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(H.E.R.O) Vacation

By SaltAnon
Created: 2020-12-08 05:11:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >Each step you take sends a sharp sting of pain throughout your legs.
  2. >Your silver armor weighing down on you.
  3. >Celestia bless the guards in Canterlot who have to wear gold.
  4. >And damn the Lunar Guard who wear get to wear obsidian and iron.
  5. >You are Sergeant Lunette.
  6. >And you are coming off of a long day of guard duty.
  7. >Guarding the chambers of the newborn princess as a matter of fact, Flurry Heart.
  8. >And the obnoxious crying and laughter from inside the room is finally over, or at least, out of ear shot.
  9. >The guard who came to take your post grimaced when he saw you, and you swore he slightly whimpered when he took his post.
  10. >You wouldn’t blame him.
  11. >You knew what he was in for.
  12. >You finally reach your barracks and move to crash on your bed.
  13. >You let your pieces of armor slide off you as you make it to the glorious mattress.
  14. >Reaching it, you fall unceremoniously onto the comforter.
  15. >Twelve. Hour. Shifts.
  16. >You nuzzle the pillow, burying your head into its sultry comfort.
  17. >Your eyes fall and you allow yourself to slowly be taken by the sandmare.
  18. >Sweet peace at las-
  19. >”BUHHHHHH!”
  20. >The door slams into the room and your eyes shoot open.
  21. >”Another day of boring nothing in the court room.”
  22. >You sit up and glare at the guardspony who’d just entered your room.
  23. >Your bunk mate.
  24. “Ravelin! Do you mind?”
  25. >The mare in question stopped and scrunched.
  26. >”Oh! Lunette! I didn’t see you there.”
  27. “Well, I’m here, and I JUST got off my shift.”
  28. >”Ugh, so did I. Lemme tell you, court duty is sooooooo boring.”
  29. >She spat her tongue out in a mock gag and began to doff her armor.
  30. >”I didn’t think I was gonna make it out of there sane. No one even fought in court today!”
  31. >She clearly didn’t pick up the fact you were attempting to sleep.
  32. “Ravelin, I’m trying to-”
  33. >”I mean, not one argument! It’s not like I volunteered for court duty because I kept hearing how rowdy court could be you know.”
  34. “I don’t CARE, can you jus-”
  35. >”I thought KITCHEN duty was boring. Ech, just one day in court and I’m already beginning to miss the chefs arguing what ingredient to put into what food for five hours straight! Be glad you finally have enough leave to go on that little vacation you’re going on, I still have three mor-”
  36. “RAVELIN!!!”
  37. >The mare eeped and jumped at your outburst.
  38. “I. Don’t. Care! I get that court duty is boring. I used to WORK court duty, I know how bad it is and I know the disappointment after hearing the stories for so long. But I’m tired! We can complain about it together during mess AFTER I’VE SLEPT!”
  39. >Ravelin’s ears flattened as she rubbed her foreleg.
  40. >”O-oh. Sorry. Didn’t mean to disturb you.”
  41. >You sighed and rubbed your hoof down your face.
  42. “Look. It’s fine. Just, either be quiet, or go spend some time in the lounge or something. We can eat tonight.”
  43. >”Will you come and get me?”
  44. >She put on an apologetic face.
  45. >You just groaned.
  46. “Yes, I’ll come get you. Just let me rest.”
  47. >”All right, sorry. I’ll just get undressed and head to the pool and gym. See you when you wake up?”
  48. “Yes…”
  49. >”Okay! Cool...sorry.”
  50. >You fell back onto the pillow and waited for her to finally leave.
  51. >Once you finally heard the door shut you pulled your blanket over you and sighed.
  52. >Slowly allowing yourself to drift back into the peaceful abyss you were so rudely interrupted from.
  53. >Ravelin was right about one thing, you were glad about that vacation, if it meant getting away from her antics for just a little while.
  55. ~~~~
  57. >The fire crackled and bloomed once you as you threw fire wood and tender into it.
  58. >Your fireside glowed with a soft warm hue as you let a comforting sigh escape your lips.
  59. >Now everything was perfect.
  60. >You walk over to sit in your oh so soft as a cloud chair and pull your freshly made cup of coco over to you, the mug shining in your turquoise glow.
  61. >You gently blow and take a sip, allowing the hot liquid to warm your throat and warm your chilled insides as it went down.
  62. “Mmm~”
  63. >Finally, here you were, away from everypony and anypony that would bring you close to having a near aneurysm.
  64. >No overbearing officers, no insubordinate privates, no stuffy nobles trying thinking they are high and mighty enough to see Princess Cadence while shes taking care of her own child.
  65. >And no Ravelin.
  66. >Well, maybe that’s harsh.
  67. >Compared to your other bunk mates, she’s been the best, and not to bad to hang out with either.
  68. >Though she could get on your nerves on occasion.
  69. >But that’s just what it’s like living in the same room as another pony you suppose.
  70. >You really couldn’t imagine life any other way.
  71. >You joined the guard when you were old enough to move out so living ‘alone’ is a foreign concept to you.
  72. >Yea, you could handle Ravelin. You’ve had worse.
  73. >And she could even be a really nice friend to talk to at times.
  74. >Your mind drifts smoothly into the conversation you had with her the day before you left.
  75. ~~
  76. >”So! You’re going on vacation huh?”
  77. “Yea, thank Celestia. I’ve been holding out for months just so I could take some leave up in the mountains just outside city.”
  78. >The both of you were in the mess hall, ponies swarming around like worker ants getting up and sitting down as they eat their food then leave.
  79. >”Oh, so you’re going to the cabin hmm?”
  80. “Well, yea. Where else would I go? I hated the big city, not to fond of beaches, and I’m not really interested in just staying with my parents for the next two weeks.”
  81. >”There is SO much else you could do though!”
  82. >You shrugged and poked at your spaghetti.
  83. “Eh? Was born and raised in a cold mountainous climate, it’s where I’m comfortable. Besides, I have plenty of memories in that ol’ dusty shack.”
  84. >”Hmph, well what are ya gonna do up there for two weeks?”
  85. >Ravelin shoves her apple down her throat, letting out a large belch after the red fruit was practically dropped into her stomach.
  86. >By the maker, why does she eat like a pig?
  87. >You slurp up the last of your noodles and continue.
  88. “Not much, and that’s the point.”
  89. >”Is there at least some cool outdoorsy stuff to do out there?”
  90. “Well, yea, I could go hiking, bird watching, maybe fish. If I wanted to recapture my foalish days I’d probably build a snowmare. But...I really just wanna relax. Just, get away from the castle and the rest of the guards. Be alone.”
  91. >The white mare grinned a devilish grin and stared you down.
  92. >”Alone with a stallion?”
  93. >Your cheeks went red.
  94. “Wha-! No!”
  95. >Ravelin let out a gasp and put on a feign shocked expression.
  96. >”Oh, with a MARE! Lunette, I didn’t know you swung THAT way!”
  97. >You scrunched your muzzle and tossed a ketchup packet at her.
  98. “Stop fooling around, I’ll be up there alone! And I DON’T swing that way, thank you.”
  99. >The childish mare was attempting (and failing) to contain her chuckling by covering her mouths with her hooves.
  100. >”Heh heh, I’m just messing with you Lune. But seriously, why wouldn’t you bring somepony up there?”
  101. “Ugh...because, the whole point is to just get away. Have some peace and quite and just sit with my thoughts. Even if I had a coltfriend, I honestly probably wouldn’t even bring him along. Just need my relaxation, yea?”
  102. >The mare across from you nods her head.
  103. >”Yea, yea I get it.”
  104. “Thanks.”
  105. >”I get you need to get laid.”
  106. “UUUGH!”
  107. >You throw a few more ketchup packets at her as she giggles hysterically, this time making no attempt to hide it.
  108. ~~
  109. >You gulp down the last of the coco you had left, the heavenly liquid now cool enough to slide down your throat with out burning your self, though still warm enough to be satisfying.
  110. >You place the mug down beside you and levitate over one of those sappy romance novels you love so much.
  111. >Hey, it’s a guilty pleasure everypony has one.
  112. >You were lonely and needed some escapism.
  113. >You snuggle into your chair and begin reading.
  114. >Ah yes, “Lustful Sunset.”
  115. >One of your personal favorites.
  116. >The story of a unicorn mare and a pegasus stallion that meet in the most bland of circumstances.
  117. >Her, a hard working office mare that just moved to the quiet town.
  118. >Him, a dedicated weather captain that could buck clouds with the same ease he could bed mares with.
  119. >None of them ever able to really win his heart, that is of course until the main character shows up and just swoops him off his hooves.
  120. >Yea it was dumb and poorly written, but for some reason you just ate it up.
  121. >Always pretending silently it was you in those circumstances.
  122. >Every time the handsome stallion would confess his love you’d mentally replace the main character’s name with yours as you read.
  123. >Especially during the scenes that got a little bit more saucy.
  124. >Lucky you were out in the mountains in a cabin by yourself.
  125. >And even if there were anypony around, the blizzard outside was howling like a windygo. So, no one would hear you...enjoying your literature.
  126. >You’d finally made it to one of those scenes.
  127. >Alone on a beach at dusk, the two lovers began to explore themselves.
  128. >You allow a hoof to travel downwards.
  129. >Your breath begins to quicken.
  130. >Your legs spread open a bit.
  131. >*boom*
  132. >You jump and drop the book you were holding.
  133. “What was that?!”
  134. >A loud roar pierced the stormy mounty winds.
  135. >You look outside to try and see where that explosion and roar came from.
  136. >It was dark out, and the snow was in the way you really couldn’t see much.
  137. >What you could see was a massive silhouette in sky falling at an ever increasing speed.
  138. >You quickly rush to grab your coat and scarf. You levitate a lantern to you and open the door of the cabin and step outside into the wilderness to see the tumbling creature.
  139. >It was big, your could make out claws and two massive wings.
  140. >One of them looked to be badly damaged.
  141. >You could see a few pieces of something falling off of it.
  142. >W-was that a dragon? Out here?
  143. >You stared awestruck as the beast plummeted to the earth, finally landing with a loud crash into the shallow valley only a kilometer or two a way from you.
  144. “Oh my gosh!”
  145. >You gazed into the direction the dragon crashed and pondered for a moment.
  146. >Collecting your thoughts, you put on a look of determination and go to grab your bag.
  147. >You were gonna go investigate.
  149. ~~
  151. >You mush ahead through the snow, your lantern providing little in the ability to see.
  152. >The falling snow worsening the effect.
  153. >The winds pushed and pulled against you.
  154. >Almost as if they were trying to drag you down or pull you away.
  155. >Your strength and determination holds fast however, and you make your way down the mountain and into the valley.
  156. >Your days exploring these hills in your youth doing well to give you a pretty good idea of where you were and where you were headed.
  157. >Being out here in a blizzard at night to go find a downed dragon was probably a bad idea, but you knew the terrain, and the risk involved.
  158. >You were also a sergeant in the imperial guard damn it and what ever was powerful enough to take a dragon out of the sky was probably worth looking into.
  159. >Didn’t want what ever that was coming close to your cabin.
  160. >And no doubt the explosion could have been heard from the border.
  161. >The winded nipped at you and chilled you to the bone.
  162. >It has definitely been a long while since you’ve been out in the cold like this.
  163. >Frost covered your nose and your hooves were going numb.
  164. >The fire in the lantern and your coat and scarf being the only things keeping you relatively warm.
  165. >After fifteen minutes of maneuvering down the valley you finally come across it.
  166. >It was still some distance away, probably a few tens of meters, but you saw it.
  167. >The huge reptilian beast.
  168. >You dim your lantern and hid behind the tree, keeping your eyes glued to it to see if it’d try to get up.
  169. >You squint your eyes and move your lantern out just a bit further.
  170. >It was perfectly still.
  171. >You wait there for a few minutes.
  172. >Still nothing, not even breathing.
  173. >You slowly begin to approach it.
  174. >Stopping to hide behind a tree every few steps just to make sure.
  175. >But there it stayed, still not moving.
  176. >No signs of life.
  177. >You were finally able to get up and close to the thing.
  178. >The sight was horrible.
  179. >Nothing in guards school could have prepared you for what you saw.
  180. >A massive hole was in the left side of the dragon.
  181. >Its organs, or what was left of them, clearly visible.
  182. >Guts, bones, and flesh all mangled and blended into each other in piles.
  183. >Pools of deep crimson blood spilled into the snow.
  184. >And then the smell hit you.
  185. >The warm insides and gasses wafting up into your nostrils and tainting your sinuses with that sickly rotten odor.
  186. >You teared up a bit, not just from the odor, but at the grizzly example of gore that now lay in front of you.
  187. >You stepped back and gagged a few times before finally emptying your stomach into the snow.
  188. >It was rancid.
  189. “Sweet Celestia, poor guy. How the buck did this happen. Ugh, even if you’re a dragon this is no way to go.”
  190. >You scan over the corpse some more, looking deeper into the cavity, then down at the pile of organs that spilled out.
  191. >You look up the chest and along the neck until you finally reach the face.
  192. >Its mouth agape and frozen in pain and shock, its eyes still impossibly wide open.
  193. >You approach its face and grimly move to close the eyes.
  194. >Once you do so you notice a gleam out of the corner of your eye.
  195. >You look over to see what it was.
  196. >Just a meter away in the snow was a metallic cylinder.
  197. >You approach to get a better view.
  198. >A long canister stuck out of the ground, the light shining off its casing.
  199. “Huh...what’s this?”
  200. >Moving your lantern closer you can make out writing on it.
  201. >At least you presumed it was writing.
  202. >You’ve never seen this script before. All markings were strange, curves and sharp lines coming out and crossing each other.
  203. >None of them made sense, it was nothing like the logographs of ponish.
  204. >Maybe it was just an old dragon way of writing?
  205. >You envelope the cylinder in your aura and pick it up.
  206. >…
  207. >You envelope the cylinder in your aura and picked it up.
  208. >…
  209. >You picked it up.
  210. >…
  212. “Ugh, why isn’t this working?”
  213. >Every time you tried to pick the canister up in your magic your aura would just slip away.
  214. “Ugh, forget it.”
  215. >You picked it up in your mouth and placed it into your bag.
  216. “I’ll figure it out later.”
  217. >You huffed and turned back toward where you came from.
  218. >You’d have to get this back to the garrison near the border, they definitely heard the crash, but you couldn’t go in this weather.
  219. >You’d have to go in the morning, hopefully things would have calmed down then.
  220. >This whole situation really made your vacation a heck of a lot more stressful than it needed to be.
  221. >You look behind you at the body behind you and frown before solemnly continuing back up the mountain to your cabin.
  223. ~~~~
  225. >You stare at the object before you on the carpet.
  226. >Your light from the fireplace by your side danced along the strange cylinder you found outside near the dragon.
  227. >You’ve been sitting like this for probably five minutes.
  228. >No matter how hard you tried, or what spell you used, the canister just wouldn’t budge.
  229. >It was like it was impervious to all magic.
  230. >No spell had an effect.
  231. >Well, besides one.
  232. >You tried cracking it open by casting an offensive lazer spell on it.
  233. >And while that didn’t work in actually opening the thing, it did manage to make the canister extremely warm to the touch.
  234. >So, from what you could tell, it did interact with magic in someway, but it seemed highly resistant to it.
  235. >And when it came to the odd script on the thing, you couldn’t make any sense of it.
  236. >It couldn’t be a dragon’s script, or if it was it’d be very new.
  237. >The small symbols had curves and waves to them.
  238. >Dragons traditionally wrote things down in stone with their own claws and their symbols were sharp and had angles.
  239. >A strange symbol was on the base of the canister.
  240. >What you assumed to be a dragons claw, with its palm open and digits close, but there was a distinct lack of talons.
  241. >On either side of the ‘claw’ were two laurel leaves making a wreath.
  242. >You poked the canister again, grimacing.
  243. >Something was in there clunking around.
  244. >You weren’t quite sure what it was though.
  245. >It definitely had a lid, a rubber line that went around the top of it was clearly a seal.
  246. >It honestly looked kind of like a thermos.
  247. >But no matter how hard you tried it wouldn’t open.
  248. >You rubbed your temples and glanced towards the window.
  249. >The howling winds outside persisted.
  250. >You let out a sigh and moved to pick the canister up, placing it on the table right beside your chair.
  251. >You’d definitely need to go visit the border garrison tomorrow, which is a days walk in it of itself.
  252. >You were certain they’d heard the crash from over here and they’d be looking for answers.
  253. >Hopefully they’d show up at your door and you wouldn’t have to walk all the way.
  254. >You let out a quite yawn and shook your head.
  255. >In any case, you’d need to be well rested.
  256. >Either for the long talk with the guards that may be at your door, or for the long hike to the border.
  257. >Sleep was in order then. Hopefully the storm would have calmed down to the point when you woke up for you to go out first thing.
  258. >Your horn lit up, and in a flash, the fire had died, the light and sound in the room dying with it.
  259. >You pulled yourself up the stairs and flopped into your bed, allowing your self to be taken away into Luna’s embrace.
  260. >You didn’t even get to finish your book.
  262. ~~
  264. >*thunk*
  265. >You bolted up, ears perked and eyes forward.
  266. >You stared at the door to your room and focused your hearing to what was going on outside of it.
  267. >Hoofsteps.
  268. >You were positive.
  269. >Somepony was in your cabin.
  270. >Had you not locked the door?
  271. >You quietly slip out from underneath your sheets and approach the door.
  272. >Checking through the keyhole to make sure no one was in the hall outside, you pushed the door open and looked toward the stairwell.
  273. >Flashes of light zoomed across the otherwise dark walls.
  274. >Were these thieves? They certainly couldn’t be guards.
  275. >Using the stairwell as cover, you poked your head out to catch a glimpse at these late night invaders.
  276. >…
  277. >What in Tartarus were those?!
  278. >Two large, grayish white, figures stood at the opposite end of the living room.
  279. >Both had small flashlights on their shoulders.
  280. >The both of them looked so incredibly alien.
  281. >The eyes were took up half of their face, their cheeks bulged out from the sides of their head, and they stood upright on their hind legs.
  282. >They were covered head to hoof in what appeared to be snow and twigs, it almost as if they were made of the stuff.
  283. >They were quietly, and with caution, searched the area of the living room.
  284. >Confusion and slight fear gripped you as you peered from behind the stairs.
  285. >What ever the heck these things were, you were sure you’ve never seen them in the mountains when you were young.
  286. >And what could they possibly be looking…
  287. >Oh no.
  288. >One of the beasts pointed its light towards your chair near the fire place.
  289. >”Fox odin, nashel.”
  290. >Its voice was that of a horrible radio static.
  291. >It picked up the canister and put it in a belt on its side.
  292. >”Zametano Fox tri. Bud'te gotovy k vykhodu.”
  293. >”Gde Foks dva?”
  294. >You debated with yourself whether or not you should stop them or not.
  295. >You really didn’t know how dangerous they were...well actually you did, they were probably the ones who blew the entire left side of a bucking dragon.
  296. >But they were about to leave with evidence of the dragon crash, and you really couldn’t let that happen.
  297. >But again...they blew the entire left side off a bucking dragon. Probably in an attempt to get the canister.
  298. >You pondered for just a few seconds longer and then made your decision.
  299. >You were going to stop them. You had to. You were a guard of the crystal empire and swore an oath to protect it at all costs.
  300. >Even if it’d cost your life.
  301. >And monsters powerful enough to take a dragon out of the sky for some can probably wasn’t going to be too friendly to your country.
  302. >You took a deep breath and put a hoof forward.
  303. >*creak*
  304. > didn’t make that sound.
  305. >What happened next, you swore happened in only two seconds.
  306. >Your ears twitched and you glanced behind you.
  307. >A third one of them was right behind you and holding something sharp.
  308. “OH BUCK!”
  309. >Its arm came down and you blocked it with your hoof.
  311. >With a grunt you shifted your hoof and pushed the weapon out of the monster’s claws.
  312. >It was a...syringe?
  313. >The beast made an attempt to grab at it but you pushed it aside, causing it to lose its grip and fall on top of you.
  314. >”Gerk! Aa, suka!”
  315. “GAK! Ugh, get off me you heavy oaf.”
  316. >The two other creatures started bolting into your direction.
  317. >Thinking quick you cast a spell, teleporting to the other side of the room.
  318. >”KUDA ONA DELAS'?”
  319. >”ZA TOBOY!”
  321. >”Kontakt! Smertel'naya sila ne dopuskayetsya.”
  322. “What? Speak ponish!”
  323. >One of the beasts took out a small metallic wand with a handle on it and pointed it at you.
  324. >That didn’t look good.
  325. >You dodged out of the way and you could hear something hit the wall behind you.
  326. >Another syringe.
  327. >Alright, they wanna be violent, you’ll show them violence.
  328. >Your horn lights up and you pick up your recliner, throwing it at the creatures.
  329. >”Kakogo cher-GUH!”
  330. >All three of them knocked over.
  331. “HAH! GOTCHA!”
  332. >Taking a chance you ran in and grabbed the canister, still on the monsters belt, in between your teeth, and ripped it off the beast.
  333. >You placed it into your bag and slipped it on.
  334. >”Ugh-Suka. U neye yest' kristall!”
  335. >The other two began to get up and charge.
  336. >Well, you got the canister, no need to stick around and end up like the dragon.
  337. “See ya later you snow covered shrubs!”
  338. >You bucked down the door and ran out into the blizzard and down the mountain.
  339. >The cold wind and snow immediately began to pierce your coat and sting your skin.
  340. >You dodged the trees as they came into view.
  341. >You really should’ve brought your scarf or lantern, although you probably didn’t have enough time.
  342. >You concentrated magic into your horn, using your aura as a light source.
  343. >You broke out into a gallop as you jumped over rocks and weaved pass dead trees.
  344. >Your throat burned as you gulped down the frigid air filling your lungs with frost.
  345. >You wager a look behind you to see if they were following close behind.
  346. >And all you saw was your family cabin slowly shrinking in the distance.
  347. >You dug your hooves in the snow and cantered to a large rock near by, hiding behind it.
  348. >You leaned against your cover, panting for air.
  349. >Not even two miles away and you were already winded.
  350. >You really needed to go to PT more.
  351. >You check back behind the rock to see if the coast was still clear.
  352. >You take a final breath and a deep sigh once you could see those weird bipedal, static voiced, freaks were no longer on your tail.
  353. >You took a few more deep breaths and then tighten your bag around your barrel.
  354. >It was then when you noticed the wind died down and the snow began to let up.
  355. >A silence covered the mountains and sank into the valley.
  356. >You stayed there huddled for a few more minutes, periodically checking behind the rock to make sure your pursuers were gone.
  357. >After a few moments of peace, you wiped the cold sweat off your brow and sighed.
  358. “Sweet Celestia, that was close. Alright, time to-”
  359. >”Vizual'nyy kontakt!”
  360. “Buck.”
  361. >Another syringe flew through the air and hit a part of the rock right above your head.
  362. >Welp, nice knowing you rock, but it’s about time to start running again.
  363. >You bolted in a dead sprint down the mountain towards the valley.
  364. >The sound of mushing snow not too far behind you.
  365. >Their horrible electronic calls filling the air the blizzard left behind.
  366. >”Dispetcherskaya! Foks odni! U nas yest' svidetel'! Poni! Komanda Foksa v pogone!”
  367. >”SET'!”
  368. >*pomf*
  369. >They shot something, but it wasn’t a syringe this time.
  370. >You looked up and behind you.
  371. >A large net was falling towards you.
  372. >You picked up the pace, gaining as much speed as you could.
  373. >You almost made it.
  374. >Most of the net fell behind you but just enough was able to wrap around your hind legs and trip you.
  375. >You plummeted to the ground and tumbled down the hill you were running on.
  376. “Oh, DANG IT!”
  377. >You desperately untangled your self from the netting just as one of them were about to pounce you.
  378. “OH NO YOU DON’T!”
  379. >Your horn glowed and a protective bubble was cast around you so you could get your bearing.
  380. >Just as you were about to get up however, froze in fear as the beast kept running and just PASSED THROUGH YOUR MAGIC SHIELD and attempted to tackle you.
  381. >Despite the shock of having something just pass through your barrier like it was nothing, your guard training kicked in you you rolled out of the way just in time for the beast to land beside you.
  382. >It grabbed at your satchel and tried to yank it from you.
  383. “AH! Hey, let go!”
  384. >The both of you pulled hard against the cloth.
  385. >A disgusting rip from the bag tore it in two and canister flew out from it and into the snow a meter or two away from you.
  386. >You promptly got back on to your hooves and ran over to the canister, turning around in a defensive stance.
  388. >The other two beings ran up and helped the one you were wrestling with off the ground.
  390. >The three creatures stood there, staring at you with those cold empty eyes.
  391. >The four of you waiting for the other party to make a move.
  392. >A stand off.
  393. >A quiet breeze rolled down through the valley and chilled you.
  394. >Yet you held fast. Ready for when these creatures tried to make their next move.
  395. >One of them began to make a move.
  396. >You channeled energy into your horn and it stopped.
  397. “Ah-ah! Don’t! I will, shoot you!”
  398. >Realizing what you were doing, it continued to move toward you.
  399. >Really?
  400. >They must not speak the international language of ‘I will harm you if you come closer’-ese.
  401. >Alright, death wish granted.
  402. >You charged your shot, aim, and fired.
  403. >A powerful beam of magic shot through your horn.
  404. >Bolts of magic crackled and reverberated across the valley side.
  405. >The shot met its target, and a flash of magic made contact to with the beast.
  406. “There! See what”
  407. >You froze.
  408. >What?
  409. >WHAT!?
  410. >No. No no, how!
  411. >It shouldn’t still be standing.
  412. >And yet, it was.
  413. >The being stumbled back a bit and placed a claw over its chest, inspecting to make sure it hadn’t been hurt to bad.
  414. >But once it was sure it wasn’t too badly injured, it looked right back up at you.
  415. “W-what!? How? You shouldn’t be standing! First you can just, run through my shield and now you just take a bolt of magic like it’s nothing? How is that even-”
  416. >At that moment, midsentence, it finally clicked.
  417. >Your heart sank as you looked back down at the canister in between your hooves.
  418. >The same canister that refuse to be picked up in your telekinesis spells.
  419. >The same canister that was resistant to your offensive magic.
  420. “I...b-but, how it’s…”
  421. >You began to choke on your own words.
  422. >Nothing made sense anymore.
  423. >Was this a dream?
  424. >The monster began to approach you again.
  425. “W-what!? N-no, stay back! Stay back!”
  426. >You looked around desperately for any large rocks or branches you could throw at the beast.
  427. >To your dismay you were actually in a pretty barren and flat area of the mountain.
  428. >Any rocks you could throw were far to massive for you to pick up.
  429. >You began to back away, petrified with what may happen to you.
  430. >You stumbled backwards as it got close enough to tower over you.
  431. “No, no noo-”
  432. >You hit something behind you and jumped.
  433. >A small foalish ‘eep’ escaping your throat.
  434. >You turned around to see a fourth one right behind you.
  435. >You frantically ran in different directions to find an escape.
  436. >A fifth one.
  437. >A sixth one.
  438. >A seventh one.
  439. >Seven of those bipedal monsters surrounded you from all sides.
  440. >One of them cried out in its staticy voice.
  441. >”Chego ty zhdesh'? Ulozhi yeye spat'!”
  442. >*pomf*
  443. >You yelped as something nipped you in the flank.
  444. >A syringe.
  445. >You wiggled your butt to try and dislodge it but one of the monsters ran over and pinned you to the ground.
  446. “Gah! P-please! Don’t do this, please! I don’…”
  447. >Your vision began to get hazy, the world was spinning around you in a strange haze.
  448. >What ever the syringe injected you with was beginning to take its effect.
  449. >Your head fell into the cold snow as your limbs began to go completely numb.
  450. >You watched helplessly as the other creatures surrounded you.
  451. >Your eyes began to grow heavy, you could feel yourself being pulled away from consciousness.
  452. >Your tried with all your might to keep your eyes open but you finally lost and the drug began to take its course.
  453. >There was one last thing you heard before deep sleep finally overtook you.
  454. >”Dispetcherskaya, Eto Foks odin. Svidetel' neytralizovan. Vveden amneziak.”
  456. ~~
  458. >*knock knock knock*
  459. “Whuh! Huh?”
  460. >*knock knock knock knock*
  461. “Buh...coming! Coming.”
  462. >You groaned as you pulled yourself from your bed, throwing your covers off of you.
  463. >You stumbled as you struggled to regain your bearing.
  464. >*knock knock knock knock*
  465. >A dull pain radiated inside of your skull, almost as if some parasite was trying to eat its way out.
  466. “I’M COMING!”
  467. >You screamed as you made your way down the stairs and to the door.
  468. >Your legs and back ached.
  469. >Ugh. What happened last night?
  470. >You finally reached the door and pulled it open, squinting as the sun’s rays assaulted your eyes.
  471. “Ah, yea? Can I help you?”
  472. >”We’re sorry to disturb you ma’am. We are guards from the nearby border garrison and we’ve come to ask you a few questions.”
  473. >Two stallion guards wrapped in scarfs and armor were waiting at your front door.
  474. “Wha?”
  475. >”We’ll be brief.”
  476. “Yea? What do you want? I’m on leave myself you know.”
  477. >”O-oh! A fellow guard. Sorry to disturb your vacation ma’am, but we thought we’d ask you some questions about last night.”
  478. “Last night?”
  479. >”Yes. Last night around midnight there was a loud explosion heard from the nearby border garrison, followed by a loud crash. We’ve done some investigating, but other than some evidence of an avalanche and a pool of what we believe to be blood, we can’t seem to figure out what had happened. We were wondering if you knew anything about this.”
  480. >You stared at the guards face in utter confusion.
  481. >Not really knowing where what to say to him.
  482. “Explosion? Avalanche? Blood? Private, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
  484. ~~~~

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.1

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.2

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.3

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.4 (END)

by SaltAnon

Monk Anon [This Green has been Abandoned]

by SaltAnon