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Operator Records
By PonyStranglerCreated: 2022-08-05 05:42:15
Updated: 2024-10-10 07:46:15
Expiry: Never
Razorback Company Ranks:
Fucking New Guy/Gal: 0-10XP
Recruit: 11-20XP
Rookie: 21-30XP
Veteran: 31-40XP
Warrior: 41-50XP
Agent: 51-60XP
Specialist: 61-70XP
Mercenary: 71-80XP
Elite: 81-90XP
Famed: 91-100XP
Operator: 101-110XP
Renowned: 111-120XP
Vaunted: 121-130XP
Beknown: 131-140XP
Parfluen: 141-149XP
Legendary: 150XP
Anfang Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Ambush OR Assault rolls.
None at current.
Crystal Empire Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Riposte OR Negotiation rolls.
Name: L.O.N.T
Position 1: Cadence's waifu. No, she waifu'd him, NOT the other way around.
Position 2: Chief Medical Liaison
Theme: A former Imperial Outrider soldier turned freelance warrior
Rank: Famed
HP: 30/30
Total XP: 91
Unspent XP: 20
(Affectionate, Aware, Brawler, Healer, Honorable, Kind, Knowledgeable, Lucky, Lustful, Minorly Clueless, Polite, Razorback 100, Scarred, Thoughtful)
Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
Crystal Pony, Kingdom & Imperial phonetics: can read, speak, and write fluently
-Enhanced Youth: unbeknownst to Lont, the crystal bottle given by Princess Cadence as thanks for distracting her from marely annoying meetings, multiple not-entirely-secret rendezvous, and keeping her company among other helpful nights, contained traces of a highly experimarental elixir from a bygone era designed to slow, halt, and partially reverse some of the physical effects of natural aging.
Replacing the simple bottle with a decorative Empire crystal flask later on, the carefully metered dosage was increased numerous times to compensate for human physiology.
While whomever had created the original did not leave the full instructions on the exact composition and materials, Cadence was able to recreate it with some success, now greatly preferring Lont's roughly 25-year old appearance when compared to his true age, although it hasn't changed anything else.
*Customized Crystal Wings: originating from extensive studies on Changelings and their eventual self-modifying hybrid genetics throughout the past 23,000+ years, the first Crystalline Shell, developed by Cadence in the late 19,000's, would use a carefully tuned variant of similar psychoreactive properties adapted to crystalline resonances and materials.
Basing modifications on the prior, numerous attempts by Cadence, later aided by Crystal Engineers and Runemares, to enhance a Shell's form were met with varied successes. The most common improvemarents increased physical flexibility, speed, durability, resistance to physical damage, and (minor) usage of Crystal Runes were consolidated into a standard 'reform' package. Due to limitations, an individual Shell was only able to select the majority of three and a minor improvemarent to two.
Additions in the 20,000's primarily focused on increasing resistance to esoteric harm from Eldritch, Otherworldly, and Planar combatants which had become wide spread throughout the lands the Crystal Conclaves inhabited.
Later in the 20,500's, selective capabilities to focus on increasing damage against one or two of the same were added.
Responding to significant increases of Construct probing actions, incursions, and limited scale invasions, the early 21,000's era Shells underwent far more extensive reforms under Princess Cadence's alliance with the Ethereal Plane.
Using knowledge gained from studying Ethereal Golems and other defense-focused unit designs, Rebirth was able to greatly expand protection against Elemarents and Construct weaponry. Most notably: Laser, Maser, Grazer, Plasma, Particle Whips, and other esoteric energy classes were thoroughly studied, allowing comprehensive upgrade 'reforms' to take place, both physical and philosophical.
Sometime during the Early Dynasty Era, Cadenza's exploration of ever more delicate or finicky crystalline materials, alloys, and composites finally achieved a level of mastery that most in the Ethereal Plane considered little more than 'experimental wastes of time'. Of course, the average Crystal pony despised the fact that their sovereign was slighted, sparking the beginnings of a (rarely seen outside the Kingdoms, later the Empire) feud that would last well over 3,500 years.
After fully retuning how each Shell functioned as a fully crystalline-organic being composed of material, held together by an individual's will, reinforced by the efforts of those in one's vicinity, and able to be easily refined through addition of select Runes, Cadence was then approached by a number of Archaic Golems and Acolytes, sharing their information and concerns. Determined to protect all equines against increased hostilities from other Planes, she (quietly) secured most of the Lorekeeper Orders, then in the Dynasty city-states, to eagerly study how her overall advances could be adapted to Crystal ponies as a whole.
Despite (moderate, non-physical) resistance from the countless Ethereal Councils and Courts, a small number of willing Crystalline Shells (and a tiny few mares, usually elders) underwent carefully selected and highly controlled experimarents. Under strict protocols and supervision by Elder Acolytes, Rune Knights, and the (then) extremely few Killknights that shared their knowledge of Rime, nearly all experimarents would fail. While able to reverse the processes and effects with remarkable clarity, Cadenza would shelve these efforts until the later 23,100's era.
Unable to fully protect Crystal ponies from increasing threats, both those within the Empire and outside, then coming under pressure due to Middle Dynasty expansion efforts, another idea would surface, that being a complete restructuring of 'what' a Crystalline Shell is, or potentially could be. Instead of growing and harmonizing a full copy of the original's body to be inhabited by the individual, three common variations would be proto-grown:
First was a winged lancer based on pegasi ambushers featuring exceptional speed augmarented with limited stealth capabilities, second a heavily armored Siege Shell based on Ethereal Golems for destroying large Constructs and fortifications. Third, a (near) full Crystal Engineering/Rune capable Shell was developed based on needing unicorn-like support staff for both campaigns and combat duties.
In addition to massive revolutions in alchemy and Crystal Runes, those three variants would be virtually incompatible with later advances, with most choosing to be reformed into the standard, fully functional Crystal pony variant as the Middle Dynasty Era began. Most books detailing those advances remain intact from that turbulent era, the Crystal City-State's numerous museums featuring thousands of examples, though all critical information remains solely with Lorekeepers and Princess Cadence herself, at least until the beginnings of new troubles.
While still stuck in Canterlot at the time, Princess Cadence returned to her earlier studies in the early 29,890's as the Tyrant started to resurface once more, and several Planes began opening hostilities across Tallus (notably the Dominion Disaffected, a number of jaded Vortex Warclans that were unable to compromise, along with outcast inhabitants of several minor and lesser Planes among others).
Firmly believing there was a desperate need of significant improvemarents to those Crystalline Shells still outside the Crystal Empire's incredibly protective shield, Cadenza's research efforts were, mostly, successful, despite having extremely limited materials and access to few Shells, all of whom were willing subjects. Sending them off to the largest Conclaves in order to 'install' the varied bio-crystalline 'packages', her final order before the Confrontation was that each Crystalline Shell was fully allowed to undertake any 'improvemarents' they desired, so long as the net results were positive.
This, her latest effort, is both a severely taboo subject and a resounding success.. although her most trusted advisors are still a bit disturbed at the moral quandaries of modifying an Otherworlder biped.
Using her own wings as a schematic, downsized of course to fit a specific human body, then imprinting the best samples of Lont's genetic material into an older, near-perfectly understood bio-crystalline substrate that would cell-divide in a slow, carefully controlled marener, Cadence would harvest only the most stable amounts from the growing mass.
Infusing the material into a likewise specific youthful appearance elixir would, over the course of several years, produce a highly functional (and fashionable) result, one that with careful monitoring and application would be proof of Cadenza's unique mastery and aid to Razorback.
...of course none of that happened in ANY way, shape, time frame, or form she would have preferred!
The physical stresses Lont experienced on Septimber 38th, 29,998, after inhaling a toxic aerosolized dosage of Ambrosia while treating a certain earth pony would kickstart the process at least one year in advance of calculations, causing a rapid, yet fully controlled, restructuring of the musculature across his entire back and shoulders.
As the bio-crystalline muscles grew and adjusted to compensate for additional weight and strength of his new appendages, Lont's shoulder blades would be fully replaced by a set of five highly flexible bio-crystalline cord-like structures, directly bonded to his most of his upper torso skeleton and musculature.
Due to being sedated far beyond Nova Flicker's abilities to wake him, Lont experienced little of the excruciating agony that occurred during the (estimated) hour long process.
Now, Lont features a pair of 8' long, 4.5’ wide, fully extendable bio-crystalline wings in a pre-mature stage. The endo-crystalline flight muscles are reasonably strong enough to allow for limited, albeit painful flight.
The most commonly seen colorations across both crystallize feathers and flesh alike are wavy mixtures of blue, pink, green, and red.
-Armor: 1DR
-Current Growth Value: 700/2,000, Pre-Mature
*Allows up to 1 minute or 10 turns of flight in non-combat situations
*Allows up to 30 seconds or 5 turns of flight in combat situations
*Minorly Adapted: adds +1 to all Flight rolls
*Growth Rate: increases by 5 per non-alcoholic Crystal Empire drink, 10 per alcoholic Crystal Empire drink, 20 per Crystal Empire food consumed, and 50 per each Crystalline Bio-Gel drink consumed
>Crystalline Bio-Gel causes an immediate 20 Morale damage PER each consumed as Lont is neither a Tallus-native nor a Crystal Descendant
*Ignores 1/3rd of ALL damage from blood magic, Ethereal, and Rime Elemarentals
*Ignores 1/2 of ALL Ice damage, whether physical, magical, Mystical, Druidic, Planar, and Spectral in nature, EXCLUDING solely Eldritch
*Ignores 3/4 of ALL damage from Crystal Runes and Psionics
*Suffers 1/4 more damage from ALL Earth and Force Elemarentals
*Suffers 1/6 more Plasma damage
EVOLVING ABILITY: Warp Translocate. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Warp Translocate allows Lont to dimarensionally shift himself or an ally up to 100M from Lont's current position, directly in front of an enemy within direct line of sight, that is: the enemy must be identified by Lont himself, using 4x [1d6] rolls.
*During the turn Warp Translocate is activated, Lont himself is incapable of utilizing offensive abilities IF deploying an Ally instead of himself
*As long as a minimum total result of 10 is achieved, Lont or the translocated Ally are capable of immediately utilizing these skills: Assault, Parry, Intimidation, Block, and one Ranged Weapon-type roll
*If the total result is less than 6, only Assault and Block may be used
*May only be used ONCE between Operations
Master Assault
Master Parry
Master Riposte
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Small Arms
Expert Block
Basic Evasion
Master Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Stealth
Expert Alchemy
Expert Iron Will
Master Medical
Expert Perception
Expert Scouting
>First Deathscorned: having suffered a total of 3 deaths (and possibly more that he doesn't know about) in the past and been revived from each, Tallus itself has, for lack of better understanding or study, scorned Lont's very existence.
*Lont is IMMUNE to all effects of Reviviscence Trauma and may only expire upon reaching -20HP or less, though this doesn't mean he will be ALLOWED the courtesy of dying.
>Veteran Manhunter: even among Razorback’s better known Operators, Lont is well known for having an unusually heightened propensity to ‘dealing with’ humans.
*Lont must always add +2 to ALL Scouting, Tracking, and offensive rolls, including enchantmarents, when tracking, hunting down, capturing, killing, or executing humans.. so long as his reasons and rationale are justified.
>Superior Sharonel's Voice: adds +3 to all Negotiation rolls
>Superior Will of Hywn'Fer: adds +3 to all Iron Will rolls
>Master Aligned Valor: excepting some of the original Razorback 100, most do not know.
Lont's time spent learning from the fading Sharonel's scattered, highly random memories, and experiencing the harshness of Tallus has given him a deepened sense of respect for those whom prove true to their principles, while learning that those whom cannot respect the equality of power, honor, compassion, or gentleness have little understanding of Tallus world as a whole.
Thusly, Aligned Valor proves Lont's commitment to ending battles as quickly as possible, also using as little harm as possible, instead of living to merely fuck and fight, in order to return to discovering his new life.
And fuck.
*Roll [1d6] and [1d6+2], the first result being the number of turns this ability lasts, the second adding +X, where X is the result, to all Assault, Parry, and Riposte rolls
*Also adds +1 to ONE of the following skills: Block, Evasion, Reaction Speed, and Sprint
>Expert Hunter's Eye: adds +1 to and grants an additional roll to ONE of the following skills per turn: Ambush, Perception, Scouting, or Stealth, gaining all bonuses from items, skills, and other equipment as per normal.
*Considered a severe degradation of various Tallus-borne species capabilities
>Expert Philosophic Wisdom: excepting some of the original Razorback 100, most do not know the circumstances which have lead to Lont shedding his strict warrior and mercenary lineages.
Now that he has come to understand Sharonel's teachings, Lont has been guided to greater understandings of efficiency and selflessness, along with a helpful dose of caution. This has irrevocably inspired all of his actions, as a whole, to be more precise and fluid with the environments and situations he finds himself in.
*Adds +2 to all Medical rolls, and to ONE of the following skills each turn: Assault, Parry, or Riposte
Proficient Advanced Post-Spage Age Engineering
Apprentice Aerodynamics
Apprentice Alchemist
Senior Advanced Post-Space Age Weaponry
Apprentice Biologist
Adept Crystal Empire
Pupil Engineering
Apprentice Geographer
Junior Kingdom Crystal Ponies
Adept Lunar Military
Teacher Razorback Company
Proficient Tartarus Isle
Apprentice Thermodynamics
TRAIT: Expert Mark of Sharonel. UNKNOWN. Only some of the original Razorback 100 understand the consequences and ramifications.
The scar left on Lont's chest by the soulbonded lance of Magnus, the First (Old Canterlot) Marquis, carried by Sharonel during their unfortunate battle in Old Canterlot left traces of Sharonel's knowledge and thoughts embedded in his psyche. As a result he was slowly taught the paths of power, honor, compassion, and gentleness, the fourmost guiding principles of the Solar Guardians. No, that reads as FOURMOST, not the foremost! There is a difference! THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE! LOOK AT THIS TEXT! IT IS CORRECT AND YOU KNOW IT! DO NOT ARGUE! YOU ARE WRONG! THAT PONY IS NOT STEALING YOUR THOUGHTS!
Having completed a basic initiation task to visit the Spirethorn, where Sharonel's full teachings were set in place to guide those that would come generations after her, and completing the challenges set within, the scar has sealed over after learning the aspects of being a philosophical warrior, the same as the now-extinct Solar Guardians were long before him.
*Whenever above 50% HP, Lont may roll a [1d6+1], the result being the number of turns this ability lasts while adding +2 to and granting two additional rolls from one of the following: Assault, Parry or Riposte rolls
*Mark of Sharonel becomes automatically disabled should he fall under 5HP, and he must be recovered to 50% HP or above in order to use again
*As an addition to learning from Sharonel's memories and gaining a greater appreciation for her kind, eloquent nature, Lont is granted Expert Negotiation as a passive skill
*Solar Guard/Guardians and various deeply related Solar-faction adherents know more than they tell, and share more than they speak.
Basic Dancing
Basic Glass Artisan
Basic Masseuse
Basic Singing
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Improvised Field Medic Training: adds +1 to all Medical rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/3 Slots remaining
>Gryphon Regeneration Runes (White Runesage & Red Runemage): gains +2HP each turn
#1: Complete restoration of the Crystal Empire
#2: Max reputation with Cadence & Crystal Empire, gains +3 to all rolls with Cadence and Crystal Empire citizens
#3: Admittance to the Imperial Wardens. Eventually, he may gain permarenent access to the the Imperial Armory
#4: copy of Cadence's wings, Cadence's reading glasses, Ferrundus Spiker
#5: unknown
Lont was born on Ferrundus, a planet of endless plains home to large beasts and massive exposed ore veins. Like the average Ferrundii, born far away from the pristine, walled shore cities of skyscrapers, Lont had only a basic education to get him by before joining the military at 17. Through interacting with many people in all walks of life, he became quite knowledgeable, even if most of what he has learned does not serve a practical purpose. During his time of service in the Outriders, he experienced hundreds of skirmishes, eventually leading to a war against enemies in all shapes and sizes, from backdoor paid mercenaries with scrapped together exoskeletons to 30 metre tall mechanized robotics atop walking weapon platforms.
After an honorable discharge at Sergeant-Major, he spent a decade doing any and all jobs that came by, declining very few, leaving him with much experience and stories, some of which he is reluctant to share. When the fires of his Outrider spirit sparked his new career as a freelancer, he brought his motorbike out of retirement. Although refitted and downgraded into a civil vehicle, it served him well for the next four enjoyable years of his life, until his sudden fiery end upon meeting a strategic missile face first. Now, he lives as a vagabond warrior in an alien world he contently, and possibly prematurely, calls home.
Before the renovation of Razorback Fortress, Lont gave Krinza his blade and armor to refurbish, and when done he thanked kindly, since then taking up practicing in the Arena again, even hoping to try out his mettle against some summoned Constructs in the future.
During the 5 months of giving a helping hand with the rest of his comrades in refurbishing the Fortress, Lont realized his reactions in the past few operations were quite petulant for his age, after which a fit of laughter left him nearly pissing his pants on Khahlani Island's forest floor.
In his attempts to uphold Sharonel's teachings he realized he had blinded himself, thinking anything but perfect success was what he needed to achieve to honor his departed friend. Embarrassed with himself, he sought out Tipper, wanting to repair any damage he may have caused to their relationship.
With Spiral leaving the Fortress for an unknown amount of time, this left the aged man in a right disgruntled mood, increasing Lont's workload. During Razorback's several weeks of inactively Lont has: gone and visited retired Operator Bullsworth for friendly and personal medical visits, reading up on the Empire some more, practicing Alchemy, and crawling around the Everfree.
One night when he went into his room he found a package from Anon, and (of course) curious, he opened it. The squee of joy he produced from prying his prized Spiker from it's container could be heard everywhere. After taking a few gratifying test rounds with the altered weapon Lont was struck with an itch that only his Outrider could relieve, so he took to a drive around the dunes of Imeron, the frigid lands outside the Empire city-state, and even the grassy plains surrounding Canterlot.
The last location he popped into was Canterlot's College of Magic, giving them his bizarre alchemy vial to see what its properties were. (“Okay, I have no idea what the hay that hu`um TRIED to make, but it looked and smelled like a war crime. The taste was pretty good, but what it did.. aside from a few weird minutes like something was scratching my horn on one side, there was nothing wrong with it.” -unnamed researcher)
After this he spent a considerable time trying to find Ash Kicker, sadly to no avail.
To Lont's chagrin, he is STILL waiting for the last rune bowl, but will continue to remain patient. Although he is not one to talk being well aware of the nagging feeling of not getting fully involved with the Empire yet. And with every month that passes by, he feels his chance to do something is slowly slipping away, even when in mental contact with his cherished Cadence. However, every cloud has a silver lining, and hearing her talk of how she wears his Outrider badge out in public averts any knots in his stomach.
Hive Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Riposte OR Psionicism rolls.
Name: Hollow Case
Position: 'Passed out in a comatose state in the Nest. He makes a good pillow!' so claims Roust
Theme: A psychotic, drug addicted, and mute psionic super soldier. ALSO TOTALLY FUCKING OVERPOWERED HOLY SHIT BALLS
Rank: Elite
HP: 30/30
Total XP: 74
Unspent XP: 38
(Addictions: Alcohol & Painkillers, Aggressive, Curious, Humorous, Listener, Minorly Lustful, Minor Psychosis: Psychotic Breaks/Sadism, Mischievous, Razorback 100, Scarred, Talkative, Temperamental, Warm-Hearted)
>Changeling: can read, speak, and write fluently in the Archaic, Old Hive, and modern dialects
>Earth Pony: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
EVOLVING ABILITY: Titanium Fist. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Hollow may summon a pair of ancient, heavily enchanted titanium Minotaur Hegemony gauntlets, replacing his current weaponry and granting 4x [1d6+1] rolls that are used in place of Assault/Parry/Riposte.
*Deals DOUBLE damage against Earth Elementals and TRIPLE against Golems
*Has a slightly higher chance of stunning living beings, but causes no damage against Water Elementals and deals half damage against unarmored targets
*NOTE: during the turn that Titanium Fist is activated, Hollow may only utilize Movement or Teleport
*May not be used outside an Operation
NEW DUTY: pending
Expert Engineering
Expert Heavy Weapons
Expert Small Arms
>Expert Creativity: ponifally trained by Queen Chrysalis, Creativity allows Hollow to make use of illusion crafting, mental quirks, and suggestions, while also granting him the ability to speak telepathically to others, either singly or to groups, within a 3 mile radius. All Creativity abilities, except for Illusionary, are single target.
-Indirect Offensive: Illusionary. This function allows Hollow to form an illusion with 3x [1d6+1] rolls that can be nothing more than an outline to nearly solid looking, depending on the total results rolled.
While the illusions may act and seem to 'function' normally, telepathy is utilized to allow the illusion to 'speak', thus making it difficult to convince other psions, unicorns using Arcane Awareness, or others with exceptional senses that it is not an illusion. This ability will not work on Spectral or Undead beings, while some Otherworldly and Planar beings can be fooled.
-Direct Utility (Mental/Expert): mind reading, grants 3x [1d6] rolls. While Hollow IS capable of reading minds, there are a number of mental and psychological dangers that can occur regardless of Roust's Shared ability. The target must be fully calm and otherwise non-confrontational, or both parties may suffer instant temporary damage, shared psychosis, or worse effects.
Hollow and the target can further decrease the chances of negative effects using Iron Will.
*Or getting stoned, that works well too.
>Master Evolution of Humanity: the forces and energies in Equestria have revived, and greatly strengthened, Hollow's Psionic capabilities, allowing him to utilize them without the necessity of coming under extreme stress or danger.
The majority of this skill is single target and considered virtually instant when utilized (with an inherent speed of 40), granting a large number of offensive capabilities with 4x [1d6+2] rolls.
Evolution of Humanity is a primary action, thus he cannot use melee or ranged weaponry as doing such takes the entirety of his focus. Hollow is capable of utilizing Evolution of Humanity three times per Operation at current, four with Fury of the Hive, with no limitations out of an Operation otherwise.
-Direct Defensive (Physical): Shield. Much the same as shields created by unicorns, Crystal ponies, and other psions, Hollow's continued use of Psionicism has unlocked this previously damaged ability, allowing him to create them with considerable ease once more.
-Direct Offensive (Physical): covers both psychokinesis, the ability to create binding kinetic holds or harming an opponent in visual range with projected kinetic force, and Psionic blasts or shrapnel, which are concentrated mental energies given damaging physical forms.
These can be disrupted by Blocking, Evading, or attacking to break free from the hold or projected forces, and possibly using weapons to destroy the blasts, IF one can overcome their incredible speed.
*This ability may not work on some incorporeal beings, though it will function normally on physical beings sunken into the Underdark or Overdark if Hollow is aware of them.
-Direct Offensive (Mental): Mind Rape. This function allows Hollow to overwhelm a target with horrifying and disturbing images, sounds, and sensations to a single target, either close up or at range. This only works on living beings, and can be prevented with Iron Will, self-Negotiation, or the target being knocked out.
Using this ability against other psions is extremely difficult, and will not work on Spectral or Undead beings. May be difficult to effectively use against Otherworldly and Planar beings, depending on their level of mental command.
-Offensive Direct Utility: Psionic Interference. This function Hollow to directly interrupt or interdict the abilities of other psions, creating a chaotic static field focused on the target that reduces the effectiveness of their capabilities, and in some cases may prevent psionic use entirely.
Can be used against Casting and slower arcane processes with good effects.
>Expert Warp Shift: personally trained by Empress Silver, Warp Shift allows Hollow to shift himself, allies, the area around him, or specific targets between, and sometimes within, the varying Void realms for utilitarian capabilities, allowing for partial breaches of reality without potential negative side effects.
*All Warp Shift abilities are single target, excepting Void Tear
-Direct Offensive: Void Tear: allows Hollow to open a tear in reality between the physical spectrums and Void realms with 3x [1d6+2] rolls, either causing damage from the proximity of the Void itself, drawing the attention of Void creatures with the intent of savaging the target utilizing their own abilities, or other strange effects.
-Indirect Utility: Teleportation: originally an Evolution of Humanity function, Empress Silver was able to teach Hollow to use it properly, without the numerous negative side effects and potential harm to others or himself, as a result of straining his ability to open passage into the Void realms.
This allows Hollow to teleport himself or others in combat to avoid harm.
*Roll 4x [1d6+2], results-2 from each roll indicate the total amount of damage reduced
*Can also be used to teleport himself or others distance wise IN ADDITION to utilizing Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint
*Outside of combat the maximum range is 1/2 mile and must be in line of sight, or 1/4 mile with having been in that location before
Basic Changeling Singing
Master Changeling Runes
COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Basic Vanguard's Fury of the Hive. The great amount of time spent exchanging information, sharing moods and mindsets, teaching, learning from, and simply being in the fairly chaotic presences of each other, has culminated in Hollow and Roust attuning themselves as a pair.
Providing a split-second capability to ‘see through each all eyes and minds’, Hollow is able to tap into Roust's finely honed mental processing abilities and her chaotically charged, highly active and enormous reserves of Psionic energies.
As such they are able to combine their skills, senses, and minds, allowing them to temporarily slow down time for planning assaults against difficult or hardened enemies, fortifications, and temporal oddities.
*When activated this ability adds +5 to ALL Changeling Psychokinesis & Evolution of Humanity rolls for two turns
*This ability allows Hollow to utilize Evolution of Humanity up to four times per Operation instead of the standard three, though can only be activated TWICE per Operation, but cannot be used consecutively
*This ability may be activated by Roust or Hollow whether alone, separate, whenever Roust is asleep or unconscious, and has no range limitations
*However, this ability cannot be activated if Roust is in Shock or Critical status
*Adds a passive +1 to all Creativity and Warp Shift rolls, except for Mind Read
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
>Jeff, Master Ranger Firearm Training: adds +1 to all Ranged rolls.
>Roust, Changeling Wilderness Survival Training, How To Identify Mushrooms: adds +2 to all rolls when mushrooms are involved, or +1 when in a wilderness area.
>Roust, Semi-Often Nightly Running Sessions: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/3 slots remaining.
>Minotaur Broken Chain Glyphs: gains +1HP/turn & adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Minotaur Courier's Chain Glyphs: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls & provides a natural +1DR
#1: Complete restoration of the Hive.
#2: Max reputation with Chrysalis & the Hive, gains +3 to all rolls dealing with Chrysalis and Changelings.
#3: undecided
#4: undecided
#5: undecided
STATUS: took too many mushrooms one night while seeking answers, which left him in a coma. Or so it is foretold..
Lunar Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Assault OR Perception rolls
Name: Clemency
Position: Co-Master Radio Operator & Rookie Herder
Theme: Displaced Aviator
Rank: Famed
HP: 30/30
Total XP: 92
Unspent XP: 23
(Brawler, Calm, Cautious, Curious, Fearless,Kind, Level-Headed, Moderately Forgetful, Rational, Razorback 100, Stealthy, Thoughtful, Vengeful)
Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
Batpony: can speak in the modern dialect fluently
Earth Pony: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
Pegasi: can read, speak, and write in both the Archaic and modern dialects fluently
-Diamondine Reinforcements: due to the number of incidents over the course of her time with Razorback, all of them specifically involving Clemency suffering routine fractures, Tipper essentially gave up on threatening Twisted Wing to cease severely injuring him.
However, Tipper's unusually (for a pony) proactive methodologies of how best to prevent further Clinic stays involved, in rather ambiguous means, Razorback's unicorn collective coming together to pose a question, that being "What can we do to make this situation stop?"
The plan that came was.. rather simple.
On an opportune night, two pounds of diamondine went missing from the workshop, the Pegasi Tower was subjected to multiple doses of Ambrosia, Clemency was taken to the Clinic, and then unconsciously subjected to a rather extreme, highly invasive procedure: elemarentally infusing diamondine throughout Clemency's entire skeleton.
With more than enough competence at covering up their hoofprints, the unicorns of Razorback returned him to the Tower and settled for a round at the minibar with Allys, congratulating themselves on a job well done.
However, the only real change in the Fortress so far is that one less Clinic bed is taken up as often, and everypony, as well as some humans, have taken to sleeping with earmuffs on.
-Effect #1: grants a natural (skeletal) 1DR
-Effect #2: grants an additional +500% resistance against skeletal fractures
*INSANELY illegal.
EVOLVING ABILITY: Third Lancer. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation Clemency is capable of performing a long ranged lunge, leaping an incredible distance to attack an enemy or escape from a dangerous situation, using a [1d6+10] roll that functions as Aerial Flight, allowing him to deal double damage against Fragile targets
*This ability cannot be prevented unless Held, fully Snared, or otherwise incapable of moving
*During the turn that Third Lancer is in use, Clemency may only utilize Assault and Iron Will, but if not in direct combat he may also utilize Radar and Stealth
*May be used ONCE between Operations.
Master Assault
Master Parry
Basic Riposte
Master Ambush
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Intimidation
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Master Evasion
Master Reaction Speed
Master Sprint
Expert Stealth
Basic Human/Pony Relations
Expert Perception
>Master Furious Defender: UNKNOWN. Clemency has not spoken on this matter to others, save for Twisted Wing.
Whenever a Companion or Operator suffers any form of wound, whether physical, psychological, spiritual, or other, Clemency will immediately enter an exceptionally focused offensive-defensive state of mind, protecting his allies with devastatingly furious, consecutive attacks.
This ability lasts until the team member's HP is restored to full (whether temporary or otherwise), and may ONLY occur a maximum of 3 times per Operation.
*Adds +1 to all Reaction Speed OR Sprint rolls
*Adds +4 to all Assault rolls
*Grants either an additional Assault OR Ranged-type roll while active
*This ability only functions when in a Team with at least ONE Companion or Operator present
>Expert Wingman: UNKNOWN. Clemency has not spoken on this matter to others, save for Twisted Wing.
Flying with the 8 Ribbons required massive synergy between all individuals, not only to merely finish a mission, but to function as a cohesive unit. Those whom were incapable of
During his life on Strangereal, Clemency is known for his ability to open a path for elimination. The Wing activates whenever Clemency acquires a max critical Assault roll on an enemy which MARKS the target, causing nearby Operators to gain +1 to all Ranged attacks to that target.
*Once active, Clemency's low profile and erratic, evasive movements eliminate the risk of him being injured by friendly fire
*This skill may only last for a maximum of 3 turns, though can be be used consecutively.
>Veteran Executioner (Expert, HONORABLE, LUNAR, Trained): neither Clemency nor Twisted Wing speak of the circumstances which lead to this knowledge.
*TWICE per Operation, Clemency may attempt to Execute an enemy below 30% MaxHP
*WHEN attempting to performing an Execution, all of Clemency's Assault rolls are upgraded to <Execute and he MUST add +X, where X is the combined number of Trophies both Clemency & Twisted Wing have, in addition to ALL other relevant modifiers!
*Current Trophies: 6
COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Expert Airstream. Twisted Wing has become much closer to Clemency upon giving him the opportunity to prove his aviator status and aiding her in sorting through her past, allowing him to see and utilize the Airstreams of Tallus.
*Due to sharing her intensive training and giving extensive instructions, Clemency is granted an <Airstream Assault ability that functions as an additional Assault roll
*Clemency must ALWAYS add +1 to ALL Evasion OR Sprint rolls
*Clemency must ALWAYS add +2 to ALL Assault rolls
*Clemency is furthermore granted 2x <Airstream rolls that function as either Evasion OR Sprint
TRAIT: Expert Aviator. Sharing the bizarrely near-opposite yet similar experiences of their worlds, combat training, and some life choices over the course of their time together on Tallus, Clemency has learned how to tap into the natural Airstreams as a native pegasus, batpony, or gryphon would.
Heavily recorded throughout the past three thousand years, the Airstreams of Tallus are comprised of numerous physical, energetic, pseudo-physical, pseudo-energetic, and numerous wholly incorporeal ‘shifts’ that combine gravity (often called the ‘Force Elemarental’ by ponies) and natural grand scale ecosystem functions which merge together in starkly utilitarian methods.
It is correctly presumed the Airstreams are partially attributed to the Elemarental Plane of Air’s influences bleeding through reality onto Tallus.
When compared to the jet streams of most human words, Airstreams are a conceptual reality: experienced fliers are capable of gliding on them through touch or instinct alone, while masterful fliers are able to ‘convince’ small portions of a complete Airstreams to change direction in order to aid their flight.
Unlike most pegasi, Twisted Wing does not cajole, commarend, demarend, or order Airstreams to ‘change’. Instead, she is simply able to locate the best ‘threads’ to find a path through, and has taught Clemency to do the same through mere tactile and existential feel alone.
*Grants 3x [1d6] <Inspire rolls which are used to improve Twisted Wing's normally reserved combat potential; on a 6 Clemency must grant HIS choice of either an additional Inspired Assault, Parry, or Riposte roll (up to a maximum of two rolls each), OR must add +5 to all of Twisted Wing’s Grandmaster Executioner rolls, up to a maximum of +15
*Clemency MUST add +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte, Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint, and Ranged rolls
*As an addition to learning from (and being the nightly target of) the fearless General, Clemency is granted Expert Iron Will as a passive skill
>Diamondine Legend: adds +1 to either all Intimidation OR Negotiation rolls against ALL mares, except for those with BOSS-class Fearless or Twisted Wing herself
>Diamondine Will: adds +2 to all Iron Will rolls. (“You do not want to know why, nor will you.” -Nova Flicker)
>Fighting Falcon Master: long hours in the often demanding, tricky, stiff necked Falcon’s cockpit (and a decent amount of stubborn maintenance on ground too), Clemency MUST add +2 to ANY and ALL rolls when dealing with an F-16, or any derivatives thereof.
>Master: the only known Operator to have experienced, and conquered, the near-limitless Gravity Elemarental forces of Tallus, including the related Spectrums and Planes.
*Clemency does NOT suffer from the effects of concussions or shock, and will ALWAYS take 1/2 less damage from ALL Force/Gravity/Earth Elemarentals, REGARDLESS of source!
*Psions of, at minimum, Master rank will ALWAYS refer to Clemency by this title, as they consider him an equal in this marener
>Pride of the Ribbon: due to Clemency's experience pulling off dangerous and potentially fatal maneuvers, he is technically immune to motion sickness and nausea, whether caused by being in flight, harm caused by Force/Gravity Elemarentals, or all other means.
>The Rookie Wrangler: adds +1 to ALL rolls when putting up with, dealing with, sorting out, or otherwise bossing FNG's, Rookies, and Recruits around.
Senior Advanced Aerodynamics
Senior Advanced Post-Orbital Technologies
Apprentice Aeronautics Engineering
Proficient Aeronautics Theory & Implementation
Observer Aerospace Navigator
Graduate Advanced Human Aviation
Junior Batponies
Senior Dual Jet-Turbine Aviator
Apprentice Engineer
Proficient Ferron Clans
Teacher Fighter Jet Aviator
Senior Lunar Military
Teacher Pilot
Adept Pre-Middle Modernized Constructs
Teacher Razorback Company
Apprentice Researcher
Teacher Sea’s Bounty
Graduate Single Engine Propeller Aviator
Graduate Starborn
Junior Tartarus Isle
Basic Electronic Warfare Operator+2
Basic Gambling
Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
Chuz`Ain, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Kra`ken Fear Response Training: adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
Cracked Eye (Two-Stripes), Lunar Council Grandmaster, Fine Visual Identification Instruction: adds +1 to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls
Luna, Esoteric & Ascetic Nightmare Vocal Training: adds +1 to all Intimidation rolls
Ridgeback, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Specialized Minotaur Ranged Combat Instruction: adds +1 to all Ranged-type rolls
Sleethoof, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Overcharged Ground Racing Training: adds +1 to all Block/Evade/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
Twisted Wing, Starborn Close Combat/Specialized Weaponry Courses: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
Cracked Eye (Two-Stripes), Lunar Council Grandmaster, Gryphon Agent Instruction: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 0/3 Slots remaining
>Ambusher's Return Flight Seal: if Clemency does not attack during a turn, all Sprint rolls are converted into Flight, furthermore adding +2 to all Flight rolls and allowing the ability to either float
*May also utilize a limited form of Flight up to 10 feet above any solid object at any time
>Circle of the Unbroken Mind: one of the most potent Crystalline Devices, this fairly bland looking Crystal pony created ward prevents mental intrusion from Psions, Eldritch, Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, Planar, and Undead beings, as well as nearly all methods of mental contact
*Adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
>Vitriole Drake Phase-Blood: adds +1 to all Evasion rolls (unmodified)
Name: Jeff
Position: Starborn Nightblade & Fortress Administrator
Theme: Seasoned Veteran
Rank: Operator
HP: 30/30
Total XP: 105
Unspent XP: 4
(Ambusher, Bold, Direct, Distrust: Silver, Dutiful, Hunter, Intuitive, Knowledgeable, Level-Headed, Rational, Razorback 100, Veteran: Perception/Ranged, Watchful)
Arabic: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
Batpony: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
Farsi/Saddle Arabian Farsee: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
Pegasi: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
EVOLVING ABILITY: Antisurge. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Jeff is capable of instantly deploying a highly specialized barrier field developed by a unicorn, Crystal pony, and Psion trio during the Middle Dynasty era.
*Activate using 4x [1d6+1] rolls, total results-2 per roll reducing the damage of all Casting, Druidry, Elemental, Eldritch, Mystic, Psionic, Spectral, Undead, and otherwise esoteric forms of harm in a 10M radius, protecting both himself and others
*Certain Construct, Eldritch, and Spectral abilities will pass through normally
*The shield forms on a specific X/Y/Z axis at a predetermined location, which may be a specific finger, hand, or other bodily part, at an inherent Speed of 20
*During the turn that Antisurge is activated, Jeff may only utilize Iron Will or Block, but if he is not in direct combat he may also utilize Intimidation, Human/Pony Relations, and Negotiation
*May be used ONCE between Operations.
NEW DUTY: invalid
Expert Assault
Expert Parry
Master Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Expert Intimidation
Expert Small Arms
Expert Block
Expert Evasion
Master Reaction Speed
Expert Sprint
Expert Stealth
Expert Engineering
Expert Explosives
Master Human/Pony Relations
Master Leadership
Basic Lockpicking
Expert Iron Will
Master Perception
Master Scouting
Expert Wilderness Survival
>Master Lady Killer: Mangoes. Mares. Puns. Sexy mares. Sexy puns. Sexy man-goes. More than enough said~
Functions as Negotation, though utilizes 3x [1d6+2] rolls.
*HOWEVER, adds +3 to all Negotiation rolls against female NPC's, whether friendly, neutral, or hostile
*TWICE per Operation, Jeff may also attempt to Charm a female NPC with 2x [1d6+4] rolls
>Magic Master of Mangoes: same as above, except with MOAR mangoes!
Punning like, living with, behaving like, and probably being a secret batpony, has driven Jeff's interests directly onto one sole object: the humble, gracious mango. Having observed it's tremendous underutilization as 99.99% of batponies just eat them on sight, Jeff has come to realize their raw, untapped potential.
*Functions as Master Cooking with 4x [1d6+3] rolls, but becomes 4x [1d6+6] when Mangoes are involved
*It's time to cook... with mangoes!
>Master Third Rush: UNKNOWN. Jeff has not spoken of the circumstances.
Adds +3 to and grants 3 additional Assault rolls, OR adds +3 to and grants 3 additional Reaction Speed rolls.
*Jeff is only able to use one option per turn, HOWEVER if both Assault and Reaction Speed are used during the same turn Jeff must skip the following turn to use Third Rush again
TRAIT: Dedicated Ranger. Jeff's finely honed senses, intense physical training, and many years in the Rangers have provided him a vast array of technical skills, both in and out of combat. True to form, the even harder earned experiences of Tallus, combined with it's inherently dangerous nature, have only strengthened his capabilities, granting him a considerable edge over most opponents and would-be detractors.
*Adds +1 to all Offensive, Defensive, and Utility rolls
*Grants an additional 3 Ranged rolls of any kind
*Negates ALL penalties from weaponry not in his skill list
*In addition, Jeff's enhanced strength, knowledge of physical weak points, and the finer teachings of melee combat have combined to reduce all potential injuries by 25%
-BOSS-class Fearless: cannot be Intimidated or Demoralized normally
-I Survived The Moors, S.E.R.E. Ain't Shit: grants an additional Evasion roll
-Lunar Military Liasion: adds +2 to all Negotiation rolls when conversing with military members, both current and former
-Marecenary Friend: adds +1 to all Negotiation rolls when conversing with Equestrian mercenaries, both current and former
Senior Advanced Human Weaponry
Junior Advanced Human Technologies
Junior Batponies
Apprentice Cook
Apprentice Ecologist
Pupil Engineer
Pupil Equestrian Marecenaries
Proficient Lunar Military
Teacher Razorback Company
Junior Researcher
Senior Starborn
Observer Tactician
Adept Tartarus Isle
Proficient The Moors
Basic Electronic Warfare Operator+1
Basic Gambling
Basic Geography
Basic Sports
-Chuz`Ain, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Kra`ken Fear Response Training: adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
-Comprehensive Guide to Tallus Flora & Fauna, The: adds +1 to all Wilderness Survival rolls
-Cracked Eye (Two-Stripes), Lunar Council Grandmaster, Fine Visual Identification Instruction: adds +1 to all Perception/Scouting rolls
-Luna, Esoteric & Ascetic Nightmare Vocal Training: adds +1 to all Intimidation rolls
-Oranti, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Harpy Leadership & Inspirational Training: adds +1 to all Leadership rolls
-Reptiles & Their Kin the Drakes Volume: adds +1 to all rolls when dealing with reptiles, drakes, wyrms, wyverns, and similar creatures
-Ridgeback, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Specialized Minotaur Ranged Combat Instruction: adds +1 to all Ranged rolls
-Sleethoof, Lunar Council Grandmaster, Overcharged Ground Racing Training: adds +1 to all Block/Evade/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
-Twisted Wing, Starborn Close Combat Training: Specialized Weaponry Course: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
-Cracked Eye (Two-Stripes), Lunar Council Grandmaster, Gryphon Agent Instruction: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 0/3 slots remaining.
-Dusk Film: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +1HP each turn in dark areas
-Sticky: a simple, yet powerful, full body enchantmarent that allows the owner to 'stick' themselves or their clothing/armor to virtually any surface, including cloud material, without losing adhesiveness.
*This can be used to climb walls/ceilings with a [1d6+x] <Perfect Grip roll, where X is the highest Assault roll available, or attach an item permarenently one's body/clothing, while also preventing held weaponry from ever being disarmed.
-Void Eye: at any point during a turn, Jeff may replace all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls with a [1d6+4] <Void Sight ability, allowing him to view Otherworldly, Spectral, and other incorporeal forces and beings through the Underdark, though this ability cannot gain additional modifiers.
*Permarenently enchanted to him
#1: Complete restoration of the Moors.
#2: Max reputation with Luna & the Moors, gains +3 to all rolls when dealing with Luna & batponies.
#3: Admittance to the Starborn, and gains permarenent access to the Lunar and Citadel Armories.
#4: BOSS-class Fearless Special Ability, unknown, unknown
#5: undecided
Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Assault OR Negotiation rolls.
Name: Dante "Doc Feelgood" Gambacci
Theme: Mercenary Heavy Gunner
Rank: Famed
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 99
Unspent XP: 22
(Anti-Authority, Blunt, Bold, Careful, Cold-Blooded, Curious, Determined, Direct, Distrust: Idiots, Dry Wit, Dutiful, Guardian, Hard-Working, Level-Headed, Psychosis: Recurring Nightmares, Rational, Razorback 100, Reserved, Scarred, Steadfast)
Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
Earth Pony: has basic fluency in the modern dialect
Germaneighan: can speak fluently
Unicorn: has moderate fluency in the modern dialect
EVOLVING ABILITY: Infestation. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Dante may direct the elemarental and arcane forces contained within most beings, excluding Constructs and Spectrals, to purge themselves from a targeted enemy within direct line of sight using 3x [1d6+1] rolls.
*This ability causing aggravated harm (difficult to recover from) and automatic Severe Bleeding on living beings
*During the turn that Infestation is activated, only one of the following skills may be used: Block, Evasion, Reaction Speed, or Sprint
*If Dante is not in direct combat then he may utilize one of the following skills: Perception or Scouting
*May not be used outside an Operation
Master Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Master Heavy Weapons
Master Small Arms
Master Suppression Fire
Master Block
Basic Evasion
Master Reaction Speed
Expert Sprint
Master Explosives
Basic Leadership
Master Intimidation
Master Iron Will
Expert Perception
>Epona's Aura (Second Dynasty Earth Ponies): CLASSIFIED! “This matter is settled. That is why you do not have the right to know.” -Unknown Watch Guard Lieutenant
When in visual contact with earth ponies, Dante is always perceived at a -3 Threat level.
