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>You groan and roll over in your bed as you start to wake up
>Your bed feels wayyy than normal but hey, why complain about a good thing?
>You let out a small yawn and roll over onto your back to get comfortable in the bed
>As you start to settle back down, something feels wrong
>It almost feels like when you'd lay on your arm by accident, like a slightly annoying feeling.
>But your arms and legs were spread eagle on the bed so what gives?
>You grumble under your breath
>"Must be getting fucking old."
>That ain't your voice.
>Like, it doesn't always sound that great when you just wake up but normally that doesn't involve it getting *higher*
>Your eyes snap open, revealing a rustic small bedroom. Green walls, a wooden desk in one corner, and a large window with the curtains pulled down over it.
>This isn't your beautiful room
>Well, given measure of beautiful considering you didn't really make all that much all things considered.
>Were you kidnapped?
>You sit up really quickly and turn to slide off the bed, only to tangle yourself up and fall over onto the ground facefirst.
>"Oww..." you groan in slight pain.
>You force yourself to your feet, one hand rubbing your nose in an attempt to dilute the pain.
>Something nagged in the back of your mind as you did so, but you ignored it in favor of forcing yourself to walk over to the window.
>Grabbing the curtains with both hands, you yank it open to see where the hell you are.
>Gazing out the window you see a sight both baffling and concerning.
>You see a ton of miniature colorful horses moving around in a rustic-looking town. Some have wings or horns too.
>"Okay, I must be losing my mind."
>As you process your impending mental breakdown, you hear the door slam open
>A blue bipedal dragon walks in, almost looming over you despite only being a head and shoulders taller.
>That isn't your beautiful wife
>You take a step back in nervousness, hoping that its not here to eat or kill you or something
>The dragon growls in frustration, eyes narrowing. "Smolder, you were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago. Get your scaly butt in gear or I'll drag you to the School!"
>Okay, that is 100% a female dragon based on her voice but who the fuck is Smolder?!
>The dragonness angrily points at the connected bathroom, so you scurry in before she gets physical
>Not like you don't have a backbone, but she was *scary*
>You close the door behind you and sigh in frustration.
>May as well do your business while you were in here.
>You step over to the toilet, catching a glimpse of something orange and yellow in the mirror as you go.
>You take a step back, staring at the mirror with wide eyes.
>Instead of your totally rugged looks, there is a small orange dragon staring back at you with wide blue eyes. Horns, wings, fangs, the whole shebang.
>You hold out your hands to take a solid look at them, your blood fully chilling in horror.
>They were orange four-fingered claws.
>A totally manly yelp escapes your jaw before your mouth foams up and you pass out in panic.
by MelodyMori
by MelodyMori