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We Share Everything (Part 5)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:14:39
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:33:24
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 5: Several hours had passed since Anon met with Princess Luna. Since then, he had been among the council putting things in order. He was a man of efficiency and administrative innovation. Superfluous tasks were eliminated, staff members were assigned according to their talents, time lines were reworked, and some work would be outsourced to various Canterlot contractors. He invigorated and inspired the staff. Soon, significant progress was being made. Now Luna, who could wait no longer, sends for Anon.
  4. >Messenger: "Master Anon. I have correspondence for you from Princess Luna" said a young stallion Anon didn't recognize, tugging gently at his coat with his magic to get his attention.
  5. "Oh, thank you!" Anon said as he took up the scroll. Before Anon could address the messenger again he had already turned and was on his way out of the room. Shrugging, Anon untied the scroll's silver ribbon and broke the blue wax seal that contained the embossment of Princess Luna's cutie mark. Getting a lot of letters today, he thought. The letter read:
  6. >L: "My dearest Anon. I am sure you are well on your way to setting the staff on the path to completion. Please bring me a short report of progress being made. I have gone up to my personal chambers to retrieve some items. You can meet me there. After the report, I have some other necessary tasks for you. Despite the labor they will require, I am sure you will find them immensely enjoyable. Yours Forever -Luna."
  7. Strange ending, thought Anon; very casual. Turning and speaking to the acting lead staff member, a stallion named Quills, Anon gave direction, "I need to go give Her Highness a report of the progress, then I need to carry out some other tasks for her. Please keep things together until I return, won't you?"
  8. >Quills: "Of course Sir!" the staff leader said with a smile.
  9. Anon whistled as he strode out of the room and into the corridor. He did remember where Luna's chambers where, having somehow recalled it from his first tour of the palace. After a short walk, he arrived at the fantastic Grand Lunar Staircase, as it was called. Going up, he turned right, went down another corridor, and arrived at her door, giving it a knock.
  10. >L: The knock alerted Luna, but this time she was composed and focused. She had bathed a second time, put on a wondrous silver dress with blue highlights, re-applied her favorite fragrance, and put her mane up beautifully with hairpins. A small amount of aromatic oil applied to her coat now gave it an unearthly sheen beneath her dress, while not soaking through. She and her sister were different in their methods. Like the sun, Celestia was warm, caring, gentle, and alluring. She was subtle. But Luna was the night and the moon and the stars; full of mystery, surprise, enchantment, and even danger! She was direct and overt, the reciprocal of her sister. Soon, Anon would be broken by the full force of her seductive might! "Please come in!" she said sweetly. Her confidence was now devastating in its power, hidden as a dagger ready to strike. The hell spawned butterflies had not simply evaporated, they had been purged.
  11. Anon entered, only to be transfixed by Luna's beauty. He gazed upon her mesmerized, tracing every curve and facet. Again the moonlight shone upon her, again the glints of light sparkled off her silver and sapphire jewelry. She stood, beaming, at a slight angle to him in the center of her chambers, blanketed in cool moonlight. Her chambers were softer than the office. Unique in its design, it was lit by small glowing crystals suspended by transparent threads from the ceiling. Silver inlay and gems in the walls placed at optically strategic locations reflected those lights, giving the room a feeling of the infinite expanse of space. The walls were painted in one grand scene of the cosmos, which was complemented by a mosaic embedded in the floor. A fire crackled in front of a rug in a fireplace against one wall. The whole was awe inspiring in its own right. But Anon could only see this in his periphery because his eyes were glued to Luna. She seemed razor focused, a profound transformation from earlier. She had an overwhelming feminine resolve and confidence about her that was irresistible. Her beauty and sexiness was magnified by it.
  12. >L: "Good evening Anon. What have you to report?" Luna now fixed her gaze at Anon, demurely canted her head slightly downward, and lowered her eye-lids. Now feeling her lust fervently burn, she sent it through her eyes to Anon and straight into his subconscious. She was a master of dreams and knew, from hundreds of years of experience, how to affect the mind with nothing more than a look. Her look was calculated to disarm and arouse Anon.
  13. Anon, ill-prepared for her unspoken charm, stammered while fiddling with his hat. "Well...I...That is, things are going well...I've...I've made some changes...and shortly...very shortly we'll be on schedule." Breaking the intermittent silence, he commented involuntarily, "You're gorgeous!" He immediately kicked himself internally for the slip. He took in a quick, deep breath and let it out. Somehow in the presence of this alicorn mare, his former professionalism was sapped by unnatural forces. He felt it drain away through open fingers with no way to salvage a single grain.
  14. >L: Meanwhile Luna, seizing the opportunity of the moment, had sauntered lithely up to Anon, sexiness inherent in her steps by design; all to sensually captivate him. Only her sliver gown made sound, a delicious swishing as she went. As was her intention, she was intimately close to him before he even knew it. With her magic, she swung the door quietly shut and latched the lock with a solid click.
  15. Anon, surprised, looked momentarily over his shoulder at the now closed door and then back to Luna. A growing unease took him, as though he was now hurled toward destiny. This can't possibly be happening he thought. He felt he had set foot into a predator's den.
  16. >L: She now spoke with overt, thick seduction in her voice, nuancing its intonation for maximum impact. "My dear Anon, I knew your efforts would be effective and produce results. But, I have other tasks for you; physical, emotional, and pleasurable tasks that I want you to take up with greater energy. You've been vigorous in your assignment. Now be be vigorous with me." Pausing for effect and giving Anon time to process her meaning, she continued, "You know I love you Anon. I've said it in so many unspoken ways on the occasions we've been together." To finish the effect and while drawing closer, Luna used her magic to push Anon against the door and pin his arms, and legs against it. She reared up on her hind legs and braced herself against Anon, a fore hoof on each shoulder. Her face now even with his, she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I know you love me too! You can't keep it a secret from me, even though you've tried so hard!"
  17. The intonation of Luna's voice wormed its way into Anon's mind, laying seeds of fornication in his grey matter. Now sweating a little and feeling flames of desire grow within as result of her proximity, Anon reflected. He did harbor love for her, just as he did for Celestia. It had indeed grown over his time at the palace. He had kept it secret, resolving to remain true to Celestia. He now attempted to stand upon that resolve. His body was thirsty to coalesce with Luna in erotic euphoria. Yet, his mind forbade it! He attempted a defense. "Your Highness, this is...I believe...improper...I think I had actually..." he began while struggling in vain to free himself from the magical grip.
  18. >L: Luna placed her hoof gently against his lips, silencing him instantly. For a moment she was quiet while serenely studying him, giving him a sultry grin as she did. Her lust coursed through her and she channeled it as a weapon into every nuanced move she made, into the fabric of her voice, and through her eyes. Keenly aware of Anon's body, she could even hear his heart pumping wildly. She was aware of his growing erection and savored the suspense it felt while it waited to find a home. Everything indicated that he loved her and desired her. Yet, he held back. She concluded that he was timid and unsure how to accept his love for her. She was different than Celestia and he was not used to it. She would draw the timidness out of him; force him to confront and accept his love for her! After a few seconds she spoke. "Tsk. Tsk. Actually nothing...There's nothing else you actually need do Anon. We are both in the right place, doing the right thing. Everything about the love between us is proper. Love itself is proper." She continued with an enticing whisper, "And there's nobody here but us. No need for formal titles. Just call me Luna." Momentarily bitting her lower lip gently and pleading with her eyes, she added, "Or, call me Lulu. I've always really liked that one."
  19. Anon stood hypnotized, drowning in the abyss of her aquamarine eyes. He had no plan, he could formulate no plan. Luna had closed and shackled all the doors in his mind. Only she reminded there. The door to her chambers was also locked. A door locked by magic cannot be undone except by magic. While he thought, Luna slowly began drawing a hind leg up and down his thigh and kissed his cheeks and neck. This along with the aroma of her perfume and body, sent his mind and heart into blissful oblivion. His blood surged and he could feel his member hardening to the point of pain. But then an idea materialized. "Somepony will hear us...through...through the walls or...outside beneath the balcony. It'll be a scandal! We can't!"
  20. >L: Cocking her head to one side in amusement and letting her hind leg slip to the inside of his thigh, she said, "Anon, that's what acoustic dampening spells are for. I cast one on the room before you arrived." Cinching her leg up gingerly against his groin and massaging it up and down with her knee, she continued, "Nopony will hear us. It's just the two of us." She gestured to the room around them and dramatically said, "Just the two of us in the vast expanse of space!" Letting her hind hoof come to rest on the floor again, she began moving her fore hoof slowly down his body. Acquiring a mischievous look, Luna breathed softly, "And you are my prisoner here in outer space!" As she said the words, her hoof stopped at his groin, strongly pressing into it while she gave a short playful lick to his nose.
  21. "Ughh." Anon responded to the sharp pressure. He suddenly felt that she was treating his body, and particularly his genitalia, as her property.
  22. >L: Luna, moment by moment, was calculating everything to purge Anon's mind of anything but his love and desire for her. Once it sat alone in his thoughts, he would have no choice but to acknowledge and accept it, because there would be nothing else there. She had hit her stride. In her office, she had tried too hard, worried too much about perfection. Now she let her sensual talents flow freely, unbridled and wild.
  23. At the touch of her hoof on his groin Anon dropped his hat, a moment not unnoticed by Luna. Now Anon felt himself under her spell. Thoughts of Celestia began to fade as he started succumbing to Luna's charms. Yet, he still resisted. His body tingled and his breaths came short. His erection was already solid and throbbing. How could he escape, he thought. But his clever mind offered no resolution to the question. He could feel her kisses coming hot and passionate now. her breath and aroma enthralled him. All these together with the pressure of her hoof against his penis and testicles, was pushing his desire to a peak. Presently, he saw her eyes shift downward. Following her line of vision, he looked down as she was shifting her fore leg to allow the weight of his genitals to rest on the bottom her hoof, as if it were a plate.
  24. >L: "Mmmmmm! Has a nice heft to it!" Luna teased as she met Anon's eyes again. Now her analytical mind, unable to resist the temptation, momentarily broke through with an out-of-place comment. "Though, one would need to take into account that part of its weight is supported by your body in addition to my hoof. So, the weight I perceive through my hoof is actually less than what it actually is. So, it's real heft is even more." She licked her lips at this last sentence. Her analysis complete, she regained her hypnotic stare into Anon's eyes, absorbing him into her soul, and gave him an inviting smile.
  25. A heavy sigh and eyes rolling upward with pleasure were Anon's primary response, much to the delight of Luna. Nevertheless, he added in humor and between heavy breaths, "Remind me to teach you force vectors and Newton's laws later, Luna."
