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Dances with Alicorns

By PKAnon
Created: 2022-10-08 07:42:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >you swish your drink around a couple of times, unsure of yourself as you traipse past a group of dancing ponies
  2. >you nodded your head to the beat, wishing desperately to fall into the rhythm along with everyone
  3. >your spirit was on the dance floor, gyrating to every nuance the music had, heart swelling every time the song hit a high point
  4. >you know, deep in your heart, that you would enjoy it
  5. >but you are Anon, and for some reason, you just can’t
  6. >you had received an anonymous invitation to the Gala a couple of weeks ago
  7. >you were relatively new in Equestria, recently arrived from some extra-dimensional portal nonsense that you couldn’t really wrap your head around
  8. >one would think that would’ve been the start of some grand fairy tale, where you became the hero and helped save the world or something like that
  9. >your predicament was nothing like that, though; sure, there was excitement around an alien that was reportedly not even from the same universe, but the revelry was short lived
  10. >you had made friends with Twilight, the one who had found you in a grassy field outside of Ponyville, scorch marks from whatever brought you here surrounding you
  11. >she introduced you to the princesses, who had you stay in the castle for a week to determine where you came from, what you were, and whether or not you would pose a threat to Equestria
  12. >they didn’t mention that last part, but you figured it was a sort of unspoken truth
  13. >Celestia spoke a lot more than her sister did, but apparently she had just gotten through something you weren’t quite privy to yet, so you gave her space
  14. >when they were finished getting to know you and gave you the go-ahead to live here, Twilight had you meet the rest of her friends, who understandably were nervous about meeting you
  15. >they warmed up to you rather quickly, though, after seeing Twilight being so nonchalant around you
  16. >after that, Twilight offered you a room while you adjusted yourself to Equestria’s society, and you had graciously accepted
  17. >since then, things have died down considerably
  18. >you like that, though
  19. >the quiet and calm were your home, where you could be comfortable
  20. >to say you were introverted would only be half of the story; silence was your metronome to which you played the game of life, and to be honest, you had gotten quite good at it, almost like practicing a character from a fighting game
  21. >you enjoyed spending time with people, sure, but you really came alive when it was just you
  22. >here at the Gala, though, you couldn’t quite have that
  23. >you arrived with Twilight and her friends, but they had long since split up to go visit with other friends present
  24. >occasionally, one would come by to see how you were doing, but they’d rush off soon afterward either to dance or visit some more
  25. >you couldn’t blame them for it at all, though
  26. >you just wish you could have that experience
  27. >a few ponies had come to talk to you, sure, but it was more about never having seen you before, or asking what you were
  28. >you got a chuckle out of every interaction, at least
  29. >meandering over to the punch bowl, you fill it nearly to the brim and take a hearty swig
  30. >you weren’t even thirsty, but it gave you an excuse to move around without looking like you were a lost puppy
  31. >the cool liquid snaking its way down your throat did nothing to still your nerves, though
  32. >looking around, you look for a possible reprieve, some way to take a break from the noise
  33. >across the dance floor, you see the more elaborate part of the gardens a fair bit away from the hubbub of the gala, so you make haste to admire the royal landscaper’s handiwork
  34. >you make your way through the crowd without much trouble, some ponies smiling up at you as you go
  35. >it helps that most of them only come up to the lower portion of your chest, so you weren’t exactly bumping into anybody
  36. >with the crowd behind you, you transfix yourself on Canterlot’s most exotic flowers, taking in every detail you could as you got closer
  37. >you weren’t much of a florist yourself, but you could tell quality from mediocrity
  38. >besides, any distraction was a welcomed one
  39. >lavender bushes line a section of the garden, and their pleasant aroma draws you in from afar
  40. >leaving the party behind, you walk past a decorated gate into the garden proper, still allured by the lavender bushels
  41. >in the distance, you could hear the song change to something more electronic, along with cheers from the crowd
  42. >it almost sounds like something from your world
  43. >perfect to get lost in the garden with, then
  45. Suggested low volume listening:
  47. >as you look around, you realize that you really don’t have any purpose being in here
  48. >you feel like a fish out of water
  49. >you’d felt like that the whole night, honestly, moving from one place to another without anyone to really spend time with
  50. >you stare at the lavender, consciously prying your mind away from thinking about anything but what was happening in the moment
  51. >you crouch down, taking in its wonderful scent while you study the flower closely
  52. >in the midst of taking mental notes on the way that its clusters of purple has tiny nuances of blue, you hear footsteps approaching behind you
  53. >or is it hoofsteps?