*The earth pony with the highest possible Leadership rolls is automatically considered to be the de-facto leader of current forces in range
*ALL earth ponies must use an additional Assault/Flurry/Frenzy roll of their choice
*ALL earth ponies must add +1 to all rolls, and all earth ponies take 1/2 less Morale damage
*ALL humans within visual range of Dante must add +1 to all non-combat rolls against earth ponies
>Master Fire On My Target!: UNKNOWN. Dante has not spoken of this knowledge.
Three times per Operation, Dante may select and MARK a target (examples include living or nonliving beings, destructible features of an Operation such as buildings, walls, etc. etc), increasing all offensive enchantmarents, Archery, Assault, Casting, Druidry, Mysticism, Psionic, Sorcery, Ranged, and ALL other offensive skills & abilities by +4 against the MARKED target(s) until the Operation ends.
>Master Killing Pace: UNKNOWN. Dante has not spoken of this knowledge.
continually tapping into the fury of combat, Dante's focus and fighting capabilities sharpen in measured responses to the threats facing him.
*If any Assault or Ranged roll lands on a 10 or higher, Dante gains +3 to ALL Assault and Ranged rolls
*Furthermore, Dante may also grant himself and one Ally an ADDITIONAL ROLL of his choice, though this may only be done once per Operation and CANNOT be changed
*If Dante does not score a 10 or higher, he loses the +3 bonus until rolling above 8 once more
>Master Lead By Example: SPECULATIVE. Dante is well known as being an effective, somewhat unorthodox mercenary.
Once per Operation, Dante may tap into his courage and skill in battle, bolstering the willpower, exceptionalism, and efficiency of ALL allies nearby when activated, allowing the entire team to act more effectively for a short period of time
*When activated, Dante must roll [1d6+3], the result being the number of turns Lead By Example lasts while ALL nearby Operators, Allies, and Friendlies must add +3 to all skills, though this does not apply to any form of enchantmarents or items
-Mercenary Brotherhood: adds +2 to all Bartering and Negotiation rolls when conversing with current or former mercenaries, rogues, or bandits
-Military Respect: adds +1 to all Bartering and Negotiation rolls when dealing with current or former military members
Observer Cloud Cities
Pupil Equestrian Marecenaries
Adept Lunar Military
Adept Mercenary Tactics
Adept Necromarecy
Observer Pegasi
Graduate Razorback Company
Observer Tartarus Isle
NON-COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Basic Smooth Talker. Dante has spent enough time with Pella and picked up some of her easy-going nature, as well as understanding how she deals with stressful situations and pain-in-the-ass ponies.
*Whenever speaking to any of the pony species, Dante gains +1 to all Negotiation rolls, or +2 if attempting to calm a pony down
TRAIT: Basic Sanguine Guard. When the Empress found that she had fallen flat on her promise to remember those that would eventually be killed defending her, Dante's burial of the so-called deserters, in reality the heroes and heroines of Stalliongrad, greatly rekindled her appreciation for life in all it's forms.
Dante's former esteem with Esera, and his current companionships with Pella and Mist Dancer, combined with his reverent actions towards those Watch and Tower Guard members fallen in the battles against Councilierge forces assaulting Razorback Fortress, have given Silver pause upon finding another being that would treat others in the same marener she once did.
Inviting Dante to the Temple of Calm Waters, one Silver purposefully built for those requiring rest and recovery from war, she allowed him unrestricted entrance to the city, its existence explained to him through volumes and echoes of her past.
Finally meeting Dante him in the lowest section, the Crypt, in reality a transdimarensional location containing the grave of her closest friend, she allowed him to understand the true circumstances and reasons behind her self-imposed exile, free from propaganda, bias, and loss of historical knowledge.
*This Trait allows Dante to, ONCE per Operation, shield another from a killing blow with his own mind and body, magnified by Silver's unnatural resilience and Psionic strength being lent to protect him temporarily
*In order to perform the sacred duty of a Sanguine Guard, Dante must physically place himself in the path of an Operator or Ally whom will assuredly die and roll [1d6], the result being the amount of HP that Dante retains after absorbing the deathblow
*This act will undoubtedly leave him in Critical status
*Note that this can be used to save those that are being targeted for Execution, under attack by Monstrous creatures, or other typically obscene enemies
*Grants UNRESTRICTED access to the Temple of Calm Water, along with ONE other living being
Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
Esera, Necromarentic Rituals, Bindings, and Origins of the 'Profane' & Arcane: adds +1 to all rolls when dealing with Necromarecers and Undead
Jeff, Master Ranger Firearm Training: adds +1 to all Ranged rolls
Krinza, Razorback Hooves-And-Hands-On Manual Instruction, Basic Engineering, Smithing, and Explosives Proficiency: adds +1 to all Engineering & Explosive rolls
Mist Dancer, Rope & Rope Accessories Enthusiast: adds +1 to all rolls when dealing with rope, wire, and any other assorted bindings
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 0/3 slots remaining.
-Cragburrower Tongue: grants immunity to all natural Poisons and Toxins, and reduces the harm from Casting/Druidic/Mystical Poisons by ½ (unmodified)
-Cragbreaker Heart: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls (unmodified)
-Relentless Escort Sigil: adds +1 to all Riposte, Block, and Ranged rolls per each active enemy opponent
*Caps out at a maximum of +3 to all Riposte, Block, and Ranged rolls
*Late Dynasty Relic
Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Assault OR Ranged-type rolls.
Name: Indurian & Andrammalech
Position: Bren's Pillow
Theme: A (sometimes) Lucavi-Possessed Knight
Rank: Veteran
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 34
Unspent XP: 17
(Amiable, Armored, Brazen, Challenger, Chatty, Determined, Droll Wit, Guardian, Honorable, Humorous, Kind, Respectful, Warm-Hearted)
>Ancient & Modern Unicorn: can read, speak, and write fluently in both dialects
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
EVOLVING ABILITY: Scourgeblade. Once excavated from the ruins of an early Minotaur city, approximately 8,000 years prior in what would later become the Hegemony, Scourgeblades are a wide variety of unusual weapons.
Famed for their usage in the early Minotaur Republic, this particular example of a Scourgeblade is a bright blue and white streaked, metallic Eldritch greatswords 5' in length with a 12" hilt composed of a dull colored stone.
*Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Indurian or Andrammalech may REPLACE their current melee weapon with a Scourgeblade Greatsword from the Endless March of Stone Era.
*This weapon may be used freely, however, Indurian or Andrammalech may only utilize it's base 3x [1d6+2] rolls that ignore 1/2 of the target's DR
*During the turn that the Scourgeblade is summoned, only one of the following skills may be utilized: Block, Evasion, or Reaction Speed
*Scourgeblades are incapable of harming non-hostile beings or (Specialized) Constructs
*May not be used outside an Operation
NEW DUTY: pending
NEW USES: pending
Expert Assault
Expert Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Archery
Basic Intimidation
Expert Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Blacksmithing
Basic Iron WIll
Basic Perception
>Expert Archon of Battle: upon being injured, Indurian's strength and regeneration are temporarily increased due to Andrammalech's strengthened power, adding +1 to all Assault OR Parry roll, also gaining +1HP each turn
*Every 3rd turn in combat this bonus increases by a further +1 to all Assault OR Parry rolls and an additional +1HP per every 3rd turn
*This caps at a maximum of +3 to all Assault OR Parry rolls and +3HP each turn
>Expert Furious Resolve: upon being injured, Indurian's unnatural resilience becomes further enhanced due to Andrammalech's strengthened control, adding +1 to all Block OR Evasion rolls, also gaining +1DR per turn.
*Every 3rd turn in combat this bonus increases by a further +1 to all Block OR Evasion rolls with an additional +1DR
*This caps at a maximum of +2DR and +3 to all Block OR Evasion rolls
-Voice of Wroth: adds +1 to all Intimidation rolls
Proficient Arcane Magic
Amateur Arcane Magicsmithing
Pupil Archaic Human Blacksmithing
Senior Archaic Human Tactics
Apprentice Engineer
Apprentice Geologist
Observer Ivalice Dragons
Pupil Lunar Military
Apprentice Ivalice Minotaurs
Pupil Tactician
Apprentice Researcher
Amateur Unicorns
Observer Undead
Basic Drawing
Basic Instrument: Lyre+1
Basic Sculptor
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Jeff, Master Ranger Weaponry Training, Bow & Crossbow Tactics: adds +1 to all Archery rolls
>Tallus Blacksmithing Advancemarents, An In Depth Series: adds +1 to all Blacksmithing rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining
TRAIT: Basic Lucavi Daemonic Possession. Following the destruction of Indurian’s mortal body on Ivalice, Andrammalech possessed the Knight, inadvertently killing him from the physical stress.
Awakening on Tallus and almost entirely possessed by the Lucavi Daemon known as Andrammalech, Knight Indurian had little control over his body, formerly remaining in a perpetually suspended state of inactivity, unable to affect its actions unless Andrammalech itself was dispatched in a force of wills, forcibly suppressed, removed, or rendered unconscious. Which of course was a rather difficult task to accomplish.
Later brokering an agreement with the Lucavi's desires and frustrations, Indurian reached a stalemate with Andrammalech.
*Bren, Tipper, and Gale Ironmane have (partially) rectified this stalemate, for their own reasons of course, convincing Indurian and Andrammalech to work in conjunction with each other rather than being at odds.
When BOTH Archon of Battle and Furious Resolve are active, Andrammalech's focus is heightened, allowing the Daemon to partially breach reality, projecting some of it's power through Indurian's body in the form of flaming eyes, a savage, animalistic voice, and other daemonic effects.
*Now in full possession of the Capricorn Zodiac Stone, both Indurian and Andrammalech are capable of drawing from its power, though only one may do so at a certain point in time.
*When Indurian is in control he may roll [1d6], the result being the number of turns Indurian is able to correctly utilize and draw Andrammalech's power into himself; adding +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls and +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls, also granting a [1d6+6] <Elemarental Strike ability to temporary infuse weapons with.
*While active, this ability reduces the number of turns required for Archon of Battle and Furious Resolve to stack by 1 turn
*When Andrammalech is in control he may roll [1d6], the result being the number of turns he may exit Indurian's body and leave it somewhere with a [1d6+10] <Barrier Seal ability, the result of which will Petrify an attacker for that number of turns.
*So long as Indurian's body is outside of potentially visual radius, then Andrammalech may continue to exist on his own, although he or Indurian may find it extremely difficult to merge together if they have out of contact for more than a night.
*When emerging from Indurian, the Capricorn Stone allows Andrammalech to create a complete, though vastly weaker, copy of his original body, the characteristics of which are as follows:
>Andrammalech the Wroth, AKA: the Ghost of Fury: 60HP, 5DR
(Aggressive, Anti-Authority, Armored, Brawler, Challenger, Cold-Blooded, Direct, Dry Wit, Fearless, Heavy, Intuitive, Knowledgeable, Lustful, Noble, Powerful, Steadfast, Temperamarental, Vengeful)
Master Assault+6
Master Parry+4
Master Riposte+5
Basic Elemental Lance+4
Expert Intimidation+4
Expert Block+6
Expert Evasion+3
Expert Reaction Speed+4
Expert Sprint+5
Basic Counter+4
>Cannot Swim: Andrammalech's body, weighing at least 800 pounds, is far too heavy to enter water over his head as he would quickly drown
>Lucavi Daemon: a living Lucavi, Andrammalech is difficult to harm by mortal standards, rendering him invulnerable to non-enchanted weaponry, and is also immune to Fear, Horrify, and Insanity
>Massive Size: standing at 10' tall and only vaguely resembling a winged minotaur on massive doses of steroids with a fetish for ornamarentation, Andrammalech would normally be considered an easy target for most, save for his unnaturally high innate speed
UNIQUE ABILITY: Elemental Dominator. Andrammalech may, at any time, use a ranged or melee [1d6+10] <Elemental Strike to any target within direct line of sight, able to choose from these Elements: Air, Fire, Ice, Force, Lightning, Poison, Void, Water
Name: Pareidolia
Theme: A cold, efficient, and precise operative motivated by duty. Works to accomplish Organization goals by any means necessary.
Rank: Specialist
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 69
Unspent XP: 2
(Careful, Cold-Blooded, Determined, Distrust: Humans, Efficient, Intuitive, Level-Headed, Logical, Minorly Spiritual, Steadfast)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Crystal Pony: has basic fluency in the Kingdom & Imperial dialects
>Earth Pony: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Japanese/Japoneighsian: has near-fluency in the modern dialect
EVOLVING ABILITY: Lightning Strike. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Pareidolia may draw upon arcane remnants of lightning and electricity from the surrounding area him, or stored within himself, through one or both hands using either 2x and 3x [1d6+5] rolls to two targets, or 4x [1d6+5] rolls to to one target, to a maximum range of 100M.
*When Single Focused on a single target will Stun on a max critical
*The highest damage during a Split Focus will jump to the closest target within 5M of the original target
*During the turn that Lightning Strike is activated, only one of the following may be used: Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint, but if Pareidolia is not otherwise in direct combat he may also use Ambush and Iron Will
*NOTE: Lightning Strike deals double damage to Water Elemarentals, but for obvious reasons will heal Lightning Elemarentals for the same
*Spectral beings and Undead are typically unaffected by Lightning Strike
*May be used TWICE during OR between Operations
Expert Assault
Expert Parry
Master Riposte
Master Ambush
Master Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Master Intimidation
Expert Small Arms
Basic Block
Master Evasion
Master Reaction Speed
Expert Sprint
Basic Iron Will
Master Stealth
Basic Negotiation
Expert Perception
MINOR PSIONICISM: caused from heavy exposure to direct Overherd-gestalt contact, mostly from Dancing Eyes and partially from Roust, then research focused on the semi-artificial, late staged Psionic nature of some modern earth ponies. Pareidolia has rediscovered, but more correctly restored, his own human inherency towards Psionicism.
*At a time and place of his choosing, with sufficient aid from an equine capable of teaching, he may learn ONE of the following abilities: Illusionary, Psikineticism, Psishielding, or Psicontact
>Master Failure Is Not Advised: UNKNOWN. Pareidolia has not spoken on this matter to any.
Whenever Pareidolia takes damage from any source, whether physical or marental, he will immediately enter a focused, heightened state of resolve to accomplish the mission's goals.
Immediately after sustaining damage, Pareidolia MUST add +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte, Small Arms, Combat Rifle/Shotgun, and Block/Evasion rolls
*Furthermore he is also granted a SINGLE additional roll of his choice to any skills he currently owns or has available, including Lores, Trade Skills, and weapon, armor, or item Enchantmarents
*This ability lasts until the 4th turn and cannot stack with its own benefits, however Pareidolia must wait 1 turn in order to order to utilize it again
*Shifted Greascoria Copy-State: FAILURE IS NOT AUTHORIZED!
*Whenever Pareidolia takes damage from Constructs or other Planar beings, he MAY choose enter a strictly offensive, hostile state of existence.
At this point Pareidolia is orced to add +4 to all Assault, Small Arms, Combat Rifle/Shotgun, Reaction Speed/Sprint, and Intimidate rolls.
*Furthermore he is also granted a SINGLE additional roll of his choice to one of the previously listed skills
*This ability lasts until the 4th turn and cannot stack with its own benefits, however Pareidolia must wait 1 turn in order to utilize it again
>Expert Psychological Assessment: thanks to an extensive background in psychology, Pareidolia may, after a period of observation, glean insights and predictions as to the behavior or actions of a specific target.
*After 1 turn is spent in observation, Pareidolia will predict median level behaviors accurately and must add +2 to all Bartering, Negotiation, and Perception rolls
>Low Gravity Operations Training: reduces ALL penalties when in less than 0.5 Standard Human Gravity locations by 75%; furthermore Pareidolia will not experience nausea whether subjected to Earth/Force Elemarentals or other means
>Psychological Breakdown: adds +2 to all Intimidation rolls
Observer Advanced Technological Weaponry & Tactics
Graduate Biologist
Adept Bipedal-Quadrupedal Weapon Platform Systems
Amateur Conceptual Lightning Plane Objective-Creation
Apprentice Earth Ponies
Amateur Earth Pony Psionicism
Pupil Elemarental Plane of Lightning
Adept Ecologist
Adept Human Antigravity Craft
Adept Human Exosuits
Amateur Lightning Elemarentals
Apprentice Lunar Military
Graduate Neural Brain Interface Systems
Pupil Planar Lightning Modification
Pupil Pre-Middle Dynasty Constructs
Apprentice Pre-Modernized Constructs
Pupil Post-Space Age Technologies
Pupil Post-Space Age Weaponry
Observer Razorback Company
Graduate Researcher
Adept Tactician
Junior Tartarus Isle
Basic Electronic Warfare Operator+1
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Earth Pony Countermeasures, Individualized Assault Research: adds +1 to all offensive rolls ONLY when dealing with earth ponies
>Enhanced Synergistic Tallus-Acclimation, Katyal Alvugarde: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
*EXPERIMENTAL Close-Range Rapid Pace Combat: adds +1 to ALL Block/Reaction Speed & Assault/Parry/Riposte when dealing with primarily esoteric opponents
>Modified Emotion Contextual-Control Techniques, Katyal Alvugarde: adds +1 to all Iron Will & Research rolls
>Standard At-Range Assassin Methodology Training, Katyal Alvugarde: adds +1 to all Combat Rifle/Shotgun and Small Arms rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/3 slots remaining.
>Dragon-Scale Sphere:
*Adds +1 to all Block, Deflect, AND Resist Damage rolls, EVEN if Untrained!
*Grants a [1d6+5] <Tate defensive ability that protects against harm from one of the following each turn: Weapons, Magic, Elemarentals, or Psionicism
>Sticky: a simple, yet powerful, full body enchantmarent that allows the owner to 'stick' themselves or their clothing/armor to virtually any surface, including cloud material, without losing adhesiveness. This can be used to attach an item permarenently one's body & clothing, prevent held weaponry from ever being disarmed, and climb walls, trees, ceilings, or other materials.
*Grants a [1d6+X] <Perfect Grip roll, where X is the highest Assault modifier Pareidolia has available
APPEARANCE: a purely Asian Ocelot.
BIOGRAPHY: Pareidolia's past affiliations are unknown, but he clearly seems linked to whatever standards of discipline they had enforced despite being separated from them for nearly a year. Remaining socially silent, he only speaks when necessary and is often blunt in his choice of words.
He usually avoids conversation with other operators and most other ponies unless for operations, but has been seen asking Krinza and Tipper highly technical questions about the current state of technological and biological advancement in Tallus, subsequently being kicked out of the Clinic and Workshop more times than anyone, or anypony, cares to count or comment/commarent upon.
He has a personal impromptu study area set aside in the Library with numerous texts always arrayed across a number of tables, much to Dancing Eyes' (reluctant) displeasure.
Some ponies have referred to him as a human Construct due to his goal oriented, direct methods of communication and operating.
Name: Zhun
Theme: Chinese juggernaut that got too bored going about the base, now wanting travel.
Rank: Rookie
HP: 14/14
Total XP: 25
Unspent XP: 15
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Korean: has basic fluency in the modern dialect
>Mandarin/Manedarin: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Rushyan/Russian: has basic fluency in the modern dialect
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Heavy Weapons
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Medical
Basic Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet
Senior Human Heavy Weapons
Pupil Lunar Military
Pupil Razorback Company
Apprentice Tartarus Isle
Basic Instrument: Guzheng+1
>All About Ponies: Common Medical Treatmarents, Anatomy, & Your Guide To Beating The Heat!: adds +1 to all Medical rolls
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining
BIOGRAPHY: gunned down by Soviet troops as China begun expansion into the Siberian wilderness, Zhun was the designated heavy gunner of his squad. Appearing right after the events of the Siege of Razorback, he has took a rather sedentary lifestyle inside the walls after the usual acclimation period of finding out he had died, and adjusting to the new world he finds himself in, finding all the amenities he needed plus more.
Seeing him was once a rare occurrence though, as he still remains reclusive to most Operators and usually remains in his room, either practicing on the Equestrian equivalent of the guzheng, spending time in the Library to expand his knowledge upon this new world, or in the Mess Hall at night, especially when there is a tea party.
Until recently, upon finding the normal staff of Razorback far too busy and mounting requests from other parties piling up, Zhun decided to file in and help the Fortress in a more direct way.
He learned ‘Common Equestrian’ due to the language barrier quite early on due to one of Spiral’s teaching volumes, but the accent is still there.
Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Ambush OR one type of Ranged Weapon rolls.
Name: Bubba the Second
Position: Formerly a Free Operator
Title: Sweet's Caretaker. Also did Not See that coming.
Theme: Ultimate creeper status, and somewhat sarcastic.
Rank: Warrior
HP: 24/24
Total XP: 44
Unspent XP: 0
(Aggressive?, Ambusher, Blunt, Brash, Brazen, Determined, Direct, Distrust: Gryphons, Efficient, Hunter, Passive-Aggressive, Purposeful, Razorback 100, Steadfast, Vengeful)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
>Germaneighse/German: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
EVOLVING ABILITY: Burst Shell. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Bubba is capable of summoning a 4' long, bright orange, shoulder-mounted Construct cannon capable of firing a 4" anti-biological shell that utilizes 3x [1d6+2] rolls, dealing an additional [1d6] Bleed damage and causing Shock up to a maximum range of 1,000M, has a blast radius of 5M.
*The warhead, a Shredder-Type shell, is calculated to only injure living beings, though causes double damage against Fragile targets and Undead beings due to kinetic impact; however, it may not function correctly against Eldritch and Otherworldly beings
*Shell does not function against Spectrals or other full incorporeals
*During the turn that the Construct cannon is summoned, Bubba is only capable of using one of the following skills to defend himself or attack an enemy in close combat: Assault, Parry, Ripsote, Block, or Evasion
*If Bubba is not in direct combat he may use Stealth to lessen the sound from the cannon's round
*Immediately after being fired the Construct cannon will disappear
*May not be used outside of an Operation
Expert Assault
Expert Parry
Expert Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Expert Combat Rifles
Expert Small Arms
Basic Block
Expert Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Master Stealth
Master Perception
Expert Thievery
Expert Wilderness Survival
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
>Soul-Glyph of Spiral Disclosure: carried or not, Bubba may access all of the otherwise locked or sealed sections of Razorback Fortress, excluding barracks and homes outside of an emergency situation. Sections are as follows:
*Four Walls: 800 lockers, storage bays, depots, ammunition storages, and other small rooms spread equinedistantly throughout the interior ground level. Once intended for all human and pony defenders to restock supplies in the event of an attempted siege or breach, few supplies were placed by the time Spiral's multiple psychoses overcame his logic and rationale.
*Internal Access: in the center of each Wall is an 8' tall glyph, viewable only by sorcerors and and now Bubba, that are partially temporal stabilized. This allows for rapid travel through a single connecting tunnel through the entire Wall around the Fortress.
*Tech-Forge Vault: a small, well hidden room accessed immediately to the right of Spiral's downstairs Lab door. Inquisitor Flash and Spiral spent a great deal of time jointly working on projects, specifically intended to prototype Tallus-made weapons, armor, and equipment, for eventual production. Spiral made use of Flash's knowledge to improve enchantmarents and his own abilities here as well. A Tallus-made data server and Minoris Artificial Intelligence interface is accessible in the northwest Temporal Stasis Unit, prevented from decaying or being sabotagd.
Observer Batponies
Senior German Engineering
Senior German Naval Tactics
Pupil German Naval Vessel Construction
Proficient Lunar Military
Teacher Razorback Company
Pupil Researcher
Observer Surface Vessel Tactician
Apprentice Subsurface Vessel Tactician
Junior Tartarus Isle
Basic Drawing
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Perturabo's Spirit: adds +1 to ALL Engineering and Engineering-related Trade Skill rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
Name: Ivan the Stalker
Position: Free Operator & Fortress Drunk
Theme: Almost always drunk, but somehow good enough to fight despite that.
Rank: Veteran
HP: 18/18
Total XP: 39
Unspent XP: 0
(Anti-Authority, Blunt, Bold, Careful, Cheerful, Cool-Natured, Determined, Direct, Hard-Working, Hunter, Intuitive, Lucky, Polite, Resourceful, Scarred, Watchful)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Rushyan/Russian: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
>Snootcranian/Ukrainian: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
EVOLVING ABILITY: Cacophonous Shield. Granted by Empress Silver, this shield is composed of an aetheric black metal bearing numerous similarities to kanpri. Shields of this nature were traditionally given as gifts by representatives from an organization in the Dominion Plane known as 'The Cacophony' (this title is one given to all noble crafters throughout the Dominion).
Infused with songs of majesty, this shield allows Ivan to temporarily enhance his own performance while delaying the actions of attackers, though not in a combative sense.
*ONCE per Operation, Ivan may summon a deployable tower shield: 5' tall, 3' wide, and 6" thick, to ANY location within 100M in direct line of sight
*Roll [1d6] <Summon Cacophonous Shield, the result indicating the number of turns the shield lasts in reality
*The shield always arrives fully repaired after each use with 200 Armor & 10DR
*Ivan gains +1 to ALL rolls of skills he owns as long as the shield exists in realspace
*In addition Ivan may summon this shield by dropping it onto an enemy utilizing 3x [1d6+2] <Heavyweight rolls that deals double damage to Fragile targets, Spectrals, and Undead
*May NOT be utilized outside of an Operation
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Master Battle Rifles
Basic Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Heavy Weapons
Basic Suppression Fire
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Master Stealth
Expert Engineering
Basic Iron Will
Expert Medical
Master Perception
Basic Thievery
-Basic Touch of the Zone: like most Stalkers, through trial and error, hard instruction, and personal experience, Ivan has learned the basics of controlling Zone artifacts through willpower, mental fortitude, psychological commands, and… other methods which are best left unspoken.
Even against the omnipresent, oppressive, and sometimes malevolent energetic physicalities of Tallus, Ivan is able to catalogue, study, register, commune, and, SOMETIMES, use the unusual, weird, bizarre, and hostile objects encountered.
*Allows basic usage of Zone artifacts
*Allows Ivan the ability to study anomalous Tallus artifacts with no penalties
*Grants 1 ADDITIONAL Research roll when dealing with specifically Arcane items, including those created on Tallus
Graduate Anomalous Artifacts
Graduate Anomalous Fields
Proficient Anomalous Protection Systems
Proficient Late Information Era Human Weaponry
Observer Lunar Military
Pupil Razorback Company
Observer Research
Graduate S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Tactics
Basic Instrument: Guitar+1
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/2 Slots remaining
Name: Natilda, but introduces herself as Comrade
Theme: At first, appears to be a male sniper, but will admit to being a woman if pressed a bit. Sorta quiet due to training, but when drunk becomes loud and more violent.
Rank: Recruit
HP: 14/14
Total XP: 19
Unspent XP: 9
(Bold, Calm, Careful, Cheerful, Defuser, Determined, Dutiful, Efficient, Gentle, Hunter, Level-Headed, Merciful, Motherly, Polite, Respectful)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
>Rushyan/Russian: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
EVOLVING ABILITY: Solstice Scorn. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Natilda is granted the privilege of calling upon two of Tallus's most primal elemarents, those of Fire and Ice, summoning them against a large enemy or several enemies in close proximity, within direct line of sight using 2x [1d6+1] rolls for Fire and 2x [1d6+1] rolls for Ice.
*Tallus itself will respond the next turn, creating a moderate sized wave of flame with an inherent Speed of 8 that weakens armor; on the NEXT turn Tallus will disperse a number of large ice projectiles with inherent Speeds of 12 from the sky to damage, shatter, and freeze the target/targets
*This ability deals double damage against Golems or Heavily Armored targets, but does half damage against Constructs, and causes little harm against Spectral beings
*During the turn that Solstice Scorn is activated, Natilda may only utilize Stealth if not in direct combat
*May not be used outside of an Operation
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Medical
Expert Perception
Basic Stealth
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet
-I Survived The Crag Moors, WW2 Wasn't SHIT: whether she is Eldritch-blessed or Android-cursed doesn't fucking matter, Natilda has Had Enough Of That Shit. Surviving COMPLETELY intact throughout the:
-horrific Critically Failed Operation to recover Vanilla Cloud-Strings,
-NOT being sent into the crashed Construct Assault Landing Vessel,
-being Wild Ride's ONLY remaining logical influence,
-multiple hours of ATTEMPTING to guide her 1/6th Eldritch-Android daughteru to (HOPEFUL) safety westwards out of the Central Crag Moors, a region infamously known for being one of the most dangerous on Tallus,
-and trying to keep her OWN sanity intact,
*Natilda is granted ONE additional roll for any Basic or higher ability she owns, excluding Special or Unique skills.
Apprentice Crag Moors
Apprentice Eldritch Androids
Junior Standard WW2 Combloc Infantry Tactics
Junior Standard WW2 Combloc Weaponry
Basic Singing
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
>Steel Blitz, Nightclaw Intermediate Training, Visual Identification Instruction: adds +1 to all Perception rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 slots remaining
Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to all Medical OR one type of Ranged Weapon rolls.
Name: Kraut Space Wizard
Position: Cavalry/Mobile Mini-base. ALSO 99.999999999% DEAD.
Theme: Redneck Do Everything
Rank: Famed (but not really)
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 97
Unspent XP: 64
(Affectionate, Anti-Authority, Curious, Focused, Illogical Thinking: Eldritch, Kind, Knowledgeable, Lucky, Passive-Aggressive, Razorback 100, Resourceful, Temperamarental)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Minotaur: has moderate fluency in the modern dialect
>Unicorn: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
PHYSICAL MODIFICATIONS: insanely baked and well burnt burger
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Expert Small Arms
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Expert Stealth
Expert Cooking
Expert Medical
>Master Can't Kill An Oklahoman: if Kraut is to be killed in action without going under -30HP, nor suffering from any fatal injuries or lost limbs, he may roll [1d6] to revive himself, the result being his HP when recovering on the next turn, though each further use sustains a -1 penalty.
*Upon a successful revive, Kraut gains +4 to TWO different rolls for one turn afterwards, excluding Can't Kill An Oklahoman
*If Kraut fails to revive himself, this ability allows him an extra 2 turns in Critical status before dying
*Using Can't Kill An Oklahoman also prevents use of Iron Will for the same purpose
>Expert Dixie Stampede: at the sound of good ole' Dixie, Kraut may exhort Wild Ride to charge into, or out of, combat with the ferocity that makes the Kult of Speed proud, granting her +10 to all Sprint OR Charge rolls.
*As a side of effect of the Kult of Speed acknowledging Kraut's prowess, twice per Operation he may add +2 to all Assault rolls when Charging, and converts all Sprint rolls into Charging attacks
>Master of My Craft:
*Grants two additional [1d6+4] rolls and adds +2 to all Magitek-created Cooking or Engineering items, gaining the inherent bonuses from those items when used.
*Grants an additional [1d6+4] roll and adds +1 when using Magitek-created Explosives, Medical items, Melee weapons, Perception items, and Shields, gaining the inherent bonuses from those items when used.
*Grants an additional [1d6+4] offensive roll and adds +2 to all rolls when utilizing custom ammunition for the Junk Launcher, or other non-typical Magitek-created weaponry, gaining the inherent bonuses from the item used.
*Grants an additional roll with all applicable bonuses when using Magitek-created elemarental or non-elemarental artifacts.
*Grants an additional Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint roll for Wild Ride, but only if Kraut is an occupant
NON-COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Expert Magitek. An indepth merging of theoretical casting and enchanting principles combined with aggressive quantum mechanics, string theory logic, and the inherent understanding of atomic properties & bonds, achieved by combining Equestrian & human science, engineering aptitudes, and common knowledges.
To a point, Kraut may bypass the 'standard' laws of both Equestrian and human physics, capable of shaping matter outside the boundaries of conventional metallurgy via essentially "forming" simple objects into existence by both force of will and physical effort
*Grants a [1d6+12] <Magitek roll when creating or modifying items utilizing the Magitek core
*As a side effect of Spiral's eidetic memory he is also granted a passive Expert Research skill
Pupil Batponies
Adept Cook
Senior Equestrian Arcane Magic
Senior Equestrian Technology
Senior Equestrian Unicorns
Senior Lunar Military
Proficient Magic
Teacher Razorback Company
Senior Tartarus Isle
Graduate Unicorns
Basic Dancing
Basic Instrumarent: Guitar
Basic Instrumarent: Trumpet
-Canterlot Master Chef Cooking Guide: adds +1 to all Cooking rolls and Cooking items.
-Engineering Mastery: Continued Application, Theory, & Experience: adds +1 to all Engineering rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/3 Slots remaining
-Corsair's Spirit: adds +1 to all Assault & Evasion rolls, but suffers a -3 penalty to all rolls when in combat with non-physical beings, specifically Spectral beings and the Mind's Eyes created by Psions among other non-physical beings
Name: Mallia Castella
Theme: Tech-Priest Enginseer
Rank: Warrior
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 48
Unspent XP: 6
(Bold, Challenger, Chatty, Cheerful, Compulsion: Cult Mechanicus Adherent, Curious, Distrust: Advanced-Artificial Intelligence, Dutiful, Efficient, Focused: Machines/Technology, Hard-Honking, Humorous, Kind, Purposeful, Thoughtful)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>High Gothic: can speak, read, and write fluently in the 15 most common Imperial dialects
>Low Gothic: can speak, read, and write fluently in the 40 most common Imperial dialects. Spoken in Common, the written portion is in Gothic
*Techna-Lingua: Can speak the natural language of the Tech-Priests like her first language. A mix of Binary signals and sounds; it is completely incomprehensible to those not mechanically suited to translate it
>BQ Micro-Cogitator (Implant Traits: Best Quality, Custom Implant, Mars Pattern): a requiremarent for all sanctioned Tech Priestesses expected to travel throughout the Imperium, BQ Micro-Cogitators are tiny, hardened ArchaeoTech biowafers designed to resist nearly all forms of acids, toxins, data daemons, corruption, neutron or EMP bombardmarents, and even subversive Magos data-viruses.
*This implant directly works with Mallia's brain, granting her an eidetic memory capable of storing and recall everything she has seen, heard, tasted, touched, and experienced, including code, also allowing her to increase the processing power of other implants to act as if they were natural extensions of her body.
>CQ MIU (Implant Traits: Custom-Implant, Common Quality, Standard Pattern): one of the most common cybernetic implants in the Mechanicus, an MIU, or Mind Impulse Unit, is a combination of a neural interface paired with an advanced cogitator backed up by a logistics wafer, allowing Mallia to control all of her implants and remotely access electronic devices within a 100M range.
The fact that this MIU doesn't suffer from technical issues is a given due to Mallia's role as a Tech Priestess and the rather decent quality components utilized.
-Auspex Link: adds +1 to all Tech-Use & Electronic Warfare Operator rolls when attempting to access electronic devices.
-Rites of Repair Link: adds +1 to all Engineering rolls when performing battlefield repair with an Omnissian Axe or other specialized equipment.
Expert Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Light Energy Weapons
Expert Block
Basic Evasion
Expert Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Expert Iron Will
Basic Chymistry
Master Engineering
Basic Explosives
Expert Medicae
Expert Negotiation
Expert Perception
Master Tech-Use
Basic Traps
Basic Wilderness Survival
>Basic Empathic Bond: having refined her skills at interacting with Machine Spirits utilizing Mechanicus teachings, newfound knowledge, as well as her own strong emotions and willpower, Mallia is able to form strong Empathic Links with a Bonded Machine, thusly taking their bond one step further in the course of their shared duties.
This Empathic Link effectively soulbinds the item to herself and renders it a more distinct presence to Mallia, which can be felt even at ranges that shouldn't be possible for her current equipment to the point that the emotions of the Machine Spirit resonate with her own to uncanny degrees.
Other Operators and threats will have some trouble asking, demarending, or forcing a Bonded item to function without permission from Mallia herself, and becomes highly resistant to aggressive hacking/splicing attempts when in Mallia's presence. This version of Machine Bond improves Mallia's already strong connection, allowing Machine Spirits to interact with her in return just as strongly.
*Empathic Bond functions passively at this stage, allowing her to sense or feel the presence of Machine Spirits and Artificial Intelligences within the range of her MIU without having to estabilish visual contact, particularly if said Machine Spirits or Artificial Intelligences are experiencing particularly strong emotions
*Each Bonded Machine adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
*Bonded Machines are easier to repair and maintain due to the instinctive communication of emotions and data-logic between woman and machine; as such Mallia must add +2 to all Tech-Use rolls when repairing or maintain Bondeding Machines
*Bonded Machines may, rarely, directly communicate with Mallia and will otherwise passively attempt to aid her; in addition Mallia can directly interact with Bonded Machines up to 200M away
*Doubles the Data Protection Engrams of each Bonded Machine
*Bonds Formed: 0/1
>Expert Machine Link: spending most of her life working with, on, for, or around Machine Spirits and wargear, Mallia has become fairly proficient in the Cult Mechanicus' doctrines of restoration, including the marely and highly varied Rites of Repair common throughout the Imperium.
This applies to all Items/Vehicles/Weapons with a Machine Spirit or Intelligence that can form a rapport with the operator. Machines that can become Bonded must be utterly loyal, helpful (and affectionate) to Mallia before she is able to initiate the Ritual of Bonding.
*Machine Bonds are permarenent; as such this Bond cannot be undone, requiring complete destruction or corruption to remove it. Losing a Bond in this marener is highly traumatizing to the user and dependent Machine Spirits, and may cause Insanity if experienced enough times
*Additional functions might become unlocked once a bond is formed, mostly dependent on quirks and depending on the item; Bonded Machines may even develop new functions depending on the situation to help Mallia. These "secret" functions may or may not be very dangerous for the item and the user, however
*For a Machine Bond to be remade a period of mourning and rituals must be undergone to fully honor the Machine Spirit, until Mallia is once again marentally prepared to even think of a replacemarent
*Adds +1 to any 3 of a Bonded Machine's abilities or skills each turn
*Adds +2 to all Tech-Use and Engineering rolls for 2 turns, but on the third turn may only add this bonus to ONE skill before restarting the cycle
Basic Electronic Warfare Operator
Basic Hoofholding
Basic Singing
Basic Writing
Graduate Adeptus Mechanicus
Pupil Adeptus Astartes
Pupil Adeptus Arbites
Proficient Administratum Mechanicus Bionics
Junior Administratum Mechanicus Vehicles
Junior Administratum Mechanicus Skitarii
Pupil Engineer
Junior Imperial Biomechanical Technologies & Theoretical Developments
Senior Imperial Guard
Adept Imperial Robotics Construction & Technology
Adept Imperial Standard Template Construct Technology
Apprentice Imperial Navy
Amateur Imperium Technologist
Pupil Researcher
Adept Standard Template Construct Imperial Bionics
Senior Standard Imperial Fortress Construction, Improvements, & Modifications
Amateur Thermodynamics
PERSONAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining
APPEARANCE: slender and short at a glance; standing at exactly 5'6" tall, Mallia looks ‘petite’ at first glance, not showing too much muscle or broadness on her body, paired with as much as rosy plump cheeks, wide, bright blue eyes, and particularly wriggly soft eyebrows.
Her hair is brown, short and wild; looking somewhat tomboyish, tufts reaching down her forehead at most. Most certainly not looking /too/ robust in her current state.
AGE: 24
Mallia spent most of her childhood at public hearings in the Hive city she lived in, listening to the heroic stories of Astartes purging chaos, the gargantuan deeds of the Ultramarines, the latest conquest of the Imperial Guard, the latest benedictions of battleships before they are sent off into the warp with their own battle-groups.
Both of her parents were Tech-Priests of a certain renown for their specialization in defensive fortifications and armor, though only one was ever present for her. Her mother, Tanith Castella. The father was called to participate in an Explorator endeavor at her early age; she never saw him, only heard of him. "I want to find him sometime! I'll go fight alongside him, for the Omnissiah!" She always said, much to her mother's chagrin as she was reluctant to let her go into danger, Mallia being her only bloodline prodigy.
Her childhood revolved around learning the way of the Mechanicum and generally being a menace to her patient mother until she hit adulthood, a time when she began the rites of study to become a Tech-Adept, and subsequently, an Enginseer.
Mallia was gifted with the charm of being very enthusiastic about her work, and she occasionally could be spurred into fits of creativity when inspired that would sometimes improve her mother's work. The Machine Spirits she worked on always seemed to be happier due to her constantly hard-working disposition, and she was a team-player; adept at working in a team without ruining the work of others with a blunder. She was as zealous and careful with what she did as she was boisterous.
Though most would curb her chatty demeanor until she fell quiet, she never truly lost the habit of smiling and being optimistic in spite of everything around her, constantly absorbed in her dreams.
During her time in training, her mother too was called to service in the Imperial Navy. This was around the time that she was officially consecrated as an Enginseer, and began to make haste in following her mother's footsteps. The Omnissiah would be with her, yes, but she could not bear the thought of loneliness one bit. She really, really didn't want to be alone; unfortunately, it is rare to find one's old parents, even if they are Tech Priests, in the vast armies of the Imperium. Though this never deterred Mallia, who fearlessly thrust herself among those ranks in the name of self-betterment, purpose, knowledge, duty, and hope. One day, perhaps. One day, she too would become like the legends that she heard so much about!
Mallia was a voluntary enlistee from the Forge-World of Mars within the Imperial Guard, as an eager but still very new Enginseer. She was a woman with a tendency for flight of fancy and boisterous behavior, so much so that she often received nicknames describing her chipper behavior. 'Chipper-Bot' being one that she remembers the most. A dauntless, brave Enginseer ever eager to do her duty even if it was as little as soothing the machine spirit of a door. Often seen cradling her Lasgun like a baby snuggles a plushie when she isn't METICULOUSLY maintaining it to the finest detail.
She had been sent on her way to be assigned to the Kalderian 37th infantry division, a light infantry regiment with their mission to re-take the distant Imperial world of Darrius Secundus from an Ork WAAGH!!!, and the remnants of disloyal PDF. She spent a lot of time in the warp because of that, her dreams troubled by its nonsensical visions. Nonsense such as talking colorful quadrupeds with wings and horns, or nightmares about the amount of time she'd spent trapped in a corner or storage room, unable to find a way out for days on end.
The initial entry into the planet's orbit had almost ended badly when the Ork fleet 'defending' the planet's orbit had almost taken down the Voidship she was on. Luckily for her, it was in that moment that she was assigned to her squad. Bravo Squad was a team of specialists, with a Stormtrooper as their lead, a sniper, and a heavy gunner backed up by herself, now a full Enginseer.
When their Voidship was boarded, their squad was the only one close enough to stop the boarding party and preventing the Orks from destroying the ship's stabilizers, threatening the ship to be prey of the planet's gravitational pull without control. This would have been their first, and successful start, as one of the regiment's most renowned team of specialists. With the boarding party destroyed, she completely repaired the stabilizer by herself and helped save the ship from an anti-climatic end.
With the Ork fleet routed, and the space around the planet under imperial control, troop deployment became quickly underway. They deployed via Valkyrie drop ship with their mission to be vanguards and scouts for the division's landing zone after. They were assigned a Commissar to lead them in this effort, Commissar Merrik. The drop ship was shot down by Ork fighters, though their Ratling sniper took out the last with their own sniper-rifle, killing the enemy pilot, sending them all on their way down with a Taurox and their grav-chutes. It was sad that their Servitor didn't survive the fall with the APC. Another mission complete with stellar results. Inflicting complete casualty rates on the intercepting Ork forces, destroying all vehicles coming their way rather effortlessly.
The squad received several additions and replacemarent during their time on Darrius Secundus, steadily growing, and replacing casualties. For a moment, the spark of hope of returning to Mars to boast her great achievement had began to grow. She was always confident, always the first to volunteer, and she was competent, always bettering her skills.
