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Heartfallen Ch. 5

By Luckybuck
Created: 2022-10-03 13:37:10
Updated: 2022-10-10 05:07:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Ch. 5
  3. >Anon was surely saved from certain death by the sudden appearance of Chrysalis.
  4. >But, “out of the frying pan into the fire”, as the saying goes.
  5. >The ruins of Twilight’s tower crumble around him.
  6. >Green and purple flames are everywhere.
  7. >Behind him is a ledge, with a drop that would no doubt kill him.
  8. >Before him are a mad Princess out to kill him for rejecting her, and a wicked Queen who might devour him, or worse.
  9. >Anon can do nothing but watch, his body barely capable of movement as the magic that was flowing through him and empowering him earlier has all but disappeared.
  10. >”If I stay here I’m gonna die.”, He thinks to himself.
  11. >With great effort, he forces himself to limp towards the edge of the tower.
  12. >Tentatively he looks over the edge, then stops himself.
  13. A: Damn.
  14. >It’s too high, of course.
  15. >There’s no way.
  16. >He sighs.
  17. >What’s the alternative?
  18. >Die here or die when Twilight gets ahold of him.
  19. >As much as he appreciates the intervention of the changeling Queen, Anon knows it’s only a matter of time before she’s brought down by Twilight.
  20. >And once she’s down…
  21. >He’s next.
  22. >Just as this thought passes through his mind, a horrible screech pierces the air.
  23. >Chrysalis, in her draconic form, slams to the ground behind him.
  24. >Boiling white energy bubbles over her, searing her carapace, as she reverts to her original form.
  25. A: Shit.
  26. >He was hoping he’d have a little more time, but it’s already over.
  27. >Twilight descends to look down at her defeated foe.
  28. >She is no longer the pony he once knew.
  29. >She is an alicorn of terrible power, her eyes blazing with wicked dark magics.
  30. >Black and white swirls of sparkling energy roil around her horn, while a halo of dark purple surrounds her body.
  31. >This is it.
  32. >She’s gonna kill Chrysalis.
  33. >Anon’s mind races.
  34. >What should he do?
  35. >Should he jump?
  36. >Should he fall down and beg forgiveness?
  37. >He winces as a sharp pain shoots through his head.
  38. >It passes in less than a second, but somehow his vision feels clearer once it’s done.
  39. >He looks at the pitiful form of Chrysalis, curled up in a ball.
  40. >Like when he first found her.
  41. A: God damn it…
  42. >He takes a step.
  43. A: God damn it!
  44. >Before he can stop to think about what he’s doing, he runs towards her.
  45. >His body screams at him, but he ignores the pain.
  46. >Twilight readies her attack to finish off the changeling, so focused on her dread desire that she fails to notice what’s about to happen.
  47. >With a speed he didn’t know he was capable of, he snatches Chrysalis up into his arms without even slowing down.
  48. >Twilight’s spell fires, a beam of dark light barely missing him as runs, its heat singeing the flesh of his back.
  49. >As he runs, the white magic surrounding Chrysalis’s body burns his arms, but with every step more of it fades away.
  50. >He closes his eyes as he hears Twilight roar.
  51. T: ANONYMOUS!?
  52. >Instinct drives him.
  53. >Bolts and tongues of magic fly past him.
  54. >Each misses its mark, but that small comfort is lost on him in the moment.
  55. >Chrysalis weakly raises her head.
  56. C: A-Anon?
  57. >He’s too focused to even notice her voice.
  58. >He looks at the far edge of the tower’s broken wall, quickly approaching.
  59. >There’s no other way.
  60. T: I won’t let you get away!
  61. >Just as he’s about to reach the ledge, Twilight pops into existence before him with a thunderclap of purple magic.
  62. ?: Twilight!
  63. >A new voice rings out.
  64. ??: Twilight what are you doing?
  65. ???: What’s going on?
  66. ????: Are you okay?
  67. >Several new voices suddenly distract the Princess.
  68. >She looks up from the subject of her wrath to see her friends, the Elements of Harmony, standing amidst the ruins of what was once her tower.
  69. >Rainbow Dash flies towards her at speed, with Applejack running not far behind.
  70. RD: Stop it, Twi!
  71. AJ: You can’t do this!
  72. >Twilight screams at them, her fury unimaginable.
  73. T: I’m the ONLY one who can do this! He’s MINE!
  74. >Bolts of white and purple fly out, barely missing her friends.
  75. R: We have to stop her!
