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Spitfire Hypno (Pt. 2)

By whinny
Created: 2022-07-06 10:02:07
Updated: 2022-07-06 10:06:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Continued from another prompt:
  2. Thread image: [ Smug Dash ]( )
  3. >Heh! Don't look so glum, Spitfire! I'll be taking over for you as captain of the Wonderbolts now that your... hehehe... 'health' won't allow you to fly like you used to. Hehehe. And we might have new standard issue flight goggles soon!
  4. >Don't look at me like that. It's better to have somepony who's one of Master's actual slaves holding an important station, rather than just somepony who's been mind-fucked by him.
  5. >And you'll see that getting ponies you like mind-fucked or enslaved by master feels soooooo good. Hehehe. Master always fucks me whenever I'm a good girl and screw over somepony I like. We're both gonna come soooooo hard tonight, thinking that he did the same thing to your brain that he's gonna do to my pussy!
  6. >Hehehe... you know, if that's any consolation.
  8. Thread image: [ Spitfire in a ripped flight suit, exhausted and aroused ]( )
  9. >“You lost.” That’s been running through your head for the past month.
  10. >Not literally, not from any kind of hypnosis, not directly.
  11. >You’re surrounded by reminders.
  12. >You lost your position as the commander of the wonderbolts, Dash “temporarily” taking over for you while you “recovered” from whatever medical condition saw you “plummet out of the sky” on the way back to the Academy.
  13. >You lost your flight, the whorls of wind passing over your feathers, every band of muscle flexing and rolling in your wings like spikes of pleasure. You had to stop flapping and glide, or you would have lost control by the time you were there, and gliding wasn’t much better.
  14. >You lost your dignity, hoping only your flight suit would drive you up the wall with imagined carresses, and it had at first. But as you were changing into your standard uniform, you realized he hadn’t actually specified *what* uniform, and that almost felt like a loophole. And then you felt the ghostly touch of someone pinching your clit and licking your lips again.
  15. >Every morning you had a choice.
  16. >Wear your waterproof, skintight flightsuit at the cost of even more pressure and sensation as it slid around on you, drawing attention to your clit as it bulged behind the latex-like material.
  17. >Put on your more formal clothing and avoid any real stimulation, but leave a small wet spot everywhere you sit, dripping strands onto the ground below you.
  18. >Or skip wearing anything at all in the back and bear just the hypnosis-induced stimulation, but show off both your audibly winking clit and your stiff nipples to everyone around.
  19. >You've ghosted your normal hangouts; casual sex was right out. You’d masturbated in your office once, that first morning, and it was a mistake you've tried desperately to avoid ever since. Your mind kept drifting back to the torrent of pleasure that he drowned you with as you came harder than ever before in your life, over and over and over, as the orgasms intensified until you could feel yourself straining muscles.
  20. >And how suddenly they weren’t slamming into you, it just didn’t stop, a wave of orgasm that ran together, building and building and building but never crashing, never stopping, never letting you back down as you shot into the stratosphere, unable to breathe.
  21. >And you couldn’t stop thinking about it, about how mind-breakingly strong it was. And how you couldn’t reach even a poor imitation of it, unable to finish from anything but his command.
  22. >Well, not entirely true. You could turn traitor, start to destroy the organization you built up over you long, hard, career and enslave a wonderbolt under your command. They would trustingly follow your orders to meet with him and try a prototype set of flight goggles, and then they would stop being a pony.
  23. >Maybe they would realize what was happening, and curse you. Maybe they wouldn’t figure out anything was wrong until it was too late, and there was just a new toy, not enough pony left to figure out much of anything.
  24. >And Celestia damn you, you’d been considering it a week in. You’d really been thinking about damning one of your Wonderbolts to a hell of their own, so you could get a moment of reprieve. You hated youself for it.
  25. >You lost your integrity. You were going to do it.
  26. >And then that morning Dash took that choice from you and hauled the entire team to Ponyville, without you of course due to your “condition”, for a practice session.
  27. >She came back, and you had to watch her masturbate in front of you, bragging about how smoothly each one was picked off and converted, like she was redeeming coupons. About how hard she came watching it happen.
  28. >It was infuriating. And sickeningly, you realized you were mad because she took that away from you. She stole your opportunity, betraying each and every one of your teammates before you could. Because you *were* going to. You both knew that.
  29. >She just thought it was funny to do it faster than you.
  30. >So now here you are, a hot and sweaty mess, frantically masturbating in the Cloudsdale College locker room while the rest of the team is out there doing meet-and-greets and officiating the second day of competitions.
  31. >Competitions you proposed, competitions that are going to be held all across Equestria, to select the most talented fliers available for the newly formed Junior Wonderbolts. To select the most talented fliers available for him to enslave their minds.
  32. >Yesterday you took the first place winner to lunch with you, as a prize. In Ponyville of course. She told you how you inspired her to fly competitively, that you were her role model, that her dream was to one day join the Wonderbolts. When she grew up, she wanted to be just like you.
  33. >You felt sick.
  34. >You were tense the whole way there, worried she’d notice something was wrong. She didn’t. Not even after it was too late. She trusted you that much, couldn’t believe for a moment that her lifelong hero had thrown her to the timberwolves for a coin flip at an orgasm.
  35. >"It must have been a mistake" she kept claiming, as he claimed her mind.
  36. >It was tails.
  37. >You can’t come. You need to come. You need to work yourself up, get so obsessed with it that you can push yourself to go through with this. To guide pegasi that idolize you straight to him. To betray them. To watch as he destroys them, hollows them out and leaves their shells.
  38. >You can't handle another tails.
  39. >You'll take ten with you from now on, just to be safe.
  40. >You need to come, you need to come, you need to come. Don’t think, walk out there and tell them that they’re all in, and the first mission is a traditional flight to Ponyville for a team bonding exercise. It’ll be tradition soon enough, at least.
  41. >You frantically rub yourself, and let the memory of endless pleasure flood back into your body.
  42. >You want to come.
  43. >…
  44. >You need to come.
  45. >…
  46. >You have to come.

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