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Wip by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-05-08 23:53:01
Updated: 2022-05-08 23:59:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Wip by UF
  4. (24/05/2014)
  6. ---
  8. Zecora’s flank bounced idly as its owner leafed through her book on spells. The fat cheeks stuffed with flab shook and quivered with each motion, rippling like a lake’s surface during a breeze. She paid it no heed, in fact finding the gentle clapping of cheek slapping against cheek to be a reasonably relaxing soundtrack to her reading.
  10. It was that particular time again, and Zecora was doing everything that she could to try and ignore the burning desire twisting through her loins. Her crotch was hot with lust and every so often her mind would turn to thoughts of passion, of her cunt being spread and filled with stallion meat while she lay pinned to the ground, legs spread wide apart and ass raised high to be used like a common sex toy. She bit her lip and nearly lost herself in the vision. It was feeling the wetness that clung to and slid down her inner thighs that brought her back.
  12. Frustrated, she tutted at the dark, wet patch that now lay on the ground beneath where she had stood as if it would apologise and dry itself up without hesitation. To nobody’s surprise it didn’t. She hated it when she went through these moods. She had a reputation as a mystic to uphold. She didn’t need anybody viewing her in the state where she needed to feel something, anything, thrusting against her sizeable ass.
  14. She was about to return to her usual grinding post - a load-bearing beam that she had designated to bear her load while she rubbed her puffy vulva against it day in, day out until she finally reached a satisfactory climax – when the door exploded open and a bright blue mare with the most ridiculous looking hat and cape combination that Zecora had ever seen marched inside.
  16. “You!” the newcomer yelled with one hoof raised firmly at the startled zebra. Zecora looked around and returned to the mare with a confused raise of her brow. It hardly seemed necessary to point when there was nobody else in the hut to confuse over who was being addressed. “You made Twilight the greatest unicorn in Equestria! Now you’re going to make the great and humble Trixie even greater!”
  18. Zecora blinked. This was a strange one. And yet the name was familiar enough to find a connection beneath the haze of lust. “Your demands intrigue me, mare of bright blue. Perhaps you should explain why I would help you? I know of your past; your sins are all clear. And for greatness you decide you could come here?”
  20. “The great and humble Trixie shouldn’t have to explain her reasons,” she said haughtily. Zecora watched her as she made her way into the hut, closing the door carefully behind her. As she turned, Zecora caught sight of this one’s rear end and for a moment her heart leapt. It was adequately sized, tight, supple, and jiggled pleasantly whenever she walked. And apparently it was recently expanded too, since the cape looked as though it had once been capable of concealing all that was on show. Once. Now the flank was too wide, too pronounced and beneath her swishing tail, the fat, black crack was all too plain to see.
  22. “While appreciate I do, your wish to be my student, perhaps your words could be a little more prudent?” Zecora’s heart raced and she could already feel estrus dribbling between her legs. She shuffled on the spot, her cheeks clenched and grinding together, and hoped upon hope that the newcomer wouldn’t notice. “S-so give me a reason as to why I should teach, one who behaves like such a huge bi-”
  24. “-Because you made Twilight powerful, so Trixie knows that you can make her great too! Perhaps Celestia was involved too, but she never seems to receive any of the great and humble Trixie’s countless messages! So please, Trixie will repay you in any way that she can once her magic is competent enough!”
  26. Zecora raised a hoof as the unicorn was about to prostrate herself upon the floor. She didn’t think she needed any more teasing than what was already being offered. “Thought about it I have and I have come to decide that it would be good to have a student by my side. Though your attitude causes me much distress, perhaps I shall see if I can help you out of this mess.” A wry grin spread across her face and she indicated to the mare that she would be required to stand on a specific spot. As Trixie obeyed, the zebra rifled through her possessions and found what she was looking for. “What you need first is some good humility. Perhaps we can get this, with beats twenty three.”
  28. “Wait wha-AAAAUGH!” The unicorn’s words were cut off with a loud crack, and a shriek from her very own mouth. Zecora smile widened, for between her teeth was the handle to a thick, flat paddle. Trixie lurched forwards and wriggled unhappily, her tail thrashing side to side against Zecora’s face in complaint. “What do you think you’re doing to Trixie’s beautiful blue backside?”
  30. “A lesson you need about being polite, and spanking is good for putting you right. It’s the only way, of that I am sure. So stay nice and still as I make you pure.” It was all a bear-faced lie, but to Zecora it made the experience all the more enjoyable. The mare was desperate to see her strength raised to a sufficient level where she could face Twilight. She would probably sit through anything at this point if it could aid her in her quest for revenge.
  32. And sit through it she did in complete silence, for the first dozen or so beats at least. With each thwack her rump lost its blue hue and the flesh beneath began to redden. The “student” stood through it all, wriggling in slight discomfort but accepting it all the same. Adorable little squeaks erupted from her mouth as the paddle smushed against her bloated ass, and the ass reformed itself with a slight quiver each time. The air was filled with the sound of grunts, and meaty slapping and Zecora’s loins burnt with an even greater fury than before.
  34. As the fourteenth thrash struck her ass, as if it were being beaten out of her, Trixie let out a sound somewhere between a squeal and groan. Zecora paused, the paddle gripped loosely in her jaw. Setting it down for a moment, she took the opportunity to have a quick peek at Trixie’s pussy. And yes, she was elated to observe that this mare’s blueberry-coloured cunt was almost as moist as hers.
  36. “Sufficient was the punishment of which you have received,” she teased, “Now do you think that we should proceed?”
  38. Trixie flushed and turned her head back to gape at the zebra. Her flank squirmed, and she nervously began to stroke one hindleg against the other. “A-already? But you said twenty three…”
  40. “Though that once was part of my plan, I believe that I did all that I can.” Zecora had to suppress the amusement bubbling inside of her. She had already broken in this puny little mare and it hadn’t taken more than a few swipes of a paddle. What had happened to her impatience to become a unicorn on the level of Twilight Sparkle? Seemingly it had just up and vanished as soon as the first paddle swipe fell. “You’ve had enough, any more would be cruel. Unless, that is, you beg for them all?”
  42. The unicorn squirmed. Frustration passed through her face. She quite evidently didn’t appreciate being put in the spot like this. “Please keep going…” she mumbled, eyes fixed determinedly on the floor.
  44. “What was that, dear, I couldn’t quite hear? You should say it out loud, and feel no fear.”
  46. A moment of hesitation. The arrogant Trixie struggled cravenly to find herself amidst her perverse desires. It was a struggle that tore her up in side. She didn’t want to be subdued. She had come her to learn more about magic, to raise herself up tier by tier until she finally looked down upon Twilight Sparkle. And here she stood with her swollen ass burning bright, cherry red and a desire that swelled beneath her for it to carry on. And when she could contain it no longer, it exploded from her mouth in a wave of passion:
  48. “Well fine then, please, I beg of you to teach the great and powerful Trixie what it is to be truly humble! Beat her backside into subservience. Make her your bitch if it would be enough to teach her what you must! Keep punishing her until she screams with desire!”
  50. She looked back at the zebra with a manic glint in her eyes and, satisfied, Zecora rewarded Trixie with a firm thwack against her ass. Her ass rippled excitedly, and her cunt continued to dribble. Only nine more to go. It amused Zecora how much of a big deal the unicorn had made over so little…but maybe she could slip in a few extra. And after this was over, then the real training fun would begin…

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