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Spitfire Hypno (Pt. 1)

By whinny
Created: 2022-07-06 08:48:37
Updated: 2022-07-06 10:06:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Thread image: [ SFW cute spitfire ]( )
  2. Greentext images: [ Spitfire edit of a wonderbolt in a flight suit, laying on their back, standard/hypno versions ]( /
  3. AN: fuck ponepaste markdown newlines on greentext
  5. >“You came so highly recommended. Dash told me you were some kind of master strategist, back home. Kept going on and on about it, said you were a “true conqueror” but if I’m being honest, you don’t look like much.”
  6. “Hmm.” you say, noncommittally, gesturing for her to continue.
  7. >“What I think,” she continues, “is that you’re a fake. A nobody. And a nobody who’s hoodwinked one of my ‘bolts, at that. And I don’t like that.”
  8. “All warfare is based on deception.”
  9. >“Oh, that’s real good. You come up with that one yourself, wise guy?”
  10. “If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”
  11. >”You just gonna spout words or can we take this outside?”
  12. “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.”
  13. >”All I’m hearing is bwuk-bwuk-bwuk.”
  14. “A good general always leads from the rear, he is knowledgeable about the composition of the troops and many other strategic minutia besides, and thus his capture will surely spell doom for the campaign.”
  15. >”That’s what I thought. Can’t believe you tricked Dash into this. Mastermind my flank. Anything original in there?”
  16. “Only the mind of a man has great value. You act as though the physical strength of one man can divert rivers, raze forests, destroy walls. It cannot. One mind can divert rivers, raze forests, destroy walls. The strength of one great man cannot be shared. The thoughts of a single mind can drive a million men. The mind of a single great man can determine victory.”
  17. >”Un-be-lievable.”
  18. “For real though I’ll fuck your shit right up.” you bluster, dropping a handful of bits to cover your drinks.
  19. Hopping off the stool, you gesture for her to follow.
  20. “So where do you want to throw down? Outside a building’s a bad place, too easy to get interrupted.”
  21. >”There’s a clearing I spotted near the Everfree, we won’t have to worry about somepony cleaning up your blood over there. It’s pretty far from the hospital though, they might not make it in time to save you.
  22. “tch.” you retort, “when seconds count, help’s only minutes away. Nothing special out there.”
  23. >She doesn’t reply, and soon you’re standing in an isolated patch of grass with nopony in earshot.
  24. >”You ready to bleed, big guy?”
  25. “Take those sunglasses off. They look fragile, and I’d hate to explain to Dash how I blinded her boss. If you’re worried I’ll play dirty you can borrow these. They’re shatterproof, but they’re Dash’s, so I’ll need them back when I’m done.”
  26. >She whips her shades off and tucks them under a wing, accepting the hypnogoggles.
  27. >”These look a little bulky.”
  28. “They seal a lot better than yours. Getting dirt in your eyes makes it hard to fight. I don’t want you to have any excuse to tell when I haul you broken body to Redheart.”
  29. >”Alright, you’ve convinced me.” she admits, starting to adjust them. “On the cou-ow! What the buck!”
  30. “These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.” you quote, as the goggles flash to life.
  31. >”Bucking underhanded son of a... what’s this do, make me-nnngh-dizzy?” she challenges, trying to work her wings under the visor's edge, “sorry to disappoint, but I’m dizzitron qualified.”
  32. “I win.”
  33. >”You… hah? What is… no!”
  34. “You look so tense. Don’t you want to relax?”
  35. >”Nggggh! No! I won’t… submit… to you.”
  36. “Why not? Won’t it be so nice, not worrying about anything? No responsibilities?”
  37. >”I… you did this to… to Rainbow…”
  38. “You came so highly recommended.”
  39. >”She… no, gotta… gotta warn…”
  40. “Warn who? Twilight? She’s my best friend now, thanks to those goggles.”
  41. >”No, can’t…”
  42. “Dash too. And Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, and a bunch of other ponies. You'll get to meet them all soon enough. Do tell, master strategist, how are you going to fight the elements?”
  43. >”I… but…”
  44. “You’ve lost. You lost months ago, the moment I captured Dash. You lost, you just didn’t know it yet. Admit it.”
  45. >“…lost…”
  46. ”And now I’m going to do you a favour. I’m going to make your life so much easier. You don’t need to worry about what your team thinks, or what Celestia thinks, or what the public thinks.”
  47. >”no… thinking…”
  48. “That’s right, just leave all the thinking to me. I *am* the master strategist after all. But you can just call me master.”
  49. >By now she’s thoroughly cooked, completely relaxed and staring through the brush into the distance.
  50. “Who am I? Say it.”
  51. >”Master.” she quickly replies.
  52. “Good, glad we understand each other.”
  53. >You walk over-
  54. >She’s lunging at you!
  55. >Pushing off to the side, you flop onto the ground, Spitfire’s uncoordinated tackle passing through where your midsection was moments ago.
  56. >She collapses and slides to a halt, not moving.
  57. >You push yourself up, and walk over *again*, this time careful to stay out of range of any potential attacks.
  58. “The fuck was that?” you shout, kicking her in the ribs.
  59. >”Ooof! Told you I was *kaff* dizzitron qualified. Get closer, freak.”
