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Bulletin Board

By PonyStrangler
Created: 2022-08-05 05:38:16
Updated: 2024-08-29 08:41:48
Expiry: Never

  3. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4. ATTENTION ALL OPERATORS: all pertinent post-Operation or event information should be recorded here. Lately there have been a number of gaps in information, so if an Operation has been completed, write out as many details as you can remember and post it here. -Jeff
  8. *****
  9. Dated Septimber 38th, 29,998, the following is written in a hard edged, crisp Canterlotlian style of Common Equestrian:
  10. “I may not like humans on a ponial basis due to the clusterfucks that occurred after a human killed himself in front of the College, but I not willing to let certain events ‘play out as they might’.
  12. This is a DIRECT MILITARY BOUNTY NOTICE applicable to all Razorback Operators or ponies, and all hired Razorback-hired marecenaries. In case some of you do not know what this means: the Rogue’s Circle, NOT the Rogue Elites, are all declared to be VALID TIME TIME PONINEL, and are NO LONGER ABLE to be protected by any faction’s laws. They are free game, in short.
  14. There is a 500 Bit reward for EACH confirmed piece of information related to the death of Fankil, real name: Fang Killer, a Starborn Nightblade, born on Luna’s Citadel.
  15. We know a Psion was likely responsible for his death, but due to A CERTAIN PARTY NOT TELLING US ANYTHING VALID FOR MONTHS, that trail may be entirely worthless to continue tracing.
  16. There is still a 50,000 Bit reward for the confirmed delivery or execution of Fankil’s assassin; evidence will be NEEDED to prove such.
  18. There is a 1,000 Bit reward for ALL information regarding items and objects sold by Lucky (last name unknown), former Matron of Las Pegasus.
  19. Yes, this includes both the second-formerly named Lucky, a black pegasus stallion owner of the Rogue’s Circle (last name unknown), whom was the sire of Matron Lucky.
  20. The legality of somepony or human having bought an illegal item isn’t in my jurisdiction.
  22. There is also a 1,000 Bit reward for each piece of verified information on ANY AND ALL illegal actions taken by Rogue’s Circle members, affiliates, and outliers, current or former. This includes the unknown Razorback Operator acting as a guard for Las Pegasus’ Auction Hall.
  25. As a side note: the entire Solar Council, General Keldon, half the Canterlot Judges, most of the upper Day and Honor Guard’s officers, part of the Lunar Council, and a whole host of others are massively pissed off at Razorback.
  26. Some of them think Razorback was knowingly smuggling ‘something’ they won’t talk about. I don’t have time to investigate whatever that was right now, and probably won’t for the next ten years, so you all had best think carefully on what to do.
  28. There is a newly accepted 2,000 Bit reward for any and all verified information on specific actions taken by the upper and ruling Circle of Wards members from the Crystal Empire. They are also free game, but I would much prefer live capture: 5,000 Bit reward each, only 2,000 Bits deceased.
  29. Don’t screw with the traveling or Free Wards, they are NOT involved with whatever has or is happening in the Crystal Empire.
  33. 10,000 Bit reward for the delivery of one Mist Dancer, a former Honor Guard at the rank of Chief of Support (Commarender) for Captain Keldon’s first unit. She has been sentenced guilty in both Canterlot and on the Starborn Citadel, there are at least ten pages of crimes on her neck.
  34. PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES: moderate for the most part. Mist Dancer has extensive training in the unicorn martial art known as Silent Path; watch out for takedowns, bodyslams, and stuns. No real weaknesses otherwise; she is equivalent to a Day Guard Warrior.
  35. MARENTAL CAPABILITIES: rather high. Mist Dancer is a stunted Master-rank Psion of moderate proficiency; she can only utilize kinetic shards, weapons, or forceful effects out to 50 meters. However, she is incapable of marental Psionic usage; likewise: illusions and marental effects are useless to attempt against her.
  36. MAGICAL CAPABILITIES: Mist Dancer has EXTREME PROFICIENCIES with shielding and native Elemarentals, excepting Void which she has moderate difficulty utilizing more than once per minute. She is capable of a wide variety of known spells: everything from a simple bolt to matter disintegration. Do NOT underestimate her in the slightest.
  37. NOTABLE WEAKNESSES: Mist Dancer is defenseless against batpony-styled blood magic, same with Ethereal and Rime Elemarentals; all are highly effective. Offensive Planar, Spectral, and Undead enchantmarents have good effect.
  38. WARNING: do NOT use Eldritch enchantmarents in her vicinity. You have been warned.
  40. Don’t fuck me on this one, Razorback. I will ponifally dig a hole straight to Tartarus and dump every last Operator in there should a single one of you even remotely aid her in fleeing from justice.”
  41. -Valden
  44. *****
  45. "I'm only going to deliver this information for team leaders and VIP's to use. If you are an FNG, Rookie, or Recruit, you may ONLY read up to the underscored line.
  47. Past midnight (dated Septimber 37th, 29,998), a Construct attacked the Fortress starting from north of the Library, yet another variant but this one had tons of weapons. It was fully able to overwhelm Captain Kitang, an Elite Honor Guard, in less than 25 seconds. Currently Kitang is being treated in the Honor Guard camp for extensive burns and multiple fractures. She's very happy about helping kill it; refuses to share why exactly.
  48. The tactic that specific Construct utilized was essentially becoming a chainsaw, but with the ‘chain’ covered in guns. It had a 'ring' rotating the weapons around it, capable of accurately firing at multiple targets in both close and medium range. I guess someone was holding it off and damaging the weapons up close. You did a good job from what I hear, but please don't ever take another risk like that again.
  49. While the Construct was going after whomever was at the Library, it was also trying to hack the Master Radio. Lonestar and myself were barely keeping it from accessing those multi-somethings that Spiral placed in all the big cities. Then at one point it did gain access; Lone said it had direct connection with them for nearly a minute but it wasn't able to actually do anything with said access.
  50. Worst part is it took a LOT of firepower to bring down. This new guy, a Tempastus Psion? Tempasta? Temp-something else but I don't think he's actually a psion-kind-of-psion, called for everyone off duty to fire when it tried some kind of air maneuver. Took some damage doing that, must've realized it would've really been shredded if it tried that again.
  51. When it landed Naliyna stormed out and tangled with it some, we missed that part due to a 'neutronic warhead'. I don't know the names of everyone that piled on it, sorry if I missed out."
  52. -Emerald
  54. See this line? Stop reading here, this is NOT for you. I will have Denra force you to sit and hear one of Tipper's infamous shared lectures.
  55. The circumstances behind the Construct being here are due to an honest lack of information available on their mixed biology and mechanical characteristics. What we can confirm is this:
  56. Constructs are able to FULLY SELF REPAIR from the ORANGE LIQUID contained inside their hull.
  57. The ORANGE LIQUID is capable of generating, growing, and repairing ALL of a Construct’s weapons, armor, and other systems.
  58. The ORANGE LIQUID may actually be the 'Construct' itself. According to a report from one of our own: a tiny amount was able to generate a MARBLE SIZED, FULLY ARMED, MISSILE-CARRYING Construct. Don't let even a single drop out of your sight!
  59. Lone states that high explosives will not work as those will scatter the liquid and make the job of destroying all the bits or pieces much harder, so use extremely thorough incendiaries or destructive enchantments.
  60. I really wish my world had developed plasma weapons or something more useful than a stupid giant rail gun to launch satellites into orbit.
  62. IF YOU ARE A TEAM LEADER OR VIP and need more info, come talk to me, and ONLY me."
  63. -Emerald
  65. *****
  66. "Attention to all humans: due to recent reports, all forms and manners of travel are ill-advised unless the route chosen is scouted by the Vortex Remnant in advance to properly prepare for any threat detected.
  67. I repeat: All travel is ill-advised unless the Vortex Remnant scouts ahead."
  68. -Jose Gallo
  70. "A bit more information: Naliyna was delivered some notice a couple hours past midnight or so. Bunch of giant sapient raptors; hawks, eagles, falcons, owls, and others, the size of touring buses or bigger, all clad in some kind of old metallic armor, are targeting wide open regions: plains, highland deserts, ice plains, lowland hills, mountains slopes, that sort.
  71. Good news is they're too large to move about safely or effectively in forests and they don't have magic so far as anypony knows. Some of Equestria banded together and destroyed them four to five thousand years ago. In particular the Crystal ponies hate them, and the Conclaves absolutely despise them; might make a few allies there?
  72. These things have either returned from hiding or *elsewhere*. Sources say that they absolutely will not negotiate, they see everything that moves as prey.
  73. I hate to say this people, but.. kill them on sight."
  74. -Emerald
  76. “Got some information here, don’t know if any of this will help much especially since we do not have access to Crystal Kingdom archives.
  77. The variety of species called ‘Shrikes’ are clustered into a number of raptoric, read this as: avian-likes, with terms the Conclave Crystal ponies primarily used as military designations:
  78. -Warfalcons are extremely common, a little smaller, faster, more agile, and way more fragile than most. Around the size of an 8-man military SUV.
  79. -Blaze Peregrines are highly rare, incredibly fast dive ambushers, fragile though. Like a quad engined cigar boat size but faster.
  80. -Ultra-Peregrines are only noted in a couple of records. Insanely fast giants that swoop in and streak out. Double decker touring bus sized.
  81. -Blood Eagles might be commanders, they weren’t seen much. Their armor was always ‘painted’. Double decker touring bus sized.
  82. -Bone Hawks aren’t recorded outside of a few sieges, they function as a living giant battering ram covered in- no, I ain’t writing that here. Double decker touring bus sized.
  83. -Void Owls are a cross between shock troopers and special forces: stealth and ambush assassins. Definitely not fragile but their armor is considered weaker than others. Size unknown, probably an 8-wheel truck.
  84. -Black Hawks are probably scouts and assassins, about the size of a 6-wheel truck. Can’t find much on them other than coloration.
  86. There are at least 50 more variations of Shrikes but I can’t find much else on them. Our Library has virtually nothing from the Empire, Kingdom, or Conclaves, outside of what Naliyna was able to buy and bring in on her own.”
  87. -Emerald
  89. *****
  90. "So, I used a wish disk Anon gave me to summon the SOLG, or Strategic Orbital Linear Gun. This is a orbital weapons platform used for ground strikes. Granted, it's really smaller than its original variant but nonetheless powerful. But upon summoning it, a Planar Construct decided it was a good idea to attack it, causing the satellite to react with its defenses.
  91. Even now at the time this note was written, the SOLG is continuing to defend itself and is trying to bring its mass driver to bear. But the presence of this Construct may have dire consequences, since it now means the Constructs know we are here, and that we are hostile."
  92. -Clemency
  94. Written below in the stuffy, no-nonsense Common Equestrian of Hodch's hoofwork:
  95. "Several of the Lunar Council viewed the incident you describe from inside Luna's Observatory, shortly before the Citadel was assaulted. And to be brief: that was not a probing assault, it was a full scale invasion.
  96. The cube this 'SOLG' of yours stood off against? It was not ‘just' some simple variant, Clemency: that is an astoundingly archaic model that was, in the 29,800's, deemed 'The Surviving Continental Invasion/Ground Support Carrier', by the Minotaur Triarchadt. I've added the ‘/’ due to the fact that one was known as the 'Invasion' model, is a specific variation which carried a ridiculous amount of large support weaponry.
  97. The 'Ground Support' model, thankfully destroyed, deployed vast swarms of Assault Carriers, similar to human landing vessels, and delivered numerous large scale weaponized pairs, notably the earliest Argus-type models and related tactical variants.
  98. Whichever weapon caused damage to the Invasion model, I highly suggest keeping that reserve and ready to activate at any noteworthy actions it takes.
  100. Reference #1: I am unable to provide an estimate of how large the Invasion Carrier is, though the pair of large Carriers defending it are roughly five times the largest dreadnaughts of most human worlds, according to Bubba. At a calculated guess a total mass is approximately one million of your standard tons.
  102. Reference #2: the pair of Constructs guarding it have been semi-confirmed to be an older model of Staging Assault/Air Control Carriers, not known for any specific advantages or disadvantages, other than featuring an extensive, wide spread of weaponry.
  103. Thank Luna both of them lack particle whips, though make up for that with greater usage of more esoteric, little seen or understood long ranged weapons, and have a variety of unusual close ranged defensive systems.
  104. The smaller Constructs they can deploy will be from the 24,000's to 26,000's, probably similar to the Scout/Sentry Hybrid model encountered in Skykeep.
  106. Reference #3: good news is that cube may be the last Continental Invasion Carrier. It has not been seen since a halted invasion of the Minotaur Hegemony around 29,360; unfortunately the Lunar Lorekeeper records have not yet pinpointed an exact year or decade.
  107. The Continentals began launching defense pairs and orienting as if to attack Central Stone Keep, only to cease, recover all smaller Constructs, then enact whatever it is they do to leave. Bad news is it will begin repairing itself soon, no idea what to do there.
  109. Reference #4: before the Early Dynasty was even a thought, a navy, of sorts, comprised entirely of Extra-Planar and Othwerorld Harpies, began large scale, near fully automated production of aerial-exoatmospheric vessels, similar to the submarines I've taken some notes of from Bubba and Lonestar.
  110. However, their technologies were degraded more so than what the average human experiences. Each set of accounts differ: they either forcefully integrated or learned how to incorporate common, magical, mystical, and exotic, for them, materials to fashion prototype weapons based off their own.
  111. In those attempts to overpower the much earlier Construct models there were notable successes, hence the few ruins of early cities across much of Southern Equestria, though the Harpies’ numbers were exceedingly low and are thought to be extinct. That is, outside of a few hulks resting on the Dark Side of the Moon.
  113. Reference #5: a few translated records, unfortunately not yet in widespread circulation, seem to indicate that the Planar and Otherworldly Harpies had greater success in destroying larger numbers of Continental Carriers, as the Era Lock did not affect them severely.