During one patrol mission in particular, Bravo squad met a band of Kroot mercenaries who had been stranded on the planet. They asked for aid in exchange for help, as they wanted to leave the planet but could not as the Sergeant did not have the authority for that decision. Later, after they'd left, they were ambushed by Ork Kommandos and she was grievously wounded by an Ork Slugga bolt hitting her directly on the hip, shattering bones and causing her to fall, nearly dying on the spot. While in pain, she lived long enough to return fire and kill the attacker with her Lasgun. With the help of the squad, they managed to wipe out the ambushers without a single casualty and only one wounded: herself. They, however, had to be recovered by another squad as Bravo Squad, while specialized, had no corpsman, and she nearly bled out during that time.
After they had returned to base she was interrogated by Commissar Merrik, asking for a report. Her truthfulness caused the Sergeant to be executed for lying. She wouldn't know she was the cause, as the sergeant had neglected to mention their encounter with Kroot.
On their last recorded mission, they were stationed near the front lines on a FOB located inside the local prison, a prebuilt fortress of rockcrete, towers and high walls. They were bombarded in the middle of the night, as a sandstorm had appeared without previous signs. This would be Mallia's first encounter with the heretical cultists plaguing the planet, and they had brought Psykers. What ensued was an pyrrhic victory for the Imperium.
Under heavy fire, Mallia advanced whilst the bravo squad gunner and sniper took position on a vantage point; on the roof of the prison. She was determined to be at the forefront of the fight, and so she did, advancing through enemy fire alongside her leader, Stormtrooper Vidoq. But after grenades were exchanged and a couple close calls, whilst looking like a stalemate, suddenly the Pyskers appeared. Summoning forth the ruinous powers to Possess everyone with Daemons, most of the defenders in a wide radius were turned against each other, Mallia included. She could still see and process what was happening, but could not control herself.
Only the commanding officer, their sniper, and their Commissar had resisted the possession out of the almost 100 defending Guardsmen while large, avian-like creatures began to screech towards them with white chainswords in their hands, and murder in their eyes alongside the cultists. All seemed lost until the band of Kroot previously met during the patrol mission joined the fight to aid them with their pulse rifles, killing all of the Psykers. With them dead, the possession was lifted, the battle quickly won now that all of the heretics had jumped to them, and had become prey to the recovered, 84 perfectly loyal Guardsman surrounding them with Lasguns and the gang of Kroot mercenaries.
Thus ends the Company's official records. An Inquisitor appeared in their dropship shortly afterwards, and several executions later, they were given a chance to continue serving the Emperor among their ranks. Their heavy gunner was also executed for his corruption, Mallia doubting this internally though she could not act or prevent the incident. On top of that, the Inquisitor and his retinue barred her from recovering the wargear, but most importantly the Machine Spirits; Mallia had been working on: a somewhat functional carapace armor and a pair of heavy bolters. This bittered the Enginseer to no end, but the constant threat of execution kept her in line.
Soon after they were shipped off into the subways of a now abandoned hive city to find the planet's governor, alongside the surviving platoons of their regiment, and Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, finding skeletons the whole way in. All was smooth for a while. Most of the Hive city they ran through was deserted, covered in corpses, and along the way they ran into sane IOmperial citizens who were taking shelter in the subways; and were willing to give them directions to their objective. It was at this point everything went straight into the Warp as a chaos beast appeared from a particularly dark puddle.
It all happened too quickly: her best friend thus far, Trooper Faye, a trooper whom she trusted the most in every way and had been there since the start, was ripped in two by the chaos beast when she took it head on with chainblade and shock maul in both hands. But due to their sacrifice, that of Trooper Emil's whom drew his grenades and tossed himself at the chaos beast in a desperate attempt to slow it down, they managed to gun the beast down and send it to the Warp once more, sustaining only two casualties.
At that point, Mallia knew she would die in that subway but she didn't admit it. The rear squad whom came to their aid was too late to witness the fight, and all they could do was bring back Faye's remaining Machine Spirits along with the Cognomen tags. There was too little left of Emil and their equipmarent to be recovered. Despite this, they were ordered to continue.
They ran into cultists every single step of the way, fighting tooth and nail as they became more and more worn down, losing squad members until they were ambushed by almost an entire subway station worth of heretics.
She saw her squad die around her while she remained to live as the last one standing. Stormtrooper Vidoq died taking shots for her, but even the Stormtrooper carapace could only handle so much as they were overwhelmed. They would not be able to retreat, and the spare squad could not arrive in time. Mallia wasn't intending to run away.
Her Incendio-class gun servitor was still standing, albeit damaged. Alongside it, she made her stand amongst the corpses of her squad and the pillars as cover. Heretics would burn, explode to frag grenades, and be turned to gore by lasfire.
Before the wounds would pile up, and her servitor would be destroyed, she came heartbreakingly close to actually surviving the encounter and living until reinforcements came, but an errant shot to the head would penetrate her lightly armored carapace helmet and finally put her down.
Neither the Omnissiah nor the Warp would claim Mallia's soul that day. Instead she would be delivered to a world that she could barely remember her own dreams of. Her passage was silently granted by a tall, haunting bright white winged and long horned equine.
Name: Doctor Supernova
Position: Formerly Lejura's Whipping Post, now a walking war crime
Theme: A formerly dead SCP Agent given.. "new" life. AGAIN.
Rank: Snootiful
HP: 80/80
Total XP: 44
Unspent XP: 44
(Compulsion: Helpful, Curious, Droll Wit, Psychosis: Vegetarian Diet, Psychosis: Uncommon Erratic Marental Breakdowns, Razorback 100, Temperamarental)
APPEARANCE: a physically fit, long legged (and somewhat rangy) young Saltic unicorn mare, approximately twelve to thirteen years old and standing at 3'5" tall. Like most Saltics, her physiology is well built with the typical highly attractive features of: uniform neck, wither, saddle, and leg curves.
The high eyebrows, slightly thinner ears, a wider yet more rounded mareish snout, longer fetlocks, and unusually larger teats provide even more distinctions. Most ponies find Saltics quite fascinating, if not specially alluring.
Finely tuned muscles and slightly heavier bone mass grant some physical advantages over most Equestrian and some Germaneighan unicorns.
Her coat features several streaked patterns of multiple dark reds, browns, and grays, which easily blend into most forests, though the mane is a peculiar light gray interspersed with dark blue and yellow ripples, both of which are useful when hiding in bushes or among small trees.
Unlike either Equestrian or Germaneighan unicorns, her horn has a trio of deep spiraling grooves which provide nearly the same benefits for magical attuning or casting, but provides unique adaptations when performing certain schools of Casting, particularly Conjuration, Druidry, Elemarentalism, Necromarecy, and others, though excludes Sorcery as a whole.
As her eyes are a peculiar shade of bright blue-gray with wide, nocturnally developed pupils, some care must be taken to avoid direct sunlight.
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Gryphon: has basic fluency in the modern dialect
>Earth Pony: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Saltic: has exceptional proficiency in the archaic dialect
PHYSICAL MODIFICATIONS: a pony. What did you expect?
EVOLVING SKILL: Soulpierce. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation Supernova is granted a [1d6+2] <Soulpierce in addition to her Assault or Casting rolls.
This ability is capable of DIRECTLY striking the Core, Ka, or Soul of most beings, excepting most Spectrals.
*Bypasses most forms of armor and causing aggravated non-Elemarental Mystic damage, also causing a 1 turn Stun on a max critical
*Soulpierce may ONLY take effect if at least one Assault or Casting roll lands on a target
*During the turn that Soulpierce is activated, Doctor Nova may only utilize Block or Evasion, Assault, and Casting
*This ability does NOT work on purely mechanical beings (particularly Constructs), electronics, and those without a Ka
*May not be used outside an Operation
Basic Assault+2
Basic Parry+2
Basic Riposte+2
Basic Forced Casting+1 (Disabled)
Basic Elemarental Lance+1 (Disabled)
Basic Block+1
Basic Evasion+1
Basic Reaction Speed+1
Basic Sprint+1
Basic Stealth+1 (Disabled)
Basic Teleport+1 (Disabled)
Basic Alchemy+1 (Disabled)
Basic Perception+1 (Disabled)
Basic Scouting+2 (Disabled)
Basic Wilderness Survival+2 (Disabled)
-Basic Flurry: while rather common for Gryphons, Minotaurs, and other physically powerful, fast, (or both) sapient Tallus natives, it is rare that ponies ever learn capabilities outside of their own species. Feral and pre-modern Saltics, however, once enjoyed making use of their far greater physical superiority over most unicorns.
In specific terms, a pony whom has learned to Flurry is either strong or quick enough (or both) to deliver an additional strike, whether with a weapon, their hooves, a headbutt, or a reflexive bite depending on circumstances. (DISABLED)
*This ability grants Doctor Supernova an additional roll that functions as Assault, with all relevant modifiers or penalties
>First Arcane Deathscorned: having suffered death a 3 times, and being revived from each in successively stranger, weirder, and more magical fashions, Tallus REFUSES to accept Supernova's existence entirely. After all, it's not polite to tease her that way!
*Supernova is immune to the effects of Reviviscence Trauma and may only 'expire' upon reaching -20HP or less
*In addition, Supernova suffers 1/4 less harm from enchantmarents, Casting, Druidry, and Sorcery while under 50% MaxHP
Basic Electronic Warfare/Warmare Operator+1
Junior AstroMeteorology
Graduate ExoAtmospheric Craft
Junior Lunar Military
Graduate Post-Space Age Aeronautics
Senior Razorback Company
Teacher S.C.P. Foundation
Senior S.C.P. Foundation Orbital Technologies
>Pony Anatomy & Physiology Course, Journeymare Rank Medical & Provisional Training: adds +1 to all Alchemy & Medical rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/2 Slots remaining
STATUS: considered deceased during a purge of Everfree Efirates, his Ka (Soul) was split apart by Old Horn to give sapience to a herd of Pred-Elks, then his body was placed in Zoo's cave for safekeeping.
Over a year later, the Guide of the Planes, known as Vesali, forcibly 'convinced' Old Horn to restore Novus's Ka as it had begun affecting dimensions, Planes, and spectrums connected to Tallus in difficult to repair manners.
In her (later) words: "either help clean up the dragon shit everywhere, or piece this human back together!" Old Horn did so, restoring his body from the few pieces left in Zoo's cavern, and finally coalescing his mind together from the Pred-Elk.
The long term effects as a result of spending over a year acting as the cognitive-instinctual intelligence basis for the newly sapient Pred-Elk have resulted in calming the Doctor's formerly erratic breakdowns, allowing him to think and rationalize more clearly, though he is still subject to several awkward thoughts, emotions, and actions that may not be (entirely) his own.
Choosing to undertake an Operation with Kraut, Natilda, Snakebite, and Caliya to (hopefully) retrieve Vanilla String Cloud, a barely mature pegasus Scout hired by Razorback whom was downed by unknown means, during the latter stages of this Operation, the team inadvertently entered an Eldritch Scar of the Moors caused by one failing their map reading duties.
During the ensuing conflict of wills inside the Scar, Kraut's station wagon, once affectionately termed 'The Wild Ride', was reshaped into a 20 meter tall, Eldritch Android-Abomination bipedal transport using the limited resources available.
Using 20% of Novus' memories, thoughts, and physicality, along with the other four, as a template to allow Wild Ride a proper existence, the team was gracefully allowed to continue their trek, though the Great One's clarity, reason, and illogical in setting Wild Ride 'free' from her previous 'body' was (and will probably forever be) highly problematic considering her lack of space towards mortals.
The team eventually located a downed Construct Assault Vessel where Vanil's last signal came from, and it is here that Doctor Novus met his physical end. Suffering minor burns after being launched into the Vessel, experiencing the reality twisting presences of two Overdark Primal Titans, confined within a hostile Planar Vessel, then being subjected to the sight of imminent death caused by a wave of ash, boulders, and lava from the winning primal Titan, Novus finally lost his composure.
Executing Kraut at point blank range with his personal Kriss Vector Super-V in .45ACP, and subsequently destroying the engineer's spine, resulted in Kraut performing the Last Stand Protocol, an inherent ability of all human-descended species to perform one last desperate action against all odds.
Temporarily overcoming the fatal injuries, Kraut succeeded in brute-force salvaging the Vessel's four remaining stasis pods, Caliya, by then little more than a charred and unconscious body, a severely flash burned and half-blind Snakebite, and Doctor Novus, the four were translocated into the potential safety of Anon's White Room.
Not wanting a repeat of previous actions, Anon decided to send the team, minus Natilda whom did not take part in the retrieval, interred in stasis fields to Razorback Fortress for recovery.
Housed in the Clinic for a time, Doctor Novus, physically unconscious yet fully aware of being in stasis, was visited by Nightblade Hodch whom offered a barely remembered chance: the option to transfer into an equine body should the chance occur.
Agreeing, Novus allowed his ka (an equine word equivalent to soul) to be severed by Hodch, using an assortmarent of unknown artifacts, from his mostly destroyed body and set into a modified Changeling skull plate.
Translocating to an unknown blacksite, the pair meandered through the vast collection of stored equine bodies, ones which had their Ka removed, severed, or destroyed, specifically searching for a unicorn.
Eventually finding one, a young Saltic mare, that offered the minimum requiremarents Novus sought, Hodch once more used the artifacts in his possession to transfer Novus within the stasis-held shell.
Though the (INSANELY BANNED) arcane process was not without several faults and flaws, it was enough to inter Novus permarenently to a new life.
Name: Snakebite
Position: Support Medic
Theme: Light hearted, carefree, playful, rarely takes the situation seriously
Rank: Recruit
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 19
Unspent XP: 8
(Affectionate, Brazen, Cheerful, Cool-Natured, Curious, Guardian: Razorback, Humorous, Kind, Lucky, Medic, Quick, Resourceful, Steadfast, Thoughtful, Warm-Hearted)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Skeletal Reinforcemarents: severely injured (and nearly died) during the attempt to recover Vanilla Cloud-Strings, most of Snakebite's skeleton has been heavily reinforced via an enormous amount of quartzine infusions, furthermore banded by kanpri.
Effect #1: grants a natural (skeletal) 1DR
Effect #2: increases Snakebite's PF threshholds by +100%
>Unknown Dracosine Resistance: an ENTIRELY unintentional mutation caused by an unnamed Crystal pony Grandmaster Alchemist of the Starborn during the desperate rush to save Snakebite's life, an entire forest dragon's egg was consumed in a phenomarenally overpowering essence infusion.
As unintentional (and legally ambiguous) mutations such as these are impossible to control, the exact nature of each is random, though the power of an infusion, when amplified by an alchemist's expertise, ultimately determines the potential strength of all side effects or benefits provided.
*Due to these factors, Snakebite's physiology is now partially Dracosine, an old Tallus word that encompasses all SPECIFICALLY magical or mystical reptiles, whether sapient or not, gaining some of their resistance to Elemarents and the like
*Grants an AUTOMATIC [1d6+6] <Elemental Resistance defensive ability, the result-2 reducing that amount of damage from ONLY Elemarental effects, whether from items, Casting, Druidry, Mysticism, and other esoteric means
*Does not protect against solely Eldritch, Planar, Psionic, or Spectral forms of Elemarental harm
>Unknown Grand Wyrmhide:
*Grants a natural 1DR
*Grants an automatic [1d6+3] <Resist Weapons defensive ability, reducing harm caused by purely physical attacks
*This includes enchanted weapons, though does nothing to protect against ranged weaponry
*The overpowering infusion still causes Snakebite's skin to look normal, though even a cursory examination will determine it is definitely thicker and more resilient
>Flash Boiled, Severe. Over 95% of Snakebite's skin, multiple layers of tissues and the musculature below were flash boiled at an atmospheric temperature of approximately 280 degrees under 100% humidity conditions, causing extensive burns and moderate damage to the least protected portions of his skeleton.
*Due to the necessity of keeping him under heavy sedation, rendering him incapable of movement to prevent further harm, Snakebite's immune system only operates at 50% of normal effectiveness
*As such he will require a heavy protein, vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty acid diet to ensure a minimal amount of permarenent scarring, as well as constant examinations for subdermal infections, even a hint of which will require thorough, rigorous antibiotic maintenance
>Nerve Damage, Moderate. Both Snakebite's forearms and pelvic region have suffered an approximate 50% loss of nervous system activity, rendering him somewhat less capable of noticing pressures, temperatures, acids, alkalines, chemicals, and other forms of contact.
*As a result, Snakebite suffers a -3 penalty to ALL rolls involving the usage of both hands and arms
*Snakebite will require extensive physical therapy with Nova Flicker's aid to fully recover from this
-Right Eye: Blinded. Snakebite has permarenently lost the use of this eye, losing 1/2 of all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls.
*Incurs a -1 penalty to all Ranged rolls due to losing some depth perception
EVOLVING ABILITY: Phased Assault. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Snakebite is capable of temporarily phasing into the Overdark for 1 turn, allowing him to choose from one of the following:
-Attack an enemy through the Overdark and remain at his original position;
-Propel himself using physical motion while out of phase;
-Be transported by the Overdark's influence to a designated location within 20M of another Operator, an Ally, or an enemy within his direct visual radius.
*Visual radius in this instance means either direct line of sight or having the confirmed knowledge of where his target is, whether by mystical or technological means
*Snakebite must roll 2x [1d6] to initiate a Phased Assault, and so long as he does not critically fail BOTH rolls, all attacks will occur normally, but if both critically fail then he will suffer a backlash, automatically losing 1/4 of his HP
*During the turn that Phased Assault is activated, Snakebite MUST use all of his Ambush, Assault, and Small Arms rolls without fail
*If not in direct combat he may also utilize Perception or Scouting
*May NOT be used outside of an Operation
Expert Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Expert Evasion
Expert Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Expert Medical
Basic Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet
Amateur Lunar Military
Proficient Human Medical Technologies & Capabilities
Amateur Razorback Company
Amateur Tartarus Isle, Amateur
Basic Dancing
Basic Singing
>Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 slots remaining
RELATIONSHIP: Split Nail. Loose friends... with marely benefits~
Faction Bonus: during an Operation, Operators of this faction must add +1 to one of the following: Assault, Parry, or ONE type of Ranged Weapon rolls per turn.
Name: José ‘Cheto’ Gallo
Theme: A young runaway, charmer, negotiator, and haggler.
Rank: Rookie
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 24
Unspent XP: 0
(Calm, Curious, Defuser, Diplomat, Gentle, Level-Headed, Minorly Clueless, Rational, Smooth Negotiator, Quick)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect.
>Spanish/Modern Spaneigh~: can read speak, and write fluently in the 4 most common modern dialects
NEW USES: pending
NEW DUTY: pending
Expert Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Intimidation
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Expert Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Iron Will
Basic Stealth
Expert Bartering
Expert Human/Pony Relations
Basic Leadership
Expert Negotiation
Expert Perception
>Expert Dealing with Lives: well experienced in hostage negotiations, whether to distract the hostage takers from assault teams moving in to secure them or actually making a deal with them, Cheto has learned how to negotiate and haggle for almost anything.
*Adds +1 to all Parry & Reaction Speed rolls in a hostage situation
*Adds +2 to all Bartering & Negotiation rolls in a hostage situation
*Adds +3 to all Negotiation rolls when attempting to calm down a hostile abductor
Basic Guitar
Basic Masseuse
Basic Singing
Hostage Negotiations Protocols: adds +1 to all Human/Pony Relations & Negotiations rolls when in or dealing with a hostage situation
Adept Diplomatic Envoys
Adept Human Diplomatic Protocols
Pupil Equestrian Nobility
Pupil Equestrian Royalty
Senior Hostage Escape Protocols
Senior Hostage Situations
Amateur Researcher
Apprentice Small Pastel Ponies (of mainland Equestria) & Cultural Standards
AGE: 25 (arrived on Septimber 38th, 29,998 Tallus)
Name: Mr. Agent
Theme: A man dressed for any occasion where a slick suit is needed.
Rank: Rookie
HP: 10/10
Armor: 2DR <Bullet Vest
Total XP: 29
Unspent XP: 11
(Brash, Chatty, Diplomat, Efficient, Rogue, Smooth Negotiator, Smooth Talker)
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Pegasi: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Ambush
Master Small Arms
Basic Block
Expert Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Stealth
Basic Bartering
Master Negotiation
Basic Perception
>Basic Suave Bastard: thanks to his gravelly voice, years in the "biz" before Tallus, and the past years living in in Las Pegasus, Mr. Agent has a few tricks when it comes to making deals.
*Grants a [1d6+1] <Suave Bastard roll that may function as either Bartering or Negotiation
>Basic Papers, Please: in possession of many documarents, writs, and notices, some formal, some legal, some less than legal, some none of the above, Mr. Agent's low level connections may allow him a certain amount of leeway in some situations.
>Basic Gun-Fu: adds +1 to all Small Arms rolls when duel wielding semi-automatic pistols or revolvers
Graduate Equestrian Black Market
Pupil Equestrian Marecenaries
Senior Las Pegasus
Apprentice Lunar Military
Apprentice Pegasi
Apprentice Razorback
>Accounting: adds +1 to all rolls when dealing with finances, whether from Bartering, Negotiation, or trying to solve financial issues.
Age: 34
Sunny Feathers (A.K.A 'Pony'): 120HP, 2DR
Age: 27
Month of birth: unknown
Equine Rank: Valetsia
(Ambusher, Distrust: Princess Celestia, Dry Wit, Guardian: Razorback, Honorable, Intuitive, Merciful, Minor Distrust: Ponies, Reserved, Respectful, Quiet)
>Batpony: can read and write in the modern dialect fluently. Speaking it, however....
>Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
>Earth Pony: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
>Unicorn: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently
APPEARANCE: a white coated pegasus mare with serene emerald eyes and a short, flowing mane of simple brown, kept loose and free. Her right eye is kept covered by a simple eye patch due to a self proclaimed birth defect.
She is rarely seen by others without her eye patch and bandana, which she uses to keep stray bits of mane out of her eyes, and is in remarkably good condition despite the obvious dangers of her line of work.
BIOGRAPHY: records on Sunny date back as far as two years ago, prior to that little exists, and she tends to be guarded about any questions about her life before that. What she has expounded on was solely for the purposes of assuaging concerns about her marental and physical fitness, which is in good order barring her defective eye.
Aside from the obvious impairmarent, the lack of depth perception led her to experience marely crashes during her attempts to fly as a filly. Sadly, the underdeveloped avian bones in her wings were unable to withstand the sustained punishmarent and have become all but unusable due to multiple hairline fractures in both wings, which impede use and cause her discomfort when attempting flight.
