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We Share Everything (Part 7)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:16:27
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:32:41
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 7: The following morning, Celestia went to the kitchen to make breakfast as she normally did. It was one of her idiosyncrasies to make breakfast for herself and Luna, despite the protestations of the kitchen staff who secretly were exasperated with the mess she usually left behind. This morning Celestia was surprised to find that Luna had already made breakfast, which for Luna was actually dinner. The kitchen staff too would soon be treated to their own surprise when they find the kitchen restored to precise specifications after Luna had finished with it, thanks to her penchant for order.
  4. >C: "Good morning Luna!" said Celestia as she entered the Dining Hall of The Two Sisters. A happily decorated room that Anon had told her reminded him of the human historical period known as the Renaissance. It was cozy, but large enough to accommodate chamber music and small state functions. A central long table that could fit sixteen was surrounded on the periphery of the room by various sets of beautiful chairs, sofas, divans, a piano, and smaller tables. The room was flooded with colorful light from stained glass windows on three sides.
  5. >L: "Good morning sister! I've made breakfast for you and your favorite morning drink! Please sit down with me." Luna gestured to a stack of pancakes and fruit at a chair around the corner of the table from her, and a steaming mug filled with a deep golden liquid. Another plate of pancakes sat on the other side of the table waiting for Anon, who had not yet arrived. A crystal pitcher between all three plates contained the mouthwatering syrup.
  6. >C: Bemused and still shaking off sleepiness, Celestia sat down, took up her utensils, and poured some syrup. She was a little hesitant as she looked with a smirk to Luna for some verification.
  7. >L: Luna laughed. "Don't worry, I followed your recipe exactly! Go ahead, try!" With enormous, grinning confectionary pride, Luna awaited her sister's assessment of the pancakes.
  8. >C: Assured, Celestia tasted the pancakes and gave an approving nod. "It's delicious sister!" She took a sip of her drink, a kind of pine tisane with strong peppermint undertones made from the Gypsum Pine that inhabited the mountains around Canterlot. Anon had noted that it had similar effects as what he called coffee, but was not so harsh or bitter. "You seem energized this morning!"
  9. >L: Luna effervescently cut straight to the chase, unable to contain her felicity. "I certainly am! Last night was amazing! You were not wrong about Anon! It was more fantastic than I had imagined! But I nearly failed because I bungled our first meeting in my office. However, I was able to meet him again later in the night. To borrow one of Anon's human words, that meeting was dynamite! Just pure dynamite and plenty of it!" Luna now took a sip of her drink, a similarly golden tisane made of white-spur flowers. It was well known to cause drowsiness and was typically drunk before bed. More calmly after a signature deep breath, Luna added, "I was surprised how much more clear my mind became afterward. I had not even realized how strongly stress was affecting me." With a sigh, Luna added, "It feels good to love and be loved again, sister."
  10. >C: Giggling at Luna's enthusiasm, Celestia replied, "See! I told you! I'm happy for you sister and I'm glad to see you feeling better. Did Anon express his love for you?" Meanwhile, Celestia was also thinking of the word 'dynamite'. She did not think it meant what Luna's seemed to think it meant.
  11. >L: "He did! But he was strangely timid at first." With a look of impish mischief, Luna continued, "But you know me, sister. I drove that timidness right out of him! Then shaking her head seriously, she added, "No more rust!"
  12. >C: Celestia for a moment was beside herself with hysterical laughter at the thought of Anon being unexpectedly subjected to her sister's unorthodox methods. In hindsight, she reflected that she probably should have warned Anon. But then, doing so would have deprived him of an epically unexpected adventure.
  13. >L: Luna ate the last bite of her pancakes and finished her drink. "Though, I feel bad that my needs took the place of your randezvous with Anon." Thoughtfully, she added, "Considering how gloriously last night went, I thought it would be nice for you to have him tonight." Luna marked the happy surprise that took Celestia's face. "I'll ask him to start a little early today. Once he has done some work and directed the staff, I thought to send him to you."
  14. >C: "That would be wonderful sister! Thank you!" Celestia was truly overjoyed and touched at her sister's considerate offer. The love she harbored for her sister glowed warmly in her heart.