  114. It is unknown what losses the Constructs took, however the Planar Harpies suffered extensive civil depopulation and loss of material; presumably the Otherworld Harpies did as well.
  115. What we call manabombs were created by the Planar variations, and at that time the knowledge to develop them was widespread. I can only speculate that those original versions were considerably more potent, cheaper to produce, simpler to deploy, and less finicky.
  117. I have dispatched notices to multiple Starborn allies in other states of existence. They will search for every scrap of archived or relevant information on Continental Carriers. Doing so will take time that is now running short."
  119. Immediately below this one is Lonestar's sloppy writing:
  120. "TO ALL OF RAZORBACK: if any of you request something that can pound through at minimum 3 inches of hardened steel, do so, right now, soon as you see this. Don't bother with weaponry that has low confirmed penetration capabilities.
  121. Best option: High Velocity Armor Penetrating/Explosive
  122. Second best: Armor Penetrating High Explosive
  123. Potentially useful: Armor Penetrating-EMP
  124. I've got a few systems in mind but nothing that went beyond prototype stages on my world, and none of those were portable."
  126. *****
  127. "Fair tidings compatriots! No doubt thou hast taken note of the condition of both Lady's Gale and Fluer. However, this horribly unfortunate turn of events comes not without some gain!
  128. In our search for Lady Fluer, Ivan, Gale and myself had all been taken into some strange realm by an equally ponderous mechanism, located in some forgotten hole deep within the Everfree.
  129. This realm, being almost entirely made of some strange red material and in many ways fully animate, was not the strangest thing, however.
  130. After fighting our way out of this place, we found later to be known possibly as the 'sanfoo-ill-leach-ah,' we had arrived at some strange and long-abandoned fortress! Events followed quickly - a flood threatened to demolish the structure from the mountains, and the entire fortress lifted itself skyward!
  131. A flying fortress, friends! Within the foreboding walls, Ivan and I came upon a grand library. It would appear that the fortress once belonged to an organization known as the 'United Regions Alliance.' Ivan also managed to recover volumes with detailed information on those mechanical horrors - Constructs, I believe.
  132. Unfortunately, many foul events occurred, most importantly the appearance of a great and terrible flying creature, which we presume to be a Construct, based upon its metallic voice, terrible light-beam weapon, and wholly metal-made claw.
  133. A guardian of some kind. We were unable to destroy the monstrosity, or acquire a good view of its form, as the elks had already sustained great damage. It may still lurk in the shadows of the snowy mountains, so take great caution if any of ye find yourselves venturing fourth in that direction!
  134. I shall be placing the information I had recovered on the URA and this fortress within our library - I imagine Ivan will do the same with his volumes on constructs."
  135. -Indurian
  137. *****
  138. "Hi Razorback! Most of you don't know me, name's Katyal Alvugarde from Saddle Snootrabiesya, and it's probably best if we don't cross paths too often since somepony or two might get jealous. Anyhow, listen up! (You mean, 'read up' -Emerald)
  139. Got some weirdly bad good news: Las Pegasus was attacked by some gold pegasus every pony wants to get their hooves on. In the bad way, of course.
  140. Lucky apparently threw a huge party with all the drugs, booze, whatever else she could find. During this time that Goldihocks pegasus brought a bunch of Watch Guard and Councilierge with her to the Undercity which pretty much surrendered on sight. She ordered all of the city sections that only the Rogues were using to be dropped. As in, dropped to the ground. Killed most, but I shouldn't even have to say that, even though I just did!
  141. Anyhow, they told the Rogue Elites some interesting stuff before dropping the clouds. They hit the ground running and started arresting every Rogue Circle pony that could stand. Any that resisted? Killed execution style. If any of you know the transporter next to the train tracks the Councilierge were using it heavily, must've sent hundreds to Stalliongrad. Gold pony took a lot of loot too, supposedly items that were stolen from all over.
  142. Overheard the new Rogue Elite Matron talking about a human and Gryphon showing up to go after Goldihocks.. yes I'm gonna keep using that name. They did quite a bit of damage to the Councilierge and Watch Guard, were willing to die keeping Goldihocks safe. Didn't hurt her much, who knows why. Reports are sketchy but the Gryphon did something real bad to Goldihocks, had to be carried off by a real bruiser Shieldmare pack. Herd. Packherd? Whatever.
  143. Lucky escaped since her bar was surrounded by a market and houses for pegasus residents. She was running a pretty nasty black market ring out the back with a few transporters hidden in the cloud stuffs, took a bunch of Rogues and loot with her."
  144. The good news is nopony in Las Pegasus except the Rogues were hurt. A few were roughed up for sure, no injuries or torture were been reported. Gotta keep the rest of this secret until I've been told it's safe to spill all the beans.
  145. P.S.: here's a little secret: find Goldihocks WITHOUT hurting her and turn her over to a pony named Crystal Stamp in the Dragonspines. Undercover pegasus of some kind. She really wants Goldihocks bad."
  147. Pinned underneath is a short message written on an odd, half torn off sheet of thick gray-white paper, looking rather similar to reed parchment. Either shaky, or possibly unused to Common Equestrian writing, the scrawling blocky style isn't one any of Razorback's human staff, or allied ponies, has seen before:
  148. "Might be hiding out somewhere she can get lost among a bunch of pegasi, definitely not in cloud cities"
  150. Underneath this is Torven's mostly legible Common Equestrian:
  151. "Perlann, your writing is worse than mine"
  153. *****
  154. "In response to Keldon's Request posted onto the Bulletin Board, I and Hodch's cat, Nibbles, have paid a visit to the Star Court in the Crystal Empire to discuss negotiations for providing a supply line to his army as it is preparing to move through Neighvada.
  155. While negotiation is not my strong suit, and it did get hard and confusing during the talks, Duchess Celery Souffle, the representative for the Star Court, has worked out a deal.
  156. She will provide a lifeline to Keldon's army, whatever it means she will provide them food or gruel, it will keep them afloat. In exchange, Razorback Fortress will need to provide intermittent discoveries of any sort, as long as it will provide them a monetary gain.
  157. We will be provided a grace period but as long as they get their innovation, they will uphold their bargain.
  159. -Clemency
  161. *****
  162. "Emily, Ivan, Fuoco, Cu'Nir and I encountered something noteworthy during a hunt in the Everfree - whether or not it was the prey we were after, we came across a large creature comprised of body parts from numerous ponies/horses, as if some kind of patchwork centipede, the heads all working as one large mouth at the front.
  163. This could very well be something not natural, possibly the result of experimentation or something like that. One of you will probably have more accurate thoughts on the matter than I. Just be aware that more things like it could potentially be out there.
  164. P.S. Phoenixes HATE the Void. So, uh, keep that in mind if you ever meet one and don't feel like being roasted.
  165. P.S.S. Due to a wish disc proving useless (again), there's now a projector in the Command Center, should you ever somehow get your hands on some film reels. Technically mine, but do what you like with it, I don't give a toss.
  166. P.S.S.S. Found that old pack of fags I got on the train...yeah, bad memories for all involved. I don't smoke, so feel free to take them, sitting in the Command Center too, for anyone who wants them."
  167. -Simon
  169. *****
  170. "Celestia contacted Razorback a few nights ago, wanting to tell us she was ambushed by Royal Guards in Canterlot. Her escorting Honour/Day Guards along with herself killing them off, not without some wounded and fatalities of their own.
  171. At the time was en route to a council consisting of the Canterlot Nobility, to see if she'll get their support. Depending on the outcome expect contracts coming in for us to operate in Canterlot city. Update on situation status pending still." -Lont
  173. "Got bad news for you Lont: that's a Sunglobe copy. If it tries to contact you again keep it occupied and let Denra know where it is"
  174. -Captain Marble Leaf
  178. *****
  179. "After a mission into the heart of Stalliongrad, Stream Lark and Pear Blossom are now in our custody. They are being held at the Enclave for interrogation BUT I would not recommend intervening with the interrogation party.
  180. Pear Blossom's marension is damaged due to Novus' handiwork and the Empire's Wards has lost a backer, who was Stream Lark. Our hire, Rua Longstresses, is nowhere to be found due to a translocation mistake(?)
  181. Flow of money has been disrupted in Stalliongrad and a message is sent to the Councilierge in this attack. Expect Councilierge psions to be looking for us. Three other important Councilierge leaders were at the auction among others due to the fact they have outbid the others.
  182. After initial attempt at attacking, they were warned to leave the Councilierge. Other bidders left. Multiple guards where present, as expected, but Lark's guards were mind wiped, probably for obedience. The mind wiped guards were killed by Rua.
  183. Weapons, armor, relics, and slaves acquired are a crystal mare, Crown of the Ark Viper, Wyre Drake's Core, Sigil of the Dusk Striders, Northern Star of the Empire, and a Biteblade that I can't remember.
  184. The nature of the translocation mistake is sensitive and probably shouldn't be told.
  185. In addition, several Saddle Arabian rugs, crates of food, and seven servant contracts were acquired, the contracts being 3 pegasi, 1 Crystal pony, 1 unicorn, 1 batpony, and 1 Saddle Arabian. They are all fillies (last one is a colt).
  186. Also, I summoned the green masked human from a door that saved our ass.
  187. Also, he might have PTSD. Someone help him. Give him a hug."
  188. -Clemency
  190. "Can confirm, he's a real downer right now." -Emerald
  192. *****
  193. “Questioning of former Councilierge Captain Lejura in progress. Disclosure available upon request.”
  194. -Paredolia
  196. *****
  197. "Saddle Arabian mare Lejura recovered verily from a D.M.M.C. installation. Possesses knowledge of Councilierge. If ye wish to speak with Lejura, recommended that food is procured forthwith.”
  198. Underneath this, he posts in smaller text:
  199. “Additionally, if any know or hear word of the fate of the D.M.M.C. team which greatly assisted in the rescue mission, please relay such to Sirs Torven, Bubba, Pareidolia, Novus and Indurian, as well as [REDACTED].'"
  200. -Indurian
  202. Below this one is a short scrawl from Torven:
  203. "Nothing yet? At all? I've checked at least ten times now, all translocations to big towns or cities in Dragonspine Mountains are working. That was a huge storm sure, but there's no reason they would shut down everything. Anyone or anypony know a place with a Dragon Vigilant presence please let me know, I'll be in the Command Center"
  205. *****
  206. "Shortly after the celebration at the Enclave, an orb termed the ‘Spirit Core’ entered the Fortress and communicated with the Ice Core which left its perch in the mess hall.
  207. It claimed to be sharing information with others of its kind pertaining to the recent instability in Equestria.
  208. It then took the translocation stone towards Canterlot."
  209. -Pareidolia
  211. -Penned under the above is a short snippet from Captain Marble Leaf:
  212. "One of THEM came here? Of all the worst luck. Sorry to any expecting a poker game tonight and the next few. Don't expect me back until I get face-to-face with an old friend."
  214. *****
  215. "Ri'Vahz and I were involved in repelling a Councilierge attack on Las Pegasus. Linara was sighted and engaged in the fighting but escaped.
  216. She is in possession of very powerful abilities, beyond the normal limits of what Psions and even Enchained can do. Ri'Vahz advises that information on her status and abilities is to be given to Twisted Wing and our allies.
  217. She should not be attacked without sufficient protection and/or manpower. She is not to be taken lightly under any circumstances, and is a top-priority target if it is safe to engage.
  218. I recommend you head to the Vale and stock up on Rune Soap Cubes before going on a mission where she is/may be present, namely the Silver Soap Cubes to potentially dampen her capabilities."
  219. -Simon
  221. *****
  222. "Me, Belltower, and Hodch recovered fifty geodes from an inhabited cave, yielding an unprecedented amount of gems. A damaged Rift Carrier Construct was recovered and brought back to the Fortress for examination and possible repair and reprogramming. Secured in Alpha Locker, so don't go asking to touch it!" -Jeff
  224. An addendum in neat, precise Common is written under Jeff's message:
  225. "Hodch here. I've had a great deal of experience with Constructs in the past two decades, specifically in altering basic unit protocols.
  226. Theoretically it is possible to take advantage of a Rift Carrier's abilities to open small technological gateways into the Rift itself, a process that I am unable to document due the difficult and often contradictory nature of Constructs.
  227. I've installed the Carrier into an enclosed environ within the Arena for this purpose as it is technically capable of dragging from one to six of the weakest Construct models out of the Rift, though I've little idea what or which exact models will be forcefully brought in.
  228. If someone, or somepony, wants to test this theory when I am available, simply let myself or Twisted Wing know."
  230. *****
  231. "Got sent to a Diamond Dog mine town called Boneyard, was resting place for a Moss-Wisp, some Ethereal plane being made of vines.
  232. Diamond Dogs didn't want to let it recover so they pissed it off with torches, fire seems effective on it.
  233. Called in a golem named 'Champion Belregard' that knows Cadence, need more info."
  234. -Twisted Wing
  236. Below Twisted's report:
  237. "Cadence is talking to Belregard, will get an update later on."
  238. "Ethereals are not an immediate threat to us, not unless they want to risk crossing Discord and the Sisters."
  239. >And in capital letters, which the tube of toffee conveniently wrote in bright red:
  241. -Lont
  243. *****
  244. "A former Honor Guard Commarender under the name of Claren has been presumed MIA; have been informed the earth pony mare has turned rogue and may not be able to be trusted any longer. Intel is vague.
  245. Has been said the former Commarender was searching for another mare, a spy, under the name of Meadow Breeze whom was sighted within Stalliongrad. She has information regarding the Councilierge and their ties to Horizon and the Tyrant.
  246. Description: a slender earth pony with a red mane, pink coat and green eyes. Scar on her forehead and a numerous amount of piercings on her ears and... genitals.
  247. Spoke with her not too long ago, requested by her to us in return for assistance and intel: Stalliongrad chemical supply company to be removed from the equation within the next week. Cannot be made public. Which means no poisoning the population or anyone! Twats!
  248. Rumors that some of the Councilierge are not all ponies. Species: unknown.
  250. The Canterlot Royalty have been said to be acting very suspicious. Their attempts on stalling the Canterlot treaty are presumed to be more than enough evidence. May have ties to the Councilierge; record any information gained and keep it safe until there is enough evidence to convict the guilty."
  251. -[REDACTED]
  253. “The mission I was putting together to take down Stalliongrad’s Alchemical/Chemical Supply Company has been scrapped as of Septimber 38th, 29,998. For that matter, the Tower Guard have warned us to stay out of Stalliongrad entirely under threats of things I’m NOT going to write here.”
  254. -Emerald
  256. *****
  257. UPDATE:
  258. "To any and all Operators: Exercise extreme caution when and if visiting the Vale. A group of large, armored Gryphons was found interrogating Corvren inside the Inn. As soon as the leader spotted me, he gave chase, identifying me as ‘one of them’. I can only assume that by ‘one of them’, he means human.
  259. They may have been investigating the Inn as a lead due to the fact I have visited before, but that was quite some time ago, so whoever they are, they must have had eyes on me for a long time.
  260. Until we find out who these gryphons are and what their intentions are, use caution, and if necessary, they are to be treated as hostile."
  261. -Simon
  263. *****
  264. UPDATE:
  265. "Itam/Etam mission complete.
  266. Though it wasn't what it seemed, as it appeared Zigri nor Shanis knew about the green armored Minotaur since they never mentioned it or the fact the area that myself, Pare, Kraut and Mothra (A new pony that is...a form of moth?) entered was actually an arena where we were aided by Dul the Siren.
  267. Yes, a Siren. An otherworldly pink/purple being. Maybe (definitely) Planar. For more info radio Pare."
  268. -Lont
  270. *****
  271. "Twisted, Jeff, Pare, Lont, Clemency, Hollow, and Thrill traveled to Kimer Volcano in Eyeraq to investigate the unnatural weather. The body of Frost Dragon King Gelvran was identified and secured. An impromptu fight between Constructs and another plane, the Vortex apparently, broke out prior to leaving. No surprise, there."
  273. A full report from Twisted Wing covers the rest:
  274. “Went back to Imeron checking on weather patterns, last time we were there it was only 3 hooves deep/1 foot, loose packed. This time snow was 12 hooves/4 feet deep, hard packed and coming down harder, direction from the south. Damned near an Empire blizzard.
  275. Triangulated weather patterns off a newly updated local map, figured it had to be Kimer Volcano since Imor is bigger and Oren is CURRENTLY inactive.
  276. Took Clemency for warmth and Lont for compass work south to the triple volcanoes. Made it halfway in about thirty minutes, stopped for an hour to nap and warm up. Yeah, me being tropical sucks.
  277. Reached the bottom of Kimer in 35 minutes, tried to use the damn Rift Eye to see the top. All I could locate was a pair of huge blue and white dragon wings wrapped around the peak, then the fucking thing scrambled my eyes for a while.
  278. Lont called Cadenza in to set up a camp, brought in Kraut and Hollow for extra eyes on. And yeah, just because I’m bigger don’t mean I can displace heat better.
  279. Tentatively identified as either Frost, Ice, or Blizzard Dragon; only know the second species, all are Otherworld or Planar.
  280. NOTE: most non-native dragons, Otherworld and Planar both, aren’t paranoid but they are damn careful since they’re few in number. If you run into one DO NOT PANIC, DON’T TRY TO FLEE, DON’T ACT BIGGER THAN YOU ARE, AND DON’T BE AGGRESSIVE.
  281. They WILL listen to reason and logic; if you’re nice enough they might even share knowledge.
  283. Moonbutt got in touch with the Elder Dragon Council about five minutes after we camped, took a while for them to vote. It was six to four; don’t know who voted no since it rarely matters.
  284. We were given FULL authority and rights to investigate the body and surrounding regions. Called in Jeff, Thrill, Mercy, and Pear (I know that ain’t your name but it’s a lot easier to say, sorry), made our way up to the peak to continue investigation.
  285. Jeff’s pad positively ID’d him as Frost King Gelvran, a Blizzard Dragon well known and loved for saving the lives of travelers throughout the Dragonspines, possibly even the Gryphon Kingdoms.
  286. Hollow stated something was able to pin the dragon down, almost execution style; there’s nothing left of the upper head to the neck; chest was a complete ruin. Not much COULD do that, only the biggest Construct Riftseekers or Planar Frost Rippers would have a chance, if they ambushed first and didn’t fuck up.
  287. Kraut got a recording of the wings: they’d been sliced off at the thinnest, weakest section which would be the connecting joint similar to those in a human’s shoulders. This don’t mean jack shit since NONE of you would survive retaliation from even a minute old dragon!
  289. Went off to interdict whichever dragon got sent to make recovery, turned out to Velkruz. Met him south of Kimer, told him our findings as they were coming over the radio. He wasn’t worried about the Vortex, in fact they have some huge trade deals with a bunch of the courier species in exchange for linguistics trainers.
  290. What really pissed him off was hearing ‘Construct’, will get to that in a bit.
  292. During the investigation Jeff discovered his Core was fully intact and untouched. THAT is good news; with enough time all of King Gelvran’s memories can be extracted and studied.
  293. Strange as FUCK square Construct gateway was there being repaired. I have only seen a square one, ONCE, during the time I took a couple thousand Ferron out to bring down a Riftseeker. All NORMAL Construct gateways are oval or spherical, remember this!
  295. Lont, good job with the rock, seriously! So long as you aren’t ACTIVELY attacking Planar gateways, they rarely respond. THAT INCLUDES CONSTRUCTS.
  296. Pear, taking shots is usually not advised: the vast majority of Vortex inhabitants are NOT predictable in the slightest. You did rile them up, and THIS time that was a damned good idea!
  297. TAKE A NOTE: if one of you ever sees Vortex beings in combat with something you don’t like, taunt and wing ‘em a little bit, get their tempers flared. They are QUICK to forgive minor insults and injuries, just don’t go too far.
  299. Velkruz figured he better get in on the fight before any damage could happen to Gelvran’s Core, so in typical bullheaded fashion he went straight in at the Constructs.
  300. Least he had the sense to throw me at the stone.
  302. Definitely gonna be hearing from one or more of the Dragon Councils If they’re pleased at how we hoofled and handled the investigation, they WILL offer us good work to do!”
  303. -Twisted Wing
  305. Written in Roust’s stocky, uniquely right-slanted Changeling script:
  306. “For some reason that she would not share, my Queen arrived with Discord to witness the battle. It was, her quote: ‘One of the most delightful conflicts I have witnessed in this millennium. The current Dragon-Emperor, a Storm Dragon by the name of Velkruz, fought with impressive brutality and rage, complimarented by the Vortex’s highly randomized assaults from multiple vectors, utilizing strangely efficient weaponry.
  307. The battle was safely moved north of Kimer Volcano without causing any damage to Frost King Gelvran’s body.
  308. Said battle concluded with a sadly large number of losses for the Vortex, the Dragon-Emperor himself was moderately injured but did not seem to mind.
  309. An Emissary of the Vortex was summoned by the surviving warclan, as was an Emissary of the Dominion Plane by my Queen.
  310. Though both normally hate each other, a basic agreemarent was reached: if news of a non-native dragon occurs, whether due to distress, injury, or death, both Planes would immediately deploy at least a battleline’s worth of forces for defense, and send for third party investigations, preferably Razorback if a full team is available.
  311. Velkruz spoke to my Queen for some time, but she only relayed the following: he greatly appreciated the unbiased investigation from a third party, and was honored they had set up the entire board for him to avenge his fallen kin from an Otherworld.”
  313. Freshly written underneath is Denra's peculiarly flowing Common:
  314. "I've received a direct missive from the Dragon Council: they do not, I repeat, DO NOT want this incident to be known outside of Razorback.
  315. Gelvran was one of the more well beloved Kings. Knowing that he is deceased will likely cause problems among the Dragonspines inhabitants, not to marention their close allies. The situation is extremely delicate and will incur catastrophic morale loss.
  316. I have a personal stake involved here and have requested aid to investigate his death. That is, once I can walk normally again.
  317. Slight update: have been authorized by 3 of the Elder Dragon Council to make inquiries throughout Dragonspines, Saddle Arabia, Eyeraq, and elsewhere.
  318. Further investigations are currently in progress.”
  319. -Denra
  321. >Written in somewhat sloppy Common:
  322. “Next time move those dragon scales yourselves, you lazy xenophile fucks!”
  323. -Dancing Eyes
  325. *****
  326. “Dante, Vick, and Aaron just got back from escorting Sweet to a place called Lariat Cave, some cave the Gel-ponies were trying to set up as their home base.
  327. They ran across an earth mare named Soft Ears, she was vacationing 50-60 miles east-southeast of Tanviya on the coast. She was the last one of a group, couldn’t hit the last rune in time.
  328. Those three helped Soft Ears and Sweet clear out a rat hivemind, they’re really thankful for the aid.”
  329. -Lonestar
  331. >Penned underneath several weeks later:
  332. “Update: sent Emerald to Lariat Cave to talk with Soft Ears once they were established, first couldn’t remember when the wave hit exactly, has the same issue Lava Walker did.
  333. Matron Dayi said the place Soft Ears was vacationing definitely got hit about an hour after Lava Walker was caught based on tidal charts for the region, assuming optimal wave speed.
  334. Soft Ears also said all of Tanviya’s supplies were sent to some place named Lemongrass Tributary since they can’t do much on their own; whole lot of minerals, materials, coldstones, the works.
  335. When the Saddle Arabians and Eyes there start producing manabombs, they’ll give us a good discount on orders.”
  336. -Lonestar
  338. *****
  339. “Twisted Wing needed her trophy fix so Filth, Kraut, Pike, Hodch, and me went to a location in the Crag Moors for some pest elimination.
  340. Got rid of most Lashtails, Dredgers, another Avrek species, copilo, corpse tunnelers, and some other nasties.
  341. Might be a place to check on now and then.”
  342. -Jeff
  344. “If somepony or someone plans on going there, do not spook the Haze Cats. They’re not entirely Tallus native. Capable of phasing their body through various sections of Void spectrums, particularly claws and teeth. I should not have to explain more.
  345. Should one be foolish enough to provoke their ire, fall to the ground and curl in a ball. Yes, playing dead often works against Haze Cats. Do not be surprised if they decide to use you as a pillow or roll you around.”
  346. -Hodch
  348. *****
  349. >Written in impeccable Common by a delicate wing tip:
  350. “Will not share marely details, but invited Jeff, Pareidolia, Natalia, and Dante to investigate a downed pegasi armory named Skykeep, once part of Skybrook. Yes, same Skybrook that Jeff, Belltower, and Dante recovered an Avrek-infested float core from.
  351. Encountered a pair of mostly mechanical Constructs, highly amorphous, but they had no armor.
  352. Search succeeded, there is a vast amount of tools, materials, weapons, armor, Bits, gems, and more. Have requested Denra, Roust, and others to retrieve.”
  353. -Mercy
  355. “Mercy, you DO realize that your marecenary contract entitles you to a fixed percentage of ALL items, materials, and ore located or brought in, right?
  356. You are currently owed a flat 20% of total value, whether in Bits, gems, or items that are not currently claimed. Loose total value estimate: 1,800,000 Bits.
  357. I ask you to please be patient, it will take marely months before we can even attempt to begin sorting through what was brought back from Skykeep, we are not even 1/20th done with the Solar Enforcer Armory backlog.”
  358. -Denra”
  360. *****
  361. “Twisted Wing, Clemency, Dante, Pella, Lont, and I went to visit Imeron, an old stomping ground for the Starborn. Twisted knew the region pretty well, it was a waypoint for some of the Starborn. According to her there’s an old desert arena south of Imeron where desert training and survival courses took place, big enough for two units, probably company sized, to compete in mock battles.
  362. Twisted took us there to make contact with an old Starborn friend that owed her something, apparently she was there but recovering.
  363. Imeron is a trading town real similar to Basin Village except the inhabitants wear heavy desert clothes with a bridle, bit, and saddle.. yeah, they’re called Saddle Arabians. Don’t know more, don’t ask.
  364. They’re a little taller but thinner and more wiry than most Equestrian earth ponies. Real friendly, lots of traders, just beware they speak in an entirely different sentence and meaning structure.
  365. When we arrived we found out the weird snowstorm Imeron was suffering from wasn’t all: four months ago, right about a month after the Original Razorback 100 arrived in Canterlot, a heavy down pour occurred. Three weeks later it was all frozen, the surrounding 40 miles nothing but ice-covered sand and snow on top.
  366. Desert Blossom, Imeron’s Matron, said that five weeks before we arrived a volcano on the coast reportedly erupted, we don’t have any information on why. Imeron’s local chief and mystic, Dune Trancer, was ill from the cold and couldn’t provide any information since he was doing nothing but maintaining the monoliths keeping their snowshield intact.
  367. Saddle Arabian fruits are crazy, taste test everything FIRST before you order any!”
  368. -Jeff
  370. Underneath the above page reads the following:
  371. “Thrill, Naliyna, Pareidolia, Hollow, and I went to a five-or-so week old ‘new’ volcano chain off the coast of Tanviya on the Eyeraq-Saddle Arabian Border. Bubba was there but creeped off to do who knows what. Seriously man, what were you doing?
  372. Shanis had her unicorns teleport us to the top of the biggest new volcano, went down a spiraling path made by Obsidian Drakes. We encountered a giant snarking snake of some Otherworldly or similar type named ‘Leviathan’, he was trying to keep a Greater Magma Elemental contained.
