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We Share Everything (Part 16)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:26:59
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:26:50
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 16: After dinner on the evening of the same day he strolled through Canterlot, Anon is on his way to the Royal Observatory to discuss possible construction of a new telescope with Princess Luna. Little discussion will take place, however, and Anon cannot comprehend the torments that await him.
  4. One could get to the Royal Observatory from either the Solar or the Luna Wings of the palace. Anon opted for the Solar Wing route since he was more familiar with it. The path meandered up the Grand Solar Stair Case, a mirror image of the Grand Luna Stair Case done in the crimsons, happy yellows, and gleaming whites of the overall Solar theme, and then down a labyrinth of corridors before arriving at the elegant wrought-iron spiral stair case that led up to the observatory.
  5. >L: In the great domed observatory Luna was admiring the telescope, marveling at its size and complexity. She was waiting for Anon to arrive. Besides being drawn by her fascination with astronomy, Luna also simply enjoyed being in this room. The interior of the dome was painted in semblance of the cosmos and the dome itself was held up by elaborate pillars ringing the room. Between the pillars there were great arched stained glass doors, again with a stellar theme. Specially designed shutters and curtains could be closed on those doors to block out ambient light. At present they were closed for other reasons. The room was dimly lit, to aid in night vision, by lanterns installed on the pillars. Those would normally be extinguished when the dome aperture was open and the telescope in use. A number of tables, chairs, desks, divans, and sofas were arranged throughout the room for use by the observatory workers. One of the tables contained a tray of tea and a bowl of fruit that her mare-servant had brought up. At length, Luna walked over to a table with a lantern on which were scattered diagrams and calculations for the new observatory. She was examining them when Anon arrived.
  6. Taking the last step up the spiral stair case and stepping through the door, Anon called out, "Princess Luna? Are you here?
  7. >L: The arrival of Anon brought a smile to Luna's presently puzzling face as she looked up to greet him. "Over here Anon, at the chart tables! And don't worry, I'm here alone." Luna watched Anon intently and with compassion as he walked over, knowing the magnitude of the events that shortly were to take place.
  8. Having arrived at the table and examined its contents, Anon gestured over the mechanical diagrams and commented with a serious look, "Well, it would seem we are building a doomsday machine! I have a few splendid ideas that would improve its lethality!"
  9. >L: Luna looked at him a bit quizzically. "Anon, these are the plans for the proposed new observatory, not a doomsday device."
  10. Anon noted that sometimes Luna missed the drift of jokes. "Oh, I meant it as a joke Luna!" he said with a reassuring smile.
  11. >L: Luna's puzzled look melted away into mirth and laughter. "Oh! You truly had me for a moment. Anon!" She continued, "In that case..." Here she made a serious face of her own. "Erhm...why, yes! It shall be a perfectly terrible device! With it we shall conquer the surrounding kingdoms to create a vast Equestrian Empire!" Maintaining her mock seriousness, she added, "And when we are successful, we shall make you a duke!"
  12. "Duke Anon? I like that. Has a nice ring to it!" he said as they both broke into laughter.
  13. >L: Now gazing at the charts with pride, Luna explained, "Far from being a doomsday device, this new observatory would allow us to see deeper into the heavens than ever before!" Seeing that she had Anon's attention, she continued with excitement on every word. "It's main objective would have 10x more light collection power, and there would be much greater resolution! It would also have an auxiliary telescope designed with special filters for us to safely look closely at the sun. It would be the first of its kind!" She ended with a sparkle in her eye that came from a love of technical things.
  14. "So why hasn't it been approved for construction yet? Is there not enough funding?"
  15. >L: Looking more somber, Luna replied, "No, actually the reason is that there are a number of technical difficulties that need to be overcome." Pausing while handing a particular diagram to Anon, she continued, "The most severe is that the main objective is very large. A normal wooden-yoke frame will not hold it. Our engineers are working on other methods but have not come up with anything yet. There are numerous other problems as well."
