Sweetie Belle stared at the chalkboard, her mind drawing a complete blank. She recognized the numbers, and the voice in the back of her head was screaming that the problem was an easy one. However, for some reason, she just couldn't make the gears turn. The little piece of chalk floated up and down in the glow of her horn aura. Behind her, she could hear fidgets and coughing. She could feel everypony watching her, and that wasn't helping. She could feel Miss Cheerilee watching her.
The piece of chalk continued to bob up and down, awaiting its instructions. The voice in the back of her head had given up trying to tell her the answer, and was now pleading with her to just write down a number, any number, so the two of them could sit down again. Behind her somepony snickered; probably Diamond Tiara.
She could feel hot sweat breaking out all across her body. Her legs felt wobbly, like she was going to fall down any minute. She squinted at the numbers on the chalkboard, as if that would somehow make the problem easier. Six... minus four... equals... it equals...
The answer came to her with a sudden jolt. Two! She almost shouted it out loud, but thankfully caught her voice in time. Instead, she directed the chalk to quickly scratch the character onto the surface of the board, and then dropped it quickly back in the tray.
"Very good, Sweetie Belle!"
Sweetie turned to see Miss Cheerilee smiling pleasantly at her. She returned the smile weakly, her knees still wobbly. At least it was over now. She turned away from the chalkboard and began the long, lonely journey back to her seat, her eyes glued to the floor.
"But it seems like you're still having a bit of trouble with your subtraction, dear," her teacher continued from behind her. "Why don't you hang around after class is finished, and we can work on it together. All right, Sweetie?"
Sweetie Belle looked back at Miss Cheerilee for a split second and swallowed, then turned her gaze quickly to the ground again.
"'Kay..." she mumbled, and plodded dejectedly back to her desk. A couple of the foals snickered. Otherwise, the classroom was completely silent, and somehow that was worse.
Sweetie could feel Scootaloo and Apple Bloom watching her with concern, but she was too embarrassed to meet their eyes. She walked past them to the second row, and climbed into her chair.
"Nice going, blank flank!" hissed Diamond Tiara from her left.
"How did you mith that one? That wuth an eathy one!" whispered Twist from her right.
She ignored both of them.
At the front of the room, Miss Cheerilee had resumed her lesson, explaining the principles of subtraction to the room of attentive foals. Scootaloo spun around and quickly shot Sweetie a reassuring smile, which she gratefully returned. The rest of the class seemed to have already forgotten the incident. However, her body was now covered in a thin film of nervous sweat. It was spring, and the schoolhouse was uncomfortably warm. Sweetie Belle felt slimy and gross all of a sudden. There was a knot forming in the pit of her stomach, that got tighter and tighter as the afternoon dragged on.
Miss Cheerilee wanted to see her after class. Again.
- - -
"Man, how did you miss an easy problem like that?"
Sweetie Belle looked up from her desk. Her friend Scootaloo was standing in front of her, Apple Bloom at her side. All around them, the room bustled with activity as the foals packed up their school bags, ready to head home. Celestia's sun had begun its descent to the west, casting long shadows across the schoolhouse floor. Sweetie Belle met her friend's inquisitve gaze and grunted.
"I knew the answer," she muttered crossly, returning her attention to the books she was transferring from the desk to her school bag. "I just can't concentrate when everypony's looking at me."
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom shared a concerned glance.
"Are Miss Cheerilee's lessons helpin' ya any?" asked Apple Bloom. "She sure seems to keep ya after school an awful lot these days."
"Yeah," Sweetie said shortly. "It helps."
Silence again. Scootaloo glanced at Apple Bloom again, and then back at Sweetie.
"If you want, we could help you study some time," she offered.
"Yeah," added Bloom, "Ah could even ask if Twist wants t'come over. She's real good at subtraction, she could probably help ya out!"
"Thanks," muttered Sweetie. "But I'm okay. I just get nervous when everypony's looking at me, that's all."
She finished packing up her school bag, but instead of slinging it over her shoulder, she placed it back underneath her desk and plopped down into her seat again. A soft aquamarine aura formed around her horn, and a pencil began to roll up and down the slope of the desk. Her friends watched her for a couple of seconds, and then glanced at each other again.
"Well..." began Apple Bloom, "Come by the clubhouse when you're done here, okay?"
"Yeah!" interjected Scootaloo. "Don't forget, we've got a Crusaders meeting today!"
Sweetie nodded, and smiled weakly at her two friends.
"'Kay," she said. "I'll be there as soon as... as soon as Miss Cheerilee's done with me. Shouldn't be too long."
"Bye, Sweetie Belle!" called Apple Bloom over her shoulder as the two of them trotted out the door, following the last few straggling fillies still in the building.
Sweetie Belle said nothing. The door swung shut, and suddenly she was alone in the schoolhouse with her teacher.
She turned her eyes to the front of the room. Miss Cheerilee was erasing the chalkboard, her back turned to Sweetie Belle. She was humming pleasantly to herself, some old tune she always hummed. Sweetie Belle stayed glued to her seat. The knot in her stomach was back.
Miss Cheerilee continued to hum, the sound slightly garbled by the eraser in her mouth. She swayed her hips back and forth in time with the music as her head moved gracefully across the chalkboard. She flicked her tail back, and Sweetie Belle could see her... her... Sweetie looked quickly down at her desk.
The humming ceased. The knot in Sweetie's stomach tightened abruptly. She continued staring down at her desk.