  26. >L: Luna giggled at Anon's unexpected humor. However, she wasn't done, not by far, and the humor had not unbalanced her. She had not shattered him yet, and she was enjoying herself too much to stop at this point. Moving in, she kissed him on the lips, softly at first and then she forcibly inserted her tongue, ravaging Anon's mouth with soft, moist assertiveness. He reciprocated her kiss, but faintly and with hesitation. It was just a tease though. Pulling away ever so slowly, a catenary of saliva hung between them for a moment before collapsing. After gazing into his eyes, she moved in for more kissing. She forced Anon's tongue to dance with hers. Their tongues now spoke to each other of passion and amorous love making. Seeing Anon's resolve now visibly shaken, Luna finally released her aura. Stepping back, she seemingly offered a space into which Anon could move.
  27. Anon's mind was still hazy from the kissing and naughty exploration Luna's fore hoof and hind leg had done. Yet, he instinctively moved away from the wall into the breech, and the trap, Luna created for him.
  28. >L: With a wicked smile on her face, Luna wheeled to her left, her eyes locked to Anon's, keeping them captive and unsuspecting. As she turned, she magically gathered her tail together in a tight rope-like mass. Accelerating the movement of her flank and whipping her tail around as she turned, it went whistling through the pheromone charged air and landed with a loud "whap!", directly against his groin.
  29. Through the cloth of his pants Anon felt the terrible sting from her tail. "Hmmm!" he exclaimed in sudden but fleeting pain. Luna had physically changed the subject, telling Anon with pain that he was now to focus on her in a different way, and that she was the boss here. Anon reasoned that she was also playing with him, and enjoying it. Placing his hands on his knees, he took a moment to recover. "Ughh." said Anon as he turned his head to look as Luna.
  30. >L: Realizing she needed to give him time to absorb the pain, Luna turned herself around continually so Anon could see the magnificent effect of the dim light scattering off her dress and jewelry as it accentuated her natural beauty. While doing so she reflected upon that little known fact that the difference between pain and pleasure is a matter of degree. If she wanted to drop Anon, she could have. Yet, she desired just enough pain to acquire his fascination and admiration at what she could do. Also, she paused to be grateful that males had their special weaknesses that she could use in this manner to demonstrate her love.
  31. Anon now took a deep breath and stood once again. "I didn't even know that was possible."
  32. >L: Luna, lifting her chin slightly in the air in triumph, looked back at him with an inviting smile and said, "Many things are possible, my love! Now come, join me for some tea." She had not finished psychologically working him over yet. This was just a respite. To bring Anon to the brink, to the breaking point, Luna would give him a false escape route, a momentary reprieve. His hope of escape would revive only for her to mercilessly crush it in devastating fashion. By the time she was done, he would willingly give himself to her with every fiber of his being. No force would be necessary. She would get the timidness out of him. Timidness in lovemaking is like too much salt that ruins flavor. It had to come out!
  33. "S-sure." was all he could manage in response. The way she used her words made Anon feel as though she had laid claim upon him, possessing him like an object. However, here he saw an opportunity for reset and to reason with Luna over tea. He followed her, though he could feel his resolve cracking like glass as he walked. He was a man desperately trying to bail water out of a sinking ship, not knowing he and his ship were doomed.
  34. >L: Luna moved over to a corner of the room containing two sofas across from each other and a small table with tea. The area was lit by the gracious moon. Once fully immersed in the transcendent light, Luna's deep blue magical aura undid the clasps on her dress and it fell gently to the floor, caressing her curves as it gracefully slid off.
  35. Now Luna in all her mysterious glory was revealed to Anon. He was accustomed to seeing both Princesses without clothes, but the sensual removal of the dress seemed to reveal something forbidden and exhilarating. He looked upon her in her lovely nakedness, her body glistening with a gorgeous smooth sheen. Her deep blue coat was not merely a solid color. In the moonlight it sparkled with streaks of metallic silver. He had seen a similar effect with Celestia, but gold on white, when she was in the sun and aroused sexually. By the same token, he could see that Luna was very intensely aroused. So was he.
  36. >L: Luna, picked up on his admiration. With expert timing, she now undid the hair pins that held her mane and let it drop like silk. Tossing her head, she threw it over her neck for Anon to admire. Looking at him with bedroom eyes, she could see the effect as a shiver rippled through Anon.
  37. Anon, simply stood starstruck. He could hear his own pulse in his ears. Her mane and tail contained the heavens, and the stars and galaxies in them moved by their own volition while Luna stood in stillness. Slowly, as if to avoid disturbing the stars themselves, he sat on the sofa.
  38. >L: Luna lay on the sofa most illuminated by the moon, her mane over her neck and her tail draping her flank, her teats visible to Anon. She poured some tea for Anon and continued her psychological assault. "Am I not beautiful, Anon? Am I not desirable to you? We are alone in intimacy, together in our ardor." She gazed seductively at Anon and continued with strident passion. "You want to run your hands through my mane and over every curve, don't you? You want to touch all the forbidden parts; every inch. What's stopping you from engaging your lust and taking me? You know that you want to! Here I am, luscious and ready. Simply reach out and take me!" She said this in so many sex laden breaths, making audible the thoughts she knew were immersing Anon's consciousness. She levitated a cup of tea into Anon's quivering hand. Cracks were propagating in his defenses, and his armor was fracturing. Now with an enchanting smile of loving tenderness, she said more softly, "We love each other Anon. So, let's consummate that love and paint the night with our passion!" All the word she chose seemed gaudy, but spoken with seductive skill they were overpowering.