  16. Anon examined the diagram and said, "Isn't the observatory also supposed to be built higher up the mountain?"
  17. >L: "Yes, higher up and on the other side to be away from the lights of the city." Beaming expectation now shone on her face. "Since you will soon also be my assistant, I wanted to have you work on this directly using your knowledge of science and mathematics. It would be in addition to your other duties, but I think you would enjoy it!"
  18. "I'd love to Luna! Sounds like fun! I haven't been directly involved in scientific endeavors in a long time, but it would be nice to get back into it!"
  19. >L: Luna was upside down with elation at the thought of working together with her lover on a project that they would both enjoy. "Wonderful! We can get started after the conference." Now Luna decided it was time to get on to the real business of the evening. "Before we talk any more about it, let us first have some tea before it gets cold." she said gesturing to a table with tea and a bowl of fruit on it.
  20. Settling down together side by side on a sofa by the table, Anon poured tea for both of them. He offered to peel a banana for Luna, but she motioned that she would eat some grapes instead. Anon then peeled a banana for himself and spoke, "When you said I would also be your assistant, you sounded like it was for certain. Wasn't it still pending approval by the prime council?"
  21. >L: A little surprised, Luna responded, "You had not heard, Anon? You becoming a dual assistant to Celly and I was approved yesterday! It is your promotion into the diplomatic section that has not yet been approved."
  22. "That's great! Actually, I was expecting it to take longer." said Anon before sipping his tea and taking a bite of the banana.
  23. >L: Finishing a grape, Luna said, "It usually does, but in this case they saw no harm in it." She took a large sip of her tea and scooched closer to Anon so that she could lean against him. Gazing up into his eyes, she placed a grape to her lips and sucked it in.
  24. As he sipped his tea again, Anon watched as she rolled it around in her mouth with half-lidded eyes before catching it in her teeth. She then crunched down on it with a lascivious smile. Anon could see that she had more on her mind than telescopes. Knowing she loved the thrill of the game, he continued with light-hearted conversation, "So, what other technical issues are there?" He then took another sip of his tea.
  25. >L: Taking up two grapes and bouncing them around in the air while she spoke in a more seductive tone, Luna explained, "Well, the dome will be the biggest ever built in Equestria, and there are concerns about its safety." She paused to suck up both grapes and roll them around in her mouth as before. She watched Anon as his eyes followed. They told her how close she was to mesmerizing him. Presently, she caught the grapes in her teeth on opposite sides of her mouth and crunched down, giving Anon the same lewd smile as before. She loved how she could communicate certain things to males using small spherical objects.
  26. Anon was feeling a little breathless at Luna's performance with the grapes. She continued to pop them into her mouth seductively as he spoke. "And are the royal engineers working on that problem or a contractor in Canterlot?" Again he sipped his tea.
  27. >L: Finishing her tea, Luna answered, "The royal engineers are working on it." Placing her tea cup down, she began caressing his leg with her hoof.
  28. "Oh." Anon went to take a bite of his banana but was interrupted.
  29. >L: "My love, my I have a some of your banana?" Luna asked with annaughty look.
  30. Anon held out the banana, expecting her to take it up in her aura. Instead, his hand was enveloped in mystical blue light and she drew it toward her mouth. Anon was transfixed as her tongue flicked out and glided around and along the banana before she slowly enveloped it in her mouth. The banana was too big for her, but she managed to stuff as much in as was conceivably possible before biting it off.
  31. >L: "Hmmmmm!" She made a tasty, yet somehow sexual sound as she leaned back and closed her eyes while chewing. Looking to the bowl of fruit, she took up two grapes again while giving Anon a side-long glance with her bedroom eyes. She watched Anon, hypnotized, as she popped the grapes in as well.