"Sweetie Belle, are you ready for today's lesson?" Miss Cheerilee's voice was pleasant and musical; the same voice she used for the other foals in class. Sweetie's knot tightened again.
"Yes, Miss Cheerilee," she said in a low monotone.
"Why don't you open up the cabinet then, dear," sang her teacher.
As if her body were being moved by wires, Sweetie Belle hopped down and trotted to Miss Cheerilee's desk. The teacher had gone back to erasing the chalkboard, humming and swaying her hips in time. Her tail was pulled completely back, leaving nothing to the imagination. Sweetie looked quickly away again, but still caught a glimpse of her... her thing... winking at her. As she passed by, she caught a whiff of her teacher's scent. Miss Cheerilee always wore some kind of perfume that smelled like flowers and berries, and... and there was a scent of something else underneath. A smell Sweetie recognized.
Her horn glowed aquamarine, and one of the drawers of Miss Cheerilee's desk slid open. The key was where it always was, and Sweetie levitated it out and then slid the drawer shut again. She trotted over to the row of cabinets that lined the side wall of the classroom. Her teacher had finished with the chalkboard, and was now at the row of cabinets on the opposite side, busily putting things away and humming to herself, still Ignoring Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie paused, staring at the locked cabinet, the key floating up and down at the outside of the lock, just as the piece of chalk had been doing earlier. She knew what was inside that cabinet, but, the voice in the back of her head reasoned, as long as the door stayed closed, she could pretend that stuff didn't exist.
She glanced quickly over her shoulder. Miss Cheerilee's front hooves were perched on the surface of the far cabinet, her neck craned upwards towards the window as she undid the tie that held the curtain open. The curtain rustled softly as it swung down, and the light in the room diminished slightly. Still humming to herself, Miss Cheerilee did the curtains over the other two windows in the same way. The golden afternoon sun that had flooded the schoolroom was now reduced to a soft glow. The room suddenly felt even more stuffy and claustrophobic.
Miss Cheerilee turned and headed for the windows on Sweetie Belle's side of the room. She glanced in her direction, and frowned.
"Open up the cabinet, Sweetie," her teacher commanded. The sweet, singsong tone, the classroom tone she used with the other foals, was gone from her voice now. This was a different Miss Cheerilee, the Miss Cheerilee that only Sweetie Belle knew. The look in her eyes told Sweetie that her teacher would become impatient with her if she were disobeyed much longer. Sweetie gulped, and turned back to the cabinet. She remembered what had happened the last time she'd made Miss Cheerilee angry. Slowly, she slid the key into the lock, and turned it with a soft click. The door creaked open, slowly. Meanwhile, she heard two more pairs of curtains rustle. The schoolroom was quite dark now, the windows reduced to softly glowing walls of fabric.
There was now only the one curtain left open, the one directly above the cabinet that Sweetie was staring into. The clipclopping of hooves on wood drew nearer, and Sweetie could hear and feel and smell her teacher standing directly behind her. Miss Cheerilee grunted softly and sprang up on her back hooves, depositing her front ones gracefully on the cabinet edge. As she leaned forward to undo the curtain, the breasts below her abdomen pushed into Sweetie's mane. Her tail whisked back and forth, and Sweetie was suddenly accosted by a warm musky scent.
Miss Cheerilee swayed her hips back and forth, humming, her breasts grinding into Sweetie's mane as the little foal sat petrified, still staring at the toys in the cabinet while trying not to see them. There was a soft rustling above her, and suddenly the last bit of sunlight winked out of the room. Miss Cheerilee's hooves landed back on the floor next to her with a soft thud, and Sweetie looked up to see her teacher staring down at her, an unpleasant smile on her face. She swallowed.
"Which one, Miss Cheerilee?" she asked softly.
"Hmmm...." Miss Cheerilee mused, pretending to ponder the question seriously. Together they stared at the array of objects laid out neatly inside the cabinet.
This was the only cabinet in the classroom that Miss Cheerilee kept locked. The other foals all thought it was just a boring cabinet, filled with extra bottles of glue and rulers and old books and other junk nopony would be interested in. Only Sweetie Belle knew what was really inside.
Miss Cheerilee's collection of weird toys seemed to get bigger every time this cabinet was opened. Sweetie didn't know where her teacher bought these things and she didn't want to know. There were all manner of strange objects: long and short, thick and slender, of all shapes and colors. Some were fashioned to look like the private parts of stallions or other creatures, others had more ordinary shapes. Some of them had magic built into them, and would vibrate or squirt liquid when the spell was activated.
Sweetie's eyes rested momentarily on one particular device, a long, black, rubber cylinder, studded with little rubber bumps. It was enormous, easily as long as Sweetie herself, and nearly as thick as Miss Cheerilee's leg. Far too large for a little filly like her. Sweetie Belle gulped. She really hoped Miss Cheerilee didn't pick that one today. That one had hurt.
To Sweetie's relief, her teacher pointed her hoof at a much smaller toy, a new one that Sweetie didn't recognize. It was bright red, and shaped like a big, long strawberry. It had something like a doorknob on the back of it, with a large gem in the center. The slight buzzing Sweetie felt in her horn when she touched it with her aura told her it had magic.
"Yes, I think this one today," said Miss Cheerilee. "Bring it over here."