  54. >it’s probably hoofsteps
  55. >damn horse localizations
  56. >you opt to not turn around, since whoever it is more than likely isn’t here for you
  57. >“Anonymous, is it?”
  58. >never mind
  59. >you shift on your feet, still crouching, and turn to face your new visitor
  60. >your eyes widen a tad in surprise as you’re greeted by the sight of Princess Luna smiling down at you in an incredibly flattering dress, hair done up in a ponytail (heh)
  61. >you feel your chest tighten in anticipation of a conversation, subconsciously ignoring the fact that you were face to face with royalty outside of any obligation like last time
  62. >tonight was going to be eventful after all, it seemed
  63. “That’s me,” you reply as you send a smile her way
  64. >you stand, bringing yourself to your full height
  65. >unlike other ponies, you notice that you’re only about a head or so taller than her, not including her horn
  66. “It’s nice to see you again.”
  67. >you straighten your suit out, suddenly feeling like you want to be at peak presentability
  68. >there’s a very brief pause before she continues, as if she didn’t expect you to say that
  69. >“How have the festivities been treating you? Good, We hope?”
  70. >she adjusts herself in place ever so slightly so that she’s at a slight angle toward both you and the distant party
  71. >you don’t want to tell her that you feel like an alien all over again, so you focus on aspects of the gala that didn’t involve you
  72. “It’s been good, actually,” you say, fidgeting with your tie slightly.
  73. “The DJ’s been surprisingly great, honestly. I knew a lot of people in Canterlot loved her, but I had no idea she’d rock the house this hard.”
  74. >she smiles up at you, then casts her gaze in the direction of the music
  75. >“The crown certainly spared no expense in hiring her. Some of the snooty nobleponies might not agree with the new direction that this year’s gala has taken, but they are simply a vocal minority.”
  76. >you look over toward the crowd as well, specifically toward the DJ currently making the earth shake
  77. >her red goggles glow almost like neon in the darkness, and if it wasn’t for a slight silhouette from the rest of the lighting off-stage, those goggles would be the only thing you could see
  78. >you make a quick mental note to check out her stuff after the gala as you turn back to the princess, who was still transfixed on the dancing ponies
  79. “How’re you liking it, Your Majesty?”
  80. >you didn’t want to cross some social line by not referring to her by her title, even here
  81. >“To be honest, We are not sure what to think,” she replied, eyebrows slightly raised.
  82. >“It’s certainly a departure from the music that We used to listen to, but We find it quite catchy nonetheless!”
  83. >she moved her gaze from the dancing ponies to you, smile still present
  84. >“By the way, Anonymous,” she said almost sheepishly, bringing one of her hooves up to her chest
  85. >“You can refer to us simply as Luna, if you would prefer.”
  86. >when you woke up this morning, you expected to have just another day, just with a dance party at the end of it
  87. >you certainly didn’t expect to be fraternizing with royalty out of nowhere
  88. >your surprise is visible on your face, and she interprets that as her cue to begin backpedaling
  89. >“Of course, you do not have to if it makes you uncomfortable!” she almost exclaims, sticking her already raised hoof out toward you in what you assume is reassurance
  90. >her smile takes on a slightly more awkward essence
  91. >you grin down at her and cross your arms, defusing her mounting sense of self-awareness
  92. “I think I’d like that, Luna.”
  93. >relief washes over the princess’s face, wiping away almost any traces of worry as she places her hoof back down
  94. >not one to stop when it’s even, you push the boundary a tad
  95. “In that case, you can call me Anon. It’s what most of my friends call me, save for Pinkie Pie.”
  96. >a curious smile crawls across her face as she looks at you from the side
  97. >“Oh? What does she call you?”
  98. >do you say it?
  99. >the name was…
  100. >well, it was embarrassing, but it was endearing, coming from Pinkie
  101. >you swallow your pride
  102. “...Nonny-Wonny.”
  103. >you punctuate the nickname with your best awkward, shit-eating grin
  104. >it takes about a half a second for Luna, Equestria’s stoic ruler of the night, to double over in a fit of giggles
  105. >it turns out to be infectious, and you join in with her
  106. >for a brief moment, everything that troubled you earlier disappears
  107. >you actually feel your body drop its constant state of tension in favor of a natural, outgoing state
  108. >but the giggles subside, and your nerves return once more
  109. >they’re dulled, though, and you can’t help but smile at that
  110. >before you can reflect any longer, Luna grabs your attention again
  111. >“We, for one, think it’s a wonderful nickname,” she says cheekily, a laugh caught in her throat
  112. >“We might even call you that ourself every now and then.”