  32. Anon was already aroused by Luna's display. He took a final sip of tea without taking his eyes off of her.
  33. >L: Luna swallowed, shifted on her haunches and placed a fore hoof between Anon's legs to face him while sitting. Drawing closer she said in a sultry voice, "That was delicious! But, we both know that was not the banana I was referring to." Luna enjoyed arousing Anon, and she wanted him to feel in the mood for making love with her. She wanted nothing more than to continue into the rushing current of passionate sex. However, she needed to accomplish something specific with Anon this night. Soon she would need to make a dramatic shift. But for now, Luna wanted to enjoy a little intimacy with her human lover. She kissed his neck and reached up to give his ear a nibble before moving on to his mouth.
  34. Anon embraced Luna in loving arms and returned her affectionate kisses. Soon they were exchanging saliva with their tongues and he felt himself hardening against her fore hoof. He moved one hand through her mane and the other went slowly down to massage her flank and bottom.
  35. >L: After a period of intense kissing, Luna decided it was time to move on to more unpleasant but necessary events. Pulling away and getting up from the sofa, she said, "Come with me Anon." As she walked she did so with enticement in each step.
  36. Anon followed and asked "Where are we going Lulu?"
  37. >L: "Just here, my love" said Luna calmly as she turned around and captured Anon in her aura. She gently pushed him up against the wall that she had selected. It was an ordinary wall, but for the calculating mind of Luna, it was essential. She needed to be eye-to-eye with Anon.
  38. Anon felt his back pressed against the wall. He was little confused, but he figured that Luna wanted to rear up on him for more passionate kissing. Luna had discovered she liked that position because it exposed her teats to Anon's dextrous hands, and he could reach other things as well. "Come up to me Lulu!" he said. This she did and was now face to face with Anon, his arms around her and her weight braced against the wall with her fore hooves.
  39. >L: Luna gave him several passionate kisses, deeper and more powerful than the ones before. They had meaning, for she wanted Anon to feel her love for him before she started. Shortly, she broke away and gazed into his eyes. With that ethereal connection that happens with such a gaze, she now communicated with Anon soul-to-soul, "I love you Anon! You must know and feel that always. Remember it at every moment in every part of you! When you feel that you can endure no more, find that love and hold on to it!" Then she added, "Otherwise, none of what follows will make sense."
  40. "Lulu I know that you love me, and I love you too! I wouldn't ever forget that!" Anon said, almost in protest.
  41. >L: Shaking her head, Luna replied, "No, Anon. I need you to feel it in every fiber of your being, not just in you mind as if it is a memory that can be remembered or forgotten. And when you do, I need you to place your trust in me." With gentleness in her eyes she asked, "Will you do that? Will you trust me, knowing that I would never do something is not meant to help you?"
  42. Anon was confused now. Something important was being conveyed that he was missing, but he answered, "Lulu, I'll trust you implicitly, and I love you with everything I have."
  43. >L: Pausing to look at his eyes a moment, Luna read all his nuances. He did love and trust her; it was enough. Placing fore hoof to Anon's chest, Luna explained, "You have pain in your heart, Anon. You told me about it. I am going to help you remove that pain, my love!" With loving excitement she continued. "After tonight, you will not feel it anymore, it will not trouble you, and it will not weigh on you when you make decisions. You will look back and wonder how you felt that pain in the first place!"
  44. Letting out a nervous laugh at her cryptic language, Anon asked, "Lulu, what do you mean exactly, I don't understand what..." But she silenced him with the tip of her fore hoof pressed gently to his lips.
  45. >L: "No explanations, Anon. An explanation in this case won't help until we are in the thick of it and afterward. An explanation now will work against the purpose." She slide her hoof to the side of his face and pressed her nose against his, "Just trust me!"
  46. "Ok, Lulu. I don't understand, but I'll trust you."