  15. >L: Continuing, Luna placed her hoofs on the table in excitement. "I thought it would be an excellent idea to surprise him! You could use the guest chamber in my wing and I could send him there on some farcical pretext. Imagine him stepping into the room looking for some imaginary stack of important papers, or to greet some phantom dignitary, only to find you waiting to whisk him away!" Luna gave the last sentence an extra dose of drama by moving her fore hoof in an arc through the air. With a raised eyebrow and an increasingly crafty smile, she added, "Imagine the romantic intensity!"
  16. >C: Celestia laughed excitedly. "You're so devious and cunning, little sister! I think that would be fantastic!"
  17. >L: Glad Celestia agreed, Luna said, "I'll set it up then!" Now getting up, Luna embraced her sibling lovingly, her gratitude for Celestia's help brimming over. "Thank you again, big sister."
  18. >C: "Your welcome!" Celestia had noticed a slight shakiness in Luna's gait as she came up to her. "Are you hurt Luna? You seem a bit wobbly."
  19. >L: "No, it's just that I'm...well, it's not my legs...or my torso..." her eyes looked up to the lavish ceiling for a moment and she twirled a hoof before meeting her sister's gaze again, "...I'm just know, it hasn't had exercise in a while. Another good reason for you to have Anon tonight!"
  20. >C: Celestia again laughed hysterically and Luna with her. When the effects of the joke had worn off. She said, "Have a good sleep my sister. Dream beautiful dreams."
  21. >L: "I will. I'll send you a letter with the details of what I propose before I go to bed. Send me a response letter right away with what you think." she said before she left the room.
  22. Moments later, as Celestia was finishing her pancakes, Anon arrived. He normally ate with Celestia in the morning, but had appeared late today. "I'm Sorry I'm late Celly. Princess Luna's staff and I worked some additional hours to make up for lost time." He sat down opposite Celestia at his plate of pancakes and poured himself some of the flower based tisane to calm his guilt-riven nerves.
  23. >C: With a wily smile, Celestia replied "Don't worry Anon. Luna was just here, and based on her description of the vigorousness of your work, I can understand why you are late." Celestia then added with a pleasant giggle, "And optimizing the efforts of her reduced staff is no small feat either." She had launched into a round of their favorite game of hidden meanings.
  24. Shocked, Anon thought he sensed a hint of innuendo in Celestia's tone at the word 'vigorousness', and he thought he saw her eyebrow rise a little, Spock-like, as the word left her lips. Had Luna unintentionally revealed enough to make Celestia suspicious? He studied her while taking a large draught of his tisane, trying to buy some time to think. There was not a hint of fury on her regal face. On the contrary, her face was filled with its normal compassionate effulgence. Was his mind playing tricks on him, falsely detecting awareness in Celestia that did not exist? Distracted by wild thoughts and not properly gauging the temperature of the drink, he choked and coughed out hot liquid.
  25. >C: "Are you alright Anon?" asked Celestia, expressing sincere concern at his coughing.
  26. Recovering and clearing his throat, Anon replied, "I'm ok. I'm ok. Just hotter than I thought it was." With no evidence of wrath, he convinced himself all was well and she was only referring to his work with Luna's staff and the Ministry projects, not his sexual escapade with her sister. Consciously easing his apprehension, he said with confidence, "Organizing her staff has taken a lot of work, but it was fairly straightforward. We're on the right track now though!" After finishing another bite of pancakes, Anon continued, "I've taken up Princess Luna's special projects with all my might, just like you asked in your letter."
  27. >C: Celestia, relishing the innuendo game, found his use of 'special projects' to refer to Luna's emotional and sexual needs humorous. Beaming with happiness, she responded, "Well, I'm glad to hear that Anon! It's clear that her special projects are in very capable, very firm hands!" She had emphasized 'firm' with a sly look.
  28. Having convinced himself that she was unaware of his cheating, Anon did not recognize that they were now referring to different topics. "Celly, I can assure you that those projects are better worked by my hands than any other! I promise to give them a very thorough analysis!" he said with yet more confidence. "Actually, Princess Luna's projects are truly fascinating. After working with her staff for a few hours last night, I absorbed myself in them for a few hours more. I was simply totally engrossed in them." His natural intonation conveyed meaning to Celestia he did not knowingly intend.
  29. >C: Bursting out in laughter at the meaning she derived from his words, Celestia was working hard to calm herself. One of the rules of the game was to carry the meanings as far as possible before breaking down in hilarity.
  30. Surprised, and not understanding the source of Celestia's laughter, Anon forced himself to laugh nervously along with her. He could not understand why his curiosity driven exploration of the documents of other Ministries, something he rarely had a chance to do, was so hilarious. After a moment, he took another long sip of flower tisane to purchase more thinking time. Thankfully, the drink had cooled off in the intervening time.
  31. >C: Despite his silly innuendos, Celestia detected anxiety in Anon that she could not pin down. At length, she assumed it must be the long work hours he had put in last night. Soothing him with her seraphic voice, she said, "You should go relax Anon. Don't feel worried about work. Yesterday was no doubt intense for you, but you are making a great and meaningful contribution! Luna expressed as much to me herself." But again feeling naughty, she leaned in, gave a sidelong glance, and added in a lower tone, "She was exceptionally pleased with your expertise in her other assigned tasks in particular!"
  32. Anon's blood ran cold and he felt like a trapped rat. "Y-yes, absolutely! I've been doing my very best." She could not possibly know! Her words, dripping with delight, indicated the exact opposite. What could it mean? Anon forced a jovial smile and rapidly stuffed another bite of pancakes into his mouth.
  33. >C: With a teasing voice and a twinkle in her eye, Celestia remarked, "Oh, I know you have!" Taking a sip of her drink, her face became a little more serious. "When I assigned you to Luna in my letter, I have to be honest that I was afraid you might hold back regarding the second part. But seeing my sister's happiness and relief this morning, I can see that you have plunged right in." Celestia allowed another wily grin as she said the last part.
  34. "Certainly! It's a pleasure to help take the load off Princess Luna's back." was all Anon could muster, now beside himself in terror and confusion. He felt the same fear of impending destruction that prey feels in a dark forest.
  35. >C: Warmth overflowed from Celestia's heart at Anon's love for both herself and her sister. It filled her voice as well. "Anon, I know the change has been abrupt, but I appreciate everything you are doing for my little sister. I love her and she truly needs the care. Seeing her happier this morning and knowing that you where the architect of that makes me very happy. Please continue to help her to the best of your ability. Will you promise?"
  36. "I will. I promise." Anon was answering automatically, throwing visual facades on his face to mask his inner turmoil. His guilt was clawing his insides and her last words had nearly ruptured his heart. He could not withstand the thought of her pain when she discovered his loathsome deception.
  37. >C: Celestia saw that Anon was worn out by the evening. Feeling a feminine need to care for him, and partly because she wanted him well rested for the evening surprise, Celestia said, "You are exhausted my love. You should go sleep immediately. You'll definitely need it."
  38. Anon felt immediate release and he gladly accepted the invitation to go. "Thank you Celly!" Despite his bitter guilt, his love for Celestia burned true and bright. He cared for her deeply, but he also cared deeply for Luna. These two centrifugal forces worked to tear him asunder. Getting up from the table, he came around and hugged Celestia, cradling her head against his chest and stroking her neck. He felt the warmth of her soul, and her love gave him purpose. For a moment he forgot the looming sense of doom he felt.
  39. >C: Celestia craned her neck and gave Anon a tender kiss, allowing their gaze to connect lovingly. "Anon, one more thing. What does your human word 'dynamite' mean? I remember you using it before, but I confess I have forgotten the meaning."
  40. Anon was nonplussed at this random question and hesitated a moment before answering, trying to fathom the reason she asked. "Well, it's a kind of chemical compound humans use to cause explosions. We mostly use it for construction. In the country I lived in they used dynamite to blast holes in the Sierra Nevada mountains for trains to pass through. Why do you ask?"
  41. >C: A powerful giggle rocked Celestia before she replied. "Luna had used it this morning and I had thought she used it incorrectly. Looks like I was the one who was wrong!"
  42. "Oh." Anon replied in total confusion. He resolved to depart before any more random questions appeared out of the ether. He gave her another powerful kiss and said "Adieu my love!"
  43. >C: "Adieu darling!" Celestia loved this human French word, 'adieu'. Calling after Anon as he left, she said happily, "By the way Anon, when we are together you should refer to my sister as Luna. No need for the royal formality." She saw him nod and smile, which she returned in kind, before he shut the door quietly behind him. Cheerful and serene, she poured herself another cup of the pine-like tisane, looked out the window to the gardens below and listened to the red-jays singing in the morning light.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat