okay?" A random bystander talks out to you.
  1624. >But you drown them out as you reach the exit, running out of the mall.
  1627. >Right now, you're all alone.
  1628. >Anon left, giving you a reaction you didn't want, while Trixie ran away on the verge of crying.
  1629. >You feel a bit bad about Trixie and hurt about Anon.
  1630. >You sit down on a nearby bench and hold your head.
  1631. >All you ever wanted was for Anon to be yours and Trixie to be a friend to you.
  1632. >But it looks like that won't happen.
  1633. >Maybe you and Anon could be together.
  1634. >The problem is just you and Trixie being friends.
  1635. >It doesn't look like it's possible.
  1636. >It's gonna be a feud, but not between you and Trixie.
  1637. >It's gonna be a feud between your hearts.
  1638. >You groan as you throw your head back, with your hands covering your face.
  1639. >What are you gonna do about this?
  1640. >Is there a way to fix this?
  1641. >A sigh escapes your mouth as you take out your phone.
  1642. >You send a call to Rainbow Dash.
  1643. >The phone answers.
  1644. >["Hey, Twilight. What's up?"] Rainbow Dash replies.
  1645. ["Rainbow. I need to talk to you. Meet me in Canterlot Hills."]
  1646. >["Sure. I'll be right there."]
  1647. ["Thanks, Rainbow. See you soon."]
  1648. >You hang up and get ready to head to Canterlot Hills.
  1650. ~ANONYMOUS~
  1651. >"I LIKE YOU, ANON!"
  1652. >Those words keep replaying in your head like a broken record.
  1653. >You can't believe it.
  1654. >Two girls actually has feelings for you. For you.
  1655. >You've never been in a relationship, so you wouldn't know it would work.
  1656. >Hell, you wouldn't even know where to start.
  1657. >But that's not the problem.
  1658. >There's actually two problems and one of them is choosing.
  1659. >If you choose one, will the other get upset and leave your life for good?
  1660. >No, not Twilight. She wouldn't do anything like that, but Trixie.
  1661. >You honestly don't want to lose anyone over a choice.
  1662. >The second problem is that if you even have feelings for any of them.
  1663. >Do you..?
  1664. >You scratch your head in frustration and let out a groan.
  1665. >Who would have thought this would happen?
  1666. >You got to straighten this out as soon as possible, but how?
  1667. >The only way that this can be settled is by choosing one of them.
  1668. >Maybe you should go home and think about it.
  1669. >You lift your head up and look at your surroundings.
  1670. >Kids are running around, having fun.
  1671. >Parents are sitting, watching their kids.
  1672. >Pet owners are playing with their dogs.
  1673. >Everyone seems to be having a good time.
  1674. >You read the sign next to you.
  1675. >Canterlot Hills. The Largest Park in Equestria.
  1676. >Did your mind take you here?
  1677. >You were just walking aimlessly, not paying attention to anything around you.
  1678. >Now you're standing in front of the entrance of the park.
  1679. >Maybe you should spend time here and give stuff some thought.
  1680. >A sigh escapes your mouth as you walk in the park, looking for the swing set.
  1681. >You spot the swing set, walk to it, and take a seat.
  1682. >Everytime you need to think about something, you come here to be alone with your thoughts.
  1683. >You start swinging, close your eyes, and let your mind wander.
  1684. >First person to enter your mind is Trixie.
  1685. >Trixie...
  1687. >"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie and you'll become my friend, understand?" A sophomore Trixie says to you.
  1688. >"Trixie thinks we should hang out some day. What do you think?"
  1689. >"Oh Anonymous! Let's go here!" She points at a arcade.
  1690. >"HA! Trixie beat you again! You suck at this game."
  1691. >"Trixie had fun today. Next time better be better."
  1692. >"You wear glasses now?" She laughs "Trixie has to think of a new name for you now."
  1693. >"Hey. Your name is now Glasses Kid or Brat with the Glasses."
  1694. >"Hey, Glasses Kid." She says as she jumps on your back.
  1697. >Your heart starts beating fast as the flashbacks replays in your head.
  1698. >Trixie is fun to hang out with and she can be nice when she wants to, but she's mostly a bitch.
  1699. >It's a mystery on why you accept her friendship.
  1700. >Something told you that it was the right thing to do, and you're glad you followed your gut.
  1701. >The beating in your chest simmers down after a while.
  1702. >You stop moving on the swing and place a hand your chest.
  1703. >It feels like you're not even in the park anymore.
  1704. >It got quiet and you can't hear a thing.
  1705. >Everything around you has disappeared except for the swing set.
  1706. >You're in the middle seat with two empty seats on each side of you.
  1707. >On the left of you, a seat is emitting a blue aura-like glow, but the right side appears to be normal.
  1708. >As you look at the right seat, Twilight instantly enters your mind.
  1709. >You close your eyes yet again, and let your mind do the rest.
  1710. >Twilight...
  1712. >"Hi. I'm Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?" A five year old Twilight says to you, giving you a smile while holding a book.
  1713. >"No, no. Like this." Twilight helps you with your organizing.
  1714. >"You have a lot of Arthur Conan Doyle books. Is he your favorite author?"
  1715. >"I'm leaving Manehattan tomorrow, Anon..." A teary-eyed Twilight says while wiping her eyes.
  1716. >"Bye Anon!" Twilight waves at you from the back seat of the car, crying.
  1717. >"Anon!" A freshman Twilight hugs you tightly. "I'm so glad you came to Canterlot to stay!"
  1718. >"Thanks for helping me bring all these books back to the library."
  1719. >"I'm so glad you're here in Canterlot. I've missed you so much."
  1720. >"I LIKE YOU, ANON!"
  1722. >The memories fade after you open your eyes.
  1723. >The beating of your heart is beginning to start up like it did after your memories of Trixie.
  1724. >Everything is the same as your left it.
  1725. >Nothing around you, but the swing sets.
  1726. >The left one still has the blue aura, but it's lighting more fiercely.
  1727. >You turn to the right seat and notice that it now has a purple aura emitting from it.
  1728. >Lighting brightly, but just as fierce as the left seat.
  1729. >You stand up from the seat and stare at both lights.
  1730. >Something is telling you to walk towards them, but you're not so sure.
  1731. >Just as you're about to walk to them, a blinding light flashes behind you.
  1732. >You turn around and use your arm to shield your eyes from the light.
  1733. >You manage to get a quick glimpse.
  1734. >It's a shining white ball, almost like a cocoon.
  1735. >It's shining glow slowly dims down so you can finally see what's going on.
  1736. >The ball just stands there, letting off it's radiance.
  1737. >You take a look behind you and see the two swings.
  1738. >They still have that aura like substance on them.
  1739. >There's nothing around except the swing set, and now, that white cocoon.
  1740. >As you turn around to view the cocoon, your eyes grow wide as there's something new is now in front of you.
  1741. >That something is not a thing, but a person.
  1742. >It's in ball form, with it's wings covering it.
  1743. >It slowly rises into the air and spreads it's wings apart.
  1744. >Judging from it's figure, you can tell that it's a female.
  1745. >She has a eagle hat that goes all the way down to the neck with the beak covering most of her face, eagle-like wings, and native clothing that looks like it's from modern day.
  1746. >You look up at her, amazed while rubbing your eyes, wondering if this is real or not.
  1747. >Everything about her is just majestic.
  1748. >Just who is she?
  1749. >She opens up her eyes and looks directly at you.
  1750. >She then looks at the swing set behind you.
  1751. >Is this real, or just an illusion?
  1752. >The feeling is very real.
  1753. >The mysterious woman slowly glides towards you and lands in front of you.
  1754. >She turns her attention towards you once again.
  1755. >Her bright yellow eyes are fixed on you.
  1756. >This causes you to step back a little.
  1757. >The look on her face is so serious, like she wants to hurt you.
  1758. >In a second, she gives you a heart warming smile.
  1759. >You're so confused at the moment, that you don't know what to think.
  1760. >It's also like your frozen in shock, because you can't seem to move anymore.
  1761. >You open your mouth to try to talk, but the woman speaks first.
  1762. >"Looks like you have a tough choice ahead of you, Anonymous." She softly speaks while keeping that smile.
  1763. "H-how do you know my name? Who are you?" You manage to back up some more.
  1764. >She lets out a soft giggle.
  1765. >"Don't fret, child. I'm not a foe. I'm just your guardian angel."
  1766. "Guardian angel?"
  1767. >"Yes. My name," She extends her hand out to you. "Is Eatos."
  1769. "E-Eatos?" You hesitate a little, but finally grab her hand. "Why are you here? What's going on?"
  1770. >"My reason for being here is to help you through your difficult choice that you have to face."
  1771. "You mean Trixie and Twilight?"
  1772. >"Yes, my child. I felt the way your heart was beating when you thought about both of them." She faces the swing set and waves her hand in a horizontal motion.
  1773. >As her hand returns to her side, Trixie appears in the seat where the blue aura was, and the same with Twilight and the purple aura.
  1774. "Twilight! Trixie!" You scream out to them as you run to touch them.
  1775. >However, your hands phases through them.
  1776. "W-what the..?"
  1777. >Eatos floats to your side and places a hand on your shoulder.
  1778. >"They can't hear you, Anonymous. They are just images I created."
  1779. >Twilight and Trixie are just sitting on the swings, wearing a smile.
  1780. >"I know that you have feelings for them. It's clear as day."
  1781. >All you do is stare at the Trixie and Twilight images.
  1782. >Is what Eatos said about you having feelings for them, true?
  1783. >It is possible, considering how your heart was racing.
  1784. >"Here's another thing." She speaks up.
  1785. >You look up at her, and notice she has a serious face.
  1786. >"Once you make your decision on this, you'll be faced with one more later in life, involving the one you choose.
  1787. >Your eyes widen, trying to figure out what she means.
  1788. >Eatos starts flying away, but you scream out to her.
  1789. "Eatos! What do you mean by another decision involving the one I choose!?"
  1790. >She turns around and starts flying backwards, looking at you.
  1791. >"That is for you to find out on your own, but always remember. I'll be here to help in anyway I can. Farewell, Anonymous."
  1792. >She vanishes into thin air.
  1793. >As she vanishes, so does the swing set, along with the girls' images.
  1794. "EATOS!" you scream out as you look around.
  1795. >Nothing is around anymore.
  1797. >You close your eyes, hoping you can escape this empty chamber.
  1798. >When you open your eyes, the entire atmosphere has changed.
  1799. >You can now see the park again and everyone playing.
  1800. >Everything is back to the way it was before you sat down.
  1801. >Was what just happened just now, an illusion?
  1802. >No, it can't be.
  1803. >It seemed so real.
  1804. >You hold your head as you feel a sharp pain coursing though it.
  1805. >Maybe you should just go home and sleep all this off.
  1806. >Everything that happened today is too much for you to handle, apparently.
  1807. >You stand up from the swing set and begin walking to the exit to go home.
  1808. >Just as you're about to leave the park, you hear someone talking.
  1809. >The voice is very familiar to you.
  1810. >It sounds like Rainbow Dash, but you're not to sure.
  1811. >After a few words, you can deduce that it is Rainbow Dash.
  1812. >Maybe you should go greet her.
  1813. >You walk towards the sound of her voice, until something stops you.
  1814. >Another familiar voice can be heard, and you could have swore it said your name.
  1815. >You listen closer to the other voice.
  1816. >It's Twilight.
  1817. >You can't greet Rainbow Dash now if she's talking to her.
  1818. >You feel like Twilight shouldn't see you right now.
  1819. >Not after the way you left things at the mall.
  1820. >She's probably gonna bombard you with questions and maybe start crying.
  1821. >You move up a little closer and you can finally see them sitting on the bench, so you hide in a bush, trying to see what you can hear.
  1822. >Hopefully they don't find you.
  1823. >"...And then I caught up to Anon in Garden Zone, but he was with Trixie..."
  1824. >Rainbow Dash leans in closer, looking more interested.
  1825. >"As soon as I got there, Trixie and I started arguing, then Anon had to push us both out because I think we were making a scene." She looks down, clenching her fists. "And then..."
  1826. >She gets silent for a while.
  1827. >"Go on..." Rainbow Dash breaks the silence.
  1828. >She sighs a little and looks at Rainbow Dash.
  1829. >"Me and Trixie.." She pauses for a moment before speaking again. "Revealed our feelings for him, at the same time..."
  1830. >"Wait, Wait, Wait." Rainbow Dash stands up. "When you 'revealed' your feelings, how did you do it?"
  1831. >"We just said I like you to him really loud, at the same time..."
  1832. >Rainbow Dash looks a bit annoyed.
  1833. >"Like?! Why didn't you tell him the entire truth?!" Rainbow's voice is getting higher.
  1834. >Twilight looks away from her, staying silent.
  1835. >"Why didn't you tell him you love him?!"
  1836. >What?!
  1837. >Did she say what you think she just said?
  1838. >Does Twilight actually love you?
  1839. >No.. It can't be..
  1840. >Why didn't she tell you this before?
  1841. >Was she scared of how you would react?
  1842. >You have to find out everything right now.
  1843. >As you're about to go to them, something stops you.
  1844. >You can't let them see you or let them know that you know about Twilight's true feelings.
  1845. >For now, you'll just stay put and keep listening.
  1846. >Twilight finally speaks up.
  1847. >"I couldn't tell him... He was already speechless when we told him, and then he just walked away from us, saying he'll talk to us later..."
  1848. >"What?! He just walked away without saying anything?!" She takes out her phone. "I'll give that dude a piece of my mind!"
  1849. >Shit! If she calls your phone, you'll be spotted.
  1850. >Just then, Twilight grabs her arm and stops her.
  1851. >"Don't, Rainbow. It's fine, I guess." She lets go of her arm. "I kind of understand how he feels right now..."
  1852. >Poor Twilight...
  1853. >"Come on, Twi! He deserves to know how you really feel, and he nee-" Rainbow Dash stops talking as Twilight stands up.
  1854. >"I want him to know too, but I just got to be patient." She places her fist over her chest. "I know I wasted a lot of chances, but now that he knows that me and Trixie both like him, I'm pretty sure he's got to much stuff in his head, and I don't want to make it worst by telling him my true feelings right now."
  1855. >She looks at Rainbow Dash with a sad looking face.
  1856. >"And besides.. When you like someone so much, you can't really verbalize it." She gives her a little smile. "So please. Let me handle this."
  1857. >Rainbow Dash thinks for a while before letting out a sigh and putting her phone in her pocket.
  1858. >"Alright... I'll butt out, but I just want you to be happy."
  1859. >"I understand. I just feel a little overwhelmed because after Anon left, me and Trixie started arguing again, and as we were going back and forth, Trixie began tearing up in the middle of it. Like she was about to cry.."
  1860. >What?
  1861. >Trixie was about to cry?
  1862. >You never thought Trixie is the type of person to do such a thing.
  1863. >Is it possible that she loves you as well?
  1864. >You wouldn't put it pass you...
  1865. >Rainbow Dash speaks up.
  1866. >"Are you serious?!" She starts laughing a little. "Trixie? Crying? I highly doubt it."
  1867. >"I couldn't believe it at first, but I saw tears coming out her eyes. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her."
  1868. >"Dang. Maybe her feelings for Anon are as strong as yours are."
  1869. >"Probably so..."
  1870. >They both stand there for a while, until Twilight breaks the silence.
  1871. >"Anyways, I should get home and maybe get some rest. Thank you for coming all this way to listen to me, Rainbow. It means a lot."
  1872. >Rainbow lightly punches Twilight on the arm.
  1873. >"Come on, egghead. You know I'm always here for you."
  1874. >Twilight gives Rainbow Dash a big smile and brings her in for a hug.
  1875. >"You're the greatest friend a girl can have. I love you, Rainbow."
  1876. >"Aw, come on. Don't get all mushy on me now." Rainbow still returns the hug. "I love you too, Twilight."
  1877. >They both share a laugh.
  1878. >"Goodbye, Rainbow." Twilight says as she begins to walk away.
  1879. >"Later, Twilight!"
  1880. >With that, they are both gone.
  1881. >You lean your back into a nearby tree, thinking about what you just heard.
  1882. >There's a lot more to Twilight's feelings than just liking you.
  1883. >Maybe you shouldn't think about this anymore here.
  1884. >Time to go home anyway.
  1885. >You crawl out of the bush and begin walking home.
  1887. >Finally home.
  1888. >This day was both shocking and weird to you.
  1889. >Now you just wanna go to sleep and worry about all this later.
  1890. >That's gonna be hard since everything that happened is stuck and swimming in your head.
  1891. >Twilight and Trixie, Eatos, and Twilight talking to Rainbow Dash.
  1892. >Eatos...
  1893. >Just who is she?
  1894. >She said that she felt your heartbeat when you thought about Twilight and Trixie.
  1895. >Is she a part of you or something?
  1896. >You shake your head and walk in your house.
  1897. >Shaking your head was a wrong thing to do.
  1898. >Now it is ringing with so much pain.
  1899. >Maybe you're thinking about this too much.
  1900. >You go to the bathroom and grab some pain killers, then make your way to the kitchen.
  1901. >You grab a big glass of orange juice and the pain killers.
  1902. >It feels like the room spinning out of control, so you wait a while.
  1903. >After a while, you throw the pain killers in your mouth and down the juice.
  1904. >Hopefully the pain at least calms down.
  1905. >You put your head down and try to relax, not thinking about anything.
  1906. >These thoughts really did a number on you, since the pain is increasing a bit.
  1907. >This is something you never felt before.
  1908. >Maybe you should go to your room and lay down, but it hurts too much to move.
  1909. >Slowly, you make your way to your room, not moving your head so much.
  1910. >You finally reach your room and fall on your bed.
  1911. >You grab two pillows and place your head on them slowly.
  1912. >It feels a lot better than the table downstairs.
  1913. >You just stare up at the ceiling, trying to relax.
  1914. >Sleep would be the best thing right now, but right now you can't get to sleep.
  1915. >That's right. You just remembered that you have the new game you bought at the mall.
  1916. >Maybe when the pain eases up, you can start playing it.
  1917. >You look to the left of you and see the GameStop bag's loops around your left wrist.
  1918. >Slowly, you take the game out the bag and look at the front of it.
  1919. >Batman: Arkham Knight.
  1920. >The other three games from the main series are pretty good to you and you know that you'll love the fourth one, no matter what people say about it.
  1921. >You place the game on your bed and sit up.
  1922. >The pain went away a little, enough to move it around without it bothering you, but you hold on to your forehead as a little pain rushes to you for a while.
  1923. >Just then, you hear your phone chime from your pocket.
  1924. >Slowly, you slide your phone out and unlock it to see what caused the chime.
  1925. >A text message from...
  1926. >New Message(s) from: Pinkie Pie.
  1927. >Pinkie Pie?
  1928. >What could she be messaging you for?
  1929. >You open the message and begin reading.
  1930. >["HEY, NONNY! Don't forget about my party! You're still coming, right?!"]
  1931. >Oh shit, that's right. You totally forgot about her party due to everything that happened.
  1932. >The party does sounds great, but you'll know everyone from the school will be there, including Trixie and Twilight.
  1933. >You don't want to make a scene at the party.
  1934. >Trixie and Twilight will probably jump on you, asking you multiple questions.
  1935. >Or maybe they'll just ignore you.
  1936. >Doubt it...
  1937. >What should you do?
  1938. >Go to the party and try to have fun with Twilight and Trixie there, or stay home and relax?
  1940. >After a few seconds of thinking about it, you decide to go to the party.
  1941. >You begin typing away on your phone.
  1942. ["Yeah, Pinkie. I'll be at the party. 8pm, right?"]
  1943. >Send.
  1944. >Before setting down your phone, you check the time real quick.
  1945. >6:03.
  1946. >That's not so bad. You got maybe a hour and a half to kill before you head out.
  1947. >Maybe a bit less since you got to get ready and stuff.
  1948. >Your phone chimes once again.
  1949. >Has to be Pinkie Pie, so you pick it up.
  1950. >Surely enough, it is, so you unlock and read.
  1951. >["Yesarooni! Glad you're coming! See you soon!"]
  1952. >A smile appears on your face.
  1953. >That girl is always so hyper about everything.
  1954. >You lay back down, resting your head a bit more before getting ready.
  1955. >A yawn escapes your mouth and your eyes starts getting heavy.
  1956. >Great. Now you want to start falling asleep.
  1957. >It sounds so great right now, but you have to stay awake to get ready for the party.
  1958. >It's no use though. You can't fight it.
  1959. >Slowly, you close your eyes, feeling completely relaxed.
  1960. >...
  1962. >"Glad you were finally able to sleep." A voice says in a soft voice.
  1963. >Quickly, you jump up from your bed and see someone sitting on it.
  1964. >You see wings on the back.
  1965. "E-Eatos?" You rub your eyes.
  1966. >The person slowly turns to you and lets off a bright smile.
  1967. >It was Eatos, but why is she here?
  1968. "It is you, Eatos. But why?"
  1969. >"I see you're going to your friend's party. What was her name again? Pinkie Pie?"
  1970. "Y-yes." you slowly speak, confused for a bit. "Wait. So you are real?"
  1971. >"Only to you, Anonymous. To everyone else, I don't exist." She stands up and walks to the window. "Like I said. I'm your guardian angel."
  1972. >She looks out the window with her hands behind her back.
  1973. "Only to me? Does that mean I'm awake and speaking to you from my mind or something?"
  1974. >She lets out a giggle.
  1975. >"No, my dear child. You are still sleeping. One of my powers is that I can infiltrate your dreams. After all. I am a part of you."
  1977. >So you was right about her being a part of you.
  1978. >"I can speak to your while you're awake as well, but only if you're having trouble with something."
  1979. "But I was having trouble before, when I got home. I didn't see or hear you."
  1980. >"True. I only can speak to you if I feel if you're really in danger, or if you call for me."
  1981. "Call for you? So I just call your name, and you'll appear?"
  1982. >"Well not exactly. In order for you to call me, you have to close your eyes and think of me. I will be able to sense it and answer you."
  1983. "I see.. That will come in handy one of these days."
  1984. >There's a bit of silence for a while until you break it.
  1985. "Eatos." You look at her, noticing she's still looking out the window. "Why did you appear now though? I wasn't in danger or anything, and now that I think about it, I wasn't either when I first met you."
  1986. >She puts a finger out and a bird lands on her finger.
  1987. >She starts petting it and the bird starts chirping.
  1988. >"I know you wasn't in real danger, but I felt like I had to the first time since you seem so lost, and as for now, I just wanted to visit you. You're a great kid, Anonymous. I'm glad to be your guardian angel."
  1989. "So you also show up on your own free will?
  1990. >"That is correct, dear." She lets the bird fly off and walks to you. "Now. I think you should hurry and get ready. It's almost time." She points at the clock.
  1991. >It reads 7:20pm.
  1992. "Oh damn! I got to wake up and get ready for the party!"
  1993. >You panic as you don't know how to wake up.
  1994. >Eatos smiles and places a hand on your shoulder.
  1995. >"Calm down. I'll wake you up. Just relax."
  1996. >You look at her and start to speak up.
  1997. "Will I see you soon?"
  1998. >"Of course, child. All you have to do is call." She flashes you another smile. "Also. Try to have fun at that party and talk to those girls. I bet they are hurting, not hearing from you for a while."
  1999. "How can you tell?"
  2001. >"It's just a feeling I have." She takes her hand off your shoulder. "Well. Until next time, Anonymous. Goodbye."
  2002. "Goodbye, Eatos..."
  2003. >She slowly backs away from you and snaps her fingers.
  2005. >Your eyes quickly open and you see that you're still in your room.
  2006. >Eatos is gone.
  2007. >Seems like she really can wake you up like she said.
  2008. >The clock is the same as it was in your dream.
  2009. >You get out of your bed and head for the bathroom to take a shower.
  2010. >For some reason, you feel really refreshed.
  2011. >That nap is must have been what you needed, even though it was for a hour or so.
  2012. >You step in the bathtub, and turn the water on.
  2013. >Quickly, you wash everything and step out.
  2014. >You power walk to your room in a towel, looking for clothes to wear.
  2015. >You take out some underwear and put those on, still looking for other clothes.
  2016. >After a while, you pull out a black shirt with the school's logo on it.
  2017. >You just noticed you have a lot of clothes with the school's logo.
  2018. >As you continue to look around, you find a pair of blue jeans that looks alright.
  2019. >Now for the pair of sneakers, but that won't be a problem, since you already know what kind you're gonna wear.
  2020. >You pull out a box and open it.
  2021. >Inside were a pair of sneakers with the city of Canterlot on them, in black and blue.
  2022. >You quickly get dressed and look at the clock.
  2023. >7:38pm
  2024. >That's not so bad. At least you're ready.
  2025. >Now it's time to hit that party and have the time of your life.
  2027. >Outside Sugarcube Corner, the place of the party.
  2028. >It is 8:30pm and the party is already getting off to a great start, even though you haven't been inside yet.
  2029. >It is a Pinkie Party so you know it's great.
  2030. >Lots of lights is coming from the store, and the music is so loud, that you can feel the ground out here, shaking.
  2031. >Looks like Vinyl Scratch is DJing after all.
  2032. >A sigh escapes your mouth.
  2033. >Maybe you shouldn't have came here.
  2034. >It feels like you shouldn't be here. That something is gonna happen.
  2035. >Maybe you can talk to Eatos about this.
  2036. >You close your eyes, thinking about Eatos, like she told you to.
  2037. >After a while, you hear a familiar voice.
  2038. >"That was quite fast."
  2039. >You open your eyes and see Eatos in front of you.
  2040. >She looks at you with a little smile.
  2041. >"So. What makes you call me so soon after our last encounter?"
  2042. "It's just that, I'm having second thoughts about coming here."
  2043. >"Oh, and why is that?"
  2044. >You stay silent for a while before speaking.
  2045. "I feel like that me being there will cause something and ruin the party..."
  2046. >Eatos lets out a soft laugh before speaking.
  2047. >"Anonymous. You got to stop thinking like that. You wanted in there. The girl named Pinkie invited you, and I bet your other friends are waiting for you."
  2048. >Nothing comes out your mouth as you look at the ground for a while.
  2049. >She breaks the silence.
  2050. >"Have fun. Don't worry about what's gonna happen. If something does, you can be sure that your friends and I will be behind you."
  2051. >You look up at her, and notice she's wearing an assuring smile.
  2052. >A smile appears on your face as well, knowing you can trust her.
  2053. "You're right. I'm just thinking negative."
  2054. >"That's the spirit. Have fun." She gives you a wave goodbye, but you stop her before she leaves.
  2055. "Wait! Eatos! I have one more question."
  2056. >"Yes? What is it?"
  2057. "You said I had to think about you if I wanted you to appear, right? How come you didn't when I got home this afternoon? I was thinking about you."
  2058. >"Did you close your eyes?"
  2059. >Really? It's that big of a deal?
  2060. >She notices the look and laughs.
  2061. >"You have to close your eyes and think about me at the same time. That's the only way I can sense you."
  2062. "I understand. I'll keep that in mind."
  2063. >"Well if that is all, I'll get going. Now go in and have fun, child."
  2064. "Bye Eatos. Thanks again."
  2065. >With that, she vanishes.
  2066. >Everything is still the same.
  2067. >Music going crazy, lights still flashing.
  2068. >You take a deep breath before moving.
  2069. >Let's do this.
  2071. >Inside the party, and it's the way you thought it would be.
  2072. >Everyone from school is here.
  2073. >You see Lyra and BonBon together as always.
  2074. >You always wondered if they were a lesbian couple. They sure look like it.
  2075. >A few more scans and you notice more people.
  2076. >Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy is here as well.
  2077. >No surprise, as they are Pinkie's greatest friends.
  2078. >This place is crowded like crazy. Just like how a Pinkie Party should be.
  2079. >You look up and see Vinyl doing her thing.
  2080. >She notices you and gives you a thumbs up.
  2081. >You return the favor, also giving her a smile.
  2082. >Vinyl's always been friendly with everyone.
  2083. >As you keep looking up, you notice someone else is there with her.
  2084. >As you guessed, it's Octavia.
  2085. >Those two always do music together, and even though their genre is different, they work pretty well.
  2086. >Before you can move, a pink fro shrouds your vision.
  2087. >"HEY!" Pinkie gives you a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up off your feet.
  2088. >This girl got some strength.
  2089. "H-hey, Pinks." You can barely breathe, and she catches note of it.
  2090. >"Oh. Sorry, Nonny." She giggles and snorts a little. "I'm just so happy you made it! I was afraid you wasn't gonna show with what happened with you, Twilight and Trixie! An-" You stop her fast talking by interrupting.
  2091. "Whoa whoa. Sorry for interrupting, but who told you about that?"
  2092. >"Dashie and Twilight both did when they came here!"
  2093. >You let out a gulp.
  2094. "T-they're both here now?"
  2095. >"Yes! They are probably in the back somewhere."
  2096. "How about Trixie? Is she here too?"
  2097. >Pinkie scratches her chin, thinking there's a beard on her face.
  2098. >"I think so. I did see her with Sunset a few minutes ago."
  2099. >Damn. You were hoping they were a bit late, so you have nothing to worry about for a while, but looks like that plan is down the drain.
  2100. >"Anyways!" Pinkie grabs your arm and pulls you, pointing to various places. "Here's the dance floor! There's the food and drinks! The pool is in the back! And finally, the bar!"
  2101. "A bar?! Pinkie, how did you get a bar here, let alone the drinks for the bar?!"
  2102. >"Silly Nonny! It wouldn't be a party without some happy juice!"
  2103. >Really? Happy Juice?
  2104. >She is right about that though.
  2105. >Too bad you don't really drink like that, so you might stay away from that.
  2106. >For now, you'll just grab a bite to eat, so you make your way to the food table, bumping into a lot of people along the way.
  2107. >After a bit of a hassle, you reached the food.
  2108. >Everything shown is so mouth-watering, that you can't wait to sink your teeth into some food right now.
  2109. >Hot Dogs, Burgers, Pizza, Tacos, ect.
  2110. >Man, you love the fuck out of Pinkie's parties.
  2111. >You don't want to eat too much, so you grab a burger, a taco, and a hot dog.
  2112. >Pizza will have to wait, but you'll come back for it later.
  2113. >Oh. Can't forget your drink.
  2114. >You snag a can of root beer and make your way towards the back to find a seat.
  2115. >Luckily, you find an empty table and sit down.
  2116. >You start chowing down, starting with the hot dog.
  2117. >Greatest hot dog you ever ate, that you ate it in 3 bites.
  2118. >As you're about to take a bite of the taco, a tap on your shoulder stops you half way.
  2119. >You turn around and see 1/3 of the Dazzlings, Sonata Dusk, wearing a hungry look in her eyes.
  2120. "Uh. Yes? May I help you with something, Sonata?" You speak up, breaking her out of her trance.
  2121. >"Are you gonna eat that taco? I noticed there was no more on the table and I saw you had one on your plate." Her eyes fixed on the taco the whole time.
  2122. >Just as you're about to respond, you see Sonata being pulled away by a girl with puffy orange hair.
  2123. >You see Adagio and Sonata talking back and forth, with the last Dazzling, Aria standing by them looking annoyed.
  2124. >You manage to hear what they are saying.
  2125. >"What are you doing!?" Adagio scowls at the timid blue-haired girl.
  2126. >Sonata looks down while rubbing her arm.
  2127. >"I just wanted to know if Anon was gonna eat that taco. There was no more left so I thou-" She stops as Aria speaks up.
  2128. >"Well of course none was left. You ate more than half of them. I'm surprised that there was a taco left." She messes up Sonata's hair. "You're the worst, Sonata."
  2129. >"Am not!" She fixes her hair and slaps Aria on the arm.
  2130. >"Are too."
  2131. >They are going back and forth, neither of them giving in, until Adagio steps in.
  2132. >"Ugh! Will you girls cut the shit!? You're both a bunch of idiots! You two are not making this party any more bearable!" Adagio's voice gets a bit lower. "You know we're hated all over the school, yet you do something stupid."
  2133. >Aria grunts and crosses her arms, looking away from Adagio.
  2134. >Sonata starts to tear up.
  2135. >"Here we go again..." Aria groans as she looks at Sonata's eyes.
  2136. >You look at your taco for a while.
  2137. >Giving it some thought, you wrap the taco up in a napkin and walk over to the Dazzlings.
  2138. >The three girls notices and Adagio puts her hand on her forehead.
  2139. >"See what you do? He's probably gonna tell us off now."
  2140. >Aria groans.
  2141. >"Nice going, Sonata. Now we're gonna get kicked out the party for sure."
  2142. >Sonata looks down, depressed at the fact that she thinks she ruined the party for her and her friends.
  2143. "Whoa. Relax, Aria. I'm not here to complain or anything."
  2144. >They all look at you and Aria is the first to speak.
  2145. >"So why are you here, four-eyes?"
  2146. "Jeez. That was a little hurtful. And I'm here to give Sonata this." You hold out the taco wrapped in the napkin in front of Sonata. "I'm not much of a taco person anyways."
  2147. >Adagio chuckles a bit and Aria just scoffs.
  2148. >Sonata's eyes light up brighter than the disco ball on the dance floor.
  2149. >"Thank you so much, Anon!" She attacks you with a quick hug and gives a big smile as she accepts the taco.
  2150. >Aria gags and Adagio just shakes her head with a small smile.
  2151. >"I think I'm gonna be sick. Let's get out of here." Aria begins to walk away and Adagio follows.
  2152. >"Hey Aria! Wait for me. You're suppose to be following my lead anyways!" Adagio runs to Aria, leaving Sonata alone.
  2153. >Sonata runs after them, but turns back to you.
  2154. >"Thanks again, Anon!" She turns back and runs to her friends, taking a bite of the taco.
  2155. >With that, they both go back inside.
  2156. >You'll have to ask Pinkie on why she invited them in the first place.
  2157. >You go back and eat your burger in no time flat.
  2158. >After you finish it, you grab your can of root beer and head back in the party.
  2159. >Did this place get more crowded? You can barely get through now.
  2160. >Everyone is moving to the beat of the music, bumping into you.
  2161. >You can barely maintain your balance in this sea of people.
  2162. >All the girls are bumping their hips into yours and the guys are bumping you with their arms.
  2163. >It's like you're in a pinball machine and you're the ball getting hit around all over the place.
  2164. >After a while, you finally make it out alive to the other side of the room.
  2165. >You find a seat and sit down, looking at everyone having fun.
  2166. >They are all dancing as the music gets more louder by the second.
  2167. >After a few seconds of sitting down, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
  2168. >You look to the side of the shoulder that was tapped and get surprised on who you see.
  2169. >"Hello. Glasses Kid."
  2170. >You look at Trixie who is staring you in the face with a half smile, so you decide to joke around with her.
  2171. "Hey Trixie. What brings you to this party?"
  2172. >She notices that you are fucking with her as she cocks her eyebrow.
  2173. >"Ha ha. Very funny. You know Trixie never turns down a party. Even if it is Pinkie's."
  2174. "Really? I didn't even know."
  2175. >She kicks you lightly in the leg, causing you to flinch a bit.
  2176. >"Your sarcasm is highly noticeable." She clears her throat. "Anyways. You mind if we can talk?"
  2177. "Uh. Yeah, sure." You say as you rub where she kicked. "Let's go to outside, in the front. Too noisy here."
  2178. >"Agreed."
  2179. >Trixie walks off and you stand up to follow her.
  2180. >You both step outside and take a few steps away from the party.
  2181. "So what you want to talk about?"
  2182. >Trixie turns to you, giving you a serious face.
  2183. >"I want to pick up what was left at the mall. I didn't get out all I wanted to say since you-know-who interrupted us."
  2184. "All you wanted to say? You mean there's more to you liking me?"
  2185. >Trixie blushes a little.
  2186. >"Yes! Now shut up and let me finish."
  2187. "Y-yes ma'am."
  2188. >She takes a deep breath and collects herself as she begins to speak.
  2189. >"Anon... I don't just like you.." She clenches her fists. "I love you..."
  2190. "L-love me?"
  2191. >So you was right. She does have the same feelings Twilight has.
  2192. >"Yes! Didn't you hear!?"
  2193. "Of course I heard, but I don't understand why.."
  2194. >"Trixie doesn't understand either, but there's just something about you. Trixie felt like there was no guy that can capture her heart. No one ever had a chance, but when I saw you, everything changed. There's just something that Trixie can't put her finger on."
  2195. "I see.. I just don't know what to say.."
  2196. >"How do you feel about Trixie!?"
  2197. >You get startled by Trixie's outburst.
  2198. >She's really putting you on the spot right now.
  2199. >The look on her face shows a lot of curiousness.
  2200. >You let out a sigh, knowing you're trapped into a corner.
  2201. "Trixie..." You look straight at her. "To be honest with you, I do have some feelings for you, but there's one thing that's stopping it from growing an-"
  2202. >"What!? What's stopping you!?" Trixie interrupts you.
  2203. >She gets closer to you, more in your face.
  2204. "The thing that's stopping me is," You pause for a while, getting ready for Trixie's reaction. "My feelings for Twilight as well..."
  2205. >"Sparkle!?" Trixie's voice gets higher. "Your feelings for her!? How can you have feelings for her!?"
  2206. >Everyone is looking at both of you, but Trixie has her eyes fixed on only you and not caring about anything else.
  2207. >"Trixie.. It's kind of complicated.."
  2209. >She's basically yelling at you now, causing more attention towards you two.
  2210. "Trixie, calm down. You're making a scene."
  2212. >Trixie is getting angrier by the second.
  2213. "It just is. I don't know how to explain it."
  2214. >In a swift moment, Trixie's hand connects with your face with such power and a loud sound.
  2215. >Everyone gasps as she slapped you.
  2216. >You just stand there, turned to the side, feeling the sting of the slap she just gave you.
  2217. >"It's not complicated!" She begins speaking again. "You obviously choose the better choice, and that's the Great & Powerful Trixie!"
  2218. >You look back at her, holding the side of your face she slapped.
  2219. >Sunset runs to Trixie's side.
  2220. >"Trixie! Why did you do that!?"
  2221. >"Because he fucking pissed me off!"
  2222. >"Well that's no reason to slap him!" Sunset turns to you. "Are you okay, Anon?"
  2223. "Yeah.. I'm fine, Sunset.."
  2224. >Trixie gets more furious by the minute.
  2225. "Why are you defending him for!? You're Trixie's friend! Not his!"
  2226. >Sunset gets a bit ticked off at Trixie's words and turns to her.
  2227. >"Because you had no right to slap him! And he is my friend!"
  2228. >"Ugh! Whatever!" Trixie storms off towards Sugarcube Corner to go back inside.
  2229. >"Trixie, wait!" Sunset turns back to you. "I'm so sorry, Anon..."
  2230. "Y-yeah."
  2231. >She runs after Trixie, yelling her name.
  2232. >You hold your cheek, watching Sunset running after Trixie and wondering what on earth just happened.
  2233. >Multiple people come running to you, including Rainbow Dash.
  2234. >"Yo, dude. Are you alright?" Rainbow runs to your side.
  2235. "Yeah, I guess I'm alright."
  2236. >"Are you sure, darling?" Rarity speaks up. "That smack echoed throughout the yard, that it scared Fluttershy."
  2237. >You look over and see Fluttershy hiding behind her hair.
  2238. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. Didn't mean to scare you.
  2239. >She shakes her head.
  2240. >"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."
  2241. >"She's right. It's Trixie's fault. I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!" Rainbow Dash says as she walk towards Trixie.
  2242. >Just as you're about to stop her, Applejack does your job for you.
  2243. >"Let me go, AJ!"
  2244. >"Whoa there, partner! If you go after her, yer' just gonna cause more trouble. Beside. If Anon says he's fine, then it's okay. Right, Sugarcube?" She says, turning to you.
  2245. "Yeah. Don't worry about it, Dash."
  2246. >Rainbow simmers down and Applejack lets go of her.
  2247. >"Good." Applejack says. "Now I'm gonna get you an ice pack. Your cheek is redder than my apples."
  2248. >That comment causes you to laugh a bit.
  2249. "Thanks, Applejack."
  2250. >She goes and runs inside.
  2251. >The other girls stay by your side, watching Trixie stomp off.
  2254. >Everyone is looking at you, because of you slapping Anon.
  2255. >But you don't care since he deserved it.
  2256. >You kept hearing multiple voices asking Anon if he's alright, but the one you hear the most is your so called friend, Sunset yelling your name.
  2257. >She's getting closer by the moment, but you just keep ignoring her.
  2258. >You don't wanna hear what she has to say right now.
  2259. >"Trixie!" She yells at to you.
  2260. "Leave Trixie alone!"
  2261. >Sunset grabs you by the shoulder, but you quickly pull it away and turn to her.
  2263. >Sunset jumps a bit at your outburst, but she quickly regains her composure and gives you a stern look.
  2264. >"Trix. You got to calm down.. What's gotten into you?"
  2265. "Nothing! Don't worry about it!"
  2266. >You turn away from her, but she goes in front of you and blocks your way.
  2267. >"I am gonna worry about it. You're my friend and I want to help in anyway I can."
  2268. "Trixie doesn't need anyone's help!"
  2269. >"Well you're gonna get it." Sunset grabs your arm and pulls you away from the party.
  2270. "LET TRIXIE GO!" You try to break free, but it's no use.
  2271. >She has some kind of vice grip on you.
  2272. >It's getting a bit frustrating, but there's nothing you can do about it.
  2273. >Sunset keeps pulling you, but you keep fighting it as you try to get away.
  2274. >She pulls you harder, almost yanking your arm out of it's socket.
  2275. >Next thing you know, your back is up against a tree.
  2276. >You look around to realize you're in a local park.
  2277. >Sunset is standing there, tapping her foot on the ground.
  2278. >"Trix. What the hell has gotten into you?" She speaks up.
  2279. >You just want to walk past her and leave, but you know she'll just pull you back.
  2280. >So you just stay shut and don't answer.
  2281. >Sunset takes note of this.
  2282. >"So the silent treatment, huh?"
  2283. >You lean your back on the tree and you keep silent.
  2284. >"Fine." She turns around and begins walking off.
  2285. >Just as Sunset is about to leave, she stops and pulls something out of her pocket.
  2286. >She waves it around so you can see, with her back towards you.
  2287. >As you look carefully, you see that it looks a lot like your phone, but that's impossible because your phone is in your poc-
  2288. >You panic as you pat your pockets and don't feel your phone.
  2289. >How did she get your phone in the first place?
  2290. >Quickly, you run at her, trying to grab your phone, but in a swift motion, she dodges you and you almost fall face first.
  2291. >You grab a bit angry and begin to rush her more, but she keeps dodging you so elegantly.
  2292. "GIVE IT BACK!" You shout out.
  2293. >"Oh, now you want to talk?" Sunset says as she keeps waving your phone in the air.
  2294. >A growl escapes your mouth.
  2295. >After multiple attempts at getting your phone, it got you nowhere.
  2296. >Even though she wasn't looking at you, she dodged all your movements.
  2297. >It was like she was dancing on air.
  2298. >You finally give up, huffing and puffing.
  2299. >Sunset turns back to you with your phone still in hand.
  2300. >"Oh, so you're done now?" She says with a cocky smile.
  2301. >This irritates you, but you're too tired to chase her again.
  2302. "Give... it... back..." you say between breaths.
  2303. >You really are out of shape now that you think about it.
  2304. >But that's not important right now.
  2305. >"Not until you give me the answer to my question."
  2306. >Looks like you're gonna have to do what she says.
  2307. "It's Anonymous, alright!? I'm in love with the guy!" You shout out.
  2308. >Sunset slaps her forehead.
  2309. >"Well duh. I already knew that. I mean why did you slap him."
  2310. "Because! That loser has feelings for me, but doesn't want to become an item with Trixie!"
  2311. >"And why is that?"
  2312. "Because he has feelings for, ugh. Sparkle..."
  2313. >Sunset laughs a bit, then speaks again.
  2314. >"Well I can understand why he doesn't want to become involved with you just yet."
  2315. "WELL I DON'T!" You yell at the top of your lungs, that you scared the birds around you.
  2316. >Sunset just shakes her head.
  2317. >"Trixie. You're so stupid. Do I really have to explain to you?"
  2318. "Stupid!?"
  2319. >That comment drove you over the edge.
  2320. >You go to attack her, but to no prevail.
  2321. >She moved so fast and grabbed your wrists.
  2322. >You look at your wrists, shocked at what just happened.
  2323. >"Why are you so quick to attack when nothing goes your way or when you're angry?" She looks at you with a serious look.
  2324. >You begin struggling, trying to break free.
  2325. "LET TRIXIE GO!"
  2326. >"Why should I? So you can attack me again?"
  2327. >After lots of attempts, you give up and fall on your knees, with tears of rage filling your eyes.
  2328. >Sunset takes note and lets go, leaving you on the ground on your knees.
  2329. >You begin crying before her, placing your hands on the ground.
  2330. >In a few seconds, you begin banging the ground with your fists.
  2331. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" You scream out to the heavens.
  2332. >Sunset kneels down to you.
  2333. >"What's not fair, Trixie?"