  47. >L: Smiling magnanimously, Luna let her weight carry her back to all fours. Stepping away a bit she added, "Anon, there will be some pain. Nothing permanent though." To answer the question on his face that said 'Pain?', she closed her eyes and nodded her head. Then in an instant Luna pinned Anon's arms, legs and torso to the wall with her magic and wrapped a sound dampening spell around his mouth.
  48. Anon was suddenly in shock and fear gripped him. This was not normal Luna roughness. This felt as though it would be far worse. He looked to his hands bound to the wall and realized he could not move them. In fact, he could not move away from the wall at all.
  49. >L: "Just trust me, Anon!" Then, before Anon could say anything, Luna moved her fore hoof and sent it careening at high speed into Anon's groin. Spinning about on her hooves she bucked her left hind hoof and then the right to impact the same target. Her aim was precise. Her use of power was expertly controlled; severe pain, but no damage. That done, she turned, skipped her gait and sent a chambered fore hoof into his shin. She repeated with the other shin. These she struck with the blunt part of her hoof so as to avoid fractures. Finally, she spun again and bucked her left hoof, her strong leg since she was left-hoofed, into his abdomen to knock out his wind. With that she released her aura and allowed Anon to crumple to the floor in an agonizing heap. This heap immediately curled into the fetal position. Walking behind him, Luna send a few more strong kicks into his kidneys. His cries of pain sounded nearly silent to Luna's ears through the dampening spell. She used that spell because otherwise, his cries of pain would stimulate her feminine instincts, which would force her to stop. That would defeat her purpose, so it had to be suppressed.
  50. Anon was is terrible, excruciating pain. The entire room had vanished and all of reality with it. He could not think or focus. Pain was his universe and reality.
  51. >L: Picking up Anon in her aura, she carried him over to an open area of floor and dumped him by gravity to the floor, only taking care to cradle his head so it did not smack the marble floor. Not finished, she stretched him out from his fetal position on to his back with his arms and legs outstretched. His eyes were clenched shut in agony. Knowing that she must continue, even though she disliked inflicting this much pain, she stepped up and used the momentum of her body to deliver another fore hoof kick to his groin, sending a visible shudder through him as he tried to cope. More kicks and stomps to his shins, sides, legs, abdomen, and groin followed. Finally, she straddled over him and allowed her weight to drop by gravity. She impacted Anon's chest and abdomen, inflicting yet more pain. Now she waited for him to recover a bit.
  52. What to Luna was only a few moments, was to Anon an eternity. Repeated shots to his groin had him feeling levels of pain in his testicles and abdomen that he never thought possible. As an afterthought, almost, he felt the piercing pain in his shins and kidneys. To add insult to injury, he had the wind knocked clean out of him several times amidst all the other pain. Yet, the blows had stopped and he slowly recovered to a nearly tolerable level of agony.
  53. >L: Meanwhile, Luna was watching to see when he would rise enough out of the abyss of pain for her to address him and for him to hear her coherently. In a while, Anon, breathing hard and moaning through his muffled nose, slowly opened his eyes. She was stroking his face with her hoof, gazing at him soothingly, and waiting for him to try and say something coherent. She slackened the dampening spell a bit.
  54. As Anon's vision adjusted, the smiling, soothing face of Luna slowly came into focus. Still in great agony and his body feeling energy sapped, Anon weakly questioned, clearly hurt emotionally in addition to physically, "Lulu, why would you do that?"
  55. >L: Answering quickly was important here. Luna knew that the initial shock of pain would give way to fear, and then anger. Such anger would be poison to what she was trying to accomplish. She had much to say and a short time. "Why? Because you must feel intense true pain, my love. You are male and it is part of your inherent psychology. Without feeling pain and suffering, you have no baseline in reality, no compass with which to orient yourself, no benchmark against which to assign priorities, and no way to discern minor from major." Moving some of Anon's hair out of his eyes with the tip of her hoof, she continued, "That pain in your heart is not real pain, Anon. It is not physical, nor is it psychological. It is merely a phantom of your imagination masquerading as a real emotion. When you feel real pain, you will see that this phantom is not real and you will expel it!"
