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>A muted thudding reverberates repeatedly through the room.
>In your groggy state, right on the cusp of sleep, you absently try to ignore the annoyance.
>You roll over in your bed, nestling yourself deeper into the pillow.
>But the thudding refuses to abate.
>Against your will you find yourself now awake enough to recognize the noise.
>It is the unmistakable sound of a hoof rapping against a wooden door.
>The wooden door, in this instance, being the door to your personal chambers.
>Well, whatever, you were clocked off for the night.
>You're sure whoever's knocking would soon get the hint and leave.
>It's probably just one of the nurses of the palace medical staff wanting you to sign some document or another.
>Whatever they wanted could surely wait for tomorrow.
>The pounding shortly stops and a moment of silence passes.
>Sounds like they've given up already.
>Score one for Anonymous.
>You strain your ears to listen for hoofsteps retreating down the hall, away from your door, which would cement your win over your mystery caller.
>But instead all you hear is a a strange humming sound, which seems to be growing louder.
>There is a sudden, loud crackle followed by a pop, as a flash of white briefly lights up your room.
>Bleary eyed, you sit up and attempt to scan your surroundings.
>"Doctor Anonymous?" A familiar voice rings out in the dark.
>The humming sound returns as a bright ball of blue light appears.
>Squinting against the light you make out Princess Luna standing in the middle of your room, the blue glow emanating from her horn.
>As her magical light grows to fully illuminate the room, her eyes land on you.
>"We apologize for the intrusion, but it seems that you did not hear Us knocking," she says with a small grin.
>You blink a few times, hoping (against your better judgement) that maybe this was a dream and that perhaps the lunar princess would be gone once your eyes opened again.
>Alas, the blue alicorn still remained with each blink.
>"We did not think you had retired to bed already, We apologize once more if We woke you."
"Yes, I... Uh," you start with a cough, "Your Majesty, what brings you here? Is there some sort of emergency?"
>Luna pauses just a moment before replying.
>"We supposed one could say that, yes," she says, nodding wistfully, "An emergency most dire, in fact."
>You throw your legs off the side of the bed to sit up properly.
>"Mine sister, she requires your attention."
"Did something happen to Princess Celestia?" You ask, now fully alert.
>The alicorn sighs deeply.
>"Well, We cannot say with certainty as We are no doctor, but you ought make haste, Anonymous."
>Throwing her head back, she closes her eyes and raises one of her forehooves into the air dramatically as she speaks.
>"The most grievous of consequences are sure to befall Our dearest sister if she is left too long unattended."
>Unsure how to reply, you simply stare at her with your mouth slightly agape.
>After a moment of silence the princess abruptly drops her hoof back down to the floor and opens her eyes to give you a blank look.
>"We shall await outside your chambers, join Us when you are ready," she states flatly.
>Before you can respond, there is another loud crackle followed by a pop and a flash of light as the alicorn teleports back out into the palace hallway.
>You quickly scramble out of bed to get dressed.
>Princess Luna trots through the palace at a brisk pace.
>You are right at her side, following along as she guides you.
>She had explained that she would bring you to her sister, but had not said much more.
>From the speed of her strides she must urgently want to reach Celestia.
>The situation must be very serious, you summarize.
>You decide to press the issue.
"Your Majesty, what specifically is the problem with your sister?"
>"That is a very fine question, Doctor Anonymous," she replies without slowing her trot. "One which We likewise desire the answer to."
>"As for why We have fetched you tonight however, Our sister complained to Us of a sudden pain in her haunches."
>The princess seems satisfied with her answer.
>Less so satisfied, you furrow your brows.
"A pain in her haunches?"
>"Indeed," she elaborates, "We had only just left the dining hall together when she halted most abruptly and exclaimed her sudden pain."
"With respect, Your Majesty, but couldn't Dr. Horse have tended to her? He's on call tonight, isn't he?"
>Luna huffs through her nostrils.
>"That was Our thought also, but Celestia insisted We fetch you in his stead. She stated she did not want to occupy the doctor from his other patients."
