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Twilight, Shining/Gleaming TF/TG/Hypno

By whinny
Created: 2022-06-26 11:53:10
Updated: 2022-07-06 10:07:30
Expiry: Never

  1. You’ve always been a bit… out there, when it came to your preferences. Everyone in your family knows it, you still cringe at memories of sharing some of your tamer fantasies back before you learned how to properly socialize and make friends. Your brother, Shining Armor, called them “plebian”.
  2. You’re pretty sure it’s slang for something but at this point it’s too embarassing to ask about it.
  3. You’re perfectly willing to bring up the fetishes again, though, exactly what you’re doing right now.
  4. >”It’s a shit fetish, Twi. Why can’t you be into, idunno, hooves or something?” Shining complains.
  5. “Shit fetish, which is *completely* different from incest by the way, is called scatophilia. You should try and keep these straight, you’re dating one of the kinkiest ponies I know and if you ask for the wrong thing you might get it anyway.”
  6. >”Ugh, Twilight, that’s. Ugh! Why are we talking about this stuff, I thought you learned better social skills in Ponyville or something.”
  7. “That’s totally unfair, I interact with friends far more often than when I told you why there was a wet spot on your carpet that one time.”
  8. >”Six still isn’t enough then, but more importantly why’d you even bring this up? And most importantly what should I avoid doing or saying to make sure I never prompt this again?”
  9. “Nothing you said or did, I just made some plans and wanted to invite you. Interested?”
  10. >”Uhh, take a guess, Twi. I’ll spoil it for you too, no, I’m not interested in your, what’d you call it, ‘brother-sister “bonding time”’.”
  11. You can fix that.
  12. “Well, *look over there!*”
  13. As Shining spins around to follow your hoof, like a chump, you pull out a tiny vial from your saddlebags and discretely splash it on him like the gullible chump of a brother he is.
  14. “What’s your problem, Twilight!”
  15. Oh, you might have said that last part out loud. No worries, phase two of the master plan - “check-out-these-goggles-they’re-really-cool” you blurt as you whip them out as well and shove them in his face.
  16. >He flinches back, but not fast enough to avoid a moment of contact, and that moment is all they need.
  17. >”Ah!” he yelps, as the probes pull the visor tight and refuse to let go. His horn lights up, and he tries pulling them off - “get these OFF, it’s not funny! They’re making me dizzy!”
  18. Just a few more seconds, you have to stall him! “Listen to my voice. My voice is very important.”
  19. The words combine with the first bits of suggestibility from the twirling patterns, enough to make him pause, and then it’s all over for him as he slowly stops struggling with them.
  20. “That’s right, my voice is very important. Nothing is more important than listening to my voice.” - he lowers his hoof from the rim of the goggles, and his horn dims.
  21. “Hearing me speak is so calming. There’s nothing to worry about except my voice.” - he places it back on the ground. You almost have him.
  22. “You want to listen to my voice. You are listening to my voice, and relaxing. Listening to me feels good. Listening to me is listening to my orders. Good soldiers follow orders. You want to obey my orders. You want to be a good soldier.” - as you speak, he slowly slumps down until he’s sitting on the ground head held high and the rest of him relaxed.
  23. >”T-twi? Whaa?”
  24. “Ssshhhh, no thinking. Good soldiers don’t think. Good soldiers don’t question orders. Good soldiers obey orders.”
  25. >“Obey… orders?”
  26. You light your horn, and the wet droplets from the vial sink into his body, leaving his coat dry again.
  27. >”Hnn, no… n-no? Huh?”
  28. He’s good and dazed, but a part of him is still trying to make sense of everything. You’ll have to fix that. Under the gentle glow of your magic, his mane lengthens until it’s spilling over his shoulders.
  29. >”My… huh… hair?”
  30. “Yes, isn’t your long hair so beautiful?” you croon, “You love your long hair.”
  31. >”I… love my hair.”
