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My First Maregasm

By anotheranonfilly
Created: 2022-11-01 23:05:39
Expiry: Never

  1. 'My First Maregasm' by Anonfilly
  3. >be in a convenience store, late at night
  4. >just out to buy a snack
  5. >and to get your tiny bit of exercise and human interaction for the day.
  6. >order comes out to $11.37
  7. >that's exactly what you had in coins
  8. >kraft dinner, frozen fries, frozen mixed vegetables, canned hot dogs, generic white bread
  9. >you smirk for a moment, pretending it's like you won a small lottery
  10. >there's a girl in line behind you, and you consider striking up conversation
  11. >something about this girl catches your eye.
  12. >maybe it's the colourful friendship bracelet, or the practical cut of her hair
  13. >you feel like maybe she'd actually be worth talking to
  14. >immediately sweaty palms
  15. >'nah, I'm blocking her exit. I don't want to look like a creep.'
  16. >walking home, back to work
  17. >working from home just made it harder to escape, they have you working any hours of the day
  18. >seems there's just no escape from this mess
  19. >but at least you can smoke pot while you work.
  20. >get_miles.mp3
  21. >the walk home is uneventful
  22. >aside from the sirens and seeing someone get pulled over, but that's none of your business
  23. >the license plate was '420 HPS', which sticks in your mind because it made you chuckle.
  24. >they had a trailer hitched to the back, too.
  25. >still, none of your business
  26. >before long, you're back in the numb tranced state of reading and typing vaguely meaningful information on your computer.
  27. >somebody somewhere has to be getting value out of this, even if you can't see how.
  28. >your failed computer science degree still haunts you to this day, in the way of excrutiatingly crippling credit card bills
  29. >that bastard still keeps calling you on your supposed house phone number
  30. >it's been over 5 years at this point, aren't they supposed to give up after a while?
  31. >he's the only person who calls you on that line these days
  32. >you've learned to near completely tune out the tones at this point
  33. >you can't even remember what a girl looks like in person, can you?
  34. >let alone know how to talk to one
  35. >you're depressed.
  36. >'time for another bong rip', you think as you hit save on your latest document
  37. >some of the bong water spills as you're setting up, and it stains your pants with a black splotch
  38. >you haven't changed the water or cleaned the bong in literal months, and it literally stinks worse than ass.
  39. >you start to strip to go shower, but at that moment, you pick up the scent of burning food coming from the kitchen
  40. >fuck. nothing is going right today.
  41. >you ask to the faded rainbow dash figure inside the bong 'what would you do?'
  42. >you totally forgot you'd even put her in there
  43. >not even sure if it was you who did it
  44. >it could have been that one guy who grew his own weed you used to have around
  45. >you don't even remember his name or what he looked like, and you haven't heard from him in some time
  46. >probably lost their phone number, and everyone uses discord now anyway
  47. >got damn if that wasn't the best weed you've ever had, though
  48. >you stopped caring about that show years ago, anyway
  49. >drag yourself to the kitchen and deal with the burning fries
  50. >suppress a whine as you force yourself to eat some of it, just to punish yourself for wasting food.
  51. >how did you ever allow things to get this out of hand
  52. >look around at the grimey cooktop, ziploc bags on the floor, receipts, stale open beer cans, vodka coolers, hair stuck to the tiles
  53. >half-washed dishes with a subtle layer of nasty grease sit haphazardly in the sink
  54. >you've had so many people in and out of this apartment that you don't know which messes are yours and which aren't, anyway
  55. >you shake your head like an etch-a-sketch and get back to what you were supposed to be doing, having a shower
  56. >throw towel over rail, turn on the hot water, lift the shower head once again to its correct position
  57. >the pipes begin to hiss, and knock
  58. >god damn this apartment is shitty
  59. >at least you have your asus laptop, and your Razer Kraken headset.
  60. >escaping into a world that's independent of the vortex of shit that exists around you gives you some respite, so long as your DSL is stable
  61. >you're staring at hair in the drain as hot water flows over your motionless body
  62. >you twist around on a heel to grab your 4-in-1 bathroom gel (shampoo, conditioner, body gel, shave gel)
  63. >something greasy gives way under you and for a moment you're in freefall, lunging forward with an arm
  64. >lack of adhesive ducks
  65. ...
  66. "it's rinse, lather, then rinse again, idiot!"
  67. images of hay fields from the window of a car
  68. "don't forget to clean your razor out, fucktard"
  69. an endless staircase, resonating and shimmering beneath you, surrounded by a mess of cat5e cables
  70. and what appear to be file cabinets that look like windows file icons from the front
  71. are you dying?
  72. "what are you, dying?"
  73. you hear a raspy, girlish voice, and a blurry image of a pony
  74. "one of us! one of us!"
  75. "I thought I raised a real man."
  76. a loud, vinyl scratch sound, and an old style cassette player getting caught up in itself.
  77. a gruff voice: "I'm going to make you a mare."
  78. the sound of running water, and swirling rainbows escaping from your mouth as you lean over the edge of something
  79. back to the hay fields, this time at night, feeling cosy and leaning against the car door
  80. oh, to be young again
  81. hazy images of the view from a hospital bed, wires and tubes running to a bleeping machine
  82. a person rushing up to you, you can't make out their face but they look.. angry?
  83. now you're on your back, floating on a pool of water
  84. it smells salty, and as you turn your head you can't seem to find the edges, it's just flat water against a moonless night sky as far as your eyes can see
  85. you watch ripples propogate on and on until they fade out of view, with each little movement of your body
  86. there's a roaring in your ears
  87. ......
  88. >the next thing you're aware of is a stinging pain radiating from your left temple, and lukewarm water spluttering on you
  89. >great, now you'll have a massive water bill to pay again.