"Oh, I see, that makes sense," you say, pausing briefly before continuing, "Although, I must admit I wasn't aware that Dr. Horse had any other patients at the moment."
>"Neither were We," Luna replies as she comes to a halt in front of a door.
>You were standing outside one of the many meeting rooms dotted throughout the palace.
>"Our sister urged that moving was painful, so We brought her to this nearest chamber to rest while We fetched you."
>She motions a hoof at the door in front of you.
>"You will find her inside."
"Thank you, Princess," you offer with a bow. "I will do all I can to help your sister."
>"We have no doubt in your success."
>The room is sparsely decorated, at least as far as rooms in the royal palace go.
>A grand table, surrounded by plush chairs, occupies most of the room.
>There are a few potted plants dotted around, and multiple lit oil lamps which envelop the room in a warm glow.
>A thick red carpet covers most of the otherwise cold stone floor.
>A maroon chaise lounge stands against one of the walls, currently sporting a large, ivory pony princess draped across its surface.
>The pony raises her head as you pull the door closed behind you.
>Her large eyes seem to sparkle for a split second as they meet your own.
>Surely just a trick of the light.
>You bow deeply before her.
"Your Majesty."
>"Doctor Anonymous", you hear her speak, her voice carrying a clear tinge of relief.
>As you rise back up you notice that a brilliant smile has blossomed forth on her muzzle.
>Inexplicably, you feel a sudden loss for words and you simply smile back at the princess.
>Celestia is the first to speak up.
>"I'm sorry for calling for you at this hour, but I didn't want to distract the on-duty physician."
>You clear your throat, finding your voice again.
"Yes, Princess Luna explained much the same, and she said there was some sort of emergency?"
>"An emergency?"
>The alicorn titters softly -- a must joyous, warm little laughter.
>"Oh Luna," she says, shaking her head slowly. "No, there is certainly no emergency, I am sorry if my sister had you worried. I only asked her to bring you in case you were free and if it wasn't an inconvenience on your part."
>Sighing, she gazes up at the ceiling wistfully.
>"It hasn't been long since my sister returned, but sometimes I worry she's taken to the modern art of banter and jesting a bit too keenly."
>That cheeky little moon horse...
>You should have known something was up.
>Pondering your earlier encounter with the night princess, you step closer to the chaise lounge, and to the pony lying on top of it.
"Well, she did also say something about a pain in Your Majesty's haunches?"
>The princess returns her gaze to meet yours as you approach.
>"Yes, that much is accurate at least," she explains, smiling. "Since leaving court earlier this evening, I've felt a growing pain across my backside with each step."
>"I asked my sister to see if you were available as I was hoping that your unique human expertise would be able to help me relieve my stress, as it has done before..."
>Her voice trails off slightly towards the end.
>"...Your medical expertise, I mean," she quickly follows up, slightly blurting the words out in a most uncharacteristic fashion.
>Her muzzle scrunches up slightly.
>A stray thought wonders how many ponies have ever been privy to the normally stalwart royal snout compressing in such an adorable fashion.
"Don't worry, Princess, I'll do my best to help," you say, giving her the most reassuring smile you can muster.
>Squatting down in front of her, you reach a hand towards her chin.
>Her eyes appear to grow even larger at the sudden nearness of your appendage.
"You seem a bit tense as well. Your muzzle appears a bit compressed and your face seems slightly flushed."
>Gently cupping the side of her face in your palm, you feel the warmth of her soft coat radiate against your skin.
>At first, her muzzle constricts even further at your touch, before suddenly decompressing back to its neutral state as Celestia sighs deeply.
>Her eyes slowly shut as the princess tenderly, almost imperceptibly so, presses herself deeper into your palm.
"Have you been experiencing a lot of stress recently?"
>She takes a moment to reply.
>"Not any more than usual, I wouldn't think," she says in a low voice.
>"But then, I suppose the day court *has* seen an influx of petitioners this past week, with the gala coming up soon."
>She sighs.
>"That's no different from any other year though."
"Just because it happens every year doesn't mean it has to be any less stressful, in fact, it might even make it worse."
>Her eyes flutter open as you slide your hand away from her muzzle.
>Rising up slightly to lean over her, you bring both your hands to bear, placing them on either side of the crest of her neck.
>You gently squeeze her neck, feeling for any tenseness or irregularities in the muscles.
>A gasp escapes her muzzle.
"Stress can manifest itself physically in many different forms," you explain as you continue examining her.
>Her coat, soft as silk, feels warm and pleasant to touch as you work your way down her slender neck.
>It's not until you reach her withers that you are struck by the realization that the princess' normal regalia is absent.
>Not just her bejeweled peytral, but her crown and gilded shoes are missing as well.
>Your hands suddenly feel burning hot against her *naked* coat.
>Swallowing hard you quickly withdraw your hands and rise back up to your full height, looking down at the prone pony princess.
"It can create tension in various parts of the body, making the muscles tight and stiff, which can lead to physical pain," you rattle off matter-of-factly, trying to steer your mind away from the princess' now unmistakable nakedness.
>Remembering promptly that you are speaking to a mare at least a thousand years your senior, you reprimand yourself.
>She probably doesn't need you to lecture her.
"Although I'm sure Your Majesty is already aware of such, given your many years of experience."
>"Please Anonymous, as I've told you before, I'd prefer it if you called me simply Celestia when we are in private."
>Your response comes out almost unconsciously.
"As you wish, simply Celestia."
>The all-powerful, nation-ruling alicorn furrows her brows at you.
>A wide grin begins to grow across your face, rapidly approaching shit-eating proportions.
>"Did you just call me old as well?"
>Your grin dissipates at once.
"Uh, what?" You sputter. "N-no, I mean, yes, erm--"
>You bring one of your hands up to scratch your neck.
"I just meant that I didn't want to come across as condescending by talking down to a mare of your wisdom."
>Her brows just sink even lower as her bright, piercing eyes bore into you.
"E-Either way, I don't see the problem. A lot of ponies appreciate a more mature mare... At least that's what I've heard," you stammer out hastily.
>"Oh really?" She proffers in a slow, drawn out manner.
>Her expression softens a bit as a smile creeps onto her muzzle.
>"And where *exactly* did you hear that, my dearest human?"
>Your cheeks suddenly feel rather hot.
"Oh you know, uh, here and there and such..." You reply, waving a hand dismissively in the air. "Now, how about I have a look at that pain in your haunches, Your Maje-- Celestia?"
>Celestia chuckles.
>"Yes, Anonymous, I'd like that."
>At your request, the princess rises up on all fours.
>You note that she seems to wobble slightly as she steps away from the lounger.
>You take up a position at her right side, next to her flank.
"Now, just like last time, I'm going to use my hands to palpate the muscles of your lower back, your haunches and your legs. I want you to tell me if you feel any pain when I press down on a specific area, okay?"
>"Yes, don't worry, I remember."
"Good, just making sure."
>You roll up the sleeves of your shirt and look down at the mare before you.
>The great yellow sun adorning her hip stares back at you.
>She was a big mare (for you), in fact, in this land of teeny marshmallow ponies she was the only one who stood eye to eye with you.
>Her back only reached up to about your abdomen though.
>But at this particular moment, standing so close, her hindquarters seem to almost loom over you.
>You are in awe at the size of this mare, and at the size of her--
>"Is everything alright, Anonymous?" Celestia asks, craning her neck to look back at you.
"Of course, uh, I was just about to start," you say as you rub your hands together, hoping that your cheeks aren't too red.
>The princess nods and faces forward again.
>"Please, go ahead."
>You reach out and place both your hands against her loins.
>Her plush coat depresses with ease below your fingers as you press down, feeling the strong muscles underneath.
>Celestia's head sinks down low as she lets out a deep sigh.
>You keep going, moving your hands along her back, kneading her muscles as you go.
>As you reach the dock of her ethereal tail, you slide both your hands along the swell of her right hip.
>You squeeze her cutiemark, rubbing the tense muscles of her thigh.
>The princess starts humming softly.
"Does this hurt?"
>"No, no, it's... It's not too bad," she responds slowly.
>You keep working your hands as Celestia's humming resumes.
>You rub your palms in circular motions, tenderizing the taut tissue beneath her silky coat, before using your fingertips to attentively trace along the lines of her muscles.
>Rubbing your way down her thigh and onto her gaskin, you gather that her muscles are definitely a bit stiff -- understandable after a day spent sitting in the throne room listening to petitioners -- but nothing else stands out.
>The princess doesn't express any particular pain either.
>She just hums quietly to herself.
>You step around to her left side and begin administering the same attention to her second sun-adorned flank.
>Even though your exam isn't teaching you much, you must admit that it's not an all together unenjoyable experience.
>Your own muscles get a bit of a workout and you feel a certain satisfaction whenever your hands shift their pressure and you hear the princess' humming fluctuate slightly.
>As you finally arrive at the gaskin of her left leg however, you furrow your brows in thought.
"Well, I'm done with the exam."
>Celestia doesn't seem to react so you continue talking.
"I felt a bit of tension in your muscles, but I didn't find any knots or anything else untoward though," you say, taking a step away from the pony posterior. "And you didn't feel any pain at all?"
>Your question is left hanging.
>The princess just keeps humming, her head still held down low.
>You circle around to her front.
>Her eyes are closed and her mouth is fixed with a small smile, you notice.
"Hello? Princess?" You try to get her attention, to no effect.
>Leaning in closer you realize that she is not humming per say, but rather she seems to be gently snoring.
>Is she... Asleep?
>Whilst standing upright?
>Is that even possible?
>You place a hand on her neck and give her a gentle shake, hoping to get her attention.
"Celestia, are you okay?"
>To your distress you notice that the princess' entire body starts to tilt from your touch.
>She about to topple over!
>Instinctively, you dive in and wrap your arms around the base of her neck to stop her from falling.
>As you hug her tight, her neck comes to rest on your shoulder as her chest leans against yours.
>"Luna please," she mumbles faintly, "Just a few... Few more minutes... Sleep... A few more..."
"Celestia, it's me, Anonymous," you plead. "You need to wake up."
>"Mmmmmhmmm, Nonnymous... So nice..."
>The sleeping alicorn simply leans further into you, putting more of her weight onto you as she drapes a forehoof over your other shoulder.
>At once you feel one of your legs buckle underneath the mare, and you go down.
>In your panic you only manage to grip even tighter onto the princess, pulling her down with you.
>Your back lands on the carpeted floor, with Celestia landing on top of you, groaning slightly in her sleep.
>"Anon... Please..." She grumbles as she shifts slightly against you, suddenly wrapping both her forehooves around your torso.
>You feel yourself getting pulled in tight against her body.
>She nuzzles the top of your head, and your face comes to rest in the valley of her neck.
>For a moment you are stunned, as your whole existence becomes simply warm and soft and safe.
>Your own arms still circled around her, you hug her tightly in return without even thinking about it.
>"Nonny... Strong... Warm..." Escapes her lips, barely audible.
>One of her wings flares out and drapes across your body, further encasing you against the sleeping mare.
>Resigning yourself to your fate, you smile and nestle yourself deeper into her hold.
"Y-you too, Celly," you whisper.
>Lying so close against her, wrapped up in her caring embrace, you can feel the calm rise and fall of her chest with each gentle breath she takes.
>A smell of vanilla and summer rain fills your nostrils.
>It isn't long before you feel your eyelids droop closed.
>Several hours of peaceful slumber pass.
>The only noise in the room is the gentle snoring of the still smiling alicorn and human, until the door slowly creaks open.
>A dark-blue mare sticks her head in through the crack in the doorway, stars twinkling in her undulating mane.
>Her eyes quickly land on the snuggle-pile in the centre of the room.
>She shakes her head and smiles to herself.
>Her horn lights up briefly, and the lamps that were illuminating the room fade out, blanketing the sleeping couple in darkness.
>The mare withdraws her head and quietly shuts the door.
by hobbypony