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Moon Cuddles

By ReggieSomething
Created: 2022-04-18 08:36:26
Updated: 2022-04-29 03:13:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Bone-chilling wind pummels the tower's alabaster walls, whistling past the windows, making your best friend's ears twitch.
  2. >The weather team had one last snowstorm scheduled before fully committing to the warmer weather typically associated with spring, much to your delight.
  3. >You're not exactly sure how it started, but at some point this past winter, hanging out with Luna in her room became your preferred way to ride out nasty weather. Come to think of it, she invited you up here every time it snowed.
  4. >Not that you minded, of course.
  5. >Whether you passed the time talking to, playing chess with, or simply sitting near your moon princess whilst reading books by the fire, it was always peak comfiness.
  6. >And then there was the fact that Luna was a bona fide cuddle fiend.
  7. >Whatever activities your hangouts would begin with, they'd invariably end with Luna curled up by your side, a wing wrapped around (or at least draped over) you, if for nothing else, to reassure her subconscious mind that you were still there. Today was no different, save for the fact that you'd gone straight to the cuddling.
  8. >So here you lay, on a large, thick, oval-shaped rug some three meters from Luna's glowing fireplace. Luna's right wing is draped over your body like the lightest, warmest blanket you could ever ask for; her barrel a living, breathing pillow.
  9. >What's this rug made of? You run your fingers through its long, twisted fibers, marveling at their softness and smoothness.
  10. >Something creeps into the boundaries of your peripheral vision as you contemplate why this rug is more comfortable than your bed back home.
  11. >Two very large, captivating teal eyes lock onto you from above, framed by the mare's cutest, "I want something" face.
  12. "Hello there!" you say Obi-Wan-Kenobi-ingly.
  13. >Luna pouts a moment, then resumes her silent begging. Now you have to give her a hard time. Just a little bit.
  14. "Did you need something?"
  15. >Luna turns away and retracts her wing with a "Hmpf!"
  16. "No? Alright, then." you say, struggling to hide your smirk.
  17. >One... two... three...
  18. >You'll be surprised if she lasts ten seconds.
  19. >twenty-six... twenty seven... twenty ei-
  20. >"Anonymous." Luna's voice is calm; too calm for lasting as long as she did.
  21. "Yesssssss?"
  22. >Luna scoots away so your head slides off her ribcage and onto the rug. She moves until she's perpendicular with you, her chest at your left shoulder. "Anonnnnn~" she sings whilst dragging the tip of her left forehoof across your chest.
  23. >Well, this is new. Sure, you and the lunar princess have been close friends for a while, but this simple little act of affection is something new entirely. Whatever the reason for it, you're certainly not complaining.
  24. >Luna's hoof comes to rest on your sternum.
  25. >There's little doubt in your mind that she can feel your heart trying to beat out of your chest, so you raise the stakes and take her hoof in your hands.
  26. >At first, the princess gasps, her eyes widening at the unexpected touch, but they soon close as a faint, content smile spreads across her muzzle. Your thumbs skate over her frog, run circles over her sole, and trace over her white line while your fingers caress the top of her hoof from her toe to her coronet.
  27. >"Mmmm, that feels *so good*, Anonymous..." she coos, eyes still closed.
  28. >That these adorable ponies' hooves can be as sensitive as they are still baffles you to this day, but you've learned not to think to hard about it. And to think, she originally had her beggin' face on to entice some "magical" ear scritches from you...
  29. >While this wasn't the next step of your master plan, you run with it since it's keeping her from feeling how she made your ticker redline.
  30. >For the next few minutes Luna hums (you swear you even heard her purr for a few seconds) and gives her tail an occasional flick while you work your manual magic. You run the edges of your nails over the outer surface of her hoof, feeling the tiny little ridges in the blue keratin within your grasp.
  31. >The longer you hold and caress Luna's hoof, the more you're aware of an intense desire to look into her eyes. Within minutes, your willpower is exhausted and you succumb to the overwhelming urge.
  32. >Eeyup... her eyes are still closed, though she makes no effort to conceal the delightful smile that brightens her face.
  33. >A delightfully devilish idea comes to mind. With a mental prayer to the horse gods you set your plan in motion.
  34. >"Anon," Luna says, pouting, "why did you stop?"
  35. "Well, seeing how much you loved me playing with your hooves got me thinking..."
  36. >Luna blows her glittery bangs out of her face, allowing you see her eyelids fluttering at you. As she speaks, she lowers her head, bringing her muzzle ever-closer to your face. "And what machinations, pray tell, are hiding behind those beady, beautiful little foal's eyes of yours?"
  37. >Perhaps it's from the compliment, or maybe feeling her breath tickle your cheek is what's making your face redden. In all reality, it's a combination of those two things plus all the nuances of Luna's timeless charm that makes you forget, albeit temporarily, about your little scheme.
  38. >"You were saying, Anon?"
  39. >Oh. Right.
  40. >Clearing your throat, you begin to sit up.
  41. "Right. Seeing how much you liked my impromptu hoof massage got me thinking..."
  42. >Luna's smile diminishes, eyes narrowing ever-so-slightly.
  43. "...I could really make a pony's day with this newfound power!"
  44. >"Indeed, you could," Luna responds with a fresh eye flutter. "Which is why you should-"
  45. "Let your sister experience this too?" you interrupt, grinning like an idiot. "Luna, you read my mind!"
  46. >"What!? No! You can't!" Luna yelps, scrambling to her hooves faster than you've ever seen her move. You've blinked, and she's gone from laying at your side to straddling your legs, a hoof planted against your chest. "Sister may enjoy the occasional ear scritchies that you are so cavalier about distributing to almost everypony you encounter, but even she knows any affections beyond platonic hugs are reserved for me, and me alone!"
  47. "Oh? And why is that?"
  48. >"It's quite simple, dearest Anonymous... we claimed thee of course!"
  49. >Moona hasn't slipped into Ye Olde Canterlot speak for a hot minute. You don't immediately reply, though it doesn't stop you from raising an eyebrow.
  50. >"You may resume lavishing your Princess with more of your signature affections now, Anon."
  51. "You 'claimed' me." you deadpan whilst crossing your arms.
  52. >"Indeed. Nary a minute had passed since thine wondrous fingers had concluded their first Caress of Our ears when We galloped to Celestia and secured thee from the would-be clutches of Sister by invoking the ancient and sacred ritual of Dibs."
  53. "Hold up a minute. You mean to tell me we've been horse-married for over a year because you called dibs on me?"
  54. >"I um... heh, *ahem!* Precisely, my good stallion, do try to keep up."
  55. >[arm crossing intensifies] Your eyebrow asks if she can smell what The Rock is cooking.
  56. >Luna's smug smirk falters, and to her credit, she almost recovers.
  57. >"*SNNNRRRRK!* Ah ha ha! 'Horse-married'? Oh Anonymous, you slay me!"
  58. >Releasing your arms, you join your blue friend in her laughter.
  59. "I knew all along you were messing with me."
  60. >"Truly?"
  61. "Yup. While I don't blame you for being unable to resist my human charm..."
  62. >Luna rolls her eyes.
  63. "...I know you'd at least try to woo me before trying something like that."
  64. >Her eyes glint in the fire's warm light. She inhales; quick and shuddering.
  65. >"Who says I haven't?"
  66. >Luna pushes your back against the rug, and the next thing you know, her lips are pressed against yours.
  67. >Your mind is blank and eyes wide as you try to process what's happening. Undeterred by your momentary paralysis, Luna breaks her kiss with a wet *pop*, following it with a series of shorter kisses around your mouth and nose. Only when she begins to suck on your neck do you come to your senses and cup her cheeks, bringing her lips back to yours.
  68. >"Oh, Anon," Luna moans after gasping for air. "I can't tell you..."
  69. >She kisses your neck.
  70. >" long..."
  71. >She nibbles on your ears; tiny delicate bites.
  72. >"...I've waited for this moment."
  73. >Were you not preoccupied by tongue-wrestling with the lunar princess, you might have echoed her sentiment.
  74. >Instead, your hands release their tender hold on Luna's face and slide down her neck, not stopping until they reach the longer, plush fur of her chest.
  75. >*POMF*
  76. >You pull your face away from Luna's to admire her wings' involuntary response to your petting. Their owner gives you precious little time to enjoy the view, however.
  77. >Blue magic surrounds your hands and moves them to Luna's wings. Likewise, Luna's forelegs pull your face into the thick, luxurious fur that's normally obscured by her onyx peytral.
  78. >"Yessss..." Luna hisses whilst you rub your face all over her chest. "Keep doing that, Anon."
  79. >You're nose-deep in mare tuft, so you take advantage of it. Your first greedy inhale brings you the mixture of vanilla and lavender that you've always associated with Luna. Subsequent sniffs yield something more, a faint musk that you can only categorize as "equine" but undeniably feminine in its headiness.
  80. >Meanwhile, your fingers dance along the leading edges of Luna's stiff wings. You caress her primaries, massage her tense flight muscles, and do anything you can do make your princess moan, pant, and squirm more than she already is.
  81. >Luna's tail spasms; more violent and frequent than before. The air grows heavy with the heady scent you first detected in her chest fur.
  82. >Emboldened, you pull your hands from Luna's wings. One arm snakes underneath her neck, allowing you to pull her closer. The other hand...
  83. >"Anon, what are- ah! Ah, ahhhhhh, oh..."
  84. >The other hand goes to work on her belly. You comb through her fur with your fingers in random, spiraling motions.
  85. >"Oh my STARS, Anon." Luna moans. "Oh! Oh myyyy..."
  86. >Her magic shoves your face back to her muzzle. Your tongues meet for the first time as your right hand continues to fulfill the fantasy you've had since befriending this mare.
  87. >Despite the obvious anatomical differences, Luna is intuitive with her lips and tongue; adventurous, but always gentle. She has trouble maintaining liplock as you redouble your attention to her belly, frequently breaking her kiss for quick gasping breaths that only deepen and quicken the longer you go. With your chest pressed to hers, you feel Luna's heart beating as fast and wildly as your own. [spoiler]Needless to say, you're grateful you wore your boner pants today.[/spoiler]
  88. >"Anon," she mangages to say between ragged breaths, "whatever... whatever you do, don't stop! Please?"
  89. >Unable to speak, you simply nod your understanding.
  90. >So consumed are you in the moment, you don't think as you let your hands wander further than before. An instant later, you feel a soft, fleshy mound. Only when Luna's nipple scrapes against your palm do you realize what you're groping.
  91. "Oh! Luna, I-" you yelp as you try to yank your hand away.
  92. >It doesn't move, and you're pretty sure you know why Luna's horn is glowing.
  93. >"Don't you dare let go!"
  94. >Luna's hind legs wrap around waist. She throws her head back, tongue hanging out of her mouth as you massage her teats. You see her eyes roll back in her head when you pull on her nipples.
  95. >"Just like that!" she yells, grinding her hips against yours as she does. "Oh Anon! Anon! Anonanonanonanonanon-"
  96. >Her legs clench around you and she wails in ecstasy.
  97. >"YES!"
  98. >Something hot and wet permeates the cloth of your pitched tent.
  99. >Before you can put two and two together, Luna grabs your face and kisses you all over, grinding her hips all the while.
  100. >"Oh yes, oh yes, Anonymous. Don't stop, dearest, don't stop. Don't stop!"
  101. >Luna shudders as the last few waves of pleasure rush through her body, then her legs finally relax their hold on you. She pants a few seconds more, glassy-eyed and completely spent.
  102. >You hold her, coaxing her muzzle into your neck. She hugs you back with all four legs and her wings for good measure.
  103. >Minutes pass in Luna's comforting embrace. The rise and fall of her barrel is hypnotizing, coaxing you into deeper levels of relaxation; flirting with sleep. Nevertheless, you can't fully immerse yourself, can't submit to the moment until you clear the air.
  104. "So. That happened."
  105. >Luna sighs into your neck. "Finally."
  106. "What happens now?"
  107. >She pulls her head back to look at you. "What do you mean?"
  108. "Well, I know I joked about it before, but are we, y'know..."
  109. >Luna laughs. "Horse-married?"
  110. >You nod.
  111. >"Not yet, my love."
  112. >You can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Whether you show it or whether Luna can intuit your feelings, she's quick to give you a reassuring kiss.
  113. >"I've waited for months, you know, for you to ask me to be your very special somepony."
  114. "Luna, I-"
  115. >She cuts you off with another kiss.
  116. >"I know your dreams, Anon. I know you've desired me as well, but feared that acting on that desire would jeopardize our beautiful friendship."
  117. >She kisses you again.
  118. >"So I waited, content with that knowledge. As our friendship blossomed, my feelings for you only intensified until, well..." Luna blushes. "Until I decided I needed to take matters into my own hooves and give you the 'push' you needed."
  119. >You chuckle.
  120. "A 'push', huh? That's one way to describe it."
  121. >"How would you describe it, my love?"
  122. >You release your gentle hold on her teat and brush your palm over your pants, wetting it with Luna's arousal in the process.
  123. "Sticky." you say, holding your glistening hand up.
  124. >"Ah. W-Well, I will a-admit th-th-that..." Luna stammers, growing red in the face until she notices your smirk. "Oh, stop. You liked it."
  125. "You know I did, though we should probably clean up."
  126. >Luna nods and lights her horn. You feel the warmth of her magic dry and clean you in a matter of seconds.
  127. >"There," she says, draping a wing over you. "Lay with me, Anon. Hold me close. Dream with me."
  128. "Honey, it's four in the afternoon."
  129. >"I want to nap with my coltfriend! And not only that..."
  130. >She nibbles on your ear again.
  131. >"...perhaps when we wake, I'll make you all 'sticky'."
  132. >You smile.
  133. "I think I could handle that."
  134. >"That's the spirit, love. Now hush, and meet me in the dream realm."
  135. >Those are the last words Luna speaks before dozing off, her body completely relaxing into your embrace. You sigh and run your fingers through her starry mane, content to listen to the crackling of the fireplace and the howl of the wind outside as you drift to sleep in the warmth of the mare you love.
  137. THE END

Carl's Hardened Heart (on hiatus)

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/moon/day OP template

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