  113. >a barely noticeable blush adorns her cheeks, as if she realizes the implications of the nickname just as she says it
  114. >her smile starts to drop ever so slightly, which you feel bad about
  115. >in a way, she kind of reminds you of the way you are most of the time
  116. >before she can backpedal, you try to be the smoothest you can about it so she doesn’t have time to feel awkward
  117. >you chuckle in a deep intonation and shoot a grin her way
  118. >you also do a finger gun, for some reason
  119. >you inwardly die, but keep going
  120. “Maaaaybe down the line, if that’s okay with you.”
  121. >her blush slowly fades as she’s denied her chance to let the awkward play out
  122. >“We’ll hold you to that, Anon,” she replied warmly
  123. >she looks around at the flowers, though not at any in particular
  124. >“We must ask, what brought you out here? We had thought you would be ‘dancing the night away,’ as ponies from this time say.”
  125. >well, there’s no getting around it now, is there?
  126. >thinking about it, you don’t really see the harm in telling her
  127. >you don’t think she’ll judge you; even though you haven’t known her for more than a couple of minutes, she doesn’t seem like that kind of mare
  128. >in all honesty, she actually seems just as awkward as you are
  129. “Honestly, Luna, I haven’t really had anyone to tag along with.”
  130. >you put your hands in your pants pockets and stare at the dance floor filled with ponies
  131. >a slower song starts playing, and it looks like everyone’s swaying with the beat
  132. >the awning is swathed in a deep blue light coming from the lighting above the DJ’s set, bathing everyone in a mellowed atmosphere
  133. “I came here with Twilight and her friends, but they’ve been off with their other friends most of the night.”
  134. >you shift a bit in place, leaning more on one leg than the other
  135. “I’ve been trying to let loose and just go meet new ponies, but I’ve always had a hard time doing that, even back home. Occasionally, they’ll come up to me to ask a question, but that’s it.”
  136. >you take your hands out of your pockets, crossing them once again while redirecting your gaze to Luna, who holds an attentive expression
  137. >you notice that the blue hue of the lights almost matches the color of her mane
  138. “I feel like I get a confidence boost when I’m with friends, and that carries me through a lot of the would-be awkward parts of the night. Since they’re all spread out and I don’t want to bother them, I figured I’d cool off out here.”
  139. >you gesture to the flora around you, unintentionally wafting their heavenly scent around
  140. >or was that Luna’s perfume?
  141. >“We know how you feel,” she sighed, her attentive look giving way to a more solemn, wistful gaze cast towards the dance floor
  142. >“Ever since Our return, We have felt like a complete outsider to the nation that We once, and continue to preside over. We wear the crown, yes, but it is simply a formality.”
  143. >her return?
  144. >you have no idea what that means, but that’s for another time
  145. “Stranger in a strange land?”
  146. >she looks up at you, content that you understand
  147. >“Exactly,” she agrees, voice lithe with a longing for communion.
  148. >“To be honest, We are out here for the same reason you are. It is why We sent-”
  149. >she catches herself, which you inwardly raise an eyebrow at
  150. >“It is why We want to feel like a stranger no more.”
  151. >her expression is one of conviction now, one that you feel in your heart
  152. >before you can offer up some kind of mediocre reply, you’re interrupted by a voice coming from the DJ’s giant speakers
  153. >you both look over, curious as to what this is about
  154. >“Alright, everypony! The night’s almost over, but we aren’t quite wrapped up yet! We’ve still got one last anthem to dance to, so if you haven’t, get your butt up on the dance floor and dance the night away! This is DJ Pon-3, and from me to you, happy Grand Galloping Gala to everypony!”
  155. >with gusto, she flips on a new song, and the lights strobe to illuminate the crowd in a pulsing light tinted a far lighter blue than before
  157. Suggested high volume listening:
  159. >you don’t even notice you’re tapping your heel to the beat
  160. >if this is really last call, then you need to do something fast before you end up spending the whole thing wishing you were letting go instead of actually doing it
  161. >instead of letting yourself lock up, you act before you think for once
  162. >you look back over at Luna, who’s looking back at you in a sideways glance
  163. “Have you ever danced with a stranger before, Luna?”
  164. >...where did that come from?
  165. >she’s facing you fully now, her face beginning to flush just as much as yours
  166. >“Many back in my day, mostly because of old customs and formalities,” she replies, eyebrows raised
  167. >she faces you fully, an ear-to-ear grin plastered across her face
  168. >“Have you ever danced with a friend?”
  169. >you smirk back at her, already making steps toward the garden’s gate
  170. “No… but I’d like to change that. You ready?”
  171. >she nods her head enthusiastically, following closely next to you as you both jogged, and in her case trotted, over to the dance floor
  172. >as you crossed the threshold from the grass to the giant awning, Luna tapped you with one of her wings, signaling you to bend down
  173. >you did so and turned your ear toward her to hear her over the blaring music
  174. >“We must confess, Anon - We cannot dance at all!”
  175. >you catch a sheepish grin before you shout over the music into her ear as well
  176. “I can’t either!”
  177. >both of you traipse into the crowd as the beat builds, finding the rhythm each other as well as you can
  178. >you’re a mess of gangly limbs, and she’s an awkward alicorn jutting her hooves about everywhere, but you feel lost in the beat
  179. >the beat finally drops, and the two of you go nuts
  180. >funnily enough, even though both of you were taller than nearly everyone else in the crowd, you don’t spill your spaghetti for once in your life
  181. >you hardly even notice time passing by
  182. >for once, you’re truly enjoying yourself
  183. >judging by the fact that she’s beaming open-mouthed as she bounces back and forth to the tune, you think she is too
  184. >for the first time, you let go, and lose all sense of yourself in the music as you dance with the mare in front of you
  186. >before either of you know it, the song ends, and ponies slowly begin to disperse after cheering one last time from DJ Pon-3
  187. >looking around, you see Twilight and her friends waving you over as they headed out of Canterlot Gardens
  188. >you look back at Luna, who’s catching her breath and fanning herself with one of her wings as she steadily gets more space to do so
  189. >you know you’ll have to part with her, but you can’t just leave it at this
  190. >you gently tap her withers, which gets her attention
  191. >raised eyebrows and a look of wonder stare right into you
  192. “Are we gonna see each other again, Luna?”
  193. >you don’t mean for it to sound as pleading as it does
  194. >“Hmm, let Us think…”
  195. >she plays coy for a second before returning to pure enthusiasm in full force
  196. >“Of course! We are friends now, are we not?”
  197. >you feel a surge of serotonin rush through your system before you respond
  198. “You know it, Luna.”
  199. >she glances behind you, catching a glimpse of your group of friends, before looking at you once more
  200. >“You should not keep Twilight waiting, Anon! My sister often says that she operates on a strict time schedule, and We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.”
  201. >you have to agree there, she can get rather ornery about timeliness
  202. >there’s one thing you have to ask before you leave, though
  203. “How will we keep in touch with each other? I feel like my letters would get lost in the castle’s mail.”
  204. >she smirks, giggling about something
  205. >“You and Spike will be good friends soon, I am sure.”
  206. >she looks around briefly, eyeing the thinning crowd for someone
  207. >“We suppose that We should go find Our sister now. Take care, Anonymous; you will have sweet dreams tonight!”
  208. >with that, she gives you one final smile before walking off into the group
  209. >you almost feel tempted to tell her she got the expression wrong, but you repress the urge
  210. >as you walk back to your friends, you can’t help but feel a little mystified
  211. >“Wowie, Nonny!” pinkie exclaims, bouncing comically off the pavement backwards as she kept eye contact with you
  212. >“You saw Princess Luna again, huh? What was it like?? Are you guys super-duper best friends yet!?”
  213. >you hope it gets to that point as time goes on
  214. >you answer questions as the walk goes on, though it’s all a blur to you
  215. >Rarity’s impressed that you’re already rubbing elbows with royalty, while Twilight and Pinkie are excited that you finally got to properly meet Luna
  216. >The other three are proud of you for getting out of your shell, and compliment your progress as such
  217. >all specifics of what they say bounce off of your skull like a tennis ball on tiled floor
  218. >eventually, you make it back to the treebrary and slip into your bed, still reminiscing about earlier
  219. >in mere minutes, you fall asleep
  220. >the sweetest of dreams grace you that night
  221. >when you awaken, you find a letter on your dresser that wasn’t there before
  222. >when you see the lunar insignia, though, a huge grin creeps across your face
  223. >now that you’re looking at it, though, it looks familiar
  224. >you glance over to your anonymous invitation sitting by your bedside
  225. >...
  226. “Clever mare.”

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Dances with Alicorns

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