  2334. "Why can't that loser just be mines!? Why, why, why!?" You keep banging the ground.
  2335. >The tears keep flowing out like a waterfall.
  2336. >Sunset stops your fists, causing you to look up at her.
  2337. >She grabs hold of them and you don't fight back.
  2338. >"Lets see how I can answer this." She speaks up. "He doesn't want to be yours yet because he doesn't want to be in a relationship with a girl when he likes another girl."
  2339. "W-what do you mean..?" You sniffle through your words.
  2340. >She shakes her head and sighs.
  2341. >"Let me put it like this. How would you feel if Anon was in a relationship with you, but he always kept thinking about Twilight, and you knew about it?"
  2342. >You jump up and start sitting up.
  2343. "Trixie would be furious! Trixie should be the only girl on his mind!"
  2344. >"Exactly. That's why he doesn't want a relationship with you. Because he'll be thinking about Twilight since he has feelings for her too. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
  2345. >Your anger subsides as you look back at the ground.
  2346. "I guess I wouldn't... I never thought of it like that.."
  2347. >"No shit. You never think straight when you're upset."
  2348. "Now Trixie feels terrible.."
  2349. >"Glad you finally understand now, Trixie."
  2350. >You stand up and wipe away any remaining tears with your arm.
  2351. "Thank you, Sunset. For everything."
  2352. >"Hey. What are friends for?"
  2353. >You let out a little smile.
  2354. "You better not tell anyone you saw Trixie like this."
  2355. >"Aw, come on. I just have to tell somehow how the Great and Powerful Trixie was on her hands and knees, crying her eyes out." She lets out a tooth-showing grin.
  2356. >You can't help but laugh.
  2357. "Well, I guess I better apologize to Anonymous. Bye, Sunset."
  2358. >Just as you're about to leave, Sunset grabs your arm.
  2359. >You look back at her and see her shaking her head.
  2360. >"I don't think that's a good idea, Trixie. I can just imagine everyone crowding Anon, asking if he's alright, and if you show your face, you'll receive so much shit for it."
  2361. >Now that you think about it, she's probably right.
  2362. >Maybe it's best to just go home.
  2363. "You're right, Sunset. I'll just go home. Bye. Thanks for being a good friend."
  2364. >You turn around and begin walking off, until you hear Sunset yell out to you.
  2365. >"Wait, Trix! Why don't you sleep over at my house? I'm sure you could use the company."
  2366. >You think about it for a few.
  2367. >That's actually not a bad idea.
  2368. "Sure. Trixie would love that."
  2369. >She wraps her arm around your neck.
  2370. >"Sweet. Lets go."
  2371. >She hands you back your phone and the both of you walk off, giggling.
  2373. >Monday morning.
  2374. >Back to school once again, and gym is your first period.
  2375. >The sleepover with Sunset on Saturday was pretty fun.
  2376. >You two talked about your childhood, watched movies, and just laughed the night away.
  2377. >Your parents was cool about you staying over, only cause it was Sunset's house.
  2378. >Sunset has been your friend since kindergarten and she always had your back.
  2379. >She's always been kind and thoughtful, but a real bitch when needed.
  2380. >You can kind of understand. She had to fend for herself since the age of ten.
  2381. >She's an only child and her parents passed away, so you're like her second family.
  2382. >Your parents took her in when she was in need, but as she got older, she lived by herself, and been okay ever since.
  2383. >Even though your family took her in, she's been looking after you instead of you looking after her.
  2384. >According to your parents, you still act immature, so that's why they have Sunset keep an eye on you.
  2385. >You laugh at the fact of your parents calling you immature.
  2386. >Finally, you're done getting ready.
  2387. >You leave the locker room and head straight to the gym.
  2388. >As you walk through the doors of the gym, you see some people stretching and some running laps, so you start off stretching.
  2389. >Gym ends pretty quickly, so you go to the locker room and get changed back into your regular clothes.
  2391. >Lunchtime.
  2392. >Finally. You're starving.
  2393. >All your classes went by fast.
  2394. >It seems like this whole day is going by fast, but whatever. You don't care.
  2395. >You step into the cafeteria and see almost everyone.
  2396. >As you're scanning the place, you see Anon sitting alone.
  2397. >Perfect. This is a great time to apologize to him.
  2398. >Ever since the party, you couldn't get the courage to text or call him, so you let it go until a better time.
  2399. >As you walk over to his table, you see Twilight and Rainbow Dash sit next to him.
  2400. >You clench your fists in anger.
  2401. >It's always something in your way.
  2402. >You want to go over there and say something, but you don't want to cause any trouble and let your anger get the best of you.
  2403. >Maybe you just better head outside and cool your head.
  2404. >Before you go, you grab two apples and make your way out.
  2405. >As you're leaving, you hear someone calling your name, but you can't make out the voice, since anger is clouding your mind, so you just keep walking.
  2406. >You make your way outside and to the big tree by the soccer field.
  2407. >As usual, there's no one around here.
  2408. >This place is like your secret spot, even though it's out in the open.
  2409. >The only time people are around here is when a soccer game is happening or when the team is practicing.
  2410. >You sit right under the tree and start eating an apple.
  2411. >It's a beautiful day out today.
  2412. >The sky is clear, there's a little breeze going through your hair, and it feels nice.
  2413. >You finish eating your first apple and throw the core to the side.
  2414. >Before you can fully enjoy the weather and eat the other apple, you hear your name being called again.
  2415. >The voice sounds familiar, so you start looking around.
  2416. >You spot Sunset looking around, probably for you.
  2417. "Trixie's over here, Sunset!" You shout out.
  2418. >She turns and walks over to you.
  2419. >"I knew you'd be around here." She sits next to you. "I was calling you in the cafeteria. Didn't you hear me?"
  2420. "So that was you. I wasn't really paying attention to the voice, so I just walked out without even looking."
  2421. >You begin throwing your second apple in the air and catching it.
  2422. >"I understand." Sunset catches your apple in mid-air and starts to toss it in the air like you were doing. "So mind telling me what's wrong? I know you come here when you're upset or depressed."
  2423. >You look at the apple, then at the ground.
  2424. "Well I saw Anon in the cafeteria, so I went to apologize to him, but as I was going over there, Sparkle and Rainbow Dash sat right next to him, so I couldn't make my move with them there."
  2425. >Sunset stops tossing the apple and looks at you.
  2426. >"Maybe now wasn't a good time. You got to be patient, Trix. You'll get your time. Trust me."
  2427. >You look at her and see that she's wearing an assuring smile on her face.
  2428. >This causes you to smile a bit.
  2429. >You can always count on Sunset's judgment on things.
  2430. "You're right. Thanks, Sunset."
  2431. >"When am I not right?" Sunset says in a cocky way.
  2432. >This causes you both to laugh.
  2433. "Oh. One more thing." You say as you start standing up. "Give Trixie back her apple."
  2434. >Sunset stands up after you and looks at the apple.
  2435. >"You have to catch me first!"
  2436. >With that, she runs to the school.
  2437. >Not this again.
  2438. "Sunset!"
  2439. >You begin running after her, with her laughing at you.
  2441. ~ANONYMOUS~
  2442. >Finally, classes are over.
  2443. >It looks like you're walking home alone again.
  2444. >Rainbow Dash had soccer practice and Twilight wanted to hang out in the library.
  2445. >As you're about to walk off the school grounds, you hear your name being called out by a voice you know too well.
  2446. >You brace yourself for a sudden pounce on your back, but nothing happens.
  2447. >You look behind you and see Trixie.
  2448. >She is walking towards you at a very steady pace, which shocks you, because she always jumps on your back every chance she gets.
  2449. >She finally reaches you and looks at you straight in the eyes.
  2450. "H-hey Trixie. No jumping on my back today? That's a little weird."
  2451. >She keeps a serious look on her face.
  2452. >"Hey, Anon.." She softly speaks.
  2453. >No glasses kid either? She must feel bad about the party on Saturday.
  2454. "Look, Trix. If this is abo-" you're interrupted by her.
  2455. >"Can Trixie walk with you..?"
  2456. "Uh. Sure. I don't mind."
  2457. >With that being said, Trixie walks ahead of you and you just stare at her.
  2458. >This isn't like Trixie.
  2459. >"Are you coming?" She calls out to you.
  2460. "Oh. Yeah." You jog up to her.
  2461. >The two of you are walking side by side in silence, so you decide to break it.
  2462. "So, Trixie. How come you wanted to walk with me? Don't you usually walk home with Sunset?"
  2463. >Trixie stays quiet, looking down.
  2464. >As you look closer, you look at Trixie's eyes and see that they're getting watery.
  2465. >She stops walking and you look back at her.
  2466. >You see her lips moving, but you can't quite catch what she's saying.
  2467. "Trix? You okay?" You say with concern in your voice.
  2468. >In a flash, she runs into your chest, crying her eyes out.
  2469. "Whoa. Trixie, calm down."
  2470. >You stand there stunned, not knowing what to do.
  2471. >"Trixie's sorry, Anon!" The only words she managed to get out every since the walk.
  2472. >She keeps repeating it as she's burying her face into your chest, staining her shirt with her tears.
  2473. >You don't know whether you should hug her or just let her be.
  2474. "Trixie... You got to calm down... What are you sorry for?"
  2475. >That was a stupid question since you most likely know what she's saying sorry for.
  2476. >She looks up at you with her watery lavender eyes.
  2477. >"F-for s-slapping you at the p-party.." She stutters her words through her sobbing.
  2478. >Just like you thought.
  2479. "Trixie. It's fine. Don't worry about it."
  2480. >"No! It's not fine..." She grips on to your shirt tightly.
  2481. "Look, Trix. Let's talk about this somewhere else. How about my house?"
  2482. >She looks up at you and nods as her sobbing simmers down.
  2483. "Come on then."
  2484. >You begin walking and Trixie grips on to your sleeve the entire way home.
  2485. >This is gonna be a long walk.
  2487. >Finally home, but the walk was too weird for you.
  2488. >Trixie was clinging to you like a lost puppy, hanging on to your sleeve the entire way.
  2489. >You never seen her like this before.
  2490. >As you were to say something to her, you see a car parked in front of your house.
  2491. >To be specific, it was a Porsche 356A.
  2492. >You never seen this car in the city of Canterlot.
  2493. >They've always been seen overseas.
  2494. >There was only one person you knew that has a car like this, but there's no way that that per-
  2495. >You pause as you see the license plate.
  2496. >In big letters, it says "Kudos".
  2497. >There's no way...
  2498. "Wait here for a minute, Trixie."
  2499. >"A-anon?" Trixie says as you rush to your front door.
  2500. >You take out your keys, but see that the door is already unlocked, so you rush your way inside.
  2501. >The first room you head to is the living room.
  2502. >As you enter, you see someone sitting on the couch, sipping on coffee and reading a book
  2503. >You can easily tell it's a male, and you already know who he is.
  2504. >He looks up from the book and notices you.
  2505. >He walks to you and places his hands on your shoulders.
  2506. >"It's good to see you again. Son." He smiles at you.
  2507. >You can't believe your eyes.
  2508. "Dad." You give him a hug.
  2509. >It's been a while since you seen your father and it feels good to finally be next to him.
  2510. >"I've missed you, Anonymous."
  2511. "I've missed you too, dad. How come your here?"
  2512. >"Well your mother was worried after that phone call the other day so we flew all the way out here, took the car out my private garage, and head straight here."
  2513. "We? Mom's here too?"
  2514. >"Follow me."
  2515. >He walks ahead and you follow along.
  2516. >The both of you stop at the doorway to the kitchen.
  2517. >You take a look a see a woman by the stove, cooking something.
  2518. >You slowly walk towards the woman and call out to her.
  2519. "M-Mom?"
  2520. >She slowly turns around and puts on the biggest smile you've ever seen.
  2521. >Next thing you know, you're caught in a bone-crushing hug in your mother's arms.
  2522. >"Oh, Anonymous! How I missed my baby boy!" She shouts out.
  2523. >Slowly, you try to escape your mother's clutches, but to no avail.
  2524. >You can hardly breathe at this point, and your father takes note.
  2525. >"Uh. Dear." He speaks up. "Our son can't breathe."
  2526. >She quickly lets you go and fixes you up.
  2527. >"Sorry, dearie." She laughs a bit. "Just couldn't help myself."
  2528. "It's okay, mom. I know you missed me. I missed you too."
  2529. >She gives you a warm smile.
  2530. >"So, Anonymous. Are you hungry? I'll make you whatever you want."
  2531. "Sure. I would li-" You are interrupted by a calling of your name.
  2532. >You and your parents look towards the door and you remember that you came here with Trixie.
  2533. >Nice going, Anon.
  2534. >You head towards the door and see Trixie.
  2535. >"Anon? Is everything alright?" She speaks up.
  2536. "Yeah. Everything is fine. Sorry about that. I just got a surprise visit is all. You still want to come in?"
  2537. >She shyly nods, so you let her in.
  2538. >This is so weird to see Trixie like this and not insulting you or jumping on you for her shits and giggles.
  2539. >As soon as you walk in, you see your parents standing side by side, looking at Trixie.
  2540. >Trixie looks a little nervous.
  2541. >"Um. Anonymous." Your mother speaks up. "Who's your friend?"
  2542. "Oh. This is Trixie. Trixie. This is my mother and father."
  2543. >Trixie is standing with her shocked expression on her face.
  2544. >"Is she okay?" Your father says, with a confused look on his face.
  2545. >"You're Vivian Bale..." She points at your mother, then to your father. "And you're Booker Bale..."
  2546. >Looks like she knows your parents, which is no surprise to you.
  2547. >Your parents look at each other and smile.
  2548. >"Looks like she knows who we are, dear." Your father grabs your mother's hand and takes it into his.
  2549. >"Know who you are? Trixie is your biggest fan! You're my favorite actress, Mrs. Bale, and you're my favorite mystery writer, Mr. Bale!"
  2550. >She's right about that. That's what your parents are.
  2551. >Trixie sounds so excited.
  2552. >She can hardly contain her excitement.
  2553. >"Mrs. Bale. I have all your movies. I loved you in that movie, The Last Survivor. The way you jumped over a train with your motorcycle in that high-speed chase was so amazing!" She takes a breather. "I have a question for you, if that's okay."
  2554. >"Of course, sweetie."
  2555. >"I heard that you do your own stunts. That you don't use a stunt double. I-is that true?"
  2556. >Your mother laughs a little.
  2557. >"Yes. That is true. I did do my own stunts."
  2558. >"Amazing! Trixie was disappointed when you retired. I saw your retirement speech on the news and it has Trixie in tears. You'll always be my favorite actress."
  2559. >"Why thank you, sweetie." She gives Trixie a warm smile.
  2560. >You can't help but smile as well. It's been a while since you seen Trixie happy for once.
  2561. >"Mr. Bale." Trixie starts up again. "I love your books. I have all of the Phantom Knight series. Limited edition, of course. They are my favorites."
  2562. >"I'm glad to hear it, and if you like, I wouldn't mind autographing those books for you."
  2563. >"Really!? Trixie would love that! Thank you so much!"
  2564. >"Anything for my biggest fan." He smiles at Trixie.
  2565. >Trixie is just smiling away at this point.
  2566. >It's good to finally see her like this.
  2567. >"Anonymous." Your mother calls out to you. "You never told me what you wanted to eat."
  2568. "Oh, that's right. Can you make mashed potatoes with steak for dinner?"
  2569. >"Of course, dear." She turns to Trixie. "Would you like to join us, sweetie?"
  2570. >"A-are you sure? Trixie doesn't want to intrude."
  2571. >"Oh, nonsense. We insist."
  2572. >"Well Trixie would love too! I just have to call my parents to let them know.
  2573. >"You mind if I talk to them?" Your mother extends her hand out for Trixie's phone.
  2574. >Trixie hesitates a little, but hands her phone to your mother.
  2575. >Before calling, your mother asks Trixie something.
  2576. >"If your parents say yes, would you mind helping me in the kitchen?"
  2577. >"Trixie wouldn't mind."
  2578. >Your mother smiles and walks into the kitchen with the phone to her ear.
  2579. >As she leaves, your father and Trixie get to talking again.
  2580. >Looks like Trixie is back to herself.
  2582. >As always, your mother's dinner was grade A.
  2583. >Trixie was able to stay for dinner, even though you knew her parents would say yes when your mother spoke to them.
  2584. >"That was amazing, Mrs. Bale. Thank you so much for dinner."
  2585. >"Why, thank you." Your mother takes the dishes into the sink.
  2586. >"Would you like a ride home, Trixie?" Your father speaks up, after taking a sip of tea.
  2587. >"No thank you, Mr. Bale. I have a friend picking me up."
  2588. >A few seconds later, you hear a car horn outside your house.
  2589. >"Oh, that must be her." Trixie stands up. "Thanks again for dinner."
  2590. >Your parents smile.
  2591. >"Oh yeah." Your father stops her. "Don't forget to bring those books to me within the week."
  2592. >"Trixie won't. Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Bale. It was really amazing to meet to you."
  2593. >"It was nice to meet you as well. Come by anytime."
  2594. >You can't help but smile.
  2595. "Come, Trixie. I'll walk you to the car."
  2596. >You and Trixie walk out the door and towards the car.
  2597. >You see Sunset and she waves at you, so you return the favor.
  2598. >Trixie gets in the car, but before Sunset drives off, Trixie turns to you.
  2599. >"Thanks for today, Glasses Kid. Trixie had fun."
  2600. >Glasses Kid. Trixie is definitely back to normal.
  2601. "Glad I can help. Maybe you can be nice to me more often?"
  2602. >"We'll see about that." Trixie laughs and lightly punches your arm. "Bye, Glasses Kid."
  2603. >You laugh as well.
  2604. "Can't blame me for trying. Bye Trixie. Bye Sunset. Get home safe."
  2605. >"Bye, Anon. Goodnight." Sunset says.
  2606. >With that, Sunset drives off.
  2607. >You walk back into the house.
  2608. >As soon as you enter, you see your parents wearing the biggest grin you ever seen.
  2609. "What?" You look at your parents.
  2610. >"My son finally got a girlfriend." Your mother says with a mocking voice, pinching your cheeks.
  2611. >Well you can't see you didn't see that coming.
  2612. >You sit down on the couch, laying back in it.
  2613. "She's not my girlfriend, mom."
  2614. >"Are you sure? Because I can tell she has a thing for you."
  2615. "How can you tell?"
  2616. >"She kept looking at your face during dinner, and when a girl keeps looking at a guy's face a lot, it means that he has something on his face, or that she likes him.
  2617. >"Your mother is right, son." Your father speaks up. "She knows these kinds of things. I also noticed that she kept looking at you."
  2618. >How come you didn't notice this?
  2619. >"Also. How come you brought her here?" Your mother asks, getting close to your face.
  2620. "Because, mom. She wanted to talk about something, and I wanted to go home, so I decided to bring her here to talk." You take a deep breath. "But you guys are right. She does like me. In fact, she said she loves me."
  2621. >"Well do you like her as well?" Your father asks with his arms crossed.
  2622. >Why does it feel like you're being interrogated at a police station?
  2623. >You let out a defeated sigh, knowing you can't escape telling them the truth.
  2624. "Yes..."
  2625. >"Well that's gr-" You interrupt your mother.
  2626. "But! I also like another girl, and she likes me too. Well loves me, like she says.
  2627. >"Who's this other girl?"
  2628. "Well you two know her very well." You take a long pause before speaking. "It's... Twilight. Twilight Sparkle..."
  2629. >"TWILIGHT!?" Both your parents yell out.
  2630. >You just nod, not knowing what to say anymore.
  2631. >"I can't believe it." Your mother sounds so surprised. "Our little Twilight. I knew she had a crush on you, but I never knew it would carry out this far."
  2632. >Wait, what?
  2633. "YOU KNEW!?" You jump up from the couch.
  2634. >"Of course, son. It was very obvious." Your father steps it.
  2635. "You too, Dad!?"
  2636. >"Yes. Even her parents knew. Your mother and hers always talked about how nice it would be if you two got together."
  2637. "Am I the only one that didn't know!?"
  2638. >"Pretty much, yeah."
  2639. "How come you didn't tell me!?"
  2640. >"Well we always thought you knew. You were always with her with every chance you had."
  2641. >You throw your head back, with your hands over your face.
  2642. >How come you're always the last one to find out about stuff. Even when it's about you.
  2643. >Nothing you can do about it now.
  2644. >"Is this the reason why you sounded like that on the phone?" Your mother sits next to you.
  2645. "Basically, yeah..." You look at your parents. "What should I do, guys? This has been bothering me for a while now. I can't stop thinking about it."
  2646. >"Well son. The only solution is to choose between the two. It may not be easy, but you can't keep those girls in the dark for too long."
  2647. >"Your father is right, dear. If you keep dodging them, it may become a huge problem."
  2648. >They're right about that.
  2649. >Twilight and Trixie already dislike each other. You don't want to give them another reason to get at each others' throats, even though it may be too late.
  2650. "You're right, guys. It may be difficult, but I'll do what I have to do."
  2651. >"That's my Anonymous." Your mother kisses your cheek. "Whoever you choose, we'll be by your side no matter what."
  2652. >Your father pats your shoulder and gives you hug.
  2653. "Thanks, guys. I knew I can count on you." You stand up, walking to the stairs. "I'm gonna head to bed now. Goodnight. I love you both."
  2654. >"We love you too. Goodnight, son."
  2655. >You walk upstairs and enter your room.
  2656. >Meanwhile, downstairs.
  2657. >"We raised a fine son, Vivian. You can't be worrying about him so much. He's grown up and can take care of himself."
  2658. >"I know, Booker, but I just can't help it. Even a grown man needs his mother now and then. Even his father."
  2659. >"That's true, but try not to overdo it."
  2660. >"No promises."
  2661. >They both laugh and share a kiss, laying against one another.
  2663. >Saturday, 10:28am.
  2664. >Clear skies outside, with no chance of rain.
  2665. >You open your window to let the breeze in.
  2666. >Ever since Monday, you haven't been to school.
  2667. >Your parents called your school, letting them know that you'll be out of school for the rest of the week.
  2668. >When you asked them why, they responded with "Because you need to clear your head."
  2669. >They have been saying that ever since they found out about Trixie and Twilight.
  2670. >You didn't complain because it kept you out of school, and school is almost over anyways.
  2671. >The school delivered your cap and gown for graduation, which is in a month from now.
  2672. >Now that you think about it, the prom is two weeks away.
  2673. >You completely forget about it, with all that is going on in this love triangle. If you can call it that.
  2674. >Oh well. What can you do about it?
  2675. >Throughout the week, you received visits from some people.
  2676. >Trixie came around and brought the books like your father told her to.
  2677. >She was overjoyed when she seen the autograph in each of her books.
  2678. >You and her spent some time together, but nothing major.
  2679. >A day after Trixie came, Twilight and Rainbow Dash stopped by to pay you a visit.
  2680. >Twilight was talking about the usual stuff. Schoolwork, library, and how her project was so amazing, it caught the eyes of the best college of the world, Manehattan University.
  2681. >You couldn't help but to be happy for her.
  2682. >She's been talking about that college ever since elementary school, which was crazy because who thinks about college at a time like that.
  2683. >Rainbow Dash talked about how her soccer team is going to the championships, and how some scouts are gonna be there, so she's pumped about it.
  2684. >You three hung out for a while as well, but no more than thirty minutes.
  2685. >After that, your parents butted in and starting talking to Twilight, which made her and Rainbow Dash stay longer.
  2686. >You and Rainbow was talking for a bit, since Twilight was paying attention to your parents.
  2687. >Twilight was telling them all that happens ever since she came to Canterlot.
  2688. >All of them was talking up a storm.
  2689. >After those visits, no one else really came by.
  2690. >You guess you can say the true friends you have are those three.
  2691. >Well, you do have Pinkie Pie and the other, but they don't really talk to you as much.
  2692. >Not even Twilight or Rainbow Dash.
  2693. >They just stay in their own little group.
  2694. >It's kind of weird, because as you heard from Twilight, they used to hang out all the time, but ever since the end of freshman year, they just got distant from each other.
  2695. >You never asked why though, because you felt like you shouldn't stick your nose in it, so you left it alone.
  2696. >You snap back into reality as you noticed you finally finished Arkham Knight.
  2697. >All that reminiscing made you kind of forget you was playing, but how can you when it's staring you right in the face? Oh well, fuck it.
  2698. >As you thought, it was a great game.
  2699. >After seeing the ending, you shut your system off and turn to the window.
  2700. >It's such a beautiful day today.
  2701. >It'll be a waste to spend it cooped up inside.
  2702. >Maybe you should hang out with someone.
  2703. >Like go to the movies.
  2704. >You been dying to see that new Daring Do movie, and you know exactly who to invite.
  2705. >You take out your phone and go to your contacts.
  2706. >Scrolling your finger on the screen.
  2707. >There she is.
  2708. >Rainbow Dash.
  2709. >You slowly hover your finger over her name, but something stops you.
  2710. >No. You didn't stop yourself. Literally, something stops you.
  2711. >It's like you no longer have control of your body anymore.
  2712. >In the blink of an eye, you're in a empty room.
  2713. >It's more like a chamber, but there's nothing around, and it feels like it goes on forever.
  2714. >Wait a minute.
  2715. >It feels like you been here before.
  2716. >After a while of looking around, you notice you have control of your body again, so you walk around aimlessly.
  2717. >As you take a few steps, a flash of light appears behind you.
  2718. >You turn and shield your eyes.
  2719. >The light disappears and a figure takes its place.
  2720. >Is that...
  2721. "Eatos?" You speak up.
  2722. >Slowly, the mysterious figure steps towards you and reveals itself.
  2723. >Just as you thought.
  2724. "So it is you."
  2725. >Eatos greets you with a warm smile.
  2726. >"It's good to see you again, Anonymous."
  2727. "I-it's nice to see you too.."
  2728. >You're really lost for words right now.
  2729. >This is the same place you met Eatos, but why are you here?
  2730. >"So you're wondering why you're here, I see." Eatos breaks the silence.
  2731. "H-how do you know?"
  2732. >Eatos laughs a little.
  2733. >"Didn't I tell you I'm a part of you? Nothing gets pass me."
  2734. "True... So why am I here?"
  2735. >"You have to pick between those two girls. I don't mean to rush your decision, but the longer you take, the more nervous the girls will get about the situation."
  2736. "But they seem fine to me."
  2737. >"To you, but you don't know what happens behind closed doors, child."
  2738. "I guess you're right, but I still don't know what to do... I still can't make a choice. I don't want to hurt one if I choose the other."
  2739. >"That's a risk you have to take, and besides. I'm sure they'll be alright with any decision you make."
  2740. >Looks like there's no easy way out of it.
  2741. >You just hope everything goes well.
  2742. >You let out a sigh and collect yourself.
  2743. "Alright. I think I'm ready. What should I do?"
  2744. >"Well first, don't invite that Rainbow girl out. You should choose one of the two. It's a perfect opportunity to see which one you feel stronger for."
  2745. "So you're saying I should date both of them to help my decision? What if I feel the same way about both of them?"
  2746. >"Don't worry about that. Your heart will lead the way. When I sense what your heart is saying, I'll lead you back here to make your decision. Understood?"
  2747. "I guess.."
  2748. >"Don't feel nervous. This is normal for a boy your age, and besides. I'm here for you."
  2749. >She flashes you an assuring smile and it makes you more comfortable.
  2750. "Yeah. You're right. I guess I'll choose one of them now."
  2751. >"Yes, but can we do it my way?"
  2752. >Huh? Her way?
  2753. "What do you mean?"
  2754. >After a second, a tiny bubble appears next to her and it shows a picture of Trixie's face.
  2755. >She snaps her fingers and the picture changes to Twilight's face.
  2756. >What is this?
  2757. >"START!" Eatos yells out.
  2758. >The tiny bubble starts rapidly switch from Trixie to Twilight.
  2759. >She can't be serious.
  2760. >She's making your choice completely by random.
  2761. >You can't comprehend what is going on.
  2762. >It doesn't seem to be slowing down.
  2763. >"Say stop whenever you're ready." Eatos speaks up, standing there watching the bubble.
  2764. >You gulp to see who you're gonna be taking out first.
  2765. "STOP!" You yell out.
  2766. >The bubble's speed is now decreasing.
  2767. >Every second is making your heart race, making you more nervous with every switch.
  2768. >Finally, the bubble stops and shows who it has chosen.
  2769. >Eatos leans in a little.
  2770. >"So she's first, huh? Interesting." She snaps her fingers and the bubble disappears. "Well Anonymous. You have your choice. You know what you have to do. Now go and have fun."
  2771. "Y-yeah..."
  2772. >"Until next time." She flies away and vanishes into thin air.
  2774. >Minutes later.
  2775. >You're back in your room with your phone still in hand.
  2776. >How the hell can Eatos just transfer you between worlds like that?
  2777. >If you can even call that place another world.
  2778. >Anyways. It's time to contact your date.
  2779. >You call her number and bring the phone to your ear.
  2780. >It rings a couple of times before the call is connected.
  2781. >["Hello?"]
  2782. ["Hey, Twi."]
  2783. >["Hi, Anon! Surprised to get a phone call from you this early in the morning. Normally you'd be sleeping right now."] She laughs. ["So anyways. Whatcha need?"]
  2784. >You let out a gulp, trying to alpha the fuck up.
  2785. ["I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with me.."] You pause momentarily, building up the courage to say the next sentence. ["As in a date."]
  2786. >["D-D-D-Date!?"]
  2787. >From that comment, you can tell Twilight was shocked to hear that coming out your mouth.
  2788. ["Y-Yeah. So what do you say?"]
  2789. >You don't hear anything from her for a while. but you listen more carefully.
  2790. >It's kind of faint, but you can hear Twilight saying something in the background.
  2791. >Sure enough, you can make out what she's saying.
  2793. >A chuckle slips out your mouth after hearing Twilight.
  2794. >Typical, coming from her.
  2795. >Always getting overly excited when she gets what she wants.
  2796. >A few seconds later, Twilight gets back on the line.
  2797. >["A-Are you sure, Anon?"]
  2798. ["Very sure, Twi. So do you accept?"] Even though you know her answer, but you gotta play it off like you didn't hear her.
  2799. >["YES!"] She replies as soon as you ask. ["I-I mean, yes. I would like that."]
  2800. ["Alright, sweet." Let's say we meet at the theater by 6, or shall I pick you up at your house and we walk there together. Totally your choice."]
  2801. >["I wouldn't mind taking the walk with you."]
  2802. ["Alright. It's set. I'll be there around 5 and we'll leave ASAP. Deal?"]
  2803. >["Deal."]
  2804. ["Cool. See you soon, Twilight."]
  2805. >["Bye, Anon."]
  2807. >Few hours into the day.
  2808. >Your parents just left for the airport to Delamare twenty minutes ago.
  2809. >Those two just love to travel as much as they can, wherever they can.
  2810. >The great thing is, your dad actually left you the keys to the Porsche.
  2811. >Fucking sweet.
  2812. >You would take Twilight in the car, but you did promise you'd walk with her.
  2813. >Maybe next time.
  2814. >In the meantime, you start getting ready for your date.
  2815. >Just the word makes you nervous and makes your heart race.
  2816. >You just hope that everything goes well.
  2817. >You look at the clock and noticed you still got time left.
  2818. >What to do in the meantime.
  2819. >Maybe you can talk to Eatos for a while.
  2820. >She can probably make you feel a bit easier about this whole thing.
  2821. >You close your eyes and let her fill your mind.
  2822. >In a few seconds, you open your eyes and see Eatos standing by the window.
  2823. >As you look closely, you see that she's admiring the beautiful weather outside.
  2824. >You slowly walk up to her and she begins to speak.
  2825. >"Your world is such a beautiful place. The birds, the sky, nature. Everything about it is just magnificent."
  2826. >She just continues standing there with a smile on her face.
  2827. "What's your world like? Or is the place I first met you, your world?"
  2828. >"Oh no. My world is a magical world. Filled with dragons, unicorns, and other mythical creatures that doesn't exist in your world. Where we met is a link between our worlds."
  2829. "It sounds nice. I would like to visit sometimes, if I somehow can."
  2830. >"I'll keep that in mind, child." She turns towards you. "So. How can I help you? I know you called so I can help you with your date, correct?"
  2831. "Well, not entirely true. I called because I just wanted to talk to you. Get to know you better."
  2832. >Eatos' eyes widen as she hears your response.
  2833. >She smiles and turns back to the window.
  2834. >Did you say something wrong?
  2835. >It can't be because you caught a glimpse of her smile.
  2836. >"It's funny." She speaks up. "Everyone that I helped throughout my life, not one has ever called on me just to talk."
  2837. "But don't you feel what I feel? Don't you read my thoughts?"
  2838. >"I guess that's one thing that got passed me. When someone calls me, I just assume that it's just for advice, but you just made me think differently."
  2839. >Now that you think about it, that's kind of sad.
  2840. >All she ever does is help people.
  2841. >It's like she never had an actual conversation with anyone.
  2842. >Maybe you can change that for her.
  2843. "Well. I'm not gonna come for you just for advice. I would really like to get to know you. Talk from time to time. If you don't mind."
  2844. >She tears up a little, but wipes them away.
  2845. >"I would love that, Anonymous. Thank you."
  2847. >After what feels like a hour, you learned a lot about Eatos.
  2848. >She's over a thousand years old, which is funny, because she looks as young as twenty-one.
  2849. >Angels in her world age, but their appearance stays the same after twenty years.
  2850. >She's been all over the world, helping out people in need, just like you.
  2851. >There's been people she helped in a matter of a day, some that she couldn't help at all, and some that she didn't want to help.
  2852. >Her parents passed away a couple of centuries ago due to sickness.
  2853. >As she was explaining her life to you, she looked so happy, being able to express her feelings to someone.
  2854. >It makes you feel bad because you feel like she's all alone.
  2855. >She didn't speak about any friends she has, if she has any.
  2856. >Just as she finishes, you remember about Twilight and your date.
  2857. "Oh, damn! My date! What time is it?"
  2858. >Eatos stops you as you start to panic and laughs a little.
  2859. >"Easy, Anonymous." She points to the clock. "I froze time five minutes before your departure. I wasn't gonna let you miss this day."
  2860. "Wow. I didn't know you can freeze time like that. What else can you do?"
  2861. >"I wish I can tell you more, but you have to get going."
  2862. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
  2863. >"Before you go, I just want to thank you. No one has ever taken the time to talk with me. It really made my day."
  2864. "Anytime. You're may be my guardian angel, but you're also my friend."
  2865. >Eatos smiles wide at your sentence.
  2866. >"Thank you so much. One more thing. There's something I want to give you."
  2867. >She holds out her hand.
  2868. >At first, there's nothing there, but after a second, a mysterious green crystal appears.
  2869. "What's this?" You grab it and start examining it.
  2870. >"This is the Crystal of the Angels. This has been passed down my family for generations and now, I'm giving it to you."
  2871. "Oh no, Eatos. I can't take your family's treasure."
  2872. >"Nonsense. I want you to. I know you'll take care of it. Besides. After you solve the problem you have, I'll disappear from your mind, but with this stone, you can still call me, even though I won't be a part of you anymore."
  2873. "That's pretty cool. I'll cherish it always. Just one question. Why me?"
  2874. >"Because you're the only one that showed interest about me. It felt good knowing I wasn't being used for advice. I can finally understand why those two girls like you so much."
  2875. >You let out a smile, knowing you helped Eatos.
  2876. "Then I'll accept it. Thank you."
  2877. >"No. Thank you. Now it's time for you to have fun. Goodbye, Anonymous. Until next time."
  2878. >She snaps her fingers and time starts moving.
  2879. >She has disappeared and you're still in your room.
  2880. >You look in your hands and notice the crystal is gone.
  2881. >As you look down, you notice that it's hanging around your neck.
  2882. >Looks like Eatos made it into a necklace for you.
  2883. >You grip the crystal tightly and feel her aura.
  2884. >A smile forms on your face.
  2885. >Now that you're back, time to go pick up Twilight.
  2887. >5:00pm on the dot.
  2888. >You're walking to Twilight's house, trying to rush a little bit.
  2889. >Thankfully it isn't a long trip, since she only lives a couple of blocks away from you.
  2890. >The weather is still nice as it was this morning, but you can feel the temperature dropping.
  2891. >Even though, it's still a great day.
  2892. >Finally, you reach her house.
  2893. >You step up on the porch and ring the bell.
  2894. >As you wait, you look around the outside of the house.
  2895. >The lawn is freshly cut and the air filled with the smell of grass.
  2896. >The whole yard is surrounded by a white fence.
  2897. >Flowers are placed by the door and hanging from the window.
  2898. >As you keep looking around, you hear the door knob being turned, so you quickly turn to the door.
  2899. >When it opens, it reveals a middle-aged woman who is a spitting image of Twilight.
  2900. >Well, except for the hair color.
  2901. >"Why hello, Anonymous." She says in a soft voice. "It's nice to see you."
  2902. "Hello, Mrs. Velvet. It's nice to see you too. Is Twilight here?"
  2903. >"Yes, she is. I think she's in her room, getting ready." She steps to the side. "Why don't you come in and wait for her? You two are going somewhere, right?"
  2904. >Oh shit. Does she know about your date with Twilight?
  2905. "Y-yes we are. Are you sure to come in?"
  2906. >"Nonsense, dear! You're always welcome here."
  2907. >She pulls you inside and you just follow her to the living room.
  2908. >As you walk in, you see middle-aged man sitting on a chair, reading a book.
  2909. >You look closer and see it's one of the books your father wrote.
  2910. >"Honey. Look who's here." Mrs. Velvet speaks up.
  2911. >He looks up from his book and gets up from the chair.
  2912. >"Is that Anonymous?" He begins walking towards you. "Man. I remember when you were just a squirt."
  2913. >He puts his hand out and you grab it, giving him a firm handshake.
  2914. "Yeah, it's me, Mr. Light."
  2915. >"So. What do I owe for this unexpected visit?"
  2916. "Well.. Actually.. I-" You are stopped as Mrs. Velvet steps in.
  2917. >"Well, dear. He's here to pick up our Twilight."
  2918. >Damn. Straight to the point.
  2919. >"Is that so? Well let me go get her."
  2920. >Mr. Light walks towards the stairs and calls out to his daughter.
  2921. >"Just a minute, dad!" She yells out. "I'm almost finished!"
  2922. >Her father just laughs.
  2923. >"Women. Always taking long to get ready. Ain't that right, Anonymous?"
  2924. >"Excuse me?" His wife turns at him. "Us women love to look good, so we take our time with our looks."
  2925. >The three of you just laugh.
  2926. >After a few minutes of catching up with Twilight's parents, she finally comes down.
  2927. >She looks simply stunning.
  2928. >Her hair is in a neat ponytail and she's wearing a bit of make-up. Not too heavy on it.
  2929. >She's wearing a purple blouse and tight black pants.
  2930. >You never seen her dress like this.
  2931. >She is normally wearing a skirt and a plain shirt or something along those lines.
  2932. >As she notices you, she gets a little embarrassed.
  2933. >"Jeez, guys. Why didn't you tell me Anon was here!?"
  2934. >"Well we wanted to catch up with Anonymous." Her mother speaks up.
  2935. >"Yeah." Her father joins in. "We haven't seen Anonymous in a while since he never visits."
  2936. >He throws an arm around your shoulder.
  2937. >Mrs. Velvet looks at the grandfather clock.
  2938. >"Good heavens." She speaks up. "Look at the time. You two are gonna be late."
  2939. >Mr. Light takes his arm off you.
  2940. >"She's right. You kids better get a move on."
  2941. >She begins pushing you and Twilight towards the door.
  2942. >Twilight looks over her shoulder and peeks at the clock.
  2943. >"It's only 5:10, mom! We'll be fine!"
  2944. >"Nonsense! You know how those lines get!"
  2945. >Before you know it, you're both on the porch.
  2946. >"Have fun, you two!"
  2947. >"Mom, wai-" Twilight tries to yell out to her, but to has no success.
  2948. >The door closes in her face and you hear the door being locked.
  2949. >Twilight is clearly annoyed at this point, but she gets over it quickly.
  2950. >"Fine. Let's go, Anon." She walks off the porch and you follow.
  2951. >Mrs. Velvet peeks out the window and watches you two walk down the street.
  2952. >"Think she'll finally confess, dear?" She says to her husband as she keeps her eyes glued out the window.
  2953. >"Twilight? Not a chance."
  2954. >They both share a laugh and walk away from the window.
  2956. >After thirty minutes of walking, you're almost there.
  2957. >The walk has been talkative between the two of you.
  2958. >Twilight apologized about her parents, then talked about graduation.
  2959. >You told her about how your father gave you the car.
  2960. "I'm sorry about not bringing the car. We could have been there already."
  2961. >"It's okay. I wanted to take the walk anyways."
  2962. "Good. Because I did promise to walk with you and I don't break my promises."
  2963. >She lets out a soft giggle.
  2964. >"Well I'm glad to hear."
  2965. >You finally reach the movie theater and it's just like Mrs. Velvet said.
  2966. >Awaits you is a long ass line almost to the corner of the street.
  2967. "Guess we got to walk all the way back there."
  2968. >"Guess so." She looks around the line before following you to the back.
  2969. >Before you take a couple of steps, you hear someone yell yours and Twilight's name.
  2971. >You both turn around and see Pinkie waving her hand high in the air, trying to get your attention.
  2972. >Behind her are the rest of the crew.
  2973. >Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, & Fluttershy.
  2974. >Twilight walks ahead and gives everyone a hug.
  2975. "Hey girls." You follow behind Twilight. "What brings you here? Although I know why Rainbow is here."
  2976. >"Well." Applejack was the first to speak up. "Rainbow wanted me ta get the girls together an' hang out. Like old times. So I called, got everyone on the phone an' they all agreed."
  2977. >Rarity joins in.
  2978. >"It is nice to all be together again after all these years. I feel we haven't all been together in one sitting after our first year of high school."
  2979. >That's because that's when they all drifted away.
  2980. >After a second, you noticed that Pinkie Pie has disappeared, but in a flash, she appears between you and Twilight.
  2981. >She throws her arms around the both of you and gets close to Twilight.
  2982. >"So." She whispers to Twilight. "Are you two on a date this time?"
  2983. >Twilight's face turns red and doesn't answer, so you butt in.
  2984. "Actually Pinkie." You were about to explain, but you catch Twilight staring at you.
  2985. >A glare that can cut diamonds.
  2986. >You can tell that in her eyes, she wanted you to keep this a secret.
  2987. >You give her an assuring smile and turn to Pinkie Pie.
  2988. "The thing is," You whisper to her so no one but the three of you can hear. "We are, but we don't want anyone to find out. So you think you can keep this a secret from the others?"
  2989. >Twilight gets more embarrassed and a little angry at the fact you told Pinkie.
  2990. >"Of course, Nonny! I pinkie promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" She does the motion as she says the promise.
  2991. "Thanks, Pinks. Well I guess we should get to the back of the line. We don't wa-" Pinkie grabs your arm and pulls you towards her and the others.
  2992. >"Nonsense! Come get in line with us!"
  2993. "Oh, I can't do that, Pinkie. Others were here first."
  2994. >"Of course you can! Consider us even for the tip you gave me at the diner."
  2995. "Well.. Okay then.. What do you say, Twilight?"
  2996. >"I don't mind, but. Um.." Pinkie puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder.
  2997. >"Don't worry, Twilight. I'll make sure you two are alone for the movie." She gives Twilight a wink.
  2998. >Twilight smiles and walks to the other girls and starts talking with them.
  2999. >You and Pinkie join them right after, waiting for the theater to start selling the tickets.
  3001. >At last, everyone got their tickets and entered the theater.
  3002. >There's already a line for snacks and drinks.
  3003. >Other people just went into the auditorium to get good seats for the movie.
  3004. >"Come on guys!" Rainbow yells out. "I want to get the best seats possible!"
  3005. >"Right behind ya, partner." Applejack follows Rainbow Dash.
  3006. >"Coming, Darling." Rarity does the same.
  3007. >Fluttershy says nothing and follows behind everyone.
  3008. >"Save me a seat girls! I'll get the snacks!" Pinkie Pie yells out.
  3009. >"Cool." Rainbow Dash responds, then looks at you and Twilight. "You guys coming with us?"
  3010. >Twilight looks at you, then back at Rainbow Dash.
  3011. >"Actually, Rainbow. I-" Pinkie steps in.
  3012. >"I need her and Nonny to help me bring the snacks back."
  3013. >Pinkie looks back at Twilight and winks at her.
  3014. >Rainbow Dash also looks at Twilight, then smiles.
  3015. >Looks like she knows what's going on.
  3016. >"Alright, cool. Let's go, girls."
  3017. >They all show their tickets and walk inside the auditorium.
  3018. >The three of you get in line and start talking with each other.
  3019. >As usual, Pinkie does most of the talking.
  3020. >After a few minutes, you get to the counter.
  3021. >"Hello, sir." The lady behind the counter greets you. "How may I serve you today?"
  3022. "I'll take a order of large nachos, a pack of M&M's, and a large sprite." You turn to Twilight. "How about you, Twi?"