  60. >You see her rear legs tense, ready to do *something*, so you decide to do the one thing she can’t be expecting. You cautiously take a few steps back, pick up a branch from the ground, and with an overhand swing savagely bring it down on her like a folding metal chair, snapping it in two.
  61. >She’s shouting in pain now, time for the finisher.
  62. >You lean forward and tilt your torso, dropping onto her and driving the air from her lungs.
  63. >You wrap her in a bear hug to immobilize her wings, leaning back to avoid her head. She thrashes for a good thirty seconds, before finally growing still.
  64. >You’re going to have to do something, but you have the tiger by the tail right now. If you-
  65. >”Mind blanked. Ready for orders.”
  66. >Huh. That was easy. You were expecting it to be harder, somehow; needing a clever way to edge her until she gave in, or maybe some twisty logic to confuse her scrambled brain into submitting, or something. You almost feel robbed.
  67. >All’s well that ends well, though. Time for some mental editing.
  68. “Your clit and cunt are hypersensitive, and wearing your uniform will make you feel like someone’s playing with them on top of any real sensation from the suit touching them.”
  69. >”Thank you master.”
  70. “You won’t be able to stop winking when you’re wearing any kind of clothing.”
  71. >”Thank you master.” she repeats, as her clit starts to visibly mush itself against the inside of her skintight jumpsuit.
  72. “Your feathers and wings will feel just as hypersensitive as your clit, and touching them or flying will feel just as good.”
  73. >”Thank you master.”
  74. “You don’t have to keep saying that. Also, you won’t tell anyone about this, and you will obey any orders I give you and won’t look for any loopholes in my commands, and even if you find any you won’t exploit them.”
  75. >She nods.
  76. “Don’t act toward resisting or harming me.”
  77. >Another nod.
  78. “Obey any orders I give you. Alright, I’m done. Wake up.”
  79. >She jolts, and then stills.
  80. >New rule, wait for them to echo that notice from the hypnogear before you let your guard down. Good thing you learned that now, before you tried the same thing on Celestia and got vaporized or something.
  81. >And on that note, time to make sure she’s not somehow faking it, again. You have just the trick in mind.
  82. “Spitfire, come.”
  83. >”Aaahhhn!”
  84. >She tenses up, and then shivers as an orgasm runs through her.
  85. “Come.”
  86. >”Haaaaaahhh!”
  87. >Another one.
  88. “Come.”
  89. >”Haaaah! Haahnnn!”
  90. >Definitely not faking. At this point you’re certain she’s yours, but you’re simply having too much fun to stop.
  91. “Harder. Come.”
  92. >She squeezes her eyes closed.
  93. >”Hah! Huff! Hunnngg!”
  94. “Harder. Come.”
  95. >”Hahff! Haf! Hnnnnngg!”
  96. “Harder. Come.”
  97. >”Hf! Hf! Huh! Hnnnnnghhhh!”
  98. >You let go of her and stand up. She’s absolutely soaked, her body is still twitching, and she's torn her flight suit open.
  99. “Harder. Come.”
  100. >”Nnng-Guh! Haf! Huhnggggggh!”
  101. >She’s thrashing on the ground, wings beating erratically.
  102. “Hard as you can. Come.”
  103. >”GHAAAA! Hlkkk! Hlk! HAAAA!”
  104. “Again. Come. Come. Come. Come Come Come Come Come. Come.”
  105. >She’s making all *sorts* of interesting noises, entire body switching between lightning-bolt-rigid and epileptic seizure, her cunt spasming and clit held out in a continual wink as it throbs.
  106. >Leaning down to remove the goggles, you notice she's starting to calm back down.
  107. “Just keep coming, hard as you can.” you order, "I'll tell you when to stop."
  108. >Her breath is coming in broken gasps, leaving in squeals and huffs.
  109. “No blacking out.” you add conversationally, noticing her body starting to relax before it snaps back to motion at your order.
  110. >It’s a bit tricky with all the movement, but you finally get them off her.
  111. >She’s screwed her eyes shut, tears streaming from them, face locked in a rictus of overstimulation.
  112. “Open up your eyes.”
  113. >They’re wild and unfocused, darting around, staring at nothing as she shakes and bucks, howling and gasping for air.
  114. “Look at me.”
  115. >They lock on to you, as best they can.
  116. “Remember this feeling, how incredible it is. Any time you’re masturbating or having sex, you're not going to be able to enjoy it. You're going to be focused on how much better this feels, right now.”
  117. >You see despair fill her eyes, as if she can tell what you're about to say next.
  118. “You’re not allowed to come from anything unless I order you to. You’re not allowed to calm down if you get aroused either. You're going to be stuck there, that much closer to the edge, with no way back down."
  119. >She’s crying even harder now.
  120. “Stop coming.”
  121. >She goes completely limp, overwhelmed and unable to draw the energy to do more than lay there and gasp.
  122. “If you bring me somepony who trusts you and help me hypnotize them, I’ll flip a coin. Heads, you get to come. Probably. Tails, you don’t, you go get another pony and we try again. Sound fair?”
  123. >There’s no response.
  124. “No rush” you call out to her as you walk away, “just whenever you’re feeling like it.”

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