  32. Next is his face, slowly softening from the squares and right angles he’s held all his life into something smooth and rounded. >His lips swell until they’re just the right size, and his mouth opens in a gentle “oh”. as you kiss them.
  33. >”Huh, hah, hah?” he pants in confusion, his voice slowly rising in pitch, becoming more melodious with each second.
  34. Leaning forward, “You sound so lovely, don’t you?” - and he can’t help but nod.
  35. >”…hot voice… who?” as he looks around for the source, confused.
  36. You giggle as he mumbles to himself, and start moving the cloud of magic further down, stroking his chest in smooth motions.
  37. >The sensations of his frame shrinking into a more feminine shape obviously makes him a little uncomfortable, as he stops looking around and fidgets.
  38. “Let’s soften you up.” you whisper, as a pair of small bumps start to form, his new teats growing until they’re the size of your own, and then a little more for good measure.
  39. >”N-nouuuu… feeh, wrong…” he whimpers, as your magic starts to gently knead them, sensitivity increasing with each squeeze until he’s outright moaning in time with your grip.
  40. “Almost done.” you reassure him, as his impressively sized erection starts to shrink in your aura, smearing pre against his fur as it smoothly retreats into his body, leaving behind an equally impressively sized clit inside a plump and sopping vagina.
  41. >”Nuh! Nuhhhoo! Nuh!” he protests, shivering as you start to squeeze and rub and tug at his clit, your magic working it into a more and more sensitive button until finally he tenses and shouts “S-stop!”
  42. >The hypnosis isn’t enough to overcome such intense, alien feelings, and that was the last straw.
  43. It’s too late for him, though. You’re already done, colours the only trace of Shining’s original body.
  44. >He jerks his head around - ”Twilight! Wha? What did you do! Why do I…”
  45. “I didn’t do anything, silly filly.” you say, as you start stroking his hair. “Silly filly. Filly filly.”
  46. >”Not a…” he trails off, as your magic forms a mirror in front of him, and his eyes start to trail his face and body.
  47. “Only fillies look like this, right?” - he still looks hesitant.
  48. “If you aren’t a filly, then what are these?” you ask, as you rub his nipples.
  49. >”But… but I-“
  50. You cut him off, tugging at his wet lips - “Colts *definitely* don’t have this, do they?”
  51. >”Nooo, don’t h… b-but…”
  52. “Shhh, what’s your name?”
  53. >”Shining Armor” he easily replies.
  54. You chastise him - “Wrong. Shining is a colt’s name. You’re not a colt, are you?”, punctuating your words with gentle taps to his winking clit.
  55. >”I… I do’nno.”
  56. >His eyes are tearing up.
  57. You’ve almost got him.
  58. You form a velvety pair of magic tendrils, and start them to stroking up and down his vulva.
  59. “Are these colt feelings?” you question, “Or do only fillies feel like this?”
  60. >He looks conflicted, opening and closing his mouth like he’s about to speak.
  61. “You have filly parts,” -switching from taps to a strong tugging motion - “feel me touching them? So you’re a filly.”
  62. >His eyes are starting to cloud over with pleasure.
  63. >”haaaaa?… buh... f-f…”
  64. You start to work a third tendril inside him, rubbing and twisting all the best spots you’ve lovingly crafted.
  65. “A filly.” you firmly insist, your magic starting to vibrate and giving his clit a strong, buzzing squeeze.
  66. >”’m a… m’ filly” he concedes, panting.
  67. “So then you must have a filly name. Your name is Gleaming Shield.”
  68. >He mouths the name over and over as it echoes in his head. Gleaming Shield. Gleaming Shield. Your name is Gleaming Shield.
  69. >”’m… Gleaming Shield.”
  70. “Yes, you are. And we’re going to have so much fun together.”
  72. AN: Tried for a good while to fit in the “twin sister” fetish implanting but I just couldn’t make it flow. Ah well, can’t win them all. Just pretend Shining already has the massive hots for his sis and doesn’t want to admit it.

Twilight Hypno

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Twilight, Shining/Gleaming TF/TG/Hypno

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Octavia, Vinyl Scratch Hypno (Pt. 2)

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