  56. Anon's eyes opened wide. 'She must actually be insane; he thought internally. "Luna this is crazy! Let me go!" He could now feel her aura opening and removing his pants. He turned to his right hand, attempting to lift it against Luna's aura. But with all his might it would not budge. What was his physical strength against 2000 years of experienced magic.
  57. >L: Seeing the window drawing to a close, Luna placed a fore hoof on Anon's face and forcefully turned it to face her directly. Taking a more assertive and louder tone, she spoke, "No! Do not focus on your hand or your strength, Anon! Focus on me! I am here! My love for you is real! That pain in your heart is not! I will give you a great deal of real pain, Anon! It is a gift! Do not fight it! Use it instead. Acknowledge its presence in your body and savor it! You are a male. You need this. It is medicine for the male mind!" Luna closed her eyes and inhaled and exhaled slowly. Now in a softer tone and with a soothing smile, she spoke reassurance to Anon, "Anon, trust me! Remember? I love you, and I'm doing this because I love you! Just trust me."
  58. Anon opened his mouth to protest, but Luna had ramped up the dampening spell and all that came out was muffled incoherence. Feeling fear grip him, he began to struggle again. Fear began to give way to anger and the beginnings of panic began to emerge.
  59. >L: The window was now closed. Her words would require time to take effect. He would not believe them at first, opting to try physical strength instead. She needed to make him lose all hope in that. He began to struggle and writhe beneath her. With a singular motion Luna gathered up Anon's balls in her aura and applied an instant vice-like squeeze, sending Anon's eyes clenching shut. His struggling ceased as he began to endure a new round of pain.
  60. Anon again was in agony and felt frustration take him as he had used all his physical strength to escape, but to no avail. Now he was once again helpless.
  61. >L: The present vice-induced pain was not sufficient. While maintaining the pressure, Luna began to tumble the testicles around. She squeezed them through holes in her aura, as child would squeeze wet watermelon seeds to send them flying through the air, before collecting them up again and reapplying pressure. She increased the pace of this and spoke to Anon, "Do not fight the pain, Anon! Accept it! Look through the pain and focus on me and our love. The pain is just a fog that clouds your vision. Our love is what you must hold on to now!" Seeing Anon's face turn red, Luna commanded, "Breath, Anon! Breath! Take deep breaths! That's it! Now Focus!" This went on for some time. Though she had Anon in near convulsions, she gently kissed his face and neck, letting him know she was there. "Breath, my love! That's right."
  62. Anon was upside down with pain. His mind searched all of existence for an exit and found none. Physical strength was hopeless, He could do nothing. In that nothingness, he suddenly could hear Luna telling him to breath and accept the pain. This he tried, having no other recourse. Slowly he forced his eyes open. She was forcing him to accept the only available option.
  63. >L: Elated, Luna smiled brightly and spoke soothingly. "There you are, my love! It took you a bit, but you're starting to push through! You should know that I am very proud of you! Continue to push though, darling! Do not worry. Your male body can accept more pain than you realize. Breath. Accept the pain and listen to my voice."
  64. Anon was struggling with all his might under the torture. All his muscles where clenched and it took enormous focus to tell himself to breath and to keep his eyes open. He looked for the love to hold on to that Luna earlier spoke of.
  65. >L: "Naturally, I could never know this particular brand of pain since I am female. But, I understand it is intense. So, I assure you that I mean it when I say I am proud of you, my love!" She had his attention and she knew he was attempting to focus on what she said. To assist, Luna slackened the pain she was inducing, maintaining enough to keep Anon's mind from wandering off. "This is simply the most efficient way I have of getting you to the levels of pain you need in order to come to major realizations. Do not worry, your balls are in capable hoofs. I know they are important to you." With a giggle she added, "And believe me, they are important to Celly and I as well!"
  66. Anon was still in terrible agony despite the fact that he felt the pain slacken off a little. His muscles remained tensed and he could tell that he now lay in a puddle of his own sweat. Nevertheless, he listened to Luna and tried to focus on her. Her studied her face. She was calm and radiated compassion and concern. Despite his default reaction that she must be insane, he began to feel that she was doing something she thought best for him.
  67. >L: "Right now you are in a prison of pain struggling to get out, my love. It is your own little universe. But, gradually you must come back to reality. It helps to hold on to something. Would you like to hold on to me?"
  68. Anon struggled to nod his head against the fierce torment of his groin, but he did so.
  69. >L: Luna cocked her head and smiled down at Anon while caressing the side of his face with her hoof. "I will release your hands, but you must not struggle. I want you to cooperate, because you need this. Will you cooperate?" she asked gravely.
  70. Quivering in torment, Anon nodded again. Now he was beginning to understand what she was trying to convey at the beginning that he had missed. He could now only depend on her love and develop true trust in what she was doing. He resigned himself and decided to work with her.
  71. >L: "Hold me then, Anon. I am here and I love you." she said as she released his hands. Meanwhile, Luna could feel Anon's erection pressing laterally against her vulva. She was surprised it could happen at this level of pain. Male sexual organs seemed to have a mind of their own. Even though he was in terrible pain, he could feel sexually aroused, even if only subconsciously.
  72. Anon fought through the pain as he reached his quivering arms up to embrace Luna. Though he had held her thousands of times, this time felt far more wonderful. The agony did not go away, but he forced himself to feel her under his hands. She became like an anchor for his mind as he fought to gain mental mastery of the pain coursing through him.
  73. >L: Laying kisses on his face and neck while he held her, Luna allowed the pain to continue. However, she at length spoke to Anon. "Anon, I am going to stand up and turn around. I am not leaving you." With that she came to all fours, turned 180 degrees and lay back down on top of him. She felt his arms re-envelope her. Increasing the pain until Anon was once again near convulsions, she swished her tail to the side and gave a command in a calming voice. "Lick me, my love." Looking over her body and seeing Anon not complying, Luna increased the pain. He needed to understand that lack of cooperation meant more pain. "Lick!"
  74. Finally hearing her command through the pain and at the new impetus of pain, Anon lifted his head and parted Luna's supple vulva with his tongue and began pleasuring her. It took all his might and the coordinated efforts of his mind.
  75. >L: Feeling the moist, luxuriant warmth stroking her clitoris, Luna smiled and craned her neck down to slather Anon's penis with her tongue. She alternated teasing it with her tongue and pumping it gently with her mouth. She felt the weak but steady lashing of her clitoris and hummed pleasure into his penis while his fingers dug into her out of pain and desperation. Soon, she could feel the burning of ecstasy flowing over her skin. She slackened the pain, dropped his penis, released his left testicle, and took it into her mouth. She shifted to pumping his penis with her magic while mollifying his aching testicle in the bath of her saliva, maintaining strict pain on the other. At length, she shifted to the right testicle. Anon had to feel pleasure, even through pain.
  76. Anon, felt the bizarre sensation of crushing pain and pleasure working its way through him in waves. He focused for dear life on loving Luna and pleasuring her. He could now feel her shuddering, and a powerful humming sensation in his right testicle let him know she had orgasmed. Anon's body unclenched as he felt her release his groin from her terrible magic grip.
  77. >L: After a few moments of recovery, Luna let Anon's testicle drop out of her mouth with a wet plop. Coming to to all fours, she once again turned 180 degrees and lay back down on Anon. She planted a multitude of tender kisses on him, and sensually liked his neck. Her tongue danced in his mouth, though his response was understandably feeble. Shining benevolence shone on her face as she spoke. "You're past the most difficult part, Anon. Holding on to love, you can fight through the pain. Now you need to willingly accept the pain. Will you accept it?"