Sweetie's horn glowed, and the weird little strawberry-shaped plug with the jewel on the end levitated into the air. She turned and followed her teacher to the front of the classroom, the little berry floating in an aquamarine aura alongside her. She noticed Miss Cheerilee had that other magic toy of hers set up again. This was a different kind of toy from the others she used, one she never used to hurt her, but Sweetie somehow felt it was just as bad as the others. It was a short, squat metal cylinder with a glass lens at one end, that sat horizontally atop a tripod. It kind of looked like the school telescope, only it was shorter, and the other side had a mirror on it instead of another lens. Sweetie didn't understand what her teacher used it for, all she knew was that she had brought it out for every one of their after-school lessons. That, and she knew that it was magic. There seemed to be more and more of these magic devices around Ponyville. She remembered learning all about it in class one day, how wizard-ponies in Canterlot had figured out how to build devices powered by magic. The magic was stored inside them somehow, so that even Earth Ponies and Pegasi could use them. It seemed like everypony had some kind of magic device these days; her big sister had one that made tea.
She looked again at the weird telescope. Miss Cheerilee had flipped a switch on the cylinder, and the lens at the end was glowing softly. The mirror seemed to be glowing too; she could see the soft blue light illuminating her teacher's face as she stared intently at whatever it showed her. Miss Cheerilee glanced up at her, made a small adjustment to the telescope-thing, and then looked back at the mirror again. Sweetie gulped, again wondering just what Miss Cheerilee's weird telescope was supposed to do, exactly. She glanced at the little strawberry thing floating in her horn aura. Who made all this weird magic stuff, anyway? What kind of horrible pony would want to make this kind of stuff? She wished whoever it was had stuck to making nice things, like tea kettles.
"Climb up on the desk, Sweetie Belle," Miss Cheerilee commanded.
Sweetie did as she was told, clambering unsteadily on top of one of the student desks. "Scootaloo's desk," the voice in the back of her head uselessly informed her. The desk surface sloped, and her legs were getting wobbly again. She turned around slowly, getting into the position that she knew Miss Cheerilee liked, with her haunches facing out over the high end of the desk. Her front hooves pressed against the little wooden bar at the bottom of the slope, the one that kept pencils and books from sliding off. All four of her legs still wobbling, she managed to hold herself in that position as Miss Cheerilee walked around behind her. Meanwhile, the little strawberry-shaped plug floated down to rest on the desk next to her.
Sweetie could feel her teacher's eyes appraising her young rump, roving up and down her blank flanks, finally moving towards her privates. The position she was in didn't leave much to the imagination, but she instinctively tucked her tail down between her legs, doing her best to conceal her shame.
"Move your tail, Sweetie," commanded her teacher in a sharp tone. Reluctantly, Sweetie flicked up her tail and tossed it to one side. She had a big, fluffy tail; pink and lavender and gracefully curled, just like her mane. Rarity always said she had a really pretty tail.
"Mmmm, that's better...." the magenta earth pony purred.
Sweetie could feel her teacher's hot breath against her private parts. It made her stomach tighten, and her legs got even wobblier. She began to feel something else, too, that weird feeling between her hind legs that somehow felt good and bad at the same time. She felt herself wink involuntarily, and she knew that Miss Cheerilee had seen it.
"Hmm, what was that, Sweetie Belle...?" her teacher murmured. She felt Miss Cheerilee's warm, wet tongue running up the length of her labia. A shiver ran through her body.
Sweetie could feel her skin flushing bright red underneath her marshmallow-colored coat. She scrunched her eyes as tight as she could, praying to Celestia to give her control over her own body, but she couldn't stop herself. She could feel it wink again, then two more times after that.
"Mm, you like this, don't you?" said Miss Cheerilee. That warm, wet tongue darted out again, tickling her little clit. A low, pitiful noise escaped from Sweetie's throat, somewhere between a moan and a sob. She felt like she could die from embarrassment; suddenly it felt like everypony in Equestria was watching her. She wished that she could just disappear forever; wished it to Celestia, to Luna, to anypony who could hear her.
But when she opened her eyes, she hadn't moved. She was still in the same position, standing on her friend's desk, her private parts exposed and winking for everypony to see. Her teacher's tongue was exploring wherever it pleased, like a slimy, disgusting slug crawling all over her. She felt it slime its way up to her anus, circling a few times around the fat puffy ring before poking its way into her hole. A gross, slimy, disgusting slug was crawling inside her dirtiest place, and she couldn't stop it, and... and...
...and she knew the worst part of it, too. The worst part was that she didn't really want it to stop. Tingling spasms shot through her wherever that disgusting slug touched, sending ripples of pleasure and shame throughout her young body, and she wanted each tingle to last forever. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as another moan escaped her.
"You like this, don't you Sweetie Belle?" Miss Cheerilee repeated. The slug oozed out from the plump doughnut of her anus, sliding back down towards her clit. The worst part of this was that she knew Miss Cheerilee was right. She really did like it.
"Y-yessss...." she groaned softly.
"Yes, what?" purred Miss Cheerilee.
"Y-yes, I... I l-like it..."
The slug looped around her little filly clit, its slime trail mixing with the slime that was beginning to ooze out of her, smearing it around.
"What do you like?" asked Miss Cheerilee. Sweetie could only groan in response, breaking into a short sob at the end.
Suddenly, Miss Cheerilee pulled back. Sweetie craned her head around, trying to see behind her. The slug had retreated back into her teacher's mouth. A thin ribbon of slime stretched from between her legs to Miss Cheerilee's lips, until eventually it snapped in two.
"Tell me what you like," her teacher asked again. This time it was an order.