  39. Luna, sprawled on the sofa, presented Anon with an insurmountable temptation. The last lingering threads of resolve began to fray. He marshaled the last of his fortitude in a last attempt to reason with Luna. "You, Celestia and I..." he began, sipping tea at moments when he could not speak.
  40. >L: But Luna had stopped listening. What he said was immaterial and irrelevant now. She had him, she possessed him in her snare but he did not know it. In a moment he would. She sipped her tea patiently, letting Anon continue to be progressively poisoned by her beauty and seduction. Presently, she flicked her tail off her flank, revealing the curvature of her buttocks and her cutie mark. She watched with fascination as this wreaked havoc on Anon's babbling. Immensely pleased, she moved her tail over further to reveal the crevice between the back of her thighs that led up to her pussy, offering Anon a tantalizing glimpse of only a small area of its tender lips. As Anon's eyes were drawn to it, Luna put on her most alluring look and in a dreamy voice said, "Do you like what you see Anon? Do you want more?" Luna slid her top hind leg slightly forward, revealing slightly more of her treasure. Looking slowly to her rear and back to Anon's eyes, she said, "See how it invites you?"
  41. Anon was instantly captivated by Luna's winking. Up to this point, Anon was trying to persuade Luna in near incoherence. However, the cumulative effect of her sultry voice and the discipline shattering visual temptations she paraded in front of him caused his train of thought to instantly derail. He had no defense for this. He fell silent, put down his empty tea cup, and rested a finger against his chin trying to remember what he was blathering about.
  42. >L: The time had come. Luna now struck. Everything she had done was calculated in the moment with the force of hundreds of years of experience. She was the chess master and he was her pawn. He never actually stood a chance. Though a pawn, what she had done was not out of maliciousness, but love. Luna reasoned it was necessary to bring Anon into the fold of her love, to bind them together, and to remove troublesome doubts from his mind. Now she would force him to accept what was already in his heart, what he had been denying, and to cure the rot that denial was causing. Her magical aura moved the table to the side. In a flash, she had moved over to him, climbed up on his sofa, slung her hind leg over his hip, and sat upon her haunches on his upper thighs, a fore hoof on either side of him.
  43. As he leaned back against the backrest of the sofa, Anon could not help but feel amazed at how nimble and flexible ponies really were. Now he could not move. He didn't want to move. He was face to face with her. He could feel the warmth of her breath and the wonderful fragrance of her perfume once again. She radiated heat and pheromones, but beneath that she radiated her true love. All he could manage was, "Your High...".
  44. >L: But as he began to speak, Luna, smiling in triumph, shifted her weight on to Anon's groin. "Lulu, my love. Call me Lulu." she whispered.
  45. He let out a sigh involuntarily and his eyes closed as he felt the sudden sexual connection. Beneath her weight he also felt her aura grip his groin. She squeezed it, moved it about, mashed it up against her winking pussy, and felt the heft of it.
  46. >L: Now the final blow. After a little nibble to Anon's ear, Luna whispered, "You love me Anon. You desire me. Accept it! Just accept it. You can't hide from it, or me, or yourself. Embrace it! And embrace me." With loving tenderness she ended by planting a kiss on Anon's lips.
  47. Anon broke. His defenses crumbled, leaving him psychologically naked in her hoof. "I do love you Lulu! I really do!". His eyes watered a bit, partially because of the release of being able to admit a truth he had denied, and partially out of regret for betraying Celestia. Yet, he could not stop now. He was being swept away by the floodwaters of passion. He kissed her in return and wrapped her in the strength of his arms.
  48. >L: At Anon's kiss, Luna eased her tongue into Anon's mouth and caressed every surface, mingling her saliva with his. She continued working his groin with her aura and hips; squeezing, tugging, shifting it, pressing it, feeling its structure. After a moment, she paused and gazed at him, this time with a deep and caring love. "There you are Anon! I knew you were in there somewhere!" While rubbing her cheek against his, she whispered with overflowing excitement and happiness, "Come with me to the bed." As she walked she looked back over her body, continually coaxing him toward her with her powerful eyes.
  49. Anon, willingly followed Luna, ready to give himself to her with every fiber of his being. At the bed, Anon began tearing off his jacket and shirt while Luna worked on removing his pants with her magic. In a moment he was naked and stood before Luna.
  50. >L: With bedroom eyes and a lustful smile, Luna gazed at Anon's groin. His penis was fully erect and as hard as it could possibly be before bursting. She marveled at how different it was from a stallion's. It struck her how its sheath was not attached to his body, allowing it to float freely. She also admired Anon's muscular body, longing to touch it with hers. She climbed up on the bed and motioned for him to follow. "First lay down, my love", she said as she gently pushed him down with a front hoof. Then she straddled over him, still standing on all fours.
  51. The moment his head hit the pillow, Luna's tongue lashed out and she began drawing it in long loving strokes across his upper body, kissing occasionally as she went. Her lascivious tongue had its way with his abdomen, his chest, then his neck. Then it drew a long relentless line from his abdomen to his lips. Reaching this point, Luna gingerly inserted it and they kissed in exquisite passion while Anon moved his hands over her body, now feeling the luxurious oil Luna had used on her coat. It rendered her hair as soft as silk under his hands.
  52. >L: Luna had never felt the sensations that Anon's hands generated across her skin. It magnified her sexual delight and stoked the flames of her desire. It was exquisite. She began to understand what Celestia had told her about Anon's hands. But now, her attention turned to Anon's manhood, thirsting after it as one desires water in a desert. Luna repositioned with her head toward Anon and her rump facing away. She craned her neck and slipped his penis into her mouth.
  53. "Lulu?", Anon said before she could start.
  54. >L: With her mouth full of manhood, she looked up at Anon. She didn't expect the interruption. "Es herr som hing wong?" she asked, suddenly terrified that everything would suddenly disintegrate and that her efforts had been in vain. What had she done wrong, what went amiss? But before she could get spun up, Anon's response reassured her.
  55. Anon sat up and gave Luna a powerful kiss, stroking her cheek gently. Placing hands upon her, he repositioned her, feeling her allow him to dictate her position, so that she stood at a right angle to his body. "Nothing's wrong Lulu. Everything's wonderful! I just think you'll like this position more. Trust me." Anon gave her a knowing look and spoke with tenderness. For good measure he gave her another reassuring kiss. Having her at a right angle allowed him to access her treasures with his hands, something Luna could not understand at that point but which she would soon appreciate.
  56. >L: Somewhat confused, she gave a stately "Very well." She did not know what Anon intended, but she imagined it must be worthwhile. She eased her mind and placed her trust in Anon. Regaining a smile and her confidence, she continued her attention to his manhood. As she once again slipped his penis into her mouth, caressing it with the warmth and moisture of her tongue, she began to feel Anon's hand move to her flank, caressing as it went. Then softly moving around her rump, his finger tips kissed and teased the sensitive flesh of her inner legs. It was wonderful. "Mmmmmmm!" she moaned, muffled by Anon's manhood filling her mouth.
  57. Anon was feeling ecstasy. Celestia was gentle with his groin, teasing and coddling it. Luna by comparison used it as her plaything. Sucking it, tugging it, moving it in circles, flicking the tip with her tongue, even gently squeezing it with her washboard back teeth. Anon was helplessly and pleasantly overwhelmed with the sensation. Meanwhile, his fingers had found the tender tissues of Luna's pussy. As he drew his fingers over the surface of her vulva, Luna started winking and moaning for more. He let her pussy desperately grasp for his fingers in vain, teasing. Luna was now letting loose loud muffled moans. They sent sound waves down his shaft into his testicles and shivers up his spine. His other hand was moving all over Luna, massaging her, feeling the softness of her slightly oiled coat, and running through her sparkling mane. He rubbed her legs lovingly and fingered the luxurious silver anklets she wore.
  58. >L: Luna felt continuous sensations of pleasure shimmering through her body as Anon's fingers externally explored her pussy. She then felt his arm draw away and reach between her hind legs instead of around her rump. His finger tips inched up her inner thigh, played with her teats and nipples for a while, and, pushing her curtains gingerly apart, found her clitoris. "Mmmmmmm!" His touch sent a violent shock of ecstasy through her and she stopped for a moment, stunned. Her now gapping mouth issued cascades of saliva down Anon's shaft. Presently she resumed her rigorous work on his penis, moving it in an out in incessant rhythm.
  59. Anon gradually increased the frequency of fingering her clitoris, and the pressure. Luna's moaning increased in intensity. Great heaving breaths issued from her nostrils on to him and he could feel her frame begin to shake. He slowed to let her recover a bit. Then again he danced with his fingers over her clitoris until she was about to climax, only to let her recover again. In cycles he bolstered her bliss, sending her soaring through the stars.
  60. >L: Luna was beside herself from the powerful orgasmic sensations Anon was stimulating in her. Her entire body felt as though it was in flames. Her sucking of Anon's manhood became automatic, driven by the intensity of her pleasure. After what seemed an infinite number of Anon's cycles, her quivering became uncontrollable as the climax surged violently through her. She let his penis flop out of her mouth, wet and throbbing, as she let out a moan that reverberated through the room. It could have shaken the fabric of space and time.
  61. Great quantities of fluids had already flowed into Anon's hand from Luna's pussy, but now it flowed with vigor during her orgasm. Anon, himself breathing heavily and struggling to prevent himself from cumming into Luna's mouth, felt Luna's body go limp and fall into his arms. He cradled her to him, Feeling the elevated heat of her body, now damp with a mixture of sweat, skin oils, and the applied aromatic oil. he relished the mixture of her fragrance and feminine musk.
  62. >L: In a moment, Luna had recovered. Looking up at him with genuine love in her eyes she spoke in a whisper. "Anon, that was amazing!"
  63. Between breaths and while running his hand through her mane he responded, "You're welcome Lulu! What you did was equally amazing!"
  64. >L: At the sound of his reassuring voice Luna cuddled closer to him, imbibing his aroma through her nostrils and enjoying his muscular frame. She smiled up at him, gazing into his soul. There she found his true love for her, the love she had forced into the open with seduction, and it energized her once again. She was not done; her lust was not spent. "Let's play some more, my love!"
  65. To Anon's surprise Luna rolled in his arms and came to her knees. She pressed her cheek into his as he stroked her neck. Soon they were kissing again with the same intensity as the beginning, and continued a long time lost in bliss and the ecstasy of touch. The short rest had only been an interlude. After a while Anon broke away from a kiss. Gracing her lips and cheek with his fingers he said, "Lulu, tuck your wings in."
