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Human Bussy Cravings

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2022-08-24 19:33:23
Updated: 2022-11-16 11:04:29
Expiry: Never

  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. >be Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, Wonderbolt, World Savior, Fastest Pony To Ever Live, and all around Biggest Stud In All The World
  3. >and you have a craving, a craving for some bussy
  4. >but not just any bussy, no, what you desire is only the newest, rarest, most exotic, most tantalizing bussy to hit the market
  5. >human bussy
  6. >ever since anon fell into Equestria via a mishap with a new experimental teleportion spell (thanks Glimmer), you've wanted nothing more than sink your throbbing cockmeat into that cute little butt
  7. >Glimmer promised she'd find a way to send anon back home,
  8. >the selfish and horny part of you wishes her to fail, or at least take her sweet time, just long enough for you to get a taste of that yummy human boypussy
  9. >till then he's been staying with a different Element every week
  10. >and today was the start of your turn
  11. >just Twilight bringing him to your pad in Cloudsdale
  12. >the second he stepped of the carriage (thanks magic) you scooped him up into your arms and buried his cute little face into your cleavage
  13. >he was so petite compared to you (and just about everypony else for that matter) he hardly seemed to weigh anything at all
  14. >oh, the possibilities...
  15. >"Uh...Dash?"
  16. "Huh? Yeah?"
  17. >I'm not sure if you humans can go this long without air."
  18. >oh shit right
  19. >you release him from your chest and let him catch his breath
  20. "Heh...sorry about that dude."
  21. >Anon just gives you that cute little smile
  22. >"I-it's no biggie...I can think of worst ways to go."
  23. >Twi tells him to go on ahead and get himself comfortable, just before giving you the 'I'm About To Lecture You Look'
  25. >"Dash…"
  26. >oh boy here we go
  27. >"... I'm trusting you not to do anything reckless."
  28. "So I take it none of the girls have…"
  29. >Twi narrows her eyes
  30. >"No."
  31. >nice, fresh virgin territory
  32. >"And I'm counting on you not to either. We don't know how human and pony physiology might interact. So please, act like a grown mare for once, and keep it in your pants. You're not some twenty year old filly anymore Dash. You need to start acting your age and not just stick in any warm hole that passes by. Wah wah wah wah wah wah. Wah wah wah wah.
  33. >and you've already started tuning her out
  34. >Twi really needs to lighten up, you're not sure if she's gotten laid once since being crowned regent, and that was just a little over a decade ago
  35. >you swear, if somepony were to stick a lump of coal up her ass they'd get a diamond in a week
  36. >you wonder if anon's ass is that tight, it'll be a tough fit for sure, considering the difference in size, but you're pretty sure you can manage, you still got plenty of those special potions Zecora made for you
  37. >besides, you've got a whole week to stretch that bussy out good
  38. >"...just like that incident you had in Saddle Arabia. Understood?"
  39. "Don't sweat it Twilight. Anon's perfectly safe with me. I promise nothing is going to happen."
  41. >*PLAP*
  42. >"OH!
  43. >*PLAP*
  44. >"MY!"
  45. >*PLAP*
  46. >"GOD!"
  47. >it hadn't taken that long for you to get Anon out of those clothes and on his belly, you had him pegged as the subby type from day one, and no one can resist the legendary Rainbow Charm
  48. >the reaction you got when you finally whipped out Ol' Bitch Breaker was priceless, you were hung, even for a mare, Anon had to stroke you with both his hands, and still couldn't wrap his fingers all the way around
  49. >just your pre alone amazed him, as it ran down your length and coated his hands
  50. "That's nothing."
  51. >you told him proudly
  52. "Wait till you see how much I cum for real."
  53. >the mix of awe and fear in his eyes made you twitch like mad
  54. >fuck, you were gonna stretch this little colt out
  55. >when the moment finally and your flare spread his cheeks apart and pressed against his little pucker, he seemed to get cold hooves
  56. >"Uh Dash…maybe we should slow down and hold off-"
  57. >hold off?
  58. >you've been holding off for two weeks, if you wait any longer your balls are gonna burst
  59. >you grab his shoulders and hold him down
  60. >and went where no mare has gone before
  62. >you managed to sink about ⅓ of your dickmeat, with another 13 inches to go
  63. >you made small, shallow thrusts, sinking a little bit more in each time
  64. >the feeling was divine, he was so fucking tight, the tightest you ever had
  65. >even with the lube and stretching potions you slipped him during dinner, you still had to put in a little more force than usual
  66. >Anon was a little fussy at first, cursing and squirming, and making little pleas for you to stop, but once the weight of your cock pressed down on his prostate, his protests turned into the sluttiest little moans
  67. >eventually, after what felt like an eternity, you bottomed out, your groin kissing his plush tushy, and your two cannon balls covering his cute package
  68. >you stayed there like that for a few minutes, atop Anon, tits smothering his head into the pillows, savoring the feeling of him clenching down on all 19 inches of your Bitch Breaker of a marecock
  69. >then you pulled back, raising your hips high into the air, till only your flare was left in his tight passage
  70. >then you brought it all back down in a single, mighty thrust that must've knocked the wind out of him
  72. >and now here you were, drilling him into the mattress, making him scream like the cockslut you always knew he was
  73. "F-FUCK! You are…the tightest little stallion I've ever had! Sweet Celestia, you clench around me so good baby!"
  74. >Anon tried to respond, but your every thrust made him yelp and moan
  75. >you wrapped a hand around his delicate throat and growled in his ear
  76. "Say my name! Say my fucking name! Say the name of the mare owns this bussy! SAY IT!"
  78. >you turned his head around, slammed your mouth into his, and made him choke your tongue
  79. >Anon screamed into your mouth and you could see his eyes roll back as your marecock fried his brain
  80. >you broke the kiss, and doubled your efforts, putting everything you had into your hips, bucking so hard that the whole bed shook and the headboard slammed against the wall with a loud *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP*
  82. >you could feel it now, that familiar sensation in your pelvic muscles telling you it was almost time to blow
  83. >you could hear little voice in your head, saying 'breed him'
  84. >you went into overdrive, channeling your pegasus magic into your hips, becoming a blue blur, a pure fucking machine
  85. >you railed him like a mare possessed, only one thought in your mind
  86. >breed him
  87. >the bed creaked and groaned under the punishing force of your bucks
  88. >breed him
  89. "G-gonna...fucking…CUM!"
  90. >breed him
  91. >Anon let out a wordless wail as his prostate was crushed by your dick, his fingers curled into the sheets as he held on for dear life
  93. >the voice was roaring in your head now
  94. >BREED HIM
  98. >KNOCK
  99. >HIM
  100. >UP
  101. >you buried yourself as deep as you could go in him, and let out a victory cry right in his ear
  102. >your balls seized up and gurgled as they shot their cargo straight through your dick
  103. >your flare engorged, locking you in him
  104. >the first rope would have been enough to fill a cider mug, and there was still so much more
  105. >there was so much, and it had to travel all the way up your cockpipe, that each shot took forever to empty into him
  106. >Anon whimpered and groaned as you turned him into your personal broodslut
  107. >you put a hold on his belly and felt it expand to make room for all the ponyjizz you were shooting into him
  108. >with each rope his once smooth, flat tummy grew bigger and rounder
  110. >eventually the flood began to subside and your jets of seed tapered down to a trickle, before stopping completely
  111. >you held yourself therebfor a few moments, basking in the glory of your own sexual prowess, as your cock slowly began to deflate and shrink
  112. >with a heavy sigh you fell onto your back, dragging Anon, who was still impaled by your fuckstick, along with you and pillowed his head between your cleavage
  113. "
  114. "Damn…I don't think I've nutted that hard since Flight Academy…was it good for you too, Anon?"
  115. >Anon was too cumdrunk and fuck addled to give a proper response, his eyes were rolled back and the best he could do was some post-orgasm gibberish
  116. "Heh. I'll take that as a yes."
  117. >you rubbed his cum inflated stomach, looking like he was nine months pregnant with twins
  118. >you don't know where all that breeding stuff came from, guess you just really got lost in the moment
  119. >probably a good thing you can't actually get him with foals, being a different species and what not, because you don't want to think how Twi might react to you knocking a stranded alien up with your brood
  120. >but you gotta admit, the idea was making you hard all over again
  121. >you get up, Anon still impaled on you, and make your way to the shower
  122. >you'll empty him out and let him rest, then it's on to round two
  123. >who knows, maybe if you plant your seed enough times you'll get triplets
  124. >heh
  126. >six weeks later…
  127. >"The doctor just confirmed that it's triplets."
  128. >Twilight's tone was icey, she was glaring at you like she wanted to set you on fire
  129. >you weren't scared, not just because Twi was a like a sister to you and would never actually do that, but mostly because you were still trying to process the news
  130. >you and Anon had enjoyed a whole week of carnal bliss
  131. >the wasn't a single surface in your cloudominion that you hadn't made love on
  132. >when Twilight came to pick him up she was none the wiser, she even commended you on your restraint
  133. >fast forward a few weeks to today, when you received a call from a very angry Twilight and royal command to 'get your stupid, horny blue ass down here now'
  134. >apparently Anon woke up this morning and all of a sudden started puking his guts out
  135. >one visit with the royal physician later, they learned the reason why
  136. >"Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, Dash"
  137. "To be perfectly honest Twiggles, yeah just a little bit."
  138. >Twilight just buried her face in her hands and groaned
  139. "I mean, aside from adding being the first mare to bang and impregnate an alien to the long list of reasons as to why I'm so awesome..."
  140. >Ugh, really?"
  141. "...but triplets too? I mean, am I good or am I good?"
  142. >"You're an idiot." Twilight said into her hands
  143. "A studly idiot."
  144. >"I will neuter you."
  146. >END

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