  3023. >"I'll take the same as you, but make it the nachos and sprite a medium."
  3024. >"Okay. Your total is $27.66."
  3025. >You hand the lady the money and wait for your stuff.
  3026. >"May I help who-" Pinkie steps forward and begins ordering before the lady can finish her sentence.
  3027. >"I would like 1 large popcorn, 3 orders of large nachos, 2 orders of apple fritters, 2 hot dogs, 5 packs of hershey kisses', and 5 medium sodas! 2 Sprite, 1 Pepsi, 1 Root Beer, and 1 Mt. Dew! Oh, and a side of fries as well!"
  3028. >Everyone on line, including you and Twilight just stare at Pinkie Pie, who is just bouncing in place, with a big smile plastered on her face.
  3029. >Even the lady is frozen, trying to comprehend on what just happened, but surprisingly, she repeats the order to Pinkie and gets it right.
  3030. >"Your total is 61.37."
  3031. >That's just highway robbery.
  3032. >Pinkie pays and steps to the side with you.
  3033. "Hey, Pinks." You whisper to her. "Are you sure you're gonna be fine with all that food?"
  3034. >"Of course! I always eat my food and make sure nothing's left!"
  3035. "That's not what I meant. I mean, are you sure you can carry everything?"
  3036. >"Anon's right." Twilight steps in. "If you want, we can help you carry it."
  3037. >"I'm fine, Twilight! I can carry all of it! Besides. You two need to be alone for you-" Twilight quickly covers Pinkie Pie's mouth before she finishes the sentence.
  3038. >You shake your head and chuckle a little.
  3039. >"Not so loud, Pinkie!"
  3040. >"Oh." Pinkie Pie giggles and snorts. "Sorry."
  3041. >"Excuse me." The lady speaks up. "Your orders are ready."
  3042. >All three of you turn and the first thing you see is a huge box carrying Pinkie's order.
  3043. >Everything fits so perfectly inside that box.
  3044. >It even had compartments for the drinks.
  3045. >It looked like a perfect game of tetris or some shit.
  3046. >Who knew they had something like that.
  3047. >Pinkie Pie grabs the box and you grab your order.
  3048. >To your surprise, Pinkie is carrying the box without any struggle.
  3049. >"Well I'm gonna go on ahead to the others!" Pinkie walks backwards and waves at you two while carrying the box with one hand. "Bye guys! Have fun!"
  3050. >After she finishes her sentence, she almost trips.
  3051. >You go to run to help, but she amazingly keeps her balance and keeps from spilling a thing.
  3052. >"I'm okay!" She runs into the auditorium.
  3053. >The both of you start laughing.
  3054. "That's our Pinkie Pie."
  3055. >You walk into the auditorium and begin looking for some seats.
  3056. >Twilight is already one step ahead of you.
  3057. >She's at a pair of empty seats and waving at you.
  3058. >You rush over to her.
  3059. "Careful, Twi. You don't want the others to see you, right?"
  3060. >"It's fine, Anon." She sits down. "They're sitting in the front. They would have to turn around to see me, but they're too busy watching the previews. Plus it's very dark."
  3061. >You sit down next to her, taking the snacks out the bag.
  3062. "Well I guess you're right." You hand Twilight her drink and snacks. "Well at least we're alone. Told you to trust me when I told Pinkie."
  3063. >She gives you a soft smile as she takes her stuff out your hands.
  3064. >"You're right. I'm sorry, Anon."
  3065. "By the way. How come you didn't tell Rainbow Dash about our date? I'm sure she wouldn't tell anymore."
  3066. >"I don't know." She takes a sip of her drink. "I just wanted to keep this a secret. To be honest, this is my first date."
  3067. >You can see the hint of embarrassment on her face.
  3068. "Really?" You laugh a little. "Well don't worry. This is mines as well."
  3069. >"Stop lying, Anon." She gives you a little shove.
  3070. "I'm serious. I never been on a date either before."
  3071. >Twilight gives you a small, cute smile.
  3072. >"Well it looks like we have another thing in common."
  3073. >You return the smile, putting some nachos in your mouth.
  3074. >The movie finally starts and the both of you sit back, giving your attention to the projection screen.
  3075. >The opening scene shows Daring Do tied in a chair, surrounded by a bunch of guys, and their leader, Ahuizotl.
  3076. >Daring Do is trying her hardest to escape.
  3077. >Ahuizotl gets in her face.
  3078. >"Now. You will tell me what I want to know." He walks away with his back towards her. "Where. Is. The ring?"
  3079. >"Ahuizotl. If you want to get married, all you have to do is ask."
  3080. >He gets in her face once again, looking furious.
  3081. >"Don't play games with me, you little runt! Where is the Ring of Power!?"
  3082. >Daring Do doesn't say a word.
  3083. >"Silence. Fine. We have ways of making you talk. Servants. Do what you must."
  3084. >The men walks towards her, making her look around.
  3085. >In a flash, she snaps the ropes and gives one of the guys a roundhouse kick.
  3086. >She runs off to the exit with Ahuizotl's men chasing her.
  3087. >"Capture her! Now!"
  3088. >His face fades out to the title of the movie.
  3089. >Daring Do: The Mystery of the Three Rings.
  3091. >Two hours later.
  3092. >"That movie was so amazing!" Twilight is filled with excitement. "The greatest one ever of the series!"
  3093. >Twilight has the biggest smile that you ever seen.
  3094. >She keeps going on about it.
  3095. >After all, she is a big Daring Do fan, but not as much as Rainbow Dash.
  3096. >Even though Twilight introduced Rainbow to the series in the first place.
  3097. >You have to admit though. It was a great movie.
  3098. >Probably the best in the series.
  3099. >As you look to your left, you see a fat guy with a blue shirt and red shorts, on his phone.
  3100. >He's muttering to himself, but surprisingly, you catch what he is saying.
  3101. >"Worst. Movie. Ever. I'll be on the internet later, registering my disgust throughout the world."
  3102. >You just shake your head and return your attention to Twilight, who is still talking about how amazing the movie was.
  3103. >"...and how about when Daring Do jumped off Ahuizotl's knee to get more height and gave him a powerful spinning kick!"
  3104. "Yeah, that was pretty amazing." You let out a chuckle. "So what you want to do now? Grab a bite to eat, or just go home?"
  3105. >Twilight thinks about it for a few.
  3106. >"You can take me home. Those nachos kind of filled me up. Not really hungry."
  3107. "You got it, boss."
  3108. >Twilight giggles and the two of you begins walking home.
  3109. >After a while, you're almost at Twilight's house.
  3110. >The most of the way was talkative between you two, but now it's quiet.
  3111. >You look over at Twilight and you see she's on her phone.
  3112. >Her thumbs are dancing over the screen.
  3113. >Probably texting one of the girls.
  3114. >She puts away her phone and bites her nails a little bit.
  3115. >You grab her hand to stop her and she looks at you.
  3116. "You shouldn't bite your nails. It's a bad habit."
  3117. >"Y-yeah.. You're right. Sorry."
  3118. "Nothing to be sorry for, Twi. Is something on your mind?"
  3119. >"Well. Yes.. It's been on my mind for a while now, and just don't know how to say it.."
  3120. "Let me guess. You want to say you love me, correct?"
  3121. >Twilight's eyes widen and jaw drops.
  3122. >"How do you know that!?" Twilight freaks out, getting in your face.
  3123. "Well.. I kind of overheard you and Rainbow talking at the park." You chuckle nervously.
  3124. >She gets embarrassed and you can tell she's upset.
  3125. "I'm really sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
  3126. >"It's fine. I'm not mad at you. It's just that I tried to build up all the courage to confess, but I just couldn't. I'm such a loser."
  3127. "You're not a loser, Twilight. I don't blame you. It can be frightening confessing your love for someone. Especially if you don't know how the other person will react."
  3128. >Twilight just looks down with a depressed look on her face.
  3129. "To be honest, Twi." You scratch the back of your head. "I have feelings for you as well."
  3130. >"Really?" She looks up at you with a little hope in her eyes.
  3131. "Yes, but, I don't think we can become something just yet."
  3132. >"How come?"
  3133. "Well.. Because I kind of also have feelings for Trixie."
  3134. >"Oh." She looks back down. "I understand then."
  3135. "You're not mad?" A puzzled look forms on your face.
  3136. >"Of course not. Why would I be?"
  3137. "Well.. because I have feelings for two girls, and one of them is you."
  3138. >"So? It's not like we're together and it's happening. There's nothing I can do about it." She looks up at the sky. "Besides. I still have a chance. So I won't give up until the very end."
  3139. "Are you sure? I don't want you to think I'm leading you on because of this date, because that is not my intention."
  3140. >"Oh, I know that. You're trying to see which one of us captures your eye. Am I right?"
  3141. "H-how'd you know?"
  3142. >"Come on, Anon. I'm not dumb." She looks at you. "After you told me you like Trixie and I, I put two and two together."
  3143. >Well you can't argue with her there.
  3144. "I see, But Twili-" You are interrupted by Twilight's hand.
  3145. >"Anon. I'm fine. I promise." She smiles brightly. "I totally understand the situation."
  3146. >Twilight...
  3147. >She stops in her tracks and her smiles fades away quickly, while she looks down at the ground.
  3148. >"Just promise me one thing.."
  3149. "Sure. Wha-" You are interrupted by Twilight's sudden hug on to you.
  3150. >She clings hard with her head on your chest.
  3151. >You feel a wet spot on your shirt where her face is.
  3152. >Oh no.
  3153. >"Promise me you'll never leave..." She speaks with a weak voice.
  3154. "What do yo-"
  3155. >"PROMISE ME!" She looks you dead in the face with tears in her eyes.
  3156. "I promise, but what is this all about? Why do you think I'll leave you?"
  3157. >She looks back down, gripping the back of your shirt tighter than before.
  3158. >"I had a dream. Where you left me on the floor crying, while you walked away with Trixie."
  3159. >You can see she's shaking a little bit, so you rub her back to try to comfort her.
  3160. "That'll never happen, Twilight. I know you probably don't want to hear part of this, but if I happen to choose Trixie, I won't push you out of my life."
  3161. >"But what if Trixie tells you to do it?" She looks you in the eyes once again.
  3162. "Then she's the one that has to go. I promise you. I would never leave out your life."
  3163. >Twilight just stays quiet for a while as a small smile forms on her face.
  3164. >"Good.."
  3166. >Finally home.
  3167. >You dropped Twilight off at her house and went straight home.
  3168. >Twilight gave you a long hug before going inside her house.
  3169. >Looks like she's still hung up about her nightmare.
  3170. >Today was fun, except for the end.
  3171. >What is it with these girls crying on you.
  3172. >You shrug it off and jump into bed, getting yourself comfortable.
  3173. >You decide to watch some tv, so you reach for the remote and turn it on.
  3174. >First thing to show is a game. Baseball game to be exact.
  3175. >Dreck. You change the channel and this time, a basketball game comes on.
  3176. >Gar-bage. You change it once more.
  3177. >"Hey! Watch where you're going, football head!"
  3178. >Oh, Hey Arnold! Nice.
  3179. >You get even more comfortable, looking at the screen.
  3180. >You chuckle as the usual shit happens.
  3181. >Eugene running into shit, Stinky being himself, Rhonda acting like a drama queen.
  3182. >Such a classic that everyone loves.
  3183. >Now that you think about it, Rhonda kind of reminds you of Rarity in a way.
  3184. >As you're enjoying this magnificent show, the tv just completely freezes.
  3185. >You try to change the channel to see if that was the problem, but it wasn't.
  3186. >You get up and start fucking with the tv.
  3187. >Try turning it off and on, unplugging and plugging it back in, but nothing is working.
  3188. >You scratch your head, trying to figure out what is going on.
  3189. >Out of nowhere, you hear a giggle.
  3190. >You quickly turn around and scan the room.
  3191. >Everything is frozen.
  3192. >The clock isn't ticking and the ceiling fan isn't rotating.
  3193. >You check your phone and even that isn't working.
  3194. >You chuckle a little and throw your hands in the air.
  3195. "Alright, Eatos. You got me."
  3196. >You feel a finger in your back.
  3197. >"Bang!" Eatos says as she pushes her finger in your back, while giggling.
  3198. >The both of you share a laugh and you turn to face her.
  3199. "I didn't know you were a prankster, Eatos."
  3200. >"Looks like you still have a lot to learn about me, Child."
  3201. "Yeah. Like what other powers you got under your sleeve."
  3202. >She laughs a little.
  3203. >"I'll be here all day if I explain all of my powers."
  3204. >That comment makes you chuckle a bit.
  3205. "So what's going on, Eatos? How are you?" You take a sit on your computer chair.
  3206. >"I'm fine, but I'm here to talk about your date with that Twilight girl. It looks like you had a lot of fun."
  3207. "Oh yeah. I had lots of fun. Until the end though."
  3208. >"Ah yes. The crying part. It happens with girls. It just shows that her feelings are strong for you."
  3209. "Yeah. The same way with Trixie."
  3210. >"Speaking of Trixie, I think you should take her on a date tomorrow.
  3211. >Your eyes goes wide at her sudden comment.
  3212. "Tomorrow? Are you sure? I mean I just had a date with Twilight. Do you think it'll be right to have two dates in a row?"
  3213. >"Well it's not terrible. There's nothing wrong with having two dates back to back."
  3214. "Well it's just Twilight I am worried about." You throw your head back, staring at the ceiling. "I don't want her to be upset at me if she finds out I went on another date right after ours."
  3215. >"I'm sure she won't be upset at all. She completely understands the situation."
  3216. "Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks, Eatos. You're the best angel I had. Even though you're the first." You let out a friendly chuckle.
  3217. >She seems really touched by your compliment and gives you a nice, warm smile.
  3218. >"Thank you, Anonymous. It means a lot." She pats your shoulder. "Well I guess I'll let you go. I know you had an exhausting day."
  3219. "Yeah, I did. Ready to get into bed. Don't worry. We'll talk again real soon."
  3220. >"I trust in those words." She ruffs up your hair. "You really are a good kid. Have a good night, Child."
  3221. "You too, Eatos." You give her a smile before she vanishes from your sight.
  3222. >As she disappears, everything returns to normal.
  3223. >Well nothing left to do but to hit the hay.
  3224. >You turn off the lights and jump into bed, watching tv until sleep takes control of your body.
  3225. >...
  3227. >Sunday afternoon.
  3228. >You get out the shower, drying your hair.
  3229. >The sun is beaming through the window, shining up your room.
  3230. >You plop yourself on your computer chair, stretching your legs out.
  3231. >Before you got in the shower, you called Trixie about your date with her.
  3232. >Even though she responded calmly, you knew she was excited about your call.
  3233. >Today is a nice day to do a lot of things, but Trixie wanted to spend the day at the arcade.
  3234. >You never took her for a gaming type, but knowing how competitive she gets, you can probably understand why.
  3235. >She agreed to meet you at your house, so that's cool you don't have to travel.
  3236. >She'll probably be here any minute.
  3237. >Maybe you'll play a game or something before she arrives.
  3238. >You turn on your computer an-
  3239. >[DING DONG.]
  3240. >Speak of the devil.
  3241. >You throw on a shirt and head downstairs.
  3242. >The bell is still ringing.
  3243. >You rush to the door, each ring becoming more and more irritating.
  3244. >God damn it, Trixie.
  3245. >Finally, you swing the door open and Trixie is standing there with a smug look on her face.
  3246. "Don't you ever get tired of fucking with me?" You step to the side and motion her to come in. "Make yourself at home. I'll be ready in a minute."
  3247. >"It's not nice to keep a lady waiting." She walks past you, making her way upstairs.
  3248. "Whoa whoa." You grab her wrist to stop her just shy of the second step. "Why upstairs?"
  3249. >"Well you said make myself at home, so Trixie is going to your room." She begins walking up again and your grip tightens, making her stop once more.
  3250. "Why my room?"
  3251. >"Is there something you got to hide from me up there?" She lets herself free and walks upstairs.
  3252. >This girl, man.
  3253. >You know she's gonna make fun of you once she sees your room.
  3254. >With nothing you can do to stop her, you follow her to your room.
  3255. >Once you enter, you see her looking around.
  3256. >She notices all the game posters hung around the room.
  3257. >All the little video game characters figurines around your computer.
  3258. "Well. You seen my room. Go ahead. Make fun." You stand there, waiting for the insults and mocking, but to your surprise, it was quite the opposite.
  3259. >"Well at least you have some good taste in stuff, Glasses Kid. More than half of these games is what I also play." She keeps looking around, looking mostly amazed.
  3260. >Oh, well okay then.
  3261. >Wait, what!?
  3262. >Trixie. THE Great & Powerful Trixie is that into video games?
  3263. >There's no way you can believe that.
  3264. >She stares at your computer screen and notices the Overwatch shortcut on the desktop
  3265. >"NO WAY!" She blurts out. "You play Overwatch as well!?"
  3266. >Really!?
  3267. >Looks like she does know a bit about the games you play.
  3268. "Uh. Yeah." You snap out of your thoughts to answer her question. "I was about to play a couple of games before you came."
  3269. >You realize she's not even paying attention to you, as she's already on your PC and playing a match already.
  3270. "Trix. What are you doing? Ain't we supp-" You noticed that she picked the worst person you can possibly pick on attack.
  3271. >Widowmaker.
  3272. "Uh, Trix." You try to get her attention. "I don't think Widowmaker is such a good pick for this situation."
  3273. >You continue to watch, and she is doing great with Widow.
  3274. >Hitting shot after shot. Not one missed.
  3275. >You can't believe your eyes.
  3276. >In a matter of minutes, they win the match.
  3277. "Wow, Trix." You're honestly amazed. "You're very good at this game."
  3278. >"No need to tell Trixie what she already knows."
  3279. >That causes you to chuckle a bit.
  3280. "Well let's get going. It's very nice out and we got the whole day."
  3281. >"Just one more match." Her eyes is glued to your computer screen.
  3282. >She is really focused on that game.
  3283. "Well alright. Again, make yourself at home."
  3284. >You exit your room and leave Trixie to her lonesome.
  3286. >Minutes later, you come back to your room.
  3287. >Trixie is still on your computer, gaming away.
  3288. "You must really love this game." You put a glass of water by her side. "There you go, Trix."
  3289. >She keeps on with the game, taking a sip of the water.
  3290. >You sit down right next to her and watch her play.
  3291. >She's surprisingly good at this game.
  3292. >Even though she's not the best support player.
  3293. >Everything else is great.
  3294. "Hey, Trix." You speak up. "Don't you think we should go and leave soon? I don't want your plans to go to waste."
  3295. >"One more game, Glasses Kid." She responds to you while her eyes are glued to the screen.
  3296. >You shake your head as you continue to watch.
  3297. >As you watch, the match goes really fast.
  3298. >Trixie's team wins in 5 minutes.
  3299. >That was the fastest game you ever saw.
  3300. >"Yes!" She yells out, jumping out the seat. "That beats my record for my fastest win!"
  3301. >Finally, she exits the game.
  3302. "Ready to go now, oh Great Trixie?" You say in a sarcastic tone.
  3303. >"Why of course, Brat with Glasses," She finishes the glass of water, then punches your arm lightly. "and that's Great & Powerful to you."
  3304. >You shake your head with a smile on your face, allowing Trixie to exit your room.
  3305. >Before you leave the house, you grab two bottles of water for the road and meet Trixie outside.
  3306. "Hey Trix. Catch."
  3307. >She turns to you and you underhand the bottle to her, but for some reason, it goes higher and further than you expected.
  3308. "Oh shit!"
  3309. >Trixie looks up at the bottle flying in the air.
  3310. >Keeping her eyes on it, she backs up a little and jumps into the air.
  3311. >She reaches her hand out and the bottle lands perfectly in it.
  3312. >You could not believe your eyes.
  3313. >You knew she was athletic, but damn.
  3314. >She then lands perfectly on her feet, keeping her balance.
  3315. "Trix." She looks at you with the bottle in hand, getting ready to open it. "Do you play baseball or football or something?"
  3316. >She shakes her head as she takes a sip of water.
  3317. >"Why you ask?"
  3318. "Because that catch was amazing! I know guys on the football team that can't do that."
  3319. >As you finish your sentence, she gives you one of her famous smug faces
  3320. >Oh no. Here we go.
  3321. >"Why of course it was amazing." She says with the most smug attitude you ever seen. "This is Trixie you're dealing with."
  3322. >Of course, you seen that one coming.
  3323. >You let out a chuckle.
  3324. "Let's go, Trix." You unlock your car and open her door for her.
  3325. >After she gets in, you step into the driver's side and start your engine.
  3326. >Listen to that baby purr.
  3327. >Trixie looks around and she can't contain her excitement.
  3328. >"I can't believe I'm in Booker Bale's car!" She squeals like a fangirl. "This is so great!"
  3329. "Is it also powerful?" You jokingly say.
  3330. >She lightly punches your arm while giggling.
  3331. >That also brings a chuckle out of you.
  3332. >You drive out the driveway and start cruising down the road.
  3333. >Trixie decides to break the silence.
  3334. >"So Glasses Kid. How come you never told me who your parents are? Trixie bets that if the whole school finds out, you'll be one of the most popular kids in school."
  3335. "Well. If I do that, people will ask me all sorts of questions and beg me to meet them. My parents nor I don't need that kind of attention."
  3336. >Trixie ponders a thought for a moment before speaking up.
  3337. >"If Trixie was famous like your mother, I would love all the attention it came with." She says with a conceited attitude.
  3338. "Well that's because you love to be the center of attention," You stop at a red light. "but I don't think you'll like it with the paparazzi on your ass. Filming and taking pictures of every single thing you do."
  3339. >After your words, Trixie blushes a little.
  3340. >Probably thinking about the paparazzi taking a picture after her getting out of the shower or some shit like that.
  3341. >"Hm. You're probably right, Glasses Kid. Maybe not that kind of attention then."
  3342. >You laugh a little.
  3343. "See? No one wants their personal lives invaded." You drive into the parking lot and park in the spot nearest to the entrance. "Well. We're here, Trixie."
  3344. >Outside is the biggest arcade in the country.
  3345. >Everyone comes to this place to game, eat, drink. You name it.
  3346. >The best thing is, is that it's teens friendly, even though there's a bar inside.
  3347. >"Hey! Brat with the Glasses!" Trixie yells out to you. "Hurry up!"
  3348. >You turn the car off and start walking towards the entrance.
  3350. >Minutes later, you're walking with Trixie and she's pointing out all the games that she said she'll beat you in.
  3351. >She really is confident in her skills.
  3352. >Finally, she pulls you to a fighting game machine.
  3353. >Marvel VS Capcom 2.
  3354. >Wow. What an old game in such a modern place.
  3355. >"Come Glasses kid!" Trixie is already at the machine. "I want this to be the first game you lose in."
  3356. "Are you sure, Trix? I mean I do have this game in my house and I practice a lot."
  3357. >"So do I. I won't lose to you!" She says with so much passion in her eyes and voice.
  3358. >You both enter your change and start picking your characters.
  3359. >You go with Psylocke, Akuma, and Jill
  3360. >She goes with Psylocke, Sentinel, and Magneto.
  3361. >"Before we start," Trixie speaks up. "how about we make this a bit more interesting?"
  3362. "You mean like a bet? What you had in mind?"
  3363. >"We'll play a first to five. Loser does what winner says for a whole day."
  3364. "Alright. It's a bet. Let's start."
  3365. >FIGHT!
  3366. >You start with Jill while Trixie is starting with Mag-fucking-neto.
  3367. >You begin by comboing Trixie's Mags with Jill. Air combo into a Hyper LV1.
  3368. >Trixie comes back with Psylocke's assist, lifting Jill into the air so she can begin destroying your Jill.
  3369. >The infamous Magneto infinite.
  3370. >You have no choice but to watch you get your ass kicked.
  3371. >Trixie is moving her fingers so fast on the buttons.
  3372. >"Oh he so pringles! Where your curleh mustache at!?" You hear someone yell in the background.
  3373. >Just like that, Jill is kill.
  3374. >A few minutes and Trixie takes the first win.
  3376. >After a few games, it's 4-3 with Trixie leading.
  3377. >She wasn't lying about practicing.
  3378. >She got all three of her characters while you have one lonely Cyclops.
  3379. >You manage to avoid her attacks while building up your meter for supers.
  3380. >As soon as she lets her guard down, you do a basic combo to take out to take out her Storm.
  3381. >"It ain't over till it's over. It's mahvel, baby." You hear someone say.
  3382. >It looks like you got a crowd around you, hyping the matches up.
  3383. >You continue to do your thing and that's build up meter.
  3384. >Trixie's Magneto comes out.
  3385. >She plays aggressively while you keep your distance.
  3386. >You throw in some projectiles to lower her health.
  3387. >Finally, you chip out her Magneto, taking out the little health he had.
  3388. >"We just got a real match! Let's go!" People are screaming in the arcade.
  3389. >People aren't even playing games.
  3390. >They are just around you and Trixie, watching you two go at it.
  3391. >Finally her last character comes out; Psylocke.
  3392. >Trixie is so focused on winning.
  3393. >This time, she stays back to keep her distance.
  3394. >You have to be careful
  3395. >One mistake can cause you the whole match since your cyclops is almost done for.
  3396. >This is gonna be a close match because Trixie's Psylocke is about the same health as Cyclops.
  3397. >You're not about to let it end here without giving her a fight.
  3398. >Trixie begins by doing what you were doing, and that is build up meter.
  3399. >She starts throwing projectiles to throw you off, but it doesn't phase you.
  3400. >Both of you got enough meter to finish each other off.
  3401. >You decide to push your luck and rush Trixie down.
  3402. >She noticed and does a great block and punishes you for it.
  3403. >She lifts you up into the air and begins her air combo.
  3404. >It's all over for you.
  3405. >DP Heavy int-
  3406. >Trixie dropped her combo!
  3407. >"DAMN IT!" Trixie yells out
  3408. >Everyone is on their toes, getting more excited as the match goes on.
  3409. >Trixie is all over the place now.
  3410. >She can't even concentrate on the match.
  3411. >Dropping her combo must have messed her mindset up.
  3412. >After analyzing her play-style now, you find an opening and rush in.
  3413. >A ground combo into your Hyper LV1
  3415. >With that, you and Trixie are 4-4.
  3416. >"ANONYMOUS! OH MY GOD! Oh my god!" Someone yells from the top of their lungs.
  3417. >The whole arcade is jumping up and down, talking about how much of a good match it was.
  3418. >Too bad this wasn't the last match.
  3419. >This is where it all matters.
  3420. >You take a look at Trixie and notice she is contemplating about something.
  3421. >Probably on how she dropped that combo at such a crucial time of the match.
  3422. >"Good job, Glasses kid." She speaks up while looking at the screen. "This is the final battle."
  3423. "May the best player win, Trixie."
  3424. >"I plan to."
  3425. >The rematch starts now.
  3426. >FIGHT!
  3428. "Here you go, oh Great & Powerful Trixie. A Sundae fit for someone as amazing as you." You force yourself to say that sentence as you place the foot long dessert in front of her.
  3429. >Trixie looks up at you with the biggest grin she's ever given anyone.
  3430. >She grabs the spoon from your hand and goes to town on the sundae.
  3431. >You sit across from her, trying to figure out what happened in the last match.
  3432. >How can you drop the combo you perfected so many times?
  3433. >How did you fuck that up and lose the match?
  3434. >You run your hands on your face, letting your loss run through your mind.
  3435. >Now you're Trixie's servant for the rest of the day, as she calls it.
  3436. >This is gonna be something.
  3437. >Trixie is really amazing at that game.
  3438. >To be honest, it looks like she'll be great in other games as well, with the way she played today.
  3439. >She is enjoying that sundae to the fullest.
  3440. >You can't help but smile at her.
  3441. >Looks like she is having a good time.
  3442. >Even though you lost, you're having a good time as well.
  3443. >It's always good to get out the house and do something with friends, no matter what you do together.
  3444. >The sound of the spoon dropping on the bowl makes you look up and see that Trixie is done with her dessert
  3445. >"That was amazing. Thanks for that, Glasses kid." She speaks after she wipes her mouth with a tissue.
  3446. "No need to thank me. You deserve it. Who knew you were that good at fighting games. Speaking of which. How did you get into games anyways? You don't look like the type to be a gamer or something like that."
  3447. >"Oh that? I guess it was all the stuff that happens in games. Like magic and stunts that you don't normally see in real life, and with Trixie wanting to be a magician, I guess that kind of stuff pulled me into gaming."
  3448. "I don't think I follow you." You say with a confused look on your face.
  3449. >"I guess what Trixie is trying to say is that, since magic is nothing but tricks in the real world, I can escape that by playing video games, where it is real."
  3450. "You must really love magic, huh?"
  3451. >"It's so fascinating. To be able to levitate stuff, teleport, read minds. Makes Trixie wish more and more that magic was real."
  3452. >You let out a chuckle which causes Trixie to get a bit upset.
  3453. >"And what exactly is so funny?" Trixie arches an eyebrow.
  3454. "Sorry Trixie. I just find it funny that you're like this. I never seen you so passionate about anything. I find it kind of cute."
  3455. >Trixie's face turns a deep red as she turns her head to hide it.
  3456. >"S-shut up! Don't think that lets you off the bet." She stands up. "Now let's go. There's something else I want to do in here. Follow me, servant." She smirks at you.
  3457. "Fine, fine." You stand up and begin walking aimlessly.
  3458. >A few steps and you feel something jump on your back.
  3459. >You stumble forward, almost losing your balance as you feel arms wrap around you.
  3460. "Damn it, Trixie. At least warn me when you do that."
  3461. >She lets out a giggle as she clings on to you, wrapping her legs around your waist.
  3462. >"No thank you. Now let's go to where I want to go. Forwards, servant!" She points ahead, back towards the arcade.
  3463. "You want me to carry you there!?" You blurt out.
  3464. >"Yes! Trixie doesn't feel like walking anymore. No back talk, loser." She sticks her tongue out at you and laughs.
  3465. >This little...
  3466. >No choice to obey her every command.
  3467. >You're not gonna go back on your word, so you begin walking around the arcade as Trixie gives you commands.
  3468. >"To the left."
  3469. >To the left it is.
  3470. >"Slight right."
  3471. >You does as she tells you, like you even got a choice.
  3472. >"Now keep going straight."
  3473. >A look ahead shows you a big stage with 2 gigantic screens on the wall.
  3474. >On top is a big sign.
  3475. >Dance Dance Revolution it reads.
  3476. >"Here, here!" Trixie shouts as she jumps off your back.
  3477. "This game? I didn't know you were a dancer, Trix."
  3478. >Trixie just stares at the screens, amazed.
  3479. >You see a crowd of people around the stage, apparently watching a match going down.
  3480. >On the stage is two people playing.
  3481. >One is a average looking dude.
  3482. >The other is a guy with braids, a piercing on his nose, and really tight pants that looks like women's pants.
  3483. >In a flash, the guy with the piercing is declared the winner.
  3484. >Average looking dude walks off the stage, with the look of defeat on his face.
  3485. >"Oh yeah, baby!" The pierced guy yells out to the crowd. "Another win for Johnny Steps!"
  3486. >Everyone is amazed and begins to talk about Johnny.
  3487. >"This guy is so skilled." One kid says.
  3488. >"I don't think anyone can match the awesomeness that is Johnny Steps." Another girl says, looking all love-struck.
  3489. >Johnny Steps looks around in the crowd.
  3490. >"Who else wants to step on the stage with the one and only Johnny Steps!?"
  3491. >Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
  3492. "Let's go Trix. We don-" You look to your side and notice that Trixie disappeared.
  3493. >"Woo! Another victim for Johnny Steps!" The love-struck girl screams out.
  3494. >You look at the stage and see that Trixie is on the stage with the guy.
  3495. >Trixie, what are you doing!?
  3496. >"A girl? This should be a cinch for Johnny Steps. Try not to get embarrassed when you lose, little girl."
  3497. >"You're the one who's gonna be embarrassed when you lose to the Great & Powerful Trixie!" Trixie replies back.
  3498. >Ah. Third person speak. You love it.
  3499. >Both of them ready themselves as the game chooses the song at random for them, on the hardest difficulty.
  3500. >And the song is...
  3501. >BEGIN!
  3502. >Trixie and Johnny begin dancing their asses off.
  3503. >Both of them not missing an button.
  3504. >They are moving their feet so fast, that you can't even keep up.
  3505. >You look at the score and notice that Johnny is leading by a little bit.
  3506. >"GO JOHNNY!" Everyone starts chanting.
  3507. >The chants echo throughout the arcade.
  3508. >As the match continues, Trixie steps it up, not breaking a sweat.
  3509. >With that, Trixie takes the lead in the matter of seconds!
  3510. >Everyone is shocked to see the score change so quickly.
  3511. >Trixie got this in th-
  3512. >Wait a minute...
  3513. >You start to see Johnny trying to trip Trixie and throw her off her rhythm.
  3514. >Trixie notices a bit too late and starts to lose her balance, but she regains her composure and gets back in the game.
  3515. >"PLAY FAIR, JOHNNY!" One guys yells at him.
  3516. >Johnny is sweating bullets, trying to keep up with Trixie's happy feet.
  3517. >He slips on his two feet and falls on the ground.
  3518. >Everyone laughs at him and change their attention to Trixie.
  3519. >She is killing the dance floor.
  3520. >With that, she puts up an impressive score and wins the dance off.
  3521. >"Winner! Player 2!" The game announcer shouts out.
  3522. >Everyone starts cheering for Trixie.
  3523. >"G.A.P.! G.A.P.! G.A.P.!" The chants continue for a good minute.
  3524. >Trixie looks at Johnny laying on the floor.
  3525. >"Who's embarrassed now, little boy?" Trixie laughs and leaves the stage to return to your side.
  3526. "That was awesome, Trix! You totally kicked that guy's ass!"
  3527. >"He had it coming. No one talks in third person, but Trixie."
  3528. >That's why she challenged him?
  3529. >You're not even gonna question it.
  3530. "Glad to beat that guy, Trix. What you want to do now?"
  3531. >"Well. Trixie would like to go home now. I'm beat from winning too much." She gives you a smirk.
  3532. >You laugh a little.
  3533. "Alright, Trixie. You're the boss."
  3534. >As you begin to walk, you feel Trixie grab your arm to stop you.
  3535. >"No no no. You know the deal." She motions you to turn around.
  3536. >Oh no...
  3537. >Well you have to comply to her wishes.
  3538. >You turn around and bend your knees to lower yourself.
  3539. >Trixie wraps herself around you for another piggyback ride.
  3540. >Lifting her up, you walk to the parking lot and find your car in a flash.
  3541. >You unlock the car and Trixie gets off to go in the passenger seat.
  3542. >You start your engine and drive out the parking lot.
  3543. "How did you like the day, Trix?"
  3544. >"It was great. Thank you for taking me out, Anon."
  3545. "Anon, huh? It sounds nice when you say my name for once."
  3546. >"Don't get used to it." Trixie looks out the window.
  3547. >It looks like she's trying to tell you something, but she can't get the right words out, so you try to get it out of her.
  3548. "Something on your mind, Trixie?"
  3549. >Trixie continues to look out the window, but says something under her breath.
  3550. "What was that?" You try to listen closely.
  3551. >"Why?" She whispers.
  3552. "One more time, please.
  3553. >"WHY!?" Trixie yells out in your ear, making you startle a bit.
  3554. "Why what, Trixie?"
  3555. >"Why don't you have strong feelings for Trixie?" She says in a weak, defeated voice.
  3556. "Trixie. I told you already. It's my feelings for Twilight also.
  3557. >Trixie scoffs at the sound of Twilight's name.
  3558. "I know you don't like Twilight, but she is my friend," You keep your eyes on the road. "and besides, as I said before. I have feelings for the both of you. I know it sounds messed up, but I can't choose either of you right now until I'm 100% sure of my choice. I hope you understand, Trixie."
  3559. >"What's so great about Sparkle anyways?"
  3560. "Do you really want me to list off the pros of Twilight right now to you?"
  3561. >She says nothing and goes back to looking out the window with a dejected look on her face
  3562. >You let out a sigh as you pull over in front of her house.
  3563. "We're here, Trix."
  3564. >More silence from her as she opens the door to get out.
  3565. >Before she gets out, she does something she never did before.
  3566. >You feel her wrap her arms around you, bringing you in for a hug.
  3567. >This feels weird, but warm and sincere.
  3568. >You return the favor as she lays her head on your shoulder.
  3569. >"Thanks for everything, Anon." She speaks. "I had a lot of fun being with you."
  3570. >She breaks off the hug, flashing you a smile you never really seen before.
  3571. >You let out a smile as well.
  3572. >She gets out your car and walks towards her door, giving you a wave goodbye.
  3573. >You return the favor and drive off home.
  3575. >Later that night.
  3576. >10:30pm to be precise.
  3577. >You're in your room, thinking about your day with Trixie.
  3578. >It really was fun to hang out with her.
  3579. >It's very rare that you ever see Trixie showing emotions like that.
  3580. >Normally she's more of the tsundere type.
  3581. >You lay in your bed facing up, watching the ceiling fan rotate to the max.
  3582. >Silence is filling the room, making it calm, and a bit creepy.
  3583. >Maybe you should speak to Eatos about your day.
  3584. >You sit up and do the technique to summon her.
  3585. >The whole atmosphere begins to change with each second passing.
  3586. >Everything is now frozen and Eatos appears at the foot of your bed.
  3587. >"Good evening, Child." Eatos speaks up, flashing you a warm smile.
  3588. "Hello, Eatos. Good evening to you too."
  3589. >"Looks at you had a great time."
  3590. "Yes, I really did." You let out a smile. "It was honestly different than what I thought it would be."
  3591. >"And why is that?"
  3592. "It's just that. Trixie was different than what I thought she'd be. I didn't know she was that into games, but she told me the reason why."
  3593. >"Yes the magic thing. I'll tell you what though. She is dedicated to her gaming because of it."
  3594. "She really is. Can't believe I lost."
  3595. >Both of you let out a chuckle.
  3596. >"She really is a sweet girl."
  3597. "Yeah. I guess she is."
  3598. >Eatos puts her hand on your shoulder with a serious look on her face.
  3599. >"Please don't do anything to make those girls hurt on your own foolishness. Promise me you won't."
  3600. >You look into her eyes and see she means business.
  3601. >Will something happen if you do hurt Twilight or Trixie?
  3602. >You don't want to find out.
  3603. "I promise, Eatos. You have my word."
  3604. >"Good. Now. Let's get down to business."
  3605. "Huh?"
  3606. >At the moment, Eatos snaps her fingers and transports the both of you to the gateway between your worlds.
  3607. "Why are we here?" You ask, looking around confused.
  3608. >"I want to do a little test with you. I need to find out something."
  3609. "Is there anyway I can help then?"
  3610. >"Just react like you would normally do."
  3611. >Before you can say something, Eatos snaps her fingers and a huge heart appears with 0% reading on the middle of it.
  3612. "W-what is this?" You point at the big heart in front of you.
  3613. >"This is a heart monitor. I'm gonna read your heart rate by showing you a couple of things." She says as she makes a chair appear. "Please sit down."
  3614. "But why?"
  3615. >"You'll find out soon enough. Now. Let's begin. Face straight."
  3616. >You don't question her anymore so you do as she says.
  3617. >She starts off by showing you a hologram of your parents, close together.
  3618. "Mom. Dad." You smile at the sight of them.
  3619. >The heart monitor's percentage rapidly increases to 100%
  3620. >"Looks like you really love and care for you parents, Anonymous."
  3621. "I do. They're everything to me."
  3622. >Eatos ruffs up your hair while giggling as she makes up another hologram.
  3623. >This time it's Rainbow Dash.
  3624. "Ah. Dash."
  3625. >The monitor goes down to 80%.
  3626. >"Looks like you care and love the rainbow-haired girl deeply."
  3627. "Yeah, I do. The most loyal friend I ever had in my life, but I don't like her like that."
  3628. >"I understand. Now. Let's change the setting on the monitor. Monitor! Go to love mode!"
  3629. >Love mode?
  3630. >Oh no. She doesn't mean...
  3631. >Before you can say something, Twilight's hologram pops up in front of your face.
  3632. "T-twilight..."
  3633. >The oversized heart shows 50% on it's screen.
  3634. >"Only half, huh?" Eatos stares at the screen.
  3635. "Y-yeah..." You say with a weak voice.
  3636. >"Understandable. Next."
  3637. >Twilight vanishes and in her place comes the magician, Trixie.
  3638. "Trixie..."
  3639. >This time, the screen doesn't move at all.
  3640. >"She's half too, I see."
  3641. >You don't say a word as Eatos steps to your side.
  3642. >"Still can't choose, huh, Child?"
  3643. "No. I'm sorry."
  3644. >"There's no need to be sorry. You can't help your feelings. It looks like your heart still can't choose yet."
  3645. >A word doesn't come out your mouth as you open it, as you keep staring at the monitor screen.
  3646. >"I will tell you this though. You must choose one. If you don't, then both of them will be devastated. You don't want that, now do you?"
  3647. "Of course not! They don't deserve it. Neither of them do. That's why it's so hard..." You're on the verge of tears. "I don't want to hurt one of them by choosing the other. That's why it's so hard to choose."
  3648. >"No crying. You're stronger than that." She looks you straight in your teary eyes as she wipes away any tears that has fallen. "It's better to hurt them like this than to ignore both their feelings forever. Whoever you don't choose, will get over it in due time."
  3649. >You look back in her eyes.
  3650. >Her eyes are filled with passion and trust.
  3651. >You wipe your eyes and give her a bright smile.
  3652. "You're right. Thank you for believing in me."
  3653. >"Anytime, Anonymous." Eatos goes next to the heart monitor. "Now. I have one more thing to show you. Care to play along for me?"
  3654. "Of course. Anything for you."
  3655. >Eatos giggles and sets the monitor to friend/family mode.
  3656. >"Ready?"
  3657. "Yes!" You face straight ahead again just like last time.
  3658. >To your surprise, it wasn't a hologram.
  3659. >In front of you right now, is none other than your guardian angel, Eatos.
  3660. "Eatos..."
  3661. >The monitor skyrockets to 100% in a flash.
  3662. >She looks at the screen in shock.
  3663. >It looks like she can't believe what she is looking at.
  3664. >You stand up and go to her side, looking at the screen with her.
  3665. >"100%? Is this true?"
  3666. "Yes. It is. I love you, Eatos, and I also care for you.
  3667. >Her eyes become teary as she brings you in for a hug, and you return it.
  3668. >"Thank you, Anonymous. None of my other children I helped showed me this much love and kindness."
  3669. "They should have. You are amazing in every way."
  3670. >She gives you a big smile as she breaks the hug.
  3671. >"That means a lot." She wipes her tears from her eyes. "Now that that's over, let's return you home. I know you are exhausted after today."
  3672. "Yeah I guess I am." You let out a yawn.
  3673. >The both of you laugh after that.
  3674. >"Have a good night, Child."
  3675. "The same to you, Eatos."
  3676. >With that, she transports you back to your room.
  3677. >You flop in your bed, waiting for sleep to take control of you.
  3678. >...
  3681. >Monday morning.
  3682. >It's been a week since your date with Anon.
  3683. >It was one of the greatest days you ever had in your life.
  3684. >As each day passes by, you can't help but fall more and more for the boy of your dreams.
  3685. >You begin thinking about your date.
  3686. >Thanks to the help of Pinkie Pie and a bit from Rainbow Dash, you were able to be alone with Anon and talk about life, while enjoying one of the greatest movies of the year.
  3687. >Everything was great, until the end of course.
  3688. >Why did you have to cry in front of Anon and say all that stuff?
  3689. >It must of been awkward for him and of course Anon would never leave your side just like that.
  3690. >You two known each other since childhood and haven't been separated since.
  3691. >Well, except the time you move to Manehatten, but that doesn't count. Does it?
  3692. >Oh well. That doesn't matter right now.
  3693. >All that matters is that Anon is near you now.
  3694. >Nothing is gonna happen that is gonna break the bond you two have.
  3695. >Right?
  3696. >You let out a sigh as you continue your walk to school, enjoying the scenery.
  3697. >Anon offered to give you a ride in his car, but you didn't want to.
  3698. >Walking is good exercise, plus you just love enjoying everything around you at your pace.
  3699. >Sure you miss walking to school with Anon, but this is still relaxing.
  3700. >You take a deep breath, taking in the good ol' fresh Canterlot air.
  3701. >You finally reach the school grounds and see a lot of your friends hanging around the big statue in the middle.
  3702. >Fluttershy is passing out fliers for the animal shelter as always.
  3703. >Pinkie Pie is bouncing all over the place, getting her daily greetings to everyone.
  3704. >Rainbow Dash is with her soccer team, giving them a pep talk about the last game of the year, right before graduation.
  3705. >That reminds you that the prom is next week Friday.
  3706. >That puts a thought in your head.
  3707. >Would it be stupid to ask Anon to the prom as your date?
  3708. >Is it too late? Did Trixie already ask him?
