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>Berry was out on deliveries, the time was 01:00 and he was tired
>The only people ordering at this time were either extremely high or gaming, either way they weren’t pleasant to interact with
>The next address was in some shabby apartment, the order was a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese
>As he approached the door, he smelled stink
>He knocked on the door but quickly withdrew his hoof as not not get any gamer grease on it
>The door opened and before Berry stood an… I’d sight
“Hello your total is 20.99… is that a feeling Virtual Mare??!”
>In the doorway stood a mare with a red dome over her eyes, her hooves out to receive something
>”Ayup! Mareio Clash isn’t gonna flat itself, hyuk hyuk!”
>Berry stood in disbelief and placed the pizza into the mare’s hooves
”Just so you know, we don’t accept any bills higher than 50… are you gonna take that off? You’re not even playing right now, I don’t see a controller.”
>”Whelp, I just like staring at the menu screen, ahurr. Oh by the way, I don’t have any cash.”
>It took Berry every fiber of his being not to facehoof
“Alright well do you have any way to procure some?”
>The mare began to sweat. Holy crap, that scent was somehow intoxicating
>”Gorsh, if only I had some way to pay for this…”
>She pulled back the Virtual Mare to reveal long bangs and a mole
>Berry had gotten this type before and he was not the type to break coorporate policy and accept favors as payment
“Nope, you can’t.”
>He reached for the pizza to take it back, but the gamer mare pulled it back
>”Wait! Here, have this!”
>She reached onto a counter and pulled out a Game Mare Advance with a genuine copy of Marether 3
>”You might need a translation guide, I was uhhh… too lazy to try and read one to play this hyuk hyuk.”
>Berry had been looking for this gem at a reasonable price for years! This Japan exclusive title was his all time favorite, though he was only ever to ply an emulated English patched version
>He began to smile
“Sure. Don’t worry about payment, I gotchu. What’s your name, by the way?”
>The mare let off some tension
>”The name’s Dot. Dot Matrix. Guhuh.”
“My name’s Berry. Thanks, I guess I’ll see you around!”
>As the stallion got back into his car and drove off, 21 dollars now short from his wallet, all he could think about was the amazing deal he got
by Cinnamonshy
by Cinnamonshy