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Desert Discipline (spin-off): One Night at Aquaria's by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-05-09 17:53:00
Updated: 2022-05-10 09:41:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Desert Discipline (spin-off): One Night at Aquaria's by Nomine
  4. (09/05/2022)
  6. ---
  8. “Hey! Look at the neeerd reading books at recess! What a wimp! What a loser!” came a voice I really could have gone without hearing today. Especially today. I was busy! I was trying to study!
  10. “Hey, why don’t you put that down and play hoofball with all the real colts, stead of reading books all day, you nerd!” came the voice again, and I groaned, snapping my book shut and laying it next to me on the bench.
  12. “Leave me alone, Oiler!” I said, trying to keep from getting angry. I knew what he was trying to do, he wanted to make me mad and then run and tattle to a teacher when I got angry enough to do something. Get me in trouble and he’d get off scot-free. “I’d rather read than play with you anyways!”
  14. I was about to say more when the jerk suddenly darted past me and grabbed my book from the bench, yanking it away from me and running back out to the playground!
  16. I was on his trail as soon as I realized what happened! That was my book! And not just any book, it was a book of spells! I needed that book, I was learning from it!
  18. “Hey everypony, look! The Hothead came to play keep-away with us!” Oiler yelled, throwing the book to one of his bully-buddies as I ran to try and grab it.
  20. “Give that back! It’s mine!” I yelled, as another of his buddies closed in, the three of them tossing my book from one to another, laughing all the while as they pushed and shoved me around.
  22. Finally, Oiler caught the book again, holding it higher than I could jump. “Nerdy Heart! Nerdy Heart! Maybe if you spent more time exercising and less time reading like a NERD you could get your little book back!” he taunted.
  24. “GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK YOU ASS!!!” I shouted, and all three of them gasped. Thyrion took the opportunity of that moment of stunned silence to snatch the book and drop it to me. And I did the only thing I could think of…I took it and ran, hurrying back to the bench and shoving it into my saddlebags just as the bell for the end of recess rang.
  26. I was screwed…he was gonna tell and I was gonna be in so much trouble…language wasn’t tolerated at this school, and especially not after I called my teacher a really long cuss word.
  28. I was a dead little fire mage when my principal found out about this.
  30. —----------
  32. “Heart Afire, Please report to Principal Aquaria’s office! I repeat, Heart Afire to Principal Aquaria’s office!” came the crackling radio voice of Miss Inkwell over the intercom. Miss Linea blinked, then looked at me and pointed towards the door. I slowly stood up. I guess this was my doom. She couldn’t have been calling me for my daily lessons, we’d already had those today. She had been showing me…after a really long time…how to build shields. Just the basic ones of willpower right now, but she told me that once I reached third grade I’d be ready for the shields of Fire.
  34. Focus, Heart!
  36. I slowly made my way down to her office, hanging my head in fear. All this because Oiler had bullied me. This was one hundred percent double plus unfair, as my pen pal Tish would have said. And had said when she described the trouble she and Ralen had managed to get into.
  38. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I managed to reach the door. The door to my doom, or at least the doom of my free time. And my flanks. And possibly my tongue as well…Aquaria had never washed out a mouth to my knowledge, but there was a first time for everything.
  40. I nodded a greeting to Miss Inkwell and pushed the door open with a hoof, walking inside.
  42. Principal Aquaria was sitting at her desk, working on some paperwork, though she put it aside when I came in and took a seat on the chair in her room. Now, after many months of sitting on that freezing wood, she had finally deigned to add a soft green cushion. Though it still vanished anytime I felt the literal sting of her displeasure.
  44. As I sat down, she looked seriously into my eyes. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you are here, Heart.” she said, and I nodded. “I just received a notice from your parents. An emergency came up that your father and mother both need to go and deal with. Something to do with your relatives. They’re sorry to leave on such short notice.” she said.
  46. I blinked. Sure, Dad was distantly related to the royal family, but nothing had ever happened with that before. Granted, there was a first time for everything. Still, if they were gone for the night it would mean I would have to either have a babysitter or…
  48. Aquaria smiled. “They told me they tried to find a foalsitter but there was only one available on such short notice, and apparently she flat-out refused to take you. Something about an incident where you refused to take a bath?” she said with a smirk.
  50. I winced. That babysitter. She was a jerk anyways! She literally tried to force me into the tub when I clearly hate water!
  52. “In lieu of anything else, Heart.” she continued, “Your parents have made the odd request that I watch you for the night. They told me you speak very kindly of me at home, and they know I am your teacher. So, in light of all of that, I have agreed to the request.”
  54. Now I really blinked. I…I wasn’t in trouble? And I was going to spend the night…at my Principal’s house?
  56. “Master…Is…is that really…?” I stammered, still a bit stunned. “I’m not in trouble?”
  58. “Not unless you want to be, Heart. Now, go on back to class and meet me here after the final bell rings. I’ll walk you to my home unless you have anything you need to grab from your place. If there is, send your friend or tell me and I will send Alana.” she said.
  60. I nodded. “Alright, Master…I’ll meet you here after the bell!” I said, then carefully stood up and walked out of that office. On my way back to class, I ducked into the bathroom and hid in the last stall. There, I called Thyrion to my side. As the red and gold lizard manifested around me, his warm coils embracing me, I nuzzled him close.
  62. “Principal Aquaria is going to be watching me for tonight.” I told him, and he nodded. “Do you think you can grab my special things from my house? Like I pack into an overnight bag?” I asked him.
  64. He nodded, holding up his claws. “Toothbrush, Hairbrush, Warm Blanket, Special Pyjamas, and…” he said in the crackling of Ignan.
  66. I nodded, cutting him off on that last one. One final fiery hug from his coils and he was gone, and I hurried back to class.
  68. I didn’t need anyone, even him, telling me I still sleep with a stuffy, thank you very much!

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