  3709. >Too many questions to answer at the moment!
  3710. >You shake your head and slap your face lightly to get your mind back on track.
  3711. >You're overthinking this, Twilight.
  3712. >Maybe you should ask Anon right now to beat Trixie to the punch.
  3713. >He might even say yes!
  3714. >You get excited, thinking about being Anon's date to the prom, but you quickly calm yourself down.
  3715. >After school, you'll find Anon and you'll talk to him about graduation, then slip in the prom to the conversation
  3716. >Your plan is foolproof, no doubt about it.
  3717. >Now that your mind is cleared of that storm, you head into school to your first class.
  3719. >First class of the day.
  3720. >One of the toughest class of the year; Ms. Harshwhinny's.
  3721. >Even though she can be nice, she is really strict with all her students and her class is difficult to pass.
  3722. >Everything has to be perfect with her.
  3723. >One mistake and she'll fail you on the spot.
  3724. >Good thing you're a senior and don't have to worry about her failing you.
  3725. >All she does is give you a few pop quizzes here and there.
  3726. >Since prom and graduation is around the corner, you don't have to worry about homework and finals.
  3727. >You finished all your finals last week and you're pretty sure you passed all of them.
  3728. >You just sit there, finding way to pass the time for class.
  3729. >Everyone is just sitting around doing their own thing, some still finishing their quizzes while Ms. Harshwhinny just sits there grading the other quizzes that were turned in.
  3730. >Maybe you should text Anon to let him know you want to talk about graduation and prom.
  3731. >You whip out your phone and pull up to his name.
  3732. >Anonymous with a heart next to it.
  3733. >A sigh comes out your mouth as you tap the message icon next to his name.
  3734. ["Hey, Anon. Can we talk about something after school? It's kind of important."]
  3735. >Message sent.
  3736. >Now you just sit back and play the waiting game.
  3737. >The bell rings and every starts getting ready to leave.
  3738. >"Don't forget to pick up your graded quizzes on your way out!" Ms. Harshwhinny yells out. "Whoever didn't finish will fail this quiz! No ifs, ands, or buts!"
  3739. >Some students groan in their seats with the quiz on the desk.
  3740. >Strict as always.
  3741. >You walk up to the teacher as she looks for your quiz.
  3742. >"As always, an A+. Well done, Ms. Sparkle." She hands you your paper. "Why can't the other students be like you when it comes to schoolwork?"
  3743. >That causes a giggle out of you.
  3744. "I just don't know, Ms. Harshwhinny."
  3745. >"Well amazing job like always. Enjoy the rest of your school hours."
  3746. >You give her your thanks as you walk out the door to your second class, but an announcement over the intercom stops you.
  3747. >["Ms. Twilight Sparkle! Please come to the principal's office!" Vice-Principal Luna's voice echoes throughout the school's hallways.
  3748. >The principal's office!?
  3749. >What for?
  3750. >Now you're starting to get a bit nervous, as you never been called to the office before.
  3751. >You make a B-line to the office to find out why you're being called there.
  3752. >Everyone's asking what was going on, but you just giving them a shrug, letting them know you have no idea.
  3753. >You reach the door and knock on it lightly, scared of what might come.
  3754. >"Come in." A voice response from inside, so you follow the orders given to you.
  3755. >Inside you see Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, and Cheerilee.
  3756. >All of them has smiles on their faces as you enter.
  3757. >So you're guessing they're not upset with you.
  3758. >"Sit down, Ms. Sparkle." Celestia points to a chair.
  3759. >You sit down in the chair, with eyes on you.
  3760. "Am I in trouble?" You ask with a nervous tone.
  3761. >"Oh please. Twilight Sparkle? In trouble? Not possible." Vice-Principal speaks up.
  3762. >The others laugh as you let out a sigh of relief.
  3763. "So why am I here? and why are you here, Ms. Cheerilee?"
  3764. >"This is why." Cheerilee hands you an envelope.
  3765. >You hesitantly grab what's handed to you and tear it open across the top, pulling out the letter inside.
  3766. >As you read, you eyes go wide, filling you up with joy.
  3767. "I-is this real!?" You shout out as you keep reading, unable to take your eyes off the letter.
  3768. >They all nod, giving you a yes.
  3769. "These are all the best Ivy League schools! All five!" You can't believe what you're seeing. "Even the one I wanted to go to the most; Manehattan University! I got accepted to all of them!"
  3770. >"Congratulation, Twilight!" Cheerilee says as you motions for a hug.
  3771. >You accept as you hug Cheerilee tight.
  3772. >After her, Celestia joins in and so does Luna.
  3773. >"So which one are you gonna choose?" Luna asks with so much curiosity.
  3774. "They're all great! University of Las Pegasus, Cloudsdale University, Fillydelphia University, Baltimare University, but I'm going to choose the best one out of all five, and that's Manehattan University."
  3775. >"A fine choice, Ms. Sparkle." Celestia speaks up. "They're gonna be so lucky to have a gifted student like you in their school.
  3776. "Thank you, Principal Celestia. Thanks to all of you."
  3777. >"You earned it." Luna says. "Now remember to get to class. Once again. Congratulations."
  3778. >You exit the office with a enormous smile on your face.
  3779. >This is so amazing. You never thought that you would get accepted in all five of the major schools in the country.
  3780. >It's probably the best thing that's ever happen to you.
  3781. >You make your way to your next class, but Celestia stops you by calling out to you.
  3782. >"Ms. Sparkle. Change of plans. Don't go to class at all today. You can enjoy the day off. You're a senior and don't have to make up any classes. Consider it a gift from me and my sister, but you must stay on the school grounds for the day. Is that okay?"
  3783. >This day just got better!
  3784. >"Yes, it's okay, Principal Celestia!"
  3785. >"Good. Now enjoy the rest of your day!"
  3786. >Yesyesyesyesyesyes!
  3787. >You make your way outside as you find a tree with a lot of shade to sit under.
  3788. >Accepted to your favorite college and the day off from the school day.
  3789. >This day can't possibly get better.
  3790. >On the side of the soccer field, you find the perfect tree. An apple tree to be exact.
  3791. >You plop down right under it and pull out a random book to read to pass the time.
  3792. >Right when you begin reading, your phone goes off in your pocket.
  3793. >A text message.
  3794. >It must be Anon, replying to your text, or asking why you were called to the office.
  3795. >Sure enough, you were right.
  3796. >You unlock your phone and begin reading away.
  3797. >["Sure, Twi. Also. Why were you called to the office? Did something happen?"]
  3798. ["I'll tell you at lunch time. I'll be under a tree near the soccer field, so meet me there."]
  3799. >Message sent.
  3800. >You place your phone next to you and start reading a Daring Do book.
  3801. >It doesn't take a minute for Anon to reply.
  3802. >["You mean the apple tree?"]
  3803. >How does he know what kind of tree you're under?
  3804. >Another message appears on your phone.
  3805. >["I can see you from my class window. Look up."]
  3806. >You do as your told and see Anon waving to you.
  3807. >A giggle escapes your mouth as you give him the thumbs up and wave back.
  3808. >He returns his attention to the front of the class, so you return to your book.
  3809. >You lay your head back on the tree, feeling relaxed.
  3810. >The weather is perfect, the silence is peaceful, and the breeze from the wind is refreshing.
  3811. >The skies are also cleared from clouds, making this day as beautiful as it can be.
  3812. >You wish everyday can be like this.
  3813. >You feel like you're the only person in the world as you look around.
  3814. >No one is around the area.
  3815. >You've never been outside at this time, due to being inside classes all the time.
  3816. >Makes you wish you can do this everyday to get away from it all.
  3817. >You put your book down and just take it all in.
  3818. >Breath in the fresh air, look around the empty field, and stare at the tall building in front of you.
  3819. >You just want to run across the field and feel as free as a bird in the sky.
  3820. >In the heat of the moment, your body just gives in and you stand up, running across the field.
  3821. >Leaping around, running at full speed, not worrying about if anyone notices you or not.
  3822. >In a few seconds, you fall onto the fresh cut grass, catching your breath.
  3823. >The sun in your face and the smell of the grass entering your nose.
  3824. >You'll never forget this moment.
  3825. >Vice-Principal Luna was right when she said you earned it.
  3826. >You earned this moment as well.
  3827. >Now there's one more thing you need to earn, and that's Anon's love and heart.
  3828. >Nothing's gonna stop you from achieving your goal.
  3829. >You place your fist in the air with one of the brightest smile you ever shown on your face.
  3830. >Get ready, Twilight.
  3832. >Lunch time.
  3833. >It's about time. You're starving after all that running you did in the morning.
  3834. >Principal Celestia gave you the okay to have lunch with your friends.
  3835. >You make your way to the cafeteria and notice it's not as packed as you thought it would be.
  3836. >Everyone is with their own group of people.
  3837. >Rarity is with the drama club, Fluttershy is with the eco-kids, Rainbow Dash with her soccer team, and Pinkie is with her sister as always.
  3838. >You grab a tray and begin roaming around, scanning the area.
  3839. >At this moment, Trixie spots you and both of you stare each other down.
  3840. >After a few seconds, which feels like eternity, Trixie breaks off the stare contest and smiles a bit.
  3841. >That's weird.
  3842. >Normally, whenever Trixie looks at you, she gives you a dirty look and looks like she wants to strangle you.
  3843. >Something had to happen between her and Anon.
  3844. >You start thinking the worst as your heart starts to ache a bit.
  3845. >You spot an empty table and sit yourself down.
  3846. >As soon as you sit down, you feel something on your back.
  3847. >A bit confused, you stay still trying to figure out who is behind you.
  3848. >"I thought you'd be at the apple tree, Little Ballerina." A voice you know too well speaks up as you turn to the person.
  3849. >In front of you is the love of your life.
  3850. "I was, but I was little hungry, so I came here for lunch."
  3851. >"Understandable." Anon laughs a little. "Maybe you should let me know that so I don't have to waste my time searching for you."
  3852. >He sits next to you, taking one of your fries and starts to eat it.
  3853. "You're right, but all's well that ends well, am I right?"
  3854. >"I guess you're right. Oh yeah, speaking of which."
  3855. >Anon reaches in his bag and pulls out your Daring Do book.
  3856. >"You left this under the tree. Probably when you were running and leaping across the field like a ballerina."
  3857. "Y-you saw that!?"
  3858. >"Of course I did. I did have the best seat in the house. Let me tell you that you have good movement."
  3859. >You're so embarrassed!
  3860. >Sure you didn't care who saw at the time, but to know that Anon saw what you did makes it embarrassing.
  3861. >You take the book from him and drop it in your bag.
  3862. "Don't tell anyone you saw that!"
  3863. >Anon laughs at the sight of you.
  3864. >"Don't worry. I won't say a word. So you must be really thrilled about something for you to run like that. What happened?"
  3865. "Let's talk outside. It's too noisy here."
  3866. >You stand up and drop your empty tray in the trash.
  3867. >Thanks to Anon, he ate most of your food, but that's alright.
  3868. >Both of you walk out and towards the soccer field.
  3869. >Everyone is greeting Anon, giving him handshakes and fist bumps.
  3870. >Girls come to you asking about what happened in the Principal's office, but you let them know that it was nothing serious.
  3871. >Most of them gives you hugs, making you feel loved all around.
  3872. >It's nice to have friends who cares.
  3873. >Finally, you and Anon are at the apple tree and he breathes in some air.
  3874. >Surprisingly, the area is still empty.
  3875. >It's strange because a lot of people are around, having lunch outside or just relaxing.
  3876. >"It's really nice out here. I see why you chose this spot." Anon takes in a deep breath before turning his attention towards you. "Now. How come you got called into the Principal's office? Something must have happened to cause you to skip class. Did you get in trouble?"
  3877. >You stay silent as you hand Anon your acceptance letter.
  3878. >He takes it and reads over it carefully.
  3879. >After a while, he looks up at you with a shocked expression on his face.
  3880. >"Are you serious, Twi?"
  3881. >You just nod with a smile on your face.
  3882. >In a instant, Anon wraps you in a hug and spins you around.
  3883. >This feels... amazing.
  3884. >You don't want him to let go of you.
  3885. >"Congratulations, Twi! I'm so proud of you!" He yells out as he puts you down. "Which one are you choosing? Even though I already have an idea."
  3886. "If you're thinking Manehattan University, then you are correct."
  3887. >"Of course. Going back to our hometown, huh?" Anon lets out a chuckle. "We should celebrate. Anywhere you want to go, anything you want, it's my treat. What do you say, future Manehattan student?"
  3888. >You let out a giggle at his comment.
  3889. "Just a banana split at Sugarcube Corner is fine with me."
  3890. >"You sure? Well. You are the boss. Oh. One more thing. What did you want to talk with me about?"
  3891. "Oh, that. Let's talk about it at Sugarcube Corner. Also. To the skipping class comment, Celestia gave me the day off as a congratulations gift, but I have to stay on school grounds. I would never think about skipping class."
  3892. >"I know that. I was just messing. Well I have to get back to class. I'll see you after school. Once again. Congratulations, Twilight. You really earned and deserve it."
  3893. >Anon runs off into the building, leaving you all alone.
  3894. >You're so ready to ask Anon to prom.
  3895. >Hopefully there's no distractions to stop you.
  3896. >As you go to sit back down in your previous spot, you spot Trixie across from you.
  3897. >Once again, you're in a stare down with her.
  3898. >Her arms are crossed with a half smile on her face, not taking you off her sights
  3899. >She begins walking towards you, so you ready yourself for whatever she has to throw at.
  3900. >To your surprise, she extends her hand to you, gesturing for a handshake.
  3901. >You look down at her hand, then back to her face.
  3902. >Her face tells you that she is being serious about her choice.
  3903. >You bite, placing your hand in hers.
  3904. >She shakes your hand in a gentle way, keeping that serious look on her face.
  3905. >"Congratulations, Sparkle." Trixie speaks up, still holding your hand. "I overheard you talking to Anon about your acceptance in the college of your choice."
  3906. "Uh. Thanks, Trixie. It really means a lot. I appreciate it."
  3907. >She lets go of your hand, turning her back to you.
  3908. >"Don't get me wrong. I still don't like you, but I always noticed that you try to make friends with Trixie. I want to know why. After how Trixie treats you. Why?"
  3909. "Is there really a reason why?"
  3910. >Trixie turns back to look at you.
  3911. "I feel like there should be no reason to make friends. Friends are always nice to have, and it makes life less lonely and stressful. Pinkie Pie taught me that."
  3912. >Trixie looks to her side with her arms crossed yet again.
  3913. >A little smile appears on her face as she looks towards you.
  3914. >"No reason, huh? I knew you'd say something along those lines." She walks past you, placing her hand on your shoulder. "You're alright, Sparkle, but I'll be the one winning Anon's attention."
  3915. "We'll see about that, Trixie."
  3916. >"Yes. Yes we will. Goodbye, Sparkle."
  3917. >With that, Trixie walks off into the school.
  3918. >Now you can say you're truly alone.
  3919. >It's so weird that Trixie congratulated you and acted the way she did.
  3920. >You can just tell that everything she said was from her heart, but you just know there's gonna be more problems between you two before a wonderful friendship can form.
  3921. >You let out a sigh and sit under the tree, watching the skies.
  3922. >Back to where you started, huh?
  3923. >Not that it matters to you anyways.
  3924. >Even though you love school, you'll take this peacefulness over a classroom any day.
  3925. >If you can freeze time to stay like this for a little more, you wouldn't hesitate.
  3926. >Now you're starting to feel hungry again.
  3927. >Good thing you took an orange to snack on out here.
  3928. >As you peel the orange, you start thinking about your future in life.
  3929. >Should you become a scientist?
  3930. >Maybe a librarian?
  3931. >Or maybe you can start writing your own books and become an writer like Anon's father.
  3932. >So many choices to choose from.
  3933. >It seems like time is moving way too fast.
  3934. >You're graduating from here in three weeks.
  3935. >Next thing you know, you're gonna be attending college back in your hometown.
  3936. >If only Anon was here to give you support.
  3937. >Sure, he is your best friend and always gives you moral support in all the choice you make, but as a boyfriend, it would be even better to you.
  3938. >As you eat the last slice of the orange, you lay your head back on the tree, thinking about Anon.
  3939. >If everything goes right, this will in fact be the best day ever.
  3940. >Hopefully Lady Luck is on your side today.
  3941. >You take in a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your day off.
  3943. ~ANONYMOUS~
  3944. >At last, school is finally over.
  3945. >Graduation is nearing around the corner, so teachers are giving the students a break.
  3946. >Barely no quizzes or test and best of all, there's no homework for the rest of the school year.
  3947. >With barely nothing going on in class, it seems more boring.
  3948. >Everyone rushes out the school and begins walking their own ways.
  3949. >As you exit the school building, you see Twilight standing by the statue talking to Sunset Shimmer.
  3950. >That's kind of odd.
  3951. >You didn't know those two were close like that.
  3952. >Maybe you shouldn't interrupt them, but at the moment, Twilight notices you and waves for you to come over, so you follow her gesture.
  3953. "Hey, Girls. How are ya doing?" You say as you walk to them as the both wave at you.
  3954. >"Hey, Anon. I'm good." Sunset replies as she giggles a bit.
  3955. >Twilight does the same, causing you to be a bit confused.
  3956. "What's so funny?"
  3957. >"Oh nothing, Anon." Twilight speaks up. "Anyways. Ready to go?" I kind of been craving that sundae even since."
  3958. "Uh. Yeah, sure thing. Ready whenever you are."
  3959. >"Great. Bye Sunset. I'll see you later."
  3960. >"I know I shouldn't be saying this, cause of you-know-who, but good luck. Hope everything goes well."
  3961. >Sunset gives Twilight a hug goodbye which she gladly accepts.
  3962. >With that, Sunset runs off to her car and begins to drive away.
  3963. "So what were you girls talking about?" You ask, walking towards your car with Twilight.
  3964. >"Oh, just girl stuff. I don't think you would want to hear about it."
  3965. "Well alright then. Let's head to Sugarcube Corner."
  3966. >You open the passenger door for Twilight before going to the driver's side and starting up the car.
  3967. >You look at Twilight and notice she has a light smile on her face while looking out the window.
  3968. >With no hesitation, you place your hand on her, causing her to look at you.
  3969. "I know I congratulated you earlier, but I want to say it again. I am proud of you, Twi. I knew you can do it."
  3970. >This causes her to blush a little bit.
  3971. >"Wow. Thank you, Anon. It means a lot to me. Especially coming from you."
  3972. >A smile forms on your face as you pull out of the parking spot and onto the road
  3973. >Lots of the students notices you and Twilight and waves you two goodbye, so you honk the horn to return the favor.
  3974. >You look over to Twilight and notice she's lost in space, looking out the window.
  3975. >The drive is silent, but not that awkward silence.
  3976. "So, Twi." You decide to break the silence. "Are you happy to be going back to your hometown?"
  3977. >This seems to break her out her trance.
  3978. >"Honestly. I'm kind of 50/50 about it."
  3979. "50/50? How come?"
  3980. >"Well. I'm super excited to go to the college of my dreams, but I'm also kind of depressed about it since I'll be leaving all my good friends I made here at Canterlot. Plus. We'll be separated again." She lets out a sigh after finishing her reasoning.
  3981. "Oh come on, Twi. You don't know if any of your friends might go to another college in Manehattan, and you'll know I'll always drop by to visit you."
  3982. >"I don't think it'll be the same. We won't be close by anymore."
  3983. "You don't know that. You never know. Maybe I'll move back to Manehattan."
  3984. >Twilight just stays quiet and goes back to look out the window, so you don't bother to carry on the conversation.
  3985. >Once again, the drive is silent, so you have no choice but to focus on the road.
  3986. >Even the radio is off.
  3987. >You would turn it on, but you don't think that's a good idea right now.
  3988. >You spot Sugarcube Corner and park in a open spot right in front of the store.
  3989. >Twilight gets out and stands by the car, waiting on you.
  3990. >You lock the car and both of you walk in the sweets shop.
  3991. >The place is a bit empty, but still a good amount of people.
  3992. >"I'll get us a table." Twilight says as she walks off.
  3993. >You walk to the counter, ready to order as Mr. Cake greets you.
  3994. >"Afternoon, Sonny. What can I getcha today?"
  3995. "Hiya, Mr. Cake. I would like two Sugarcube Corner specials, one with extra hot fudge."
  3996. >"You got it, kid. Honey! Two Sugar Specials! One with extra fudge!" Mr. Cake yells out to his wife before turning his attention back to you. "So Anon. How's that little situation working out for you?"
  3997. >No way.
  3998. >Mr. Cake knows about your love triangle problem?
  3999. >Maybe it's something else, even though you're not even in another problem similar to this.
  4000. >You decide to play stupid to see what's he talking about.
  4001. "What situation, Mr. Cake?" You pretend to be confused about the whole thing.
  4002. >As he's about to speak up, Mrs. Cake walks in with your sundaes.
  4003. >"Why that little thing between you, Twilight, & Trixie of course." She speaks up and places your sundaes right in front of you.
  4004. >Mrs. Cake knows too?
  4005. >Word gets out kind of quickly in Canterlot.
  4006. "How did you guys find out about that?"
  4007. >"Why Pinkie Pie of course." Mr. Cake answers your question.
  4008. >Fucking damn it, Pinkie.
  4009. >She's very well known for her big mouth at times.
  4010. >Hopefully she didn't tell anyone else.
  4011. >You don't need people asking you all sorts of questions and making you feel uncomfortable.
  4012. "Well to answer your earlier question, Mr. Cake. Not so well if I have to be honest. I still can't choose between the two, and I don't want to hurt any of them."
  4013. >Mr. & Mrs. Cake look at each other, then turns back to you with a little smile on their faces.
  4014. >"Don't stress yourself out dearie." Mrs. Cake speaks up. "The time will come where you can make your decision with confidence."
  4015. >"She's right, kid." Her husband joins in. "Only time can solve this. You just have to be patient and it'll come to you when it does."
  4016. "I wish I can explain that to the both of them."
  4017. >"I'm sure they understand that already, dearie. Anyways. That will be $16."
  4018. >You take out a $20 bill and slide it to the Cake Couple.
  4019. "Keep the change, you guys. Thanks for the advice by the way."
  4020. >They smile at you as you grab the sundaes and walk back to a table where Twilight is sitting.
  4021. >As usual, she has her head buried in a book.
  4022. >You slide the sundae with extra fudge right by her side, and to no surprise, she doesn't even notice it.
  4023. >You take a seat across from her and start eating yours while watching Twilight to see how long she'll take to notice the sundae next to her.
  4024. >She is nose deep in that book while get sundae is melting a bit.
  4025. >By the time she notices, her sundae is gonna be an ice cream soup, so you nudge her arm to get her attention.
  4026. >Of course, she pops her head out of the book and finally notices the sundae to her side.
  4027. >"Oh. Sorry, Anon." Twilight slides the creamy treat in front of her and plops a scoop in her mouth. "You know how I am when I'm reading."
  4028. "Yeah, no kidding," You let out a chuckle. "but that's what makes you, you."
  4029. >She lets out a little smile, while eating.
  4030. >The both of you just eat your desserts in peace.
  4031. >It's surprising quiet in the shop for this time.
  4032. >Usually most of your other friends are here right after school, stuffing their faces with all kinds of the Cake couple's treats.
  4033. >You finally finish your sundae, and of course it was amazing.
  4034. >Twilight finished more than half of hers, but still left some.
  4035. "I see you still have a small stomach, Twi."
  4036. >"Of course. I don't know how you can eat so much, but never gain any weight."
  4037. "Give it time. With the way I eat, I'm pretty sure I'll gain some weight over the years." You wipe your mouth with a napkin. "So, Twilight. Whatcha wanted to talk about?"
  4038. >"Oh, right." Twilight cleans her face as well and clears her throat" I... I just wanted to ask..."
  4039. "Yes? Ask what?"
  4040. >Twilight gulps down some saliva before speaking again.
  4041. >"D-do you have a d-date to prom yet?"
  4042. >Oh no. Here we go.
  4043. "Uh. No. Can't say that I do. I would say why you ask, but I think I already know the answer to that."
  4044. >"Yeah.. Would you like to go to prom with me?"
  4045. >You know this was coming, and frankly, you don't blame her for asking, but you don't want to reject her like that.
  4046. >There's gonna be a huge commotion between her and Trixie if you pick one over the other.
  4047. >Wait a minute.
  4048. >Trixie never did ask you to accompany her to prom and Twilight did beat her to the punch, so maybe it is okay to take Twilight.
  4049. >Nothing bad can happen at this moment, right?
  4050. >As soon as your about to answer Twilight, the door's bell rings and the both of you look over.
  4051. >Of course, it's none other than Trixie.
  4052. >Nice fucking job, Anon.
  4053. >Trixie makes her way over to your table with a serious look on her face.
  4054. >She and Twilight both stare at each other for a while before Trixie turns her attention to you.
  4055. >"Hey, Glasses Kid." Trixie speaks up in a soft but stern voice. "I'm sure Sparkle already asked you, and I hope you didn't give an answer yet, but would you like to go to prom with Trixie?"
  4056. >Of fucking course she would ask you the same time Twilight asks you.
  4057. >These girls are gonna be the death of you.
  4058. >Before you can answer Trixie, you are once stopped again by Twilight standing up and staring Trixie right in the eyes.
  4059. >"Excuse me, but I asked him first. You lost your chance, Trixie."
  4060. >"Trixie was not talking to you, Sparkle. So kindly back off and let Anon choose his choice."
  4061. >Twilight is clearly furious at Trixie's comment.
  4062. >You have to do something right now, but you're gonna get a repeat of the mall, but it's already too late.
  4063. >Twilight is snapping at Trixie and Trixie is holding her ground, doing the same to Twilight.
  4064. >Both of them are just screaming at each other in the middle of the shop.
  4065. "Girls. Please stop. You're disturbing the other customers."
  4066. >Your words falls on deaf ears as they just keep barking at each other.
  4067. >You can't fucking take it anymore.
  4068. "ENOUGH!" You yell from the top.
  4069. >Both Twilight and Trixie looks at you with a surprised look on their faces.
  4070. "I fucking had it with you two fighting all the time! Especially over me!"
  4071. >"But Anon..." Twilight speaks up, but you interrupt her.
  4072. "But nothing, Twilight! You and Trixie have been doing nothing but fighting for the past three weeks, and I can't take it anymore! You both are acting like fucking children! Just stop it with the bullshit!"
  4073. >Both of the girls look at you with fear in their eyes.
  4074. >Twilight runs out the store, with tears in her eyes.
  4075. >At this point, your rage subsides as you realize what you just did.
  4076. >You look at Trixie but she's holding back tears as she walks away from you.
  4077. "No... Girls, wait!"
  4078. >You start to run after them, but in a heartbeat, your body is frozen.
  4079. >Matter of fact. Everything around you is frozen.
  4080. >It's like time itself has stopped.
  4081. >You look around and see the Cakes looking straight at you with disappointment in the their eyes, but they are not moving at all.
  4082. >The same with the customers, but instead of disappointment, it's disgust.
  4083. >In the blink of an eye, you're not in Sugarcube Corner anymore.
  4084. >Instead, you're in a pitch-black room of nothingness.
  4085. >You begin looking around, scared out your mind.
  4086. "T-Trixie? T-Twilight? Anyone?" You call out, but to no avail.
  4087. >After a few seconds, black lightning starts striking down from above.
  4088. >It's so close to you, that it's making you jump with each strike.
  4089. >The lightning stops, and now you see white angel wings that is so familiar to you.
  4090. >As you walk towards them, the feathers of the wings transforms into black.
  4091. >You now see a silhouette of a person with the newly formed black wings on their back.
  4092. "E-Eatos?"
  4093. >The silhouette walks closer to you and you realize it isn't who you thought it was.
  4094. >Or is it?
  4095. >The figure of the person is the same as Eatos, but there's a lot of differences.
  4096. >All you can tell that it is indeed a female, but you can't tell if it is Eatos or not.
  4097. >She's got a huge scythe in her hand that's as tall as her.
  4098. >Her wings are pitch black and lower than Eatos' wings.
  4099. >The clothing is like battle armor with sharp shoulder pieces, but she still has the same dress as Eatos.
  4100. >Her hair is a mess and the most important thing; the mask on the person's face.
  4101. >You can't tell what facial expressions the person in front of you is giving you, if she's even giving you one.
  4102. "W-who are you? Why am I here?" You can hear your voice shaking.
  4103. >At this point, you get a sharp pain in your head and start hearing Eatos' words replaying in your mind.
  4104. >"Please don't do anything to make those girls hurt on your own foolishness. Promise me you won't." You hear those words over and over like a broken record.
  4105. >Are you here because of what happened a few minutes ago?
  4106. >It can't be...
  4107. "I'm sorry, Eatos!" You yell out. "I didn't mean it!"
  4108. >You start holding your head, hoping the pain will disappear any minute now.
  4109. >"You have no one to blame but yourself." You hear a voice that causes you to look up.
  4110. >There's no one else around but you and this mysterious person.
  4111. "D-did you say that?"
  4112. >She doesn't say anything and just taps the bottom of her scythe on the ground.
  4113. >In that instant, the blackness disappears and now you're back in Sugarcube Corner, or at least you thought you was.
  4114. >You look around and see yourself yelling at Twilight and Trixie.
  4115. >Both of them look so frightened and start backing away from you a bit.
  4116. "No... Girls!"
  4117. >Of course, they can't hear you, so you're forced to watch yourself just scream in their faces.
  4118. >Your palms start to feel sweaty, knees are weak, and arms begin to feel heavy.
  4119. >The only thing that's missing right now is your mom's spaghetti.
  4120. >You fall to your knees, just watching what's in front of you.
  4121. >Another tap from the scythe brings you back to the darkness once again.
  4122. >"This is what everyone saw in their point of view." The mysterious woman speaks up. "Especially those two who you caused pain."
  4123. >You don't even have the strength to get any words out. Let alone stand up.
  4124. >The pain in your head finally subsides, but you still feel pain inside.
  4125. >Mental pain to be exact.
  4126. >Tears start to form in your eyes as you get the feeling of guilt in your heart.
  4127. >"You should cry. I do not feel sorry for you. Why should those two have to cry in the first place? You're nothing but a disappointment to everyone right now." You just listen to the woman just belittle you.
  4128. >Just as she finishes her sentence, you hear another voice, but this one is more heart-warming and sincere.
  4129. >"Don't cry, child. Someone like you shouldn't be shedding all these tears."
  4130. >You know that voice all too well.
  4131. "Eatos!?" You shout out, looking all around.
  4132. >"Eatos?" The mysterious person scoffs. "The Eatos you know doesn't exist anymore."
  4133. >Eatos doesn't exist anymore?
  4134. >No! That's not true! You don't believe it!
  4135. >"Believe it, runt. It's because of you that she doesn't exist." She speaks up.
  4136. >She can hear your thoughts as well!?
  4137. "WHO ARE YOU!?" You randomly shout to her.
  4138. >"Me? You can call me Dreadscythe. Another form of Eatos. I guess you can call it a 'Fallen' form. Which means I'm a part of you as well."
  4139. >Fallen form? This person is really part of Eatos?
  4140. "So you're part of Eatos?"
  4141. >"Ugh. You're really stupid, kid. I guess I can dumb it down for you. I'm Eatos' dark side. I reside deep inside her, locked away in her heart. When someone hurts her or breaks a promise, I take over her body in her place. It doesn't matter if it was accidental or on purpose."
  4142. "That means Eatos is still alive inside of her body that you're taking over. Eatos! If you can hear me, don't let this horrifying lady take over you! I know you can break he-" You are interrupted by Dreadscythe forcefully putting her scythe to your neck.
  4143. >This causes you to shut up and fall on your ass, looking up at her with fear coursing through your body.
  4144. >"Shut your mouth, kid! This isn't anime or a video game! You can't bring her back by sprouting useless words!"
  4145. >You gulp some saliva down, trying to not piss your pants right now.
  4146. "T-then how do I bring her back?"
  4147. >Dreadscythe turns her back to you, taking the scythe off your neck.
  4148. "Please... I want my friend back..."
  4149. >At the end of that sentence, she looks at you over her shoulder.
  4150. >"Your friend, huh? Seems like you really care for her. Very well. There's only one way to bring her back. Fix your stupidity and make peace with those girls. Then and only then will your precious Eatos will return to you."
  4151. >Dreadscythe bangs her scythe on the ground and a light portal appears under her.
  4152. >"Let me tell you one more thing. You hurt Eatos again," she puts her scythe to your neck once more. "and I'll deal with you myself. You understand, you bastard?"
  4153. >All that comes out of you is a nod.
  4154. >Before leaving, she cuts the Crystal of the Angels off your neck and takes it away.
  4155. >"I'll be taking this for the meantime. I better not see you again."
  4156. >With that, she disappears in the portal.
  4157. >Now you are all alone in the darkness.
  4158. >In a matter of seconds, you feel yourself getting dizzy and finally you pass out.
  4159. >...
  4161. >...
  4162. >Man, your head is killing you.
  4163. >You hear a voice, but you can't make out who's.
  4164. >It's just calling out your name over and over.
  4165. >Whoever it is, they sound so worried.
  4166. >Where are you, anyways?
  4167. >The last thing you remember was being in a pitch black chamber-like room with someone who called themselves Dreadscythe.
  4168. >Everything else is drawing a blank.
  4169. >You try to open your eyes, but it feels like anvils are dragging them down.
  4170. >At this moment, three people enter your thoughts.
  4171. >Twilight, Trixie, and Eatos all standing side by side.
  4172. >A bright light appears behind them and they all walk towards it.
  4173. >No, please not like this.
  4174. >You feel very drained, that you can't move, but you somehow get the energy to jump forward.
  4175. "WAIT!" You lunge forward, shouting.
  4176. >Next thing you know, you're in a hospital room with a nurse and doctor by your bedside.
  4177. >To your right is Sunset Shimmer with a relieved smile on her face.
  4178. "Sunset? What ar-" You are interrupted by the pain in your head, causing you to flinch and hold it.
  4179. >"Nurse. Get him some more pain killers." The doctor orders the nurse and he replies. "Good morning, Anonymous. I'm your doctor, Dr. Redheart. You gave us quite a scare for a while."
  4180. "W-what do you mean? What am I doing here?" You try your best to talk through the pain.
  4181. >"You've been in a slight coma for 16 hours. Your heart rate was increasing and decreasing back and forth at an irregular rate. Your friend here has been by your side the whole time."
  4182. >16 hours!?
  4183. >It only felt like a few minutes in that dark room.
  4184. >You glance at Sunset and see her looking at the ground.
  4185. >"Do you remember what happened right before you passed out?" She asks you.
  4186. >You can't tell her what really happened, as she and Sunset would think you are going crazy.
  4187. "No, Doc. Can't say I do."
  4188. >"Well I understand. Let me know if you remember anything. I'll give you two some alone time. Glad you're awake, Anonymous."
  4189. >With that, Dr. Redheart leaves the room.
  4190. >Now you and Sunset are all alone.
  4191. "Sunset." You speak up, turning your attention to her. "Thank you for being by my side."
  4192. >"No need to thank me, Anon. I'm just delighted that you are finally awake."
  4193. "Yeah, no kidding. I can't believe I been passed out for 16 hours. I don't even remember passing out in the first place."
  4194. >"Well the important thing is that you're okay now. By the way. Trixie told me what happened between you, her, and Twilight. I couldn't believe it due to Trixie's nature to exaggerate things, so I had Twilight confirm it as well."
  4195. >You grip the bed sheets, forced to remember what Dreadscythe showed you what you did.
  4196. "Yeah, that... I honestly feel like shit about what I did. Really, I do. I just lost it. Looks like I fucked up this time, huh?"
  4197. >"No, Anon. I know those two has been stressing you out with their fighting all the time, so I can understand why you snapped. Those two are really hurt at your outburst though. They said they never experienced that side of you."
  4198. "I never experienced it either. I usually have a cool head." You lay back in your bed, looking at the ceiling fan twirling around. "I don't blame them for not coming to see me."
  4199. >"Well, the truth is that no one knows you're in here. Only me, your parents, and the Cakes. I didn't bother to tell them since it would worry them. They don't need that right now."
  4200. "How did you know I was in the hospital, Sunset?"
  4201. >"I was walking pass sugarcube corner and I saw you going into the ambulance, so I hopped in with you."
  4202. "Thanks, Sunset. It means a lot that you stood here with me the whole time."
  4203. >"Anything for a friend." Sunset gives you a hug. "I guess I should leave you alone now. I'm sure you want to be alone with your thoughts, and don't worry about Twilight and Trixie. They'll get over it eventually."
  4204. "I guess you're right. Bye, Sunset. Again. Thank you for everything."
  4205. >With that, Sunset leaves the room, leaving you to your lonesome.
  4206. >You might as well make yourself comfortable since you just know you're gonna be in here for a while.
  4207. >The first thing you're gonna do when you get out the hospital is do what Dreadscythe told you to do and make it up to both Twilight and Trixie.
  4208. >Even though you were gonna do that in the first place.
  4209. >This one predicament may have caused you three friendships.
  4210. >Plus this whole love triangle thing isn't helping either.
  4211. >You just know if you pick one, your friendship with the other is gonna fade away sooner or later, so no matter what, you're losing at least one friendship.
  4212. >All you can do is hit the bed in anger, causing your head to ache more.
  4213. >You turn to your side, facing the window to try and relax a bit.
  4214. "I'm sorry, Twilight. Trixie. Eatos. I'll make things better." You say to yourself, just staring out the window.
  4217. >It's been two days since that incident in sugarcube corner.
  4218. >You never cried that much in your life.
  4219. >Your parents kept asking if you were alright and all you did was lie through your teeth and said yes every time.
  4220. >They don't need to know the real reason you were crying.
  4221. >Especially your dad, cause if he found out the reason, Anon would be dead right now.
  4222. >It was so surprising and scary to see Anon react that way, but he is kind of right about one thing.
  4223. >All you and Sparkle do is fight every single time you're around him.
  4224. >If only he could have saw how you two were at the soccer field.
  4225. >Speaking of Anon, you haven't seen him ever since.
  4226. >He probably feels bad for what he did, and he should.
  4227. >Even though it was your fault for butting in his and Sparkle's conversation.
  4228. >She started it first for what she did in the mall long ago, so now you two are even.
  4229. >You let out a sigh and walk to your next class.
  4230. >Lots of people say hi and wave to you, so you do the same, not speaking though.
  4231. >Honestly, you want to see Anon right now, even after what he did.
  4232. >Time feels like it's moving slow.
  4233. >School is half way done, but it don't feel like it.
  4234. >Good thing this class is like free period.
  4235. >The teacher, Ms. Tree Hugger doesn't care what you do in her class at this time of the year.
  4236. >As you're walking to your class, you overhear two voices in the principal's office.
  4237. >One of them is Vice-Principal Luna, but the other you can't really make out too well.
  4238. >You're not the one to ease drop, but you're gonna do it anyways, so you put your ear to the door and listen.
  4239. >"...and that's what happened, Vice-Principal Luna." The voice response to Luna.
  4240. >That voice is so familiar to you, but it's kind of muffled through the door.
  4241. >"I understand the situation completely. Don't worry. I won't write you up for missing school. Besides. It's almost the end of the school year, and you're caught up with everything. I'll have to talk to my sister though."
  4242. >"Thank you so much, VP."
  4243. >"My pleasure. I'm glad you're out the hospital safe and nothing serious happened, Anonymous."
  4244. >Anonymous!? He was in the hospital!?
  4245. >You have to found out what happened to him!
  4246. >As you're about to barge in, a voice startles you.
  4247. >"What are you doing, Trixie?" You turn around and see Sunset Shimmer looking at you.
  4248. "Oh. Sunset. You scared me. I was listening to a conversation and Anon is in there. Trixie just found out he was in the hospital!"
  4249. >As this point, Sunset eyes goes a bit wide and she looks away, rubbing her arm.
  4250. "No.. Sunset. You knew about this..?"
  4251. >"Yeah, I knew. I was with him in the hospital the whole time. I'm sorry, Trix."
  4252. "Why didn't you tell me!?" You yell out to her.
  4253. >Sunset is about to answer, but she is cut off by the sound of the door behind you opening.
  4254. >"What are you girls doing outside the principal's office?" Vice-Principal Luna asks.
  4255. >"Uh. Hey girls." Anon waves to both of ya in a distant way.
  4256. >"Um. That's my cue to go. Bye!" Sunset runs off down the hallway, leaving you alone.
  4257. "W-wait!" You yell out to her, but she's already gone. "Um. Trixie was just going to class, Ms. Luna."
  4258. >"Then get to it, Ms. Lulamoon." She turns her attention to Anon. "Mr. Anonymous. We'll talk about this later. For now, you can miss this day and go straight on home."
  4259. >"Yes, VP Luna. Thank you again."
  4260. >With that, Luna goes back into her office, leaving you and Anon alone.
  4261. >Both of you avoid eye contact, making this as awkward as it can be.
  4262. >Maybe you should just leave, so you turn around to walk away, but Anon's voice stops you.
  4263. >"Wait, Trixie." He speaks up, but in a soft tone. "Can you meet me at my house after school? If you want."
  4264. >You don't respond, not because you don't want to, but you don't know how to, so you just walk away to your class after giving him a gesture letting him know that you're gonna do what he asked for.
  4265. >You make it to the classroom and so many questions fill your mind.
  4266. >What happened after you left sugarcube corner?
  4267. >What caused Anon to end up in the hospital?
  4268. >Why didn't Sunset tell you about?
  4269. >Most importantly, is Anon alright?
  4270. >He looked fine when you saw him, but mentally speaking.
  4271. >You lay your head on the desk, trying to get your mind off everything that happened.
  4272. >Does Sparkle even know about this?
  4273. >Doubt it, since you didn't know.
  4274. >All you can do is let out a sigh.
  4275. >This class is just like you predicted.
  4276. >It's basically free period.
  4277. >Ms. Tree Hugger is zoned out in her own little world and everyone else is just doing their own little thing.
  4278. >You can just leave and no one would even notice.
  4279. >Maybe that's what you should do.
  4280. >You have to get to the bottom of everything.
  4281. >On second thought, you'll just stay in class.
  4282. >You don't want to get in trouble by the principals.
  4283. >Besides. Anon did ask you to come over his house, so you'll just wait till then.
  4284. >It's so boring in this class.
  4285. >You wish you can be outside right now.
  4286. >It's such a nice day, with the sun shining bright and glaring off the window.
  4287. >If only time can go faster and end this stupid class.
  4288. >All you can do is rest your head and wait for this day to be over.
  4290. >A few hours later.
  4291. >School is finally over.
  4292. >For a minute, you thought time was frozen.
  4293. >Some kids take off as fast as they can, while others just stay on school grounds and chit-chat with each other.
  4294. >You would like to stay around and talk to Sunset about why she didn't tell you about Anon, but you have to get to Anon's house.
  4295. >You wonder why he would invite you there all of a sudden.
  4296. >Maybe to apologize?
  4297. >If that's the case, why didn't he do it right then and there?
  4298. >Oh well. You'll find out the answer once you get there.
  4299. >As you exit the school ground, you hear a car horn from behind.
  4300. >You turn and see Sunset in the driver's seat as she pulls up next to you.
  4301. >"Need a ride?" Sunset says with a smile.
  4302. "Sure, but I'm not going home."
  4303. >"Oh I know. You're going to Anon's house. How do I know? Because Anon told me and he asked me if I can drop you off."
  4304. "Typical Glasses Kid." You hop in the passenger's seat. "Alright. let's go."
  4305. >"Hold your horses, G.A.P. We're waiting on someone else."
  4306. "Someone else? Who?"
  4307. >Sunset points out the window with her thumb and you look where she's pointing, and the person she is pointing at is none other than Twilight Sparkle.
  4308. "Sparkle!? Why her!?"
  4309. >"Cool it, Trixie. Anon asked me to do him this favor and I'll never turn down a friend in need. If you don't like it, you can always walk there and I'll drive Twilight. Which makes her get there first."
  4310. >You groan, knowing you have no comeback for that one.
  4311. >Sunset always knows how to push your buttons.
  4312. >She never lets you get your way, but that's why she's the greatest friend you have.
  4313. >Twilight enters the car in the back seat and you just face forward.
  4314. >"Hiya, Sunset." Sparkle happily greets Sunset, then notices you. "Oh. Hey Trixie..."
  4315. >That greeting was kind of forced, but you have to let it slide for now.
  4316. >"Now girls." Sunset speaks up, turning the radio down. "You're probably wondering why both of you are in here. The truth is, Anon told me to drive you girls to his house. For what? I do not know, but I'm doing him this favor."
  4317. >Both of you stay quiet as she turns to Sparkle.
  4318. >"Twilight. You may not know this, but Anon was in the hospital for two days."
  4319. >"WHAT!?" Sparkle yells out with a worried tone. "What happened!? How come you knew!?"
  4320. >"I was there when he was going into the ambulance and stood by his side since. As for what happened, I can't say. Anon told me he'll be the one to tell both of you."
  4321. >"You knew about this too, Trixie?" Sparkle asks you in a defeated tone.
  4322. "Since this morning when Trixie overheard him and Vice-Principal Luna speaking." You respond in a soft tone.
  4323. >"I can't believe it. Everyone knew but me..."
  4324. >"It's not like that, Twi." Sunset places her hand on Sparkle's shoulder. "He wanted to tell the both of you on his own, but someone wanted to be nosy and ease drop."
  4325. >You let out a pout and turn your head to the window.
  4326. >"Anyways. I didn't tell you two at the time because I didn't want you girls to worry at the time like you're doing now." Sunset turns back facing front in her seat. "Now that that's out in the air, I got two rules for this car ride. First of all. No fighting. I don't want to hear you two talking to each other unless it's something nice and not yelling. Second. No one touches my music. Are we clear?"
  4327. >Both you and Sparkle just stays silent.
  4328. >"I'll take your silence as a yes. Just to make sure you both don't fight, Anon asked another person for help. Someone you both know."
  4329. >"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" A voice yells out to Sunset and it's Sparkle's friend, Rainbow Dash. "Jeez Sunset. I thought we were meeting at the parking lot."
  4330. >"Sorry, Dash. I saw Trixie walking out, so I had to catch up to her before she left. Get in."
  4331. >Rainbow Dash hops in the back and her friend happily greets her.
  4332. >"Sorry you have to do this, Rainbow Dash."
  4333. >"It's cool, SunShim. This is for Anon so I don't mind."
  4334. >"With that being said, let's roll. Fasten your seat belts, everyone!"
  4335. >Sunset blasts some music, speeds out of parking spot, and flies down the road.
  4336. >This is gonna be a long car ride.
  4338. ~ANONYMOUS~
  4339. >2:40pm
  4340. >They should be here any minute now with the way Sunset drives.
  4341. >You feel bad asking Sunset and Rainbow Dash to do this for you, but they accepted with no hesitation.
  4342. >Your other option was Pinkie Pie if any of them were busy, but with the way she talks, I'm sure everyone would have gotten annoyed.
  4343. >Especially Trixie.
  4344. >Sunset knows how to keep Trixie under control and Rainbow Dash can handle Twilight.
  4345. >Those two are the perfect choice.
  4346. >Plus if Trixie and Twilight showed up at your doorstep at the same time, it was a battle waiting to happen.
  4347. >Today, you're gonna make everything right. With everyone.
  4348. >You're just staring at a blank tv, alone with your thoughts.
  4349. >You got a call from your parents when you were in the hospital, and of course they were worried.
  4350. >Your mother kept asking if everything was okay.
  4351. >After you told them what happened, they agreed that you were indeed okay.
  4352. >Of course you didn't tell them the whole truth, but they still believed you.
  4353. >They didn't bother to ask you about Twilight and Trixie since they were concerned about your health first.
  4354. >While in the hospital, only Sunset and the Cake couple came to visit you.
  4355. >It makes sense since no one didn't really know about you being in there.
  4356. >Still, it felt nice having visitors.
  4357. >It was also kind of nice to be by yourself for the time being, after all that happened.
  4358. >You lay your head back on the couch, closing your eyes for a bit.
  4359. >[HONK]
  4360. >You hear a familiar and loud car horn outside.
  4361. >That didn't take too long, so you make your way outside and see Sunset parked outside.
  4362. >You walk up to her car and greet everyone.
  4363. "Hello, ladies. Quite the group I must say."
  4364. >Sunset and Rainbow Dash laughs while Trixie and Twilight stays quiet.
  4365. "Trix. Twi. You mind waiting on the porch? I want to talk to Sunset and Rainbow about something."
  4366. >"About how you was in the hospital and didn't tell anyone? Sure, go ahead." Twilight coldly responds to you as she leaves the car after thanking Sunset for the ride, sitting on a chair on your porch.
  4367. >Everyone looks at her with a shocked expression on their faces.
  4368. >Trixie doesn't say a word and does the same as Twilight, sitting away from her.
  4369. >"Dude, that was not cool." Rainbow Dash speaks up. "That was the first from her."
  4370. "It's understandable after what happened. I honestly don't blame her. Anyways. Rainbow. It's true that I was in the hospital. It wasn't nothing big. Ju-" Sunset interrupts you with a sudden outburst.
  4371. >"Nothing big!? Rainbow. Don't let him fool you. I'll tell you everything that the doctor told me."
  4372. >"Dude. Don't keep this a secret from me. Tell me."
  4373. "Sorry, Dash. I just didn't want you to worry."
  4374. >"Too late for that. Now spill it, four-eyes."
  4375. >That name made you laugh a little bit.
  4376. "Alright, alright. Do you actually mind if Sunset tells you? I have a feeling she knows more than me. Besides." You look at Trixie and Twilight looking depressed and worried. "I have an important task on my hand."
  4377. >"Alright. I'll let you off the hook this time, but you're buying me lunch tomorrow."
  4378. "Fine. Tomorrow, lunch is on me"
  4379. >"Hey. What about me?" Sunset jokingly joins in the conversation.
  4380. "Of course, Sunset. I'll buy lunch for you as well."
  4381. >"I'm just joking, Anon. There's no need. Thank you though." Sunset puts her car in drive. "Well I guess it's time for us to go. Don't want to keep them waiting. Bye, Anon."
  4382. >Sunset starts to drive away, but you stop her.
  4383. "Wait, Sunset." You pull out $25 and hand it to her. "This is for gas. Thank you for doing me this favor."
  4384. >She looks at the money, but rejects it with no hesitation.
  4385. >"I can't take that, Anon. There's no need to pay me for a favor. It's what friends are for."
  4386. "Please, Sunset? Just take it. I really want to show my gratitude for everything you did for the past 2 days."
  4387. >Sunset hesitates, but accepts the money.
  4388. >"Thank you, Anon. I don't know what to say."
  4389. "No need to thank me. It is I who should be thank you, and you too, Rainbow. Thank you for tagging along."
  4390. >"No problem, dude. What are friends for?" Rainbow Dash smiles and extends her fist out to you for a fist bump, which you gladly give.
  4391. "Bye girls. Get home safe."
  4392. >"Bye, Anon!" They both say as Sunset speeds away.
  4393. >Now that they're both gone, you walk to Trixie and Twilight, who is still looking a bit depressed.
  4394. "Alright, girls. I know you two wondering why you're both here and I'll explain it soon, but for now, follow me."
  4395. >They both look up at you, confused.
  4396. >"Where are we going, Anon?" Twilight asks while Trixie just looks on.
  4397. "It's a secret, so let's go."
  4398. >You walk ahead and they grab their bags, following you.
  4400. >A few minutes later.
  4401. >In the woods behind your house.
  4402. >Surrounded by trees and animals all around.
  4403. >The atmosphere here is simply amazing.
  4404. >It's really quiet, the air is fresh, all the leaves on the trees are as green as ever, and all the animals are minding their own business as you walk across the trail.
  4405. >You look behind you and see the girls enjoying the scenery around them.
  4406. >Twilight is fascinated by the nature around her while Trixie is paying attention to the animals.
  4407. >You can't help but smile at this sight.
  4408. >You take a deep breath as you finally your destination.
  4409. "Alright. We're here."
  4410. >Trixie and Twilight look towards your way, and the looks on the face completely changes.
  4411. >Both of them are memorized by the sight in front of them.
  4412. >A big meadow with a lake as clear as a crystal.
  4413. >On the other side of the lake is a huge waterfall, crashing into the water.
  4414. >Swans and ducks populate the lake, swimming about.
  4415. >"Anon. How did you find this place?" Twilight asks, not taking her eyes off the scenery.
  4416. "Well. I was walking around in the woods, and I stumbled across this paradise."
  4417. >"It's so beautiful." Trixie spins around, looking at everything this place has to offer. "Trixie wishes she knew about this place earlier."
  4418. "Yeah it is nice, isn't it?" You walk towards the edge of the lake. "Anyways. Let's get to one of the reason why we're here."
  4419. >Both of them turn to you and you turn around, facing them with a serious look on your face.
  4420. "Girls. I am deeply and truly sorry for the way I reacted two days ago. That was not like me. I don't know what came over me." You can feel tears forming in your eyes and the girls take note of this. "I know I can never take back what I did, and I wish I can, but you two do not deserve any of that."
  4421. >Trixie stays quiet as Twilight steps up you and surprises you with a hug.
  4422. >"Oh Anon. Of course I forgive you." Twilight tightens the hug a bit. "I did a bit of thinking that day and you were right. We were acting childish. You had every right to get mad, but you screaming did frighten me."
  4423. >All you do is look down, feeling a bit of pain in your heart.
  4424. >As Twilight lets go of you, you feel another pair of arms wrap around you.
  4425. >You clear your eyes of your tears to focus your vision and notice Trixie is embracing you in a hug now.
  4426. >"Sp- Twilight is right, Glasses Kid." Trixie speaks up now. "You did have every right to get mad. Every time we saw each other, all we did was fight and snap at each other. Trixie just wishes you would have saw us two earlier that day."
  4427. "Oh. You mean on the soccer field? I saw you two talking with each other."
  4428. >"You saw that too!?" Twilight shouts out.
  4429. "Yeah. As I was leaving, I turned back and noticed the both of you. It was amazing to see you two speaking and shaking hands."
  4430. >Both Trixie and Twilight looks at each other and smiles a bit.
  4431. >Now that's a scene you like to see.
  4432. >No fighting. Just peace between those two.
  4433. "Alright. Now the last reason why we're here. I have to explain to you guys why I was in the hospital."
  4434. >Twilight and Trixie sits on the fresh grass, giving you all their attention.
  4435. >You explain to them the situation after they left sugarcube corner.
  4436. >How you passed out on the floor out of nowhere and how you were unconscious for 16 hours.
  4437. >Also how Sunset stood with by your side the whole time.
  4438. >"That's horrible, Anon." Twilight is the first to speak. "I'm so sorry."
  4439. >"Trixie is also sorry, Anon."
  4440. "You girls have nothing to be sorry for. It is I who needs to be sorry for those idiotic things I said to the both of you."
  4441. >As you finish your sentence, both of them brings you in a group hug.
  4442. >This takes you off guard as you would never expect this from the both of you.
  4443. >You tighten the hug on both of them.
  4444. "I'm sorry to make you two suffer by not making a choice between you two yet."
  4445. >"It's okay, Glasses Kid." Trixie speaks, still holding the hug. "We both understand. Right, Sparkle?"
  4446. >"She's right. We won't rush you to make a choice. When you're ready, you'll make your choice. No matter what happens, I'll respect the choice and stay by your side no matter what."
  4447. >"Trixie as well. We don't want you stressed out anymore."
  4448. "Girls... You don't know how happy that makes me."
  4449. >They release the hug and give you a huge smile that fills your heart with joy.
  4450. "Now that that's over. You both want to enjoy the scenery to it's fullest? There's a lot more to experience."
  4451. >Twilight checks the time on her phone.
  4452. >"Oh drat. Sorry, Anon. Can I take a rain check? I promised to help my mom when I got home and I'm a bit late."
  4453. >"Speaking of mothers, Trixie has to leave too. My parents will kill me if I'm home late."
  4454. "I totally understand. Get going. I don't want you girls to get in trouble. I'm gonna stay here and soak up this view some more."
  4455. >"Well enjoy, Glasses kid. Thanks for showing this place to us." They both walk towards the woods, waving you goodbye as you do the same.
  4456. >In a few seconds, they are out of your sight and you're all alone.
  4457. >You sit at the edge of the lake.
  4458. >Everything is okay between you, Trixie, and Twilight now, and the best part of it all, they were friendly towards each other.
  4459. >Maybe this is a birth of a new friendship.
  4460. >You look across the lake and watch the waterfall as it calms you down and relaxes you.
  4461. >If only Eatos was here, then this view would even better.
  4462. >"Is that true, child?" A voice is heard from behind you, which causes to quickly turn your head.
  4463. >Right in front of you, in the flesh is your guardian angel, Eatos wearing a warm smile.
  4464. >Without any signs of hesitation, you run towards her and give her a tight hug, not wanting to let go.
  4465. "Eatos.. You're back.."
  4466. >"Indeed I am." She gladly accepts and returns the hug.
  4467. "I missed you. I'm sorry for what happened. I just lost control. I didn't mean to break my promise."
  4468. >"It's okay, Anonymous. You made everything better with those two. They seem to be closer to each other than they were before."
  4469. "I guess you're right." You loosen the hug, looking at her. "I'm just so glad you're here."
  4470. >"So am I. I'm sorry to had to see that form of me. I hope she wasn't too hard on you."
  4471. >You let out a laugh.
  4472. "Oh yeah. The scythe to the neck was a kind-hearted gesture."
  4473. >"Ah. Yes. She seems to have that sort of temper when pushed to her limit."
  4474. "So. Are you two different people, or the same?"
  4475. >"We're the same people. As she said before, she only appears when I'm hurt or a promise is broken."
  4476. >You look down, feeling terrible for hurting Eatos like that.
  4477. >"Anyways." She hands you the Crystal of the Angels. "I believe this belongs to you."
  4478. >The crystal swings in your face as you hesitate to take it.
  4479. "Are you sure?"
  4480. >"I'm positive. I want you to have it."
  4481. "Thank you, Eatos." You accept the crystal proudly.
  4482. >Finally, you let go of her, wearing a smile on your face.
  4483. >"Now that that's over, let's get down to business, shall we?" Eatos places her hands on your shoulders. "It looks like it's finally time for you to choose between the two. Your heart knows what it wants, am I correct?"
  4484. "Yes. You are. I'm ready to choose between Twilight and Trixie."
  4485. >"Marvelous. Now. Tell me, child. Who do you pick?"
  4487. "I choose Sunset Shimmer."
  4488. >Eatos' eyes widen as she hears the name coming out your mouth.
  4489. >"Sunset Shimmer? What about the other tw-" You interrupt her with a laugh.
  4490. "I'm kidding. I don't choose her. Got you good, didn't I?"
  4491. >She giggles as she pokes your forehead.
  4492. >"Yes. You got me. Good one, Anonymous."
  4493. >You join in on the laughter.
  4494. "But in all seriousness, the person I choose, is Twilight Sparkle."
  4495. >"An excellent choice, my child, but may I ask why her?"
  4496. "After thinking about it a lot, Trixie is a nice girl and is also a good choice. We also have a lot in common with the gaming and stuff, but her attitude is kind of demanding." You walk to the lake and stare at the waterfall. "Twilight on the other hand. We have history together. We knew each other since elementary school. After what happened a few minutes ago, I felt more," you pause for a little while. "love for Twilight than Trixie."
  4497. >Eatos just stays quiet, allowing you to talk your heart out.
  4498. "Twilight has always been there for me. Even when we were kids. She even took blame for some stuff she didn't do. Her personality is amazing as well. I guess what I'm saying is, I love Twilight for her."
  4499. >"She also has a good heart. She'll be happy to know your choice."
  4500. "Yeah, but it won't be the same for Trixie." You look down at the grass. "She's gonna be furious."
  4501. >Eatos puts her hand on your back.
  4502. >"She'll completely understand, and if she doesn't accept the choice, she just has to live with it."
  4503. >You stare at the reflection of yourself in the lake.
  4504. "I guess you're right. Say, Eatos. Now that I made my choice, does that mean..." You pause, scared to say the next few words.
  4505. >"Yes, dear. I am no longer a part of you," she grabs your hand with the crystal in it. "but this crystal makes you call me whenever you want, even though I'm not with you anymore. All you have to do the technique while holding the crystal."
  4506. "Thank goodness. I would missed your company."
  4507. >"And I would have missed yours. Now. If you call, and I don't answer, I'm with my new child at the moment, or worst."
  4508. >By worst, she must mean that her formed changed.
  4509. "I completely understand. I'll keep that in mind when I choose to call you. What about Dreadscythe? I hope it doesn't happen, but what if she's in control and I try to reach out to you?"
  4510. >"You'll be meeting with her instead of me. I hope that doesn't happen though. Don't want a repeat of last time." Eatos gives you a little laugh as you join in as well.
  4511. "I understand. Think we can stay a bit longer together before you leave?"
  4512. >"Of course, child. I wouldn't want anything else."
  4513. >You let out a smile as both of you sit down, enjoying the view and nature around you.
  4514. >Eatos wraps her wing around you.
  4515. >It feels so warm and comforting
  4516. >You can feel her aura emitting from her wing and it makes you feel safe, but also a bit sad knowing she's no longer a part of you.
  4517. >Animals all around gather towards Eatos.
  4518. >She gives them all a little pet, not ignoring anyone.
  4519. >They join in as some are on her lap and some on her head, which gives you a laugh.
  4520. >You don't ever want this time with her to end.
  4521. >Everything is so peaceful right now.
  4522. >The reflection of the lake shows you an unpleasant sight.
  4523. >It shows Eatos shedding a few tears as they drop onto the lake's surface, causing the water to ripple.
  4524. >"Anonymous." She speaks up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Out of all of my children I guided, you are my favorite. No one has ever shown interest in me or my life. This is the first time in a while that I ever felt loved."
  4525. "I'm sorry to hear that. You don't deserve that. You are amazing, charming, kind-hearted, and have a wonderful heart. Your other children are stupid to not see that about you."
  4526. >A small smile forms on Eatos' face, happy to hear those compliments.
  4527. >"Thank you. You don't know how happy that makes me." She stands up, causing you to look up at her. "I do not regret one bit giving my crystal to you. I know you'll take good care of it."
  4528. >You look at the crystal, gripping it tight.
  4529. >If only you can give her something to return the favor.
  4530. >That's it!
  4531. "Eatos." She turns to you as you take off your glasses and hand it to her. "I want you to have these. I know it's not much, but I want to you my gratitude for everything you've done for me, and to remember me by."
  4532. >"Anonymous... I can't take these. Your eyesight is not that good. You need those."
  4533. "It's fine." You squint a little and rub your eyes. "I have a spare at home. Please. Accept these."
  4534. >She looks at them for a while before taking them and putting them on her face.
  4535. >This causes you to smile, even though you can barely see right now.
  4536. "You look great with glasses, Eatos, but can you see with them on?"
  4537. >"Yes, dear. My eyesight is so perfect, that I can see through anything in front of my eyes. My eyesight can never be damaged."
  4538. "That's amazing. I'm glad you accepted them."
  4539. >"Anything for you, Anonymous. I'm sorry to end this amazing day, but I have to get going. My new child is waiting."
  4540. >At this moment, your heart feels like it's about to snap in half.
  4541. >Of course you can't tell her to stay with you forever.
  4542. >That would be selfish and she does have a job to do.
  4543. >After all, you knew this day was gonna come, but as long as you have her family's crystal, she's just a call away.
  4544. "I understand. It was great spending this day with you."
  4545. >"Yes. It was. Now let's get you home. I can't have you wandering around without your glasses. Hold on to my wing."
  4546. >With your eyesight blurry, you manage to grab on to her wing.
  4547. >In a flash, she teleports you to your room.
  4548. >As soon as you can, you go to your drawer and grab your spare glasses right away.
  4549. >It really helps that you know the layout of your room by heart.
  4550. >At last, you vision is back to normal.
  4551. "Much better." You adjust your glasses as you look at Eatos giving you a big smile.
  4552. >She surprisingly looks good with glasses.
  4553. "I'm guessing this is goodbye, huh?" You ask, hurting a bit.
  4554. >"I guess it is, child. I'm sorry." She walks up to you and gives you the most sincere hug you ever experienced, which you gladly return. "I'll give you one more piece of advice before I go. Make sure you tell Twilight as soon as possible."
  4555. "I will." You bury your face into her neck, not wanting this to end.
  4556. >"I love you, Anonymous."
  4557. "I love you too, Eatos."
  4558. >With that, Eatos fades away and you're left hugging nothing but air.
  4559. >You fall onto your knees, tears falling from your eyes.
  4560. >You do nothing but cling onto the Crystal of the Angels and let the tears flow from your eyes.
  4561. >After a while, you wipe the tears from your eyes and look at the window, noticing it's already dark.
  4562. >Eatos fills your head and the biggest smile appears on your face.
  4563. >All you can do it scoot on to bed and await tomorrow.
  4564. "Thank you for everything, Eatos." You say to yourself as you get comfortable and let sleep take over.
  4565. >...
  4567. >The next day in the afternoon.
  4568. >Another school day down.
  4569. >A couple of more weeks and you'll be graduating from this place.
  4570. >You'll never forget all the memories you had in this school, but it's going to be great to know you'll be done with school.
  4571. >Of course, you did apply to some colleges, but from the looks of it, looks like you won't be accepted to any of them since none of them reached back to you.
  4572. >Maybe your grades wasn't good enough for any of them.
  4573. >You shake your head, not letting it get to you.
  4574. >You get in your car and start it up.
  4575. >The whole school day, you haven't seen Trixie or the person you wanted to see the most, and that is Twilight.
  4576. >Ever since you told Eatos your choice, you felt even more confident with it.
  4577. >Trixie is gonna be devastated and furious, but it's what has to be done.
  4578. >You wonder why you didn't see any of them.
  4579. >With the engine warmed up, you back out the parking spot and cruise down the road.
  4580. >There's barely any cars on the road, which makes it a smooth ride home.
  4581. >You see all your classmates walking home, talking with one another.
  4582. >Makes you a bit happy now that you have a car. No more walking everywhere.
  4583. >It makes you sound a little lazy, but you don't care.
  4584. >These past weeks has had beautiful weather.
  4585. >That's Canterlot summer for you.
  4586. >Maybe you shouldn't go straight home.
  4587. >You should enjoy this day and stay outside, but where should you go?
  4588. >The park? Nah, too much kids is gonna be there. You would like a little peace and quiet.
  4589. >A walk on the boardwalk by the beach? No.
  4590. >You got it!
  4591. >You'll go to your secret spot behind your house.
  4592. >It's peaceful, nice scenery, and it's close to your house.
  4593. >It's the perfect choice.
  4595. >You stop at a stop sign, watching your surroundings.
  4596. >As soon as the coast is clear, you press on the gas again.
  4597. >In a few seconds, you park in front of your house, turning off the car.
  4598. >It'll probably be a good idea to change your clothes.
  4599. >You walk in your house and of course, it's empty.
  4600. >Quickly, you change your clothes to something a lot more comfortable for the weather and head for the woods.
  4601. >Once on the trail, you take your time walking to your secret spot.
  4602. >Animals of all kinds watches you like the last time.
  4603. >Some even come up to you out of curiosity.
  4604. >Out of nowhere, a flying squirrel lands on your shoulder, which startles you.
  4605. >You find it a bit weird because flying squirrels are rare around these parts.
  4606. >It doesn't fly off, so you just continue walking with your new companion.
  4607. >As you finally reach your spot you see someone sitting near the edge of the lake.
  4608. >You can't see their face, but due to the hair and outfit, you already know who it is.
  4609. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" You say as you walk up to the long haired female.
  4610. >She turns around and it's as you guessed.
  4611. "Surprised to see you here, Trixie." You take a seat next to her and your little buddy on your shoulder jumps off you and onto Trixie, which causes her to giggle.
  4612. >"Ever since you showed me this place, Trixie couldn't stop thinking about it." She gives the squirrel a pet with her finger. "I wish I had something like this behind my house."
  4613. "I don't blame you. It's fantastic. By the way. I didn't see you at school all day."
  4614. >"Trixie skipped school today. I played sick to get out of it."
  4615. "How come?"
  4616. >"I don't know. Something just told me to. After my parents left for work, Trixie just left and came here."
  4617. "How long you been here?"
  4618. >"Around three hours."
  4619. >That's surprisingly a long time for her to stay here on her own.
  4620. >Sure this place is magnificent, but there's really nothing to do around here except admire what's around.
  4621. >You can also go for a swim in the lake, but Trixie doesn't look damp at all and you don't see a towel anywhere.
  4622. "What did you do here for three hours?"
  4623. >"Some thinking, admiring." She turns to you and looks at you with a curious expression on her face. "Say Glasses Kid. You have your choice already between Sparkle and I, don't you?"
  4624. >What the?
  4625. >How does she even know that you made up your mind?
  4626. "H-how do you know, Trix?"
  4627. >A little smile appears on her face before she answers you.
  4628. >"I had this weird dream about this angel telling me that you finally made your choice. I don't know why, but it felt so real."
  4629. >No way. Did Eatos actually go into her dreams and tell her?
  4630. >You didn't even know she can do that.
  4631. >You let out a sigh, knowing you have to tell her now.
  4632. "You're right, Trixie. I have made up my choice."
  4633. >"So. Who do you choose?" She asks you, eager to know your answer.
  4634. >It's now or never.
  4635. >Looks like you're gonna have to tell Trixie the truth, no matter how much it hurts her.
  4636. >You just wish Twilight was the first person you told, but that's not happening.
  4637. >You take a deep breath before answering.
  4638. "The one I choose, is Twilight..."
  4639. >Trixie's face instantly turns into dejection.
  4640. >She clenches up her fist, so you know there's also anger.
  4641. >Your flying buddy jumps off Trixie and runs towards the woods.
  4642. >To your surprise, Trixie releases her fist and begins to speak.
  4643. >"Sparkle, huh? Figures she beats me again... Little bitch..."
  4644. "She's not a bitch, Trixie. Why do you hate her so much?"
  4645. >Trixie starts tearing up.
  4646. >"It's not that I hate her." She wipes some tears away from her eyes. "I envy her."
  4647. "Envy her? Why?"
  4648. >"You don't get it, do you, Glasses kid? Sparkle gets everything she wanted in school. She was the winner for the fall formal queen, the spring fling queen, accepted to her college of her choice. Now she gets your heart. The most important thing I ever wanted." She looks down at the lake. "She's perfect."
  4649. >You place a hand on Trixie's shoulder, causing her to look at you.
  4650. "Nobody's perfect, Trix. She won the awards because of her personality and she's well liked. She got accepted into the college because of her hard work. As for me, I'm sorry to say, but I felt more love for her than you. I know it's not what you want to hear right now, but it's the truth. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you."
  4651. >Trixie just sits there, wallowing in her own depression.
  4652. >"I understand... I guess I have no other choice but to respect your decision." Trixie stands up. "Just do Trixie one favor, Anon."
  4653. "Sure, Trixie. What is it?" You stand up to face her.
  4654. >At this moment, Trixie plants a kiss on your cheek, causing your eyes to open wide.
  4655. >"Don't hurt Twilight. As much as Trixie hate to admit it, but she's an amazing girl. Trixie doesn't want her heart broken."
  4656. >As you're still stunned by the kiss, you manage to get words out.
  4657. "I never knew you felt that way about her. I won't hurt her. You have my word."
  4658. >"Good. Trixie will take her leave now. Thank you, Anon. I will always love you. Goodbye."
  4659. >With that, Trixie walks towards the woods, exiting the lakefront.
  4660. >All you do is touch the cheek she kissed and smile.
  4661. >You sit down on the edge of the lake, enjoying the sounds of the waterfall.
  4664. >Finally, Anon's choice has come to light, but the bad news is that he didn't choose you.
  4665. >Sparkle really is a lucky girl.
  4666. >Anon better treat her right or you'll be the first one to find him.
  4667. >Now that this is all over with, maybe you can start a brand new friendship with Sparkle.
  4668. >She really is perfect in her own way.
  4669. >As much as you try to fight it, you can't stop crying your eyes out.
  4670. >You want to just scream and cry your heart out, but you want to do in it private.
  4671. >Even though there's no one here, you just feel like you can't do in this place.
  4672. >Maybe if you go deeper in the woods, it'll work, but you don't want to get lost.
  4673. >You just stay on the trail, silently letting the tears flow.
  4674. >Everything is so blurry, due to the tears, but you do a good job on watching where you going.
  4675. >At this moment, you see someone walking on the trail a few feet away from you.
  4676. >If Anon was telling the truth about this spot being a secret, then that person should be Sparkle.
  4677. >You wipe your eyes, getting rid of any tears that stood around your eyes and face.
  4678. >Surely enough, the person gets closer to you, and it is Sparkle.
  4679. >She notices you and both of you look at each other.
  4680. >You two has been staring at each other for a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity.
  4681. >It looks like she wants to say something, but can't get the words out.
  4682. >At this point, you just walk past her, shooting her a small smile, accepting defeat to your rival.
  4683. >You don't turn back to see her face, only cause you don't want her to see the tears in your eyes.
  4684. >This is yet another battle you lost to her.
  4685. >The most important one matter of fact.
  4686. >Maybe you're destined to never beat her at anything.
  4687. >You hear Sparkle call out your name, but you do your best to ignore her voice.
  4688. >Instead, you give her a thumbs up with your back still towards her.
  4689. >Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle. Looks like the better girl did win this battle.
  4690. >Now it's time to go to a secluded spot and cry your eyes out.
  4693. >Trixie just left right past you, even though you called out her name so many times.
  4694. >You noticed that she gave you a smile as she walked past you.
  4695. >Did something just happen to her?
  4696. >Another question is why was she around here.
  4697. >The place Anon showed the both of you is so amazing, that you just had to see it again.
  4698. >That's probably why Trixie was here as well.
  4699. >Can't really blame her though.
  4700. >That place is like a dream come true.
  4701. >Speaking of dreams, you had one last night, but it didn't feel like a dream.
  4702. >It felt so real.
  4703. >An angel appears and told you that he finally made it choice.
  4704. >Does that mean Anon finally made his choice about us?
  4705. >Is that why Trixie was around here?
  4706. >Is Anon around as well?
  4707. >You just know that all your questions with be answered as soon as you get to the lake.
  4708. >As you keep walking, something lands on your shoulder, startling you.
  4709. >A glance at your shoulder shows you a flying squirrel, resting on it.
  4710. >After a while, it travels to your head and stays there, which causes you to giggle.
  4711. >At last, you finally made it to the lake.
  4712. >It's just so beautiful, you take it in by taking a deep breath and stretching your whole body.
  4713. >You look towards the lake and see someone there.
  4714. >You identify that it's Anon.
  4715. >Your heart skips a beat as you walk towards him.
  4716. "Anon?" His name just slips out your mouth.
  4717. >As he turns around, he gives you that smile you love so much.
  4718. >Butterflies starts forming in your stomach.
  4719. >"Good afternoon, Twilight." He pats the grass next to him, motioning you to sit, so you comply.
  4720. "What brings you here?" You jokingly ask.
  4721. >"Oh you know. Enjoying nature and what it brings. How about you?"
  4722. "About the same as you. I really love this place ever since you showed it to me. I couldn't stay away."
  4723. >The flying squirrel on your head jumps on Anon and he gives it a little pet.
  4724. >"Hey, little guy." He says to your furry companion. "Back again, I see."
  4725. >Everything around here is so amazing, you can't help but get lost in it's beauty.
  4726. >"Say, Twi." Anon breaks you out of your trance. "Where were you at school? I didn't see you all day."
  4727. "I had a doctor's appointment. Didn't I tell you?"
  4728. >"No you didn't. I was looking over you all day. There's something I wanted to talk to you about."
  4729. "Let me guess. It's about your choice, isn't it?"
  4730. >"H-how do you know?"
  4731. "It's really weird, but I had this dream last night about an angel about someone making his choice, so I assumed that she was talking about you."
  4732. >Anon looks a bit perplexed.
  4733. >"You too, huh?"
  4734. >You too?
  4735. >Does that mean Trixie had the same dream as you?
  4736. >If that's the case, maybe it wasn't a dream.
  4737. "Me too? Does that mean..."
  4738. >"Yes. Trixie was here a while ago and told me the same thing you told me. Having a dream about an angel. Didn't you see her on your way here?"
  4739. "Actually. I did. I was wondering why she was here, but I guess it was to see you."
  4740. >"Not true. Trixie came here on her own accord. I just met her here. From what she told me, she been here for three hours."
  4741. "Doing what?"
  4742. >"Apparently nothing. When I got here, she was just staring into the lake."
  4743. "Does she know she about you making your choice?"
  4744. >"Yes. She does. I told her everything. Even my choice." He looks at you straight in your eyes.
  4745. "So." You're scared to ask the next thing on your mind, but you manage to get the words out. "Who do you choose?"
  4746. >Anon turns his body so he is completely facing you.
  4747. >The squirrel jumps off and stands next to Anon.
  4748. >You're so nervous, you can hear your heart beating.
  4749. >What if he is gonna reject you?
  4750. >What if he chose Trixie over you?
  4751. >"Twilight." He grabs your hands and holds them in his. "I choose you."
  4752. "What!?" You randomly shout out.
  4753. >You can't believe it.
  4754. >Anon chose you instead of Trixie.
  4755. >Finally, after all that happened these few weeks, it's all over with Anon choosing you.
  4756. >You just want to cry tears of joy right now
  4757. >In the spur of the moment, you just lunge at Anon, hugging him tight.
  4758. >He is a bit surprised buy the sudden attack, but he embraces you with a hug of his own.
  4759. "Thank you, Anon... You don't know how happy I am right now."
  4760. >"I know, Twi. Now that I made my choice, I can say this with confidence." He makes you face him so the both of you are staring in each other's eyes. "I love you, Twilight."
  4761. >No way!
  4762. >He actually say he loves you!
  4763. >Your heart is beating faster than it did before.
  4764. >This is the greatest day ever!
  4765. "I love you too, Anon!" You hug him back again which he returns. "So does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?"
  4766. >"I guess we are. If you're okay with that."
  4767. "YES! I'm very okay with that!"
  4768. >Both of you laugh as you go back to enjoying the things around you, embraced in each other's arms.
  4769. >You finally did it, Twilight.
  4771. ~ANONYMOUS~
  4772. >A week has passed ever since you made your choice and you don't regret it one bit.
  4773. >Now you're walking down the school's halls with your girlfriend by your side.
  4774. >Twilight has a big smile plastered on her face, as she's close to your side.
  4775. >Everyone looks at you two and starts giving you congratulatory gestures.
  4776. >A lot of people found out about you and Twilight after you walked into school, holding hands.
  4777. >Some much questions were asked, making you and Twilight uncomfortable, but mostly Twilight.
  4778. >Others were saying how it took long enough for us to end up together.
  4779. >All in all, everyone was really supportive about it.
  4780. >Everyone except one.
  4781. >Trixie.
  4782. >You haven't seen her since that day you told her the truth.
  4783. >She hasn't been to school, messaged you, or called you.
  4784. >You'd be lying if you said you wasn't worried about her.
  4785. >Maybe you should go visit her today.
  4786. >Does she even want to see you at all?
  4787. >There's a chance that she's been avoiding you of course.
  4788. >The best choice is just ignore it all and ask Sunset if she heard from her this past week.
  4789. >You go back into reality as you hear Twilight humming a tune.
  4790. "You seem happy today, Twi." You speak up.
  4791. >"Why wouldn't I be? It's such a great day, I'm going to the college of my dreams, and I finally captured your heart." She hugs your arm tightly.
  4792. >Everyone notices the arm hug and goes 'Aww!'
  4793. >This, of course embarrasses Twilight, which causes you to chuckle a bit.
  4794. "So Twi. What you want to do after school?"
  4795. >"Sorry, Anon, but I promised my dad I'd go with him to pick out a new car today."
  4796. "I understand. Would you like a ride home then after school?"
  4797. >"Sure. I wouldn't mind." She smiles and lays her head on your shoulder.
  4798. >She's acting clingy, but you don't mind. You actually find it very cute.
  4799. >As the both of you are walking towards your next class, the school's intercom goes off, causing everyone to draw their attention to it.
  4800. >"Is this thing on?" You hear Principal Celestia's voice on the loudspeaker. "Ahem. Attention students and faculties of CHS. Due to the prom being tomorrow, I declare that school is officially over for today. You can all go home to get ready for your big day tomorrow. Remember. Be safe and have fun. That is all."
  4801. >Everyone in the hallway starts cheering and jumping for joy as they rush out the school.
  4802. "Well would you look at that? An early school day. Ready for that ride home now?"
  4803. >"Yes, Anon. Let's go."
  4804. "Hold on, Twi. I need to get something from my locker." You give her the keys to your car. "Here. Start up the car and I'll be right there."
  4805. >She looks at the keys, then at you.
  4806. >"Are you sure, Anon?"
  4807. "Of course. The car's not gonna bite, Twilight." You laugh.
  4808. >At this moment, Twilight punches your arm a bit.
  4809. >"I know that, you dork." She giggles a bit. "I'll see you at the car."
  4810. >With that, Twilight walks down the hall.
  4811. >As soon as she's out of sight, you walk the opposite direction, but not to your locker.
  4812. >Time to find Sunset Shimmer, and you probably know where to find her.
  4813. >You begin walking to the gym, taking out your phone.
  4814. >Maybe you should shoot a text to Trixie.
  4815. >You pull up her name and send a simple 'Hey.' to her.
  4816. >Hopefully she replies to you.
  4817. >You reach the gym and sure enough, you see Sunset through the door's little window, picking up the scattered dodgeballs all around.
  4818. >Slowly, you enter the gym, not drawing attention to yourself.
  4819. >Luckily she hasn't noticed you yet.
  4820. >You notice a dodgeball by your feet and a devious thought comes to your mind.
  4821. >Slowly, you pick up the ball and take your aim at Sunset's butt with the ball.
  4822. >You find a perfect opportunity and throw the ball lightly at her.
  4823. >In the matter of seconds, Sunset squats down and now her head is the target.
  4824. >This terrifies you as there's nothing you can do with what's about to happen.
  4825. >The ball knocks her square in the back of the head.
  4826. >That's it. You're done for.
  4827. >Sunset turns around, rubbing her head and notices you standing there.
  4828. >There's nothing to you can do, but just stand there and awkwardly wave at her.
  4829. >She gives you a glare that can kill thousands.
  4830. >She begins walking towards you and every step she takes makes you more scared.
  4831. >Finally, she reaches you, looking like she wants to strangle you.
  4832. >"What was that for, Anon!?" She yells at you, making you jump a bit.
  4833. "I'm sorry, Sunset! That wasn't suppose to happen! I meant to hit somewhere else! You just happened to squat down at the wrong time." You chuckle nervously.
  4834. >"Oh, well excuse me for squatting down. Why did you want to hit me anyways!?"
  4835. "As a joke! I didn't even throw it that hard!"
  4836. >Sunset lets out a sigh and puts the dodgeball you threw at her in the bag.
  4837. >"Well. That was the last ball, so I guess you helped me a bit. I'll let it slide for this time." She faces you now. "Anyways. Why are you here?"
  4838. "Oh yeah. Have you heard Trixie lately? I haven't heard from her all week and I'm honestly getting a bit worried."
  4839. >"You know, I haven't heard from her either. Not even a text. I was gonna go by her house later on today to see what's going on."
  4840. "Mind if I tag along?"
  4841. >"Sure. Since school's over, I'm gonna head over there right now."
  4842. "Cool. I'll meet you there after I drop Twilight off. See you later, Sunset."
  4843. >As you turn around to walk out the door, payback hits you like a bitch.
  4844. >You feel your head lunge forward as something clocks you in the back of the head.
  4845. >You turn around a notice a dodgeball on the floor between you and Sunset, with her wearing a big smile on her face.
  4846. >"We're even now." She picks up the ball and puts it back in the bag.
  4847. >All you can do is laugh.
  4848. "I deserve that. I'll see you later, Sunset."
  4849. >She waves you goodbye as you exit the gym and to meet back up with Twilight.
  4851. >A few minutes later, and you get inside your car.
  4852. >Twilight is sitting in the passenger seat on her phone, until she looks up at you.
  4853. >"Finally. What took you so long?" She speaks up, putting her phone down next to her.
  4854. "Sorry, Twilight. I couldn't find my phone charger in my locker. Maybe I left it at home." You start up the car. "Anyways. Ready to go?"
  4855. >"Yes, Anon."
  4856. >You give her a smile as you drive out the parking lot.
  4857. >You feel kind of bad though.
  4858. >It's only been a week, and you already lied to your girlfriend.
  4859. >You would have told her the truth, but you don't want her to know you're going to find Trixie.
  4860. >She might get jealous and upset if she found out.
  4861. >Maybe you'll tell her after you find out what happened to Trixie.
  4862. >You look over at her and she is wearing the biggest smile ever.
  4863. >It just warms your heart to see her smile like that.
  4864. >You grab her hand and take it in yours, causing her to look at you, blushing as she notices.
  4865. >She intertwines her fingers with yours, staying that way.
  4866. >All you do is focus on the road, talking with Twilight about life.
  4867. >You don't really want this moment to end.
  4868. >This is your first relationship and you would like to make it last.
  4869. >If Eatos was here, she would be so happy for you right now.
  4870. >Maybe you'll take her on your first date soon enough.
  4871. >Just got to find a really good and romantic place.
  4872. >You know how girls are with everything being romantic and shit.
  4873. >At last, you reach Twilight's house and park right in front.
  4874. "Well. Here we are, Twi." You put your car in park.
  4875. >"Thank you, Anon." She unbuckles her seatbelt and gives you a hug before exiting the vehicle. "I'll see you tomorrow at prom, correct?"
  4876. "Of course you will. See you tomorrow."
  4877. >After that, Twilight stands by the car for a few.
  4878. >It looks like she's hesitant about something.
  4879. >After a few seconds, she just waves goodbye to you and walks in her house, leaving you to your lonesome.
  4880. >Looks like Twilight wanted to ask you something or do something. Whichever.
  4881. >You let out a sigh and pull out your phone.
  4882. >Of course, there's no new message from Trixie.
  4883. >Maybe she really is trying to avoid you.
  4884. >At this moment, your phone goes off in your hand.
  4885. >It shows that Sunset Shimmer is calling you, so you answer.
  4886. ["Yeah, Sunset?"]
  4887. >["I just left Trixie's house. Her parents said she leaves early every morning and doesn't return until late. I had to make up a lie to make sure they wouldn't worry. We have to find her soon, Anon."]
  4888. >What could Trixie be up to?
  4889. >Where could she be going so early in the morning, to get home so late if she's not coming to school.
  4890. >That's it!
  4891. >["Anon! Are you listening!?"]
  4892. ["I think I know where she is, Sunset!"]
  4893. >["Really!? Where!?"]
  4894. ["Meet me at my house as soon as you can."]
  4895. >["Got it. I'm on my way!"]
  4896. >Before Sunset hangs up the phone, you hear the screeching of her tires.
  4897. >Jeez. Sunset gotta chill out before she gets a ticket for speeding.
  4898. >You wouldn't be surprised if she did already.
  4899. >Oh well. There's no time to worry about that now.
  4900. >You put your car into drive and cruise down the road to your house.
  4901. >Hopefully you're correct about this.
  4903. >A few minutes later, and you're leaning on your car, waiting for Sunset to arrive.
  4904. >This is a gamble, but this is the only place that Trixie would be.
  4905. >Let's just hope you're correct about this.
  4906. >Hopefully nothing happened to her or she didn't do anything stupid.
  4907. >Maybe you should have predicted that something like this would happened.
  4908. >You're nothing but worried right now.
  4909. >A yawn escapes your mouth as you look down the road.
  4910. >Sunset should have been here by now with the way she drives.
  4911. >In a flash, you see a car speeding down the road.
  4912. >Of course, you recognize the car and deduce that it's Sunset Shimmer.
  4913. >The car spins in a 180 and perfectly parks right in the parking spot in front of your house.
  4914. >Out comes Sunset Shimmer and she does not look happy.
  4915. "Jeez, Sunset. With the way you drive, I thought you would have beat me here."
  4916. >"Well I probably would have if it wasn't for the stupid cops." You see a ticket in Sunset's fist.
  4917. >Oops. Nice jinx, Anon.
  4918. >Well it's probably not even a speeding ticket.
  4919. "What you got busted for?"
  4920. >"Apparently for speeding."
  4921. >Of course it's a speeding ticket.
  4922. "Well you can't blame them with the way you drive."
  4923. >"I wasn't even going that fast! They just want to give out tickets like it's candy or something."
  4924. "How fast were you going, Sunset?"
  4925. >"Only 60! That's not even ticket-worthy!"
  4926. >60!?
  4927. >She honestly deserves that ticket.
  4928. "Sunset. The speed limit is 30. You went double the speed! I'd expect this from Rainbow Dash at least."
  4929. >"Whatever. There goes $200 down the drain and 5 points on my license." Sunset goes back to the car and shoves the ticket in her glove compartment before walking back to you. "Anyways. Are you sure you know where Trixie is at?"
  4930. "I'm not fully sure, but this is my best guess right now."
  4931. >"Well then. Lead the way, Anon!" Sunset starts pushing you, making you walk forward.
  4932. "Alright alright. Stop pushing and follow me."
  4933. >Sunset stops as she follows you behind your house.
  4934. >You get on the little trail that leads into the forest.
  4935. >After a few seconds of walking, you're greeted by the same scenery you seen over and over ever since you found this place.
  4936. >The same animals, the same trees, the same path.
  4937. >Nothing really changed, and that's how you like it.
  4938. >You wonder how it looks when winter rolls in.
  4939. >You turn your head, and of course, Sunset is amazed.
  4940. >Her eyes are looking all over the place.
  4941. >It's just like how Twilight and Trixie when they first saw this place.
  4942. >Maybe this place just does that to people new to it.
  4943. >You were honestly the same way when you discovered this place.
  4944. >Finally, you reach the entrance to your destination.
  4945. >Both you and Sunset arrive at the lake and it's as beautiful as ever.
  4946. >The waterfall is crashing down in the back, the grass is greener, and the lake is clear like crystal with it being more populated by ducks, swans, goose. Hell, you name it.
  4947. >There's just one thing you don't see here, and that's Trixie.
  4948. >You could have sworn she'd be here.
  4949. >You would have bet money on it.
  4950. >Now you're at a loss.
  4951. >She could be anywhere, but you know it's close to her home because she returns home every night.
  4952. >Now you don't know what to do.
  4953. >You look at Sunset and she is just lost in this place, her eyes darting all around, getting everything in sight.
  4954. >It looks like she's completely forgot why we even came here.
  4955. >This is so frustrating, it causes you to pull your hair a bit.
  4956. >If only you had a damn lead.
  4957. >That's it!
  4958. >You look at Sunset and she is staring at the lake, so you use this time to sneak away to a private place.
  4959. >Finally, you sit under a tree, away from Sunset.
  4960. >You pull out the Crystal of the Angels from your shirt.
  4961. >Now that you think about it, you never really saw it up close before.
  4962. >It's a beautiful crystal that shines brightly off the sun.
  4963. >It fits in the palm of your hand, emitting a great amount of power that warms your whole body up when you hold it.
  4964. >You're very glad that Eatos gave you this.
  4965. >At last, you hold the crystal tightly in your hand and do the technique.
  4966. >Everything around you slowly starts to fade.
  4967. >In an instant, you're at the gate between yours and Eatos' world.
  4968. >As soon as you get there, you don't feel her aura anywhere around.
  4969. >Instead, the whole place feels eerie to you.
  4970. >You feel yourself walking forward toward nothing.
  4971. >There is nothing around you.
  4972. >No sight of anything. Not even a soul.
  4973. >Out of nowhere, you feel a shock in your hand from the crystal.
  4974. >What the hell was that?
  4975. >At last, you finally see a chair-like object in the distance.
  4976. >Finally you find Eatos, or so you thought.
  4977. >"So. Are you finally ready to admit your stupidity, you ungrateful piece of shit?" A voice echoes throughout the air.
  4978. >It has you frozen in fear, but you know that voice all too well.
  4979. >It can't be...
  4980. "Dreadscythe..?"
  4981. >In a fit of rage, she turns towards you and presses her scythe to your neck.
  4982. >After a second, she pulls away after seeing your face.
  4983. >"You're her previous runt. What are you doing here? How did you get here is a better question."
  4984. >You slowly lift up the crystal until it's in her sights.
  4985. >She shakes her head and turns her back towards you.
  4986. >"Seems like Eatos really does cares for you to let you keep her family crystal."
  4987. "Yeah.. How come you're here? Where's Eatos?"
  4988. >"Eatos is locked away again. Her new kid broke her heart. Only took three days. The little bastard set a new record."
  4989. "What did he do?"
  4990. >"She, and insulted her, denied her help, and other stuff you can probably think of." She shakes her head. "Why am I even telling you all this? You still haven't answered my question, kid."
  4991. "Well, the reason why I am here, is because I wanted help with something from Eatos, but since you're here, I guess that can't happen."
  4992. >"You can't always come to Eatos everytime you need something, runt. If I didn't know any better, it looks like you're just using her."
  4993. "I would never do that!" You snap back, feeling a bit offended at her words.
  4994. >"I already know that, idiot. I can tell you care for her a lot." She sits down on her chair behind her. "Anyways. What do you need help with so you can be on your way?"
  4995. "You can help me?"
  4996. >"Depends on what it is. Make it snappy. I got to bring her kid in here in a few minutes."
  4997. "Well my friend, one the girls I had to choose has gone missing close to a week now and everyone is worried. I was wondering if Eatos can lead me to her or something."
  4998. >Dreadscythe shakes her head.
  4999. >"Sorry kid, but neither me nor her can't help you with that. Since she's no longer a part of you." She stands up and walks towards you. "I do know one thing. Always listen to the animals and nature around you. I'm sure that's what she'll say at times like these."
  5000. "Well alright... You know. you're really nice now that I think about it, Dreadscythe."
  5001. >"Don't get used to it. You're just lucky Eatos likes you." She pushes you and slams her scythe on the ground, making light surround you. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see her kid in a couple of minutes for her punishment or to see if she changed her attitude. Sayonara, kid."
  5002. "Wait!" You yell out before the light takes you away. "What happens if her new kid doesn't learn their lesson and continues to be the way they are? I was always curious about that."
  5003. >"Said kid forgets they ever had a guardian angel, but of course, before I wipe their memory, they'll get a punishment from me like I said before."
  5004. "W-what kind of punishment?" The words escapes your mouth, almost regret asking.
  5005. >"You don't want to know, kid. Depending how bad the kid acts, I will have to crush their mind to erase all the evil from it and that may scar them for life."
  5006. >Crush their mind?
  5007. >That sounds horrible.
  5008. "What happens to Eatos then?"
  5009. >"She'll return as soon as the kid forgets about me and her, but Eatos' memories will remain intact about the child who did her wrong." Dreadscythe slams her scythe on the ground once again. "Now. You held up my time long enough. Goodbye."
  5010. >In a flash, she bangs her scythe once more and you're back to where you were.
  5011. >You don't think you can get used to her way of bringing you back home.
  5012. >All of a sudden, you hear Sunset calling for you.
  5013. >Quickly, you put the crystal back in your shirt and run out from behind the tree.
  5014. "Hey, Sunset. any luck?"
  5015. >"None. Are you sure she's here? I mean it is a nice place and all, but there's no sign of her."
  5016. >This is weird.
  5017. >You could have swore she would have been around here at least.
  5018. >You're getting more irritated at the moment.
  5019. >"Hey! What the!?" You hear Sunset shout out and you turn to look at her.
  5020. >On top of her head is the same flying squirrel that greeted you, Twilight, and Trixie when you showed them this place.
  5021. "Hey little guy." Your furry friend notices you and jumps from Sunset onto you. "Long time no see, buddy."
  5022. >You give him a little pet under his chin.
  5023. >The squirrel jumps off you, making some sound you can't make out, but you can swear he's trying to talk to you.
  5024. >"I think he wants us to follow it." Sunset says as she stands next to you.
  5025. >Flying Squirrel gets really excited when Sunset finish speaking.
  5026. >You really gotta give it a name or something.
  5027. >It looks like it understands you as well.
  5028. >Maybe this is what Dreadscythe meant by listening to nature and animals around you.
  5029. >Flying Squirrel runs ahead, which causes Sunset to run after it.
  5030. >Guess you have no choice but to follow.
  5032. >A couple of minutes later, and you're a bit out of breath.
  5033. >"Come on, Anon. Out of shape already?"
  5034. >You really need to work out some more.
  5035. >All of you basically ran around the whole lake, and it's approximately 400 meters round.
  5036. >You aren't built for this shit, but Sunset is taking this like it's a walk in the park.
  5037. >Finally, Flying Squirrel stops and turns around to wait for you.
  5038. >Meanwhile, Sunset is also waiting for you, standing there with your furry friend on top of her head.
  5039. >You catch up to them, only to fall on your knees to catch your breath, mostly wheezing.
  5040. >That's it. You're going to the gym after you graduate.
  5041. >"Come on. It wasn't that bad of a run." Sunset says, kneeling down next to you to see if you're alright.
  5042. "Says you. You on the track team or something? Shit..." You try to catch your breath.
  5043. >She laughs and walks away from you, taking in more of the scenery.
  5044. >Furry boi lands on top of your head and starts pulling your hair to a certain direction.
  5045. "Damn little dude. Gimme a few to catch my breath first."
  5046. >"He really wants us to finish following him."
  5047. >You totally understand, but you want to rest for a while.
  5048. >Maybe you'll bring Fluttershy along, since she can talk to animals, or so you heard.
  5049. >That should be enough rest now.
  5050. "Alright. Lead the way, Furball."
  5051. >The little rascal starts yanking your hair towards a certain way, like before.
  5052. >You turn your head and see that he's pulling towards the waterfall.
  5053. >Why there?
  5054. >All you can do is shrug it off and walk towards that way with Sunset walking alongside you.
  5055. >Both of you reach the waterfall, and at that moment, Flying Squirrel jumps off your head and starts jumping up and down, making that sound from before.
  5056. >Sunset walks towards him and notices something.
  5057. >"Anon. Check this out." She motions you to come to her, so you comply. "There's an entrance to a cave behind the waterfall. Is this what you wanted to show us, little guy?" She turns her attention to your furry buddy.
  5058. >He gets all excited and runs into the cave.
  5059. >You really have to give him a name, and you know just the person to ask for help.
  5060. >"well. Let's go, Anon." She goes to walk into the cave, but you stop her.
  5061. "wait a minute, Sunny. Maybe one of us should stay out here. Just in case something happens to one of us, the other can get help."
  5062. >"Yeah. You're probably right. One more thing. Sunny?"
  5063. "Oh. Yeah. It's a little nickname. You don't mind, right?"
  5064. >"I guess not, Nonny." She gives you a smug look.
  5065. >You can do nothing but laugh.
  5066. "Guess I deserve that. Anyways. How are we gonna choose who goes in?"
  5067. >"How about this?" She takes out a coin. "Heads, you go in, Tails, I do. Deal?"
  5068. "Alright, cool. Flip it."
  5070. >All alone in the creepy cave.
  5071. >It's kind of dark, but there's some light coming from the top so you can see where you're going.
  5072. >You can hear water dripping in the distant.
  5073. >You wouldn't be surprised if you see some bats around here.
  5074. >If only your little buddy was here.
  5075. >Speaking of which, where the hell is he?
  5076. >You're only here because he wanted to show you something, or so you think.
  5077. >Guess all you can do is continue forward.
  5078. >Luckily it has been a straightforward path.
  5079. >No fork in the path or noth-
  5080. >Son of a bitch.
  5081. >You just had to think about forks in paths and shit.
  5082. >Staring you in the face is a fork in the road.
  5083. >One to the left and one to the right.
  5084. >Now you don't want to continue since you don't want to get lost now.
  5085. >What should you do now?
  5086. >Maybe you can flip a coin, like you did with Sunset.
  5087. >You take a coin out of your pocket and place it your thumb.
  5088. >Heads, you go left. Tails, you go right.
  5089. >You flip the coin in the air, waiting for it to drop.
  5090. >Out of nowhere, something zooms past you and grabs the coin from the air.
  5091. >It runs to the left side of the fork of the road.
  5092. >When you get a closer look, you see that it's your little furry friend.
  5093. >So looks like you found your answer.
  5094. >You make your way down the path he ran down.
  5095. >Hopefully this leads you to some type of answer on why you're in this cave.
  5096. >The deeper you go, the more light you see.
  5097. >This is confusing to you.
  5098. >You really want to turn back, but something in your chest is telling you to keep following.
  5099. >At least the pathway is becoming more clear.
  5100. >As you finally reach the end, awaits you is some type of pond with light shining on it from up above.
  5101. >The water is the pond looks so clear and clean, that it looks like you can drink from it.
  5102. >Maybe you should bring Sunset here so she can see.
  5103. >She can see this another time though
  5104. >Right now, your main focus is to find Trixie.
  5105. >If she's even in this cave.
  5106. >You let out a sigh, getting a bit stressed out by the minute.
  5107. >Where the hell is this girl?
  5108. >Just as you're about to turn back to try the other path, you see your little furball running towards you, jumping on your head.
  5109. >He starts pulling your hair to a certain direction.
  5110. "Ow. Ow! Alright! I'll listen!" You start walking the way it was pulling.
  5111. >He's like it's controlling you, going the way he keeps pulling.
  5112. >At last, you end up at another opening.
  5113. >It's a hole in the wall, just enough for a human to get through.
  5114. >As you mentally prepare yourself to go through the hole, you start hearing footsteps in the distance.
  5115. >There's no way that can be Sunset. You told her to stay outside.
  5116. >As the footsteps get louder, you adjust your eyes to the figure walking towards you.
  5117. "Anon? Are you here? Please answer!"
  5118. >Of course you recognize the voice and you can finally see who is it.
  5119. "Sunset?" You walk towards her as Furball hops off you and onto Sunset's shoulders. "I thought I told you to stay outside."
  5120. >"I know, but our friend came out of the cave and made me follow it." She points at Fluffy. "Halfway into the cave though, he left me so I had to find my way to you myself."
  5121. "Fine. As long as your safe." You turn your attention back to the hole. "Anyways. It looks like Furs led us to this hole."
  5122. >"Furs?" Sunset questions your choice of a name.
  5123. "I haven't thought of a good name, alright? I'm gonna have a certain person name it."
  5124. >Sunset shrugs it off and focuses her attention to the hole.
  5125. >"So what are we gonna do? Go in?"
  5126. "Well I don't think we can both go in unless we go in one at a time behind each other, but I'm throwing that idea out the window."
  5127. >"How come?"
  5128. >All you can do is point at her skirt.
  5129. >"Ah. Right." She puts her hand on her chin. "Since you went into the cave first, I'll bite the bullet and go in the hole and see what it leads to.
  5130. "Well alright then. Just be careful. You don't know what's beyond this hole."
  5131. >Sunset nods as she squats down and starts crawling through the hole, with Squirrel following right behind.
  5132. >You sit down on the cold ground and wait till Sunset gets back with her report.
  5133. >Hopefully you find Trixie soon.
  5135. >At least 15 minutes has past since Sunset went in.
  5136. >You called her name numerous times, but no response.
  5137. >All you can do is sit and wait.
  5138. >You check your phone and see that you don't have any service, so if you even got a message from Trixie, it'll have to wait till you get outside.
  5139. >Where the fuck are you, Trixie?
  5140. >As you put your head back to lean it on the wall, you hear something towards the hole.
  5141. >You look in the hole and see Furry running out with something in his mouth.
  5142. >Looking past him, is Sunset slowly crawling back.
  5143. >Your squirrel friend finally reaches you and drops the thing in front of you.
  5144. >As you examine it, you see that it's a wrapper from peanut butter cookies.
  5145. >If you remember correctly, peanut butter cookies are Trixie's favorite snack.
  5146. >Since this are here, that must mean Trixie is here too!
  5147. >Finally you found her!
  5148. >After a couple of seconds, Sunset comes out and dusts herself as soon as she can.
  5149. "How was it, Sunset? You must have found Trixie." You say with high hopes.
  5150. >Sunset sadly shakes her head.
  5151. >"No dice, Anon, but I can definitely say that she has been here."
  5152. "Is it because of the peanut butter cookie wrapper?"
  5153. >"Well that, but more importantly." She shows you a star hair clip that Trixie always has her hair. "I found this on the other side of the hole. On the other side is like a little room with a opening up top. It's like the perfect secret base."
  5154. "Then if she's not here, then where the fuck is she?"
  5155. >"I'm not sure, Anon, but maybe we should end the search here. I gotta take care of stuff at home and get ready for prom. I'm sure you do too."
  5156. "What about Trixie?"
  5157. >"We'll have to try again tomorrow before prom."
  5158. >Damn it.
  5159. >You were sure that Trixie would be here.
  5160. >Your furry flying friend looks a bit depressed after seeing your reaction.
  5161. >Sunset picks up him and starts petting him, letting him know what a good job he did leading us here.
  5162. "Come on. Let's get the fuck out of here." You begin walking towards the exit with Sunset walking by your side, both feeling dejected.
  5164. >11:30pm.
  5165. >Tomorrow is the prom, but you can't get no sleep.
  5166. >You're too worried about Trixie.
  5167. >All you can do is sit at your desk and stare at your phone, just waiting for a message from Trixie.
  5168. >Of course, that doesn't happen.
  5169. >After you and Sunset left that cave, you had multiple messages from Twilight.
  5170. >You replied to her, saying that you couldn't reply fast enough cause you were busy with something.
  5171. >She thankfully didn't question what you were doing and just left it at that.
  5172. >Of course you felt bad, so you stopped by and spent some time with her.
  5173. >You just got home 2 hours ago and you already wished Twilight a good night.
  5174. >Trixie missing is still heavy on your mind.
  5175. >All you can do is hope you find her sooner than later.
  5176. >Scratching your head, you head downstairs to fix yourself a sandwich.
  5177. >Slowly, you prepare your sandwich and pour yourself a tall glass of water.
  5178. >Out of nowhere, you hear your phone ring from your room.
  5179. >A sigh escape your mouth as you grab your sandwich and water, rushing upstairs to get the call.
  5180. >Probably some scam or prank caller.
  5181. >Placing the food and drink on your desk, you pick up the phone without bothering to look who is calling you.
  5182. ["Who is it and what do you want?"] You answer rudely, ready to hang up if you hear something close to a scam or prank.
  5183. >["Jeez. Is that how you talk to your friend? I would love to see how you talk to your enemies."]
  5184. >You pull the phone away from your ear and see the called ID says 'Sunset Shimmer'.
  5185. ["Shit. Sorry, Sunny. Guess I'm just a bit on edge."]
  5186. >["That's totally understandable. Anyways. I need you to come to Canterlot Hills fast. My car is parked right by the entrance closest to the swing set. Don't bring your car."]
  5187. ["What? Sunset. Have you seen the time? Can this wait?"]
  5188. >["No it can't. Now hurry."]
  5189. ["Wait! Sun-"] Before you can finish your sentence, the phone hangs up.
  5190. >All you can do is let out a groan as you grab a jacket and your sandwich on your way out the door.
  5191. >Sunset must be crazy making you come out this late at night.
  5192. >This better be good.
  5193. >You lock your door and start making your way down the dimly lit street.
  5194. >Now that you look at your surroundings, you feel a little creeped out walking down the road at night.
  5195. >You just want to get to Sunset as soon as possible so you can go home and try to get some sleep.
  5197. >10 minutes later and you finally reached the park.
  5198. >Now it is time to look for Sunset so you can get this over.
  5199. >You wander around looking for Sunset's car in this darkness.
  5200. >Good thing your glasses are top notch.
  5201. >You see Sunset's car in a alley across the street from the park.
  5202. >That's not suspicious at all.
  5203. >Sunset waves over to you to get in the car as soon as she sees you.
  5204. >You do just that and get in the passenger seat.
  5205. >"Glad you made it, Anon."
  5206. "Sunset. It is almost midnight. You dragged me out at night, in an alley. To see what?"
  5207. >"Just in time, ese. Take a look over there." She points to the park's swing set.
  5208. >You turn slowly and look at Sunset after what you heard come out of her mouth.
  5209. "Ese?"
  5210. >"I saw it in a video game. It sounded cool. Shut up and watch."
  5211. >You just shake your head a chuckle a bit, following Sunset's orders and keep watch on the swing set.
  5212. >A few seconds and you see your squirrel friend jump on a swing.
  5213. "So? Our furry pal hanging around in a park. So what?"
  5214. >"Just watch, holmes."
  5215. >Holmes?
  5216. >You know exactly what game she quoting too.
  5217. >All you can do is ignore it and just keep watching.
  5218. >After a couple of minutes of nothing happening, you're about to get out the car, but out of nowhere, you see someone walking to the swing set.
  5219. >Who the fuck would be out here this late?
  5220. >The figure you make out can tell you that it is a female.
  5221. >Your eyes widen as they focus to see who it actually is.
  5222. >It can't be.
  5223. >You see Trixie in the park, sitting down on the swing next to your flying friend.
  5224. >What the hell is Trixie doing out here late at night?
  5225. >Sure this is the safest place in the world, but you never know what could happen.
  5226. >You get ready to storm out the car, but Sunset grabs your arm to stop.
  5227. "What are you doing, Sunset!?" You exclaim at her. "We finally found Trixie!"
  5228. >"Chill, Anon. I understand that you want to talk to her about why she's doing this, but just rushing to her like that will frighten her. Maybe cause her to run away. I'm pretty sure you're the last person she wants to see right now."
  5229. >You sink in your seat, staring at the swing set.
  5230. >Sunset is right.
  5231. >Making this worst is the last thing you want to do.
  5232. >A groan escapes your mouth as you bang the car seat.
  5233. "How did you even found out she would be here?" You speak up, not taking your eyes off Trixie.
  5234. >"I heard from Rainbow Dash that she saw her here in the park last night while she was on her nightly run."
  5235. >You can feel Sunset's stare on you while you just face front.
  5236. >"Hey, Anon. How come you going this far for Trixie? I understand that she's a friend, but that's all she is to you. You have Twilight, and putting it bluntly, I am not a fan of you going all out for another girl when you have a girlfriend."
  5237. >Slowly, you rise up in your seat and look at Sunset with the most serious look.
  5238. "Exactly. She's my friend. It don't matter which friend it is. Be it you, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie. Hell. Even Rarity, Applejack, or Fluttershy even though I don't talk to them that much. I'll go out my way for all of you. I love you all like family." You feel tears start to build up, but you suck it back in. "Even if it was Twilight on that swing set and Trixie was my girlfriend, I'd be in this exact same spot. All for a friend."
  5239. >Sunset looks at you with tears in her eyes and gives you a sincere hug.
  5240. >"I never knew you felt that way, Anon. I love you too. You really are a great friend."
  5241. >You return the hug, feeling a bit happy knowing you have friends that you care for.
  5242. >She is kind of right though.
  5243. >After this, you're gonna make it up to Twilight by giving her the time of her life tomorrow at the prom.
  5244. >After a few seconds, you both break away from the hug.
  5245. "So what are we gonna do? Leave Trixie? Or go to her?"
  5246. >"Maybe we should leave her be. If she been like this all week, most likely she wants to be alone. Don't worry though. I'll visit her home early in the morning so she won't leave to that cave."
  5247. "Alright. I'll go with that."
  5248. >"You had no choice but to." She laughs and puts her car in drive. "Come on. I'll take you home."
  5249. >With that, Sunset speeds down the street, making sure to not bring attention to her.
  5250. >As long as Trixie's okay, that's all that matters.
  5251. >Now you await tomorrow for the best night of your life.
  5254. >6:00am
  5255. >Finally. You're packed to spend your day in the cave.
  5256. >You didn't go there yesterday cause something in your gut told you not to, so you just wandered around the city.
  5257. >Of course, you made sure to go to places where you couldn't be found.
  5258. >It's been a week since you talked to anyone.
  5259. >You been skipping school and everything.
  5260. >It shouldn't be that much of a problem because you're graduating in exactly 2 weeks.
  5261. >Graduation...
  5262. >Speaking of which, you remember that prom is today.
  5263. >Not that it matters to you anyways cause you'll also be skipping prom tonight.
  5264. >You look at your phone and see a lot of missed calls and text messages.
  5265. >From who is a mystery because you didn't bother to check.
  5266. >Probably Sunset or your other friends from school.
  5267. >Not that you care anyways.
  5268. >You let out a sigh as you make your way downstairs.
  5269. >You peek around and look in the kitchen to see your mother by the sink, washing dishes.
  5270. >Only your mother is awake at this time since your father got the day off today, so he is sleeping in.
  5271. >As you try to sneak away to go out the door, your mom catches you at the door, calling your name.
  5272. >"Trixie? Are you going out?"
  5273. "Yes." You softly respond.
  5274. >"And where are you going?"
  5275. "Just taking a walk around the town is all." You rush to open the door, but to your surprise, your mother is holding the door close with her hand.
  5276. >"With that bag? If you were just walking around the town, you wouldn't need a bag." She gets in front of the door and motions you to go into the kitchen. "Come have a cup of tea with me. Let's talk."
  5277. >You start to get a bit annoyed.
  5278. "Trixie don't need or want to talk, mother." You try to open the door and it just slams shut once more.
  5279. >"TRIXIE LULAMOON. Get into that kitchen right now! Or do I have to get your father?"
  5280. >The father card.
  5281. >She always pulls this when she wants something from you, but for some reason, she is more furious than she ever been.
  5282. >You grit your teeth as you slowly walk into the kitchen.
  5283. >Might as well play her game.
  5284. >As soon as you make your way into the kitchen, you hear your doorbell ring.
  5285. >Who could be here at this time?
  5286. >You peek around the corner of the wall to watch your mother answer the door.
  5287. >Your eyes widen as your mother moves out the way to let the mystery person inside your house.
  5288. >"Thank you for coming, Sunset dear. I don't know what gotten into my daughter. Hopefully you can knock some sense into her without me getting her father involved."
  5289. >"No problem, Mrs. Lulamoon."
  5290. >"I told you, dearie. Call me mom. I love you like my own daughter. You're family here."
  5291. >Sunset laughs at her comment, then notices you peeking.
  5292. >"Looks like our star is here." She points at you as your mother looks towards your way.
  5293. >"Then let us head into kitchen. I was just about to whip up some tea. Care to join us?"
  5294. >Sunset nods as she walks towards your way, giving you a look letting you know she's worried about you.
  5295. >There's no way you can sneak out now with these two and their eyes on you.
  5296. >Both you and Sunset sit at the table across from each other while your mother prepares the tea.
  5297. >There's nothing but awkward silence fills the room.
  5298. >At last, the tea is done and a cup is placed in front of everyone as your mother takes a seat between you and Sunset.
  5299. >The aroma of the tea fills your nostrils and you can instantly tell it is your favorite tea; Apple Cinnamon Tea with a dash of milk.
  5300. >"So Trixie." Sunset breaks the silence. "So nice to see you. I haven't seen you in a week. Since you haven't been coming to school."
  5301. >That comments sends your mother off the wall.
  5302. >"You been skipping school!?" Your mother slams her hands on the table, shaking the teacups.
  5303. >You get a little frightened, but all you can do is give Sunset a glare that can pierce hearts.
  5304. >Sunset just challenges your stare with her own with a slight smile on her face.
  5305. >"Answer me!"
  5306. >All you do is stay quiet.
  5307. >"Trixie Lulamoon! I been worried about you all week! You been going out early and coming back late for a week straight and honestly, I'm sick of it! Now tell me where you been going and what you been doing, or else!"
  5308. >Sunset places her hand on your mother's shoulder.
  5309. >"There's no need, Mrs. Lu- I mean mom. I have a plan to get her to talk. If this doesn't work, then you get get Mr. Lulamoon."
  5310. >Sunset is bluffing.
  5311. >Sure she has her ways of getting you to talk, but you're not gonna talk about this. No matter what she does.
  5312. >Your mother sits back down, not taking her eyes off you.
  5313. >Sunset takes out her phone and starts scrolling at her screen.
  5314. >"Here, mom. Take a look at this."
  5315. >She places her phone down on the table and what you see puts you in shock.
  5316. >It's a picture of you sitting on the swing and it's very clear that this was taken last night.
  5317. >You never been to the park at night, except for last night and the night before that.
  5318. >"This was taken last night near midnight." Sunset speaks up.
  5319. >Of course, your mother yells at you again.
  5320. >"What is the meaning of this, Trixie!? You're telling me you snuck out the house last night!? Is this the first time you did this!?"
  5321. >You continue giving the silent treatment.
  5322. >This is just building up the punishment awaiting for you, but you don't care because you do not want to talk about this to anyone.
  5323. >Especially your parents.
  5324. >"I had a feeling you wouldn't talk after this either." Sunset picks up her phone and starts scrolling at it again. "I'll just pull out my secret weapon."
  5325. >After a while, Sunset puts back down the phone, but this time with the screen face down.
  5326. >As soon as the phone hits the table, you hear it ringing.
  5327. >You laugh to yourself, knowing that she is definitely bluffing now.
  5328. >There is no one that she can call that will make you open your mouth.
  5329. >Sunset looks at your mother, putting a finger on her lips, motioning to her to remain quiet.
  5330. >A few rings later and the phone puts up.
  5331. >["Sunset?"] A familiar voice response to the call. ["Why are you calling so early in the morning?"]
  5332. >After that sentence, your eyes widen as you are now fully aware who is on the other side of the call.
  5333. >"Sorry, Anon, but I need to talk to you about something important."
  5334. >You hear a yawn on Anon's end of the call.
  5335. >You can't believe that Sunset would call the last person you want to hear from.
  5336. >["What is it, Sunny? I want to go back to sleep. Also. Why the fuck am I looking at a pitch black screen?"]
  5337. >Looking at a pitch-black screen?
  5338. >What does he mean by th-
  5339. >Oh no, she didn't...
  5340. >"Language, Anon," Sunset turns to your mother and mouths 'I apologize' to her. "and I'm sorry. I just remembered I video called."
  5341. >Sunset picks up the phone and points the camera at your mother.
  5342. >Your mother waves at the phone and you assume Anon waves back to her.
  5343. >"Sweetheart." Your mother speaks to Sunset. "May I ask who is this?"
  5344. >All you can do is give Sunset puppy dog eyes, basically begging her to not spill anything to your mother.
  5345. >Of course, Sunset doesn't seem to care about that as she begins to speak.
  5346. >"This, mom. Is the reason Trixie is acting the way she is. His name is Anonymous and Trixie is in love with this boy."
  5347. >You are screaming internally right now.
  5348. >You really want to strangle Sunset right now.
  5349. >Why the hell did she have to tell your mother of all people?
  5350. >"Is this true, Trixie?" You stay quiet when she asks you that question.
  5351. >"Yes it is true." Sunset chimes in. "Trixie loves this boy to no end."
  5352. >["Uh. Sunset. Maybe I should go."] Anon interrupts Sunset. ["You are making Trixie very uncomf-"]
  5353. >["No, Anon. You are staying. You know what Trixie has been doing. Her parents has been worried sick."]
  5354. >["Mr. Anonymous was it?"] Your mother speaks up as she takes the phone from Sunset. ["Since I won't get any information from my daughter; maybe I can get some from you. Why has Trixie been doing this?"]
  5355. >You hear Anon sigh as nervously play with your fingers, knowing he is gonna tell your mom everything.
  5356. >["Normally, I wouldn't do this, as I don't talk about my friend's business, but that is your daughter. So that is your business as well and you deserve the right to know."]
  5357. >For the next ten minutes, Anon spills the beans about everything.
  5358. >How both you and Sparkle confess your feelings towards him, the dates, the time he yelled at the both of you and how he felt sorry about it, how he chose Sparkle over you.
  5359. >Just everything and of course he didn't leave anything out.
  5360. >All you can do is just sit there, furious now that your mother knows everything.
  5361. >["And that's everything, Mrs. Lulamoon. I am so sorry for everything I caused. I didn't mean for it to get like this."]
  5362. >Your mother lets out a sigh before talking.
  5363. >["It's not your fault, dear. I just didn't expect this from Trixie. As a parent, I'm just so very worried about her well-being."] She wipes a tear from her eye before asking Anon a question. ["If I may ask you something, Mr. Anonymous. How come you picked this Twilight girl over my daughter?"]
  5364. "MOM!" You blurt out.
  5365. >Sunset chuckles a bit, then chimes in.
  5366. >["Actually. I'm curious too, Anon. Why did you choose Twilight over Trixie?"]
  5367. >All you can do is bury your face into your arms, embarrassed at the fact your mother would ask such a question.
  5368. >Of course Sunset isn't helping either, and you definitely don't want to hear why you Anon picked Sparkle over you.
  5369. >["Well..."] Anon speaks up. ["It all started when they both confessed to me. I began thinking and before I knew it, I started getting feelings for both of them."]
  5370. >Both Sunset and your mother don't say a word as they are listening intensively, and honestly, so are you.
  5371. >["It felt wrong to have feelings for them both. As the days went on and those dates ended, I knew Twilight was the one. I known her since forever. She's my childhood friend. Don't get me wrong. For all the times I've known Trixie, it felt like I knew her since childhood too. Trixie is something special and she is important to me, but I chose Twilight because we have something more. Plus, I have more love for her. I know it's not what Trixie wants to hear, but that's the truth. I do not want to lead her on and give her false hope, ya know."]
  5372. >You want to cry a bit, but you fight it back as you keep your face buried in your arms.
  5373. >["Well Anonymous."] Your mother speaks up. ["I really do appreciate you explaining everything that has been going on and looking after my daughter's feelings, making sure she doesn't get hurt in the worst way possible. She does need to learn that one heartbreak is not the end of the world. I see why she has a thing for you. You're a very sweet boy."]
  5374. >["Of course. Glad I can help in someway. Again. I am truly sorry for everything that happened. I tried my hardest to make everything right."]
  5375. >["Nonsense. You did nothing wrong. Unlike some guys I met in my life, you didn't lead my daughter on and played with her heart. You let her know what was the situation. That takes heart."]
  5376. >["Thank you, Mrs. Lulamoon. I'm just glad Trixie is doing alright. Sunset and I was were honestly worried about her, and I know you was as well."]
  5377. >["Very much so. Now, I have to talk to my daughter. It was so wonderful to meet you, Anonymous. Don't ever change."]
  5378. >Anon just lets out a hearty laugh. ["I won't, Mrs Lulamoon. It was nice to meet you too. Have a good day. Goodbye, Sunset. See you at the prom. I hope to see you too, Trixie. If you've been listening."]
  5379. >Sunset says her goodbyes and Anon finally hangs up the phone.
  5380. >Now all the attention is on you.
  5381. >"Well." Your mother speaks up. "I finally understand everything that has been going on. My only question to you, young lady, is why did you keep this from me? I understand your father, but me? You can't be worrying us like this."
  5382. >Normally, you was to stay quiet, but it's time to let everything out, since everything about you and Anon is in the air now.
  5383. "I was embarrassed, okay? This was my first time being in love, and to lose? It hurts."
  5384. >"Honey. I completely understand about being in love and rejected. It hurts. I been there, but you have to live and move on. There's other guys out there. Plus. Don't ever say lose. Anonymous is not a prize to be won. He is a human being. A good one at that."
  5385. >All you can do is listen to your mother's advice.
  5386. >Maybe she's right, but it's so hard to get over. It's like someone took your heart and snapped in it half right in front of you.
  5387. >"I'm not telling you to get over him right now, because that's impossible. What I'm telling you is that if something like this ever happens again, don't ever be afraid to talk to me. Or Sunset. We are here for you."
  5388. >"Exactly." Sunset speaks up. "We'll always be your shoulder to cry on. Don't ever make us worry again."
  5389. >Right now, you feel so much love from these two, you can't help but let the tears flow.
  5390. >As the tears drop, both your mother and Sunset bring you in for a group hug, tightly.
  5391. >It makes you feel safe in their arms, as the tears subside after a while.
  5392. >"Feel better, honey?" Your mother rubs your back.
  5393. >All you can do is nod with a smile on your face.
  5394. >"Good. Now I want you to go to prom and have a time of your life. Can you do that for me?"
  5395. "Yes, mother. I will go and I will make it a prom no one will ever forget."
  5396. >"Perfect. Cause I got you the perfect dress, and I don't want it to go to waste."
  5397. >Your mother leaves the kitchen for a bit, then comes back with the most amazing dress you ever laid eyes on.
  5398. >Both you and Sunset stare at the dress in front of you.
  5399. >It's like the night sky filled with bright stars all over and very slim, but not too revealing.
  5400. >It looks like it'll look beautiful under the moonlight.
  5401. "Mom..." You're at a loss for words.
  5402. >"That dress is so elegant." Sunset speaks up, just staring in awe.
  5403. >"Oh don't worry, Sunset. Trixie is not the only one with a new dress."
  5404. >As she says that, she reveals another dress that was hidden behind yours.
  5405. >Revealing Sunset's dress, Sunset yells in excitement, which causes your mother to giggle a bit.
  5406. >This dress was the complete opposite of yours.
  5407. >It's as blue as the sky, with the sun making it shimmer all over.
  5408. >Again, not too revealing and slim to fit Sunset perfect.
  5409. >Sunset doesn't say anything, but runs to hug your mother.
  5410. >"Thank you so much, mom. I love it."
  5411. >All you can do is smile, looking at those two.
  5412. >Sunset turns to you with a huge smile on her face.
  5413. >"Come, Trix! Let's make this the best prom ever."
  5414. >You get up from the chair as your mother hands you your dresses.
  5415. >Both of you run to your room, but you turn to your mother.
  5416. "Thank you, mother. For everything. I love you." You turn to Sunset. "You too, Sunset. I love you, sister."
  5417. >Your mother covers her mouth and just starts crying tears of joy.
  5418. >Sunset just gives you a hug, expressing her love and thanks for you.
  5419. >Time to get ready and have the best time of your life.
  5421. ~ANONYMOUS~
  5422. >5:00pm
  5423. >Finally, it's almost time to go to school for your prom.
  5424. >Your father just finished making sure your suit is perfect and fixes your tie.
  5425. >Meanwhile, your mother is jumping for joy, just waiting for Twilight to get here to take pictures of you two.
  5426. "Thank you for your help, guys." You check yourself in the mirror, making sure everything is good.
  5427. >"Nonsense, dear! I am so glad I am here to witness this. My baby is all grown up."
  5428. >That lets out a chuckle from you.
  5429. >Your mother has always been like this, and while it is a bit embarrassing, it doesn't bother you.
  5430. >As you finish looking in the mirror, the doorbell rings, causing your mother's eyes to light up.
  5431. "She's here, she's here!" She darts out of the room like a speeding bullet, causing you and your father to laugh.
  5432. >Both of you head downstairs and see the most amazing sight.
  5433. >In your living room, you see Twilight, wearing a very stunning dress.
  5434. >Her lavender dress really compliments her well, the silver glitter on her dress that represents the seven major constellations, and her make up makes her face glow even more, even though she don't even need it.
  5435. >She notices you staring at her and gets embarrassed, but also staring at you.
  5436. >"My, my!" You just notice that Twilight's parents are also here, with Mrs. Velvet walking towards you. "You look absolutely dashing, Anonymous. Doesn't he, dear?"
  5437. >"He sure does. He looks just like you when you was younger, Booker."
  5438. >Both yours and Twilight parents lets out laughter.
  5439. >Before you can get a word out, you feel yourself being pushed from behind.
  5440. >Next thing you know, you and Twilight are next to each other, joined at the hip.
  5441. >In front of you is your mother and Mrs. Velvet with cameras at the ready.
  5442. >You look at Twilight and she gives you a soft and gentle smile and grabs your hand.
  5443. >You don't hesitate and bring her close to you, posing for the hundreds of pictures they are about to take.
  5444. >Twilight blushes a bit and lays her head into you, causing everyone in the room to let out a huge "Awww"
  5446. >Finally, the pictures are over.
  5447. >The night just started and you already feel drained.
  5448. >"I'm sorry, kids." Mr. Light speaks up. "Our wives kept you here long enough. Let's get you out of here so you guys can make it on time."
  5449. >"Wait! One more picture!" Your mother yells out as you and Twilight are walking out the door.
  5450. >"No, dear. They have to get going." Your father motions you to leave quickly, and you follow his advice, closing the door behind you.
  5451. >As you close the door, Twilight lets out a giggle.
  5452. >"I think they are more excited than we are."
  5453. "It sure looks that way, doesn't it?"
  5454. >You both laugh as you grab Twilight hand and start walking towards your school.
  5455. >You would have drove there, but Twilight wanted to walk there, since it is not too far and she loves walking.
  5456. "Hey, Twilight. I wanted to say I'm sorry again that I was looking for Trixie and kept it a secret from you."
  5457. >This afternoon, you told Twilight everything that has been happening with Trixie and that you and Sunset have been worried about her.
  5458. >"It's fine, Anon. I'm not mad at you. You always been so caring and very helpful towards everyone. That's what I love about you so much."
  5459. "I love you, Twilight." She leans her head on you.
  5460. >"I love you too, Anon." She closes her eyes, trusting you as you guide her while walking.
  5462. >After walking for a while, something sends chills through your body, and pretty sure Twilight's as well.
  5463. >A blood curdling scream echoed through the neighborhood.
  5464. >Without hesitation, you start running towards the scream, with Twilight following behind you.
  5465. >As you reach the area where the scream came from, you peek over the fence that leads to the backyard.
  5466. >You see someone on the ground, with a woman hugging them as a group of 5 surrounding them.
  5467. "What happened here!?" You shout out as you jump over the fence and run towards them.
  5468. >Twilight opens the door and runs after you.
  5469. >No one even notices you as you reach them.
  5470. >The woman hugging the person is crying as you kneel beside her.
  5471. "What happened here?" You manage to get her attention.
  5472. >"Keenan... My Keenan..." The frightened woman can't speak more than those words.
  5473. >You look at the person on the ground, and confirm that it's a male.
  5474. >Slowly, you check his pulse, but it is too late.
  5475. >You shake your head, letting everyone know that he is gone.
  5476. >Everyone starts to cry as you turn to Twilight who is on the verse of tearing.
  5477. "Don't look, Twilight. You're gonna mess up your make-up. I need you to call the police and ambulance. Now."
  5478. >Twilight holds back her tears and she walks away, talking on her phone.
  5479. >You return to the crime scene and start to scan it carefully.
  5480. >Next to the body, you see a chocolate bar that is half eaten and a lit cigarette in his hand.
  5481. >Could this mean that he was poisoned?
  5482. >What could have poisoned him? Was it the chocolate? The cigarette?
  5483. >So many questions, but you'll just have to wait till the police shows up.
  5484. >"Excuse me?" Someone gets your attention as you turn to them. "Who are you?"
  5485. >A young girl with brownish hair, who looks like she is in high school asks you as you look at her.
  5486. "Just a passerby. I'm sorry to say this, but your friend is gone. Did you see what happened?"
  5487. >"No I didn't. We were all having a party, but Keenan got mad and stormed out here to the backyard."
  5488. >Keenan? That's what the lady was muttering when you kneeled down near her.
  5489. >It has to be the victim's name
  5490. >"After that, she followed him out there to talk to him." The brown haired girl points another another girl.
  5491. >The girl being pointed at is on the ground crying.
  5492. >Her jet-black hair that's to her shoulders is a bit messed up.
  5493. >Probably still in shock about what happened.
  5494. >"After a while, we heard a scream, and she ran back to tell us what happened. That's when we all ran outside to find Keenan laying on the ground like that, with her crying on him." She points at the elderly lady.
  5495. "Well then. I have more questions, but everyone here should wait till the place arrive. No one is allowed near the body."
  5496. >After hesitating, the girl agrees with you, knowing she can trust you and motions everyone to go inside, telling them the police is on their way.
  5497. >You never thought you would be in the middle of this.
  5498. >All you can do is feel bad for Twilight and she just stands there in shock.
  5499. >Only thing left to do that is wait for the police.
  5501. >"The victim was Keenan Morris, 25 years old. Cause of death is most likely poison."
  5502. >The police finally arrived and took control of things, with the inspector taking everyone's statement.
  5503. >"Ms. Katie Watson, was it? The victim collapsed right after he ate the chocolate you gave him, correct?"
  5504. >The girl with the jet-black hair just sits on the couch with her head down.
  5505. >"Yes..." Katie speaks up.
  5506. "Then this case should probably be an easy one. Isn't that right, inspector?"
  5507. >Everyone turns around, including the inspector and detectives on the scene.
  5508. >"Excuse me, but who are you?" The inspector walks up to you, demanding an answer.
  5509. >Before you can answer, Twilight steps in.
  5510. >"Come on, BBBFF. Don't you remember Anon?"
  5511. >The inspector has a look of shock, and just rushes towards Twilight and gives her a big hug.
  5512. >That's right. The inspector is Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor.
  5513. >"What are you doing here, Twily? Mom and dad told me you were going to your prom today."
  5514. "It's my fault, Shining. As we were walking to school, we heard a scream, so I ran here instantly. I made sure no one touched the body until you guys showed up, but I didn't take any statements or names. Left that for you."
  5515. >"Looks like you still playing detective, huh?" Shining throws his arm around you. "I thought you gave up on that dream. Anyways. I hope you can help. Just keep Twily safe if something goes south here. Seen too much shit when on the force, you know."
  5516. >"Are you sure about this, inspector?" A woman looking like she's in her late 20s with firey looking hair whispers to Shining Armor, but you can make out what she is saying. "He looks like a useless kid."
  5517. >"Positive, Spitfire. He is very trusted and quite intelligent. Maybe even smarter than me."
  5518. >Spitfire steps back a bit and glares at you, letting you know she don't trust you quite yet.
  5519. >Shining clears his throat to get your attention.
  5520. >"Alright. Since you are now here, you must stay until this case is over. This is a murder. I will mark you and Twily off the suspect list for obvious reasons." Shining turns to the group of people, telling you all about them.
  5521. >The jet black haired girl's name is Katie Watson. she was the one who screamed and was last seen with the victim when she gave him a chocolate bar to eat.
  5522. >The brownish hair girl that you talked to before, her name is Serena. She is in high school and was invited to the party.
  5523. >The brunette haired girl that is comforting Katie, her name is Kari Simmons.
  5524. >The guy with the muscles, his name is Tommy Walker.
  5525. >The chubby guy with glasses, his name is Norman.
  5526. >The elderly woman who was crying on the victim when you arrived, her name is Mrs. Morris, the victim's mother.
  5527. >All the people besides Serena and Mrs. Morris went to Canterlot University college and was on the soccer team, with the victim being the captain.
  5528. >Now that you think about it, all these names seem weird to you.
  5529. >It's like it's not normal. Not like names like Twilight Sparkle or Sonata Dusk.
  5530. >Right?
  5531. >"That's all the information I gathered so far." Shining finishes up, snapping you back to reality
  5532. >"All the facts are clear." Spitfire speaks up and points at Katie. "That woman was the one that murdered the victim. She poisoned the chocolate and fed it to the victim."
  5533. >"No... It wasn't me!" Katie tears up after hearing Spitfire accuse her.
  5534. >"Impossible! Katie would never try to hurt Keenan. She loved him!"
  5535. >"Then romantic issues could have been the motive. All we have to do is test the chocolate for poison."
  5536. >"Are you serious!?"
  5537. >Everything seems to fall under Katie being the killer, but is that what really happened?
  5538. >"Mommy! My tooth hurts!" A five year old kid comes out running towards Mrs. Morris as she kneels down to his level.
  5539. >"It's because you ate that chocolate when I told you not to! You have a cavity and you know that! No more sweets!"
  5540. >This causes the kid to cry a little.
  5541. >You walk over to the kid and kneel down.
  5542. "Who's this little guy?" You pat his head, ruffling up his hair.
  5543. >"He's my son. His name is Sammy."
  5544. >"Nice to meet you, Sammy. Be sure to stay out of the way, okay? Don't want you getting hurt."
  5545. >He nods his head and wipes his tears, running off to play on his own.
  5546. >You stand up and being walking to the kitchen when you see cake and cups of coffee all over the table.
  5547. >Looks like the party was going off to a good start until this happened.
  5548. >You notice a pack of cigarettes on the table next to a piece of cake that is uneaten.
  5549. >You pick up the box while wearing gloves so you won't get your fingerprints on it.
  5550. >After examining it, you notice that it's those filterless cigarettes.
  5551. >Of course, it was empty.
  5552. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sammy take a sip of the coffee.
  5553. "Hey, Sammy. You can't drink that." You take the coffee from him as he makes a face of disgust.
  5554. >Must have been too bitter for him.
  5555. >His mother walks in and looks at him making the face as she grabs a piece of cake and offers it to him, which he gladly accepts.
  5556. "Ma'am. He can't be eating that since there's a crime here."
  5557. >She puts a finger on her lips.
  5558. >"It'll be our secret."
  5559. >You let out a sigh, letting it slide.
  5560. >You look back at the table and see all the pieces of cake have been eaten, except for one.
  5561. "How come this piece haven't been eaten?"
  5562. >"That was Keenan's. He doesn't like sweet stuff, so he just drank his coffee."
  5563. >Some people don't have that sweet tooth.
  5564. >You just ignore it, thinking not much of it.
  5565. >As you leave the kitchen, you see Mrs. Morris cleaning up the table.
  5566. >You just let her do what she wants.
  5567. >All you can is shake your head and go back to the living room, with Spitfire still arguing with Kari.
  5568. >Probably about Katie being the prime suspect.
  5569. >It does makes all the sense in the world.
  5570. >The victim did die after he ate the chocolate she gave him.
  5571. >As you think hard about all this, you see Norman light a cigarette.
  5572. >Cigarette...
  5573. >That's it!
  5574. "Shining. There could be another way that Keenan could have been poisoned." You hold up the evidence baggy containing the cigarette found on the body.
  5575. >"He's right, Shining!" Twilight speaks up. "When we arrived, he had a lit cigarette in his hand."
  5576. >Shining looks at the cigarette and thinks about it.
  5577. >"Well that is a possibility. There's many ways to poison a cigarette, but the question is, how did the killer get the poison on the cigarette without the victim noticing?"
  5578. >As we were giving it a thought, Serena jumps up and points at Norman.
  5579. >"Before Keenan stormed out, he noticed his pack of cigarettes was empty, so Norman gave him a pack of new cigarettes!"
  5580. >Everyone's attention turns to Norman who just has a still look on his face.
  5581. >"Norman. How could you kill him?" Tommy speaks up.
  5582. >"Well?" Spitfire speaks up. "We can always test the cigarette for poison."
  5583. >Norman puts out his cigarettes and to everyone's surprise, he confessed.
  5584. >"That's right. I did it." Norman clenches his fist. "I hated him so much! Keenan always made a fool of me! He also hurt Katie, even though she loved him! That's why I poisoned the cigarette filter!"
  5585. >Wait a minute...
  5586. >Poisoned the cigarette filter?
  5587. >No. He did not do it.
  5588. >So who is the murderer?
  5589. >"Mommy! My tooth still hurts!" You hear Sammy crying from the kitchen, so you glance over.
  5590. >You see Mrs. Morris cleaning the coffee cups.
  5591. >How can she clean dishes at a time like this?
  5592. >...
  5593. >That's how it was done!
  5594. >As Shining Armor and Spitfire goes to take Norman to the station, you speak up.
  5595. "Hold on a minute, guys. He is not the killer."
  5596. >"What are you talking about, newbie!?" Spitfire snaps at you. "He clearly confessed. We all heard it."
  5597. >Everyone nods in agreeance.
  5598. "He did indeed plan to murder the victim, but he failed. Have a look at the cigarette brand."
  5599. >Shining scans the cigarette once more.
  5600. >"What's wrong with it, Anon?"
  5601. >You hold up the victim's pack of cigarettes.
  5602. "These cigarettes are unfiltered. I would assume that all cigarettes he smokes are the same way."
  5603. >"He's right." Katie speaks up. "He never liked the filter."
  5604. "After receiving the cigarettes from Norman, the victim removed the filter before lighting one up. We can confirm by looking at the cigarette that was left, he did not smoke the part that had poison on it."
  5605. >After hearing your deduction, everyone is even more confused.
  5606. >"Then who was the one that killed Keenan, Anon?" Twilight speaks up.
  5607. "The person who murdered Keenan Morris was..." You point at the elderly lady. "you, Keenan's own mother."
  5608. >This causes everyone to stare at Mrs. Morris.
  5609. >"What are you saying!?" She snaps at you, getting a bit loud. "How could I have killed him!?"
  5610. "By poisoning the food."
  5611. >"You idiot! Everyone ate the same food!"
  5612. >"It's true, dude. We all ate the same." Tommy agrees with Mrs. Morris.
  5613. "That is correct, but only Keenan died. He died cause he didn't eat."
  5614. >"What do you mean by that, Anon?" Twilight asks, even more confused.
  5615. "Mrs. Morris. I heard you were very angry with Sammy when he had some chocolate, but yet you let him have some cake in the kitchen earlier. Why is that?"
  5616. >Everyone is just listening to you intensely, waiting for what's to come next.
  5617. "That's because you put poison in the coffee, but also you put the antidote in the cake. When you heard me tell Sammy that he shouldn't be drinking the coffee, you rushed and made sure that he had a piece of cake that had the antidote."
  5618. >Twilight is just standing there amazed as you continue the deduction, with Shining standing there with an impressed look on his face.
  5619. "You knew that Keenan wouldn't eat the cake because you yourself told me he doesn't like sweet stuff. Upon using this plan, you decided to use that fact that Katie loved him to your advantage. You knew for a fact that Keenan would eat Katie's chocolate, even though he didn't like sweets. Since you were the first person near Keenan, you took the chocolate that he partially ate and swapped it out for the poisoned chocolate. All while trying to make Katie look guilty."
  5620. >"This is just pure speculation! You have no proof!" Mrs. Morris clearly heard enough, but you are not done.
  5621. "Actually. I do have the proof. It's in the coffee cups. Before the police could leave, you washed the cups as quickly as possible. No matter how much you watch the cups, forensic will still find the poison. Even if there's none left in the cups, the poison can still be found in the drain pipes."
  5622. >The mother just stands there, in shock. Not believing a word.
  5623. "Mrs. Morris. It looks like it is starting to melt. Katie's chocolate bar that you hid in your sweater pocket that is."
  5624. >Clear as day, you see a brown spot on the sweater pocket, causing her to panic and try to hide it.
  5625. >She is clearly furious now and barks at you.
  5626. >"Bullshit! How would I know that he would eat Katie's chocolate!? Why would I kill my own son!?"
  5627. >"No!" Kari yells out. "Keenan's real parents died years ago, then you, his father's sister took him in!"
  5628. >Everyone's eyes go wide after hearing what Kari had to say.
  5629. >"Keenan liked Katie because she looked like his real mother. That's exactly how you knew that he would eat Katie's chocolate!"
  5630. >After hearing that last remark, Mrs. Morris just falls to her knees, crying her eyes out while hugging Sammy.
  5631. >"I'm sorry, Katie!" She exclaims. "I saw you buying chocolates at the store one day, and that's how I got the idea."
  5632. >All everyone could do is just look at her, as she explains on why she did what she did.
  5633. >"I had no other choice! We desperately needed Keenan's inheritance because my husband's company went under! I just wanted to protect this house and Sammy's happiness!"
  5634. >Her screams and tears echoed throughout the whole neighborhood.
  5636. >After what feels like forever, the police handcuffed the mother and took her to the station.
  5637. >Everyone went home, with Sammy going with Katie.
  5638. >All except for Norman who also went to the station for attempted murder.
  5639. >Spitfire walks up to you, extending her hand to you.
  5640. >"I'm sorry I was kind of hard on you, dude. Shining Armor was right about you. We can use a brain like that on the force. What do you say?" She extends her hand to you.
  5641. >You take her hand and give her a firm handshake, but before you can answer, Shining interrupts you two.
  5642. >"She's right, you know. You are always welcome as a detective here. I promise you. I can get you a job in our unit. Think about it."
  5643. >Before you can say anything, Spitfire and Shining get in their car.
  5644. >"Goodbye, Twily! I'll see you later! Have fun at the prom!" Shining yells out before driving off.
  5645. >Twilight waves goodbye to the car as it drives away.
  5646. >"Wow." Twilight just stares down the road. "You are so amazing, Anon. I didn't think you were this smart. Plus. Shining wants you to join the CLPD. That is a very big deal."
  5647. >This causes you to get a bit embarrassed.
  5648. "Thanks, Twi, but it's nothing special. It's just simple observation and putting the pieces together."
  5649. >"Nothing special!? You have a special talent! Wait till everyone hears about this."
  5650. >You chuckle a bit as you check the time.
  5651. "Well we better hurry if you want to tell them." You show her the time, showing 7:00pm.
  5652. >"Oh gosh! We're late! Let's go, Anon!" She grabs your arm and starts pulling you.
  5653. >You give it, letting her lead the way.
  5654. >You're very glad that this didn't scare her or ruin her mood.
  5655. >Of course, you will talk to her about it later, but right now. You just want to have fun with the girl you love.
  5657. >7:15pm
  5658. >After all that time, you finally make it to school.
  5659. >All the girls crowd Twilight asking why is she so late and complimenting her dress and how she looks.
  5660. >You're surprised all that running didn't make her sweat to mess up her make up.
  5661. >You can barely hear their conversation, but she must be telling everyone what happened, cause all the girls, including Twilight rushes to you and asking so many questions.
  5662. >Before you can get a word out, you hear your name being called.
  5663. >"Anonymous! Can I speak with you for a minute!?" You see principal Celestia and VP Luna walking towards you.
  5664. "Sure!" You turn to everyone, telling them to meet you inside.
  5665. >They do so, giggling on their way inside.
  5666. "Hello, ladies." You turn your attention to the leaders of the school. "What's going on?"
  5667. >"Well." VP Luna speaks up. "We have something to give you. For some reason, we thought it came late, but it turns out my clumsy sister forgot to give it to you."
  5668. >Celestia looks a bit embarrassed as she hands you an envelope.
  5669. >"I'm so sorry, Anonymous. It completely flew over my hand with everything that has been going on."
  5670. >You take the envelope from Celestia.
  5671. "I understand. I'm not mad." You open the letter. "So what is this about?"
  5672. >Slowly, you read the letter.
  5673. >As you finish, you couldn't believe your eyes.
  5674. >It was an acceptance letter just like Twilight's.
  5675. >All 5 ivy league schools want you to go there.
  5676. "A-are you serious?" You can't take your eyes off the piece of paper. "I thought I didn't get accepted at all since I didn't hear anything."
  5677. >"I take full blame." Celestia speaks up. "I was meaning to give it to you, but everything going on, plus you being in the hospital, it completely slipped my mind."
  5678. >This is amazing!
  5679. >You know exactly what school you are going to!
  5680. >You and Twilight will not be apart.
  5681. >Of course, you're going to Mane-
  5682. >Wait...
  5683. >What about Shining Armor's offer to join the CLPD?
  5684. >That's a once in a lifetime offer, but so is going to Manehattan University...
  5685. >Is this the choice that Eatos was talking about?
  5686. >Eatos... You have to speak to her right now, but what if Dreadscythe is still in control?
  5687. >"Anonymous?" You see VP Luna waving her hand in your face. "Is everything okay? You spaced out for a second there."
  5688. "Yeah... Just deep in thought..."
  5689. >"Of course you are. You must be so proud. Do you know what school you'll be choosing?"
  5690. "That's the thing... There's a chance I might not choose any of them..."
  5691. >"What!?" The sisters both yell in unison. "You can't be serious, Anonymous."
  5692. "I got a job offer to join the CLPD and now a choice between 5 schools. I don't know what to do."
  5693. >Both the sisters look at each other, with Celestia putting her hand on your shoulder.
  5694. >"I completely understand. So many great choices, but only one to choose from is a very difficult thing in life. If you ever need any guidance, you can always speak with me and my sister."
  5695. >All you can do is just stare at your acceptance letter in silence.
  5696. >Both Luna and Celestia gets the hint and lets you know that they will let you be alone with your thoughts.
  5697. >You sit down next to the statue, not taking your eyes off the letter.
  5698. >Now that you got the alone time, you pull out of the Crystal of the Angels and begin the technique.
  5699. >In a flash, you are instantly brought to the gateway between yours and Eatos' world.
  5700. >Just like everytime you come here, there's nothing around.
  5701. >You walk around aimlessly, trying to find a trace of Eatos or Dreadscythe.
  5702. >As you stop for a while, a beam of white light shines behind you, causing you to shield your eyes when you turn around.
  5703. >The light begins to dim, showing an angelic figure.
  5704. >This is just like when you first met Eatos, except she's not in a ball-like form.
  5705. >The figure starts to float towards you.
  5706. >"Greetings, my child. It's very nice to meet you. My name is Eatos and I'm yo-" Eatos stops herself from talking as she lays eyes on you.
  5707. "Eatos? Is it really you?"
  5708. >Eatos just floats in place as you both stare at each other.
  5709. >To your surprise, you notice that she is wearing the pair of glasses you gave to her.
  5710. >She opens her mouth to get a word out, but in a instant, you run to give her a hug, which she gladly accepts, wrapping her arms and wings around you.
  5711. >The warmth that her wings are radiating is so nostalgic.
  5712. >"This is such a surprise." Eatos pulls away and looks at you "I feel like I haven't see you in so long. It's weird. I never been this happy seeing one of my former children. I was excepting my new child, but this is definitely better."
  5713. >All you can do is give a big doofy smile.
  5714. >You've missed Eatos so much.
  5715. >Even though it's been a week, it feels like you haven't see her in years.
  5716. "I'm so happy to see you, Eatos."
  5717. >"As am I, Anonymous. To what I owe this surprise visit?"
  5718. "Well. To be honest, I was wondering if I can ask you a question about what you told me before when we first met."
  5719. >After Eatos hears your request, she summons two chairs behind the both of you.
  5720. >"Well then. Take a seat and I'll see if I can help you." She gestures you to take a seat, as she sits on her chair.
  5721. "Are you sure? You're not too busy, aren't you?" You does as she says and take a seat, and hot damn this chair is so comfortable.
  5722. >You sink right into the chair and it leaves you feeling like you are on a cloud.
  5723. >"Positive, Anonymous. Plus. I want to be a little selfish and I want to talk with you for a while. Is that okay?"
  5724. "Of course it's okay!" You say immediately. "I've wanted to talk with you for a long time."
  5725. >As that sentence comes out your mouth, you remember about your prom.
  5726. "Wait. Is there anyway that you can freeze time? I was just about to go to prom and I don't want to miss it."
  5727. >"Well you're in luck. Time is frozen in your world right now. Everytime you summon me, time instantly freezes. Can't have you summoning me with time still going and people looking at you while you are staying still like you are now."
  5728. >Well that makes sense to you.
  5729. >"Anyways. You have all the time in the world. Shall we start? I want to hear everything."
  5730. >A big smile forms on your face as you begin telling Eatos what happened during your last meetup.
  5731. >You told her about Trixie going missing for a week, asking Dreadscythe for help when you called for her, all the time you spent with Twilight, solving a murder mystery, getting a job offer for the CLPD, and just getting accepted to the 5 best schools in the world.
  5732. >Eatos just sits there, listening intensively.
  5733. >The look she is giving you as you talk about everything just tells you that she is extremely proud of you and what you've done.
  5734. "And that's everything that happened ever since I last spoke with you." You finish up with Eatos looking like a proud parent.
  5735. >"Well done, Anonymous. Hasn't been that long, but you have grown immensely. Especially with the job and school offers. That is a huge accomplishment for just a teenager."
  5736. "Thank you, Eatos. It feels so surreal, you know, but that's what I wanted to ask you. The job and school offers. Is this the decision you were talking about?"
  5737. >"Yes it is. This decision will be harder than choosing between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. The new question is. Will you work as a detective? Or will you go college with the one you love?"
  5738. >This causes you throw your head back in the chair, going deep in thought.
  5739. >What a cruel choice.
  5740. >Going with Twilight back to your hometown for college together would be the most reasonable one, but getting a chance to be a detective for CLPD?
  5741. >There's no way you can pass either of these things up.
  5742. >"When you make up your mind of what you want to do, I promise you that everything will go well for you. I feel it in my heart."
  5743. >You look at Eatos and see that she's wearing an assuring smile.
  5744. >A smile that you know deep down you can trust.
  5745. "I guess you're right, Eatos. I guess I shouldn't be sulking too much."
  5746. >"You have every right to, child. These are decisions that can affect your life greatly. I just hope that when you make your choice, you let me know."
  5747. "You bet I will. You'll be the first to know."
  5748. >She gives you a warm smile, happy about what she heard.
  5749. >As you're about to say another word, you hear bells chiming over you and Eatos.
  5750. >"Well. Looks like my time here is done." She stands up from the chair and floats over to you, causing you to stand as well. "My new child is finally ready to meet me. Guess this is goodbye."
  5751. "This is not goodbye, Eatos. This is "See you later" cause we'll be talking again real soon."
  5752. >Eatos gives you a hug, which you return.
  5753. >"See you soon, Anonymous." She spreads her wings and a beam of light surrounds you. "Before you leave, I must say you look quite handsome in that suit."
  5754. "Thank you, Eatos. You look great in those glasses."
  5755. >Both of you let out a laugh.
  5756. >She waves goodbye to you and you do the same.
  5757. >In a flash, you are back at Canterlot High in the same spot where you were before.
  5758. >Talking to Eatos always makes you feel better.
  5759. >Now it's time to have the best day of your life.
  5761. >Finally you walk into the gym where the prom is being held.
  5762. >Everyone is having the time of their lives.
  5763. >Looks like they got Vinyl Scratch DJing.
  5764. >Makes sense since she is the only one for the job.
  5765. >Cause of her, the music is great and everyone is bumping to it.
  5766. >You wouldn't be surprised if Pinkie Pie was the one who helped set the prom up.
  5767. >The decorations had to be done by Rarity herself.
  5768. >Everything looks go elegant and the disco ball on the ceiling is a nice touch.
  5769. >Can't believe the prom is finally here.
  5770. >All you have to do is find Twilight and your friends to spend time with them.
  5771. >Hopefully you can also have some alone time with Twilight. Maybe your first dance with her.
  5772. >You want to make this a night she can remember.
  5773. >As you maneuver through the sea of people, you find yourself in front of a big stage.
  5774. >All of a sudden, the music suddenly stops, causing everyone to get a bit upset, asking where the music is at.
  5775. >"Hello? Can I have everyone's attention, please?" You look towards the voice and notice Celestia is on the stage. "I am glad to see everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. I'm sorry that the music has stopped, but these girls wanted to make this prom a little more exciting. So without further ado. Here's the Rainbooms performing for you guys!"
  5776. >As soon as Celestia finishes her speech, you see the Rainbooms come out with all their instruments.
  5777. >Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and even Sunset Shimmer.
  5778. >Honestly, you forgot that these girls were a band.
  5779. >They formed in freshman here after Twilight won the Fall Formal.
  5780. >Sunset joined a few months after they formed.
  5781. >Everyone loved their music.
  5782. >They disbanded their band in junior year when everyone decided to do their own thing.
  5783. >Now that they are back for the prom, this is amazing.
  5784. >All the students roars with excitement as the girls enter the stage, and you can't help to do the same.
  5785. >"Good evening everyone!" Twilight starts speaking into the microphone. "I know it's been a long time since we've all performed, but we are confident that you will love what we got in store."
  5786. >Again, they cause a huge cheer and a Rainbooms chant to erupt.
  5787. >The Rainbooms all have smiles on their faces.
  5788. >Everyone gets in position.
  5789. >"Is everyone ready to rock!?" Rainbow Dash yells into the mic and throws a bunch of clip on tails and ears into the crowd.
  5790. >Everyone lets out thunderous cheer as they put on the accessories.
  5791. >"1. 2. 3. HIT IT!" Pinkie bangs her drum sticks together and they start playing.
  5792. >Everyone is just jamming out without a care in the world.
  5793. >Honestly, you find yourself dancing like a fool too.
  5794. >Their music was always so catchy.
  5795. >They were very popular back in the day.
  5796. >It's such a shame they broke up, but the fact they are back tonight makes it all the better.
  5797. >The song finishes, and students are cheering for more, yelling for an encore.
  5798. >"Well. What do you say, girls? Should we give them what they want?" Pinkie is the first to speak up.
  5799. >"But of course, darling!" Rarity jumps up, ready for more.
  5800. >Fluttershy just nods her head, showing her excitement.
  5801. >As they are about to start the next song, a group of students interrupts them.
  5802. >"Hold on there, Rainbooms." The cheeto-puffed hair girl Adagio Dazzle along with her two sisters walk on the stage with microphones in their hand. "Since you are back for tonight, how about you have a battle with the Dazzlings?"
  5803. >The Dazzlings have smug looks on their face as everyone stares them on.
  5804. >The crowd is not pleased, forcing them to boo the Dazzlings.
  5805. >As you can tell, those 3 aren't well liked in this school.
  5806. >They tried to boss everyone round, forcing them to like them.
  5807. >Of course, it had the complete opposite effect.
  5808. >The Dazzlings take note of this, but they don't care.
  5809. >"What do you say, Rainbooms? One final battle." Aria speaks up, showing her unrivaled confidence.
  5810. >All the members of Rainbooms look at each other and everyone of them gives a smile and nods their head.
  5811. "Fine." Sunset is the one to step up. "We're always down for a challenge. Hope you're ready to keep up."
  5812. >Everyone on stage gets in place.
  5813. >The music starts and The Dazzlings are the first to start the battle.
  5814. >Dazzlings' part starts off pretty well for them, and to be honest, they sound amazing.
  5815. >Those notes they are hitting are on key, not missing a beat.
  5816. >It sounds so hypnotic and so are their dance moves.
  5817. >Some students are actually bopping and tapping to them.
  5818. >Even the teachers and staff are getting into it.
  5819. >Rainbooms' part is no pushover.
  5820. >They are giving it their all against their opponents.
  5821. >The surprise verse by Sunset is very unexpected.
  5822. >She's making sure to give it her all, along with everyone else.
  5823. >Of course though, mostly everyone is on the Rainbooms side, cheering as loud as humanly possible.
  5824. >Some even start singing along.
  5825. >The best part, it looks like everyone is having fun.
  5826. >Even the Dazzlings.
  5827. >The song ends and it is greeted with thunderous applause.
  5828. >A mixture of Rainbooms and Dazzlings chants fill the entire gymnasium.
  5829. >To your surprise, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings get together to give the entire student body a bow with the cheers showing no signs of letting up.
  5830. >Those girls really blew the roof off this place.
  5831. >This is definitely a night to remember.
  5832. >Suddenly, Principal Celestia runs up on stage.
  5833. >"What a performance by these ten girls! Lets give it up for them one more time!"
  5834. >Once again, everyone cheers loud without a care in the world.
  5835. >As the cheering dies down, Celestia speaks again.
  5836. >"Well then. You girls did a magnificent job, but. In every battle, there is a winner and a loser and you kids are gonna be the one to vote. First. Let's hear it for the Dazzlings!"
  5837. >Surprisingly, the Dazzlings get a massive cheer, with some chanting their name.
  5838. >"Well well. Looks like Dazzlings have a chance. Now. Give it up for your Rainbooms!"
  5839. >To no surprise, everyone literally yells for the Rainbooms.
  5840. >You could have swore you felt the ground shake.
  5841. >It makes sense though.
  5842. >You thought the Rainbooms were better, but it was very close.
  5843. >You almost found yourself cheering for the Dazzlings, even though they were spectacular.
  5844. >"It looks like we have a winner! The Rainbooms!"
  5845. >The Dazzlings look disappointed, but they all offer a handshake to the Rainbooms.
  5846. >For them to show great sportsmanship is so out of character for the Dazzlings, but looks like everyone can change.
  5847. >What an amazing show they put on.
  5849. >10:00pm.
  5850. >A few hours has passed and people are still having a good time, but you know everything is coming to an end.
  5851. >Vinyl Scratch is no longer DJing and gave the musical rights to Octavia.
  5852. >The Classical Queen as you call her.
  5853. >Slow music is now playing.
  5854. >You and Twilight are just swaying to the music on the dance floor.
  5855. >Right now, you feel like you're the only two existing right now.
  5856. >This feels so calming as you're dancing with your girlfriend.
  5857. "You were amazing up there, Twi." You're the first to break the silence.
  5858. >"Thanks, Anon." Twilight responses as she clings to you with her eyes closed, laying her head on your chest. "Being with you like this is so much better though."
  5859. >You rub her back as you bring her close to you.
  5860. "I feel the same way. I don't want this moment to end. I just wish time with just stay still."
  5861. >That honestly can be possible with Eatos' help, but you won't take advantage of her for your selfish desires.
  5862. >"By the way." Twilight looks up at you as you two continue to move to the music. "What did Principal Celestia & Vice-Principal Luna need you for?"
  5863. >That's right. You never told Twilight what happened.
  5864. "Oh, that..." You reach in your inside jacket pocket and hand her your acceptance letter.
  5865. >Twilight opens the letter and slowly reads it.
  5866. >As she's reading, you can see her eyes light up like the brightest star.
  5867. >"Anon, this is amazing! We have the exact same acceptance letter!" She lunges herself at you and wraps her arms around you.
  5868. >You slowly return the hug which last for a few seconds.
  5869. >As Twilight lets go to look at you, she notices that you have a troubled look on your face.
  5870. >"What's wrong, Anon? Aren't you happy?" She places her hand on your face, and you cover it with your hand.
  5871. "I'm very happy. Ecstatic actually."
  5872. >"It sure don't look like it... We can finally go back home together. Isn't that what you want?"
  5873. "More than anything in the world, but..." You pause for a bit, causing Twilight to give you a sad look. "What about about that offer from Shining Armor? To be part of the CLPD."
  5874. >Twilight's face is just hit with more sadness.
  5875. >"Oh yeah... I forgot all about that..."
  5876. "I'm sorry, Twi. I really do want to go to college with you, but I have to at least think about this."
  5877. >Twilight just clings onto you, squeezing tight.
  5878. >"I understand, Anon. I'm not mad. It's a difficult choice."
  5879. >You can just tell Twilight is hurt by this by the sound of her voice.
  5880. >No words escape your mouth, so you just hold her close to you, swaying back and forth.
  5881. >After a moment of silence between you and Twilight, the music stops and everyone looks towards the stage.
  5882. >On stage is VP Luna with a microphone in hand.
  5883. >"Attention, students. As you can tell, this prom is closing to an end. I hope all of you enjoyed your night, but before this night ends, we had a very special request by someone and my sister and I just couldn't refuse after hearing the reason."
  5884. >As soon as she finishes, two people walk on stage together.
  5885. >One of them being Sunset Shimmer and the other is...
  5886. >Trixie!?
  5887. >You can't believe your eyes.
  5888. >Honestly, you thought Trixie wouldn't show up due to what happened, but I guess she bounced back.
  5889. >Sunset had to have something to do with it.
  5890. >Now that you look at them, they are basically like twins, but different if that makes sense
  5891. >Trixie in the dress she is wearing is like she is representing the night itself.
  5892. >Sunset is the same way with her dress, but instead of night, it is day for her.
  5893. >"Hello everyone." Sunset is the one to speak up. "We are here on stage, because my best friend, my sister Trixie wanted to do a performance. I'll let her explain in her own words. I hope you all will give her your undivided attention."
  5894. >Sunset hands the mic to Trixie, and you can just tell Trixie is very nervous.
  5895. >"Good evening." Trixie finally speaks up. "As Sunset was saying, Trixie has a performance she would like to do. Before that, I want to say a couple of things. First of all, as everyone knows. Spa- Twilight Sparkle and Anon have become a couple. What you all probably didn't know is that I also had feelings for Anon."
  5896. >This causes everyone to look at you and Twilight.
  5897. >"When Trixie found out that those two were a couple, it completely broke her. I went off the grid for a while and worried everyone around me. Thanks to my sister, Sunset Shimmer and my parents, I am here today and have the courage to say what I am about to say."
  5898. >Everyone is just listening to Trixie intensively and honestly, so are you and Twilight.
  5899. "First of all, Trixie want to congratulate Anonymous and Twilight Sparkle on being a couple. It pains Trixie to say this, but you two are perfect for each other. Second. Trixie wants to apologize to Twilight Sparkle. Sorry that Trixie was so rude and mean to you. I was just jealous that you spent so much time with Anon. It just hurts seeing the one you love with someone else."
  5900. >Twilight is just tearing up listening to Trixie's speech.
  5901. >"The final thing that Trixie wants to get off her chest. Anon AKA Glasses Kid. I love you. I still do. I know you are with Twilight, but you cannot stop someone from loving someone. That's why I want to sing a song describing how I feel."
  5902. >Trixie finishes up and everyone starts clapping, showing their support for her.
  5903. >To your surprise, Twilight is the one clapping the most.
  5904. "Are you sure you want to hear this, Twi? We can leave if you want."
  5905. >"No. I know what Trixie is going through. She must be hurting. It's only right to hear out her feelings."
  5906. >This is not what you expected, but you guess Twilight has a point.
  5907. >Twilight grabs your hand, so you return the favor, interlocking your fingers.
  5908. >Both of you just stand there, waiting for Trixie's song.
  5909. >The music starts with Sunset and Trixie getting ready.
  5910. >As Trixie sings, you can't help but feel amazed and hurt at the same time.
  5911. >You knew how she felt about you, but you didn't know it was this strong.
  5912. >You look at Twilight, and she is just tearing up at the sound of Trixie's voice.
  5913. >She must feel her feelings through the song as well.
  5914. >As the song keeps going on, you notice lots of students are tearing up.
  5915. >Looks like Trixie's song is hitting home for everyone.
  5916. >Not to mention her voice is amazing with every word.
  5917. >Trixie finally finishes and everyone is just moved to tears, causing everyone to cheer for Trixie.
  5918. >She has a smile on her face, but you know that she is hurting inside.
  5919. >"Trixie thanks you all. I hope you all en-" Trixie pauses as she looks to her left.
  5920. >On the stage is Twilight, with tears in her eyes.
  5921. >The two of them stare at each other, almost like a staredown.
  5922. >Out of nowhere, Twilight walks up to Trixie and brings her in for a hug.
  5923. >This surprises Trixie, but she quickly returns Twilight's kind gesture with tears of her own.
  5924. >"Trixie's sorry. She really is." Everyone hears Trixie's weak voice, but Twilight just hugs her tighter, letting her know she has nothing to be sorry for.
  5925. >Twilight really is a kind soul.
  5926. >You have no regrets choosing Twilight.
  5927. >Sure Trixie is hurt, but it's like Eatos said. Whoever you don't choose, has to get over it.
  5928. >Sounds a bit harsh, but that's life.
  5929. >"Give it up one more time for The Great & Powerful Trixie!" Twilight yells out into Trixie's mic.
  5930. >Of course, everyone just erupts in cheers.
  5931. >Trixie brings in Sunset and Twilight for a group hug.
  5932. >Finally. It looks like Trixie and Twilight on are good terms.
  5933. >This brings a smile to your face.
  5935. >A few minutes pass, and you are sitting with Twilight, drinking some punch.
  5936. >Some have already left, but most stood just chatting with their friends.
  5937. >Prom is getting close to its end, and all in all, you had fun.
  5938. >Being with the one you love made this night better.
  5939. >You look over at Twilight and you see a little smile on her face.
  5940. "I'm guessing you had a good night." You place your hand on hers.
  5941. >"Very good night. This was the best night ever. I'm so glad to be here with you, Anon."
  5942. "I am too, Twi. I wouldn't have missed this for the world."
  5943. >"Trixie's song was so amazing. You could feel her feelings through every word she said. She's very brave to get up on that stage and did what she did."
  5944. "Yeah, I guess you're right, but you aren't upset? With what she said about loving me?"
  5945. >Twilight grabs your hand tightly and looks into your eyes.
  5946. >"Not at all. If I was in her shoes, I would have did the same thing. Sometimes, you have to just let your feelings and emotions out. Bottling them up is painful. Plus. I am not the jealous type."
  5947. >All you can do is smile at her.
  5948. >Twilight's heart is always in the right place. No matter what.
  5949. "You really are the best. I love you, Twilight." You pull Twilight close to you.
  5950. >"I love you too, Anon. More than you know." She places her head on your shoulder.
  5951. >As you continue you talk to Twilight, Celestia interrupts you yet again with an announcement.
  5952. >"Ahem. Attention, everyone. It is now getting late, but before this prom is officially over, we still have to announce the Prom King and Queen which who will share one final dance with each other. The results will be read off by my sister." Celestia hands the microphone to Luna.
  5953. >"Now. We'll be starting off with the Prom Queen. The winner of this year's Prom Queen is... Trixie Lulamoon!"
  5954. >Everyone gives a big round of applause as Trixie walks on stage with Luna placing her crown on top of her head.
  5955. "I'm surprised you didn't win, Twi, but I guess Trixie really did earn it."
  5956. >"Yeah. She definitely did deserved it. More than I did."
  5957. >"And now." Luna speaks up. "This year's Prom King. The one that will share one last dance with Ms. Trixie Lulamoon. Is..."
  5958. >Mostly everyone is eagerly waiting the winner as Luna reads off the card.
  5959. >"Mr. Anonymous! By a landslide!"
  5960. >What? There's no way.
  5961. >You're honestly hesitant to go up there, but Twilight gives you a little nudge in the back, motioning you to go on stage.
  5962. >The look she is giving you is promising you that she is okay with all of this.
  5963. >With that, you walk on stage and stand next to Trixie.
  5964. >Luna places your crown on you.
  5965. >"Congratulations on our King and Queen!" Both you and Trixie get applause, with Twilight showing her support. "We'll give you a few minutes till your dance. Just hang tight."
  5966. >All of you leaves the stage as they get ready for you and Trixie.
  5967. "I'm glad you're okay, Trix." You say to her as you both are exiting the stage.
  5968. >All she does is smile and nods at you.
  5969. >Looks like she don't hate you, not that it ever was an issue.
  5971. >A few minutes pass and the dance floor is now cleared with the both of you enter the middle of it.
  5972. >Both of you just stare at each other.
  5973. >Trixie is wearing a small smile on her face and you can't help to do the same.
  5974. >You're glad that Trixie is doing well.
  5975. >Or so it seems.
  5976. >You don't know what she's feeling deep inside her.
  5977. >You extend your hand to Trixie and she puts hers in yours, moving closer to you.
  5978. >The music finally starts and the two of you start swaying to the music.
  5979. >The first few seconds is quiet between you and Trixie, but Trixie breaks the silence first.
  5980. >"Trixie have always dreamed for this moment. Can't believe it's finally a reality."
  5981. "I'm nothing special, Trix." You chuckle a bit.
  5982. >"To Trixie, you are." In an instant, she hugs you, still swaying to the beat of the music. "You'll always be special to Trixie. I know that I have to give up on you, but Trixie will never stop loving you."
  5983. "Come on, Trixie. What if you meet someone else?"
  5984. >"They won't be as great as you."
  5985. >You open your mouth to respond, but you choose not to, not wanting to ruin the moment.
  5986. >"I just want you to know, Glasses Kid. I will always support you and Sparkle. More than anyone."
  5987. "That's big of you, Trix. I believe in those words. Honestly, I do."
  5988. >Trixie smiles and you two just dance in silence.
  5989. >If you're being honest, you would have loved for this dance to be with Twilight, but this is not bad either.
  5990. >From the looks of it, Trixie is pretty content with this dance, so you're happy for that.
  5991. >You're also glad that Trixie is okay.
  5992. >Some people take rejection really hard by harming themselves or even worse.
  5993. >You have to thank Sunset for all this too.
  5994. >She played a big part in this.
  5995. >After a while of you two enjoying yourselves, the music finally ends, which brings the dance to the end
  5996. >Everyone starts clapping as the music ends and Celestia gets on the stage once more.
  5997. >"Once again, congratulations to Anonymous and Trixie Lulamoon! With that, Canterlot High's prom is officially over! I hope you all enjoyed yourself. Everyone get home safely."
  5998. >With that, Celestia exits the stage and everyone else heads for the exit.
  5999. >"A shame. Trixie wishes the dance would have lasted a little longer." She says, as she stares at the stage.
  6000. "Honestly, so do I. I had fun dancing with you."
  6001. >Trixie turns to you and gives you a little smirk.
  6002. >"What's this? Could it be that you've finally fallen for The Great & Powerful Trixie?"
  6003. >Before you can answer, Trixie lets out a little laugh.
  6004. >"I'm just joking. If only if it were true. I wanted to say thank you by the way, Glasses Kid. For tonight and for looking for me when I went missing. Sunset told me how worried you were and it means a lot to Trixie."
  6005. "No need to thank me, Trixie. You're special to me. I'm just glad you're not hurt. Well. Physically. I'll always worry about you. If you ever need someone to talk to, you know you can always come to me."
  6006. >Trixie just lunges at you and gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  6007. >This leaves you in shock as Trixie smiles at you, blushing a bit.
  6008. >"Goodbye, Anon. Just remember. I will always love you." Trixie waves at you and walks away.
  6009. >All you can do just watch Trixie walk away.
  6010. >She caught you off guard once again like she did at the lake.
  6011. >Hopefully no one saw that.
  6012. >You don't need rumors going around and shit.
  6013. >Well prom is finally over.
  6014. >It was honestly a great night, but you wish you could have spent more time with Twilight.
  6015. >You walk to the exit, ready to go home.
  6017. >Midnight.
  6018. >Most of the kids went home already.
  6019. >Some of them stood to talk and hang with their friends.
  6020. >Including you, Twilight, and the others.
  6021. >Sunset is always here with your group sitting by the statue.
  6022. >Principal Celestia didn't care that we stood after prom was over.
  6023. >All she told us was to be careful on our way home.
  6024. "Tonight was a great night." You say as you lay your head against the statue, looking up at the starry night sky.
  6025. >"It really was." Twilight lays her head on your shoulders.
  6026. >"Best! Party! Ever!" Pinkie just yells out, causing everyone to laugh.
  6027. >"It would have been better if we had some square dancin' or somethin" Applejack takes a bite of her apple after finishing her sentence.
  6028. >"I'm just happy I got to wear this most elegant dress designed by moi." Rarity shows off her dress to us.
  6029. >Fluttershy just nods in agreeance with everyone.
  6030. >She's always silent, but that's what makes her Fluttershy.
  6031. >She only talks a lot when it comes to animals.
  6032. >Speaking of which.
  6033. "Hey Fluttershy." She turns her attention to you as you call out to her. "What would be a good name for a flying squirrel?"
  6034. >Fluttershy gives it some thought before responding.
  6035. >"I don't know what it looks like, but what about Jet?" Fluttershy looks nervous as she gives you a name, probably thinking you'll hate it.
  6036. "That's perfect. I knew I can count on you, Fluttershy."
  6037. >She gives you a smile, happy you accepted the name.
  6038. >"I'm honestly glad I can enjoy these moments with you guys." Sunset looks up into the sky. "It's the best."
  6039. >"This prom was the coolest ever, and the food was amazing." Rainbow Dash stands up and stretches.
  6040. "By the way. You girls were amazing tonight. I never would have thought the famous Rainbooms would be making a return."
  6041. >All the girls smile at your compliment.
  6042. >"Of course we rocked." Rainbow Dash speaks up. "The Rainbooms will always be awesome, but as much as I hate to admit it, I think Trixie and her song stole the night tonight."
  6043. >"Wow. I didn't expect that from you, Rainbow." Sunset sounds a bit shocked at Rainbow's comment.
  6044. >"Well I know when to give credit. Trixie was amazing tonight. More than us."
  6045. >Everyone looks at each other, but agrees with Rainbow Dash.
  6046. >"Speaking of Trixie. Where is she?" Twilight asks.
  6047. >This causes everyone's eyes to fixate on you.
  6048. "Honestly, I do not know. After the dance, we just talked and she left."
  6049. >"Speaking of the dance. How do you feel about this, darling?" Rarity turns to Twilight.
  6050. >"What do you mean, Rarity?"
  6051. >"What I mean is, if some other girl was dancing with my boyfriend, I would be so jealous and upset."
  6052. >Honestly, you can see what Rarity is coming from.
  6053. >You damn sure would be jealous if some other dude was dancing with Twilight.
  6054. >"That doesn't bother me, Rarity. I trust Anon, and for some reason, I also trust Trixie."
  6055. >"I guess that's what makes us different, darling. Plus. You never know what Trixie would do."
  6056. >"Trixie's not a bad person." Sunset speaks up. "I should know. I been around her mostly my whole life. Sure she has a short temper, but deep down, she's very chill."
  6057. >Rarity smiles a bit.
  6058. >"I guess you're right. I barely know the girl, so I shouldn't judge."
  6059. >All of you just go back to relaxing and talking about random shit.
  6060. >You and Twilight are sitting down, cuddling against each other.
  6061. >After a while, the unthinkable happens.
  6062. >Out of nowhere, a huge and loud explosion happens which causes you all of you to jump up.
  6063. >Fluttershy is extremely scared by this and she hides behind the statue.
  6064. >The rest of you looks at the direction of the explosion and you see smoke in the air.
  6065. >It looks so close. Too close in fact.
  6066. >After a closer look, it seems the smoke is coming from behind the school.
  6067. >Everyone looks up in horror.
  6068. >Something is telling you to go towards the smoke, so you start running in that direction.
  6069. >"Anon! Where are you going!?" Twilight yells out as all of the girls runs after you.
  6070. >You just keep running as the smoke rises.
  6071. >You finally make it to the source of the smoke and all you see is the shed where the school keeps all the gym equipment up in flames.
  6072. >"WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED HERE!?" Celestia and Luna runs up next to you as their eyes are fixated on the equipment shed.
  6073. >Out of nowhere, another explosion happens, causing everyone to shield themselves.
  6074. >"Someone call the fire department! Now!" Luna shouts out.
  6075. >As soon as she finishes her sentence, you hear fire trucks in the distance.
  6076. >Looks like someone already did it.
  6077. >In a instant, you feel very off about something.
  6078. >As you are wondering how this happened, something hops on your shoulder.
  6079. >You turn and you see your flying squirrel buddy Jet hopping up and down.
  6080. >He seems panicked about something.
  6081. >It looks like he is pointing at the shed.
  6082. >You remembered what Dreadscythe told you before about nature and stuff so you focus on Jet.
  6083. >Is he worried about something in there?
  6084. >Or someone...
  6085. >Wait...
  6086. >Is he trying to tell you that Trixie is in there!?
  6087. >He was with her in the park last night and he always hung around her when she was at the lake.
  6088. >Plus he was the one who showed you her cave.
  6089. >It all makes sense.
  6090. >Trixie must be in that burning shed!
  6091. >In a heartbeat, you jolt towards the shed, but Sunset grabs you.
  6092. >"Whoa there! Where are you going, Anon!?"
  6093. "Let me go, Sunset! Trixie is in there!"
  6094. >"How do you know that!?"
  6095. >You break off Sunset's hold, running towards the flames.
  6096. >All of a sudden, something stops you again.
  6097. >This time, everything is frozen.
  6098. >You cannot move any part of your limbs.
  6099. >Even the flames in frozen in place.
  6100. >You're getting the weirdest feeling of deja vu.
  6101. >Like something like this has happened before.
  6102. >All of a sudden, you're not where you were anymore.
  6103. >You know exactly where you are.
  6104. >The gate between yours and Eatos' world.
  6105. "Eatos? Are you here?" You speak, but no response.
  6106. >Why are you here?
  6107. >You didn't call for Eatos or anything.
  6108. >She's not a part of you anymore, so she shouldn't have the power to bring you here.
  6109. >Out of nowhere, black lightning strikes right next to you.
  6110. >It causes you to jump as you look around frantically.
  6111. >"What in the hell do you think you doing!?" A thunderous voice roars from behind you, sending chills down your spine.
  6112. >Hesitatingly, you turn and see the source for the frightening voice.
  6113. "Dreadscythe? What is going on? Why am I here?"
  6114. >"I should be asking you that question. For some reason, I see you running towards a blazing inferno so I froze everything and stopped you. The better question is, why was I able to sense you? You and Eatos are not one anymore."
  6115. "I am just as confused as you are. What are you doing here? Is Eatos locked away again?"
  6116. >Dreadscythe just lets out a sigh.
  6117. >"Not exactly. You see," Dreadscythe tries to finish her sentence, but a blinding white light appears, causing you to shield your eyes.
  6118. >After the lights let up, you uncover your eyes and see Eatos floating towards you, but something is different about her.
  6119. >She looks pissed. Furious even.
  6120. >You honestly never seen her like this.
  6121. >She finally reaches you, and just stares at you.
  6122. >You go to speak, but you are met with a slap across your face.
  6123. >All you can do is just stare at Eatos and you see she is on the verge of tears, but she fights it and finally speaks.
  6124. >"Why would you go and do something stupid like trying to run into a burning building!? Do you realize that you could have been hurt, or worse!?"
  6125. >Her voice has a thunderous roar to it and honestly, you're more scared now than what you were when you first met Dreadscythe.
  6126. >"Eatos. What is going on? Why were we about to see the runt's point of view and why is he even here? He did what he had to do so we should be done with him."
  6127. >"I'm sorry Sister, but I placed a everlasting aura on Anonymous to always watch over him."
  6128. >Sister?
  6129. >What does this mean?
  6130. >Are they actual sisters?
  6131. >"Eatos. You know you can't do that. It goes against everything your world stands for. After you do your job with the children you guided, you are suppose to leave it be after that. You know this."
  6132. >"I'm sorry, but I do not regret my decision. I'll accept any punishment the gods throw at me."
  6133. "Wait a minute." Your sudden comment causes Eatos and Dreadscythe to look your away. "What is going on here? How are you both here at once? Why did you cast that aura? Why am I here?"
  6134. >Honestly, you have way more questions, but this is all confusing to you.
  6135. >"I'm sorry, Anonymous." Eatos speaks up. "I casted that spell on you during our last encounter. Because I always want to watch over you. I know it may sound selfish, but you're my favorite child and I want to watch you grow, but here I am getting a vision of you running towards an inferno."
  6136. >"As for the reason we are both here," Dreadscythe steps forward. "is because after our last encounter, Eatos gained a new power to control her emotions and somehow separated the two of us. Now we are partners. We were both with our new child when we both got the image of you. So I left to stop you while Eatos stood with the child."
  6137. >This is so bizarre.
  6138. >There's still so much more you don't know about Eatos.
  6139. "So does that mean you two are a part of me again?"
  6140. >"Not exactly. Thanks to Eatos, we can just both watch over you anytime and sense when you are in danger. Anymore questions?"
  6141. "Just one. What is this sister thing? Are you actual sisters."
  6142. >Dreadscythe sighs and then looks at Eatos, causing her to get a bit embarrassed.
  6143. >"After we both separated, we got to know each other. Ever since then, she looks at me as the older sibling since we were once the same person, so she called me sister, but we are not blood sisters."
  6144. >That makes a bit sense.
  6145. >"Enough of your questions though, Anonymous." Eatos walks up to you. "Answer ours. Why were you about to run into a horrible scene?"
  6146. >Eatos gives you a stern look.
  6147. >The type of look that parents gives their children when they do something they are not suppose to.
  6148. "I'm sorry to scare you, but I tried to run in there because I thought Trixie was in there. Jet, this flying squirrel I met jumped on me and kept pointing towards the building. I remembered what Dreadscythe told me about listening to the animals and nature around you, so I just ran to try to save her."
  6149. >"There's no reason to run into a burning building. I understand that your heart was in the right place, but you have to think your wellbeing before anything."
  6150. >Eatos continues to scold you and you just stand there with your head down.
  6151. >"I think the kid had enough, Eatos." Dreadscythe interrupts.
  6152. >Eatos looks like she wants to continue, but she lets out a sigh and hugs you.
  6153. >"Don't you dare do anything that dangerous again."
  6154. "Yes... I'm sorry Eatos, but what about Trixie? What if she's actually in the inferno?"
  6155. >Dreadscythe steps in.
  6156. >"Ima be honest with you, kid. That isn't your problem. If she is in that blaze, then her chances are very slim. You shouldn't be risking your life to help a life that might not be saved."
  6157. >Dreadscythe's words cut deep.
  6158. >She sure don't sugarcoat nothing at all.
  6159. >You just can't imagine Trixie dead.
  6160. >This is impossible and too much to take in.
  6161. >Out of nowhere, the whole area echoes with your name.
  6162. >"Anon! Please wake up!" The voices sound familiar and they sound faint.
  6163. >"Looks like it's time for us to send you back." All of a sudden, Eatos engulfs you in a beam of white light. "Remember. We'll always be watching you. So don't do anything stupid ever again."
  6164. >Dreadscythe just stares at you and nods her head.
  6165. >"Goodbye, runt."
  6167. >In a flash, your eyes open wide as you shoot up.
  6168. >"ANON!" Twilight lunges at you in an embracing hug with tears in her eyes.
  6169. >You look around and all your friends' faces have a relieved look on them.
  6170. >You notice that the fire department came and put out the fire while you were with Eatos and Dreadscythe.
  6171. "W-what happened?" You cling to your head as you feel a pounding headache forming.
  6172. >Twilight tries to speak through her tears but to no avail, so Sunset steps in.
  6173. >"You tried to run into the fire saying Trixie was in there. When you broke my hold, you just fainted out of nowhere."
  6174. "How long have I been out?"
  6175. >"Just for 15 minutes. Are you sure you're alright, Anon? This isn't the first time you passed out randomly."
  6176. >As you go to stand up, Twilight weighs you down, so you just rub her back.
  6177. "I'm sorry, Twi... Looks like I worried you..."
  6178. >She just stays on you, crying.
  6179. >All the other girls do their best to comfort Twilight.
  6180. >She really does have great friends.
  6181. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see a fireman and the Principal Sisters walking towards you.
  6182. >"Here they are, sir." Everyone except Twilight turns to Luna's voice and the fireman standing above you.
  6183. >"Are you kids alright?" He speaks up and everyone nods.
  6184. >"Good. My name is Thunderlane. Chief of the fire department. I have some news and it's gonna be very hard to swallow."
  6185. >At this point, Twilight finally looks up and everyone is just waiting for the news.
  6186. >"We managed the get the fire under control and when we got inside, we found a body sitting on a chair. It couldn't be identified due to it being badly burned, but we found these objects on the body."
  6187. >Chief Thunderlane sticks out the objects in his hand.
  6188. >The objects are black with soot, but in a instant, you, Sunset, and Twilight easily know what they are.
  6189. >In his hands are the Prom Queen crown and Trixie's star hairpiece.
  6190. >Your heart immediately sinks as you let eyes on the objects.
  6191. >Twilight goes back into a crying frenzy.
  6192. >Of course, no one is taking this harder than Sunset.
  6193. >Sunset drops to her knees just staying at the ground, clutching the crown and hairpiece.
  6194. >"I'm guessing by everyone's reaction, you knew the person that passed away in the fire. I will give you all space to grieve. You, kid." Thunderlane points at you. "I have an ambulance nearby. I want to check you out since your principal told me you passed out. Is that okay?"
  6195. >You just nod as Twilight gets off you and stays on the ground.
  6196. >Everyone else is just in shock.
  6197. >Applejack places her hat over her chest, looking up at the sky.
  6198. >Rarity has guilt written all over her face, probably feeling terrible about talking about Trixie.
  6199. >Rainbow Dash is clenching her fists in anger, holding back tears.
  6200. >Fluttershy is shedding a few tears.
  6201. >Pinkie Pie is totally a different person. You can swear the poof in her hair is gone.
  6202. >As you walk away with Thunderlane, a heart breaking scream echoes in the air.
  6203. >"TRIXIE!" You turn to see Sunset screaming to the sky, letting the tears flow.
  6204. >Your heart just breaks in half, letting out tears of your own.
  6205. >Thunderlane pats your back, trying to calm you down just a little.
  6206. >The Principal Sisters and Twilight kneel next to Sunset, comforting her.
  6207. >All you can do is just walk away, hearing the tearful voice of Sunset calling Trixie's name over and over.
  6209. >Finally, the medical personnel finishes checking you out.
  6210. >"Alright, Mr. Anonymous. You are all clear. Nothing seems to be wrong with you. Is this your first time fainting like this?" A female paramedic asks you after putting away her equipment.
  6211. "No, ma'am... It happened once before, but the doctors said I was fire."
  6212. >"Hmm. Well maybe it was the shock of the fire that got to you. Maybe it was something else. All that matters is that you are okay and responsive. So I'll let you go here. Try to be careful."
  6213. >You know exactly what was the cause, but you'll have to keep it to yourself.
  6214. "Thank you, miss. You take care as well." You step off the ambulance, but you are stopped by Chief Thunderlane.
  6215. >"Hold it, kid. I have a few questions if that's alright with you."
  6216. "Sure, I guess."
  6217. >Thunderlane asks you questions about Trixie and you just answer them truthfully or couldn't give an answer to at all.
  6218. >Stuff like "Did you know her well?", "How long you knew her?"
  6219. >Answering the questions hurt a bit.
  6220. >You can't believe she's actually gone.
  6221. >"That's all for now. Again. I'm sorry for what happened here tonight." Thunderlane goes to walk away, but turns back to you. "Oh yeah. Almost forgot. I found this in a fireproof box next to your friend. Looks like a note."
  6222. >Thunderlane hands you a piece of paper.
  6223. >"I didn't read it out of respect, but I will assume this is a suicide note. Had Trixie been suicidal in the past?"
  6224. "No, never. She was always an upbeat person."
  6225. >"I see. Well I'll leave you to it. Again. I am deeply sorry for what you're going through." He pats your shoulder and leaves you to your lonesome.
  6226. >As he leaves, you open the note and begin reading what's on the paper.
  6227. >It reads: "Whomever is reading this, please make sure this gets to Anon, Sunset Shimmer and/or Twilight Sparkle."
  6228. >That's the only line on top, so you begin reading below that.
  6229. >"Dear Anon. If you are reading this, I am dead and I took my own life. I know you are probably shocked about this. I just couldn't take the pain anymore. Loving you hurt so much, that my only solution was to kill myself if I couldn't be with you like I wanted to. I do not regret my decision. I love you, Anon. Forever and always. Please treat Twilight Sparkle right. Never hurt her. Tell her I'm sorry it had to end this way. This is goodbye, Glasses Kid."
  6230. >Tears start falling onto the piece of paper.
  6231. >"Looks like the emotions were too much for her to handle..." You turn to see Twilight reading the note over your shoulder.
  6232. >Her eyes are red and puffy from crying so much and her voice sounds defeated.
  6233. >All you can do is cry into Twilight and she rubs your head to comfort you.
  6234. >"I know, Anon. I am sad too. We finally made up and she's finally gone. I never really hated her, and now I can't even tell her."
  6235. >Words cannot escape your mouth as the tears keep flowing.
  6236. >Trixie is actually gone.
  6237. >As Twilight stops rubbing your head, she takes the note from your hand and begins reading Sunset's part out loud so you can hear.
  6238. >"Dear Sunset. I am so sorry to leave you like this. The pain was just too much for me. Seeing Anon with Twilight broke my heart over and over again. I didn't want it to be this way. Besides mom and dad, you are my #1 person in the world. Thank you so much for being there for me when I needed you the most and dealing with my stubborn self. I'm happy I had you in my life. I love you, Sunset. Tell mom and dad I love them too. Goodbye, sister."
  6239. >Twilight finishes reading and every word breaks your heart.
  6240. >This wasn't the way, Trixie. It never is.
  6241. >If only you can talk to her one more time to stop her.
  6242. >Twilight continues reading another part.
  6243. >"Dear Twilight Sparkle. If you happen to find this, this is for you. As you can tell, I am not longer a part of this world. I'll be honest with you. I always wanted to be your friend. My ego just wouldn't let me. I'm surprised you even kept trying to be my friend with the way I treated you. I thought you would have hated me after a while, so I was afraid to reach out. When I found out that Anon chose you, it broke something inside me, but also awaken something as well. I wanted you strive to be like you, but that wasn't enough. I always envied you. I will honestly miss you. Goodbye forever, Sparkle."
  6244. >"It wasn't like that, you idiot..." Twilight says in the weakest voice. "Why couldn't you just talk to anyone?"
  6245. >Twilight lets go of you and begins to walk away.
  6246. >"I'm gonna give this to Sunset. She will want to read this."
  6247. "I'll go with you." You say, wiping the tears off your face.
  6248. >Before you start walking with Twilight, you just look up at the stars in the sky.
  6249. >After a few seconds, you and Twilight walk off to where Sunset is at.
  6250. >Only a few words is relaying in your mind.
  6251. "Goodbye, The Great & Powerful Trixie."
  6253. >One week later
  6254. >The death of Trixie still hasn't left your mind.
  6255. >Your parents returned to Canterlot for your graduation that's next week.
  6256. >Of course you told them what happened when they saw how you were.
  6257. >Your mother shed some tears and your father couldn't help to shed some too.
  6258. >Now you're alone in your room.
  6259. >You look at your desk and just picture the time Trixie was playing Overwatch.
  6260. >Honestly, you want to cry more, but you're just dried out.
  6261. >Why would she do such a thing?
  6262. >Maybe if you reached out more, she'd still be here with us.
  6263. >All you can do just lay down in your bed and stare at the ceiling.
  6264. >You would be spending time with Twilight, but she is getting things ready for graduation next week.
  6265. >You did spend time with her most of the week anyways.
  6266. >Both of you had fun spending time with each other.
  6267. >Even though Twilight was still hurting, you both still manage to take your minds off the death.
  6268. >You just close your eyes and clear your mind.
  6269. >Sleep sounds good right now.
  6270. >Maybe you'll have good dreams or something.
  6271. >You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
  6272. >...
  6274. >"You sure you want to do this, Eatos? The Gods warned you that you can be stripped of your powers if you keep this up."
  6275. >"I don't care, Sister. I'm sure Anonymous is hurting right now and I want to be here for him. If our current child calls for us, we'll leave, but right now I want to be near Anonymous."
  6276. >You hear voices around you so you open your eyes and sit up from your bed.
  6277. >In front of you is Eatos sitting at the edge of your bed.
  6278. >Looking out the window is Dreadscythe.
  6279. "Dreadscythe? Eatos?"
  6280. >Both of them looks at you and Eatos gives you a small smile as Dreadscythe just goes back to the window.
  6281. "What are you both doing here?"
  6282. >"We came to check on you. I know you are hurting still about Ms. Trixie."
  6283. >A deep sigh escapes your mouth.
  6284. "I'm alright I guess. I still can't believe she's gone. It just hurts so much."
  6285. >Eatos just sits there listening pour your heart out.
  6286. "Why couldn't she just talk to someone about this? Suicide should never be the answer. Especially at a very young age."
  6287. >You feel tears forming in your eyes.
  6288. >It just hurts you so much.
  6289. >Not as much as Sunset though.
  6290. >Eatos wraps you around her arms and wings, radiating a comfortable warmth.
  6291. >All you can do is just let the tears flow as Eatos rubs your back.
  6292. >"Let it all out, dear. I'm here for you."
  6293. >Out of nowhere, you all hear a bell chime.
  6294. >Eatos sighs and looks at you.
  6295. >"I'm sorry Anonymous, but my new child is calling me. I hav-" Eatos is interrupted by Dreadscythe.
  6296. >"Stay here. I'll go to the kid. He don't need both of us there. If the gods find out, I'll take the blame."
  6297. >"But Sister."
  6298. >"No buts. I'm leaving. If I need you, then I'll call for you." Dreadscythe looks at you and ruffles up your hair. "Cheer up, kid. We're here for you. Whether you like it or not."
  6299. "I don't mind at all."
  6300. >Dreadscythe vanishes to go to their new child.
  6301. >"Seems like she does care a bit. Even though she has a funny way of showing it."
  6302. >"I heard that!" A thunderous voice fills the room, causing you and Eatos to laugh.
  6303. >Your laughter quickly subsides and Eatos takes notice.
  6304. >She doesn't say a word and wraps you in her embrace once again.
  6305. "Eatos?" Has anyone of your children committed suicide?"
  6306. >"Multiple, Anonymous. Some people can't take it anymore. Even with professional help. Their shadows just be too strong."
  6307. "How did you deal with it?"
  6308. >Eatos looks at you and wipes tears from your face.
  6309. >"That I cannot tell you. No one close to me did the deed. The children that did, I didn't have a strong bond with them, but I will tell you. I did hurt me. Hearing someone taking their life is never easy hearing. I always ask myself. Did I fail them? What could I have done to prevent this? When you start having thoughts like this, always remember this. They may be gone from this world, but they will always be alive in you, and that is all you need to keep their memory alive."
  6310. >A smile forms on your face for the first time since the incident.
  6311. >You give Eatos a great big hug.
  6312. "Thank you, Eatos. For everything."
  6313. >"Anytime. I'm always here for you when I can."
  6314. >As Eatos finishes, we both hear Dreadscythe's voice above us.
  6315. >"Eatos! The child wants to speak to you. I think I'm a bit scary for her."
  6316. >This causes you and Eatos to laugh once more, causing Dreadscythe telling both of you to shut up.
  6317. >"Tell the other kid don't leave yet. I want to talk to him. I'll be teleporting both of us to swap places in 10 seconds."
  6318. >"Well. Guess this is goodbye for now, Anon. Just call if you need anything."
  6319. "Goodbye, Eatos. You know I always will."
  6320. >She waves at you and you return the favor.
  6321. >In a flash, she vanishes and Dreadscythe is in the spot now.
  6322. >"How you holding, kid?"
  6323. "A little better now."
  6324. >"Good to know. I just wanted to tell you one thing. Live your life. Just because your friend is not here anymore, doesn't mean you should lose all meaning in life. I'm pretty sure this Trixie girl would want you to live."
  6325. "You don't have to worry about that. I wouldn't think of it. I would be leaving a lot of loved ones and this beautiful world."
  6326. >"Good. I know you'll be alright. That's all I wanted to tell you. This is embarrassing to say due to my character, but you're the second person in my lifetime I've grown to like. Don't ruin it."
  6327. "I'm happy to hear that, Dreadscythe. I would never. You have my word."
  6328. >A glow of light surrounds her.
  6329. >Slowly, she takes off her mask, revealing what's behind it.
  6330. >"Goodbye, kid." She shows a smile before vanishing.
  6331. >You couldn't believe what you saw.
  6332. >Dreadscythe is a spitting image of Eatos.
  6333. >It does make a bit of sense given that she is another form of her, but you can't help to be shocked.
  6334. >You honestly feel a bit special because you have a strong feeling you're one of the lucky ones to see her true face.
  6335. >You go back to your slumber with a smile on your face.
  6336. >Thank you, Eatos & Dreadscythe
  6337. >...
  6339. >Graduation Day; 8:00am
  6340. >You're finally ready to go to school for graduation.
  6341. >Looking in the mirror to make sure everything is in order, you just can't believe the day is finally here.
  6342. >Your cap and gown fits you perfectly.
  6343. >Sporting the colors of your school.
  6344. >You walk downstairs and see your parents are all dressed up.
  6345. >"Look at my handsome man." Your mother walks up to you, giving you a hug which you gladly return.
  6346. >"Looking good, son." Your father also brings you in for a hug.
  6347. "Thanks, you guys. Can't believe the day is finally here."
  6348. >"You definitely earned it. Now come. We need pictures."
  6349. >You laugh and knew this was coming.
  6350. >All three of you take pictures.
  6351. >Some of you alone and some with your parents.
  6352. >You just know there's gonna be more taken at graduation.
  6353. >"Alright honey. That's enough pictures. Let's get Anonymous to school now." Your father grabs his keys and heads out the door.
  6354. >Both you and your mother follow suit and hop in her car.
  6355. >A Rolls-Royce Ghost.
  6356. >This car is just as amazing as your dad's Porsche and it has that amazing lavender paint.
  6357. >The engine purrs and all of you begin cruising down the road.
  6358. >You look out the window and see most of your classmates walking to school in the cap and gowns.
  6359. >The day is finally here.
  6360. >4 long years and now it's time to move onto adulthood.
  6361. >You continue looking out the window with a blank stare.
  6362. >Your mother catches wind of this by looking at you through the rear view mirror.
  6363. >"Everything okay, sweetie?" This breaks you out of the little trance you were in.
  6364. "Yeah mom. Just can't believe I'm finally moving on to the real world."
  6365. >"Well no need to rush, Anon. You know we are both here for you whenever you need it. No matter what."
  6366. "Thank you. I love you both."
  6367. >They both return the favor as you reach the school.
  6368. >The car parks and you exit the vehicle.
  6369. >Mostly everyone is already here.
  6370. >The Principal sisters, teachers, and the rest of the faculty are talking with some students or among themselves.
  6371. >As you look at the school, you feel memories of your school life rushing through you.
  6372. >Of course, memories of Trixie as well.
  6373. >You feel tears coming, but you hold them back.
  6374. >You cried enough and I know Trixie wanted you to have a great gradation with no sadness involved.
  6375. >Next to enter your memories is your beloved Twilight Sparkle.
  6376. >A smile forms on your face as you remember all the amazing times you spent with her.
  6377. >Your parents break you from your daydreaming to tell you they are gonna go sit down in their seats and wait for the ceremony to begin.
  6378. >Both of them give you a hug with you gladly return.
  6379. >After they leave, you begin to walk towards the big stage that is on the soccer field.
  6380. >As you walk closer to it, you see Twilight and co. by the stage.
  6381. "Hey girls." You say as you go to Twilight who pounces herself on you.
  6382. >Everyone greets you with their cheerful self, except for Fluttershy of course who just speaks softly and waves at you.
  6383. "Hard to believe the day is finally here, huh? Any plans for you girls now that you're entering the real world?"
  6384. >"I'll be going to the college of my dreams. Manehatten University." Twilight stays close to you as you hold her close.
  6385. >"I just got a scholarship to play for the best soccer team at Las Pegasus University so I'm going there next year." Rainbow Dash gloats with her fist on her chest.
  6386. >"I'm gonna try to start my own party planning business!" Pinkie Pie jumps up and down excited.
  6387. >"I will attempt to study under the world famous Fancy Pants on fashion to make the most elegant dresses and suits in all of Canterlot." Rarity flips her hair, showing off her looks.
  6388. >"I-I will try to get my veterinarian license." Fluttershy softly speaks up.
  6389. >"I will be takin' over my family's farm since my Granny's getting too old." Applejack bites into her apple after speaking.
  6390. >"Honestly. I want to think about it some more. I'll be staying with Trixie's parents till then." Sunset looks up at the sky with a soft smile on her face.
  6391. >Everyone stays silent for a while.
  6392. "Come on girls." You break the silence. "I'm sure Trixie wouldn't want us to be depressed on graduation day."
  6393. >"Yeah you're right. I'm sure she's looking down at us with a smile on her face." Sunset looks at you. "By the way, Anon. We all told you what we are doing after graduation. What about you?"
  6394. >Everyone looks at you as you are now the center of attention.
  6395. "I have two choices hanging over my head, and I will reveal it later on."
  6396. >Everyone boos you playfully as you all share a laugh right after.
  6397. >After talking to everyone, they go in their separate ways to their families, but you and Twilight stay behind.
  6398. "Ready to write a new chapter in your life, Twi?"
  6399. >"As long as your in my story, Anon."
  6400. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
  6401. >You both share a tight hug as you walk towards your families.
  6402. >Looks like all of Twilight's family is here.
  6403. >Both of you just spend time with your folks until the ceremony starts.
  6405. >9:55am
  6406. >The ceremony is about to start and the whole class is ready.
  6407. >You get a bit nervous as the time gets closer and closer.
  6408. >A thought runs to your mind that makes you panic a bit.
  6409. >You were suppose to tell Eatos your choice before anything.
  6410. >Cautiously, you grab the crystal from inside your shirt and make sure no one notices you.
  6411. >Thankfully, everyone is in their own world or just as nervous as you.
  6412. >You start to do the technique to summon Eatos.
  6413. >After a minute of trying, you can't get through.
  6414. >Looks like they are busy with their child.
  6415. >You feel a bit bad cause you told Eatos she'd be the first to know.
  6416. >Hopefully she'll understand the situation.
  6417. >You'll be telling the whole crowd anyways after having a talk with the Principal Sisters.
  6418. >They happily accepted your request to make a speech.
  6419. >"Attention parents and students!" Principal Celestia enters the stage with Luna by her side. "It is now time for the 15th annual Canterlot High graduation ceremony to begin."
  6420. >All the parents and teachers applaud the graduating class.
  6421. >"We will start by naming the entire graduating class to collect their diploma."
  6422. >They start naming by name alphabetically.
  6423. "Our Salutatorian. Anonymous!"
  6424. >Your mother cheers loud as your father stands up and shows that he is extremely proud of you.
  6425. >You get on stage and start shaking hands of all the teachers, except Cheerilee who gives you a hug telling you she is proud of you.
  6426. >As you reach the Principal Sisters, they both hand you your diploma and a silver medal, expressing their joy.
  6427. >This is finally it.
  6428. >You just can't contain yourself.
  6429. "Thank you so much."
  6430. >They just give you a big smile as you bow to them.
  6431. >They begin calling more names as you exit the stage.
  6432. >You see your parents taking pictures with smiles plastered on their face.
  6433. >Twilight's parents and Shining Armor are also waving at you to show their support.
  6434. >"Applejack!"
  6435. >Applejack walks on stage with getting tons of support from the Apple family.
  6436. >She accepts her diploma and hugs her grandmother.
  6437. >While exiting the stage, she tips her cap and yells a mighty Yee-Haw.
  6438. >"Fluttershy!"
  6439. >Fluttershy slowly walks up on stage with pet bunny onto of her head.
  6440. >They hand her her diploma as she slowly bows to everyone, wearing a soft but confident smile.
  6441. >"Pinkie Pie!"
  6442. >Pinkie hops on stage with her hair bouncing just as much as she is.
  6443. >With diploma in hand, she whips out tons of party poppers and pops all of them.
  6444. >Everyone cheers and laughs.
  6445. >Classic Pinkie Pie.
  6446. >"Rainbow Dash!"
  6447. >Of course, Rainbow Dash runs on stage.
  6448. >The first person to greet her is her soccer coach.
  6449. >He is shedding tears, probably cause he will miss her on the team.
  6450. >She gladly takes the diploma and jumps off stage.
  6451. >"Rarity!"
  6452. >Rarity walks on stage with such class in her walk.
  6453. >She thanks the Principal Sisters as she gets handed her diploma.
  6454. >She does a curtsy to the crowd as she exits the stage.
  6455. >"Sunset Shimmer!"
  6456. >Sunset makes her way to the stage as she looks on to the crowd.
  6457. >Trixie's parents are cheering the most, showing the most support.
  6458. >You can see tears form in Sunset's eyes as she accepts her diploma.
  6459. >She looks up into the sky with a tearful smile on her face hugging her diploma
  6460. >She exits the stage wiping the tears from her eyes.
  6461. >Can't help to feel a bit bad for her.
  6462. >"Last but not least. Our valedictorian. Twilight Sparkle!"
  6463. >Everyone starts applauding Twilight loudly as her name is called.
  6464. >Even her friends are doing the same.
  6465. >Her mother is crying tears of joy with her father shedding a tear as well.
  6466. >No one is more emotional than Shining Armor though.
  6467. >She sure does adore his sister.
  6468. >Twilight reaches the stage and gets her diploma.
  6469. >A gold medal is placed around Twilight's neck and a microphone is also handed to her.
  6470. >"Please. A speech as valedictorian." Luna says as the whole graduating class, including yourself is chanting Twilight.
  6471. >Twilight is a bit embarrassed by this, but she brings the microphone up to her.
  6472. >"Wow. This is so sudden. I didn't except to give a speech, but I'll do my best."
  6473. >She takes a deep breath as she looks out at the sea of people.
  6474. >"First. I would like to thank my family for all their support and love they gave me throughout these past 4 years. Thank you to all the teachers for being amazing and teaching me so well. Thank you to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna for being wonderful leaders to this amazing school, thank you to all my friends for being there for me when times were hard. For all the laughs, honesty, generosity, kindness, and loyalty they all showed me. The magic of friendship is the greatest thing a person could have."
  6475. >Twilight tears up a bit.
  6476. >"To end off this speech, I would like to take one more person. As much I would have loved for her to be here with us, I would like to thank Trixie Lulamoon for pushing me to be my very best." Tears starts flowing from Twilight's eyes even more. "And this is why. I would love for her parents and Sunset Shimmer to come on up here to accept her diploma on her behalf."
  6477. >Sunset and Trixie's parents are both shocked as the whole students roars with a thunderous chant.
  6478. >"G.A.P! G.A.P! G.A.P!"
  6479. >"WE ALL LOVE AND MISS YOU, TRIXIE." Twilight yells out as she steps to the side as her parents walk up with tears in their eyes.
  6480. >Honestly, there's not a dry eye in the house.
  6481. >Trixie's parents and Sunset hugs Twilight tightly as they thank her for showing so much love towards Trixie.
  6482. >A huge picture of Trixie is placed as the chant keeps going.
  6483. >The Principal Sisters hand the diploma to the parents as they gladly accept.
  6484. >Thunderous applauds starts as the chants die down with all of the parents in the crowd joining in.
  6485. >You look up at the sky with a smile on your face.
  6486. "Congratulations, Great & Powerful Trixie." You say to yourself.
  6487. >Finally the applauds end and the stage is now cleared.
  6488. >"Thank you to all the parents for being here for the students." Celestia speaks up. "Students. This is a new chapter in your life. Please be careful with where the road leads you and I hope all of your dreams come true."
  6489. >"Before we end this ceremony, one of our students would like to make a speech regarding his future." Luna turns and looks at you. "Anonymous. The stage is yours."
  6490. >Everyone starts clapping, but also confused.
  6491. >You grab Twilight's hand and pull her with you.
  6492. >"A-anon? What are you doing?"
  6493. "Just wait. You'll see."
  6494. >You both reach the stage and Luna hands you a microphone.
  6495. "Thank you, Sisters." You face the crowd. "Good morning everyone. Before I start, I want to do something special. Two weeks ago, we lost a beloved member of our Canterlot High family. The Great & Powerful Trixie. Today, we will honor and celebrate her life. The life of a wonderful magician who have touched all of us with her passion and spirit. Please join us for a moment of silence as we do a 10 Bell Salute."
  6496. >Everyone quiets down as the ringing starts.
  6497. >You close your eyes, taking in the silence as your head fills with thoughts of Trixie.
  6498. >You are sure everyone else is doing the same.
  6499. >Tears start to form a bit.
  6500. >The ringing stops and everyone claps for Trixie.
  6501. "Thank you so much. As Twilight said before. We love and miss you, Trixie Lulamoon."
  6502. >More applause happens and you feel good inside.
  6503. "Now I know you're all wondering why I'm here giving a speech. Allow me to explain."
  6504. >As you take a deep breath and look up, you see something in sky.
  6505. >You squint your eyes and you see two figures in the sky.
  6506. >Eatos & Dreadscythe are looking down at you with Eatos waving at you.
  6507. >A huge smile forms on your face.
  6508. >As you are about to speak, something jumps on your head.
  6509. >Everyone laughs as you see Jet on top of your head with its arms wide open.
  6510. >This is now perfect for you.
  6511. >Everyone is here.
  6512. >Thank you, Sakurai.
  6513. "Recently, I was given a huge job opportunity. Now one would think this is amazing, but something stopped me from making this decision quickly. As I was thinking on whether to take the job or not, the Principal Sisters surprised me with this." You take out the acceptance letter and show it off. "This is a letter granting me entry in all 5 ivy league schools. I was faced with a difficult choice. After a long time of thinking it over, I wanted to share my choice with all of you."
  6514. >You look at Twilight and grab her hand.
  6515. "When I found out Trixie was gone, I realized that life is too short and tomorrow isn't always promised. I'm sorry, Shining Armor." Your attention turns to him. "I will not be joining the force. I have chosen to go to Manehatten with the one I love." You turn to Twilight. "I cannot leave you again, Twi. I love you and I want to spend every minute with you."
  6516. >Twilight jumps in your arms as you catch her in the air.
  6517. >Everyone gives you both a round of applause as you look up to see both your guardian angels doing the same.
  6518. >Eatos is tearing up and you just feel Dreadscythe smiling behind her mask.
  6519. >You turn your attention to the crowd and see Shining Armor giving you a thumbs up, proud with the decision you made.
  6520. >This is the greatest day of your life.
  6521. >"Give it up for Anonymous and Twilight Sparkle! Surely a marvelous future for these two!" Celestia speaks up with her last final words. "As of now, you are all Canterlot High graduates! Congratulations!"
  6522. >All your friends and classmates cheer as the sky fills with everyone's graduation caps.
  6523. >You and Twilight join up with your friends and celebrate a bit.
  6524. "You girls want to celebrate at sugarcube corner?"
  6525. >They all agree with the plan.
  6526. >Everyone goes home as graduation is officially over.
  6529. >Graduation is finally over and you can't be more proud.
  6530. >Trixie's parents. You mean. Your parents finally get to their house.
  6531. "I still can't believe you're moving, guys." You say to them as you enter the house.
  6532. >"Well I got a better job in Ponyville and it pays really well." Your dad puts the keys on the hook. "You're not the only one that's gonna start a new beginning."
  6533. >You let out a chuckle as he heads upstairs and you head into the kitchen.
  6534. "It is good to be home. Isn't it?" You sit down across from someone you know very well.
  6535. >"Yes it is, sister." There is Trixie, alive and well drinking her favorite tea while still in her pajamas.
  6536. "Don't ever tell us to do something so dangerous and messed up like that again, Trix."
  6537. >"I agree, young lady." Your mom speaks up as she enters the kitchen. "If you didn't have your father wrapped around your little finger, I never would have agreed with your little plan."
  6538. >"Trixie is sorry. Really she is, but I feel like I had to do it. As much as Trixie wants to, I can't get over Anon right now. I figured the best way to do it was to fake my own death. I needed to make it believable."
  6539. "How in the world did you even manage the explosion and the fake body?"
  6540. >"That was easy. Trixie did a little experiment in the electrical socket for a time bomb I learned from watching a cartoon show. Honestly can't believe it worked. The body was the anatomy doll in health class. Trixie just placed the hairpin and crown next to the body. After placing the note in the fireproof box, I had Father call the fire department while I was ready to go. Good thing he was good friends with Chief Thunderlane. He also helped when he heard of the plan since he owed Father a favor from long ago."
  6541. >Both you and your mother look at Trixie in shock
  6542. "You have a devious brain, Trix. You do know you hurt a lot of people that night? You are lucky I can make myself cry on cue."
  6543. >"I can't believe you are my daughter."
  6544. >"Lighten up on her. She did what she felt was right. Even if it was for a boy." Your father chimes in as he grabs a bottle of water out the fridge.
  6545. >"There you go. Daddy's sweet little princess gets away with it. She really do have you in her control."
  6546. >All of you share a laugh.
  6547. "Oh yeah." You hand Trixie her diploma. "You graduated, but what are you gonna do now? Everyone thinks you're dead."
  6548. >"I'll figure it out when we go to Ponyville. Trixie can't believe she still got a diploma."
  6549. "You should have seen it. Everyone was chanting your name. Twilight started it all for you."
  6550. >"Trixie wishes she can give Twilight her thanks. She really is a great girl."
  6551. "Not as great as you, Trixie."
  6552. >The both of you share a hug.
  6553. >"Trixie loves you all." She brings in your parents and you all join in for a group hug. "I can't wait for all of us to live a happy life in Ponyville."
  6554. >Wait. All of us?
  6555. "What do you mean all of us?"
  6556. >"Did you think you weren't coming with us, dear?" Your mother looks at you. "I'm not leaving my daughter alone."
  6557. >You tear up, hugging everyone tight.
  6558. >You are ready for a new life with your family.
  6559. "I love you all."
  6561. ~ANONYMOUS~
  6562. >At sugarcube corner with all your friends.
  6563. >"Mr. and Mrs. Cake! 8 Sugarcube Corner specials! On the double!" Pinkie yells out to the Cake couple.
  6564. >They get started right away on the order.
  6565. >You are all around a big table just talking with each other.
  6566. >Everyone is talking about their dreams and future.
  6567. >They all seem excited with what they are going for.
  6568. >Twilight is close to you and you put your arm around her.
  6569. "By the way. Where's Sunset?" You speak up.
  6570. >"She said she will be here soon. She got news for us." Rainbow Dash says as she puts her phone away.
  6571. >The Cakes bring out the specials to your table and places one in front of everyone.
  6572. >The 8th one is placed by the empty seat.
  6573. >"These are on the house, kiddos. Just remember us when you're all successful." Mrs. Cake finishes placing all the sundaes. "Congratulations on finishing school and enjoy."
  6574. >Everyone begins chowing down.
  6575. >You see Twilight looking at Sunset's sundae.
  6576. >"Hopefully Sunset comes soon. Her sundae is melting."
  6577. >The door bell on top of the door rings as Sunset walks in and sits down on your table.
  6578. "Speak of the devil."
  6579. >Everyone greets Sunset as she apologizes for being late.
  6580. >"Sorry, everyone. Had to take care of some things."
  6581. >"No worries, Sunset." Twilight speaks in between bites. "So what is this news you have for us?"
  6582. >All the girls and you just stare at Sunset, waiting for the announcement.
  6583. >"Well. First. I'll be moving to Ponyville with Trixie's parents. Well. My parents since they took me in."
  6584. >This brings a bit a shock to everyone, but they are very supportive of her choice.
  6585. >You are too of course.
  6586. >"Second. I finally figured out what I want to do." Sunset finishes her sundae before revealing the big news. "I want to be a musician. Performing with you all made me feel alive and I must say. I'm damn sure good with a guitar."
  6587. >Of course, everyone cheers for Sunset, taking turns giving her hugs and congratulating her.
  6588. "Proud of you, Sunset. I hope you remember us when you get famous." Everyone laughs.
  6589. >Now that you think of it, everyone is gonna go their separate ways.
  6590. >Except for you and Twilight of course.
  6591. >This kind of makes you sad a bit.
  6592. "Girls." You speak up, getting everyone's attention. "Thank you all for making this an amazing school year for me. After this, we'll all be going our separate ways. Honestly. It makes me a bit down knowing that. I know I speak for Twilight as well when I say. I'll miss you all. So I will say a few words."
  6593. >You stand up, gathering words in your mind.
  6594. "Rainbow Dash. Thanks for being a loyal friend. I'll be there to watch you in the World Cup."
  6595. "Fluttershy. Thanks for the kindness you showed me throughout the years. I'll be sure to bring my pet to you if anything bad happens."
  6596. "Rarity. Thank you for all the generosity. I hope you'll design me a suit one day."
  6597. "Applejack. Thank you for always being honest with me. Make sure you save me apple pie when I visit the farm."
  6598. "Pinkie Pie. Thank you for making me laugh when I needed it. Invite me to the first party you plan as an official party planner."
  6599. "Sunset Shimmer. Thanks for being a great friend to me when I needed someone. I'll be there for your first concert."
  6600. >You look straight into Twilight's eyes, as she returns the gesture.
  6601. "Twilight Sparkle. I know we'll be together, but I just want to tell you. Thank you so much for loving me. For the memories. For being with me through thick and thin. I love you, Twilight Sparkle."
  6602. >Everyone lets out an 'Awwww' real loud as they thank you for the kind words you gave them.
  6603. >"Don't worry, Anon. Just because we'll be apart, we'll always be friends. No matter what." Sunset stands up and gives you a hug.
  6604. >Everyone else rushes out their seats and jumps in for a group hug.
  6605. "Looks like Twilight was right. The magic of friendship is the greatest thing anyone can ever have."
  6606. >They all agree as the hug last for a little while longer.
  6607. >This is probably the last time for a while you will all be together like this.
  6608. >You of course cherish this moment, as do everyone else.
  6609. >Thank you, everyone. For everything.
  6611. >10:00pm
  6612. >Late at night and you're at the lake behind your house.
  6613. >You called Twilight here so you can spend some time with her.
  6614. >Before that, you want to talk with Eatos & Dreadscythe.
  6615. >You take the crystal out and begin the technique.
  6616. >Instantly, you are in between gates.
  6617. >"Wonderful to see you, Anonymous." Eatos floats down from above in front of you. "Congratulations on graduating."
  6618. "Thank you, Eatos. I was surprised to see you in the sky during my speech. I'm sorry I didn't tell you my choice first like I said I was. I tried to contact you, but I couldn't get through."
  6619. >"Oh never mind that, child. I knew you were gonna tell everyone in the crowd. That's why we didn't answer when you called. We wanted to surprise you."
  6620. "Well you sure did surprise me. I was filled with joy when I saw both my guardian angels there cheering me on."
  6621. >"We wouldn't have missed it for the world. I'm happy for you and the future you picked, and I'm sure Ms. Trixie is supporting you and Ms. Twilight from above."
  6622. >As she finishes speaking, Dreadscythe appears behind her.
  6623. >"Congratulations, kid. An amazing speech as well. I am proud of you. I want to give you something. Give me the Crystal of the Angels."
  6624. >You do as your told and Dreadscythe squeezes the crystal tightly.
  6625. >A few seconds and she is done with what she was doing and hands the crystal back to you.
  6626. >You notice that the crystal is a different color.
  6627. >It's a bit more darker, but radiating more power than before.
  6628. >"I fused my own power within the crystal. Now we both are truly a part of you once again."
  6629. "Wow... I don't know what to say. Thank you, Dreadscythe."
  6630. >"You showed me a different way of myself. Kindness. So I should thank you. I'm glad Eatos had a kid like you."
  6631. "I love you both. Thank you for everything. I mean it."
  6632. >Out of nowhere, Dreadscythe does the unthinkable.
  6633. >You are now embraced in her arms and wings.
  6634. >Her aura is different from Eatos, but just as warm.
  6635. >It's not as menacing when you first met her.
  6636. >You gladly accept and motion Eatos to join in.
  6637. >She quickly does and you three just stand there for a good minute.
  6638. >After a while, the hug ends and both your guardian angels looks at you.
  6639. >"You've really grown rapidly in such short time." Eatos can't help but hold her excitement. "I wish you a bright future."
  6640. >"Never forget. We are both here for you. Forever." Dreadscythe ruffles your hair. "Be careful out there on your journey towards your future."
  6641. >As she finishes that sentence, a bell rings above you, signaling it is time to go.
  6642. >"Looks like we have to go." Dreadscythe bangs her scythe and surrounds you in that same beam of light. "Goodbye, Anonymous. Until the next call."
  6643. >"Goodbye, Anonymous." Eatos gives you a quick hug. "Call again real soon."
  6644. >Eatos claps her hands and just like that, you're back at the lake.
  6645. >You look at the crystal one more time.
  6646. >You sure are lucky to have guardian angels like them.
  6647. >The nice breeze brings your attention back to the area around you.
  6648. >The moonlight shining off the lake making it look like a sea of crystals in the water.
  6649. >This is so amazing.
  6650. >"Anon! I'm here!" You turn and see Twilight jogging towards you. "How come you wanted to meet here?"
  6651. "I wanted to spend some alone time with you. In this beautiful spot." You show her the lake and she is in awe.
  6652. >She is at a lost for words.
  6653. >You bring her close to you as the both of you stare at the lake for a while.
  6654. >"You know." Twilight breaks the silence. "I can never get tired of the this scenery."
  6655. "Neither will I. It's a shame we won't see it for a while, but as long as I'm with you, that's better than any beautiful scenery."
  6656. >Twilight leans into you and you rub her shoulder.
  6657. "Let's make the best of this while we can. After this, it's college life for us."
  6658. >"I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life with you."
  6659. "Me either. Let's make the best of it."
  6660. >Twilight turns to you and looks in your eyes.
  6661. >You can't help but stare back into her beautiful purple eyes.
  6662. >Slowly, you grab her by the face and lean in.
  6663. >She realizes what's going on and begins to lean towards you.
  6664. >Your lips finally meet as you share a passionate kiss.
  6665. >You both hold each other tightly as she sinks into the kiss.
  6666. >After what feels like an eternity, you both pull away as you just stare at each other.
  6667. >Twilight just hugs you softly with her head on your chest.
  6668. "I love you, Twilight."
  6669. >"I love you too, Anon. Always and forever."
  6670. >You both just hold each other to end a perfect night.
  6671. >Thank you for everything.
  6673. -End-

Falling into the Sunset

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A Feud Between Two Magic Hearts

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