  78. Anon was now at the point where he was beginning to put all his trust in Luna. He tried to do as she instructed. He was trying to acknowledge the pain, but not let it distract him, to use and savor it even. She had 2000 years of accumulated wisdom, why not trust her? He nodded his head.
  79. >L: As soon as he nodded his head, Luna smiled and bombarded him with a number of sweet kisses. Then she carried him in her aura to a nearby pillar. There she gently leaned him against it and pinned his hips and legs to the ground magically. She also removed the dampening spell on his mouth and nose. "Are you ready, my love? Just keep your arms and hands away from your groin. That's the rule."
  80. Anon found his arms were free and he could speak. He was exhausted from the pain, which at the present moment had died down somewhat. "I'm ready Lulu. Lay it on me," As he spoke he gave a weak thumbs up. He had resigned to the inevitability of the oncoming pain. He resolved to feel it in his body, but not his mind. He accepted it.
  81. >L: Once Anon looked prepared, Luna sent multiple swift kicks with her fore hoofs into Anon's exposed groin, chambering her leg each time time and using a shift in her stance to develop momentum. A few more kicks and stamps hit their mark on his legs, shins, and stomach. Then, stepping forward, she placed her fore hooves past his hips. With one hind hoof planted solidly outside his legs, she pressed the tip of the other under Anon's still erect penis. Slowly she pressed down, stretching his scrotum to the floor until she felt resistance. Planting the back of her hoof as fulcrum, she pressed until she could see the tremendous pain in Anon's face.
  82. For Anon it was shear terror. He could feel his testicles being pressed against the ground under her hoof. His physical body wanted nothing more to flail in panic, but he restrained it with his mind. He began taking deep long breaths to cope with the terrible pain and wrapped his arms around Luna. With eyes fixed on Luna, he moved is hands over her body trying to soothe himself. He refrained from crying out in pain, but could not stop several involuntary grunts.
  83. >L: 'Luna, This is a very dangerous maneuver. One false move and you could crush his testicles irreparably. We wouldn't want that! Steady girl! Steady!' Luna was thinking to herself. After awhile, and seeing that Anon was fighting hard to cope with the pain, she began to carefully roll his testicles beneath her hoof. As she did, she could feel Anon's fingers dig into deep her skin. Now Luna was taking deep breaths of focus to avoid damaging her lover. So, dangerous was this activity that she pushed everything else out of her mind. Her nerves were calm however. Anon, through his love for her, had given her a rock to hold on to; a way to assuage her inherent nervousness. For that she was extremely grateful, and now she was returning the favor.
  84. Anon continued to withstand, though this new pain took him to the limits of his capability. His body was nearly convulsing with pain. He was trusting in Luna and recalling now that she did truly love him. She would not do this if she did not think he needed it, he reasoned.
  85. >L: Presently, Luna decided it was enough. Looking down at Anon, she could see he was terribly exhausted. Luckily, the next parts were easier. She removed her hoof from his scrotum and went to her knees.
  86. The sudden release sent Anon panting in relief and his arms flopped to the floor. For a moment he closed his eyes. Opening them he saw Luna lovingly gazing back at him. He reached up and ran a hand through her mane. "How'd I do Lulu?"
  87. >L: Smiling with glee, Luna rubbed his nose with hers and replied, "Wonderfully Anon. I'm proud of you!" She gave him a tender kiss and continued. "It is not finished yet though. One more part, but it is not as bad. I promise. "You've absorbed pain, and you've willingly accepted it. Now derive pleasure from it."
  88. The thought of more pain caused Anon to do a double-take. "More, Lulu? Really?"
  89. >L: She gave him an alluring look and explained. "Of course my love! All of this must end on a happy note after all!" Having said thus, Luna scooched back, craned her head down and slipped Anon's penis into her mouth again. She massaged it with her tongue, played with the tip, and worked it in and out.
