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Anon abuses Derpy
By whitebreakerCreated: 2022-08-11 17:03:52
Updated: 2022-08-11 17:24:02
Expiry: Never
>Derpy Hooves has had a crush on Anon ever since he came to Equestria
>Although she's a welcome part of the Ponyville community, she has never found a mate
>Anon works at the Cake's bakery and always makes the best blueberry muffins. They remind her of her mother's
>As the muffin enjoyer that she is, she frequents the shop quite a bit and talks to Anon when she can
>No pony, or man in this case, has ever made her feel this warmth in her heart before
>Derpy knows that she's in love with Anon but doesn't know how to express herself
>She goes to Rarity for advice
>Rarity is absolutely delighted to hear about Derpy's gushing heart and vows to assist
>The first course of action is to fit and make Derpy a pretty dress
>To Derpy's surprise, Rarity pointed out that her normal attire or mailmare uniform were not up to snuff and clearly wouldn't do
>And so Rarity spent the next several days making the lovey dovey pony the dress of her dreams
>With dress in hoof, Derpy was as giddy as a filly at a candy shop
>Now it was up to Derpy to lay it on thick with Anon
>Rarity knows everypony's business in town and has good word that Anon has been single ever since he arrived
>Well, except for that awkward fling he had with Lyra
>Rarity asked for some inside information from Pinky and Anon is getting off early this upcoming Tuesday
>The big day is here and Rarity helps Derpy into the brand new dress
>She looks stunning, even Rarity is surprised at how beautiful she is
>Filled with some extra confidence from her friend, Derpy heads off to the bakery
>She blushes as she thinks of Anon, excited and feeling a sense of daring
>Now arriving at her destination, a bit of fear grips her
>Almost too scared to open the door, she thinks about turning back and going home
>She's filled with a sense of dread, thoughts flooding through her mind. "What if Anon doesn't like me?"
>Shrugging that aside, she scrunches her face and opens the door to the Cake's shop
>The sweet aroma of baked goods hits her nostrils and she can't help but smile
>She sees Anon walking up to her and she freezes
>"Oh hey Derp, here for some more muffins? I just finished my last batch and am out for the day. Just check at the counter with Mr. Cake"
>With a nonchalant smile Anon walks past Derpy and exits out the front door
>Derpy stands there for a moment unsure what to do
>In reality she can't move a muscle and wishes Rarity was there to direct her to Anon's heart
>A tear falls down her face but she snaps out of it when a customer asks her politely to move away from blocking the door
>It's Cheerilee and she gives Derpy a concerned look
>"Are you okay dear?"
>Derpy composes herself and regains her focus
"Yes! Sorry for getting in the way, I was just leaving"
>Cheerliee nods and moves along into the short line
>Derpy leaves the Cake's shop, heart racing
>She sees anon in the distance and runs after him
>Anon hears somepony calling his name and turns around
>He sees a teary eyed pony in a dress charging full speed in his direction
>He thinks it's Derpy but isn't sure, whoever it is seems to be wearing some fancy dress?
>With some confusion Anon stands there just looking on at the pony coming towards him
>Slightly out of breath, Derpy is now standing in front of him
>"Derpy..? Are you okay? And what's with the dress?"
>Her left eye looks up into his eyes, her right eye drifting off towards the sky
"I love you!"
>This sudden proclamation is followed by a deafening silence
>Now with both of her eyes narrowed and staring directly at Anon, a tear drips down her cheek
>After some more uncomfortable silence, Derpy continues
>She recalls practicing her speech with Rarity but the adrenaline rush overrides her memorized lines
"I like you...ever since you came here I've had feelings for you. You are sweet and kind, and you make the best muffins..."
>Anon is in a slight state of shock
>Well, that's an understatement, he stands there unable to say a word
>To the credit of Derpy's determination she's not stopping now
"I want you to be my special somepony, I want you to bake muffins at my house...I want you to hold my hoof..."
>"Look, Derpy..."
>Anon tries to talk but Derpy cuts him off
"I want you to kiss me and cuddle me...I want you in my life Anon"
>Anon grimaces as he shuffles on his feet awkwardly
>"You are already in my life, you come to the bakery all the time and I really enjoy our conversations...but I had no idea you felt that way about me"
>More uncomfortable silence
>Derpy doesn't get the hint yet and smiles up at Anon as another tear slides off her cheek
"I love you so much, will you be my special somepony?"
>"Derpy, this is all really sudden.."
>Before he can finish his sentence Derpy cuts him again
"Don't worry we can take things slow! I've actually never had a special somepony before so I'd rather it that way"
>"No, I meant that I don't know what to say here exactly"
>Derpy stutters as she realizes that maybe things aren't going as planned, her fears starting to reignite
>"Um, I think you are a great and that anypony should feel jealous of me right now. But..."
>Derpy looks at Anon and asks innocently
>"I'm already in love with another mare, I'm sorry."
>Without any warning, tears cascade down her warm blushing cheeks
>Derpy stands there unable to move or speak
>"I'm sorry Derpy, I've had to keep my relationship a secret because her parents wouldn't approve. You're a fantastic pony and I hope we can still be friends"
>Anon goes to pat her head but she flinches
>Derpy looks up at Anon, eyes like rough rapids gushing
>She tries to say something but it just comes out as a despairing moan
>Completely crushed and embarrassed, Derpy flies off in a rush
>Derpy spent the next two days in isolation
>She didn't show up to work nor even step outside her house
>She spent day and night crying in her bed, thinking about Anon
>Her stomach started grumbling, she had lost her appetite entirely and hadn't eaten a morsel
>She managed to pull herself out of bed and go to the kitchen
>Preheating the oven she then opened the cupboard and pulled out a large mixing bowl
>Next, some flour, sugar, salt and other ingredients
>With interim sniffling Derpy was starting to feel a little better, making muffins was one of her favorite things to do
>As she begins to stir her mix she reminisces about when she was a young filly and would help her mom bake
>They would bake cakes, cookies and all sorts of goodies but muffins were always her favorite
>Now in better spirits she pours the mix into her muffin tray
>Her face scrunches for a moment as she realizes she doesn't have any blueberries to add
>Distracted, her aim isn't on target and a small goop pile is now sitting on her counter
>She manages to fill the tray without any further mistakes and then places it in the oven
>With a little smirk she walks back to her counter and slurps up the batter
>Derpy sits there watching the oven, taking in deep breaths. Becoming relaxed with her mind entirely fixed on muffins
>The timer goes off and she jumps up in excitement
>With a big smile she opens the oven and grabs the tray
>She screams and let's go immediately
>She runs over to the faucet and drenches her hoof in cool water
>She winces in pain and looks down where she was burned
>It looks superficial so she sighs in relief, but there is still a throbbing pain
>She drys herself off and grabs her oven mit
>The muffins are slightly burnt, but she takes a bite anyway
>They have a little bit of a crunch but overwise aren't too bad. "If only I had one of Anon's muffins" she thought to herself
>She slowly stops chewing and puts down the muffin
>Tears start to form but she shakes her head. "No! I want to see Anon and I will eat his muffins!"
>With a rush of energy Derpy flies as fast as she can to the Cake's shop, barely avoiding crashing into the window
>Barging in she does her best to scan for Anon, eyes googling around in random directions
>"Welcome Derpy, can I help you?"
>Mrs. Cake has a slightly concerned expression but still gives Derpy a welcoming smile
"Anon...where is Anon?"
>"He's off today sweety. Said something about having a friend over but he'll be back tomorrow"
>Without a word Derpy zooms out of the shop, leaving Mrs. Cake a tad befuddled
>Although it's true Derpy has followed Anon home a couple times, everypony knows where the human lives in town
>She's halfway there but finds herself out of breath, Derpy lands and sits down for a minute as her mind is racing about this "friend"
>After gaining her bearings Derpy continues
>Now in front of Anon's house, she peers through his window
>To her horror, another pony is inside sitting on his lap
>Derpy wastes no time, her love is at stake
>She surges through the front door without any form of notice or consent
>The door slams open and startles Anon and the pony on his lap
"Anon! Who is she? I want you to be with me!"
>Derpy's chest is puffed out, a little bit of floof swaying up and down as she breathes heavily
>"Who am I? Who the HELL are YOU?"
>The other gray pony in the room is now getting off Anon's lap making her way towards Derpy
>Derpy awkwardly hoofs the ground as tears drop around her
>"I said, who the hell are you? Anon who is this mare? Are you cheating on me?
>Anon sits there in shock, his lips start to move but nothing comes out
"I'm Derpy...Derpy Hooves"
>"And are you banging MY boyfriend behind my back?"
>She looks furious and is starting to scare Derpy as she gets closer
>Anon finally gets up and puts his hand on Limestone's mane
>"Limestone, sweety...I love you and would never cheat, you know that. She's just a friend that I see at work sometimes. I promise"
>Derpy's intial impetuous drive is quickly draining, those words from Anon stinging her harshly
>Still alarmed and furious, Limestone Pie takes a moment to gaze intently at Anon
>"I believe you Anon"
>For a moment she loses all sense of hostility and closes her eyes as she nuzzles her face into Anon's hand. Eventually she reaches up and kisses him on the lips
>For Derpy, time is moving in slow motion. Each second feels like an hour and she witnesses the scene before her
>Even her tears seem to descend down her cheeks at a laggard's pace
>Her heart wrenching in ten different directions at once, unable to bear this terrible burning pain in her very snowpitty
>Eventually Limestone breaks away the kiss and turns her attention back to Derpy
>"You better explain yourself, NOW"
>Derpy's lips tremble and she looks down at the floor unable to meet Limestone's fierce glare
>"Derpy, I already told you I had a special somepony..."
>Anon disappointedly interjects, shaking his head at the situation
>Derpy looks up at Anon, and it's at that moment when her heart finally breaks
>She realizes that there is no hope to be with Anon. The only person she's ever loved is now fiction, a twisted joke
>"Well? What do you have to say for yourself, coming here and breaking in? I don't get to see Anon that much since I attend the rock farm, days like this are special for us"
>Limestone goes back on the offensive, although a bit less heated now
"I'm... s-sorry"
>Between all the sniffling Derpy manages to apologize, eyes glued to the ground, wings drooped low
>"Nopony knows about me and Anon, you have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially my sister! If Pinkie finds out the entire town will know before parents wouldn't be very understanding of us. I think you owe us after this so that's the least you can do"
>Derpy feels disgusted. At seeing Anon and Limestone together. Knowing that Anon will never love her. She also feels disgusted with herself.
>After a moment of awkward silence Derpy responds as best she can
"...okay. I won't tell anypony"
>Derpy is still looking at the ground, crying
>"Alright, you have to leave now"
>Limestone puts a hoof on Derpy's flank and directs her to turn around and go outside the door
>Derpy doesn't resist and follows Limestone's lead
>Before she leaves Derpy looks back one more time at Anon
>Her wet cheeks are reddened and her eyes are filled with rejected anguish
>Anon meets her eyes for a moment but then looks away in discomfort
>She wimpers and starts sobbing loudly
>Derpy is now out of the door and Limestone doesn't wait around. She slams the door shut behind her and locks it
>With a drawn out sigh Limestone walks over to Anon and hugs him for a while
>Eventually the sound of the wailing pony outside dwindles as Derpy Hooves slowly plods away down the street
by whitebreaker
by whitebreaker
by whitebreaker
by whitebreaker
by whitebreaker