  373. The Magma Elemental was ‘overtaken’ by a large Anti shard, causing it to be unable to speak or think clearly.
  374. Leviathan was in a bad spot, he couldn’t take out the Anti shard and defend himself at the same time.
  375. Hollow and I rigged a bombshell in five chunks of C4, he ported it off to an alcove that was damaged during their fight. Blew up a good sized chunk off the weak walls and let ocean water flood the interior.
  376. Leviathan was last seen pushing the Anti shard ahead of him into some dimensional gate, he didn’t look happy.
  377. We also picked up some chunks of raw blue, red, purple, and black shifting ore that isn’t active in the presence of Void enchantments.
  378. If anyone learns more about what happened, give an update on the Board.”
  379. -Jeff
  381. “The ore recovered is known as kanpri, a Lunar-favored Tallus native mineral roughly equivalent to titanium and the opposite to palladine. It has some commonality with both prothemite and lithite as it is a metastable crystalline metal with some latent volatility, when not refined or chemically congealed into a matrix.
  382. Kanpri is named for the amusing ‘kan-PRI’ shrieking sound it makes when used as a majority explosive reagent, although the cost, rarity, and difficulty of forging prevents most ponies from ever using it.
  383. Exorbitantly expensive on all markets, kanpri is somewhat psychoreactive, highly durable, ductile, temperature and wear resistant, with an extremely malleable Elemarental coefficient suited to retain enchantmarents for excessive periods of time.
  384. Most armorers and weapon smiths use titanium or other easy to work with materials instead of kanpri.
  385. Makes excellent armor on its own but is more often used to perfect weaponry or imbue specialized Elemarentals.”
  386. -Spiral
  388. Written some time later in Lunar Destroyer Perlann’s terribly scrawled, painfilly blocky Common Equestrian:
  389. “Kanpri is our preferred metal since it holds enchantmarents, especially Void, longer than anything except Lumin. My chain mail, helmet, and claw coatings are made from it!”
  391. *****
  392. “Vick found a kinda new map that came from the Solar Enforcer Armory in Canterlot, it showed some hidden tunnels and rooms in the big Casino Hall where the Float Core is kept. Vick and I took Jeff and Hollow there to scout it out.
  393. Jeff won a couple games and got a Gozkan trading stamp! Also did something for a black and white stripe painted gryphon I’ve seen all over Las Pegasus, dunno his name though.
  394. Hollow won a match against a Lunar Guard Nightfang named Lake Skimmer, batpony mare. Pretty even fight til the end~!
  395. Vick found evidence a big painting of Cadenza and Chrysalis made by a famous Canterlot pony was hiding something behind it but I fucked it all up.
  396. Started playing baccarat against a baby blue Saddle Arabian named Felapat, I think, not sure how to spell it. SHE HAD NO CLOTHES ON WHY.
  397. Made her mad because I wasn’t paying attention to her, should have thought about it because that was disrespectful.
  398. If Razorback isn’t banned might try again in the future, just not with me.”
  399. -Serra
  401. *****
  402. “Team sent to kill Marrowgrin, Sweet’s handler.
  405. -Grand Stormwurm attacked southern wall. May return within 10-12 days. DO NOT USE LIGHTNING ON IT!
  407. -Old Horn asked for our assistance again in clearing a group of Efirates from another nest. Assistance may be requested again in the future.
  409. -The ‘Freeze’ is here, for however long. The ground is going to be slippery.
  410. Head to the Workshop and grab a pair of boot spikes to walk normally across the ice-covered snow.”
  411. -Jeff
  413. *****
  414. "Got name for pony in green scale armor: Bellepheron.
  415. Mercenaries affiliated with Shanis, Hunter's stalkermare, neutral to us now, same with Stalliongrad citizens.
  416. Before minotaur was killed (Bigmaw?) Councilierge attacked and drove out 3,000 ponies, killed hundreds and wounded more.
  417. Councilierge implicated with Horizon, need to drive a wedge between both, cause inter-faction war SOON"
  418. -Twisted
  421. Dated much later in Krinza’s strict, formal Common:
  422. “I have compared the scales retrieved from Bellepheron to the one in Hodch’s possession, they do not even distantly match.
  424. Bellepheron was using stock, basic tungsten leaf scales produced by a small yet well liked Stalliongrad foundry. The samples are unenchanted, no ridges or spikes present, and are not coated with diamondine.
  426. The recovered scale from New Canterlot is a tungsten-coated titanium disc covered in a specific pattern of ridges and spikes.
  427. Edges are razor sharp, furthermore covered in a thin, molecularly bonded layer of modern diamondine produced between 29,983 to 29,985.
  428. The net result is a nearly indestructible piece with the same weight as those Bellepheron used.
  430. The lessened weight would allow it to be utilized as both difficult to negate armor and numerous potential forms of ranged weaponry.”
  432. *****
  433. "Twisted, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], Bill, Filth, and I went to Canterlot to clear our names.
  434. When we went to the scene of the crime, we scanned it for information. See [REDACTED] for more details.
  435. We discovered that the body, identified as Fankil, a Nightblade of the Night Guard, was mutilated, and sexually violated before or after his violent death.
  436. We successfully cleared our names, but we lost a man there.
  437. Bill committed suicide with a couple of grenades, leaving almost none of his body behind.
  438. We have since returned.
  439. If you think that you can help figure out who is the real culprit, see me, or [REDACTED].”
  440. This line is angrily scribbled out in multiple marker and pen colors.
  441. -Dante
  444. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  445. MISSING:
  446. -Spiral: due to unknown circumstances, Spiral has left the Fortress for an undisclosed amount of time, though Hodch and Krinza appear to taken up his duties. For those that want to have items, weapons, or armor crafted and enchanted, seek out Krinza and Aiutante in the Workshop.
  448. -Vanil: contact was lost with our Scout while on a survey of the Southern Crag Moors, near the ocean. Before communication ended he reported a building, then two giant beings. Presumed downed in flight, status and whereabouts unknown.
  450. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  453. -As of Razorback's second winter, Horizon has been eliminated and the Sunorbs are gone. -Jeff
  455. -The Councilerge are an ongoing current issue. If you have any pertinent information pertaining to them, please contact Twisted Wing or Broken Hoof. -Jeff
  457. -Celestia is currently active in Canterlot. We don't know what she's doing, so keep an ear out for information regarding her activities. -Jeff
  460. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  463. -THE FORTRESS has been given a massive upgrade, if all of you remember hauling ironwood for months on end. The walls have been extended to 1200 meters on all sides, we've got a new Pony Barracks, a new Clinic, and the Mess Hall is much larger now.
  465. -The Southern Starborn Enclave has been reactivated with an active guard, holding numerous items and being our primary bank vault. Also, many (and marely) powerful or potentially dangerous weapons and items are held here as well now. Don't worry, somepony on watch will stop you before touching something dangerous.
  467. -Old Horn: big ass minotaur druid that carries a ton of pouches, uses a still-living tree as a walking stick with a chunk of crystal or amber atop it. May make usual visits to the Fortress.
  469. -Any confirmed dragons spotted or confronted should be treated as neutral/friendly contacts. Dragons are reasonable to talk to, and should not be considered a threat unless they attack first unprovoked. They are usually irritable and greedy, however.
  471. ITEMS: Krinza has taken over producing stealth boots for any and all Operators. Get your pair when he's free, because the boots sure are! Get some fucking combi-goggles so you can see better, but you better know someone that can make them. Shit, get them upgraded, too!
  473. -In the Armory: heavy 1/2" iron orbs in an ash box with a note stating to use when it's necessary. Only Operators may have this item, and may only carry ONE at a time.
  476. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  478. -The Daykiller Artifact is general use, though one must ask Dante to take it with and return it ASAP. Also available is Hollow's hunting revolver. Mind your wrist(s)!
  480. -There are four sets of ram-air parachutes in the Armory for general use. Comes with reserve chutes. For the love of god, do not use one without proper training!
  482. -There are wetsuits, fins, and helmets that are enchanted for underwater breathing; two sets for humans and two for ponies. Find someone who knows how to-WHAT AM I SAYING! No one is going to look for training! Suit up, shut up, and try not to get eaten by the murky depths!
  483. "I would like to point out that training is absolutely vital for these, Jeff. Trust me, you don't want to be losing wetears in a damn pond." -Lonestar
  485. -Lann has made four sets of multi-role ghillie suits for operators. They seem to make you invisible to.. practically all forms of detection. Know exactly what type of area you're going in to, as she needs to alter them to fit the environment. Currently do not work in any urban environment.
  490. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  492. -Now that everyone in the Fortress has been settled in and (mostly) been care of, those with proficiencies should attempt to take the initiative and share their knowledge with others. Remember: Sharing Is Caring! The following personnel/poninel/gryphonel can help improve specific skills to whoever is interested:
  494. -Alchemy/Chemistry: Dancing Eyes & Tipper
  495. -Casting: Denra, Hodch, Tipper
  496. -Medical: Tipper
  497. -Combat: Dancing Eyes, Hodch, Mercy, Roust, Twisted Wing
  498. -Movement: Mercy
  499. -Negotiation: Denra
  500. -Perception: Jeff & Naliyna
  501. +Scouting: Jeff & Vanil
  502. +Wilderness Survival: Jeff
  503. -Ranged: Jeff for Combat Rifles/Shotguns, Battle Rifles, and Small Arms; Dante for Heavy Weapons
  504. -Stealth: Jeff, Mercy
  506. *****
  508. >There are now 2 slots available for an Operator to train into Helicopter Piloting, though 1 slot has been permanently reserved for Clemency's use only
  509. >In order to qualify for this training, an Operator must have: at least 31XP, Expert Engineering, Expert Movement, Expert Perception, and does not have their own vehicle.
  512. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  515. *****
  517. #1: a letter written in Common, the sender obviously rushing their work, dated Septimber 38th 29,998
  518. "Hello! My name is Mana Ode, I call for four to five humans, a band if you will, of them to come to Rune City-"
  519. Right under this line was scrawled the Translocation co-ordinates.
  520. "-I am willing to pay around 50,000 Bits and more if performarences are received well! I need this job completed before the night is halfway done."
  521. It appeared the writer had finished at first, but at the last moment had written something at the bottom of the paper with such haste that it almost made it unreadable.
  522. "P.S: Doesn't matter if Hoomons are bad at music I can compensate!"
  525. #2: an informally written page from Shanis, dated Septimber 38th 29,998
  526. "Badly need help with this one, Razorback. Arcane Blades never go after conventional targets, that'd be a massive waste of their time. Right now Tartarus Air Corp. is stretched thin on marecenaries until more recover, get some training, and are fully equipped. Last one won't take long thanks to the Atelier, I'll try to loan a piece of it out to you all.
  527. Got in contact with the human mare Jeff knows two nights back, said there's a Lishanki 'Captain' of sorts in charge of a large group of bandits, thieves, raiders, you name it. Has raided at least thirty trade caravans, trains, even a bunch of valuables from a major translocation hub.
  528. Hits mostly large cities in Equestria, trading towns Saddle Arabia, rarely the Hegemony. Too fast for local or accompaneighing Guard to respond. Most militias don't have enough unicorns to disrupt and usually don't have pegasi fast enough to chase down.
  529. One of the bandits was captured and interrogated. Didn't reveal much other than their Captain often hangs around abandoned waystations. Human mare identified Southern Equestria's decommissioned train stations around the New Everfree's edges are rarely if ever checked, but the Lishanki absolutely do not go into the Moors or Ferron claimed lands.
  530. Take out that Captain by any means necessary and if possible wipe out the other Lishanki. Remember: they're still Ferron derived, less sturdy and weaker than modern pegasi but faster and ruthless.
  532. What I’m offering is this: full salvage rights to their camps, but you’ll have to return what was stolen. I'll also double the number of marecenaries at your Fortress, free of charge.
  534. Doubt you'll get much more than good will out of the Solars at this point. The Malurians, Arkadians, and rest of the Ferron will be happy, might get a few gifts out of them.
  535. P.S.: if you're reading this, Twisted? Piss off."
  537. *****
  538. >ROOKIE REQUESTS (21XP and up Solo, or 11XP and up Group)
  539. "From: Lorekeeper Amerose"
  540. "To: Razorback"
  541. "I have acquired a, I believe it is called, 'hot tip'. We in the Decom. Enclave of Razorback have examined most of the items taken from the Solar Guard Armory in Canterlot.
  542. Likewise we have been returning large amounts of ponial possessions stored there to all across Equestria, including Stalliongrad, thanks to the aid of Denra and the train's engineer/conductor. That is, if we are able to find the herd names or descendants.
  543. Marely of the letters recovered were quite useful for this task, but one of the Lorekeepers has discovered a cache of stolen goods, acquired during a robbery (party or parties unknown), dating to around 29,680. This cache was hidden in plain sight.
  544. There is a small, active, recently modernized train depot 20 miles south of Canterlot, Waystation CL-5. It is host to a small light house prototype which was built in Old Canterlot using a system that is neither glowstone nor spark lamp, intended to be delivered to Manehattan.
  545. An improved model was built shortly after this; production began and the improved variants were sent to Manehattan and Stalliongrad, including other cities along rivers or large lakes. This prototype was moved to CL-5 before the Lunar-Solar War and is frequently used as a stopping point or cargo transfer station.
  546. The schematic shows there are two doors: one to enter the lower room, and around the outside is a spiral staircase that leads to a platform with the light. However there is a third hidden door disguised by a melded steel plate. Behind this is a secret chamber.
  547. This chamber is approximately 3 feet tall and 20 feet of internal diameter. The designer used this to stash his ill-taken gains.
  548. I have requested, and received, permission from the Day Guard to perform a, quote: 'publicly unauthorized, yet privately military authorized retrieval mission'.
  549. The specific wording states that this chamber must be forcefully broken into with the aid of a unicorn, or perhaps a psion, and 'thoroughly looted' with the exception of any small boxes, safes, packages, or parcels with distinct pony names on them. Those must be left behind in order for a 'proper investigation to be conducted'.
  550. Two hours after dusk the station shuts down for the night, there will be no train traffic after this. At this point there should only be two watch ponies there, they will not be active Day Guard; possible they may be former Guard.
  551. Though it is unlikely they will be highly active and patrolling, I reccomarend being careful regardless as my contacts have strictly stated they do not want any injuries to be taken by yourselves, or the watch ponies.
  552. There are two medium translocation matrices on the west and east ends of the platform. According to my contacts it should be safe to use them provided neither are patrolling, and they cannot be easily seen from inside."
  553. Underneath is a further set of notes:
  554. "I have not located any information as to what the stash may contain. Likely to be either military or business related. I strongly suggest limiting potential damage from weaponry and spells."
  556. *****
  557. >RECRUIT REQUESTS (21XP and up Solo, or 0XP and up Group)
  558. "From Shanis, To Razorback:
  559. A long time customer of ours from the Crystal Empire is searching for pre-Dynasty examples of Kingdom-era rune carvings, carving kits, and anything with an ethereal mark. My client does not want to buy these items, simply study them to develop relations with the Ethereal Wardens and learn their shaping techniques.
  560. I know Naliyna might have a few she'd rather not give out, but the client is offering 20,000 Bits to study each item for half an hour apiece.
  561. If Naliyna isn't available or whomever takes this job simply wants a bigger bounty, the backside of this letter has the runes to an abandoned Conclave in the Northern Tundras.
  562. Note: this region is probably the coldest on Tallus, so only a few creatures can even survive here and not even ice drakes find it comfortable. There are small volcanic wurms that live in snow tunnels year round, and something Zigri has called a frost-eater, might want to look it up.
  563. Be well prepared, have thick clothing, make sure you have some form of eye protection, and carry at least two heatstones each."
  567. "From: a mare seeking discreet solutions to a very open public nuisance problem
  568. To: Razorback Companeigh via Shanis of Tartarus Isle
  569. My name is not important, the paymarent attached for Shanis to hold on to is.
  570. I am writing this on behalf of several ponies, including myself, whom have recently discovered a shocking and disgusting problem. There is a socialite earth pony stallion in Canterlot, one Lord-Minor Flaming Gallantry, not part of the Silver Court.
  571. Two weeks prior to now he forcefully herded a medically retired Veteran Day Guard mare by the name of Graceful Strikes; a good combatant, intelligent, and a bright, lovely pegasus. She has an excellent record serving in the Day Guard with notable sources to back up her honorable duties and past deploymarents.
  572. For several hours past dusk Flaming Gallantry attends multiple low and middle society functions in Southern Canterlot; the true nobles despise him, as such he is forced to slum around with the more pretentious ponies. Often he will drink too much and brag to anypony that will listen using horrible disparaging words about his 'worthless new pretty pet' or 'that lame mare with the big ass'. You can imagine how bad his other insults are.
  573. While at home he does not pay proper or even nice attention to Graceful, instead belittling her constantly in front of his 'favored' mares, all six of them. We have marenaged to get several small letters to her and arranged for a dead drop with a mare in the house next door. He does not allow her to leave the house and has been taking her retiremarent stipend for his other mares.
  574. As the Day Guard cannot do anything unless he causes physical harm to her and they have been thwarted numerous times in trying to catch him stealing, this situation is unbearable. The solution proposed is simple: catch him while drunk AND in the act of disparaging her, then beat him, but not to death. A broken leg or a few ribs is acceptable, as is a concussion.
  575. We do not care whether this is done in public or at his home.
  576. Do this, then rescue Graceful Strikes from the second largest red and green trim painted home on Pink Willow Street.
  577. We are offering 20,000 Bits for a private beating and 50,000 Bits for a public one. Much of the Day Guard will not interfere, though I must advise that should some attempt to prevent your efforts, stun them or use otherwise non-lethal means.
  578. P.S.: the fee for Shanis' services has already been paid, no need to worry about that.
  579. P.P.S.: she may want to join Razorback if all goes well."
  582. *****
  583. >WARRIOR REQUESTS (41XP and up, Solo ONLY)
  584. "To: Razorback.
  585. Expeditions across Hive claimed lands have resulted in partial maps retrieved from Late Dynasty Outposts. Maps detail unmarked ruin in upper rain belt.
  586. Request: single human well versed in close combat, counter-Spectral & counter-Undead tactics. Likely Elemarental hostiles in proximity. Traps are present in most Late Dynasty ruins, bring supplies to treat alchemical infections, wounds, toxins. Possible rewards: unknown. Should nothing be recovered the Hive will provide 2 crates of intact Changeling armor plates.
  587. Notice: a Vanguard will provide transport to target location, acceptee must be blindfolded to ensure secrecy for initial route. 'Recording' can be allowed, do not share until given permission.
  588. From: Flanker Enrault of the Changeling Hive."
  592. *****
  593. >WARRIOR REQUESTS (41XP and up solo, or 31XP and up Group)
  594. "From: General Keldon of the Honor Guard
  595. To: Razorback Company/Compony/Companeigh/however you humans spell it
  596. Success in negotiating with the Tower Guard has allowed me some time to write this contract yet will be considerably harder to fulfill. After conferring with my subordinates I am well aware of how vague these stipulations are, but I am left with no choice and they do not advise sending more than four operatives total.
  597. Objective #1: translocate from Razorback Fortress to Stone Tower Warehouse #4A; this location will be empty, providing time to activate stealth protocols. No, I don't know where it is, nor should any ask questions. From there translocate to Canterlot Gold District and immediately head to the north branching road. AVOID ALL PATROLS. Do not take a single risk or alert a single pony; if this operation fails it may take two years to attempt again.
  598. Objective #2: search for an ornate wrought blacksteel gate, there are several throughout the Gold District. Specifically: a chunk of wall next to the specified gate will be 'poorly repaired'. There are a number of such gates, but do NOT touch them unless you desire severe Void or other equally concerning injuries. Once found, remove the plaster and take whatever items are inside.
  599. Objective #3: attempt to scale the walls or gates without directly touching either, teleporting through, or flying too high over. All walls in the Royal District are equipped with numerous and varied protections; all provide warnings, most incapacitate, some are not quite legal, or lethal.
  600. Objective #4: acquire the location of a mid-40's or possibly younger unicorn stallion. I do not have a description available other than he may have numerous combat scars, and has recently escaped from a Watch Guard jail. Prioritize learning the marension's layout without utilizing magic as it is quite large and I do not have access to maps where I am. If you have access to a competent Psion or a Crystal pony capable of performing sub-sonar or otherwise searching without leaving a visible trace, those will likewise suffice.
  601. Objective #5: find the least defended window or door. Prepare to breach, knock out, and capture the indicated stallion. DO NOT harm him or any others encountered. Egress immediately to the front gate, there will be a full squad of standard Royal Guard led by a Captain with one red stripe painted across his or her snout piece to evacuate the team. There is little need to consider their safety as the cover story will be 'they just happened to be in the area when some unruly, off duty Guardponies got drunk and broke in'.
  602. Objective #6: no matter where the team is evacuated to in Canterlot, DO NOT return to Razorback. Locate and use the nearest translocation matrice to this location: Fillydelphia Warehouse District, Southern Harbor Gate #1. From there translocate to Stone Tower Warehouse #3B. Once there turn the unicorn over to the present Day Guard, then leave immediately. Under no circumstances is there to be discussion of this operation outside Razorback. Once the captive has been debriefed I may send a following contract and further information.
  604. PS: Clemency, if you see this know that the food is first rate and the supplies we have requested are in excellent condition, if not entirely new.
  605. I have given my full approval to the Honor Guards serving Razorback Fortress: they are allowed to permarenently join and thus no longer have binding commitmarents to Princess Celestia or the Solar military.
  606. The true Princess, that is, not the pathetic fakes running around. Still do not know where they've come from."
  610. “From: Naliyna
  611. To: Razorback
  612. One of the human weapons I bought from Canterlot Underground came from the Mareixico-Mexicolt border, a region known as the Eloping Trail. Yes, it means exactly what it sounds like.
  613. The nation-states of Chihuacha and Saltilo have a shared border with no guide posts or markers between them since there’s not marely residents. What I have so far is their northern borders with Neighvada have a large number of small villages spread across the Pesquite River region, bunch of ancient shared bridges connect them.
  614. Reports attached to the weapon conclude ‘an unusually high probability’ that Cloudsdale pegasi using ‘older style wingblades and hoofboots’ killed the original owner. For most ponies, old weaponry would be used for ceremonial purposes, and it’d be rare relics or artifacts in active use which makes me think something else was happening at the same time.
  615. When time permits I’ll be sending a scouting squad to the Eloping Trail’s villages; might take up to eight hours without hostiles. They’ll gather all information on Cloudsdale pegasi in vicinity or travel paths during early 29,998, then return to Razorback. Afterwards I’ll collate their data and determine next actions.
  617. FAIR WARNING: this might involve a full scale assault against a Cloudsdale affiliated herd, village, or possibly even town, but right now I don’t care. They’ve been a pain in Equestria’s ass for centuries, and it might be a choice time to dethorn them.
  619. P.S.: this is the third confirmed hostile action they’ve taken against a human not from Razorback.”
  622. *****
  623. >MERCENARY REQUESTS (61XP and up Group)
  624. "From Misel, Vanseliege Changeling:
  625. Greetings to all of the Hive's allies! I am requesting a unique substance known as 'Ash Droplets'.
  626. According to my Queen, Ash Droplets are a semi-corrosive substance that occur unnaturally in locations of high heat, extensive arcane history, and may be related to dragon's blood pools.
  627. It may be found in both the High Ashlands of the Hegemony Mountains and the Razor's Plume Mountains in the Lower Dragonspines. Early Crystal Kingdom records indicate that original heatstones were made from this compound by Dragonspines aligned Crystal ponies; all production ceased and there are no records explaining why.
  628. All I require is a single Ash Droplet to experiment with, though I must implore anypony that goes in search to be cautious, always travel with at least two others, bring coldstones and extra water as both regions are still hot due to volcanic activity."
  630. “Might want to grab more than one if possible. The Conclaves made something they termed a ‘traveler’s bonfire’, equivalent to a giant heatstone except 1/50th the size and weight. -Shanis”
  632. *****
  633. >ELITE REQUESTS (71XP and up Group ONLY)
  634. "To: Razorback:
  635. 3 humans required for recovery effort. If recovery succeeds there will be a choice of paymarent: 50,000 Bits, 1 Middle Dynasty Era weapon or armor, or 1 Middle Dynasty Era enchanted item. If recovery fails there will be no paymarent.
  636. Discretion is required: bring equipment to remain silent and hide identities, there can be no talking during recovery or the project will be forcefully canceled."
  637. -A series of oddly coded translocation coordinates are written in blocky Kingdom text, the sender visibly obfuscating their own hoofwriting. Coordinates are somewhere in the Eastern Empire Wastelands, ended by the following: 21 Stars, Right 8, Water Up
  639. Underneath this one is a short note from Shanis:
  640. “Razorback, I’ve been contacted by the small Crystal Conclave that put this notice out. Two of your Veteran teams along with their own cadres have failed to access the interior of what they believed was a Middle Dynasty Outpost-Armory.
  641. Layout is standard, what isn’t are the ‘issues’ that they can’t identify, perceive, or resolve: unexplained nausea, extremely temporary short term memory loss, severe vertigo.
  642. I’m regrading this as an Elite Request as a result, something’s off on this one and I don’t like it.”
  646. "From: a Halberdier-General of the Imperial Wardens
  647. I hereby request that as marely of these ponies as can be found are to be executed quietly, or simply disappear. Ensure all assassinations occur only in Canterlot, extra paymarent will be provided if the body is mutilated. If abducted there must be not be a single trace discovered.
  648. Don't kill any names outside this list or I'll make sure to deal with this problem firsthoof.
  649. Furthermore, don't expect anything outside of my payments, I'm a discreet busy mare that hates trading favors.
  650. P.S.: Bring me the head of one target on a silver platter within the next week and I will ponifally convince a very certain shadowy and nameless pony to provide training to Razorback."
  651. -A long list of names follows, some Canterlot royalty with a few nobles mixed in, and a large number of others, that seem to be industrially named, throughout Equestria.
  653. -Underneath the list are two notes written in easily legible Common, definitely done by a pegasus with excellent wing control.
  654. "An off-the-books offer has also been made to acquire the highly demarended services of a 'certain shadowy and nameless pony' for both Razorback and Tartarus Isle should at least one of these targets be eliminated by the end of the week, no further details on who this trainer is and what they teach.
  655. Also more or less a reminder to keep an eye out for any intact Changeling Cores in the possession of the targets, it's unlikely any still survive, but just in case."
  657. *****
  658. >RENOWNED REQUESTS (81XP and up, Group ONLY)
  659. -This page is written in shaky Common Equestrian on expensive gold-bordered vellum paper, stained with numerous bloody flecks and human fingerprints, smelling faintly of Empire perfume.
  660. "To Razorback, the Hive, or the Moors:
  661. If this letter reaches any of these three factions, then that means I'm finally dead and freed from this damned curse. None of you know me and I don't expect anypony, or anyone, to cry over my shitty decisions, pathetic life, or failure to do the right thing.
  662. What I demand is simple: get all of my fucking gear out of a stash in the Empire Lowlands.
  663. If the Changelings find it first, destroy everything with acid, don't even let a single piece escape.
  664. If the Moorites find it first, pack the hole with as many Void-infused mareabombs as can be carried and get the Nine Hells out of there.
  665. If Razorback finds it first, you're welcome to use whatever is left, just don't touch something you aren't supposed to, or else the Era Lock will kill faster than you can scream.
  666. If a human does fuck up and touches something out of their era: don't fight what comes next. Trust me, it's a lot less painful to die that way."
  667. -Underneath are four lines of scrambled letters and numbers followed by a series of Crystal Conclave engrams.
  670. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  673. *****
  674. Rasera's Trinkets & Futons:
  675. A half-page written in Hodch's stiffly formal Common:
  676. "Have spent some time with Miss Rasera of the Cavalier Clan traders, out of Japoneighsia. All of the following common listings are 5,000 Bits each. Exquisitely made one by one, process takes around 100 days.
  678. Cloud walking trinket is the same as the Equestrian version. Only difference is the Neighsian variant has a minor slow-fall enchantmarent on it. -Purchased for Cheto. Thank the spirit-dragon with a feather pen and scroll later for this, he appreciated how well you treated her. And no, they do not read minds, only intentions.
  680. Jade earth pony is a Mystic ranked anti-Poison/Acid and anti-Toxic trinket. Also grants a minor amount of luck. I think. It's hard to tell with unusual enchantmarents that I've never seen or studied before. -Purchased for Cheto
  682. Red ruby duck is a Mystic ranked Fire elemental. Can use on weapons or armor. Also empowers Fire Elemarentals a bit.
  684. Topaz dragon, same as above except Lightning.
  686. Sapphire plate of a Neighsian cottage denies being demoralized, in fear, horror, or terror. -Purchased for Cheto.
  688. Purple spinel dragon figure is an excellent high class armor penetrating Force elemental. I have no idea how dragon-spirits live with their silly mustaches but their claws are frighteningly efficient at puncturing armor. -Gifted to Pareidolia
  690. Onyx Moor cat is something I've only read about one time, it produces a Void Starbolt. Yes, THAT Starbolt, the same type a tiny number of Psions born under Luna's sigil are able to form. Not sure if it needs to be imbued into a weapon. -Bought to tinker with
  692. Bamboo and ruby campfire trinket is an ancient one, unknown outside of Neighsia. Has a subtle effect that increases how much a sapient being likes you. No limit on uses that I can tell and don't have a clue what, if any, other effects there might be. -Purchased for Cheto.
  694. Cloud-Over-Water pendant increases one's movement rate by a decent margin. Will completely fail in places without arcane energies, like certain Ley Lines, subsurface sections of the Citadel. Best used if you are 100% positive an area is stable.
  695. Psions and Druids can disrupt the effects partially, Crystal Runes will nullify them.
  697. Curled dragon sphere is NOT equivalent to a superior armor charm, consider it a few dozen steps above. Multiple defensive capabilities, can resist weapons, magic, elements, or Psionicism, but takes a few seconds to switch role. -Gifted to Pareidolia.
  699. White marble lamb prevents some negative mental/marental problems. Never seen a Neighsian sheep before. I do have to admit they are quite cute. -Gifted to Pareidolia.
  701. These ones are 10,000 each:
  702. Blood Horn Wyrm skull comes from the Elemental Plane of Nature. Infuriating to deal with, hard to catch, harder to not destroy the skull. Imbued to a weapon, every time it strikes a living weapon it will drain some Anima and blood, becoming an increasingly more potent non-elemental. Not banned for use since she's selling it. -Purchased, too rare and unusual not to.
  704. Fifty steel plates are an extensive guide on Neighsian alchemy, has some spirit-alchemy information as well. Need to know the language though.
  706. Multicolored feathers are the primaries from a Dominion Plane native called a Crin. Big, annoying, hard to chase, virtually impervious to magic and elements, but weak to piercing weapons. Unfortunately these ones are a bit old, they won't provide as much protection as a fresh batch. -Gifted to Pareidolia.
  708. Thousand-Rings-Of-Metal is another spirit-dragon produced item, heard of but never seen. -Bought for Aiutante
  710. Purchased all 500 spirit candy, don't ask. I left 50 for Cheto, they make excellent gifts especially to Lunars, Ferron, and batponies. Avoid Lishanki however."
  714. *****
  715. A single long, copper-trimmed vellum paper for-sale notice written in ornate Common Equestrian, although using the more stylish flourishes of Crystal Kingdom language.
  717. "From: Astra Galus, Marecenary Biologist of Canterlot Underground, formerly Marquis du Spiral Disclosure's Laboratory & Research Section 03-9G,
  718. To: Razorback Company at whole,
  720. In my possession are a large number of human vehicles recovered across Tallus, the majority of which are connected to the various weapons that have been sold in Septimber 29,998 to the human Operator known as Pareidolia.
  722. The common vehicles listed below confer a cost of 5,000 gems worth of Bits each. I will not negotiate that cost due to the difficulties of acquiring metals and materials to create exact non-functioning replicas for eventual display in the Otherworldly Museum Exhibit, Canterlot Major.
  724. The medium 'Garage' section I have founded contains the following:
  726. -A 1923 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, brick red coloring, extensive chrome trim. Stock, no modifications. Light interior wear, pristine condition otherwise. This vehicle was recovered from one of several large Stone Flock held storage buildings on the Western edge of Ewerup claimed lands, deliberately stored there by the human whom owned the De Lisle Carbine.
  727. A squad of Germaneigh Heavy Cruiser Mareines confirmed a high difficulty of removal due to enemy forces; their names have been redacted by my order.
  728. Extensive analysis of soil, mud, clay, and floral debris indicates it was driven across large sections close to Ewerup's claimed borders to Germaneigh, though it was not seen by border patrol units. It is highly likely that the usage was both political and ceremonial given the unusually ornate decor.
  729. P.S.: I recommarend a careful survey of potential affiliates to Ewerup in case of sympathizers. Ewerup is directly hostile to all non-Ram factions, particularly ponies and related, Otherworldy beings included. The fact that one human was capable of attracting such power to himself and push for hostilities against equine factions is greatly concerning.
  731. -A 1959 Skoda Octavia in cream white. Stock, no modifications noted. Moderate internal wear, minor external damage due to 'off road usage'.
  732. Recovered from Stepping Hoof with the Calico M990-D.
  733. Metallurgical and entropic studies show it was delivered in like-new condition, but the minor amount of usage on Tallus is questioned due to a lack of large scale soil or flora samples present across the exterior. I believe the owner was content to let constant rains wash debris off instead of doing so themselves.
  735. -A 1961 Nissan Datsun 320 in salmon. Stock outside of a modified engine, presumably for cargo hauling purposes. Heavy interior and exterior wear, minor damage from off road usage. Sent to the Underground from a medium sized trading town in Central Neighsia by the name of Saltpour.
  736. Analysis spells reveal extensive use by a male human of approximately 5'6" height, numerous Neighsian mares also located via numerous hair and mane samples. The variety of mud, clay, stone, soil, insect, and floral samples throughout the exterior indicate it was most often used as a cargo transport between numerous trading locations.
  737. No further information is known at this time and a secondary investigation is unlikely due to a lack of Neighsian speakers in the Underground.
  739. -A 1964 Pontiac GTO in cherry red. Stock interior, some engine, suspension, and frame modifications done presumably for racing purposes. Moderate internal wear, minor external damage. Recovered with the Steyr Mannlicher IWS 2000.
  740. It had been used quite frequently and numerous samples from a presumed earth pony mare were located inside.
  741. Initial recovery and comparison to local tracks showed several long distance trips had been taken out of the local region, but further analysis has been suspended due to more pressing concerns.
  743. -A 1968 Ferrari Dino 206 GT in saber yellow. Stock interior, some racing modifications present. Light interior wear, no damage. Recovered outside a small earth pony and pegasus village in Eastern Equestria.
  744. The villagers located this vehicle in early June of 29,998 after a forager witnessed it being pushed out of a large stone gate, no description given, by what they believed was a small Minotaur.
  745. Extensive investigation by Day Guard Journeymares located nothing out of the ordinary in a 30 mile radius. No presence of Otherworldly human resonances or items located. Considered an unknown incident likely unrelated to the existence of Razorback Company.
  747. -A 1973 V6 Ford F-150 pickup in forest green. Light interior wear, minor external damage. Delivered by an Honor Guard SEAR (Search-Extract Armed Rescue) squadron attempting to locate an unknown humanoid on the Southwest Equestrian border, near the southernmost Gryphon lands in August of 29,998. Extensive search located a small, recently dug grave and a human shovel.
  748. The vehicle had been delivered as others were, that is, arriving via anomalous means. Nothing else was found after a two day search. The location is unlikely to receive further attention due to geographic distance and difficulties.
  750. -A 1982 Piaggio Vespa PX 150E motorcycle, silver paint, 150CC engine. Visible wear is rather light from constant use, and there is no damage. This was recovered with the TOZ KS-23 in Northern Pongolia.
  751. Presumed to be recently arrived with minimal usage.
  753. -A 1982 Kalashnikov Concern 2715 panel truck in ocean blue. Significant interior wear, minor external damage. Recovered in Rushya with the Tula Arms OTs-14.
  754. I am unsure if the human whom owned this was well known to locals or traveled often since access is limited due to rough terrain.
  756. -A 1988 Volvo 480 in dark blue. Tiny amount of internal wear, no damage. Recovered from Blazing Hollows in Saddle Arabia with the Pancor Jackhammer Mark 8a.
  757. Nearly mint condition. It did not see much use as the fuel tank is approximately ninety-five percent full.
  759. -1994 Gas Gas Endurocross motorcycle in striped red. 400CC engine, minor modifications, stock otherwise. Light wear, light damage. Recovered from a decommissioned Bronze Guardian barracks somewhere in the High Tropic Belt region of Saddle Arabia near a small city; name of city was not marentioned.
  760. Analysis spells revealed a great deal of use prior to arrival, limited use after. Bronze Guards searched local area but found nothing out of place nor detected Otherworldly resonance. Presumed to be a dead end case.
  762. -A 2006 Hyundai Santa Fe in marble white. Stock, no modifications. It appears to have light wear from original use and some minor damage from being used 'off roading'. Recovered from a disused barn near the cache containing the Turin Spectre M4 Subcarbine.
  763. As the location is rocky and experiences sporadic rain from Wild Clouds, it is unclear whether the owner used it often.
  766. Military vehicles:
  767. -A 1941 BMW R75 motorcycle with a sidecar in forest camouflage. Standard 750CC engine, some 'racing' modifications noted. This vehicle was sent from the same translocation matrice in Germaneigh along with the MP-40 and SturmGewehr 44.
  768. Analysis shows the unusually heavy wear is consistent with intense usage, approximately 8-9 months or so. An equine occupant is confirmed present due to heavy traces of finely tuned magic resonances, specifically Germaneighan. Some light damage confirmed from rough terrain usage.
  769. 20,000 gems worth of Bits, the investigation was extensive and creating an exact copy was difficult even with aid.
  771. -A Volgograd Factory BMP-1D in desert fox camouflage, a non-amphibious stock model with small modifications from what I understand. I believe the engine is standard, no modifications of note. The cannon suffered severe damage though the rest of the turret, including machine gun and grenade launcher, are fully intact. A limited amount of ammunition remains internally.
  772. Exterior hull damage is extensive and will require significant repair but the superstructure itself seems mostly intact. Internal hull damage is minor.
  773. Recovered with the Crete Arsenal God-Works L19-4. Confirmed extensive use on Tallus, numerous resonances from two other humans though not ones in our records, nor likely known to Razorback. Nearly all of the damage was caused by Shrike weaponry, in particular 'Lofting' metal.
  774. We are still attempting to track down the other two humans, but it is painfilly unlikely either would have survived.
  775. 50,000 gems worth of Bits, I will not negotiate on this one due to the difficulties of transporting and producing an exact replica."
  778. *****
  779. >Newly placed on the Bulletin Board, a paper elegantly listed as 'Star Court Alchemical Recipes Available for Purchase' at the top contains instructions to send a recipe request to a location in the Crystal Empire, along with 10,000 Bits. Three other paragraphs were written below the price in very neat, utilitarian Common script, listing the following:
  781. "Dragon's Bile: a modification of the ancient recipe known as 'Torch', this is an improved version due to the addition of several compounds which greatly increase volatility, temperature, and spread. Not recommended for use near combustible materials."
  782. -The rest has been scribbled out and written over with "Bought elsewhere" in Naliyna's hoofwriting.
  784. "Refresh: a recent improvement on the recipe known as 'Waker', Refresh is considerably more effective than it's predecessors, with nearly the same cost margin to produce. Unlike Waker however, Refresh is also a fulfilling, fatigue removing drink! Not recommended for use with depressants or stimulants as side effects such as hallucinations, chills, and synesthesia may occur."
  785. -The rest has been scribbled out and written over with "Bought elsewhere" in Naliyna's hoofwriting.
  787. "Venom: a new twist on the age old use of the marely alchemical recipes commonly known as 'Toxin', introducing two common reagents in a clever marener that produces drastically more debilitating effects. NOTE: this recipe may not be distributed without prior permission from the Star Court. Believe us, you will not like our lawyers."
  788. >Underneath was scribbled in entirely different penmareship from the previous one:
  789. -"We don't like them either!"
  792. *****
  793. Pasted in the center of the left corkboard were a list of sheets in impeccable Common Equestrian, the flowing script denoting a professional unicorn hoofwriter.
  794. "By reading this document the Star Court hereby signifies that it's membership is not liable for, obligated to reimburse because of, and will not pay any damages relating to the acquisition, trade, modification, reforging, insertion, removal, consumption, use of, or the misuse of it's sale stock, whether by individuals, groups, factions, or otherwise.
  795. All sale stock bought is sold as is with no warranty and no stock may be returned in case of accidental purchase; we are NOT Las Pegasus, ponies!
  796. All circumstances that can, do, would, may, or will cause legal fees or obligations, court settlements, injunctions, or cases, whether city, local, country, or other regional based, forced signage of treaties, and all other extenuating events are out of our hooves.
  797. Any damage found upon delivery must be immediately referred to the Vortex Remnant for legal representation."
  798. NOTICE: no member of the Sea's Bounty and Malurian clans are allowed to sell sea creatures of any species, size, variety, or coloration to the Star Court without prior inspection by a designated representative at Cairn Wharf. We are still recovering from the Deepglow Squid incident, and we WILL find whom is responsible for that mess!"
  800. Underneath the overly large disclaimer, hasty, foalish Imperial script was scribbled in, followed by an impeccable mare's hoofwriting in stocky Crystal Kingdom runes:
  801. "he lies lawyers are all ducks- dicks!"
  802. "That is not a word you should be using, consider yourself reprimarended. CYON: use proper punctuation and grammar the next time you openly mock our lawyers."
  803. "kay fine. was still fun"
  804. "That is still not proper. You are on night shift for the next month."
  805. "o. crap."
  807. In fine print underneath the feuding hoofwriting was listed translocation coordinates to a location in the Empire simply labeled 'Star Court', stating to send an item request along with payment.
  809. "ADD SOME EXTRA FLAIR TO YOUR NEXT DATE! A random lot of three Empire crystal pouches sourced from local shops. Average weight of contents ranges from 5 to 8 pounds, contents may require reharmonizing due to age or being played with by foals. 12,000 Bits.
  810. -Crossed out and written underneath: 'PURCHASED'
  812. MAKE YOUR OWN WHITE DRAGON TOOTH HOOFBLADES, JUST LIKE IN THE DARING DO NOVELS! A lot of two 5-pound whitesteel ingots. Newly cast from the Boneyard south of Dragonspine Mountains. Material purity judged 'nearly perfect, but smells like three soaking wet Diamond Dogs that crawled out of a Deep Moors swamp' according to a Star Court smith. 20,000 Bits.
  813. -Naliyna's writing is simply as follows: “Amazing price for ten pounds in all! I can't get them for less than 15,000 each, and that's even with a commission in the Dragonspines. If anyone wants them go ahead and send an order.”
  815. EVERY SMITH WANTS TO PROVE THEMSELVES BY FORGING A LEGENDARY WEAPON AND NOW YOU CAN! Four lots of two 3-pound ingots: redsteel, blacksteel, bluesteel, greensteel. Newly cast in the Dragonspine Mountains, Crystal Empire, Gryphon Kingdoms, and Rune City. Material purity judged 'high, also doesn't taste too bad' according to local Crystalsmiths. 80,000 Bits per lot.
  816. -Under this one Naliyna has wrote in, then crossed out 'TOO EXPENSIVE, DON'T BUY'
  817. -”Can't find any for a better price. If any want them go ahead and send an order in, but those should be only 20,000 Bits each” -Naliyna
  819. ENJOY OPTIONS? HERE'S PLENTY! One sealed pouch of 5 randomly assorted mystic gems. Sourced from the Boneyard Mine on the southern tip of the Dragonspine Mountains. The Star Court assures all buyers that the average grade is 'exceptional', though they may smell a bit like Diamond Dog.
  820. We do not inspect any pouch due to mixups in the past, and please note that the size of each mystic gem is not guaranteed as these come from an exclusive mining contract with the Boneyard. Contents may settle during shipment, please do not consume. 80,000 Bits.
  821. -Another note written under this listing: 'OVERPRICED, I can get these for 10,000 Bits each or less straight from The Boneyard'
  823. CALLING ALL MINOTAURS! DO YOUR WEAPONS NEED THAT EXTRA 'PUNCH'? WANT TO RUIN THOSE ANNOYING WATCH GUARD TOWERS? DESIRING SOME HIGH IMPACT MINING! LOOK NO FURTHER THAN OUR PREMIER SELECTION! For sale: one Heavy Siege Golem Fist, approx. 14" in length, 9" in circumference, weighs 14 pounds, severe wear & damage, retains 3 of it's 4 digits, fell off at the wrist due to inactive bonding.
  824. Hailing back to the legendary Endless March of Stone era, this recently uncovered relic comes from the Forlorn Valley by a team of Empire explorers.
  825. After careful examination of the marely destroyed Golems found, they discovered a startling secret: each Golem's fist was equipped with it's own offensive enchantmarent-like functions!
  826. Even more shockingly, most of these weapons were easily harmonized to allow transference of their powerful offensive capabilities!
  827. This Heavy Siege Golem Fist is able to infuse most crushing weapons with an explosive, manabomb-like Siege Drill ability, capable of punching straight through most armor, or even up to two entire hooves worth of compressed granite! 100,000 Bits.
  829. AN OLD FAVORITE, STRAIGHT OUT OF IMERON! One Bladedancer Signet. Approx. 1" tall, 3/4" wide, 1/8" thick, composed of volcanic steel-ash, new.
  830. Imeron's finest mystics are proud to announce the revival of their steel-ash forging techniques, and the Star Court has acquired this first item in an exclusive deal! Bladedancer Signets can be melded to a weapon or infused onto a living being in an innocuous location, one that will not chafe, allowing the bearer the ability to effortlessly weave between weapon strikes, though at the cost of the bearer's own accuracy in hoof-to-hoof combat.
  831. Would also make a wonderful aid for entertainers! Please be careful with infusions of this class as the Star Court is not responsible for harm caused by it's sale stock.
  832. Not for sale to ponies under the age of 10, Minotaurs under the age of 12, or humans under the age of 18. Priced firmly at 105,000 Bits.
  834. EXPERIMARENTAL CRYSTALLINE INNOVATION, STRAIGHT FROM THE EMPIRE'S MOST ADVANCED WORKSHOPS! A lot of two 20-pound two-stage power crystals, newly harmonized by a secret Crystal Forger and their team!
  835. Judged acceptable for use in buildings up to 5,000 square hooves in interior size, it is claimed that just one of these will heat, cool, and light even the most finicky and eccentric pony's marension, and the Star Court ponily stands by this claim!
  836. OBLIGATORY LEGAL WARNINGS: not recommarended for tandem use with standard 100-pound power crystals. Will emit bright light at all hours under normal use, or in open rooms, vertigo may occur due to this function. Please do not allow foals to sleep on these power crystals as they may produce 110 degrees of heat during normal operation, always monitor your foals please!
  837. Keep in a well ventilated room or with a suitable number of Empire coldstones to prevent heat build up. Please do not use these power crystals to cook food on.
  838. NOTICE FOR ALL EXPERIMARENTAL POWER CRYSTAL SALES: if damaged upon delivery or found to be defective, please return immediately for reharmonization, tuning, or complete replacemarent for no additional cost, limited to a maximum of 5 replacemarents per year, no limit on number of replacemarents. 110,000 Bits per lot, sale limit of one lot per year."
  839. -Naliyna's hoof writing under this one reads: 'Not worth the cost or danger until they've been proven safe AND better than the ones we normally use.'
  841. LAST CALL FOR A TRUE GERMANEIGHAN RELIC! One Thaumis Rakefang from Germaneigh. Approx. 4" in length, 1/4" in width, composed of alchemical enchantment sealing compound, made from 100 to 300 years ago.
  842. Not sharp, but PLEASE do not test on your nose! The sole purpose of Rakefangs are to infuse a non-elemental, armor-piercing weapon enchantment, and are highly limited in availability due to the recent Treaty of Canterlot import restrictions!
  843. This will be the last Thaumis Rakefang sold by the Star Court for perhaps the next 50 years, so order this one for your collection NOW! 130,000 Bits.
  844. -'Don't know what this one is, nopony here has heard of one. Maybe it's worth a look?'
  846. ANCIENT CONCLAVE WARRIOR TESTED, MODERN RUNE KNIGHT APPROVED! One recurved Crusader Terminus Shield. Approx. 3' tall, 2.5' wide, 2" thick, weighs 15 pounds. Fully combat serviceable, minor wear on lower edges, slight damage on face.
  847. Heritage traced back to original Crusader Conclave before merging with Wardens. Bears heraldry and reliefs of defunct family line dating to Middle Crystal Kingdom era; no known modern descendants.
  848. Makes a great conversation piece after trudging across the Northern Wastelands in search of Conclave relics, or after traveling through the Deep Moors in search of the freshest fruits, finest silks, and most fragrant spices! 130,000 Bits.
  849. -Likewise, Naliyna has crossed this listing out and written above it: 'RIPOFF PRICE!'
  852. The Star Court is pleased to announce the sale of a recently and masterfully refurbished pair of Royal Skyraider Wingblades!
  853. Exactly 4' in length with serrated, flawlessly sharp armor-piercing bladed tips, these ancient full wing spanning armored blades decorated with markings of Shrike royalty are ready for a new, fearless owner that dreams of conquering the worst the Deep Moors has to offer, and then some!
  854. Comes with four additional 5-pound Lofting ingots for wingblade extensions, refits, extra armoring, or to build the matching weaponry of your dreams! On sale NOW for only 150,000 Bits!
  855. -This listing has several angry hoof stamps covering it, though is still legible.
  857. LIMITED TIME OFFER OF AN ANCIENT FAVORITE! The Star Court is pleased to announce that we have acquired a Relentless Escort Sigil!
  858. Excavated straight from the ruins of the unnamed capital city of the Late Dynasty (“Wait, which one? There was like.. eighty some capitals at one point.” -Dancing Eyes) these sigils are said to be one of the most treasured awards given by Empress Silver to the most experienced and tactful Escorts, heavily armored wayfaring ponies that kept the marely physical roads of Equestrian safe for all travelers!
  859. When emblazoned onto armor in a prominent position, the Relentless Escort Sigil will grant enhanced accuracy, power, and defensive capabilities to the bearer, the benefits of which steadily increase the more opponents the bearer faces.
  860. Due to the recent extreme interest in items related to the Dynasty, we are announcing a first payment sent, first sold approach, so don't delay and buy this relic now!
  861. The chances of finding another one in perfectly functional condition like this one is less than one in ten million! (So says our Imeron mystic, that is. -L.S. the 3rd) 200,000 Bits firm.
  862. -'PURCHASED, don't ask.'
  864. HARNESS THE MIGHT OF AN ELDRITCH MONSTROSITY! One Eternal Water Core. Perfect sphere, approx. 4" in diameter, weighs 2 pounds, likely older than the Changelings.
  865. Recently acquired from a source that claims to be a former Rogue Elite, we present to our exclusive customers this unique artifact containing an Eldritch Water Elemental Drake dating back to an age before the Dynasty!
  866. Since our lawyers are idiots and we have exceptionally high standards, we must state that the buyer should be aware this particular Drake is verbally vengeful, sorely scathing, and unusually surly.
  867. Requires somepony with a high degree of commarend to convince the Drake to aid them. Due to previous circumstances, the Star Court will not perform another 'demonstration' of the Drake's formidable capabilities. 230,000 Bits.
  868. -'They're selling WHAT NOW!? I hate the idea of owning a living being, but this is worth looking into'
  871. One crate of armor worthy Spirethorn Drake Scales, approx. 15 pounds sorted, unknown age.
  872. Considered the fourth rarest of Equestria's drakes, collected by small order known as Daughters of Hywn'Fer. Highly coveted by Honor Guard members, as these are difficult to acquire there are no assurances we will be able to stock more, thus the Star Court advises the buyer to use caution (or significant blunt trauma!) if available.
  873. Not for sale to citizens of Canterlot, and should not be used as lantern decorations. 260,000 Bits.
  874. -Another 'RIPOFF PRICE!' recipient.
  877. One Vulchon Sumarean Seal. Approx. 3" in diameter, 1/2" thick, composed of volcanic-forged bronze, has heavy wear on both facings, unknown age.
  878. Purportedly created after mythological King Gilgamane the III's death, this Seal is emblazoned with a figure of Gilgamare the I, the pair of rulers of the lost Sumarean civilization that long predates Saddle Arabia, though no other information is known.
  879. NOTICE: due to extensive research by the entirety of the Empire's Lorekeepers and several pre-Dynasty historians on loan from the Starborn Citadel, the Star Court hereby warns the buyer that there IS a being within this relic sealed in a self-contained, heavily protected pocket dimension.
  880. We highly recommend that the purchaser gathers a large marecenary force (or one of the Five Sisters if available) before attempting to release what lurks inside. 300,000 Bits.
  881. -'Can I just ask how exactly one of those has even survived until now? It's at least eight thousand years old, maybe nine!' -Naliyna
  883. *****
  884. A notice from Cairn Depot, in Cairn Wharf, owned by a batpony named Skip Raider, the writer's Common Equestrian quite blocky:
  885. "Selling twenty Graven carved minotaur spear heads. Flat oval construction, tapered tip, triangular spikes down length. Carved down from Void Stalker tail segmarents, material itself is called kladine for the funny ringing noise it makes. Good armor penetration, hard to damage, easily repaired. 40,000 for all or trade.
  887. Selling an Ethereal Principian Legionary War-Chain. 45 hooves long, one hoof wide triangle head. Hits with a massive Force elemarental that'll knock any earth pony flat on their ass or shatter a 5 hoof wide ironwood tree. Hard to damage, harder to master using. 100,000 or trade.
  889. Selling a matching pair of Void-Flux wingclaw armors. Penetrates armor, hide, even wyrm scales with ease. Material leaves wounds that don't heal well, probably banned for use against sapients now. Asking 120,000 worth in trade.
  891. Selling one minotaur sawthresh, single-edged. 12 hooves long, 1/4 hoof wide, weighs fifteen pounds. Blade edge made from Vadnian alloy traded from Vortex, rest is litoret gemsteel stolen from Ethereals.
  892. Glued acid avreek spines on flat edges with turavel, highly corrosive, highly effective against armor, won't break off. Banned for use against sapients. 140,000 or trade.
  894. Selling an original Sunkiller, one of a rare few techno-arcane daggers built by Lesseth harpies before Dusk Tunnels started collapsing. Ejects plasma streams from a series of inlet ports three times per hour, goes through nearly anything except big dragon scales.
  895. Like all harpy technology there's no way to take it apart without destroying whatever makes them work so don't try it. Fairly heavy, excellent armor penetration. Best used to kill Shrikes and Void creatures since its nearly indestructible. 150,000 or trade.
  897. Selling original twin-beamed lances made by the best Dusk Strider gemsmiths circa a few thousand years ago. One each of: ruby, diamond, sapphire, amethyst, citrine, garnet, opal, quartz, aquamareine, topaz, peridot. 15 hooves long, central bisection rings true, good armor piercing, excellent balance, fits most ponies.
  898. Better elemarentals than modern ones and won't break like them either. 200,000 or trade.
  900. Selling a double-edged long blade from skull plate of an oreprentas husk-fiend. Dorsal ride-spines glued on with turavel, won't come apart. Spines will snap off and expel large amounts of acidic venom. Does great against unarmored and Void creatures.
  901. Once all spines are broken off cover in sap, just remove sap immediately after spines are regenerated. Don't leave in longer than necessary, oreprentas are effectively immortal and will completely regenerate. Trust me, you don't want to ever deal with one. 210,000 or trade.
  903. Selling a custom eight ring-bladed round mace. Carved from solid block of Thondrus alpha blood by master minotaur smith, filled with mercuros shidhe stolen from Dominion plane by me, handle is branvid wood that came from Orvus Bay.
  904. Weighs three pounds, great balance. Strike delivers a large amount of deadly acid that eats through most anything within a few seconds, Detox will keep it from spreading. 300,000 or trade.
  906. Offer for Razorback only: Nightmare's Fury. Standard semi-curved broadsword, was once a halberd. Single-edged, heavily reinforced. 10 hooves long, weighs two and a half pounds. Unsurpassed armor shredding, drains either blood and life force but only one at a time, also terrifies solars. 1,000,000 or trade for equivalent. No neighgotiating price."
  908. Naliyna has only written the following under this trade notice:
  909. “Some of these are real weird, and honestly half of them are WAY more valuable than she's asking for because they're verifiably ancient. Then again, that last one, wow!'
  911. *****
  912. One list written by Bubba details the location of a Sea's Bounty owned armory, of course named the Sea Shack, with the following items currently for sale:
  913. -1 Shell Charm: works like Armor Charm, does the same thing, has to be eaten. Was told it tastes good. 1,000 Bits
  915. -Amber Dinner Plate: has to be eaten, lets one resist fire, also empowers spark lamps and glowstones. what. 3,000 Bits
  917. -Beton Raker Claws: nasty brown and orange crab claws covered in spikes. Enchant to a piercing weapon for extra harm. Also funny story behind it. 3,500 Bits, on order
  919. -Crystallized Kanpri Salt Cubes On A Stick: 'eat them all' to take a single hit without being harmed once per night. 4,000 Bits, also disgusting.
  921. -Dorval Fethwhale Eye Plate: improves vision and can focus on distant targets better. 5,000 Bits. like contact lenses or something but only one? On order
  923. -Palediver Core: clear barely blue marble. Can enter Overdark easier and empowers plasma elementals. 5,000 Bits, also don't go in that spectrum if you can help it. Ever.
  925. -Breeze Kelp: black kelp, dinner plate sized clump. Yes, magic black kelp. Has to be eaten. Move and react faster, empowers air elements. 6,000 Bits. just why.
  927. -Magically Salted White Bamboo Stick: 17.6CM long, can bend it into a circle without breaking. Best enchanted to armor, shield, or blunt weapons as a finishing touch. 15,000 Bits
  929. -Red Dellop Skin: elemental jellyfish skin. Edible, supposedly. Can absorb and empower elements. 20,000 Bits and it's becoming horrifying to think about how much certain ponies love to eat insane things
  931. -Wild Ocean Gourd: covered in spines, grows on ocean trees offshore. Cut spines off, crack open with hammer, eat the seeds. Skin turns much harder for a 'bit'. 25,000 Bits, please end my suffering.
  932. -I bought a couple things real cheap too
  934. Beneath is a list of armor material prices along with short descriptions:
  935. -Epkrii Spinetail Shark Hide: resists Fire, Ice, Water Elementals, retains warmth, 2,000 Bits per suit.
  937. -Green Dorval Plates: absorbs Poison, Acid, Water Elementals, doesn't smell bad, 3,000 Bits per suit.
  939. -Temphil Spike-Tail Hide: mostly resists Plasma, Fire, Shadow, Void, less effective against other Elements, but smells like hot salt. 3,000 Bits per suit.
  941. -Hourglass Abalone Shells: hard to puncture and minorly resists all Elements. 4,000 Bits per suit. eww. just no.
  943. -Island Drake Hide: greatly resists Fire and Plasma. Bought out (8,000 Bits sounded like a good price to me)
  945. -Deeprock Ocean Crab Shells: hard to puncture, has nighttime and water camo patterns. 8,000 Bits per suit. just. why.
  947. -Deepwater Steelback Clam Shells: greatly resists all Elements and is basically indestructible. 10,000 Bits per suit. what in the actual Fuhrer are they doing with these, and HOW
  949. On the bottom is a listing of amber chunks that 'always contain something inside': 100 Bits for small, 200 for medium, 300 for large, and 500 for huge
  951. *****
  952. >An ink note is written in flowing Common text, pasted next to the For Sale listings:
  953. "Heya Razorback, Feathers here, I'm currently finding myself with an abundance of time on my hooves and disliking it, so I'm offering up my Alchemical skills to anypony or anyone who wants them. Pay me whatever you want for it really, although my price, if any, may not always be of a monetary nature.
  954. If you're interested, I can usually be found in the Library; If not, don't worry about it, I'll find you."
  955. -Sunny
  959. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  960. City, Faction, & Personal Reputations towards Razorback:
  963. Arkadian Divides: +65/100
  964. Status: highly friendly, potential Ally
  966. Anfang & Gryphon Vale: +70/100
  967. Status: Tenuous Ally
  969. Cairn Wharf: +65/100
  970. Status: trusted
  971. Liked: Bubba, Lonestar
  973. Canterlot: -55
  974. Status: despised.
  976. Circle of Assassins: +39/100
  977. Status: Friendly
  978. Liked: Clemency, Jeff
  980. Cloudsdale: -40/100
  981. Status: Unfriendly
  983. Councilierge: ruthlessly hateful.
  984. Status: “Fuck off. Unless you create a problem that NEEDS Psions to solve. Again.”
  986. Crystal Conclaves: ?????
  988. Crystal Empire (Imperial) Citizens: ?????
  990. Crystal Kingdom Citizens: ?????
  992. Detrot: +10/100
  993. Status: Friendly
  995. Discord: "Why am I here again? Oh you silly mortals and your equally silly love for numbers! I am at 20 out of 100 on the scale of how much I want to throw grass-flavored candied fish at humans today!"
  996. Status: "Throwing some at Mercy right now, excuse me a momarent-"
  997. Liked: "I certainly enjoy the chaotic presence of Miss Feathers, her disposition is most sunny!"
  999. Dragon Legions & Vigilants: +40/100
  1000. Status: Friendly
  1002. Dragonspine Mountains: +32/100
  1003. Status: Friendly
  1005. Elder Dragon Council: +60/100
  1006. Status: Potential Ally
  1007. Liked: Twisted Wing
  1009. Free Trader's Guild (Dragonspine Mountains): +38/100
  1010. Status: Friendly
  1011. Liked: Naliyna, Sunny Feathers
  1013. Germaneigh: +20/100
  1014. Status: minorly accepting
  1016. Gryphon Kingdoms: +45/100
  1017. Status: Friendly
  1019. Gozka: +30/100
  1020. Status: Friendly
  1021. Liked: Jeff
  1023. Imeron: +35/100
  1024. Status: Friendly
  1025. Liked: Clemency, Jeff, Twisted Wing
  1027. Las Pegasus: UNKNOWN
  1028. Status: UKNOWN
  1030. Las Pegasus Undercity: UNKNOWN
  1031. Status: UNKNOWN
  1033. Lishanki: -65/100
  1034. Status: deeply unfriendly to all of Razorback, including aligned
  1036. Lunar Adherents: +80/100
  1037. Status: questioning
  1038. Liked: Razorback as a whole
  1040. Manehattan: +45/100
  1041. Status: Friendly
  1042. Liked: Aiutante, Aster
  1044. Moor's Discordites: +83/100
  1045. Status: FAR too friendly!
  1047. Prance: +35/100
  1048. Status: Friendly
  1049. Liked: Twisted Wing
  1051. Rogue Elites: UNKNOWN
  1052. Status: UNKNOWN
  1053. Liked: Mercy
  1055. Saddle Arabia: +39/100
  1056. Status: Friendly
  1057. Liked: Clemency, Jeff, Twisted Wing
  1059. Sea's Bounty: +93/100
  1060. Status: Full Ally
  1061. Liked: every. single. human.
  1063. Solar Adherents: +30/100
  1064. Status: minorly Friendly
  1066. Solar Guard: +35/100
  1067. Status: possibly Friendly
  1068. Liked: Dante, Jeff, Lont
  1070. Stalliongrad Citizens: -45/100
  1071. Status: pissed, but not overtly hostile.
  1073. Starborn Villages: +73/100
  1074. Status: questioning
  1075. Liked; Clemency, Jeff
  1077. Tartarus Island: +75/100
  1078. Status: Trusted Friends
  1079. Liked: Mercy, Razorback as a whole
  1081. The Citadel: -80/100
  1082. Status: PISSED.
  1084. The Hive: +90/100
  1085. Status: Allied
  1086. Liked: Hollow
  1088. The Malurian City-State: +40/100
  1089. Status: Liked
  1091. The Moors: +100/100
  1092. Status: Full Ally
  1093. Liked: all of Razorback... except for Flash.
  1095. The Second Dynasty: +15/100
  1096. Status: forcibly Neutral.
  1097. Liked: Dante
  1099. The Tower Guard: +35/100
  1100. Status: Mildly Friendly. Also Mildly Annoyed.
  1102. Watch Guard -45/100
  1103. Status: pissed, but not overtly hostile.
  1106. *****
  1109. Arkadian Divides:
  1110. -NONE
  1112. Anfang & Gryphon Vale:
  1113. Spiral: -25/100 Unfriendly
  1115. Canterlot:
  1116. -Belltower: -45 Highly Unfriendly
  1117. -Mist Dancer: -75 CAPTURE ON SIGHT
  1118. -Spiral: -50 Disliked
  1119. -Twisted Wing: -75, Despised
  1121. Circle of Assassins:
  1122. -Mist Dancer: -60 Despised
  1124. Cloudsdale:
  1125. -Mercy: -75 nearly Hostile
  1126. -Twisted Wing: -75 nearly Hostile
  1128. Crystal Empire City-State:
  1129. -Kraut, -75 Nearly Hostile
  1131. Councilierge:
  1132. -Belltower: -90, CAPTURE ON SIGHT
  1133. -Twisted Wing: -100 CAPTURE ON SIGHT
  1134. -UNKNOWN #1: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1135. -UNKNOWN #2: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1136. -UNKNOWN #3: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1137. -UNKNOWN #4: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1138. -UNKNOWN #5: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1139. -UNKNOWN #6: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1140. -UNKNOWN #7: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1141. -UNKNOWN #8: -100 KILL ON SIGHT - rescinded
  1143. Detrot:
  1144. -NONE
  1146. Dragon Legions:
  1147. -Mist Dancer: -80, Despised
  1149. Dragonspine Mountains:
  1150. -NONE
  1152. Dynasty Remnants:
  1153. -UNKNOWN
  1155. Elder Dragon Council:
  1156. -UNKNOWN
  1158. Germaneigh:
  1159. -UNKNOWN
  1161. Gryphon Kingdoms:
  1162. -NONE?
  1164. Gozka:
  1165. -UNKNOWN
  1167. Imeron:
  1168. -NONE
  1170. Lishanki:
  1171. -Mercy: -60 Unfriendly
  1172. -Torven: -60 Unfriendly
  1173. -Twisted Wing, -60 Unfriendly
  1175. Lunar Adherents:
  1176. -Mist Dancer: -85, CAPTURE ON SIGHT
  1178. Manehattan:
  1179. -NONE
  1181. Prance:
  1182. -UNKNOWN
  1184. Rogue Elites:
  1185. -?????: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1187. Stalliongrad Citizens:
  1188. -Belltower: -50 Unfriendly
  1190. Starborn Villages:
  1191. -Mist Dancer: -100 HOSTILE
  1193. Sea's Bounty:
  1194. -Raindrop Raspberry: -10 Slight Dislike
  1196. Solar Adherents:
  1197. -Twisted Wing: -85 Greatly Hated
  1199. Solar Guard:
  1200. -UNKNOWN
  1202. Starborn Villages:
  1203. -[REDACTED]: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1205. Tartarus Island:
  1206. -[REDACTED]: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1208. The Citadel:
  1209. -Mist Dancer: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1211. The Hive:
  1212. -NONE
  1214. The Malurian City-State:
  1215. -NONE?
  1217. The Moors:
  1218. -NONE?
  1220. The Second Dynasty:
  1221. -NONE?
  1223. The Tower Guard:
  1224. -Mist Dancer: -100 KILL ON SIGHT
  1225. -Twisted Wing: -40 Unfriendly
  1227. Watch Guard:
  1228. -Belltower: -75 nearly Hostile
  1230. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1232. Sunny: 20
  1233. Jeff: 19
  1234. Dante: 18
  1235. Lont: 12
  1236. Kraut: 11
  1237. Bubba: 10
  1238. Pareidolia: 5
  1239. Clemency: 4
  1240. Mallia: 2
  1241. Natilda: 2
  1242. Nova: 2
  1243. Cheto: 1
  1244. Indurian: 1

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