Sweetie Belle felt herself turning red again, suddenly back to feeling self conscious. She didn't want to say it out loud. Saying it, admitting out loud what the two of them were doing, admitting that she liked it... it would make her dirty. Unforgivably dirty. A dirty and disgusting filly, that nopony civilized and refined would ever want anything to do with. But she knew that she had to say it. She had to say it, or the slug would never crawl on her and make her tingle again. And of course, if she didn't say it, Miss Cheerilee might punish her.
"I...I like it when you..." she swallowed, and coughed. "I like it when you... when you l-lick..."
The last word hung in the air like that ribbon of slime had done, a thin delicate strand that hovered between them.
"I l-like it when you l-lick my... my p-pussy."
It was out in the open now. She had admitted what kind of filly she really was. She scrunched her eyes tight again, her flesh burning underneath her sweat-sheened coat, once again wishing that Celestia would just make her disappear forever. What kind of filly was she, that she could enjoy something so vile and disgusting?
As if reading her thoughts, her teacher spoke again:
"What do you call a filly who would enjoy something dirty and nasty like that?"
Another sob racked Sweetie's body. She felt herself winking again; she didn't even try to control it. The air inside the schoolhouse was stifling, but felt cold on the slimy parts of her privates, the places where the slug had crawled. She pressed her face against the hard wooden desk. She wanted to die, she wanted to disappear. She wanted the slug to come back, she wanted it to crawl inside her and make her explode.
"Hmm?" Miss Cheerilee repeated her question. "What do you call a filly like that?"
"A... a s-slut..." Sweetie's voice was barely audible, but it felt like everypony in Ponyville had heard her say it. It felt like she'd put it in a letter to Princess Celestia and sent it off, and Celestia had opened it, and read it out loud to everypony in Canterlot...
Miss Cheerilee's muzzle was pressed in close to her privates again. She could feel hot breath on her labia, and suddenly she wished more than anything that the slug would crawl on her again, crawl on her and make her tingle, so she could just feel good and forget about the horrible thing she'd said... but the slug didn't come back. She felt Miss Cheerilee's hot breath receding, her mouth pulling away, and Sweetie's eyes shot open. She craned her neck back and cast a crazed, pleading glance at her teacher, who was staring down in amusement at her student.
"Tell me what you are, Sweetie Belle," she commanded again. "Say it all this time. I want you to tell me exactly what you are."
This time she didn't hesitate.
"I... I'm a filthy little filly slut."
Miss Cheerilee smiled.
"Oh you are, are you? And what does a filthy little filly slut like you want her teacher to do for her?"
She swallowed. Her throat felt dry.
"I... I want you to lick my pussy."
Miss Cheerilee frowned.
"You already told me that, whore. I want you to tell me exactly what you want, or Miss Cheerilee is going to be very angry with you."
Sweetie Belle gulped for air, coughed, and then swallowed again.
"I... I want you to make me c-cum, M-Miss Cheerilee..."
Sweetie scrunched her eyes shut, pressing her muzzle into the wood of the desk again. Tears were welling up in her eyes. One last time, she made a wish that she could disappear forever. She took a deep breath, and then...
"I w-want... I want you to make me cum, Miss Cheerilee! I-I'm a slutty f-filly, and I want you to lick my d-dirty, slutty little filly pussy until I c-cum!"
She finally broke down sobbing. Miss Cheerilee was still staring down at her, an amused expression on her face. She reached out with her front hoof, gently stroking the blank part of Sweetie's flank.
"There there, Sweetie Belle," she purred. Sweetie blinked back her tears and looked at her. She almost sounded like her teacher again. "Doesn't it feel good to admit it?"
"Doesn't it feel good to admit what you are?"
"*SNIFF*... yes..."
Miss Cheerilee rubbed her fetlock gently against Sweetie's labia.
"You're different from all the other little ponies, aren't you?" asked Miss Cheerilee, in her sweetest Miss Cheerilee voice.
"All the other little fillies in your class are good, and kind and pure, and one day they will grow up and spread friendship all across Equestria!"
With a quick flick of her front leg, Miss Cheerilee suddenly pressed the hard edge of her hoof against Sweetie's clitoris, pushing down until she began to moan.
"But you," her sweet-teacher voice had dropped half an octave, "You're different from them, aren't you? You're a filthy filly, and you like filthy things. You're a filthy, slutty little bitch, who wants Teacher to lick her pussy, aren't you?"
"...yesssss...." Sweetie groaned into the desk.
"Yes, what?"
"...yessss... I... I'm a filthy little slutty b-bitch... a-and... and I want T-Teacher t-to... to lick my pussy..."
Suddenly, the pressure on her clit was gone, and she heard a soft plop behind her as Miss Cheerilee dropped down onto her haunches. Sweetie peered around and once again saw her teacher, sitting on the floor and beaming sweetly at her.
"Good girl, Sweetie Belle!" she said, once again sounding like her teacher. "I'm so proud of you for telling me the truth!"
Sweetie Belle smiled weakly.
"T-thanks, Miss Cheerilee," she said.
"Now you listen up, you disgusting little whore," her teacher went on. The dirty things she said sounded so much dirtier when she used that singsong voice. "Teacher will make you cum, if that's what you want, but you're going to make yourself useful first. Do you understand me, Slutty Belle?"
Slutty Belle sniffed again, and nodded.
"Yes," she said.
"Good," chirped Miss Cheerilee. She glanced down at something on the desk. Sweetie followed her gaze, and realized that that weird little strawberry-shaped thing was still lying on the desk next to her. "That toy goes in your asshole, dear."
Sweetie gulped, but she obediently levitated the little plug into the air.
"Get it wet first," ordered Miss Cheerilee.
She hesitated for a moment, but opened her mouth and put the little device inside. She could feel the magic inside it tickling her tongue, sending tiny electric jolts all the way down her spine. She rolled it around in her mouth the way Miss Cheerilee had taught her, getting it slick with her saliva. After a quick glance at her teacher to confirm that she'd done it enough, she floated it around and aimed it at the little puckered hole in the center of her doughnut.
Wincing, Sweetie began slowly easing the little toy inside her. It hadn't looked that big compared to the other toys in Miss Cheerilee's cabinet, but now that it was pressing into her asshole, stretching her...
She suddenly felt something ramming into her from behind. White hot specks of light danced before her eyes, and for a moment all she could feel was a searing pain in her anus. She could feel her balance tipping, and was only able to just barely catch herself before she tumbled face forward off of the desk.
"I said put it in your asshole."
"I-it's in!" cried Sweetie Belle.
"I want it all the way in."
Miss Cheerilee gave the little gemstone another rough nudge with her muzzle, and suddenly the fat part of the berry was all the way inside Sweetie Belle. Sweetie could feel her doughnut clamping down around the thin stem between the berry and the knob. The slug crawled out of Miss Cheerilee's mouth again, this time pressing softly against the gemstone at the end of the plug. Sweetie felt the familiar tingle of magic coursing through her body as the device started up. It began to pulsate, sending little spasms of electric pleasure into her asshole with each vibration. Sweetie couldn't help but groan, and Miss Cheerilee smirked.
"My, you are a little whore, aren't you?" she teased.
"Y-yess Miss Cheerilee..."
"Mmm, I always knew it, Slutty Belle..."
The slug crawled out of her mouth again, darting quickly up and down the edges of Sweetie's labia, sending a shiver through her body. The little marshmallow-colored filly moaned. Miss Cheerilee giggled.
"I always knew it," she repeated. "From the first day you were in my class, I could tell what kind of filly you are..."
Once again, Miss Cheerilee pressed the gemstone with her tongue, this time holding it for a second or two. Sweetie Belle felt a different kind of magic this time, something like a magnetic attraction, and her sphincter closed even more tightly, sucking the back of the little plug flush against her doughnut. It felt like some kind of seal was forming.
"What did you do?!?" Sweetie Belle cried out in alarm.
"Shhh," her teacher said. "The spell is keyed to my tongue now. You won't be able to take the butt-plug out until I unlock it."
Sweetie whipped her head around, genuinely frightened now. Miss Cheerilee giggled at her expression.
"Don't worry, dear," she said. "If you're a good little filly, I'll take it out after school tomorrow. Until then, you can just enjoy it."
"M-Miss Cheerilee!" Sweetie Belle protested, "I can't have this in my... I can't have this thing in me all night! W-what if my sister sees it?"
Miss Cheerilee giggled again.
"Well, you'll just have to be really careful not to let her see it then, won't you?" she cooed. "Good thing you've got that big, pretty tail."
She tapped a hoof against the gemstone, and then pressed on it, hard. Sweetie Belle gasped, nearly losing her balance again as Miss Cheerilee wiggled her hoof, spasms of pain and pleasure shooting through Sweetie's asshole each time the berry moved around inside her. Miss Cheerilee laughed out loud.
"The gem in the center is a mood-stone, it changes color based on what you're feeling. I wonder what it means when it glows bright pink like this? I think I could take a guess..."
Sweetie Belle could only moan in response. Miss Cheerilee sat back on her haunches again.
"All right, Sweetie Bitch. That's enough playing around. Get down here and pleasure me."
Still having trouble balancing, Sweetie awkwardly clambered down off the desk. The thing in her butt shifted every time she moved, making the climb more difficult. Finally, all four of her hooves were on the floor again. She turned to see Miss Cheerilee lying on her back, her hind legs spread wide apart. Her dark purple labia was glistening with arousal, the lips spread open obscenely, revealing her great bulbous clit. The fleshy orbs of her crotch-breasts jiggled slightly whenever she moved. The expression on her face was pure lust.
"You get over here right now, Sweetie Whore," she breathed. "If your mouth isn't on my cunt in two seconds I'll make you wish you'd never been born."
Sweetie trotted to where her teacher lay as quickly as she was able. As she knelt between Miss Cheerilee's legs, she was nearly overwhelmed by the musky aroma of her sex, with the scent of flower and berry perfume underneath. The smell almost gagged her, but the look in Miss Cheerilee's eyes made it clear that the teacher was in no mood to play games with her. Sweetie buried her muzzle deep between her teacher's open legs, kissing and licking and sucking the way she'd been taught. She tried not to breathe through her nose.
"Oooh, fuck...." groaned Miss Cheerilee. She brought her front hooves down, pressing her student's face deeper into her crotch while squeezing her hind legs together. Sweetie was trapped. She began to struggle as her muzzle was pushed into her teacher's vagina, cutting off her breathing. She tried to pull back, but Miss Cheerilee's legs held her firmly in place.
"Mish Sheerilee...Uh canh breafe..."
"Quiet, you cunt!" spat Miss Cheerilee. "Oh, fuck..."
Just as Sweetie Belle felt that she would lose consciousness, the vice-grip holding her in place was suddenly released. She pulled her head back immediately, gasping for air. A ribbon of viscous fluid was dripping from her nose, and when she inhaled it went into her lungs, sending her into a coughing fit. Miss Cheerilee wasn't about to let her rest, though.
"I didn't tell you to stop," she barked. "Get back down there!"
Still coughing, Sweetie Belle pressed her muzzle back into Miss Cheerilee's vagina, kissing and sucking her teacher's protruding clit. Her tiny horn began to sparkle, and an aquamarine aura appeared and began massaging the plump rim of the teacher's asshole.
"Ohhhh, sweet Celestia...." Miss Cheerilee murmured. "You know just how to get me off, don't you Sweetie Fuck?"
Sweetie's magic aura solidified into something like a capsule, and began pushing its way into her teacher's anus. Touching somepony with her magic was like touching them with her hoof, but more intense. A unicorn's magic could feel not only physical sensations, but could pick up traces of emotions and sometimes even thoughts, if the thoughts were strong enough. The inside of Miss Cheerilee's asshole always felt warm and squishy and gross. Sweetie didn't fully comprehend everything her teacher was thinking and feeling right then, but she knew that all of it was vile.
There was not even the faintest trace of warmth or affection in Miss Cheerilee's emotions. The teacher at the Ponyville School, ordinarily so kind and sweet and sunny, dearly loved by all of her students and nearly everypony in town, didn't really care about Sweetie Belle at all. She didn't even think of her as a pony. She was just... some kind of object to her; a plaything to be pulled out and used for amusement. Underneath all that sunshine and kindness, this was who her teacher really was, and that terrified Sweetie. She hated using her magic like this, but she also knew that it would probably send Miss Cheerilee over the edge, and right now she just wanted this "lesson" to be over. Besides, if she didn't do it with magic, her teacher would sometimes make her do it with her tongue, and that was worse.
"Ohhhhh.... fuuuuuck....."
Her teacher was barely paying attention to her now. One of her hind legs had begun to kick, and she arched her back, moaning in ecstasy. A stream of horrid, disgusting, incomprehensible feelings flooded into Sweetie Belle through her horn. She felt sick. She didn't exist as a pony at all right now, let alone as a student that her teacher was supposed to guide and care for. She was just another toy that Miss Cheerilee used to get herself off, no different from the ones she kept in the drawer.
As her teacher groaned and thrashed about on the floor, Sweetie Belle pressed her tongue against the giant clit, swirling it around in a circle and then licking upward, like she was eating an ice cream cone. Her tongue continued up around the edges of her teacher's labia, finally reaching the top. She saw Miss Cheerilee's large crotch-breasts jiggling and swaying as she moved, so Sweetie craned her neck outward and began to lick and suck on the nipples in a way she knew that the older mare liked. Her front hoof massaged her teacher's clit, while her magic aura continued to explore her from the inside.
"....fuck..... that's it, Sweetie Belle.... I'm going to..... AAAAAAAH!!!"
Her teacher cried out in unbridled lust as Sweetie once again pushed her muzzle into the adult mare's cunt and began to suck on her clit in earnest. The teacher's maregasm suddenly exploded, once again covering the little unicorn foal's face in thick, yellowish viscous fluid. Sweetie nearly gagged as she swallowed a mouthful of it, but she forced herself to continue licking and sucking until Miss Cheerilee's pleasure had subsided.
The two of them lay on the floor, panting with exertion, Sweetie Belle's head still resting between her teacher's hind legs. The air inside the school room felt humid and musky and gross.
"Mmm, that was wonderful, Sweetie Whore...." groaned Miss Cheerilee.
Sweetie Belle looked up. A long ribbon of viscous mare-cum was dribbling down her chin, adding to the pool of it that had formed on the floor. She shook her head roughly to detach it, and spat out some lingering traces that were still in her mouth. Her teacher laughed, and began gently stroking her cheek with her front hoof.
"It's a wonder you haven't gotten your cutie mark yet," the magenta earth pony continued. "I think it's pretty clear what your 'special talent' is."
Sweetie's eyes went wide at the suggestion, her eyes darting instinctively to her flank. Oh please, please, please, not now, she thought. Please don't let me get a cutie mark for doing this, I could never face anypony ever again...
Her reaction made the teacher laugh again.
"Oh, what's the matter, Sweetie?" she teased. "I thought you wanted to get your cutie mark. Wouldn't you be proud, to get a mark before either of your little friends get theirs? Wouldn't you want to run off to your little clubhouse and show them right away?"
Sweetie Belle had turned so red it was nearly visible through her marshmallow coat. Her teacher laughed a third time, and then pulled herself up to her haunches.
"Now then," she began. "Since you did such a nice job, I'm going to keep my promise and let you cum. Get on your back, just like I was."
Still burning with embarrassment, Sweetie did as she was told and rolled over onto her back, consciously avoiding the viscous puddle on the floor. She flicked her tail to the side to avoid soaking any of it up.
"Spread your legs, dear."
Sweetie hesitated, then spread her hind legs apart. She looked away, refusing to meet her teacher's leering gaze. Even though there was no part of her body that Miss Cheerilee hadn't seen many times already, she still felt exposed whenever she lay in this position. Once again, she became conscious of the weird telescope thing that Miss Cheerilee always had pointed at her, and wondered again what it was for.
"Hmmm, what's this...?" Miss Cheerilee put her nose between Sweetie's legs, sniffing her crotch. "You're a horny little foal, all right..."
Sweetie couldn't stifle a gasp as her teacher pressed her nose against her pussy and inhaled deeply. She glanced up at Miss Cheerilee, and sure enough there was a thin ribbon of viscous fluid extending from her labia to the teacher's nose. Miss Cheerilee smiled, and her pink tongue darted up to her nose, causing the strand to break and fall to the floor.