  66. >L: At the request, Luna became sure Anon had something special in mind. Replying with a playful lick to his nose, she obeyed without words. For now she was happily content to feel masculine assertiveness direct her and to feel comforted and safe in his arms.
  67. WIth her wings tucked, Anon enclosed her in his arms and smoothly rolled her on to her back. They were now chest-to-chest. Anon drew back onto his knees.
  68. >L: Now on her back, Luna excitedly awaited what would happen next. Her marehood burned within her, anxious to be filled. With a single dramatic motion she unfolded her wings to her sides and gave Anon a salacious grin. "You've rendered me vulnerable Anon. What will you do now?"
  69. Anon drank in the alluring vision before him. She was magnificent. Her star filled mane and tail, draping the bed, turned its surface into the heavens. He felt he would fall into the sky if he stepped upon it. Her outspread wings made her an angel of the night, ready to envelope him in the warmth of darkness. Looking down, her sopping pussy beckoned, winking at him, thirsty to receive his penis.
  70. >L: Luna, meanwhile, admired the man's groin once again. His thick veiny member was captivating as it floated freely in the air. She licked her lips as she imagined it buried in her now impatient vagina. Looking to his balls, she now regretted that she had not savored them in her mouth as well; she thought of so many things she could do with them. To her it was an endless, yearning moment, but finally Anon stirred. Then, she anxiously anticipated the release of sexual tension the pause had caused.
  71. Leaning back in over her, Anon rested the weight of his groin on Luna's teats, eliciting an audible expression of profound delight. Moving in, he began kissing her chest and neck. He did so lightly, mainly to avoid filling his mouth with hair. As he moved up her neck, Luna craned her head to his and he felt her nibble his ear adorably in her lips.
  72. >L: The delay was driving Luna wild. Her arousal was peaked, her pussy desperately searching, clutching for its mate. She could withstand it no longer. "Plunge it in Anon! Ravish me and take what you desire!" Luna chose her words to excite and arouse Anon, to stoke his sexual furnace beyond capacity. After breathing a warm breath against the side of Anon's face, she again briefly nibbled the tip of his ear.
  73. Anon let his balls drag across her teats as he drew his hips back to insert his penis. Holding his shaft with one hand he gently parted her engorged vulva and began pushing. Tightness, heat, and moisture greeted his member. As he pushed, her delicate tissues graciously welcomed this visitor by giving way and inviting it to venture further in. Anon shut his eyes in ecstasy.
  74. >L: "Ahhhhhhh!", Luna exclaimed, her melodious voice lingering in the air. Her body heaved at the extraordinary sensation in her loins, and a feeling of heat washed over her. As Anon slowly thrust into her tightness, she felt pain. But it was the pain of intense pleasure, the kind she had imagined to deliver to Anon's testicles if she had had the chance to mouth them before his fingers brought her to climax.
  75. Anon could feel the pulsations of Luna's musculature around his penis as it repeatedly gripped and re-gripped his manhood. Her fluids oozed out over his shaft ready to provide lubrication. He began thrusting slowly, holding one hind leg in his arm as leverage and support. With his other hand, he caressed her belly, chest, her supple teats, and her delicate inner thigh. He felt Luna's other leg lower and wrap somewhat around his body.
  76. >L: Luna writhed in delectable euphoria. her thoughts became foggy as her body's physical desire and arousal asserted themselves. She panted heavily through her mouth. The sweat, forced out by ecstasy more than physical exertion, flowed amply and her pussy gushed her natural, aromatic lubricant. Her pussy savored the rare delicacy it now gobbled. Then another invigorating sensation. Looking toward her crotch she saw that Anon had begun stimulating her clitoris with his free hand. Now electricity filled her, her muscles quivered uncontrollably as all of her sexual power ignited in savage fury. Her eyes dilated and the details of the room took on surreal vividness to her mind.
  77. Anon, was breathing heavily and feeling waves of bliss sweep his body. He was fixated by a lascivious fascination with the exhilaration he was stimulating in Luna. He was regulating the situation. Monitoring her, he slowed to prevent her climax and sped up to keep her enthralled. He drew out her ecstasy to the limits of his stamina and hers. On and on he plied her. On and on she moaned and quaked. Endlessly their passion, ecstasy, and euphoria intertwined while their souls explored the vastness of space together.
  78. >L: Finally Luna's appetite for orgasm reached its threshold. "Finish me Anon! Please finish me! Oh please!" she cried out between hums and squeaks of overpowering delight. Feeling the thrusting and rubbing of her clitoris intensify she knew Anon had heard her and complied with her desperate plea. Now the ambrosia of erotic pleasure mixed with that of emotion and spirit. She felt that she stood at the very gates of enlightenment.
  79. Anon was now thrusting as fast and hard as he could. He pressed deeply into her clitoris and jiggled it rapidly. Luna oozed fluids on to his shaft and balls. His hand now rubbed the tender flesh of Luna's teats. He was entranced by how soft their skin was. Looking up, he could see Luna positively out of her mind, intoxicated with pleasure.
  80. >L: Clenching her teeth and eyes was all Luna could do to withstand the intensity of ecstasy she felt, pleasure so pure it bordered on pain. She let out short, rapid, muffled, moans and hums that grew in loudness. The orgasm was coming like an unstoppable avalanche. Suddenly she felt her back arch involuntarily as her muscles tightened. Her breathing paused involuntarily, and her skin ignited in an inferno. Her eyes and mouth shot open as she let out a long, deep, guttural groan that hung endlessly in the air. Meanwhile, the muscles of her vagina clenched and spasmed while trying to squeeze nectar out of its visitor.
  81. Anon's thrusting was stopped in its tracks. Luna's vagina had clinched around his penis holding it so tightly, as though for dear life, that he could not move it. Though, he barely noticed because he was distracted while watching the intensity of Luna's orgasm. He had not finished, but he accepted it and leaned in over Luna to kiss and comfort her exhausted body. His hands soothed her now quivering frame.
  82. >L: Feeling Anon close to her, she wrapped her fore legs around him and drew him close while rapidly planting a multitude of short sweet kisses on his face and neck. She felt his kisses in response and his hands gently massaging her damp body. She furled up her wings, enclosing Anon in a cocoon of feathers. Gently, she stroked his back with her wings.
  83. As the kissing slowed and Luna's breathing slackened, Anon felt her pussy loosen and his manhood slide out. He looked deeply into her stunning blue-green eyes. She reciprocated and they touched each others souls through their mutual gaze.
  84. >L: Luna spoke first after recovering slightly, but still shaking. "I love you Anon."
  85. "I love you to Lulu."
  86. >L: Hearing her favorite pet name for herself grace his lips thrilled Luna and caused her love to radiate the more brightly. Now drawing a hoof across his cheek, Luna continued. "But, you didn't finish my love."
  87. "It's ok Lulu. It's nothing."
  88. >L: "Anon, you are still my prisoner here. I'll decide what is and is not nothing!" she said with a wily smile. Luna was feeling her composure restore and she was determined to see Anon finished off. Not only because she cared for him, but also out of her own lurid sexual fascination. Shortly, she would force the situation. But until then she grasped his testicles in her mystic aura and began playfully tumbling them about, sometimes shifting to his penis, and back again. She smiled deviously at Anon and drank him up through her eyes.
  89. Anon only smiled and encased her in his warmth, delivering many small kisses to her lips, cheeks, and neck. He was enjoying being caressed by her wings; it was a unique sensation. Celestia also used her wings in this manner.
  90. >L: Soon, Luna ceased shuddering. Her face took on a seductive countenance once again. Her horn still activated, she intensified her grip on Anon's groin, his penis still erect and pulsing with desire. Sitting up, pushing him gently off, and stepping lithely off the bed on slightly wobbly legs, she shifted her grip to just his testicles. With a sudden strong, crushing squeeze that caused Anon to visibly wince, she said with authority, "Come now Anon! I will have you finish!"
  91. "Ungh!" Anon clenched his stomach at the sudden pain. He was surprised that she wanted to continue after that powerful orgasm. Also, he was stunned about how forcefully she took what she wanted. He became quite convinced that she considered his groin to be her property.
  92. >L: Luna was amused by her sudden power over Anon. She reveled in toying with him. Then the idea came to her to make literal a vulgar phrase she had sometimes overheard Anon use when speaking freely amongst stallions. "Now it looks like I have you by the balls, Anon!" she said with a laugh. She gave them a tug and led him wincing over to the plush carpet by the fire.
  93. "You surely do Lulu" said Anon smiling despite his pain. He was amused with her sexual assertiveness. It was strong, but supple, aggressive, but not mean.
  94. >L: Levitating some folded blankets, towels, and cushions into a stack, she stepped upon it to level her marehood with his groin. Releasing his testicles so that he stood a few feet away, and with her rump facing him, she gave an enchanted look to Anon over her body and cocked her tail to one side. Sweetly she cooed, "I demand that you finish, Anon".
  95. Once again Anon admired the dreamy scene. With her mane and tail magically fluttering in the air, the moonlight glistening over her sweat drenched body and silver jewelry, and in the dimness surrounded by the room's artificial stars, it seemed to him that she was the universe itself. With her pussy displayed to him in its glory, its lips engorged with passion, it seemed also that the universe was inviting him back into its lascivious embrace. Who was he to refuse and invitation from the universe itself.
  96. >L: Luna felt Anon's manhood slide in and the waves of bliss welled up once again. She knew that she was near the end of her stamina, but resolved to hold out until Anon finished. She braced herself.
  97. Anon immediately began pounding into her hard and fast, his physical exertion drawing droplets of sweat from his entire body. He could feel Luna's aura at his balls again. It turned them over, massaged them, playfully tugged them, and squeezed them in a curious manner. Soon, he was lost in pleasure the way Luna had been moments before.
  98. >L: As time passed, Luna felt the impact of a series of minor orgasms send euphoria through her. Her legs buckled a bit and she serenaded Anon and the night with the music of her moaning, but she remained focused. Soon, it seemed to Luna that Anon was about to finish.
  99. Anon, breathing heavily, began to feel his body tense up and the hormones flush through his blood. About to be overcome, he reached around between Luna's hind legs to stimulate her clitoris one last time. In a moment, she responded with powerful moans and shuddering. The music of her vocalizations was more enchanting than any ensemble could produce. That was the endpoint. Grasping her flank with all the strength of his free hand, he gave his last thrust. His muscles contracted and his penis pulsed, sending hot fluid coursing into Luna.
  100. >L: Luna felt Anon's cum force its way into her, coating her insides. His stimulation had sent her into a final powerful climax and she let out a last resounding moan. The effluent of fluid from her vagina increased and it now steadily dripped to the floor. Sexually exhausted, she collapsed on to the soft stack of fabric beneath her, causing the instrument of her pleasure to be rapidly unsheathed from her vagina. Exposed and dangling in the air, it now dripped its warm, viscous fluid on to Luna's haunches below.
  101. Once the pleasure had died down a bit, Anon took up one of the towels and wiped himself off. Then he proceeded to wipe the cum and vaginal fluid off Luna's back and from between her legs while she smiled at him weakly. Having completed this, he collected her into his arms and took her to the bed to lay her down.
  102. >L: Luna rolled to her side on the bed and indicated with a hoof for Anon to join her. As he did so, she embraced him and they lay together entangled and gazing into each other's eyes. "That was amazing Anon. I am completely worn out, but in a good way. I didn't hurt you did I?" She said the last as she gently touched his testicles with her hoof.
  103. "It did hurt, but it wasn't too bad. I'd say it was the right amount of pain", said Anon with a laugh. He was slowly and softly stroking her body from neck to flank with his hand and admiring the uniqueness of her cutie mark.
  104. >L: She smiled, pleased that he had not been offended. "It's impossible for you to know how much I have wanted this and looked forward to it Anon. You should know that I really do love you."
  105. Anon confessed with a smile, "I also love you Lulu. You were right. I had been hiding it and denying it. I honestly never thought I could express it openly though."
  106. >L: "Well, now we can and there's no need to feel restrained any longer."
  107. Anon smiled, but reality was beginning to seep back into his mind. he felt intense guilt. He had betrayed Celestia and opened an affair with her sister. Worse, he truly loved them both. Anon's mind became occupied with this paradox. He had no choice. He needed to keep this a secret from Celestia.
  108. >L: Luna, not perceiving Anon's thoughts, mused, "It's good to share love again with somepony. It gets so lonely and you forget what it's like." Pushing herself up a little to look at him with a loving smile, she said, "I look forward to when we can do this again." With that she lay down and embraced him with all her love and afterglow. She had stretched out along his right side with a fore leg draped over his chest. She had slung a hind leg over Anon's right leg and snuggled it up into his fluid coated scrotum.
  109. Anon continued to lovingly stroke her hair and run his hand through her mane while she gazed up at him, breathing deeply contented breaths. At intervals her cuddling would intensify and she would squeeze him in a loving embrace with a warm, satisfied "Mmmmm!" However, at length, both got up, kissing frequently as they did so, and Anon put on his clothes. "I'll need to go back to the staff Lulu. There is still a lot to do."
  110. >L: Luna nodded in resignation. She would have preferred to spend the entire night with him embraced in warmth and love, but she knew the work had to continue under the circumstances. "Certainly Anon, but no more progress reports tonight. We can discuss it tomorrow evening."
  111. Racked by guilt that he could no longer contain, Anon turned to Luna. "Luna, I feel a bit uneasy about all of this. You wouldn't tell Celestia how we did this, would you?"
  112. >L: What a strange question, Luna thought. Why would she discuss with Celestia the mechanics and manner in which Anon and her had sex? Perhaps it was a human way of deepening trust. This is what she concluded and thus spoke reassuringly to Anon. "Certainly not, my love. That's between you and I." She added cooly, "I'm sure you wouldn't discuss it with her either."
  113. "No, I certainly wouldn't." Secrecy then. Anon swallowed, still feeling nervous. "I just don't want to ruin my relationship with her or hurt her."
  114. >L: Another strange comment. Why would the methods of sex between Anon and her upset Celestia? Luna sensed that Anon was nervous about something she could not decipher. Nevertheless, her love for him compelled her to soothe his mind. "Anon, what is between you and me on that account remains between us. Likewise, for Celestia. If for whatever reason it does come up, let me handle it." The last she said with a smile and wink.
  115. Anon nodded, but the feelings of guilt did not leave him. Nevertheless, he could not also deny his love for Luna. Standing close to Luna, he embraced her and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. Simultaneously, he gave her rear a playful pinch with his right hand. "Ooo!" and a giggle was the pleased response from Luna. Bowing whimsically he said "Good bye for now my love! It pains me to leave you alone, standing gorgeous in the moonlight!"
  116. >L: Luna, accepting the complement with a smile, blew him a love filled kiss as he passed through the door and closed it quietly behind him. Deeply satisfied, she approached her mirror. Taking up a bejeweled silver brush, she restored her hair. Then, she fixed the arrangement of her jewelry and donned her previously used white dress before craning her neck and giving her self a sniff. Her powerful pony sense of smell picked out the tantalizing mixture of male and female musk, sweat, oils, and bodily fluids. Indeed, she smelled strongly of sex. And no wonder! Looking at the clock, she marked that they had been at it for 2.5 hours. She sprayed on some more perfume and prepared to return to her office to wrap up a few minor odds and ends. Her mind was now exceptionally clear, her nerves salved, and her heart full of love.
  117. Anon, swiftly walking back to the staff council room, felt his blood rushing cold. He walked somewhat awkwardly due to the now diminishing pain he still felt in his groin. He stopped a moment and wiped his hands down his face. He took a deep breath and let it out. He pushed thoughts of cheating out of his mind for now. There was still much to do with the staff. Thus steadied, he took off once more, resolved to maintain secrecy.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat