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The Game by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-05-08 17:27:35
Updated: 2022-05-09 15:38:13
Expiry: Never

  1. The Game by Bluejay
  5. ---
  7. >You are Anon.
  8. >Well, you were Anon up until a few minutes ago.
  9. >Now you are a little filly thanks to bookhorse.
  10. >And on top of that, she made you go to a tea party.
  11. >You fucking hate tea.
  12. >Now you were being dragged through town listening to these kids prattle on about nothing.
  13. >Normally you wouldn’t mind them, but that was before you were stuck being a little kid like them.
  14. >You had better things to be doing right now.
  15. >Like being home…
  16. >Drinking…
  17. >So what if it's 10:30 in the morning?
  18. >Who the fuck are you to judge?
  19. >"So, what’s yer name?"
  20. "What?"
  21. >"Apple Bloom, that's rude. Rarity says you should always introduce yourselves first, that's proper manners. I'm Sweetie Belle, this is Apple Bloom and that is Scootaloo."
  22. >The three girls smile and wave at you.
  23. "I'm An-"
  24. >Shit!
  25. >You can't tell them your real name.
  26. >One of the last things you need is for them to know you're Anon.
  27. >Then they'll tell their sisters and then you're labeled as a pervert.
  28. "I’m..."
  29. >Think of something, genius.
  30. >You look down at your hoof and see the green fur.
  31. "Green..."
  32. >Shit, what goes with green?
  33. "Hornet?"
  34. >Goddamn stupid movie, why'd you have to think of that?
  35. >"Green Hornet?"
  36. >The girls look at each other then back to you.
  37. >"Cool!"
  38. >They all say together.
  39. >Good thing they're stupid.
  41. >Before you know it, you're at Sweet Apple Acres.
  42. >"So we'll be having our tea party over by the club house."
  43. >"Then we can all try to get our cutie marks together. Won't that be fun?"
  44. "Oh yeah, sounds fucking amazing to me."
  45. >They all stop walking and stare at you.
  46. >"What did you say?"
  47. >Apple Bloom asks.
  48. "I said it sounds fucking amazing."
  49. >"Ah ain't never heard that sayin' before. What’s it mean?"
  50. >You roll your eyes.
  51. "It means, it's the greatest thing ever."
  52. >You say sarcastically.
  53. >"That's… that's fuckin' amazin'!"
  54. >Apple Bloom shouts.
  55. >"Yeah, I can’t wait to tell Rarity about it. It'll be fucking amazing!"
  56. >Sweetie Belle chimes.
  57. >"I wish I had a family to tell."
  58. >Scootaloo sighs dejectedly.
  59. >You all continue to the clubhouse and see Applejack working in the field.
  60. >"Hey girls! Oh, looks like you have a new friend; haven't seen you 'round here before."
  61. >Applehorse greets.
  62. >"She's a friend of Twilight's."
  63. >Sweetie states.
  64. >"Yeah, we're going to have a tea party."
  65. >Scoots adds.
  66. >"That right? Well maybe ah'll stop by later after ah'm done with mah chores and give you girls some apple treats for the party."
  67. >"That'd be fuckin' amazin'! Thanks, sis!"
  68. >Applehick stops cold in her tracks.
  69. >"What'd you just say?"
  70. >"Ah said that'd be fuckin' amazin'!"
  72. >In a blink, applehorse has her little sister by the tail.
  73. >"Hey! What're y--" (SPANK) "Eek!"
  74. >Apple Bloom reels as AJ gives her rear end a slap.
  75. >You knew you were gonna get these girls into trouble, but this is working better than you anticipated.
  76. >"You will not-" (SPANK) "use that kinda language-" (SPANK) "'round these parts!" (SPANK) "Understand?"
  77. >The filly squrims in place as her sister chastises her.
  78. >Sweetie and Scootaloo are watching the spectacle somewhat uncomfortably.
  79. >You do what you can to hide your bemused expression.
  80. >"Uhn!" (SPANK) "B-but ah--"
  81. >"No 'but's, li'l missy." (SPANK)
  82. >She whines as AJ doles out a few more, hard smacks, then turns to you and the other girls with a stern look.
  83. >"Now, where'd you girls learn a word like that?"
  84. >Everyone's silent for a moment.
  85. >"Um, G-Green Hornet said..."
  86. >"Y-yeah! She said it meant..."
  87. >Of course they sell you out immediately.
  88. >Whatever. At least you're probably getting out of that stupid tea party.
  89. >"Twilight's li'l friend? And whad'you hafta say for yourself?"
  90. >Applehorse glares at you, waiting for an explanation.
  91. >Time to think up a good excuse:
  92. "Um, well... I mean, m-miss Twilight didn't seem to mind, so I thought--"
  93. >"Hmm. Figures."
  94. >At least she bought it. Passing the blame onto bookhorse is an added bonus.
  95. >AJ turns to the other fillies.
  96. >"Ah'm sorry, sis. You three run along now and have your party."
  97. >"Yes, ma'am." (SPANK) "Eep!"
  98. >She gives each of them one swat on backside.
  99. >"And behave yourselves."
  100. >"Y-yes, ma'am!"
  101. >She turns to you again.
  102. "I'll just, um, go home now... hey!"
  103. >She grabs you by the tail.
  104. >"Not yet, li'l miss Hornet. You're comin' with me."
  106. "Leggo! I'm--"
  107. >"That's enough outta you, young lady. Sounds like "miss Twilight" has a lot to learn 'bout dealing with little fillies, so ah'll hafta do it for her."
  108. "Hmmph! Who d'you think you are, my mom or something?"
  109. >She drags you over to a nearby stump and seats herself.
  110. >"Maybe ah'm not your mama, but somepony's gotta teach you some manners."
  111. >You groan as she pulls you over her lap and lifts your tail.
  112. >You know the first swat is coming, but it still hurts like a bitch.
  113. >"And ah'm not-" (SPANK) "gonna stand 'round-" (SPANK) "and let you say stuff like that-" (SPANK) "'round mah li'l sister."
  114. "Ugggh... Uhn! This is stupid... Ow!"
  115. >"Too bad, hon." (SPANK) "Ah was considerin' goin' easy on you," (SPANK) "since you're just a filly," (SPANK) "but if you're gonna be rude 'bout it..."
  116. >Great. Just (ow) great.
  117. >Not much to do now (ow) but sit back-- figuratively speaking, given how firmly apple horse (ow) is holding you in place --and plot your inevitable (ow) payback.
  118. >Is she still scolding you? You kinda (ow) tuned her out for a bit.
  119. >"And if you think-" (SPANK) "that ah--"
  120. >Yep, she's still going. She's (ow) rather talkative for a disciplinarian.
  121. >After another minute (ow) or so, apple horse finally looks ready (ow) to finish up.
  122. >You inadvertently let out a squeal as she gives you a final round of swats.
  123. >Oh, you're gonna feel that in the morning...
  124. >"All done. Now, what've we learned?"
  125. >You think of several responses, but all of them would likely prompt her to put you over her knee again.
  126. >You remain silent, not wanting to press your luck.
  127. >"There, there. Y'don't have t'say anythin' if y'don't wanna."
  128. >She puts you on her back.
  129. >"Ah'll take you home, Greenie. But ah think we're gonna make one small stop first..."
  131. >Ten minutes later, and your butt's still sore.
  132. >You take a look around.
  133. >Carousel Boutique.
  134. >What the fuck are we doing here?
  135. "What the f-- um, why are we here?"
  136. >"Ah'm not the only big sis y'hafta deal with, darlin'."
  137. >Wonderful. This is the last pony you want to deal with today.
  138. >You can see it now:
  139. >She'll bitch at you for tracking dirt into the shop.
  140. >(Hey, it's not your fault everyone's been dragging you around all day!)
  141. >She'll bitch at you for being a 'bad influence' on innocent little Sweetie Belle.
  142. >And she'd probably try to put you in some frilly little dress, if you weren't already wearing one.
  143. >You sigh.
  144. >AJ chuckles, and rings a bell on your way in to announce your presence.
  145. >"Just a minute!"
  146. >Both of you sit in the reception area.
  147. >Dress horse comes out to greet you shortly afterwards.
  148. >"Oh, Applejack. And who's this little sweetheart?"
  149. >You stick your tongue out at her.
  150. >"Oh! Rude!"
  151. >"Ah was takin' her back home to Twilight's place."
  152. >"Hmm? I wasn't aware Twilight was looking after a filly."
  153. >"Ah didn't either, but here we are. Do forgive her attitude, though; looks like she's still a bit sour since ah hadta give her butt a whoopin'."
  154. >Rarity raises a curious eyebrow.
  155. >Her horn glows; she lifts you into the air and towards her.
  156. >"Really, now? Whatever did she do to deserve that?"
  158. >"She was hangin' out with our li'l sisters earlier. From what ah heard, she's been teachin' them some... uh, foul language."
  159. >"Is that so? Tsk, tsk. That won't do at all, young lady."
  160. >Dresshorse pinches your cheek, like she was your damn aunt or something.
  161. >You're still immobile, but you have enough wiggle room to pull your head away.
  162. "Bite me."
  163. >"Ooh! Why, I--"
  164. >"Now, now, Rarity. Ah'm sure she didn't really mean it."
  165. >Applehorse glares at you.
  166. >"Ain't that right, Green Hornet?"
  167. "Hmmph!"
  168. >"Well, no matter. What did you bring her here for, anyway?"
  169. >"Ah was just wondering if you wanted t'give her a piece of your mind. Already had mah turn."
  170. >Rarity snickers.
  171. >"Well, since you offered so generously..."
  172. >She takes a hairbrush from a nearby shelf.
  173. >You expect her to smack your behind, but she chooses to start brushing you instead.
  174. >"However, I think Applejack's given you an adequate punishment. But before we send you home, someone needs to straighten out that scruffy little mane of yours."
  175. "Ugh. It's not THAT scr--"
  176. >Without warning, she turns the brush around and swats you with it.
  177. >"And I don't want to hear any complaining. Understand?"
  178. >You grumble.
  179. >She strokes your mane for another minute or two, while gently scolding you for some bullshit or another.
  180. >"...Honestly, child, you're an absolute mess. What in Celestia's name have you been up to all day?"
  181. "(huff) Just getting pulled around everywhere against my will."
  182. >"Really. Well, maybe if you didn't act like such a little brat, you wouldn't get yourself into so much trouble."
  183. "And what would YOU know abou-- ow!"
  184. >"Don't fuss so much, little Hornet. It's unladylike."
  186. >You're getting fed up with dresshorse's whole "stern matron" schtick.
  187. "Not my problem."
  188. >She doesn't stop to smack you on the rump, though she does seem to pull on your mane a bit harder.
  189. >Applejack chimes in.
  190. >"What, y'don't wanna look all nice and cute for miss Twilight?"
  191. >Oh, hell no.
  192. >That purple pony has caused you enough humiliation today.
  193. >No way you're gonna let her friends compound it on her behalf.
  194. "No! Why would I care about--"
  195. >Rarity cuts you off.
  196. >"Nonsense, dear. I'm sure she'd just love to see you all cleaned up. You'll look like a good and proper little filly, especially with that precious outfit she gave you."
  197. "No, no, no! I hate this! I hate this fucking dress!"
  198. >"(gasp) Greenie! Ah thought ah told y--"
  199. >You're not letting anyone interrupt you this time.
  200. "You barely even know who I am! Who gave you the right to order me around all damn day? I'm not your fucking fo-- uhn!"
  201. >"GREEN HORNET. That's, ENOUGH."
  202. >You barely have time to react before Rarity pulls you over by the ear.
  203. >She readies the hairbrush.
  204. >"I know you're upset, dear, but that sort of talk is-" (SPANK) "not-" (SPANK) "acceptable!"
  205. >Your rear end still (ow) stings a bit from the spanking apple horse gave you.
  206. >This (ow) isn't helping.
  207. >Still suspended in (ow) midair, you watch as Rarity (ow) floats a bar of soap right in front of you.
  208. >"I don't know-" (SPANK) "where you learned such-" (SPANK) "disrespect," (SPANK) "but I know-" (SPANK) "precisely how to deal with it."
  210. >Within moments, she forces your mouth open and starts scrubbing.
  211. >"Hold still, child; miss Rarity has to clean that filthy little tongue of yours!"
  212. >The soap tastes exactly as bad as you'd expect it to.
  213. >You choke on suds as she shoves the bar back and forth in a rhythm.
  214. >Looks like dresshorse is also going on the revenge list.
  215. >Unfortunately, you're too occupied to think about that right now.
  216. >Rarity refuses to let up. You really set her off, it seems.
  217. >Ugh. This is even more demeaning than the spanking.
  218. >And of course, right on cue, she (ow) resumes that.
  219. >"You have been-" (SPANK) "a very," (SPANK) "very," (SPANK) "naughty," (SPANK) "little," (SPANK) "filly!" (SPANK) "Understand?"
  220. >She swats you (ow) a few more times, then sets you down on AJ's back, leaving the bar of soap in your mouth.
  221. >"(sigh) I think that's enough. Go ahead and take her home, Applejack; I have to get back to work. Maybe she'll be a bit more... cooperative, next time."
  222. >Yeah, "next time". Right.
  223. >Once the two of you leave the boutique, applehorse speaks up.
  224. >"Y'know you had that one comin', right?"
  225. >You spit the soap out and remain silent, aside from the occasional frustrated moan.
  227. >You're coughing up bubbles all the way down the street.
  228. >But at last, you're back at the library.
  229. >Applejack knocks on the door.
  230. >Bookhorse greets her, and looks a bit surprised to see you.
  231. >"An-- ...d what brings you here, Applejack?"
  232. >She probably didn't expect you to be back so soon.
  233. >"Come t'think of it, didn't you say y'were gonna join mah sis and her friends for their tea party?"
  234. >"Well... yes, but I... had other commitments, so I sent my... um, friend here, instead."
  235. >You mutter under your breath:
  236. "Lying b--"
  237. >"What was that, Greenie?"
  238. "Nothing."
  239. >"Anyway, your friend here seems t'be quite a li'l troublemaker."
  240. >Applehorse finally sets you down, then pats you on the head.
  241. >As patronizingly as possible, it seems.
  242. >"Really."
  243. >Twilight looks surprised again, but you're pretty sure she's faking this one.
  244. >There's no way she thought you wouldn't make at least SOME mischief.
  245. >"Mmhmm. Don't worry; Rarity and mahself both... taught her a lesson, if y'know what ah mean."
  246. >Bookhorse glances at your reddened rump.
  247. >"Of course."
  248. >"But ah do say, y'oughta watch what sorta language y'use 'round younger ponies like her. Y'never know what they might pick up from you."
  249. >"He said WH-- um, I mean, she..."
  250. >She doesn't want AJ to find out what she did to you.
  251. >So she has to go along with your story.
  252. >Serves her right.
  253. >"Nevermind. I'll... talk to her about it later."
  254. >Applehorse seems satisfied with Twilight's response.
  255. >She trots toward the doorway.
  256. >"Sorry t'leave so soon, but ah promised mah sister ah'd bake a few snacks for her an' her friends."
  257. >"Oh, no, it's no trouble at all."
  258. >AJ glances at you.
  259. >"And you be good now, y'hear?"
  260. >You feign a smile.
  261. "Yes, "ma'am"."
  263. >As soon as the door is shut and Applejack's out of earshot, bookhorse turns and scowls at you.
  264. >"And just WHAT do you think you're doing?"
  265. "Hmmph. If you're gonna turn me into a filly, without my consent, and shove me into some dumb party because YOU'RE too lazy to leave the house and go yourself, then I'M gonna try and have some fun with it."
  266. >"And getting your bottom whupped by Applejack and Rarity is your idea of fun?"
  267. "Well, not exactly, but, y'know, gotta take some risks."
  268. >She rolls her eyes.
  269. >"Unbelievable."
  270. >An awkward silence fills the room.
  271. >"So, what do you plan to do now? Being a little filly and all."
  272. "Fuck if I know. Ball's in your court, lady-- you're the one who put me into this; you're the one who has to change me back."
  273. >She ponders for a moment.
  274. >"...And if I decide not to?"
  275. >Ugh. You had a feeling she might pull this shit.
  276. >Which is why you have a counter-argument ready.
  277. "...I don't think you want to do that."
  278. >She raises an eyebrow.
  279. >''Is that supposed to be a threat?"
  280. "Just saying. If I'm stuck like this, that makes me YOUR responsibility."
  281. >"(sigh) Whatever. I'm a patient mare. I can handle a little brat like you for a while."
  282. >And there it is.
  283. >Time to convince her otherwise:
  284. "Oh, really?"
  286. >You spread your back legs a bit.
  287. >"...Anon."
  288. >You don't respond.
  289. >"Anon, don't you dare."
  290. >Both of you know what's coming, but it's too late for her to stop you now.
  291. >"ANON."
  292. >You feel an odd satisfaction as your child-size bladder starts to empty itself right then and there.
  293. >You smirk, and offer Twilight the best "innocent little girl" voice you can muster:
  294. "Uh-oh."
  295. >"Anon, I swear to Celestia--"
  296. "Well, it's not like I can help it if I can't control this little body you gave me."
  297. >You might have been exaggerating a bit with that one.
  298. >In truth, you can control yourself pretty well, though you were holding this one in for a while.
  299. >Either way, judging by the look on Twilight's face, it got the point across.
  300. >You feel it continue to trickle down to the floor; you've made quite a puddle by now.
  301. >"Ugh! If that's how you want it? Fine."
  302. >Bookhorse tilts her head and does her usual magic stuff.
  303. >She hoists you into the air by the tail (oof).
  304. >You float in place for a minute or two as she mops up the mess you left.
  305. >You hear her muttering less-than-savory things under her breath, and snicker to yourself.
  306. "Suddenly, I see why the other mares believed me when I told them where I picked up 'that language'."
  307. >"Shut up."
  309. >Bookhorse turns you around.
  310. >She poofs away that stupid little outfit you've had on since she forced you out the door.
  311. >She summons a bottle of foal powder from... whatever nether she pulls this shit from, you suppose. You've never asked.
  312. >She lifts your tail and smacks your behind a few times before dusting it with powder.
  313. "What was that-- oof! --about being a 'patient mare', again?"
  314. >"You think this is some game, Annie? That you can annoy me into submission or something? Well, then, let's play."
  315. >Another poof, and you're wearing a thick diaper and a dress that's somehow frillier than the previous one.
  316. >(Okay, you probably had that one coming.)
  317. >(Still totally worth it, though.)
  318. >"Well, aren't you just adorable."
  319. >She summons a pacifier and shoves it into your mouth.
  320. >She brings you over to the corner of the room and sits you down on a small stool.
  321. >"But adorable or no, you're in time-out. I'm going back to my books, and you're gonna stay right here. Got it?"
  322. >You spit the pacifier out, bopping her on the nose. (Two points!)
  323. >You stick your tongue out at her mischievously before she forces the pacifier back in.
  324. "Hmmph."
  325. >Once she returns to her seat, you take a moment to look over your current predicament.
  326. >Oh, you've definitely made Twilight regret transforming you now.
  327. >But of course, she doesn't want to undo it, 'cause she's too damn stubborn.
  328. >And so are you.
  329. >So either she gets fed up and changes you back, or you continue being as much of a pain-in-the-ass as possible.
  330. >Which is, y'know, a decent consolation prize.
  331. >Perhaps you were right, earlier:
  332. >This is going to be fun.
  334. ...
  336. >You are Anon.
  337. >And it's too early for this shit.
  338. >Is it morning already? Whatever.
  339. >You stretch your legs, curl your hooves a bit, and--
  340. >Wait, hooves?
  341. >...Oh. Right.
  342. >That happened.
  343. >Fucking Twilight.
  344. >Turning you into a filly for no damn reason.
  345. >Because of her, you spent the better part of yesterday getting dragged around and spanked like a damn foal.
  346. >And after that, she says she's not going to change you back "for a little while", however long that's supposed to be. Ugh.
  347. >At least you made her regret that particular decision.
  348. >Well, you did so in a way that prompted her to dress you up like a foal and put you in time-out, but, y'know. Small victories.
  349. >And that's sort of how the rest of the day went.
  350. >Just you and Twilight, trying to provoke each other.
  351. >She relocates all of your stuff to a high shelf you're too small to reach, "for safekeeping"?
  352. >You "rearrange" half her bookshelf in retaliation.
  353. >She strips you naked and dumps you in the bathtub?
  354. >You "accidentally" leave the faucet running and flood the whole room. (The look on her face was priceless, by the way.)
  355. >She turns you over, pins you down, powders your bottom, forces you into a another diaper and a onesie, and puts you to bed?
  356. >...Actually, you never managed a good counter for that one.
  357. >And come to think of it, you're still wearing that outfit, diaper and all.
  358. >Goddammit.
  359. >"You're finally awake, I see."
  360. "Hmmph."
  361. >She hoists you into the air and pats your behind a few times.
  362. >"So, are you going to behave yourself today, Annie?"
  363. "Screw you, lady."
  364. >"...I'll take that as a no."
  366. >There's a knock at the door.
  367. >Bookhorse sets you down and goes to answer it.
  368. >She looks back at you and mouths: "Not a word."
  369. >You see her freeze up as soon as she opens the door.
  370. >"Oh! G-good morning! Heh, um, what brings you here?"
  371. >Celestia enters.
  372. >ohboyherewego.png
  373. >The princess laughs softly.
  374. >"Oh, I happen to have some free time this week. I thought I would drop by and say hello."
  375. >"Y-yes, of course. Please, m-make yourself at home."
  376. >Sunhorse obliges, making room for herself on the large couch in the main chamber.
  377. >...Which is when she notices you.
  378. >"Well, who do we have here?"
  379. >You stammer.
  380. "Me? I... um..."
  381. >Twilight interjects.
  382. >"Oh, her? She's s-someone I'm looking after for a bit... you know what I mean."
  383. >"Oh, good for you, dear! She hasn't given you too much trouble, I hope?"
  384. >She watches you for a minute or two. You try to act casual.
  385. >Without warning, she levitates you into the air.
  386. "H-hey! Leggo of me, you-- oof!"
  387. >She gently taps you on the behind.
  388. >"That's no way to speak to your elders, child."
  389. >While sunhorse examines you, bookhorse quietly steps towards the kitchen.
  390. >"Umm... can I interest you in anything? Tea? Coffee?"
  391. >"Tea will be fine, dear."
  392. >As Twilight leaves the room, Celestia continues to fawn over you.
  393. >"Well, aren't you just the cutest little foal I've ever seen?"
  394. >Oh, no. Nipping this in the bud right now.
  395. "I am not. A foal."
  396. >"Oh, really?"
  397. >She turns you around, unbuttons your dropseat, and pokes your padded rear.
  398. >"And I suppose you don't need to wear this, then?"
  399. "No! She just dressed me like this to humiliate me. It's so stupid!"
  400. >Twilight calls from the other room.
  401. >"I heard that!"
  402. "Shut up! You don't get to--"
  403. >"My, aren't we a talkative little one."
  404. "Hey! What're y-- mmph!"
  405. >Celestia forces a pacifier into your mouth. Oh, great. Not this again.
  406. >But then, she leans in close and whispers under her breath:
  407. >"(Just play along for a minute, Anon.)"
  409. >Wait, how the hell does she--
  410. >Nevermind.
  411. >"Excuse us for a second, Twilight. It seems like your little friend here needs someone to dress her."
  412. >"Hmm? Oh, umm, of course."
  413. >Ugh. A bit of privacy might be nice, but this isn't what you had in mind.
  414. >"...And perhaps she needs a change, as well."
  415. >Ohhhhhhellno. Not that.
  416. >You hear bookhorse snicker from the other room.
  417. >You're not exactly in any position to protest, so you keep quiet as Celestia carries you upstairs.
  418. >Once you're sure Twilight's out of earshot, you spit out the pacifier.
  419. "(Is this really necessary?)"
  420. >"(Sorry, hon. I had to make it convincing.)"
  421. "(sigh) (Whatever. Can you at least 'escort' me to the bathroom, first? I'd like to preserve SOME of my dignity.)"
  422. >"(If you insist... you're still getting a change, though.) (snicker)"
  423. >You groan in annoyance.
  424. >She does comply with your request, but she also stays in the room as you deal with your business. So much for dignity.
  425. >You strike up a (quiet) conversation.
  426. "(So, anyway, um... how did you...?)"
  427. >"(Figure you out? You look like a pony, but you don't carry yourself like one. Your body language and... attitude... was enough to draw a conclusion from.)"
  428. "(Hmmph.)"
  429. >Sunhorse lifts you up, removes the rest of your clothing, and sets you back down.
  430. >"(And based on how the two of you reacted to my presence, would it be accurate to assume that she transformed you against your will, and neither of you want anyone else to know about it?)"
  431. "(...Pretty much, yeah.)"
  432. >She looks mildly annoyed.
  433. >"(sigh) (Of course. I was worried she'd do something like this eventually. Transfigurative Ethics was... never one of her best subjects.)"
  434. "(Gee, I never woulda gue)sshhd!"
  435. >Sunhorse silences you again as bookhorse peers into the room.
  436. >"Umm... tea's ready, whenever you want it."
  437. >"Thank you, dear. We'll be with you in a minute."
  439. >Twilight heads back downstairs.
  440. >Looks like it's Celestia's turn to interrogate you:
  441. >"(And you haven't asked her to change you back because...?)"
  442. "(shrug) (Pride, mostly. I don't wanna take the cheap way out. I want to make HER want to undo it.)"
  443. >"(...I see.)"
  444. >You feel your tail raised and your rear end dusted with powder.
  445. >"(Well, if that really is your intent...)"
  446. >She turns you over and gently re-diapers you.
  447. >"(...Then perhaps I might be able to help?)"
  448. "(Y'know, you might have a more convincing argument if you weren't currently dressing me up like a baby. 'Cause, y'know, that's the same damn thing Twilight did.)"
  449. >"(snicker) (All in good time, little Anon. For now...)"
  450. >She smirks and holds up a small, frilly, cream-colored dress in front of you.
  451. "Ohhhno. I don't think so."
  452. >"Really? I think it suits you."
  453. >Before you can speak up, sunhorse sits you upright, lifts up your front legs, and pulls the dress over your head. She straightens it out and tightens it with a bow around the waist.
  454. >"There, see?"
  455. >She floats you over towards the mirror, and you get a good look at yourself.
  456. >Your new dress is tiny, and barely reaches past your midsection; your well-padded rump puffs out for all to see.
  457. "Ugh. This is demeaning."
  458. >She gives your diapered rear another round of pats.
  459. >"Well, I think you look adorable. (And more to the point, hon, we're trying to keep up appearances here. If you want my help, then I'm afraid you'll have to put up with being babied for a little while.)"
  460. >You take a moment to consider your options, or lack thereof.
  461. "(sigh) (Fiiine. As if I haven't been humiliated enough these past 24 hours.)"
  462. >She gives a soft laugh, sets you on her back, and ferries you downstairs.
  464. >You idly run your hoof through Celestia's warm, flowing mane as the two of you return to the den.
  465. >She seats herself again, and places you next to her.
  466. >Twilight is waiting with a small tray, which carries a hot kettle, two teacups... and a baby bottle.
  467. >Oh, for fuck's sake.
  468. >"For you..."
  469. >She pours one cup, mixes in one spoonful of sugar, and offers it to the princess.
  470. >"Thank you, dear."
  471. >"For me..."
  472. >Another cup, no sugar.
  473. >She turns her attention towards you; you glare at her in return.
  474. >"And for you."
  475. "You wouldn't d-- rrph! Mrrmph!"
  476. >She presses the bottle firmly between your lips and forces you to suckle.
  477. >You whine, and look to Celestia to bail you out.
  478. >She giggles and tucks you under her wing.
  479. >"Now, now, child. There's no need to fuss so much."
  480. >Sigh. Not helping here, lady.
  481. >Though to be fair, you've had worse things shoved in your mouth recently. A bit of milk is harmless enough.
  482. >You drink in silence as the other two ponies sip their tea.
  483. >"You must be rather busy these days, looking after this little sweetheart."
  484. >"(sip) Hmm? Oh, um, yes, he... she's given me a hoof-full, for sure..."
  485. >"She seems well-behaved, if a bit... forward, at times."
  486. "I'm sitting right here, y'know."
  487. >"Hush, now. The grown-ups are talking."
  488. "Yeah, talking about me."
  489. >"Just drink your milk, hon."
  490. "Hmmph. Yes, ma'am. (suck) (suck)"
  491. >"As I was saying... it must be stressful, on occasion. Keeping her out of trouble, I mean."
  492. >"Y-you could say that, yeah... (sip)"
  493. >"So... how about I foalsit her for you, for a day or two?"
  494. >Twilight spit-takes.
  495. >"...Come again?"
  497. >"I can take her off your hooves for a little while. Don't worry; I assure you, she'll be very~ well cared for."
  498. >You roll your eyes.
  499. >"Oh, um, you don't h-have to--"
  500. >"Oh, it's no trouble at all, dear! I'd be happy to do it."
  501. >"But, you must be so busy, what with, um, and..."
  502. >"I have plenty of time available these next few days. Didn't I mention that before?"
  503. >"I-I'm just not sure it's n-necessary; I mean, I can h-handle, um..."
  504. >You can see bookhorse start to sweat.
  505. >"Please, Twilight, you musn't be so modest. You deserve a bit of time to yourself."
  506. >"W-well, I guess, but, I mean, well, um--"
  507. >"Hmm... you seem nervous, dear, and... atypically hesitant. Is something wrong?"
  508. >"What? N-no. I'm fine. Imfineeverythingisfine."
  509. >"So you're fine with me looking after her, then."
  510. >"Nnnnnnnnyyes?"
  511. >"Wonderful! I'll--"
  512. >"WaitwaitIdidn-- um... I mean..."
  513. >"Yes, Twilight?"
  514. >"I m-mean, um, one moment, please."
  515. >"(chuckle) Whatever you say, dear."
  517. >In a hurry, bookhorse practically drags you over to the next room and shuts the door.
  518. >She glares at you, her panic turned to frustration.
  519. >"(What did you tell her.)"
  520. "(Me? Nothing.)"
  521. >Technically, a true statement.
  522. >"(sigh) (Good. No one else has to know about this. Got it?)"
  523. "(So you admit that you fucked up?)"
  524. >"(...That's not what I meant, but--)"
  525. "(Go ahead! Admit you fucked up by turning me into a filly.)"
  526. >"(huff) (Please. You totally deserved it.)"
  527. "(Well, you don't seem to think SHE'll agree with you.)"
  528. >"(Well, I mean--)"
  529. "(In fact, you seem quite certain that you'll be in deep shit if Celestia finds out about this, right?)"
  530. >"(Um... that's--)"
  531. "(And what d'you think she'll do if she finds out that you did it to force me to socialize on your behalf, so you could stay home like a lazy asshole?)"
  532. >You can feel her staring daggers at you.
  533. >"(Watch it, missy.)"
  534. "(Hell, maybe she'll turn YOU into a foal, and YOU can spend all day playing dress-up and getting your ass spanked. How about that?)"
  535. >"(Anon, I swear, I'll...)"
  536. "(Hey, you brought this on yourself. You dug this hole, and I'm sure as hell not bailing you out. ...Unless, of course, you have something to offer in return?)"
  537. >She thinks about it for a few seconds.
  538. >"(groan) (...Fine! If, IF you can keep your sorry little mouth shut, then I MIGHT consider forgetting any of this ever happened.)"
  539. "(sigh) (Close enough. Now, are we done here? I bet she's wondering what's taki)nnph!"
  540. >Aaand the pacifier again.
  541. >"Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something?"
  542. >Bitch.
  544. >Twilight carries you back into the den.
  545. "(I can walk, you know.)"
  546. >"(Too bad.)"
  547. >Celestia is waiting patiently for you two to finish.
  548. >You're passed from one pony to the other.
  549. >"Ready to go, hon?"
  550. "...Please put me down. I-I don't need to be carr--"
  551. >Sunhorse laughs, and sets you on your own hooves.
  552. >"Like I said, dear, she's a talkative one. But don't worry; I'm sure we'll have plenty to converse about. Right, hon?"
  553. "Um... yeah, sure."
  554. >You see Twilight get reeeal nervous for a second or two, before calming herself.
  555. >You're pretty sure Celestia noticed it as well, but she doesn't react.
  556. >The two of you head for the exit.
  557. >"Oh, um, make sure she... gets plenty of milk, and goes to bed early."
  558. "Ugh."
  559. >"(giggle) I'll keep that in mind, dear. Now, please, relax."
  560. >"Erm... y-yes, ma'am."
  561. >A minute later, and bookhorse is finally out of your hair (for now, at least).
  562. >Sunhorse casually walks down the path; you follow close behind.
  563. "Well, whatever your plan is, it worked... sort of... I think."
  564. >"Oh?"
  565. "Maybe. Twilight sorta agreed to turn me back, if I don't tattle on her. Which should be easy, since you already know everything."
  566. >"(snicker) Of course."
  567. "...Actually, given the circumstances, would YOU be able to turn me back? Just for curiosity's sake."
  568. >"Hmm... it could theoretically be done; that is, if I knew which transformation spell she used."
  569. "...There's more than one?"
  570. >She nods.
  571. >Magic is bullshit sometimes.
  573. "(sigh) Nevermind. What d'you intend to do when you "find out" what she did, anyway?"
  574. >"I'll think of a suitable punishment for her. For now, she has plenty of time to consider what she's gotten herself into."
  575. "Oh, while we're at it, can we get back at Applejack and Rarity, too? I had an... encounter with them yesterday. I don't really wanna get into the details."
  576. >"(giggle) I'm sorry, Anon; you're on your own with that one."
  577. "Damn. Worth a shot."
  578. >You walk in silence for a bit. It's a pretty nice day outside, actually.
  579. "Anyway... all I have to do is hang out with you for a couple days, and I'm home free?"
  580. >"Sounds like it, hon. And as I said before, I'll take good care of you until then."
  581. "...You know, you don't actually have to keep treating me like a foal. I mean, it's not like Twilight'll noti-woah!"
  582. >Celestia pulls you into the air and towards her.
  583. >"(snicker) What, you don't want me to dote on you for a little while?"
  584. "...Nnnah, I'm good, thanks."
  585. >She gives your bottom a playful swat.
  586. >"Well, it's happening whether you like it or not." (pat) (pat) (pat)
  587. "(sigh) Maaan..."
  588. >"Oh, there, there, child." (pat) "You have nothing to worry about." (pat) (pat)
  589. "...Okay, you can stop that now. Where are we going, anyway?"
  590. >"Currently, nowhere in particular. I just thought a bit of fresh air would be good for you."
  591. "Oh. Um, thanks, I guess."
  592. >"For now, just lie down and relax."
  593. >She returns you to her back, and lets you nestle in her mane a bit.
  594. "Whatever, lady."
  595. >...This is probably gonna suck.
  596. >But hey, you put up with Twilight's bullshit well enough.
  597. >Compared to that, today shouldn't be too bad.
  598. >...Right?
  600. ...
  602. >You are Anon.
  603. >And you're making progress. Maybe.
  604. >On the one hoof, you're still a filly, with an embarassing outfit to match.
  605. >But you now have the leverage you need to "convince" bookhorse to turn you back into a human.
  606. >Buuut in the process, you might've kinda sorta implicitly agreed to be sunhorse's baby for a couple days.
  607. >...Well, it beats being stuck with Twilight, so that's something?
  608. >Whatever.
  609. >"Wake up, little Anon..."
  610. "(yawn) Ugh... wait, did I doze off?"
  611. >"(soft laugh) It seems that way, yes."
  612. "...Huh. Alright, then."
  613. >You have a look around. Sunhorse is escorting you through a wide hallway; well-lit, regally decorated.
  614. "This is the palace, right? I've been a few times, but I don't recall this place."
  615. >"I doubt you would; this is a private wing of the castle. You're only allowed in here with royal permission."
  616. >She sets you down and lets you stretch your legs a bit. You follow behind her.
  617. >"As long as you stay in this wing, no one should bother you."
  618. "...Besides you."
  619. >"(snicker) Besides me, of course. And perhaps a few servants, but most of them should be occupied at the moment. As for myself..."
  620. >You enter what you assume to be the princess' bedchamber. She steps onto her bed and pulls an old book from her nightstand.
  621. >In contrast to Twilight's dusty old shelves, Celestia's books are spotless. The perks of having servants, you suppose.
  622. >She gestures towards the bedroom door, still open and rather enticing.
  623. >"I'm going to lie down and read for a while. You are free to have a look around, if you wish."
  624. >A bit of time to yourself, without anypony around to baby you? Yes, please.
  625. >"Don't stray too far, though."
  626. "If you say so..."
  628. >"...Oh, and one more thing:"
  629. >She hoists your back end a few inches off the floor for a moment, holding you by the frills of your dress.
  630. >"This? Stays on. We can't have a little filly like yourself running around naked, can we~?"
  631. "Ugh..."
  632. >"Anon..."
  633. "(groan) Fine."
  634. >She snickers again, and returns your back legs to the ground.
  635. >Before she can get another word in, you're out the door.
  636. >It's a nice change of pace to not get carried around everywhere.
  637. >You meander for a while, admiring the palace architec-- oof!
  638. >In a moment of distraction, you bump into someone.
  639. >"Well, who do we have here~?"
  640. >You look up, and two mares dressed in maids' attire are looking back down at you.
  641. >You try to shuffle past. The elder of the two, a silver-maned pegasus, blocks your path.
  642. >"Ah-ah-ah; where do you think you're going?"
  643. "Oh, me? I was just, um, going--"
  644. >The younger maid, a red-maned unicorn, lifts you up and coos at you.
  645. >"There's no need to be shy, little one. What's your name?"
  646. "Um, Anon."
  647. >The silver mare sets down the laundry basket she was carrying, then examines your dress and tugs at your diaper.
  648. >"You must be the little foal that miss Celestia brought with her."
  649. "Oh, well, I'm not actually a foal; this is jus--"
  650. >"That's nice, sweetie." (pat) (pat) (pat)
  652. >The red mare turns you around and rocks you back and forth, continuing to fawn over you.
  653. >(At least someone here's enjoying herself.)
  654. >"Well, I think you're just the sweetest little filly I've ever seen; with your cute little dress and your scruffy little mane and your poofy little bottom..." (pat) (pat) "(giggle) Why, I could just dress you up and brush you and cradle you in my hooves all day~."
  655. >Yyyeah, that ain't happening, lady.
  656. "Uhh, th... that won't be necessary, thank you. Please put me down now."
  657. >The younger mare pouts. The elder stifles a laugh.
  658. >"(sigh) Alright..."
  659. >The maid gently lowers you back down, then gives your diaper one last squeeze.
  660. >"Oh, but if you ever need a change, (snicker) just let one of us know."
  661. >You roll your eyes. Like hell you're gonna willingly submit to that.
  662. "Yeah, sure, whatever."
  663. >"Run along now, little Annie."
  664. >Finally, something we agree on.
  665. >You scurry off, hoping to get as far away from the two mares as possible.
  666. >You don't bother to ask for either of their names. If that little run-in was any indication, you should probably try to avoid those two from now on.
  667. >After wandering the palace halls for a while longer, you settle yourself in a small garden.
  668. >It's... quiet.
  669. >Peaceful, even.
  670. >...For a moment, you long for a computer and an internet connection.
  671. >Nevermind. You can find other ways to occupy your time.
  672. >Even if your options are somewhat... limited, right now.
  674. >You hear a grandfather clock chime from the other room.
  675. >Now that you think of it, you've been a filly for at least twenty-four hours.
  676. >...And most of that time was spent with either a sore bottom, a diaper, or both.
  677. >...Fucking Twilight.
  678. >You're gonna get her back for this, with or without Celestia's help.
  679. >But for now, you're content to wait and see what sunhorse has in mind.
  680. >Though you're also pretty sure she's screwing with you for her own amusement (hence why you're still dressed up like a damn foal), and helping you out just happens to be a side effect.
  681. >Whatever works, you suppose.
  682. >You hear hoofsteps coming closer, and look up.
  683. >The pegasus maid you bumped into earlier is hovering over you.
  684. "Hmm? What d'you want?"
  685. >"Anon, dear? Miss Celestia sent me."
  686. "...Okay, what does SHE want?"
  687. >The mare giggles and stands you up, directing you towards the hallway.
  688. >"Oh, she just wanted me to fetch you for her. It's time for your feeding..."
  689. "Ugh, seriously? I thought we-- urk!"
  690. >She tugs on the collar of your dress, leading you inside.
  691. >"She told me you might not cooperate, little Anon... but she also said not to take 'no' for an answer."
  692. "Leggo! You c--" (SPANK) "Uhn!"
  693. >Dammit, not this again.
  694. >"A young foal like yourself is in no position to be making demands."
  696. >She forces your front end down and your back end up, and smacks your bottom a few more times.
  697. >For a very (ow) brief moment, you're almost (ow) grateful for the extra padding.
  698. "(huff) Cut it out!" (SPANK) "Oof! I told you before, lady, I'm not a foal..."
  699. >"Well, either way, you're still a naughty little filly who needs to do as she's told. Now, march!" (SPANK)
  700. "I'm going, I'm going! Jeez!"
  701. >You walk down the hallway, staying ahead of the maid's reach.
  702. >Celestia is waiting to greet you as you reenter her chamber.
  703. >"(giggle) Hello, sweetie."
  704. >You stand at the doorway for a moment, until the maid catches up to you and sends you into the room with a slap to the behind.
  705. >"She's all yours, milady. (Little brat...)"
  706. >"Thank you, dear."
  707. >Sunhorse waves a large milk bottle in front of you.
  708. >"Alright, hon. You know what comes next~."
  709. "...No."
  710. >She raises an eyebrow.
  711. >"Excuse me?"
  712. "I didn't sign up for getting babied all day. I want-- oy!"
  713. >The silver-maned pony tugs your dress again and leads you forward.
  714. >"Come now, child. Now is not the time f--"
  715. "Lay off! (huff)"
  716. >"(scoff) Well, I never!"
  717. >"Hush, little Anon. There's nothing to be embarassed about."
  718. "Ohhhhyes there is."
  719. >"Well, I'm sure that we ca--"
  720. "No! It's bad enough getting force-fed like a goddamn foal; I don't need a fucking audie-- wha!"
  721. >Celestia lifts you up and pulls you towards her.
  722. >"I'm sorry; what was that, dear?"
  724. >She raises your dress and brushes your tail aside.
  725. "Hey! Whad'you think y--" (SPANK) "Eep!"
  726. >"I will not tolerate that sort of attitude in my chambers." (pat) (pat) (SPANK)
  727. "But, Celestiaaa!"
  728. >(pat) "That's 'Miss Celestia' to you, young lady."
  729. >With a satisfied nod, the maid steps out of the room and leaves the two of you alone.
  730. >Sunhorse seems content to just lightly tap your bottom.
  731. "(Come on!)" (pat) (pat) "(Oof. What gives?)"
  732. >She leans in and quietly drops her 'stern mother' voice.
  733. >"(I'm sorry, hon, but I can't let you go around and mouth off in front of my servants.)" (pat) "(This is just a warning right now,)" (pat) "(but if you cause any more trouble, then I might be persuaded to spank you for real.)" (pat-pat-pat) "(Understand?)"
  734. >You blush a bit. Somehow, this is more embarassing than the actual spanking you got five minutes ago.
  735. "(groan) (Fine. Just get it over with.)"
  736. >"(giggle) (Very good.)" (pat) (pat) "(Now, where were we? Ah, yes, of course:)"
  737. >She switches back to the mommy voice.
  738. >"So, you're going to behave yourself?"
  739. "(sigh) Yes..."
  740. >"And you're going to drink your milk, like a good little pony?" (pat) (pat) (pat)
  741. "Ugh. Yes, 'miss Celestia'."
  742. >"And after that, you're going to take your nap?" (pat) (pat)
  743. "(...I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I.)"
  744. >"(snicker) (Not really, no.)"
  745. "(Of cooourse.)"
  747. >Once your mock-spanking is over, sunhorse cradles you.
  748. >She bottle-feeds you, gently swaying you back and forth.
  749. >"There, there, little Anon."
  750. "This is demeaning. (suck) (suck)"
  751. >"Say that as much as you want, hon. (giggle) It's not going to change my mind."
  752. "(sigh) Yeah, yeah, I know."
  753. >You finish your milk, and she turns you over and pats your back.
  754. >"Alright, hon. Naptime..."
  755. >You let out a tired sigh as she floats you across the room.
  756. >She pauses for a moment.
  757. >"Oh! I almost forgot."
  758. >Celestia dips her horn to cast a spell.
  759. >You watch a small, filly-sized bed summon and assemble itself in front of you-- frame, mattress, sheets, and a rather large pillow.
  760. >"There... perfect."
  761. "Show-off."
  762. >"Hush, you."
  763. >She sets you on the bed, resting your head on the pillow (which is exactly as soft as it looks).
  764. "Heh."
  765. >Sunhorse looks at you quizzically.
  766. "Oh, it's just... at this point, I was expecting a crib."
  767. >She smirks.
  768. >"Well, if you insist..."
  769. "...Wait, I didn't mea--"
  770. >There's a blink of light and a clattering of wood, and suddenly you're behind bars.
  771. "...It was a JOKE, Celestia."
  772. >"(giggle) I know."
  773. >You and your big mouth.
  774. >She drapes a blanket on you and tucks you in, humming softly.
  775. >Within a few minutes, you drift into a relatively peaceful nap.
  777. >You wake up an hour or two later.
  778. >Well, that was... nice? Maybe?
  779. >You yawn, and stretch your legs a bit.
  780. >(And bump against the bars of your crib. Goddammit, Celestia.)
  781. >Aaand you just realized you need to pee.
  782. >ohboy.jpg
  783. >Should be able to hold it for long enough, hopefully.
  784. >You're about to let yourself out when the bars lower themselves for you.
  785. >"Did you enjoy your nap, little Anon?"
  786. >Sunhorse watches you climb out and orient yourself.
  787. "...I guess, yeah."
  788. >She smiles, then summons a hairbrush (presumably to straighten out your bed-head), but you push it away.
  789. "Umm... which way is the bathroom? I sorta need to... y'know."
  790. >"Hmm? Oh, that won't be necessary, hon."
  791. >She gives your bottom a squeeze.
  792. "Ha, ha. No, really."
  793. >"..."
  794. "...You don't seriously expect me t--"
  795. >"There's no shame in it, child. At least not for someone in your... (snicker) predicament."
  796. >She strokes your mane a few times with the brush.
  797. "A-actually, there kinda is. A fair bit of it, in fact. Just sayin'."
  798. >"Well, there should a washroom somewhere down the hall; you're free to look for it. Or, you could stay here, relieve yourself, and I'll change you in private."
  799. "(grumble) I'll take my chances."
  800. >"If you insist..."
  801. >The bedroom door swings open, and you scurry into the hall.
  803. >Dammit, why do all of these doors look the same?
  804. >And why did you not bother to check most of them earlier?
  805. >Whatever. No time for hindsight right now. You're in a rush, here.
  806. >You hear water from behind a closed door.
  807. >On the one hand (hoof, whatever), this could be a bathroom.
  808. >On the other, the sound of running water is not helping you right now!
  809. >You squirm as you try to pull the door open.
  810. >(grumble) Stupid - tiny - body - can - barely - reach - the - fucking - knob. (grunt)
  811. >Why do these ponies even, (grunt) use doorknobs, anyway? No opposable thumbs!
  812. >While you're struggling, a voice interrupts you.
  813. >"Aww, what's wrong, sweetie?"
  814. >Ohhhno. This is the last pony you want to deal with right now.
  815. "(grumble) Nothing..."
  816. >Just as soon as you've pried the door ajar, the unicorn maid hoists you into the air.
  817. >Not now! Not when you're this close!
  818. >"Doesn't sound like nothing..."
  819. "Let go of me, you crazy-- oof!"
  820. >"Now, now, little one. There's no need to make such a fuss."
  821. >You flail and squirm, but you can't shake her magical grasp.
  822. >Aaaaaaand there it goes.
  823. >Dammitdammitdammitdammitdammit!
  824. >Your bladder slowly vacates itself, taking your last shred of dignity with it.
  825. >The maid giggles, clearly amused by your plight.
  826. >"I think somepony~ needs a change..."
  827. >You let out an annoyed groan as the mare plays with the frills of your dress.
  828. >She takes you inside the room you were trying to enter.
  829. >It was, in fact, a bathroom. Fuck everything.
  830. >You're helpless as she floats you over to a changing table, lifts your dress, and removes your diaper.
  831. >"There, there, little foal..."
  832. "(groan) I keep telling you, I'm not a foa-- mmph!"
  833. >"(giggle) We'll see about that once I'm through with you~."
  835. >You... don't like the sound of that. At all.
  836. >You try to squirm away, but the red-haired mare pins you down.
  837. >Curse your tiny, easily-overpowered body!
  838. >She rummages through the cupboard underneath you.
  839. >"Just hold still, Annie."
  840. >She spreads your back legs, then holds you in place as she wipes down your crotch.
  841. >(Geez, that's cold.)
  842. >You watch the mare set down a thick diaper beside you.
  843. >...And stack another one on top of that.
  844. >ohheeeeeellno.png
  845. "You wouldn't!"
  846. >She turns you on your belly, hoists your tail vertical, and starts to dust your bottom with powder.
  847. >"Oh, (giggle) I'll dress you up all nice," (pat) "and padded," (pat) "and cozy," (pat) "so everyone can see what a cute little baby you are~."
  848. "Ohhhno. I did not sign up for this! You canno-- mmph!"
  849. >The mare silences you with a pacifier. Deja vu...
  850. >Once your rear end has been thoroughly powdered, she turns you back over and re-diapers you.
  851. >Despite your struggling, she forces the second diaper on shortly after.
  852. >"There, see?" (pat) (pat) "Nice and cozy."
  853. "(groan) This is duuumb."
  854. >"Oh, hush."
  855. >The mare pulls your dress back down, then decides to doll you up further.
  856. >She's halfway through tying a large bow into your mane when Celestia decides to check on you.
  857. >Sunhorse examines the scene, then laughs softly.
  858. >"Run into a bit of trouble, hon?"
  859. >"Oh, she had an 'accident' in the hallway. I already gave her a change; I was just, um, prettying her up a bit, for you."
  860. "(whine) (Heeeelp.)"
  862. >Celestia addresses her servant.
  863. >"I think I can take over from here, dear. Besides, I think young miss Anon would like a bit of privacy..."
  864. >"Um, yes, milady."
  865. >The maid obediently exits the room. You're pretty sure you can hear her mutter something on her way out, about Celestia "getting to have all the fun".
  866. "Um, thank you, I think."
  867. >"You're welcome, Anon."
  868. >She takes you down from the changing table.
  869. >You're about to pull the second diaper off, but Celestia pulls it back into place.
  870. >"Ah-ah-ah, not yet."
  871. "Oh, come on! This is--"
  872. >"(snicker) Consider yourself lucky you're only wearing two. I hear any more complaining, and, well..."
  873. "(huff) Fine. Whatever you say, 'ma'am'."
  874. >She smirks.
  875. >"That's more like it. And I must admit, she was right... you do look adorable. Especially with that little pout of yours."
  876. "Hmmph. You're enjoying this a bit too much, methinks."
  877. >"Maybe, maybe not. (giggle) In either case, lest you forget, you still have to do as I say for a while."
  878. >Sunhorse makes for the hallway.
  879. >You try to follow, but stumble a bit; two thick layers of padding around your flank is not conducive to free movement.
  880. "Ugh. I can barely walk in this getup."
  881. >"Then I suppose I'll have to carry you."
  882. >Siiigh. Well, that autonomy was fun while it lasted.
  883. >You fiddle with your mane a bit, trying to--
  884. >"The bow stays on too, hon."
  885. >Dammit.
  887. >Sunhorse returns you to your crib.
  888. >"I have matters to attend to, Anon. So, hmm... (giggle) just sit there and look cute for a while until I return, okay?"
  889. "(groan) Yes, ma'am."
  890. >Not like you have much of a choice.
  891. >She offers you a selection of books from her shelf, so you can at least enjoy the peace and quiet.
  892. >Afternoon gives way to evening.
  893. >You've halfway dozed off again when you realize that Celestia's back.
  894. "...How long have you...?"
  895. >"(snicker) Another nap, hon?"
  896. "Well, it's not like there's much else to do."
  897. >"I see. Well, since you're unoccupied..."
  898. >She lowers the bars of your crib and offers you a large bottle.
  899. "(groan) This again?"
  900. >"Yes."
  901. >You set down the book you were (sorta) reading.
  902. "...What, you're not gonna force-feed me this time?"
  903. >"As long as you don't give me any more sass, Anon. (soft laugh) Just a warning, though: if you do, then we skip the bottle and I breastfeed you instead."
  904. >She's... probably not bluffing with that one. Because, you know. Magic.
  905. >Either way, it's not worth the trouble.
  906. "Ugh. Forget I said anything. (suck)"
  907. >You turn away from her, but you still feel her watching.
  908. >"Remember, Anon; every last drop."
  909. "Hmmph. (suck) (suck)"
  910. >Once you've finished embarassing yourself yet again, sunhorse lifts you up and pats your back.
  911. >"As long as you're here in my care, you will be receiving regular feedings." (pat) (pat) "I suggest you get accustomed to it sooner rather than later."
  912. "Yeah, yeah, whatev(urp)."
  913. >Satisfied, she lets you return to your books for a while.
  914. >Some time after sundown, you hear her call for you.
  915. >"Oh, Anooon~!"
  916. "...Now what?"
  917. >"Come here, hon. (giggle) Bathtime."
  919. >Celestia summons a small washtub in the middle of the room, followed by a bath brush.
  920. >Greeeat.
  921. >But, on the bright side:
  922. "Does that mean I can take this shit off now?"
  923. >You glance backwards at your dress.
  924. >Sunhorse taps you softly on your rump.
  925. >"Language, little one... but yes, you may."
  926. >She conjures up a steady stream of water and starts to fill the tub. (Well, that's one way to do it, you suppose.)
  927. >While she's preparing the bath, she allows you to undress yourself.
  928. >Within a minute, you're free of the babyish attire, and lie there a bare filly.
  929. >You've never been so relieved to be naked in your life.
  930. >...Royal audience notwithstanding.
  931. >"...Need a moment?"
  932. "...Yes, please."
  933. >You stretch your back legs and relax a bit.
  934. >Celestia takes the time to collect your old dress, then pull out more supplies.
  935. >A towel or two, a bar of soap, bottles of what you assume to be shampoo, and so on.
  936. >You don't really care at the moment. You're content to not be dressed up like a foal, even if only for a minute.
  937. >"...Enjoy it while you can, Anon. (snicker) You're going right back onto that changing table as soon as we're done."
  938. "(sigh) Yeah, I figured as much."
  940. >She lifts you up.
  941. >"Alright, into the tub with you."
  942. >Sunhorse dips you into the warm water.
  943. >Once she's sure you're somewhat comfortable, she pours some water over your head and starts to brush you.
  944. "I still fail to see"(splash) "blrb, why this is all necessary." (splish)
  945. >"Oh?"
  946. "I mean, last I checked, Twilight didn't actually turn me into a foal. Hell, I could probably pass for a grade-school filly at least."
  947. >"And instead you're here?"
  948. >She raises one of your back legs and lathers it with soap.
  949. "Getting scrubbed down and dressed up by a mare several times my size? Yeah."
  950. >"Hmm."
  951. >She ponders for a moment.
  952. >"Now that you mention it, (giggle) you would look just adorable~ in one of those little schoolfilly outfits..."
  953. >Note to self, stop giving her ideas.
  954. "Ugh, pass." (splish) "Being forced into a diaper is (blub)ullshit enough."
  955. >Celestia floats a soap bar in front of you.
  956. >"Now, now, hon. One more crack like that and I'll have to wash your mouth out as well."
  957. "(grumble) Yes, ma'am."
  958. >"...However, I do see why this would be frustrating for you."
  959. >She turns you over and starts to brush your back.
  960. "(sigh) ...Well, Twilight I sorta understand. We spent most of yesterday trying to piss each other off. (Literally, in one case. Uh, hehe.)"
  961. >"Really, now? (tsk) Naughty girl."
  962. >As Celestia's brushing your raised tail, she gives your bottom a few pats.
  963. "(Oof!) But, um, she was actively trying to humiliate me." (splish) "What's YOUR excuse?"
  965. >Celestia pauses, then laughs to herself.
  966. >"Well... perhaps when I saw you this morning, and realized what my prize pupil had done to you, I decided there was no harm in playing along."
  967. >Once she's finished washing you, she takes you from the tub, wraps you in a towel, and starts drying you off.
  968. "(huff) Forgive me if I'm not convinced."
  969. >Sunhorse smiles and sets you down on the changing table.
  970. >She hums softly as she powders your rear end and sits you onto a new diaper.
  971. >(Only one layer, thank you.)
  972. >"And yes, Anon, I could help you out of your predicament with no strings attached."
  973. >She smirks, then starts patting your re-diapered bottom.
  974. >"...But this is more fun." (pat) (pat)
  975. "...So you admit you're just fucking with me?" (SPANK) "Oof!"
  976. >Her pats become firm swats.
  977. >...Right. The swearing. You should probably (ow) remember to not do that until this is all (ow) over with.
  978. "Okay!" (SPANK) "Uhn! Sorry."
  979. >"Whatever my reasons may be, I still won't tolera--"
  980. "Yeah, yeah, I know." (pat)
  981. >You sigh in resignation. Sunhorse continues to pat you softly, as if giving you another mock-spanking.
  982. >Afterwards, she zips you up into some footed pajamas, dark blue.
  983. >To her credit, this is probably the most comfortable thing you've worn today.
  984. >Looking in the mirror, you notice that your bottom still puffs out, leaving it quite obvious what's underneath.
  985. >You watch in the mirror as Celestia oh-so-helpfully buttons up your dropseat.
  986. >"There. All cozy?"
  987. "Yes, ma'am..."
  989. >She sighs, then sits down on her bed and pulls you under her wing.
  990. >"Now, Anon, I know you're not entirely pleased with our little agreement."
  991. "Y... you could say that, yeah."
  992. >"But I really do appreciate you putting up with it for this long, and I do want to take care of you as long as you're here."
  993. >You close your eyes for a minute and feel sunhorse strokes your back, her wing like a warm blanket.
  994. >"And, well, if there was something I could do for you, in exchange for a little more... cooperation... you need only to ask."
  995. "...Well, I'm not about to roll over and act like a baby, if that's what you're suggesting."
  996. >"Nothing of the sort, hon. (Besides, at this point, whether or not you act like one is irrelevant; you'll be treated like one anyway, with or without my input.)"
  997. >She giggles to herself, then gives your bottom a squeeze.
  998. "(grumble) (Of course.)"
  999. >"I'm just wondering if we can find a more... comfortable arrangement."
  1000. >You think it over for a minute.
  1001. "Well... a bit of personal space would be nice. I mean, not getting coddled, or carried around everywhere, or having a bottle or a pacifier shoved in my mouth whenever, or yeah."
  1002. >"Hmm... fair enough. But in return, should I summon you for a bath, or a change, or a feeding, you won't make such a fuss about it?"
  1003. >Well, it's still embarassing as hell, but it's a better deal than you started today with.
  1004. >Which was a better deal than you ended yesterday with.
  1005. >Baby steps, Anon. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)
  1006. "I'll... (sigh) I'll consider it."
  1007. >"That will suffice, child. Now, excuse me for a moment..."
  1009. >You see a bright flash, as Celestia summons a... phone?
  1010. >Huh. One of those old rotary phones, it looks like.
  1011. "Ooookay, then."
  1012. >She dials.
  1013. >(RING) (RING) (click)
  1014. >"Um, hello? This is Twilight Sparkle."
  1015. >Despite the phone's appearance, bookhorse's voice comes through crystal-clear.
  1016. >She probably doesn't know she's on speaker, though, so you keep quiet.
  1017. >"Good evening, dear."
  1018. >"Oh! Um! H-hello, ma'am. Ho-how can I...?"
  1019. >"(giggle) We've been over this, dear; there's no need to call me 'ma'am'."
  1020. >"Um, o-of course."
  1021. >"I just thought I'd check in and let you know how our little friend is doing..."
  1022. >You can practically hear Twilight sweating bullets.
  1023. >"Icanexplai--"
  1024. >"A talkative little darling, I must say. All sorts of... fascinating things."
  1025. >"W-whateverhetoldyouitsnottrue!"
  1026. >"And don't worry, dear; plenty of milk and an early bedtime, as requested. I just tucked her in a few minutes ago... oh, were you saying something? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that last part."
  1027. >Dead silence.
  1028. >"..."
  1029. >"Um, I mean, h-she... n-nevermind. T-tell her I said hi."
  1030. >"Alright, dear. We can drop by tomorrow, if you'd like..."
  1031. >"T-that'd be... um? Great? Okaygoodnight-"(click)
  1033. "Wait, she hung up? Rude."
  1034. >"I suppose ettiquette was never her strong suit, either."
  1035. "So... what, you're just gonna lead her on for a while, just for the hell of it?"
  1036. >"That is... one way to interpret it."
  1037. >You laugh.
  1038. "You know she's gonna figure it out eventually."
  1039. >"Perhaps, perhaps not."
  1040. "...And in the meantime, you're gonna keep 'mommy'ing me and treating me like a foal, also just for the hell of it?"
  1041. >Celestia smirks.
  1042. "...You're twisted, lady. Y'know that, right?"
  1043. >"I try my best, hon."
  1044. >She lifts you up again.
  1045. >"Alright, Anon, I really should be putting you to bed now."
  1046. "Fine, fine. (yawn) But, ca--"
  1047. >"Ah-ah-ah, first things first..."
  1048. >She unbuttons your dropseat and tugs at your diaper.
  1049. >"Does somepony~ need a change before bedtime?"
  1050. >sonofabitch.png
  1051. "Well, I WAS gonna ask if I could go and use the bathroom, but..."
  1052. >"..."
  1053. "..."
  1054. >"..."
  1055. "(sigh) ...I'm not getting out of this one, am I?"
  1056. >"(giggle) No."
  1057. "...Dammit."
  1059. -
  1061. EPILOGUE
  1063. >After a couple more days, Twilight's paranoia got the better of her.
  1064. >The mare was a nervous wreck by the time she finally freaked out and confessed everything.
  1065. >And you're pretty sure she never cottoned on to your and Celestia's little... collusion.
  1066. >Sunhorse didn't even grant her the dignity of fixing her own mistake; she undid the spell herself.
  1067. >Either way, long story short, you're human again.
  1068. >Ye gods, it feels good to have actual hands. (Among other things...)
  1069. >It took the better part of a day to get readjusted, but you're not complaining.
  1070. >Things are finally returning to how they were before this whole... incident.
  1071. >...For the most part.
  1072. >"You're sure you can look after the library on your own for a bit?"
  1073. "Shouldn't be too difficult."
  1074. >"If you need anything, please, let me know. It's the least I can do, after she caused you all of this trouble."
  1075. >"Of course, ma'am. But, uh, if anyone asks..."
  1076. >"Oh? Hmm... just let them know that Twilight will be out of town for the week."
  1077. >"A week!?"
  1078. >The filly lying naked on the changing table in the middle of the room lets out a loud squeak.
  1079. >Celestia gently shushes her.
  1080. >"Yes, dear, a week."
  1081. >"B-but-- mmph!"
  1082. >"Ah-ah-ah. No 'but's. If you behave yourself, I may consider letting you off early. Otherwise... (soft laugh) well, you'll see."
  1083. >Twilight's face turns a bright red, and she continues to whine.
  1084. >You keep watching; Celestia soon has her powdered, padded, and dressed up in a pink onesie.
  1085. >"There. Doesn't she look just darling?"
  1086. "(chuckle) Adorable."
  1088. >"We should be going soon. Just one thing to do, first..."
  1089. >Sunhorse lays on her side, and pulls the filly toward her.
  1090. >Twilight's eyes go wide.
  1091. >"(whine) Miss Celestiaaa!"
  1092. >"Now, now, dear..."
  1093. >"B-but, nnph! N-not in front of-- mmmmph! (suck) (suck)"
  1094. >You watch and try not to laugh as Celestia holds her prize pupil in place, pressed firmly against the royal teat.
  1095. >You and sunhorse exchange a smirk. She knows you're getting a kick out of this.
  1096. >Bookhorse, on the other hand, kicks and fusses the whole way through, but the princess easily subdues her.
  1097. >Once Celestia decides that Twilight's had her fill, she turns her around and pats her back.
  1098. >"Well, I think we must be going now. You and I have a lot to talk about... right, sweetie~?"
  1099. >"(urp) Y-y-yes, m-ma'am..."
  1100. >Sunhorse's horn glows. She summons a stroller, and lifts up the embarassed little filly.
  1101. "Oh, before you leave... may I?"
  1102. >"(snicker) Very well."
  1103. >You look bookhorse right in her little eyes, and smirk.
  1104. >You turn her around, lift her tail, and give her bottom a few firm swats.
  1105. >"Eep!"
  1106. "Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" (pat-pat-pat) "Have fun, 'sweetie'."
  1107. >Twilight whines again as Celestia sets her into the stroller and escorts her out the door.
  1108. >Left alone at last, you sit back, recline, and pour yourself a shot.
  1109. >You sit and ponder little filly Twilight, in a diaper, bawling as Celestia spanks her sorry little behind.
  1110. >You almost feel sorry about it, but then you realize: nope!
  1111. >After what she put you though? Fuck her.
  1112. >You are Anon.
  1113. >And it's good to be back.
  1115. THE END

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