"What are you?"
Sweetie Belle looked away again.
"....a slut," she muttered softly.
"I didn't hear you. Tell me what you are."
The sharp note in Miss Cheerilee's voice made Sweetie's head snap back and lock eyes with her teacher.
"I...I'm a horny little filly slut," answered Sweetie automatically.
"Tell me what you want."
"I..." the little filly swallowed. "I want you...to make me c-cum."
The earth pony smiled.
"That's what I thought," she purred. "Ask me nicely and I just might do it."
Sweetie Belle swallowed again.
"P-please, Miss Cheerilee," she said. "Please l-lick my pussy and make me cum."
Her teacher stared down at her and continued smiling. Sweetie's face reddened again, and a knot formed in her stomach. Did she really have to say the rest of it?
"Go on," said Miss Cheerilee. There was a note of impatience in her voice. "What else do you want?"
The knot in Sweetie's stomach tightened. Mentally crossing her hooves, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth once more:
"I...w-want to get a...a c-cutie mark," she stammered. "For being a d-dirty slut."
'Not really not really not really not really please no please no please no please no,' she whispered to Celestia inside her head. Her teacher's smile widened.
"All right then, Sweetie Slut," she said pleasantly. "Since you asked me so nicely, let's see if we can't help you get that cutie mark...."
Sweetie cried out as Miss Cheerilee suddenly plunged her muzzle between Sweetie's legs and began massaging her clit with her tongue. The slug was back, leaving a slimy trail around her pussy lips as it wormed its way inside her. She squirmed as waves of pleasure rippled through her body. One of her hind legs began to kick involuntarily.
"Aaaahhh....." she moaned as the slug pushed rhythmically in and out of her most private place. "M-miss Cheerilee...."
Just when Sweetie thought that she could no longer take it and that she was going to explode, the slug suddenly pulled out of her, and an instant later she felt it crawling around the soft bump of her tiny crotch-breast. It teased its way around her areola before flicking at her nipple, sending little shocks of excitement through her body every time it touched.
Sweetie yelped in surprise as Miss Cheerilee's teeth nipped at her other breast.
"M-miss Cheerilee, don't," she protested. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
She cried out in pain as she felt the older mare's teeth clamp down on her nipple, hard.
"Don't tell me what to do, you little slut," snarled Miss Cheerilee through her teeth.
The little marshmallow foal could only cry and whimper as her teacher bit down on her nipple again and tugged upward on it, twisting it from side to side in her jaws. Finally, the vice-like grip released and her nipple was free. Warm tears blurred Sweetie's vision.
"You liked that, didn't you, Sweetie Bitch?"
"Y-yes Miss Cheerilee..." Sweetie Bitch whimpered.
"You want me to do it to your clit, don't you?"
Sweetie gulped, but she didn't dare argue.
The older pony's teeth clamped down on the little orb protruding out from between her labia. As they pressed down, Sweetie's body suddenly exploded. Her legs kicked, her tail flicked rapidly up and down, tickling the side of her teacher's neck.
The little foal moaned, thrashing from side to side as her teacher held her clitoris in the grip of her teeth, rapidly flicking it with her tongue. Yellowy viscous fluid shot out of her in little spurts, hitting her teacher on the nose and chin. Even so, Miss Cheerilee's grip did not ease up. She continued to hold on to her clit, thrashing it with her tongue over and over even after the orgasm subsided. To Sweetie Belle's horror, she suddenly felt her bladder release, and another type of yellowish fluid began spraying out onto the floor. No longer able to hold it back, she began to sob helplessly, her cries intermingled with soft groans of pleasure as Miss Cheerilee continued to abuse her clit.
As Sweetie's body spasms subsided, Miss Cheerilee released her grip on her clit and stood back, watching with a smirk as the little foal continued helplessly pissing herself. Her urine pooled out on the floor, mixing in with the body fluids of both mares that were already soaking into the wooden floorboards.
"Wow, you really had to go," murmurred Miss Cheerilee, still smirking. Sweetie Belle's face was once again bright red underneath her coat, and she turned her head away as she desperately tried to regain control of her body.
'I'm so embarrassed I could die,' the little foal thought helplessly as her body continued to ignore her commands. Once more, she found herself thinking about her flank, praying to Celestia and Luna and anypony else who might listen that it would still be blank the next time she looked at it. She couldn't even imagine getting a cutie mark for something as filthy and degrading as this; she would literally rather die. No matter how good it felt, no matter how good she knew that she could make Miss Cheerilee feel, she couldn't bear having such a humiliating cutie mark. The very idea filled her with dread. She could never face anypony she knew ever again if she had a mark like that. Her friends, her classmates, what would they think of her? What would Rarity think of her? Who would want to be sisters with a filly who had a disgusting mark like that...?
Miss Cheerilee leaned in, pressing her muzzle against Sweetie Belle's. The slug was back again, crawling over her bottom lip, and in spite of her shame and embarrassment Sweetie found herself opening her mouth, allowing the slug to crawl inside. She felt her teacher's hot breath in her mouth, the slimy slug that had been tickling her clitoris just seconds ago now entangling itself with her tongue. Groaning softly, she began to kiss her teacher back.
For a fleeting moment her shame and humiliation were gone, and she lost herself in the heat and the warmth and the wetness of Miss Cheerilee's mouth. There was something else there, too; another feeling that was different from shame. It was something like... pride? In spite of everything, Sweetie could feel her private places tingling with pleasure as her teacher kissed her. The little voice in the back of her head was whispering to her:
"You really are pretty good at this. Maybe this is your special talent after all...."
- - -
Rarity screamed her orgasm, causing Opalescence to jolt awake in surprise. The big fluffy cat leaped off of the bed, gave out an annoyed hiss and darted from the room.
Meanwhile, the marshmallow colored unicorn's horn continued to glow a gentle cerulean blue as she thrust the dildo in and out, continuing to punish her pussy even after the last tingling pangs had subsided. Finally, she yanked the object out of her body with such force that it almost made her cum a second time. With a contented sigh, she tossed the dildo aside. It glistened with moisture as it made a graceful arc through the air, landing with a soft plop in the corner. Rarity turned her attention back to the mirror.
To the casual eye, the elegantly-framed oval of glass that hung on the wall next to her bed was just an ordinary mirror. Rarity had one in almost every room of her home, so it was nothing unusual. However, this particular mirror was different. It had an enchanted jewel embedded at the very bottom, that was keyed to an identical jewel on a telescope-like object owned by another mare.
Her heart still pounding, the unicorn ran her hoof through her luxurious purple mane, which had become uncharacteristically messy. She absent-mindedly set her aura to grope about on the nearby vanity table for her hairbrush, as she observed the images flickering across the magic glass. With a lusty smirk, she watched the young, innocent-looking foal hungrily kiss the older mare who had just seconds ago been abusing her quite roughly. Suddenly, the older, magenta-colored earth mare broke off the kiss. She looked almost directly into Rarity's eyes, as if she knew she was watching them through the mirror, and with a smirk, touched some unseen object beyond Rarity's field of view. The image cut out with a burst of magical static, and then faded. The space inside the oval was once again just an ordinary looking-glass.
Rarity smirked back at the glass, which now held only her own reflection. The look on the little foal's face when her teacher had brought up cutie marks had been priceless. Rarity had needed to use all the restraint she was capable of to keep from cumming right then and there, and to save the real fireworks for the climax of the show. The little filly had been so terrified of getting an obscene cutie mark. Her innocent, cute, and absolutely nasty little sister. Her precious Sweetie Belle.
Not for the first time, Rarity wondered if the little foal might actually get some kind of dirty mark if she continued to do these sorts of things with her teacher. It had been known to happen before, and Sweetie clearly did have a talent for eating pussy.
Long ago, when Rarity was just a little filly herself, there had been another filly in her class who had gotten such a mark. The poor little foal had barely been able to show her face the next day, when she came to school with a cutie mark of a mare's tongue licking a lollipop. Their teacher had tried to play it off, exclaiming that their classmate's special talent must have something to do with eating candy, but it was no good; everypony knew the truth. They would have figured out what it meant even if the filly's little colt-friend hadn't already bragged to his buddies about how good she'd sucked him the previous afternoon, how she'd gotten her cutie mark almost the second she had made him cum. One innocent, youthful act, and her life's destiny was set in stone. They hadn't kept in touch, but Rarity had heard her old classmate's name whispered in the circles she ran with. Apparently, she had moved to Canterlot, and now worked as a high-class call-mare. She was considered quite good at what she did, if the rumors were true.
Surely, though, something like that could never happen to innocent little Sweetie Belle....
- - -
"Ah win!" the red and yellow filly cried out, triumphantly flipping her cards over. Her friend glared at her, and then angrily swatted her own cards away.
"How are you so good at this game?" Scootaloo demanded.
"Mah big sis taught me," said Apple Bloom proudly. "Ya wanna play again?"
Scootaloo grumpily ran a hoof through her short, unkempt purple mane.
"I don't know..."
Suddenly, they both noticed the sound of hooves thudding softly on the wooden steps outside. A moment later, the door to their clubhouse swung open, and a little white unicorn stepped inside.
"Hey Sweetie Belle," said Scootaloo. "What took you so long?"
"Yeah," added Apple Bloom. "We were startin' ta get worried."
"Sorry, girls," Sweetie Belle muttered. She was looking down at the floor, and seemed to be walking a little funny. "Miss Cheerilee's lesson just ran a little long, that's all."
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shared a concerned glance. Their friend continued to stare dejectedly at the floor, saying nothing. Her hips were wobbling a little, and her tail was pressed down between her legs. The way she kept fidgeting, Apple Bloom wondered if she had to go to the bathroom.
"Are ya gettin' any better at subtraction?" she offered, after several seconds of uncomfortable silence.
Sweetie Belle looked up and smiled weakly.
"Yeah, I think so," she said.
Scootaloo gave her a reassuring tap on the shoulder with her hoof.
"Don't worry, you'll be good at it eventually," she said.
"Yeah!" added Apple Bloom. "There's nothin' we Crusaders can't do if we put our minds to it!"
Sweetie Belle's expression seemed to brighten a little at that.
Scootaloo cleared her throat.
"Well," she said, "We should probably get started if we want to work on getting our cutie marks. It's getting kind of late. What do you girls want to try today?"
"Maybe we should let Sweetie Belle pick," offered Apple Bloom.
The two fillies looked expectantly at their friend. Sweetie Belle smiled weakly again, and glanced back at her rump.
"Uh, nothing that involves doing a lot of walking," she said. Her hips shifted again awkwardly, and she winced a little. "Or sitting down."
Her friends shared a confused glance. Sweetie could feel herself blushing under her coat again.
-- End --
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by repeatiebelle