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Filly Fantasy XIV: NEETbringers

By ItsAMarehouse
Created: 2022-10-02 12:36:09
Updated: 2022-10-05 13:34:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >It’s been a long while since you’ve been so excited for a game.
  2. >Not since Devil May Cry V at least.
  3. >But that was before landing in Equestria and being the only human here.
  4. >The lock clicked as you opened the doors into your small flat and you quickly went in, taking off your shoes, slipping into flippers and hanging your jacket on a coat rack.
  5. >You swiftly moved to turn on your PC, dropped your bag next to the chair and went to the kitchen.
  6. >It might’ve been a Friday night and you had plans for today, but you first needed to combat your hunger.
  7. >Though when waiting for the water to boil and the frozen lasagne to cook you kept glancing at the bag where now a box of your newly bought computer game rested.
  8. >Filly Fantasy XIV.
  9. >You played Final Fantasy XIV back in the Human World, but you never could finish the MSQ of later expansions, with the whole disappearing into another world business.
  10. >Before you could decide to leave your cooking unattended the water boiled, so your focus went back to preparing food.
  11. >This didn’t take that long luckily and soon enough you were sitting in front of your computer, registering a new account.
  12. >Equestrians seemed to be fans of physical boxes, so now you had something to display on your shelf.
  13. >Even if you had to make extra space on the shelf to fit it.
  14. >That meant moving aside some of your miniatures.
  15. >Sadly, the games here didn’t have the manual included, but at least you could spend your time reading up on the classes, races and the universe itself.
  16. >While it worked pretty much the same as the FFXIV you knew, races were different, more pony shaped.
  17. >Though ponies and the three tribes (four with a Shadowborn expansion) seemed to take the role of the Hyur, Deer the role of the Elzen, Kirin of the Au Ra and griffons were playable.
  18. >There were things you never heard of, like some weird hybrid of a cat and a bear. Weird thing.
  19. >The Job system seemed to work the same way as in Final Fantasy, even if not all races in pony land could cast magic, they seemed to be able to do that just fine in the game world of… Eorzea.
  20. >Huh, funny thing. Maybe they will just one day add humans for you to play if the world already seems to be the same thing.
  21. >Well it was probably different, at least a bit but names could be the same.
  22. >Well, you still had enough time to decide who to play, but if the game had actually a different story, you hoped the Paladin’s Job Quest were different because they were rough.
  23. >And playing a tank could be a fun experience, especially since you had some basic knowhow but had to relearn the game.
  24. >But for now, you decided to nap after a meal and wait for the game to fully download all the patches.
  25. >Which with your internet that wasn’t too amazing, would take an hour or two.
  28. >You were Paradise Skies, in Equestria a shy, secluded mare who had problems talking to other ponies, looking them in the eye and making friends.
  29. >In the land of Eorzea, you were Safety Quips. A master Scholar/Summoner, The Warrior of Light. Also one of the more important people in your Free Company and a Mentor to all the precious little sprouts that started their adventure in Eorzea.
  30. >Needles to say, you felt quite good.
  31. >You were just typing with your buddies about doing some dungeons.
  32. >The Free Company Omnicrafter, Slow Dancer, apparently wanted to get some levels on a healer. You didn’t feel like it right now. Especially since you were currently in Ul’Dah.
  33. >And wouldn’t you know it, a fresh Sprout just appeared. Still in his default gear. A minotaur nonetheless.
  34. >Minotaurs were one of the less played races and they always towered above ponies and other races so they were easy to spot.
  35. >Not wasting any time you messaged him.
  36. Safety Quips: Hiiii, you new to the game?
  37. >The minotaur spun in place before noticing your character and walked towards you.
  38. >Looked down at your character for a moment before
  39. >Petting you.
  40. >Well your character was tiny in comparison to him so it was understandable.
  41. Fiach MacHugh: Yeah, I just finished the intro.
  42. Safety Quips: Nice, I guess I won’t ask you how’s the game for now, but I can always offer you some help, what do you say?
  43. Fiach MacHugh: Nah, I want to do the quests at my own pace, at least for now.
  44. >This was understandable, you wouldn’t want to ruin the game for him anyway.
  45. Safety Quips: No worries, I can just add you to the friends list and if you ever have any questions you can just ask me. I played this game for a while now so I know some stuff~
  46. >It was always nice to find new Sprouts and help them on their journey. Made you important.
  47. Fiach MacHugh: Sure, I could use something like that. Been a while since I last played MMO’s.
  48. >Nice, new person to play with.
  49. >Well, hopefully. If he levels up enough that is. Hopefully he gets hooked because the FC you made with your friends was rather small so far.
  50. Safety Quips: I invited you. Just remember to read the plot. I promise it gets better.
  51. Fiach McHugh: Haha!
  52. Fiach McHugh: I’ll remember that. See you around for now.
  53. >He petted your character again.
  54. >You decided to do the same before he started running towards his own quests.
  55. >You’ll ask him tomorrow, if he’s online, how he feels about the game so far.
  56. >Hopefully if he stays with a Paladin your Free Company will get another tank main. So far it was mainly a DPS fest and Tengan and Forlorn refused to ever play something else than their DPS, so anyone who wasn’t maining one was appreciated.
  57. >Gazing at the time, you decided it’s a good time to get something to eat.
  60. >The flat you were living in wasn’t big, but it was enough for you.
  61. >Especially since you weren’t the one paying for it.
  62. >Your parents wanted you to get a good education so you wouldn’t end up as a NEET and paid for you living here in Canterlot.
  63. >It was stressful, sure and you still lived a pretty secluded lifestyle, but it was all right.
  64. >They even gave you an allowance so that you could buy yourself things.
  65. >You sat your character in a tavern somewhere and left your computer alone to make some food.
  66. >Or rather grab a few pizza slices from the refrigerator, some tap water and you went back to your computer.
  67. >Between reading the chat and watching some videos you started wondering about the ponies you’ve been playing with.
  68. >Playing with them basically everyday, chatting and doing silly things in game made you think about them as if they were your friends, so you somewhat wanted to meet them in real life, someday, not today. Hopefully not soon. When you stop being so scared of leaving the house hopefully.
  69. >That would be nice.
  70. Forlorn Hope: Hey Quips, we need one more person to do dungeons. Wanna level up your DPS?
  71. >You took another big bite and started typing.
  72. Safety Quips: Yeah, give me a five, I’ll just finish my food.
  73. Slow Dancer: Sure, I’ll go put some more shit on the market while we wait for you.
  74. >Well, it looks like your time in the game for now would be set.
  75. >You shoveled the food into your mouth faster before setting the empty plate aside.
  76. Safety Quips: Ok, I’m ready! What’cha wanna do?
  77. Tengan Arisu: We’re starting with Stone Vigil since Dancer wants to level up Astrologian.
  78. >So low level quests. Going with Paladin wouldn’t make any sense so you just changed to Dark Knight.
  79. Safety Quips: Sure, inv me.
  80. >Time for five more hours of doing dungeons to level up your characters.
  81. >One of your favorite ways to spend the evening.
  83. >You woke up around ten.
  84. >Spending most of your day and night playing Filly Fantasy certainly wasn’t the best idea you ever had, but it was lots of fun, so you didn’t mind.
  85. >You sat up and stretched your arms and your back, then your fingers.
  86. >There even was some mentor that offered you help.
  87. >You didn’t need most of it, it kinda was your second go around with the game, though the plot seemed to be different from the one you played back on earth.
  88. >Not completely different, since a lot of elements seemed to repeat, but from what you found out, the Expansions were different.
  89. >So you got the same game you played before but got to enjoy it with a new and fresh plot again.
  90. >You’ll probably play it again and play it a lot.
  91. >But you had to get some food first. Starving to play the game wasn’t on your priority list.
  92. >You crawled your way out of the bed to begin your morning rituals.
  93. >Tea, simple breakfast and hygiene.
  94. >Like a responsible adult.
  95. >Or at least someone good at hiding their true power level.
  96. >Eh, there were people who were much worse at it than you, and you weren’t even a pony!
  97. >Hopefully the fact that the interactions over the internet are much easier for you, won’t turn you into a social outcast.
  98. >Well, not the bigger one that you already are that is.
  99. >Alien life wasn’t the best life you could imagine, but in a big city like Manehattan ponies cared much less.
  100. >Luckily you didn’t land in some small city. Life there would be more quiet, sure, but there was some comfort in living something familiar.
  101. >With breakfast done, tea prepared and shower taken you spend some time dressing yourself up and drinking it.
  102. >You also could go to the gym today. It helped you look much better. It didn’t cure your autism, but it did help, at least a bit.
  103. >You also looked at the overflowing trash can and your pile of unpainted figurines.
  104. >Maybe another distraction from your daily life wasn’t the most healthy way to cope with loneliness, you thought to yourself glancing towards the computer.
  105. >Well, it’s a good idea to take care of all of this shit before going to play more video games.
  106. >Maybe except painting. You could do that while watching some random videos on the internet.
  107. “Well, no time like the present. Be a big boy Anon, do your chores.” you said to yourself before grabbing the trash and leaving your flat to go shopping.
  109. >You are Floor Bored. A mare who just woke up after playing FIlly Fantasy XIV for twenty three hours, spending at least half of this time levelling up with the girls.
  110. >Overall, a time well spent if you do say so yourself.
  111. >Since Slow Dancer was levelling a side job, you were forced to play with one of the old Black Mage rotations, which was quite frankly, horrible.
  112. >But, you did this for a friend so it was all right.
  113. >An internet friend, which you never met in real life, but at least she liked you. Not like she knew your real name.
  114. >Forlorn Hope was the only name she knew you to go by and you only knew her as Slow Dancer, but in the long run it was fine.
  115. >You still have friends in real life!
  116. >Well… one friend and she was a delivery mare by the name of Ditzy Doo. You talked with her from time to time, she was a very nice pony, a bit of a klutz but it’s not like you could judge ponies, especially if those ponies were much better at living than you.
  117. >She had a job, friends outside of a game, probably someone who loved her.
  118. >You made yourself sad again.
  119. >And you didn’t even leave the bed.
  120. >This sucked.
  121. >You thought about going back to sleep, but decided against it instead getting up and turning on your monitor again.
  122. >Time to get back into the game.
  123. >Checking your friend list, you noticed that Grey Warden and Tengan Arisu were online.
  124. >One more person and you’d have a light party.
  125. Forlorn Hope: ‘sup bitches?
  126. Grey Warden: Heeeeeeey Hope, what’s good? :3
  127. Tengan Arisu: Hope-chan, okaeri. Grey was going around doing FATE’s and I’m at the gold saucer.
  128. >Grey usually was doing that when she was bored. That or collecting spells for her Blue Mage.
  129. >She did that without a guide as well. You’re pretty much sure she was writing those guides whenever a new expansion dropped and new spells for Blue were released.
  130. Forlorn Hope: Grinding MGP to get that bunny outfit?
  131. Tengan Arisu: That and the mounts. I got bored with my old one and well, it’s a lot of stuff to do when waiting for next expansion.
  132. Tengan Arisu: I’m also watching anime on my second monitor. Haha
  133. >You looked to your side at an empty can of your energy drinks before finding one that still had something in it and taking a sip.
  134. Grey Warden: What’cha watching Arisu-chan?
  135. >Despite playing minotaur and being a tank main, Grey had a weirdly sweet persona in game, perhaps even beyond the screen. But she was cool. Often busy, but cool.
  136. >A wagie no doubt.
  137. >You didn’t read the rest of the conversation as you tried to find some more Monster to drink.
  138. >Sadly it would seem that all of the cans were empty so you had to go to the refrigerator.
  140. >You came back a moment later with a fresh can of monster and sat down again.
  141. >Checking the chat, it would seem that Godfrey also joined.
  142. Forlorn Hope: Well, we have a light party already.
  143. >After typing you opened your energy drink and took another sip, savouring the sweet taste that surely wasn’t good for you, but you felt great.
  144. Grey Warden: Yeah, but I can’t really go and do quests now. I’m low on seals so I have to grind em, sorry :c
  145. Godfrey Breaker: Eh, I’m sure someone will come here soon enough. For now, do you mind if I join you? I could always use some seals myself.
  146. >Farming FATE’s was usually kinda boring, but it was better than nothing.
  147. Forlorn Hope: Count me in. I’m not going to sit around all day on my ass and I might as well get some more seals.
  148. >With that, Grey invited you to a party and you got a teleportation request.
  149. >Seeing the large minotauress dressed in tight blue clothes, with a carnival mask and a pair of fishnets was always a funny sight. Godfrey also was here.
  150. >Her character, a male griffon, was dressed in the classical white gown, fitting a white mage which she used as her healer.
  151. >That left your unicorn black mage with the ridiculous large hat and most of the face hidden. Which you enjoyed a lot.
  152. >The mysterious aura of class was one of the best parts.
  153. >Right up there with having the biggest DPS (despite the stupid claims by Tengan that Samurai was better) and the biggest explosions (no one cares about Red Mages).
  154. Grey Warden: You’re not joining us Arisu-chan?
  155. Tengan Arisu: Nah, still grinding in the Saucer. When I’ll get really bored I’ll swing by.
  156. Grey Warden: Kaaaay~!
  157. >With that, Grey Warden summoned her car mount which allowed you and Godfrey to step into it.
  158. Grey Warden: Get in sluts we’re going FATE’ing!
  159. >It was from the Item Shop so she probably paid real money for it. Which definitely confirmed she was a wagey, since she could afford it.
  160. >But since it was a pretty mindless activity, with all of you getting into a FATE, Grey one-shotting it with Self-Destruct and then Godfrey resurrecting her, you started to talk between all the ‘action’.
  161. Godfrey Breaker: By the way, we managed to get anyone to join?
  162. Forlorn Hope: Sadly, no. We’re sadly still too small to get people to actually care. Which is a paradox I know.
  163. Godfrey Breaker: Mare this sucks.
  164. Grey Warden: Hey, we have minotaurs here. Not only mares.
  165. Godfrey Breaker: It’s a figure of speech Grey. You know it. Besides, you said you’re not even a Minotaur irl!
  166. Grey Warden bursts out laughing.
  167. Grey Warden: Kiidiiinnggg~ hehe.
  168. >You emptied the can of your energy drink and started looking around the game world.
  169. >Still a bit bored, but at least entertained by talking with your friends. Hopefully more will come by later and you’ll get to do actually fun stuff.

Can I stay in your house? [Finished]

by ItsAMarehouse

Filly Fantasy XIV: NEETbringers

by ItsAMarehouse