She makes up for this impairmarent through her climbing skill, often times being seen sitting in places that would have been difficult to reach without wings, where she tends to stay if not needed or busy.
Psychologically, Sunny remains aloof from the ponies and other occupants of Tallus, especially the solar alicorn for whom she has a great deal of distrust and resentmarent. Oddly enough, Sunny displays a higher affinity for human company.
When asked about her social habits, she has only ever replied with uncertainty and a proclamation that she is unaware of what her questioner is talking about.
Otherwise, she is physically and marentally fit, more than willing to lend a hoof where needed, wanted or desired, and does so to the best of her ability. In cases of duress, she fares much better than the average pony, but still not as much as expected of hardened veterans.
She holds an aversion to taking the life of another, regardless of their crimes, perceived and otherwise, thinking and otherwise, however, she is capable of such when required, or ordered to. Sunny has no compunction dealing with Elemarentals and other incorporeal beings that don't fall under her definition of 'living', which she seems to determine on a case by case basis.
FETISHES: "Bit personal, don't you think?"
PSYCHOSES: Sunny clearly does not enjoy being in the presence of most ponies, though she will not say why. She is more than capable of working with them on a professional level, but personal interactions are beyond her ability to deal with comfortably without great effort.
Furthermore, she shows a great deal of resentmarent and distrust for Princess Celestia, absolutely refusing to be in her presence for any period of time unless forced, at which point she will become highly agitated and then hostile, but will not outright attack at the very least.
*Distrust, Minor: Ponies. Sunny is uncomfortable dealing with ponies of any sort on a personal level, remaining tense and flighty in any situation where she is forced to.
*Distrust, Major: Princess Celestia. Sunny holds a marked aversion to the solar alicorn, becoming more and more agitated the more time she is forced to spend in her presence, though she will not say why this is.
CUTIE MARK: an ocean blue feather overlaying a stylized sun.
STATUS: a former espionage and intelligence gathering agent & mercenary under Shanis.
Now employed by.. LESS than tactically inclined members of Razorback.
-Moor Cats. Nothing else needs be stated.
Master Assault+5
Master Parry+5
Master Riposte+5
Expert Ambush+4
Basic Block
Master Evasion+6
Master Reaction Speed+6
Expert Sprint+5
Master Stealth+5
Expert Alchemy+3
Basic Cloud Shaping
Basic Lockpicking+3
Basic Perception+3
Basic Scouting+3
Basic Thievery+3
Basic Traps+3
Basic Wilderness Survival+3
*ARGUS BEHEMOTH-DESTROYER CONNECTION: on Septimber 38th of 29,998, approximately 5AM, Standard Tallus Date, Sunny and Mercy were dispatched to reach Basin Village’s claimed Arena, an original Pegasi-Batpony League Era version built during the 28,000’s. Their goal to shut down one of Marquis du Spiral’s first three Magitek-created relays was delayed by the initial presence of an Argus-Behemoth Destroyer pair, designated the ‘Planetary Invasion’ type by most Equestrian militaries, and an unknown XXL (40M in height) Repair model.
Shortly after their arrival, the unknown Repair model’s gateway under production was immediately assaulted by Mercy as the most critical target, though the Argus Behemoth-Destroyer pair were entirely preoccupied by their emulation, barely noticing either pegasus. This allowed Sunny an opportunity to safely reach the Arena’s roof, though she did encounter a great deal of simulated Construct wreckage and Melari bodies, which were discovered to be entirely intangible overlays.
Shutting down the Arena’s relay, its geodesically-designed gravimetric wavelength arrays instantly detected as offline by the pair, they immediately respond by powering, spooling up, and direct loading all of their weapons. Unlike single or dual purpose models, the Argus Behemoth-Destroyer pair carrying a variety of improved versions intended to function as flexible, multirole generalist systems.
Primarily existing in turrets, the pair host a vast complimarent of medium range plasma cannons, long range green-wavelength lasers, extreme range unstable brown-red plasma missiles with a mixture of other warhead types, a variety of mine or canister deploying systems, and an older, highly reliable anti-air weapon relying on volume to fire.
*Most notably, the pair were seen producing recently copied, or possibly recovered, fractal anti-matter disruption weapons, a tightly restricted and almost never produced system, the last use of such occurring in the Kenfield Pass Incident. Only the Tower Guard and Starborn are capable of producing these weapons; neither will deploy these weapons unless specifically demarended to deal with confirmed continent-destroying threats.
Transmitting aloud at Mercy savaging the Riftseeker gateway, the Argus Behemoth-Destroyers’ request confounded both Sunny and the Spirit Walker, both of whom knowing Constructs were unable to speak, yet did understand certain direct phrases in Minotaur. With the pair seemingly unwilling to fire, Mercy demarended their surrender, which was, uniquely, refused. Politely, at that.
Lacking the ability to destroy either of the pair without loss, Sunny and Mercy would spend the next ten minutes extracting information, leading to them being shown the original near-realspace recording.
Directly put together from decades old recordings of a short, brutal conflict between 2,000 Constructs and 2 Heavy Assault Landers against approximately 10,000 of the inhabiting Melari (Moor cats), it ended with the deaths of most Melari and all Constructs destroyed.
Included was a dark blue leader figure, closely resembling an individual known Rakingbay, often called ‘Nibbles, the Moor Cat Heroine’ by the Lunar military’s officers, specialists, and elites.
The battlefield emulation was an attempt to reconsider the Arena’s recently restored conditions, calculating the effects of how its repaired state would have aided, or hindered, the Melari’s efforts against the vastly outnumbered, small to medium sized Scout and Repair models. Likewise, the tactical study was accounting for the general lack of cover, spread out battlefield conditions, and current environmarental factors exist around the Arena.
Explaining their situation, though quite poorly as the pair barely understand the vagaries of Common Equestrian, the pair’s sole task, program, and function were to destroy a Riftseeker inhabiting a sub-Planar space on Tallus, either within Basin Arena or nearby, which Mercy was able to, roughly, confirm. However, the pair did seem to take a great interest in archaeology.
Eventually reaching an agreemarent of neutrality, or at minimum an accord of non-interference, the Argus Behemoth-Destroyer pair accepted a request-demarend-offer to trade the Riftseeker’s total (estimated) weight to free a vast number of sapients, all specifically dating back to the Lunar-Solar War Era, from across Tallus, save for a recently recovered-restored-reinitialized young black pegasus.
Now in possession of knowledge from the Rift Plane that must be utilized with utmost care, Sunny’s overwhelming exposure to the raw nature of two specific Constructs is precariously balanced on involvemarent versus necessity.
>Sunny MUST add +3 to ANY roll directly involving the Argus Behemoth-Destroyer model of the ‘Planetary Invasion’ type, whether in combat, out of combat, Lore/Trade Skill, and otherwise
*There are NO exclusions to this requiremarent!
>K.I.A.: once per Operation Sunny may trade 20HP to gain an additional +1 to all rolls for 1 turn, though she will suffer an automatic -2 penalty to ALL rolls during the ollowing turn.
*While this ability is activated, Sunny will take on the aspect of a Ceranul, one of the numerous strange, yet friendly, creatures encountered by the Dusk Striders within the Void tunnels of Tallus
*This ability may ONLY be utilized twice per Operation
*For 2 turns, whether contiguous or not, Sunny is capable of phasing through up to 5M of solid material
>Superior-Advanced Knot Tying: at any time, for any reason, Sunny may restrain and tie up a friend or a foe alike, adding +2 to all Reaction Speed & +4 to all Assault rolls.
*Gains an additional Assault roll for each length of rope or wire used, up to a maximum of 2 rolls.
*This restraint action lasts for one turn OR until the target is able to break free, after which time the friend/foe then gains Retaliation and must add +8 to all rolls for 2 turns taken against Sunny
*Until used, this Retaliation bonus is PERMARENENT
*Sunny may not use this ability on a target that is still able to Retaliate!
>Learned Tallus Pegasus/Earth Pony Relations, Razorback Library Studies (Extensive): adds +1 to all non-combat rolls when dealing with Earth Ponies
Apprentice Alchemist
Pupil Crystal Empire
Junior Constructs
Observer Equestria
Observer Lunar Military
Pupil Neighsia
Pupil Neighsian Cultures
Pupil Neighsian Villages
Pupil Researcher
Pupil Solar Factino
Pupil Solar Military
Apprentice Tactician
Pupil Tallus Marecenaries
Expert Masseuse+3
Faction Bonus: how the fuck would this even WORK!? No. JUST NO!
Wild Ride, formerly ‘The’
360 Hull Armor, 360 Internal Hull, 360 Endo-Skeletal Frame, 360 Internal Structure
Age: you what.
Date of Recreation: Septimber 38th, 29,998 Tallus Time
(Affectionate, Cheerful, Curious, CURSED!!!!!!, Efficient, Hunter, Kind, Luck: Fuck You That’s What, Quick, Resourceful, SUPREME HATRED: Planar Sea Creatures, Temperamarental)
CLASS: Light Bipedal Transport… ‘Light’ being extremely relative.
HERITAGE: Eldritch Android Tech-Abomination
HEIGHT: 20 meters
WEIGHT: 40 tons. Or so she said. (Currently: 14.3 tons in total, NOT including the various items stored throughout her cabins.)
Expert Assault+3 ONLINE
Expert Parry+3 ONLINE
Expert Riposte+3 ONLINE
Expert Small Cannons+3 ONLINE
Aggressive Electronic Warfare+3 OFFLINE
Master Block+2 ONLINE
Master Evasion +4 OFFLINE
Master Reaction Speed +6 OFFLINE
Master Nuclear Sprint+3 ONLINE
Expert Counter ONLINE
>Auto-Vital Monitoring: since all five of her potential occupants must be... "wired in" so to speak, Wild's monitoring equipmarent allows her to.. "analyze" the current health conditions of humans and ponies both inside herself or at a distance.
This makes her capable of relaying information on injuries, possible illnesses, and other hazards to health.
>Eldritch Android: due to the unusual blending of Eldritch bioformation and mechanical/metallurgy knowledge resulting in her creation, Wild can be best stated as a multi-parental being, combining the most relevant (and positive) aspects of humans, ponies, and Androids, combined with the least harmful aspects of That Which Should/Must/Could Not Be.
*Every 2,000 points of upgrades may either increase Wild's capabilities, or reduce her weaknesses by a 1% margin
*Every 5,000 points of upgrades may either grant Wild an additional ability or a +1 modifier
*Every 10,000 points of upgrades may either grant Wild an additional roll or upgrade an ability
*Every 20,000 points of purely esoteric upgrades will grant Wild a single Eldritch ability related to her heritage from That Which Cannot Be Named
>Eldritch Scars: a layer of inherent defenses gained from her transformational rebirth within a Scar of the Crag Moors, Wild's external hull and internal components, including electronics, are slightly more resistant to damage thanks to her One-Of-Six-To-Our-Daughter parentage.
Due to this her ‘body’, such as it is, can NOT be classed as fully mechanical, nor fully Eldritch biological.
*Grants a [1d6+4] <Resistance roll when in combat against Eldritch forces
>External Lighting System: six variable lights spread across the head unit and Wild's chest, as well as six more on Wild's upper back armor, were placed to maximize That Which Cannot Be Named's understanding of "being able to see in adverse conditions". Using Kraut's knowledge of proper placement and Caliya's understanding of where to stand so as not to be seen, each was partially
*Forward Observational Heavy Lights: grants a [1d6+5] roll; RIGHT unit destroyed
*Forward Observational Lights: grants a [1d6+4] roll, RIGHT unit destroyed
*Forward Fog Lights: grants a [1d6+6] roll, RIGHT unit destroyed
*Rear Observational Heavy Lights: grants a [1d6+4] roll, LEFT unit destroyed
*Rear Observational Lights: grants a [1d6+3] roll, both units intact
*Rear Fog Lights: grants a [1d6+5] roll, RIGHT unit destroyed
>FRAGILE! As Wild's former existence has been reshaped by That Which Cannot Be Named, her incredibly thin components and armor are, barely, held together by an Eldritch Tryptaran 'mass' that functions as all of the following: muscle, tendons, nervous system, vascular system, and sensory translation.
An anomalous [REDACTED] system translates both electricity and Lightning into mechanical power, a result of knowledge gained from Novus.
*As a result of her vastly low structural integrity, ALL solely mechanical repairs are 1/2 less effective
*Wild takes 1/2 less damage from Lightning Elemarentals
*Wild takes an additional 1/4 more physical damage from opponents that weigh 10 tons or more
*Wild takes an additional 1/2 more damage from physical Heavy Cannon-class weaponry and higher
*Wild is rendered incapable of more than 4 turns of melee combat outside of a Scar of the Moors (or other Eldritch dimensions/spectrums) OR will suffer 25 Armor damage that cumulatively increases each turn
>Grade 1 Auto-Repair: a semi-automated biomechanical system grants 2x [1d6+8] <Auto-Repair rolls that functions in or out of combat.
*Primary Priority: repairing Arcanum Sensors Array or external armor, internal hull, and motivator systems
*Secondary Priority: repairing internal cabin protection and climate control systems
*Tertiary Priority: repairing pseudo-eletronics and all other systems
>Grade 2 Auto-Repair: grants an automated, biomechanical [1d6+6] Auto-Repair ability that can function in or out of combat without penalties.
>Grade 3 Repair Systems: a suite of 8 (originally 10) tendrils that specialize in self-repair, but can offer limited fire support.
Internally comprised of Tryptaran mass, a 1MM thin layer of flexible altsteel plating protects against common damage or adverse conditions. The 'head' is a variable unit that is exchanged at will, from manipulators to a laser-welder to claws, or any form of specialized tool so long as Wild has a schematic for it.
Each one is 30M long allowing Wild to reach every section of her body, internally and externally.
*Grants a [1d6] <Repair Tendril roll for each
*When used as weapons they have a maximum range of 50M
-Armor Value: 20 Armor each
-Armor: 1DR, Minimal Protection
>Grade 4 Arcanum Sensors Array: a fusion of Eldritch and unicorn capabilities with a minor addition of human technology, Wild's head unit and cockpit contains a number of bizarrely advanced biotechnomechanical ‘components’ that, while similar to Late Information Era electronic systems, have no plausible scientific explanations as to how, why, what, or when they function.
*The basic features are an integral omni-detection sensor array, a biological transmitter-receiver communications implant with a 30 mile range, sub-military grade encryption/decryption bio-software, standard recharging and access ports for most electronic devices and hardware, an unquantifiable amount of memory storage, and a code-locking system that requires certain.. "scans" to be made of an occupant.
*Grants a [1d6+4] <Arcanum Sensors Array roll
>Heavyweight: grants a [1d6+5] <Crushing Force OR <Heavyweight ability in addition to her Assault capabilities
*May only be used TWICE per Operation or will begin causing successively increasing structural damage.
*When not in combat, Heavyweight may also be used to move objects or prevent injury to herself
>Natural Nightvision: granted by the compositing of an (admittedly minor) selection of human technology, equine heritage, and Eldritch influences, Wild's sensor arrays are capable of Generation 4 night vision that can also assist with targeting.
*Grants 3x [1d6+5] <Nocturnal Composite Array rolls whenever the light level is below 30%: OFFLINE
>Omni-Sensor Array: COMPLETELY RESTORED. An impressively advanced (and fucking insane) suite of electronic scanning systems across her exterior antennae, directly connected to her internal nodes.
Able to analyze almost ANY electronic, magnetic, gravitational, mechanical, electromagnetic, electro-gravitational, electromechanical, biomechanical, magnetic-gravitational, and ANY prior combination, readings using Eldritch-assisted high performarence components
In short, Wild is capable of detecting the digital equivalent of a digital mouse fart within half a mile, or a short radio click-transmission at ten miles.
*Grants 4x [1d6+4] rolls to analyze purely non-magical events within a 10 mile radius, the effectiveness decreasing by highest roll result-1 per mile
>Proto-Biological Reactor Core: unknown. A heavily shielded plutonium core, previously built by Kraut to power his station wagon.
Partially protected by a Voidbound kanpri sphere created by Spiral that absorbs, refines, retunes, recalculates, and renders radioactive particulates safe.
Grants an enormous amount of energy, far more than enough to propel Wild at speeds of 80 miles per hour and more, all the while communicating with every Operator in a 50 mile range, also functioning as a transmitter up to a 100 mile range, and performing deep scans on the environment.. as well as her occupants.
*Function #1: Eldritch-Android Suicide Overload that grants 4x [1d6+50] rolls, causing widespread Plasma and Radiation damage in a 100M radius
*Function #2: OFFLINE
*Function #3: OFFLINE
>Separated Cockpits:
#1: Piloting Module. A somewhat cramped (and sometimes cowprint patterned) semi-armored cockpit in Wild's head unit.
Resembling single-seat light jet and turboprop cockpits, the piloting module's interior is taken up by a spherical 'band' of shape shifting organo-metallic material, capable of displaying a 360 degree view of her surroundings to the pilot, as well as showing local scan information, radio contacts, and her assessment of allied health conditions.
*The completely non-standard racing seat, composed of a material neither cloth or leather, nor readily understandable, is rather comfortable. The multitude of strange controls makes sense to no one except Kraut
#2: Shoulder Hatches: featured in both of Wild's shoulders is a semi-armored cabin for one occupant, whether human or pony. Housed inside both shock resistant liquid-gel compartments is a shape shifting pilot's seat, capable of accommodating everything from the youngest of ponies to the largest of humans, and then some.
*Several storage housings for equipmarent or possessions is provided above, below, and to each side, while a flat biotech screen displays the immediate forward view of each cabin.
#3: Central Linked Fast Deploymarent Hatches: a pair of mirrored shock-seats housed within Wild's frontal 'chest' armor, protected by the same liquid-gel compartmarent found in her Shoulder Hatches.
*Storage is configurable by verbal request of the occupants to take the form of overhead racks, side lockers, and a lower storage compartmarent, while a pair of biotech screens project front and rear views of Wild's surroundings
*Each side of Wild's chest armor can be dropped at a second's notice, allowing the occupants the choices of being launched forwards with the shock-seat, rappel down a fiber-mesh rope, or set down with her aid
>The Scar (Special Weapon Traits: Artifact, Eldritch-Human Fusion): a prototype 30MM semi-automatic 'pistol' fused from forward thinking Eldritch altsense approaches combined with human ingenuity.
Though its design mirrors semi-futuristic weaponry, That Which Cannot Be Named had to make do with the poorly understood human technology brought into the Scar by Novus, Kraut, Natilda, and Snakebite.
Choosing to grow this small(ish) weapon design, capable of both accommodating Wild's weaker bio-Android hands and giving her enough power to surprise most enemies, this maximizes the short range potential but has unfortunately minimized range.
-Base Modifier: adds +3 to all Small Cannons rolls
-Ammunition Class: 30MM Short Cannon, Heavy Anti-Tank
-Armor Pierce: 6
-Magazine Capacity: 3/6 shells, no magazines in reserve
-Maximum Optimal Range: 300M with a -1 penalty per 100M beyond this range
-Maximum Effective Range: 800M
>Junk Launcher (Special Weapon Traits: Armored, Lightweight, Two-Handed, Unique): a shoulder-mounted, pneumatic launching system with a 3' long, 6" internal diameter tube.
Capable of propelling specialized packages or ammunition ranging from 1-50lbs, up to 6" in diameter and 20" long, to a maximum theoretical distance of 200M.
Obviously needs adjustment and extra refining in order to maximize its capabilities.
-Base Modifier: considered a Heavy Weapon without penalties, grants a [1d6+4] <Launcher roll which is ONLY used to determine placemarent of the package, while the remaining rolls determine damage, including those of specialized ammunition
-Ammunition Class: varies
-Unique Ammunition: Tungsten Bolts, adds +2 to all Heavy Weapons rolls and grants Armor Pierce 4 (ignores 4DR)
>COMMON ITEMS: 1x Duct Tape, 1x DESTROYED Fuel Can, 1x DESTROYED Propane Tank
>MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Amphetamines, 2x Antibiotic Pills, 1x Bandage Roll, 1x Box of Bandages, 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, 1x EMS Bag, 2x Morphine Syrettes, 2x Painkillers, 1x Ringer's Solution, 1x Wound Dressing
>Basic Razorback Engineering Fundamentals Handbook
>Intermediate Razorback Engineering Fundamentals Handbook
>Expert Razorback Engineering Fundamentals Handbook
>Basic Razorback Mechanical Fundamentals Handbook
>Intermediate Razorback Mechanical Fundamentals Handbook
>Expert Razorback Mechanical Fundamentals Handbook
>Basic Magitek Handbook
>Intermediate Magitek Handbook
Name: Adon
Position: Monster Hunter
Theme: Wolf School Witcher
Rank: Rookie
HP: 12/12
(Aware, Blunt, Brash, Cold-Blooded, Dry Wit, Focused: Witchering, Hunter, Intuitive, Level-Headed)
-Common Equestrian: can read, speak, and write fluently in the modern dialect
-Elder Speak: can read, speak, and write in the basic dialect
Expert Assault
Basic Parry
Expert Riposte
Expert Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Alchemy
Basic Perception
Basic Wilderness Survival
>Expert Flow of Battle: before they are allowed to walk The Path, Witchers must endure harsh physical training regimens that would cripple most humans.
Given this, with the variety of opponents that a Witcher will likely face in their lifetime they must be able to rapidly and intelligently adapt to each new situation, changing tactics and weaponry as circumstances dictate, and matching speed or strength with their own.
Or, as Vessimir once bluntly put it, "Witchers are trained to interpret the flow of battle. What you do with that knowledge is up to you."
*When using the Light Stance, Adon loses 2 Assault rolls, but adds +2 to and is granted an additional roll to ONE of the following skills: Block, Evasion, or Reaction speed
*When using the Heavy Stance, Adon loses 2 Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls, but adds +2 to all Assault rolls and is granted an additional [1d6] <Heavy Smash roll that may be used either for breaking through defenses or to Stun.
HUMAN SORCERY: Basic Signs. Taught to all Witchers, this extremely basic form of physical rite magic allows Witchers to utilize simple sorcery in the form of a Sign, a symbol drawn in the air that collects Elemarental or neutral energies to effect the physical world around them. Every 3rd turn, one Sign may be used.
*Untrained Aard: a kinetic blast that pushes back opponents. Allows a [1d6][ <Air Blast, the result equaling the number of meters the opponent is forced backwards.
*Untrained Axii: uses a [1d2]; on a 1 Axii fails, on a 2 the target is Pacified, becoming unable to attack, but may use all non-Offensive skills & abilities for 1 turn. However, it cannot function against those capable of Casting, psions, Eldritch, Elemarental, Planar, or Spectral beings. If seen used by ponies or other typically social beings, Adon will be regarded with an increased Threat level of +3.
*Untrained Igni: a basic blast of fire that damages opponents within a 10M radius, allowing a single [1d6] <Fire Blast.
*Untrained Quen: creates a protective shield that reduces a single enemy's attacks, whether physical, Elemarental, or magical, by 1/2 for 1 turn.
*Untrained Yrden: places an earth Elemarental trap with a 3M radius. Once activated, a [1d6] roll occurs when an enemy steps on the trap, automatically reducing the target's Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls by that result; if the target is capable of Casting, they also suffer a -4 reduction to all Casting rolls for 1 turn. This ability also forces Spectral beings into the physical spectrums for 1 turn.
TRAIT: Path of Grass Initiate. Upon being accepted to walk the Trial of Grass, each prospective Witcher is given a concoction of rare alchemical substances to drink, notably Mother's Tears, Wildrye Juice, and Speargrass Sap, afterwards spending the next seven days in an alchemically induced state of mutation with further doses given.
Should a participant be one of the lucky three in ten, or less in some cases, to survive, their physiology will be permanently altered, gaining increased physical strength, speed, an unnatural resistance to poisons and toxins, the ability to accept symbiotization with little harm, and, of course, gaining the trademark golden cat eyes of a full fledged Witcher.
*Adon must add +1 to all Alchemy, Assault/Parry/Riposte, Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
*Immune to Disease
*Adon only takes 1/2 of all Arcane Poisoning, rounded down
Observer Alchemist
Apprentice Blacksmith
Apprentice Ecology
Early Human Armor, Amateur
Early Human Mythology, Amateur
Early Human Sorcery, Amateur
Early Human Weaponry, Amateur
Pupil Researcher
Basic Horse Piloting
Basic Meditate
Basic Sketching
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 slots remaining.
APPEARANCE: 6' in height with a medium build. Chin length loose black hair, visible scar on left eyebrow and lower left corner of lip. Also has golden cat eyes.
Name: Corsen
Theme: A wandering Death Cultist in search of new gods
Rank: Recruit
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 16
Unspent XP: 4
(Addictions: ALL THE DRUGS, Aggressive, Blunt, Compulsion: Sacrifices, Cool-Natured.. when not around ponies, Droll Wit, Focused, Inquisitive, Paranoid, Psychosis: Sadist, Rough-Edged, Vindictive)
Dark Eldar: has moderate fluency in the most common dialect
Eldar Corsair: can fluently speak in the most common dialect
High Gothic: can fluently read and speak in the 2 most common dialects
Low Gothic: can fluently read and speak in the 5 most common dialects
Standard Imperial Binary: can fluently read and speak in the 2 most common dialects
Basic Assault
Expert Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Heavy Weapons
Expert Small Arms
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Engineering
Basic Medical
Basic Perception
>Basic Death Cultist's Focus: Corsen is highly devoted in his search for wisdom from the Chaos Gods, well, any gods really, but suffers from a complete lack of tact and common sense when it comes to anything not related to praying for guidance, or destroying enemies of the incorporeal.
*Adds +1 to all Assault rolls
*Adds +1 to all Heavy Weapons rolls ONLY when utilizing rocket/missile launchers, though suffers from a penalty of -1 to ALL non-Offensive rolls due to his insensate single-mindedness
*Permanently locks out the use of weaponry he has not specialized with
>Basic Undivided Aspirant: Corsen's (to him) unacceptable new situation and living circumstances have forced him to draw forth inspiration from mnemonic teachings and knowledge from the many Chaos Champions, Preachers, Bearers of the Word, Kabalites, and Corsairs he has encountered, whether out of selfishness, pragmatism, or sheer hatred for his continued existence.
*Grants either Basic Intimidation OR Negotiation each turn, but must switch between the two each turn
*Grants an additional roll to ONE skill each turn, but cannot effect skills he does not have
Graduate Chaos Artistry
Adept The Imperium of Man
Pupil Servants of Slaanesh
Pupil Slaanesh
Basic Carving
Basic Gambling
Basic Painting
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 slots remaining
STATUS: freeloading in Canterlot at Lady Merry Duo Whell's marension.
Name: Aaron Ashley
Theme: Left-Handed Survival Expert, Tracker, and Hunter
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 10
Unspent XP: 0
Basic Ambush
Expert Archery
Basic Engineering
Basic Small Arms
Basic Stealth
Basic Wilderness Survival
>Basic Born Survivor: Aaron has always had an aptitude for surviving or finding his way out of a situation, be it discovering a way to gain the upper hand and end things quickly, refusing to stay down, or simply finding a means to escape. This skill adds +1 to all Perception-type rolls, and grants an extra Movement roll.
-Basic Gambling
-Basic Sports
-Basic Writing
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/2 slots remaining.
STATUS: retired to Ewerup.
Name: Axel
Position: Light Reconnaissance and Transport Driver
Theme: Tacticool Operator (Circa 2015)
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 6
Unspent XP: 1
(Aware, Blunt, Calm, Careful, Cold-Natured, Defuser, Diplomat, Dry Wit, Forgetful, Listener, Paranoid, Polite, Rational, Watchful)
Battle Rifles/Shotguns (Basic)
Movement (Basic)
Scouting (Basic)
Small Arms (Basic)
Combat Rifle Enthusiast (Basic): due to prolonged experience with his personal rifle, Axel has developed a sense for understanding the quirks of combat rifles, including extended use and attached equipment. As a result, Axel must add +2 to all Combat Rifle rolls.
-Basic Gambling
-Basic Whistling
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
BIOGRAPHY: a lanky black guy with a penchant for guns and a love of the Operator lifestyle, while he had a short run with the US army he really has no military experience outside of what he was taught in BCT.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: described to be quiet at times when not in the field. Has a desire to follow orders instead of giving them, although given the chance he would take lead. Also said to be jaded to loss on personal to a workplace level, not outwardly effected by loss of life on either side, an excellent personnel for keeping a level head in a heat of a situation.
TRAINING: 10 weeks US ARMY BCT, knowledge of military weaponry and tactics, reversed engineered movements.
Name: Eric “Anarchy” Davis
Position: Free Agent
Theme: Alternate History Rebel
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Armor: 1DR <Vest
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
Battle Rifles (Expert)
Small Arms (Basic)
Perception (Basic)
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PERSONAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: Barnstormer
Position: EL1 BRAVO Fireteam 1 Designated Marksman
Theme: Survivalist, got drafted into army when it needed people to do “peacekeepingâ€
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 9
Unspent XP: 0
Basic Ambush
Expert Battle Rifles
Basic Movement
Expert Scouting/Wilderness Survival
Basic Stealth
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
Name: Captain Swefag
Theme: Loyal and proud leader.
Rank: Veteran
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 31
Unspent XP: 8
(Razorback 100)
Master Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Expert Melee
Basic Medical
Expert Perception/Wilderness Survival
Basic Stealth
Expert Speech
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
TRAIT: Basic Legacy of Carolus Rex. Charles the XII, A.K.A. Carolus Rex, was King of the Swedish Empire from 1697 to 1718. Well versed in the arts and principles of war, history, and oration, Carolus Rex was an impressive leader and excellent tactician.. he was, however, utterly blind to the fates of those men that lived and died under his command, and while instrumental in reforming the Empire's political system to benefit the common man, he was often blinded by undersight, favoring the kingdom as a whole instead of regarding the personal state of individuals. He became well known for this saying: "I have resolved never to start an unjust war, but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies." This fits well with Swe himself, as he has the marked distinction in both Anfang and Gryphon Vale for being nearly the same form of leader that Carolus Rex was. Adds a permanent +2 to all Speech rolls that cannot be negated.
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
STATUS: living in the Vale, inactive.
Name: Exulansis
Position: Free Operator
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Medical
Basic Small Arms
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: Fuoco Scheletro
Theme: A human mage killed by his first forays into magic, remaining in a skeletal state of existence
Rank: Rookie
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 15
Unspent XP: 7
-Batpony: can read and speak fluently.
EVOLVING ABILITY: Sunder Stomp. Granted by Empress Silver, Fuoco is capable of a powerful melee stomp, able to penetrate most armor with 2x [1d6+2] rolls, usable ONCE per Operation, although it will not work on Spectrals unless Fuoco has a suitable melee enchantment, and cannot function against Constructs. Only Movement may be used during the turn Sunder Stomp is activated. May not be used outside an Operation.
DUTY: pending.
USES: 0.
Basic Alchemy
Basic Ambush
Basic Chemistry
Basic Melee
Basic Stealth
>Expert Journeyman Mage: formally trained in the arts of magic with focuses on elementalism, specifically Pyromancy, Fuoco is capable of casting numerous spells which, oddly, resemble the same exact forms encountered on Tallus. Due to his transition and the differences between his world and Tallus, he may cast a maximum of five spells per Operation, though cannot utilize those beyond Expert rank.
-Basic Dancing
-Basic Instrument: Trumpet
-Basic Singing
TRAIT: Traces of Undeath. Due to the unique circumstances of his demise, Fuoco's mind remains fully intact with all of his cognitive abilities, allowing him to function similarly as he did in life, with none of the pesky side effects of mortality such as hunger, dehydration, disease, hangovers, or headaches. This leaves him in a rather precarious situation despite the obvious benefits of undeath, seeing as how being a human skeleton animated by dissimilar, otherworldly arcane energies in a land full of hooves meant for crushing and antagonistic elemental alignments would be the very epitome of 'bad end' were he not already dead. Fuoco takes 1/4 less damage against piercing, Air, Fire, Lightning, and Water elemental attacks, and cannot be affected by Confusion or Poison. However, Fuoco also takes 1/4 damage more from crushing, Acid, Ice, Earth, Void, and Ethereal elemental attacks, and suffers additional detrimental effects from Silence and Pacify. After being destroyed, he may revive himself with a [1d6] <Death's Refusal roll once per Operation, the result being the amount of HP he is left with, though Fuoco's remains must be collected or otherwise close together in order for him to reassemble.
-Annulgram Arcane Anti-Entropic Tallus Interdiction Focus: adds +1 to all Casting rolls
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Riposte/Parry rolls... yeah, it somehow works. Don't ask.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 0/1 slots remaining.
-Dried Selio Sprig: adds +1 to all Casting rolls.
Status: BGO
Name: Silent Komodo
Position: Free Operator
Theme: Dressed in camouflage clothes that look like they were bought in a Wal-Mart bargain sale. Nigger-rigged radio set on his head. White guy who doesn't like showing his face. He's actually decent looking, he just thinks having a bandana around his mouth looks cool.
HP: 10/10
Armor: 0DR <Unarmored
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
Battle Rifles (Basic)
Perception/Wilderness Survival (Expert)
Stealth (Basic)
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PERSONAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: Brother-Reverend Jamal Ratchet
Theme: the only black man in Equestria
Rank: Rookie
HP: 16/16
Total XP: 25
Unspent XP: 0
(Apprentice Historian, Blunt, Brawler, Brazen, Bold, Determined, Defender: Aegis Ignatus Fain, Dutiful, Focused: The Equine Goddess of Humans, Distrust: Whiteys; Steadfast, Smooth Talker, Quick, Watchful)
-Equestrian Common
Expert Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Intimidation
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Expert Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Expert Sprint
Basic Stealth
Basic Alchemy
Expert Leadership
>Expert A Nigger: having lived a life running from the law, gangs, job applications, and babymommas, Jamal was thoroughly conditioned to run fast. His life however did not involve any pools or lakes.
*Adds +1 to and grants an additional Sprint roll
>Expert NOT A Pharmacist: adds +2 to and grants an additional Alchemy roll.
>Expert RACIST!: adds +2 to all Negotiation rolls when dealing with black sapients and also gains an additional 50% Reputation with the same
*Suffers a -2 penalty to all Intimidation rolls when dealing with black sapients
*This bonus and penalty are ALWAYS reversed when dealing with non-black sapients
Observer Niggers
Observer Niggering
Observer Nigga Thangs
Observer Tha Hood
Basic Dancing
Basic Rapping
Basic Sports
-Keepin’ Our Human Goddess of Horses From FUCKING UP LIKE DAT EVA AGAIN: adds +1 to ALL rolls when solely dealing with Aegis Ignatus Fain
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/3 slots remaining.
-Lifeshade Bulb: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls.
-Tempest Bulb: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
STATUS: teaching the Equine Goddess of Humans on her miniature moon. Also highly pissed at her for JOBBING FIVE TIMES IN A FUCKING ROW DURING THE BASIN VILLAGE’S DEFENSE.
Name: Joseph "Doc Joe" Avelos
Position: Medic & Engineer
Theme: Survivalist Technician
Rank: Rookie
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 13
Unspent XP: 0
Basic Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Expert Engineering
Basic Medical
Basic Melee
Basic Movement
Basic Perception
Basic Speech
Basic Stealth
Basic Thievery
>Basic Strider's Focus: at the start of an Operation, Joe may choose to add +1 to 2 skills from these four: Movement, Thievery, Ranged, or Stealth, gaining 1 additional Melee OR Ranged roll when attacking from Stealth or attacking the target of one of his traps, and is granted an additional Movement Roll. When in natural areas, Joe also gains the Strider's Eye ability, adding +2 to all Perception rolls when focusing on a single target or task, though if Joe switches his target, then this bonus is lost for the Operation.
-Basic Carpentry
-Basic Carving
-Basic Whistling
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
Engineering Mastery: Continued Application, Theory, & Experience: +1 to all Engineering rolls.
Experimental Combat Applications: Anti-Unicorn Combat Theories: adds +1 to all offensive rolls when dealing with Unicorns.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/2 slots remaining.
STATUS: BGO, helping out with food preservation methods and some alchemical research.
Name: M. Bullsworth
Position: EL2 ECHO Fireteam 1 Member
Theme: A (probably Jewish) doctor with a shotgun who enjoys vodka.
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 38
Unspent XP: 12
(Razorback 100)
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Expert Medical
Master Melee
Basic Speech
>Basic Liquid Courage: drinking alcohol adds +2 to all Charm or Speech rolls for that turn.
Name: Gas Man
Position: DELTA Member
Theme: Man of Gas
HP: 20/20
DR: 2
Total XP: 31
Unspent XP: 10
(Razorback 100)
Expert Melee
Basic Perception
Expert Negotiation
Basic Iron Will
Basic Intimidation
>Basic Figures in The Gas: whenever the Gas Man's pre-modifier attacking rolls exceed 12, he summons a Gaseous Figure in his likeness. Upon successfully summoning a Gaseous Figure it charges a nearby enemy, hurling itself at them before exploding into a cloud of poisonous Gas. This Gas is harmful only to enemies.
*Causes 3 Poison damage to all enemies in Melee range
>Expert Gas Form
The Gas Man takes on a Gaseous form, surrendering his physical body to The Gas. The Gas permeates his body completely, causing him to give off a gray/white haze at all times. This form can be taken on or suppressed at will. The form grants slow fall as well. +2 bonus to all rolls while in Gas Form.
>Master Gaseous Invocation: at Gas Man's will, a short ranged area is shrouded in a fog of gray/white Gas. This Gas is not harmful/detrimental without activation of a Gaseous Invocation,
and these Invocations are not harmful/detrimental to allies/non-combatants
*Each of these abilities combined may only be used 3 times per Operation, though they may not be used consecutively
#1 Invocation of Blackness: the Gas becomes as dark as night, reducing an enemy's vision until another Invocation is used, but cannot last longer than 2 turns
*All living enemies suffer -3 Perception to all rolls
#2 Invocation of Caustic Fumes: The Gas flares a noxious green and assaults all enemies within its' confines.
*Causes a flat 1 Poison damage per turn to all living enemies in the cloud until another Invocation is used, but cannot last longer than 2 turns. Roll [1d6], result forces all living opponents in range to roll at -X Melee/Casting for the next turn. Upgraded to 1d6+1 at Master.
#3 Invocation of Apparitions: ONCE per Operation The Gas creates images of the Gas Man before each enemy, and they strike simultaneously. Their gaseous blades do little damage, but the images dissolve into a highly potent neurotoxin upon completing their strike.
*Roll 2x [1d6], all results above 2 bypass DR on living beings unless otherwise protected
*Upon a critical result may cause other negative effects based on DM's discretion
Permafrost Wurm Tongue: renders Gas Man immune to all physical ColdIice damage.
*For Mystical Cold/Ice: after taking X damage, where X is the number of his MaxHP value, the remainder deals damage as normal to him
2x Hardening Charms: adds 2DR
Name: Miles Forrester
Theme: A skilled and positive hunter.
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 3
Expert Stealth
Basic Wilderness Survival
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: Mr Zoo
Position: Vital.
Theme: The Man Behind The Games
Rank: Party Leader
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 31
Unspent XP: 7
(Razorback 100)
Basic Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Engineering
Expert Melee
Basic Wilderness Survival
>Master Party Games: Grants 4x [1d6] rolls. No one understands it, what it does, how it works, or why.. it only exists to further the Party.
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
Name: Natalia Kithsune
Position: ECHO Fireteam 1 Member
Rank: Veteran
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 24
Unspent XP: 2
Expert Cooking
Expert Melee
Expert Movement
Expert Perception
Expert Stealth
Expert Small Arms
>Basic Femme Fatale: as the only active human female of the Razorback Company mercenaries, Natalia's exotic appearance on and off the battlefield can be viewed in one of two ways: disbelief, or awe, thus male and female opponents will react very differently depending on the situations she is encountered in. In combat, males will typically attempt to avoid confrontation, while females will actively seek Natalia out; this effect reverses when not in combat, though ponies seem to be at ease with her more often than not. Furthermore, Natalia is capable of drawing on her knowledge of feminine nature to exacerbate female opponents, whether by taunting or interrogating. Adds +1 to all Intimidation and Speech rolls against males in or out combat, and can sometimes charm males on a critical. Also adds +1 to all Intimidation rolls when targeting a single female in combat, but offers no benefits out of combat.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
STATUS: retired from Razorback, now living in the Vale.
Name: Navarone Williams
Theme: A humorous, animal loving recruit
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
(Bold, Curious, Direct, Loyal, Humorous, Mischievous, Prideful, Temperamental)
Basic Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Engineering
Basic Medical
Basic Speech
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
Basic Acting
Basic Dancing
Basic Singing
APPEARANCE: tall, 6’ 3†on the skinnier side with pale almost white skin and a long lanky build. Brown hair, with green eyes and long eyelashes no facial hair.
AGE: 24.
Name: Spruce
Theme: WW3 Norweigan Fallskjermjeger (Airborne)
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 8
Unspent XP: 0
(Ambusher, Challenger, Rational, Resourceful)
-Common Equestrian: can speak fluently in the modern dialect.
-Norweigan: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently.
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Heavy Weapons
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Ambush
Basic Stealth
Basic Iron WIll
Basic Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
BIOGRAPHY: following his death in a helicopter crash, Spruce has found himself on another world, completely fucking lost at what to do. None of the ponies speak Norwegian, none of them know what a 'Norway' is, yet all of them are here at this fortress also filled with humans from other worlds dissimilar to his own. He would like nothing more than to go back and help fight the fucking commies invading his country and die again, taking as marely of those red army sons of bitches with him as he could, but it seems the gods have decided to put him in a world of magical talking horses, catbirds, and reindeer instead.
STATUS: retired in Gryphon Vale.
Name: Pvt. Marcus Jonothan
Position: ALPHA Fireteam 1 Member
Rank: Rookie
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 20
Unspent XP: 12
Expert Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Melee
Basic Perception
Basic Small Arms
Expert Speech
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 3/3 slots remaining.
Name: RC-1129 "Thunder Raven"
Theme: A demolitions expert who focuses heavily on teamwork and cooperation
Rank: Fucking New Clone
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 8
Unspent XP: 3
(Amiable, Armored, Clone, Demolitionist, Efficient, Humble, Humorous, Logical, Loyal, Reserved, Team Player)
-Mando'a: can read, write and speak fluently. Keeps his datapad records in Mando'a.
-Modern English/Equestrian Common: reads and writes the Aurebesh script fluently.
Basic Engineering
Basic Heavy Energy Weapons
Basic Light Energy Weapons
Basic Melee
Basic Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
APPEARANCE: RC-1129 is outfitted with the standard Katarn-class Commando armor, including a large backpack which holds his various types of explosives and ammunition, displaying his designation on the back - "29". His helmet features two red vertical stripes, with red accents appearing on the rest of his armor. While the armor is usually white in appearance, 29's is instead a light grey, the uniform color of Raven Squad, and has a slight dusty brown tinge with flecks of dirt over almost all exposed areas of the armor, kicked up by the many, many explosions he has both encountered, and caused. He bears a large black wing on each pauldron, indicating his (former) membership of Raven Squad.
Currently, much of his armor sports large cracks, dents and other cosmetic and structural signs of heavy damage sustained from being brought to Tallus, severely hindering its effectiveness as protecting Thunder from damage. His helmet and visor are mostly intact, sustaining, at worst, a few small dents and cracks. In the armor on his right forearm is a datapad which he uses for keeping lists, records, and any other intel-based uses he can find for it.
The Katarn-class armor can be removed, a difficult but doable task, near impossible for anyone but the individual wearing the armour, with a black vacuum undersuit worn below it. Underneath the helmet, he looks young, with short black hair, brown eyes and little to nothing in terms of facial hair, looking much like a younger Jango Fett, for obvious reasons.
Age (Physical): 20 years
Age (Time): 11 years (9 years of training at double growth rate)
>BIOGRAPHY: Thunder Raven, designation RC-1129, is an elite Clone Commando, formerly belonging to Raven Squad before they were all wiped out in an ambush while infiltrating a CIS droid foundry on the planet of Geonosis. He is not a normal man in the sense of his biology - he, like all other clones, is a genetic copy of the legendary Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. "Born" and raised on Kamino to join the Galactic Republic, he was heavily trained in demolition, carrying charges for any purpose involving some kind of explosion. Having been created and raised exclusively for combat, he lacks any kind of understanding or experience of anything beyond serving the Republic.
While he knows he is a strong fighter, he almost dreads having to go solo if not absolutely necessary, as the Commandos are taught to co-operate and work together above all else. He does not have experience in a leading role, either. As such, whenever possible, he will work with, and be led by someone else. Given his deep-seated dependence on teamwork and his training to think of himself as but a single component of a greater collective (i.e his squad), his self confidence is largely drawn from the faith his allies have in him.
Having come from a world where technology is advanced and interplanetary travel is effortless, he believes some strange event has left him on a primitive world, and aims to return to the Republic and to his brethren. Little does he know the impossibility of such a task.
STATUS: last seen in Anfang with no reported sightings since.
Name: Rick Nashorn
Position: Medic
Theme: Friendly, but a little cautious of new people.
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 12/12
Total XP: 6
Unspent XP: 1
Basic Battle Rifles
Expert Medical
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: SF Communications Sergeant Daniel Redshirt "Red"
Position: Communications Expert/Linguist
Theme: Professional Operator, can be quite the battlefield MaCGuyver if needed.
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Basic Combat Rifles/Shotguns
Basic Engineering
Basic Melee
Basic Small Arms
Name: Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Theme: An efficient but scarred tactician
Rank: Agent
HP: 16/16
Total XP: 43
Unspent XP: 5
(Affectionate, Ambusher, Dutiful, Efficient, Focused, Logical, Loyal, Protective, Quick, Razorback 100, Reserved, Scarred, Strong Willed, Temperamental)
-Gryphon: can read, speak, and write in the modern dialect fluently.
-Living Runic-Steel Forearms: due to the infestation caused by Simon's sais, the flesh of both of his lower arms was replaced by the master smiths of the Vale, using the same rune-steel 'forging' process that Huntsmaster Cu'Nir underwent on her wings. Both arms have a natural 1DR, add +1 to all Melee rolls, and grant an extra Block roll.. however, they ARE composed of steel, and despite the source they're considerably more affected by various elemental effects: suffering 1/4 more damage from Fire elemental harm which burns his non-metallic parts, takes 1/4 more damage from Ice elemental harm as the runic-steel constricts, causing collateral damage to the rest of his arms, and 3/4 more damage from Ethereal harm, which may cause violent Void spillage if caused by Ethereals. Due to these factors, damage from Ice, Fire, or Ethereal sources require an extended amount of time to repair.
EVOLVING ABILITY: Void Gate. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Simon may summon a miniature gateway from the Void spectrums directly into the physical realm of Tallus above a single enemy, within direct line of sight, utilizing 3x [1d6+2] rolls that immediately deliver a series of arcane bolts onto that enemy that ignore 1/2 DR, and will dissipate afterwards. NOTE: during the turn that the Void Gate is summoned, as the focus needed to call the Void to Tallus is high, Simon may only utilize Block and Perception. If he is not in direct combat, then he may also utilize Ambush if already in Stealth, but doing so will break Stealth. May not be used outside of an Operation.
DUTY: 6.
USES: 2.
Expert Ambush
Master Melee
Basic Movement
Expert Small Arms
Basic Speech
Expert Stealth
Basic Perception
>Expert Critical Vision: by spending a turn attempting to discern one enemy's weakest physical aspects with Perception, if a result of 6 is achieved, Simon gains +2 (+3 at Master) to all Melee and Ranged rolls against the selected target. After the selected enemy is downed, killed, retreats, or otherwise exits combat for the Operation, Simon may choose 1 more target to utilize Critical Vision on.
>Expert Right Behind You: when Simon rolls a 6 or higher on Stealth and remains undetected for 2 turns, he may add +2 (+3 at Master) to all Ambush and Melee rolls. Depending on the enemy, if any Melee or Ambush: Melee roll achieves a result of 6 or higher in tandem with Critical Vision, Bleeding/Severe Bleeding statuses may be inflicted; however, if used on a living enemy, the Stun status may be inflicted.
COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Basic Dove Couple. Simon and Cu'Nirs time spent together has brought them through many intense moments, each learning valuable lessons and practices from the other. Although the pair are strong, heavily independent individuals, an immense bond has developed between them through hunting, fighting, intercourse, physical and mental pain, and intercourse, all of which have granted the two into wholly new outlooks on life. When together, both Simon and Cu'Nir must add +1 to all non-combat rolls, whether in an Operation or not.
TRAIT: Basic S.A.S. Veteran. Simon's time in the S.A.S., 141, and dealing with the inhabitants of Tallus has imparted him with the skills to effectively concentrate on multiple targets while simultaneously engaged with another, allowing him to fight in close quarters with a wide range of weaponry. This ability adds +1 to all Melee and Ranged rolls when using Combined Arms, or Melee and Ranged on their own. When engaged with a target, Ghost is able to use his S.A.S. delegation skills on a sepaerate enemy, Marking them to others for swift elimination using 2x [1d6] rolls, wherein the the lower result determines the number of turns the mark lasts, the higher result then being added to all Melee & Ranged rolls against the targeted enemy.
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/3 slots remaining.
-Dakkori Moss: gains +1HP/turn and adds +1 to all Stealth and Perception/Wilderness Survival rolls when in areas with large concentrations of natural flora.
APPEARANCE: Simon is a Caucasian male, with lightly tanned skin. Several small scars are dotted around his face, torso and upper arms. His upper arms are both black, them being where the Void infestation is being contained. Any scars that used to be on his forearms have disappeared due to the containment process he underwent at a forge in the Vale. As a result of this procedure, his forearms are a metallic silver, not just in appearance, with several containment runes embedded in them. From his fingers stem short but not useless claws.
His eyes are hazel, and his hair is light brown and short. His facial hair is kept clean shaven, if not, minor stubble at most. On his chest, a large and deep scar trevels from his right shoulder to close to the center of his chest, a mark obtained in his first hunt with Cu'Nir, inflicted by the Drake the pair hunted down, a permanent reminder of how the defining chapter of his personal story began.
AGE: 25. Age upon arriving on Tallus: 23.
BIOGRAPHY: Having arrived in Tallus after being betrayed by General Shepherd, Ghost is an ex-SAS, ex-Task Force 141 operative. For a long time after he arrived on Tallus, he found himself with nothing to do and little to no importance, spending his time doing nothing but uselesslly patrolling the Fortress wall trying to kill time. This all began to change when he met Cu'Nir, the Huntsmaster of the Vale, who approached him and asked for help in tracking down some prey.
The night the two met, Ghost quickly took her up on the request for help, happy to have something to do. As they went to work setting a trap for the prey, Ghost began to feel a connection stronger than any he had in the past. He'd always had respect for those he fought with, but something felt just a little different this time. The hunt ended with the two taking down a Regal Maned Drake, with Ghost sustaining a large wound to the shoulder. With a taste of his blood from cleaning the wound exciting her, Cu'Nir made the remainder of the night very interesting...
He had a pair of void enchanted sai made from the Drake's scales, and due to the Rune-Forgers choosing the use of a unique Void capacity, it soon infested his arms, the only way to fix the problem being to undergo the grueling and almost fatal procedure of having the flesh stripped from his forearms and having it replaced with living metal. However strong he was, he has no doubt that he would have stood no chance at surviving it if Cu'Nir hadn't been there to help him through.
Afterwards, he confessed his love for her, a feeling she shared for him. He revealed his name to be Simon Riley, and later, his past, involving brainwashing, madness, three betrayals, and the slaughter of his entire family. She helped him put the past behind him and move on, ridding him of any lingering parts of the ruthless monster that he used to be. He completely abandoned the old balaclava, keeping it for the memories and sentiment.
While exploring the ruins found in the digsite, Simon was heavily injured and fell into a coma, in which he relived some of the things he did with Task Force 141. Before long though, the dream shattered, and he was convinced that he was dead. However, he survived, and while Cu'Nir reacted calmly, he could do no such thing, bursting into tears for the first time in decades and pulling her close, terrified at the thought that he had lost her. The following day, he proposed to Cu'Nir, set to become the first human to propose to a native of Tallus, and bring life back to the tradition of marriage, old and unpracticed in the Vale, an event of which news is likely to travel far and wide. After all he has been through, the Vale is the first place Simon has ever been happy to call his home.
While it may not seem that events on Earth, past and current, concern him, he deeply desires to know how World War Three ended, and more specifically, how Soap, Price and the rest of Task Force 141 fared after his and Roach's deaths.
RELATIONSHIP: Cu'Nir (Engaged). Cu'Nir is the kindest person Simon could ever have hoped to meet, and he believes he owes a debt to her that he can't hope to repay for everything she's done. The two have both changed each other for the better, and spend little time apart. While he doesn't doubt that she can defend herself, the thought of losing her scares him deeply, having learned the hard way that nobody is invincible. As such, he is quick to anger when threats are made against her, and attempts to cause her harm that show signs of success effectively act as his "Berserk Button".
STATUS: left with Cu'Nir left for the Grand Hunt. Due to recent events surrounding them it is unknown if they will return to the Vale, or Razorback, when the Hunt is over.
Name: The FNG
Position: ALPHA Fireteam 2 Member
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 10
Unspent XP: 3
Ambush (Basic)
Combat Rifles/Shotguns (Basic)
Speech (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Name: Thrill Collins (Support Staff)
Position: Recruiter
Theme: A soldier without borders, in search of Outer Heaven.
Rank: Mercenary
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 63
Unspent XP: 20
(Affectionate, Aware, Careful, Diplomat, Listener, Natural Speaker, Razorback 100, Stealthy)
-Crystal Pony, Kingdom & Imperial phonetics: can read, speak, and write fluently
-Subject: Crystal Ponies, Amateur (Free)
-Subject: The Crystal Empire, Amateur (Free)
EVOLVING ABILITY: Void Strike. Granted by Empress Silver, ONCE per Operation, Thrill is capable of temporarily leaping into the Void spectrums, whether the Overdark or the Underdark, to ambush a target with all Offensive or Ranged skills within direct line of sight using 2x [1d6] rolls, and then return to his original location
*If both rolls are 4 or higher, he may instead choose to exit the Void at any point from his starting position or appear immediately behind the target, but may not move in any other direction than a straight line
*During Void Strike, Thrill may utilize all other skills freely including Iron Will
*May be used ONCE during and between Operations
DUTY: pending.
USES: 0.
Expert Assault
Expert Parry
Expert Riposte
Master Heavy Weapons
Expert Small Arms
Expert Suppression Fire
Expert Block
Expert Evasion
Expert Reaction Speed
Expert Sprint
Expert Stealth
Basic Iron Will
Basic Human/Pony Relations
>Basic Emergency Rations: when Thrill falls to 0HP or below, he must automatically roll [1d6+1], the result auto-reviving him with that much HP restored.
*This skill may only be used once per Operation, and ONLY if Thrill is carrying food
>Master WORDS THAT KILL: combining in-depth tutelage of the Royal Canterlot Voice from Twisted, research on combining Casting with long-lasting permanent enchantments from Spiral, and the principles of psychology gleaned from his own experiences, Thrill may attempt to use speech to instill terror and other afflictions in the enemy.
*Upon selecting from one to three targets, Thrill must roll 3x [1d6], the result of each determining what effects Thrill's speech has on said target or targets. If any results are the same, that effect's number of turns are doubled.
1: ENRAGE: the target is enraged for 1 turn, and must roll a [1d2] to determine whom it attacks. A result of 1 indicates the target attacking itself, a result of 2 indicating the target attacking the closest object, whether enemy or friendly
2: INDIFFERENT: no effect
3: ANXIETY: the target suffers a -3 penalty to all rolls
4: DOUBT: the target's last skill used is disabled for 3 turns
5: FEAR: the target is completely immobilized, unable to act for 3 turns
6: PANIC: the target temporarily takes leave of their senses, turning on their allies and attacking them for 3 turns but If there are no nearby allies the target will harm itself instead
COMBAT SHARED ABILITY: Basic Crystalline Focus. Once per Operation, Naliyna and Thrill, whether separate or alone, may roll a [1d6] <Crystal Focus, the result being the number of turns +1 is added to ALL rolls, whether combat or non-combat related. This also grants Naliyna and Thrill a passive Basic Singing+1 skill, allowing them to Entrance or stir a crowd, though they cannot move while doing so, with the higher the result, the broader and greater the effects. This may also be used to sway a crowd, making it easier to suggest their own ideas and opinions.
TRAIT: Basic Recruitment Drive. Thrill's experience with Big Boss's refusal to merely take prisoners led to a standard protocol of Mercenaires Sans Frontieres convincing combatants to join their ranks, and when combined with indepth knowledge of pony psychology and dealing with personal trauma, gleaned from Naliyna's history along with meeting her family, that knowledge has given him some insight into the minds of Tallus natives.
*As a side effect of his newfound knowledge, Thrill must also add +1 to all Bartering, Human/Pony Relations, or Negotiation rolls, only when dealing with ponies of course
*ONCE per Operation, Thrill may make an offer to a captured or downed Tallus native with a [1d6+1] roll, a result of 2 causing the target to act disdainful or in disbelief, with successively higher results instead trading vital information or gifts instead
*However, a result of 6 will recruit the target as a full Ally
*Between Operations this ability may only be used up to 2 times
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
-Naliyna, Nightly Swimming Sessions & Jogging Runs: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 0/3 slots remaining.
-Dusk Film: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +1HP/turn while in dark areas
-Mistcreeper's Heart: grants permanent water breathing and adds +2 to all Stealth rolls and converts all Stealth rolls into <Auto-Stealth while in Fog, Mist, Rain, or Water.
*If Thrill remains mostly still while in Fog, Mist, Rain, or Water, he will regenerate 1HP each turn
-Shadeheart Core: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
#1: unclaimed.
#2: unclaimed.
#3: unclaimed.
#4: unclaimed.
#5: unclaimed.
Name: Eric "Anarchy" Davis
Position: Free Agent
Theme: Alternate History Rebel
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 9
Unspent XP: 4
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Expert Battle Rifles
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Stealth
Expert Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
Name: ViolinPlayer (BANNED)
Position: No one cared
Theme: No one cared about this either
HP: 10/10HP
Total XP: 8
Unspent XP: 3
Ambush (Basic)
Combat Rifles/Shotguns (Basic)
Engineering (Basic)
Melee (Basic)
Movement (Basic)
KIA/MIA Status: executed for gross, flagrant, excessive, and fucktarded amounts of incompetence. His head was VAPORIZED at point blank range via Lont's shotgun, the body looted for anything valuable, then set ablaze and kicked off the train to burn until there was nothing left.
Name: Strangler (VAPORIZED)
Position: EL1 ALPHA Fireteam 2 Member/Base Operations (Former)
Theme: careless Western mercenary with an eidetic memory, dislikes regulations, enjoys watching explosions, likes ambushing EVERYTHING
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
(Fourth Gestalt, Razorback 100)
Ambush (Basic)
Combat Rifles/Shotguns (Basic)
Melee (Basic)
Small Arms (Basic)
Stealth (Basic)
KIA/MIA Status: unable to flee during a resurgence of the Solar Tyrant, the Westerner only stared in wonder as the sunglobe and Commander Shrel's orb fought for dominance over the sun goddess. The ensuing detonation, where neither could gain the upper hand against control, VAPORIZED Strangler. His physical life ended without Hollow resolving his promise to find the mercenary his perfect waifu... which turned out to be a terrifying mistake in all afterthought.
Now a Sun-Cursed Spectral Revenant bound in the Moors. Can only function ‘normally’ in certain clusters of the Void and Underdark that are either Eldritch or Planar touched.
Name: OingoBoingo (SUICIDED)
Position: Former Echo Fireteam 2 Member
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 19
Unspent XP: 7
(Razorback 100)
Combat Rifles/Shotguns (Expert)
Cooking (Basic)
Medical (Expert)
Perception/Wilderness Survival (Expert)
Speech (Basic)
KIA/MIA Status: hung himself.
Name: Mr. Void (BGO)
Position: Former Bravo Fireteam 2 Lead
Theme: Loyal sniper scarred from the past
HP: 14/14
Total XP: 21
Unspent XP: 9
Battle Rifles (Expert)
Engineering (Expert)
Perception (Expert)
Stealth (Basic)
KIA/MIA Status: unknown for quite some time. Was returned before dawn on Septimber 38th, 29,998 after aiding in the COMPLETE reconstruction of the Reliquary that Vulgroz constructed.
Name: Ducky (BGO)
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 9
Unspent XP: 2
Ambush (Expert)
Archery (Expert)
Explosives (Basic)
Medical (Basic)
Melee (Basic)
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 2/2 slots remaining.
KIA/MIA Status: unknown, but seems to have disappeared.
Name: M.G. Pikeman (SLAUGHTERED for being a dipshit asshat)
Theme: WW2 US Airborne
Rank: Warrior
HP: 20/20
Total XP: 34
Unspent XP: 0
Heavy Weapons (Expert)
Human/Pony Relations (Basic)
Intimidation (Basic)
Melee (Expert)
Movement (Expert)
Perception/Scouting (Expert)
Stealth (Basic)
Thievery (Basic)
>Black Sun (Basic): after being experimented on by the Nazi Black Sun research team stationed in Africa, Pikeman underwent unwilling tests of the system to see what the possibilities for transference to another living being could potentially be. As a result of this, he has been given unnatural abilities, the majority of which had been pieced together from ten years of research across Europe, Asia, and America. After the Russian advance began to overrun the outposts nearby, his memory of it was sealed from the inside by the Black Sun itself, specifically ordered by Doctor Schumacher. The Black Sun was given an imprint of Hitler's consciousness to awaken Pikeman to it's existence, and face the false Hitler consciousness once his mind was stable and strong enough to undergo the process of recovering it for his own use, albeit in a silly enough fashion that the Hitler consciousness's resurgence wouldn't fracture his mind further.
-The Order of Life, Invigorate: with the knowledge recovered from the Cradle of Africa, Doctor Schumacher's team developed a working occultic process to convince a living being to restore it's wounds at a rapid pace with a [1d6] roll, though care must be taken not to overuse it. Before rolling, Pikeman can choose to transfer a specified amount from himself that is reduced by the heal's result, but must leave him with at least 50% his MaxHP before the effect itself occurs.
1: Pikeman suffers a -1HP loss
2: No effect, unless Pikeman transfers a 1:1 ratio of his HP to target
3: heals 10% of the target's MaxHP
4: heals 25% of the target's MaxHP
5: heals 50% of the target's MaxHP
6: full restore of the target's HP
-The Order of Manipulation, Incursion: with the knowledge recovered from North America, Doctor Schumacher's team developed a working occultic process to influence the outcome of unknown events, possibly changing the future entirely. This allows a single [1d6] roll that grants the possibility of skewing Chance in Pikeman's favor, the effects of which are applied to the next turn's rolls, but must be reused in order to gain any bonuses.
1: Pikeman suffers a -1HP loss
2: no effect
3: adds +1 to all Melee/Ranged rolls
4: adds +2 to all Melee/Ranged rolls
5: adds +3 to all Melee/Ranged rolls
6: adds +5 to all Melee/Ranged rolls. If a 6 on Incursion is rolled immediately after a previous result of 6, then the effect is forcefully downgraded by the powers of Chance to the result of 5, adding +3 to all Melee/Ranged attack rolls instead of +5. This flaw in programming is then reset.
>Cougar Hunter (Master): Pikeman unwittingly charms older females with his natural 1940's attractiveness, allowing him to roll [1d6+4] to temporarily Charm female cougars, or [1d6+3] if not cougar age, granting increased attention and lowering the target's mental resistance to his words and actions. This also adds a passive +3 to all Speech rolls when dealing with females of any species and age.
>Death From Above (Expert): Pikeman's time in the Airborne spent utilizing hit and run tactics combined with Lucky's tutelage, training, along with combat testing of the cloud-cloak has given him greater insights into aerial combat, giving him the means to counter most fliers and land bound targets with greater ease. Adds +2 to all Movement & Melee rolls when Charging, and converts all Melee rolls into Charging when using Speed.
-Basic Singing (Basic)
-Meridian Veil, Personal Mnemonic Retention Induction, Tallus Inter-Pony Relations Training: adds +1 to all Human/Pony Relations rolls.
-Threx, Veteran Rogue's Circle Training, Gryphon & Pegasi Close Combat Tactics: adds +1 to all Melee rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/3 slots remaining.
-Young Kraken: adds +1 to all Movement & Melee rolls, and gains +1HP/turn.
KIA/MIA Status: unknown.
Name: Emily Dean DOESN'T EXIST
Position: Free Agent
Theme: An American female, who died while fighting for a non-military rogue squad.
Rank: Rookie
HP: 20/20
Unspent XP: 1
Engineering (Basic)
Energy Rifles (Expert)
Melee (Expert)
Movement (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
-Jeff, Master Ranger Firearm Training: adds +1 to all Ranged rolls.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
KIA/MIA Status: unknown, but seems to have disappeared.
Probably drowned.
Name: Vick (BANNED for being an asshat)
Position: ECHO Fireteam 2 Leader
Theme: A dumbass.
Rank: Rookie
HP: 14/14
Total XP: 18
Unspent XP: 1
Engineering (Basic)
Human/Pony Relations (Basic)
Intimidation (Expert)
Iron Will (Basic)
Melee (Expert)
Perception (Basic)
Small Arms (Basic)
Speech (Basic)
Stealth (Expert)
-Bren, Long Term Heavy Construction Training: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
Name: Surplus (BANNED for being a worthless bootlicker)
Position: Free Operator
Theme: A young man learning the ins and outs of roughing it innawoods. Firearms and military history was a passion at all ages, as was physical sciences. College dropout after 3 years of studying engineering. Licensed collector of Curio and Relics, and likewise restores them to working condition from junked heaps.
Rank: Fucking New Guy
HP: 10/10
Total XP: 5
Unspent XP: 0
(Blunt, Calm, Careful, Determined, Direct, Focused, Hard-Working, Intuitive, Knowledgeable, Listener, Logical, OCD: Requires Orderly Space, Polite, Rational, Resourceful)
Basic Assault
Basic Parry
Basic Riposte
Basic Battle Rifles
Basic Small Arms
Basic Block
Basic Evasion
Basic Reaction Speed
Basic Sprint
Basic Stealth
Basic Engineering
Basic Perception
UNIQUE SKILLS: none, yet.
PHYSICAL ENCHANTMENTS: 1/1 Slots remaining.
by PonyStrangler
by PonyStrangler
by PonyStrangler
by PonyStrangler
by PonyStrangler