  90. Despite the pain in his testicles Anon began to feel sensations of pleasure. After all the agony, the feeling of being inside Luna's mouth was delicious and he desperately wanted more of it. Inwardly, he told his aching balls to just suck it up.
  91. >L: Soon Luna had fellated his penis into a hardened, throbbing mass. She had worked herself into arousal as well. Coming to all fours and moving to a right angle position to Anon, she impishly requested, "Anon, would you please do that thing with your fingers."
  92. Anon smiled weakly. "Certainly, Lulu! Would love to!"
  93. >L: Once Luna felt herself strongly aroused by the magic of Anon's fingers working her pussy, she let his penis slide out of her mouth and released all her magical restraints on Anon. "Can you stand, my love?"
  94. "Yes, I think so." said Anon as he painfully came to his feet.
  95. >L: Giving a lick to Anon's penis, Luna said in a seductive voice, "Let's go to the sofa, my love." At the sofa, Luna rested her chest and fore legs on the cushion and flicked her tail aside to present Anon with her treasure. "Put it in, my love, and do me! I'll give you pain, but I think that you will like it!"
  96. Fighting off residual agony, Anon let his manhood slide in. at a somewhat downward angle given the difference in height between his hips and Luna's. Overcoming residual pain all over his body, he began thrusting. After this ordeal, having sex with Luna was made all the more vibrant. Soon he was feeling Luna squeeze his testicles and rap them with a magical force. It was painful, but endurable. After all that went before, the present pain merely added excitement to the intimacy.
  97. >L: In short order, Luna was emitting sounds of ecstasy that echoed around the domed observatory. Her flesh crawled with pleasure and she could feel herself coming to climax. Unable to focus any longer, she released Anon's balls.
  98. Anon could feel her convulse in his hands as the climax went through her. Her moan triggered his own orgasm. When he had stopped pumping ropes of cum, he simply pulled out and slumped into the sofa next to her, exhausted and aching.
  99. >L: Luna cuddled up next to Anon and placed her head on his shoulder. "You did great, Anon!" Twirling her hoof in the air, she continued, "Sorry for all the pain. I really do not like doing it, but it was necessary. You'll have a totally different outlook on things in the morning!"
  100. Anon held Luna close and asked "Lulu, this is not going to be a regular thing is it? Please say no. I won't be able to take it."
  101. >L: "Certainly not, Anon! This will probably be the only time we do this. Unless you want to that is." she said as she cuddled closer. As an afterthought, she added, "But if you ever do, let's avoid having your testicles under my hoof. That one makes me nervous too."
  102. Anon strongly shook his head in response to indicate he would not want to to this again.
  103. >L: Luna nodded. "Yes, I figured you would not. Though, I do recommend you sometimes engage in activities that cause pain. For instance, you could spar with my royal guard. They train each evening before the work night. It would do you good!" said, Luna happily.
  104. Intrigued at the idea, Anon responded, "Well, it might be worth a try. I've been looking for new ways to get some exercise, after all." Now turning to gaze at Luna, Anon commented, "You certainly have an unorthodox method of helping me, Lulu." Then with a smile, "I appreciate your dedication, even if my body parts don't."
  105. >L: In response Luna nuzzled her cheek agains his shoulder. It was time get him to bed.
  106. >L: "Anon, you should immediately go to sleep and recover. I don't think you can walk right now, so allow me to teleport you back to your chambers." Twirling her hoof again, she added with a giggle, "Also, you are going to be very sore for the next few days. So, I want you to take the next three days off."
  107. "But the conference is only in five days away and I should lend a hand." said Anon as he furrowed his brow.
  108. >L: Smiling with compassion, Luna responded, "Not to worry Anon! Everything is well in hoof! Now let's get you to bed." she said, tapping her hoof on his chest. With that, Luna teleported herself, Anon, and his clothes back to his chambers. She went with him to help him into bed and tuck him in for the night.
  110. Next Part: In progress

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat