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Equestrian Liberation Front | EaW

By whitebreaker
Created: 2022-09-02 10:58:12
Expiry: Never

  1. When Equestria fell, Starlight Glimmer was a reformed cult leader and Trixie Lulamoon a less than scruplous travelling magician, and yet it was these talents that saw them rise to become the leaders of the Equestrian Liberation Front. Having worked since the first days of the occupation, they used misdirection, deceit and - at times - simple ruthlessness to contest the changeling occupiers. Unlike their erstwhile (and in Trixie's case, reluctant) mentor, Twilight Sparkle, they had no notions of fighting fair. Still, Equestria needs whatever heroes it can get, and if they are what is available, then that is what they must be.
  3. Though their friendship is a tempestuous one, it has remained steadfast, and they have learned to play off each other. Starlight Glimmer has established herself as the strategist and the planner whereas Trixie has become (in)famous as an able tactician and guerilla commander. Their unorthodox backgrounds have informed their methods, and they managed to carry their efforts this far through these tricks.
  5. It takes more than just tricks to lead a rebel army, however, and beyond the trickery and creativity stands two mares who, when all other heroes seemed to have failed, saw themselves called to step up and take over the fight. If they should fail, they know that other ponies will step up as well, because that is the Equestria they remember and will fight for.

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