  76. >Rarity shouts, Pinkie Pie not far behind her.
  77. PP: Twilight! How can you attack your friends?
  78. T: He’s not my friend! He’s…
  79. >Her magic falters for a moment as emotions surge through her mind and body.
  80. >In the confusion, Anon sees an opportunity.
  81. >He leaps from the edge of the tower, holding Chrysalis tightly to his chest.
  82. >They fall.
  83. >Twilight screams with distinct agony in her voice.
  84. T: NO!
  85. >But before she can react Rainbow Dash has wrapped one of Applejack’s ropes around her.
  86. >She quickly snaps it with magic, only to be met with another from Applejack herself, lassoing her hoof.
  87. >Rainbow Dash flies circles around her as a distraction while Applejack yanks her down, with Rarity assisting as best she can with her magic.
  88. >Twilight roars again, magic firing wildly in every direction.
  89. >With great sadness in her eyes, Pinkie Pie watches on.
  90. PP: Twilight… What’s happened to you?
  92. >Falling through the air, Anon is certain now, more than he’s ever been, that this is the end.
  93. >He clutches the changeling Queen tighter, and only then does it strike him what he’s actually done.
  94. >He looks at her, and his gaze is met with her own.
  95. >He’s surprised. She looks almost happy.
  96. >He sighs, resigning himself to his fate.
  97. >But then he feels something push beneath his arms from behind, and hears a urgent flapping of wings.
  98. >He looks up to see a pastel yellow figure above him, struggling greatly to hold his weight aloft.
  99. >Fluttershy.
  100. F: I-I’ve got you! Oh!
  101. >She slips for a moment, but quickly catches him again.
  102. F: S-sorry!
  103. >She can’t stop their fall, but she drastically slows their descent as they plummet through the air.
  104. >With a crash the three of them slam into the room of one of the houses below, breaking through and landing, luckily, on top of a large bed.
  105. >They bounce off, and Anon, still holding Chrysalis, skids across the floor, while Fluttershy is thrown a different direction.
  106. >Splinters and shingles scatter across the room and dust fills the air.
  107. >But they’re not hurt.
  108. >At least not too badly.
  109. A: Ugh…
  110. >Anon stands slowly, shaking the shock of the impact off.
  111. F: Hurry!
  112. >Fluttershy yells at him, her voice uncharacteristically dire.
  113. >She points towards the door of the house.
  114. F: You have to run. We’ll save Twilight.
  115. A: Fluttershy, are you-
  116. F: Go!
  117. A: Right!
  118. >The seriousness in her voice drives all thought from his head.
  119. >He does as she says.
  120. >He runs.
  121. >Out of the house, he runs.
  122. >As fast as he can, he runs.
  123. >Though his legs howl in pain, and his arms and body feel like they’re burning, he runs.
  124. >He doesn’t know where he’s running to, but he runs.
  125. >The sounds of violent magic and shouting ponies slowly fade into the distance.
  126. >The road disappears into the trees.
  127. >The light of the sun dims.
  128. >His breathing is ragged.
  129. >He’s soaked in sweat.
  130. >Blood trickles down his arms and back, from cuts and scratches left by the branches and vines and briars he’s been pushing through.
  131. >His feet, too, are covered in blood, and bruised beyond recognition, having no shoes to cover them with.
  132. >It is hot, and humid.
  133. >The air is stale, and stings his lungs.
  134. >But he does not stop.
  135. >The pain drives him onward.
  136. >The pain is a reminder of why he’s running.
  137. >What he’s running from.
  138. >He can’t stop now.
  139. >He can’t-
  140. C: Anon?
  141. >The unexpected voice startles him.
  142. >Chrysalis.
  143. >He’s been holding her the entire time.
  144. >He looks down at her, cradled in his arms.
  145. >She looks… Smaller.
  146. >Her eyes are beautiful orbs of emerald, sparkling in the gloom of the forest.
  147. >He shakes his head and looks away, focusing his sight ahead.
  148. >How did it end up like this?
  149. >Holding the very monster who got him into this mess.
  150. >But what was he supposed to do?
  151. >He couldn’t just let Twilight kill her.
  152. >Could he?
  153. >No.
  154. >She saved him.
  155. >But so did Twilight.
  156. >A flash of pain rings through his head again, making him wince.
  157. >It’s too late to think about any of that now.
  158. >There was no other choice.
  159. >Twilight had gone crazy.
  160. >That wasn’t the pony he once knew.
  161. >That wasn’t-
  162. C: A-Anon?
  163. >Chrysalis. Her voice actually registers in his mind this time.
  164. A: Yeah.
  165. >His short response comes out with a tone of annoyance that he did not intend.
  166. >But he can’t help it.
  167. >Not at this point.
  168. C: I think… I think I can walk now.
  169. >He doesn’t slow his stride.
  170. A: You sure?
  171. C: Yes.
  172. >He looks down at her again.
  173. >He sighs.
  174. A: Okay.
  175. >He stops.
  176. >For the first time in several hours, he actually takes the time to look at his surroundings.
  177. >This forest…
  178. >The trees are old.
  179. >Some of their trunks as wide as houses, their canopies stretching so high the shadow hides their leaves from view.
  180. >Strange plants with multi-colored flowers, vines covered in wicked thorns, the sounds of birds and beasts.
  181. >A pervasive mist that swirls about between the foliage.
  182. >He knows this forest.
  183. >The Everfree.
  184. >It’s nigh a miracle they’ve made it this far in without incident.
  185. C: Um, Anon?
  186. A: Sorry.
  187. >He kneels, and lets Chrysalis down to extend her hooves to the earth.
  188. >She stands, and sighs in relief.
  189. >Then she looks at him with an uncharacteristically genuine smile.
  190. C: Don’t apologize. I don’t exactly mind being held by you.
  191. >He winces as he stands back up straight.
  192. >Now that he’s not holding her, and he’s not moving, his limbs feel incredibly heavy.
  193. C: You saved me again, Anon.
  194. >She practically beams at him.
  195. >The happiness on her face is almost more painful to him than the soreness of his body.
  196. A: I was just returning the favor.
  197. >He looks off into the distance, but he can’t see much through the trees.
  198. C: I was worried about you. I… The last time I saw you, I…
  199. >Chrysalis thinks of the manticore.
  200. >If only she hadn’t been so foolish.
  201. >So impatient.
  202. >”Why am I like this?” She thinks to herself.
  203. C: Anon, I… I’m sorry.
  204. >He looks back to her, confused.
  205. A: Sorry? If you hadn’t showed up when you did, I’d probably be dead.
  206. >She looks away in shame.
  207. C: No, I… Anon I…
  208. >Should she tell him? Should she confess to her mistake?
  209. C: I’m the one who…
  210. >No. How will he react?
  211. >He’ll be furious. There’s no way he wouldn’t be.
  212. >He’d never forgive her.
  213. >She can’t tell him.
  214. >Anon looks at her sideways, unsure of what she’s thinking, with such a serious, somber look on her face.
  215. A: The one who what?
  216. >She stiffens up.
  217. C: I… I shouldn’t have tried forcing you to love me.
  218. >He laughs.
  219. >It hurts.
  220. >He starts to cough, and decides to sit down on a nearby log.
  221. A: Don’t worry about it.
  222. >He shakes his head in exasperation.
  223. >”These damn ponies.” He thinks. “The always know just what to fucking say.”
  224. C: I see now there was no need to use such tactics.
  225. A: Oh?
  226. >As she looks at him all manner of evil thoughts pass through her mind.
  227. >Thoughts of draining his love.
  228. >Thoughts of bending him to her will.
  229. >But another thought drives these wicked ambitions aside.
  230. >The thought of him whisking her up and holding her in his arms.
  231. >Sharing his love, not because he’s forced or tricked, but because he wants to.
  232. >She blushes.
  233. >She can’t remember ever feeling this way.
  234. >She actually risked her own life to save him.
  235. >She’d never do that…
  236. >But she did.
  237. >Why does he make her feel this way?
  238. >Is it just because he saved her first?
  239. >No.
  240. >That’s the sort of naive kindness she preys upon, uses to her advantage.
  241. >A foolishness that she is all too happy to exploit.
  242. >But now…
  243. >She’s the one who behaved foolishly.
  244. >For this strange creature, this monster.
  245. >This beautiful monster who would stand against those damnable Princesses.
  246. >Would stand against them…
  247. >For her.
  248. >For her?
  249. >Did he really do it for her?
  250. >Is he…
  251. >Is he using her?
  252. >The same way she would have used him before he…
  253. >She looks up at him, and meets his eyes.
  254. >He’s still staring at her, with a look of curiosity and bemusement.
  255. C: Tell me something, Anon.
  256. A: Alright.
  257. C: Why was she trying to kill you?
  258. >He closes his eyes, and sighs.
  259. A: Because I’m… I’m dangerous.
  260. C: Dangerous?
  261. >He rubs his temples, and begins to feel exhaustion creeping up on him.
  262. A: She said- Twilight said I’m dangerous. She told me that my… Emotions… Have an effect on magical creatures.
  263. >Chrysalis turns her head slightly sideways, as she looks him up and down.
  264. C: What kind of effect?
  265. A: She says I’m like a catalyst. That if I… If I share “emotion” with a pony that it’ll fill them with magic and drive them crazy.
  266. >Chrysalis’s eyes widen.
  267. A: And…
  268. >The changeling very slowly moves closer.
  269. C: And?
  270. A: That it’ll fill me with magic, too. And my body isn’t made to handle magic like that.
  271. >Anon sighs again, and looks up to see that Chrysalis is standing right in front of him, staring right at him, wide-eyed and seemingly excited.
  272. C: So that is why your love tasted so sweet.
  273. A: Uh, what?
  274. C: You’re Heartfallen.
  275. >She says this word with a sort of childlike wonder that catches Anon off guard.
  276. A: I’m a what?
  277. C: I always thought it was a myth, a fairy tale…
  278. A: What are you talking about?
  279. C: It makes perfect sense now. You’re Heartfallen.
  280. A: What’s a Heartfallen?
  281. C: Heartfallen is a curse. An ancient curse. So ancient I doubt there are many who even remember the stories.
  282. >Chrysalis seems elated by this revelation.
  283. >Her reaction worries Anon greatly, and he begins to get nervous.
  284. A: What kind of curse is it?
  285. C: You already know the answer to that, Anon.
  286. >He shakes his head.
  287. A: I guess I do. It’s like Twilight said. I can’t love anyone or they’ll go crazy and I’ll probably explode.
  288. >Chrysalis laughs, a hearty laugh that surprises him.
  289. >It annoys Anon greatly.
  290. A: What’s so funny?
  291. C: Oh, Anon. She lied to you.
  292. A: What?
  293. C: Your love would certainly drive any normal mare crazy. I suppose that’s what happened to the “Princess”.
  294. >She says that last word with a venomous tone.
  295. >But you will not explode.
  296. A: What do you mean? So what will happen?
  297. C: You will become powerful.
  298. >Her eyes sparkle as she looks at him with what can only be described as wonder.
  299. >Anon squints at her. He isn’t sure if he believes what she’s saying. But he isn’t quite sure if he believes what Twilight said, either.
  300. A: What’s the catch?
  301. C: Catch?
  302. A: It doesn’t sound like any curse I’ve ever heard of. What’s the catch? There’s gotta be some other downside or something.
  303. >She places a hoof under her chin as she thinks.
  304. C: Hmm. Other than driving ponies to obsessive madness, which I don’t see as a downside…
  305. >She looks excited again.
  306. C: Heartfallen are said to fly into fits of unbridled passion-
  307. >Her voice sounds almost like she’s experiencing orgasmic bliss.
  308. C: -during which they are unstoppable!
  309. >Anon feels uncomfortable at how into this she obviously is.
  310. A: Oh, man. This is too much.
  311. C: This is perfect!
  312. A: Huh?
  313. C: I understand why you saved me, now!
  314. A: You… do?
  315. C: Yes! You need me to help you take over Equestria!
  316. >”Oh God damnit.” He thinks to himself.
  317. A: No, I-
  318. C: The love we give each other will make us both so powerful, nopony can hope to stop us!
  319. >She gets right up in Anon’s face, her huge emerald eyes dominating his field of view.
  320. A: Chrysalis, that’s not-
  321. C: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be so lucky…
  322. >He feels her hot breath on his face.
  323. A: Look, you’ve got it all wrong.
  324. C: Of course! We should get started right away.
  325. >She moves even closer.
  326. A: That’s enough.
  327. >He stands up, pushing her away.
  328. >The look of disappointment on her face is undescribable.
  329. >It almost makes him feel bad.
  330. C: A-Anon! This is fate! You cannot deny fate!
  331. A: Sure I can.
  332. >He starts to walk away, but she rushes around to stand in front of him again.
  333. C: Wait! Just let me show you.
  334. >He stops.
  335. A: Show me what?
  336. >She smiles.
  337. C: Close your eyes.
  338. A: What? No. You’re going to try to take over my mind or something.
  339. >He starts to step forward again, but her pleading expression makes him hesitate.
  340. C: I won’t try anything like that, I swear. It wouldn’t work on you anyway, you’d just break free like last time!
  341. >He gives her a cold stare.
  342. A: So what are you going to do?
  343. C: Just close your eyes, Anon. I’ll show you there is no reason to be afraid of your curse.
  344. >He stands silent for a moment, considering his options.
  345. >He really shouldn’t trust her, and he has zero interest in what she’s saying is his “fate”.
  346. >But she sounds so genuine.
  347. >And he did break free of her control once already, he probably can do it again.
  348. >”Ah, why not”. He thinks. “I’m too tired to argue at this point anyway.”
  349. A: Alright. Okay.
  350. >He closes his eyes and Chrysalis’s grin widens to a wicked, toothy smile.
  351. A: But if you try anything-
  352. >His words are cut short as Chrysalis stands up on her hind legs, places her forehooves on his shoulders, and presses her lips into his mouth.
  353. >He is taken aback, and opens his eyes immediately.
  354. >Her own eyes are closed as she passionately kisses him.
  355. >Strange feelings well up inside him.
  356. >”What the hell?” He thinks to himself.
  357. >His mind races.
  358. >His body feels…
  359. >Anon closes his eyes again and returns her kiss, leaning into her, wrapping his arms around her slender frame.
  360. >She squeals in delight at his touch, and they fall to the ground together, landing in a patch of soft grass.
  361. >Magic flows through his body, his flesh sizzles and steams as his various wounds heal in mere moments.
  362. >Suddenly, he snaps back to the reality of his situation, and pulls away, breaking the kiss.
  363. >Panting, Anon looks at Chrysalis with a look of shock.
  364. >She just gives him a sultry grin and bats her eyes.
  365. C: See? Don’t you feel sooo much better?
  366. >He can’t even process what just happened, and simply stares at her instead of responding.
  367. C: I know I do.
  368. >She leans in and whispers in his ear.
  369. C: Your love is sublime.
  370. >He finally regains his composure a bit.
  371. A: Chrysalis, you… That was…
  372. >He can’t help but feel entranced by those beautiful emerald eyes.
  373. A: That was amazing.
  374. >She giggles.
  375. C: I’ve never kissed like that before.
  376. >They lay there in silence, staring at each other, for a few moments.
  377. A: So, uh… What now?
  378. C: Well, as much as I’d like to keep going…
  379. >She nuzzles into his neck.
  380. C: We should rest. I can tell you’re tired.
  381. A: It’s too dangerous to sleep in the middle of the Everfree.
  382. C: Nonsense.
  383. >She giggles again.
  384. C: You’re the most dangerous thing in this forest, Anon. Nothing is going to bother us.
  385. >Seeing how content and comfortable she looks, he sighs, and lets out a slight chuckle of his own.
  386. A: Okay. Good night, then.
  387. >He pulls her a little closer, and lays his head down, closing his eyes.
  388. >This is not how he expected this day to end.
  389. >But hey, at this point, it could be worse.
  391. ~
  393. >Anon floats in an ocean of stars.
  394. >Alone.
  395. >The silence is gentle, soothing.
  396. >He drifts along, with a feeling of bliss and a grin on his face.
  397. ?: This is not what thine heart desired, Anonymous.
  398. >A strange voice resounds throughout the void.
  399. ?: Thou hast no evil intent. So why dost thou align thyself with evil?
  400. >A winged mare steps forth from the dark.
  401. >Her form is slender and elegant, her mane flows like the night sky, and her eyes are azure pools of sparkling magic.
  402. >Anon has never seen anything so beautiful in his life.
  403. ?: Deny the temptress her prize, Anonymous.
  404. >The mare steps towards him, walking on nothing.
  405. ?: Seek thee a means to break thine curse.
  406. >But as she approaches, she begins to fade away.
  407. ?: Find the Princess of Love.
  408. >She is almost gone.
  409. ?: Go to the Crystal Empire.
  410. >With that final word she vanishes.
  411. >The void is empty.
  412. >The stars are gone.
  413. >The silence screams.
  415. ~
  417. >Anon is wrenched awake by an overwhelming sense of urgency.
  418. >In a cold sweat, he starts to panic.
  419. >But when he looks around, he realizes he’s still laying in the grass in the Everfree Forest.
  420. >All is quiet.
  421. >All is calm.
  422. >Chrysalis is curled up in his arms, sleeping.
  423. >He looks up to the sky, obscured by the trees above.
  424. >Under his breath, he curses at himself.
  425. A: I’m so fucked up…
  427. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Heartfallen Ch. 1

by Luckybuck

Heartfallen Ch. 2

by Luckybuck

Heartfallen Ch. 3

by Luckybuck

Heartfallen Ch. 4

by Luckybuck

Heartfallen Ch. 5

by Luckybuck