  90. >wincing and forcing your eyes open, you're made aware that you broke the shower curtain rod again
  91. >looking up from your position, low in the tub
  92. >but the sides of the tub look way farther away than would make sense
  93. >what position even is your body in
  94. >look down and instantly jolt in shock, your head smacks against the floor of the tub
  95. >
  96. >you close your eyes tightly and try to calm your breathing.
  97. >not another panic attack, thank you.
  98. >this could just a false awakening, but you can't be sure
  99. >breathe in, count to four. breathe out, count to four.
  100. >fuck, your breathing sounds off too.
  101. >as you steadily regain your senses, more of them call back with an unexpected signal
  102. >everything is weird. everything.
  103. >what the fuck just happened
  105. >snap your eyes open and lean your head up to assess the damage
  106. >a green, furred body lays sprawled out before you, with a wet, uncomfortably placed tail against the bath tub floor.
  107. >what. is. this. shit.
  108. >you look like a pony.
  109. >you ARE a pony.
  110. >specifically, a 'My Little' pony.
  111. >are you in an episode of the x-files or some shit?
  112. >are you going insane?
  113. >did that one bong rip finally give you a fucking psychotic break?
  114. >you'd heard weird shit about cannabis, but this is another level entirely.
  115. >hopefully you'll snap out of this shit soon.
  116. >you don't know how to handle it if this sticks around for long.
  117. >then a thought arrives in your head, and you pull your unfamiliar lips into a smirk
  118. >'welp, if people are gonna call me crazy regardless, I might as well have fun with this.'
  119. >like I'm going to tell anyone I'm seeing shit like this anyway.
  120. >shuffling back to prop your head up on the end of the tub, you twist your body a bit to free your tail, and spread those hind legs
  121. >yep, that's a marehood.
  122. >although the thought makes you uncomfortable, you're acutely aware that this is something many people _dream_ of.
  123. >inspecting more closely, you find small, tender teats among the fur above it, and the transition from fur to coloured skin approaching your labia majora.
  124. >the moist bathroom air, dank with humidity, is warm against your now exposed sensitive flesh.
  125. >you bring a hoof closer, resting it on a thigh
  126. >are you really gonna do this shit dude.
  127. >yeah, you're gonna do this shit. fuck knows you could do with some real pleasure in your life
  128. >even if it does come as part of a drug induced psychotic episode, or head trauma induced hallucination.
  129. >you're breathing a little faster now, your cheeks feel warm, your head a little dizzy.
  130. >something is.. different. not just about your body, but in your brain too.
  131. >doubts and fears seem to slip away, like trying to hold on to wet spaghetti with spoons.
  132. >the burnt food in the kitchen is the least of your concerns
  133. >the creditor? non-existent
  134. >work is just a dream
  135. >so long as you can satisfy the needs of your body, you know you'll be happy.
  136. >everything else will just fall into place.
  137. >attention turns back to your marehood, now tingling with need
  138. >it's starting to get really really tense inside.
  139. >these feelings are arousing you in ways you didn't think were possible
  140. >the hiss and trickling of water from the shower is the only thing in the background of your little world
  141. >the flesh feels sweaty, like clammy hands
  142. >it's like being parched, with saliva dripping off your tongue.
  143. >dizziness and confusion intensify as you fumble around with your hoof
  144. >you've never experienced this before. not a single thing like it.
  145. >the wetness between your flanks feels smooth and slick, yet warm and sticky at the same time.
  146. >are you really going to touch it?
  147. >yes you are, mare.
  148. >The slightest brush of your hoof against your newfound marehood sends tingly jolts, like static electricty, travelling throughout your lower regions.
  149. >sheets of velvet rubbing together, with fine silk in between
  150. >it makes your hooves clench up, and you grit your herbivore teeth.
  151. >your lips are very sensitive, but not even coming close to how sensitive your new labia are.
  152. >you haven't even tried spreading them wide yet, just the slightest stretch and the cool air makes you shiver and freeze up
  153. >angling your hoof to push further in, you caution a guess at how this will make you feel
  154. >and imagining just makes the sensations stronger without you even noticing.
  155. >the sensations swirl in your head, coming and going from your conscious mind, much like the rainbow swirls in your dream, imposed upon your inner space.
  156. >was it a dream, really?
  157. >you close your eyes and continue to touch, venturing further, the swirls intensifying
  158. >filled with fractals and DNA structures
  159. >you watch these patterns form like silicone flowing out of a 3d printer nozzle, sculpting your new body.
  160. >forming you and your body perfectly, layer by layer, like tectonic plates
  161. >far below, you feel the building of an earthquake as these great shifts take place
  162. >but you know you're only just scratching the surface until you have your first maregasm.
  163. >these feelings are worth more than money
  164. >it's a beautiful shining jewel, floating before you
  165. >the juices flow around your hoof as it works its magic
  166. >running down your flanks, evaporating, making them extra sensitive to the slight breeze of air from the open door (that you thought was closed)
  167. >you're becoming more aware of yourself
  168. >aware of your desires, of desire.
  169. >like the energy inside of a rubber band or a stretched balloon
  170. >it snaps and smacks like sour gummies and lingers like butter tarts
  171. >it sticks on your body
  172. >like a microbiome, living on you, defining you
  173. >a symbiosis
  174. >you pant, and you can hear the maregasm building in your voice
  175. >you're still not done yet, it's building.
  176. >like ice cream with tortoiseshell sauce
  177. >loaded with hot fudge and brownie bits
  178. >crusted with glitter and flake gold
  179. >the swirls in your mind dance with colours that seem to define you, your new desires, your priorities
  180. >Marachino cherry juice and lime gelled dessert
  181. >your marehood feels dry as a desert yet flows like a waterfall
  182. >peppermint toppers
  183. >tingles like little brushies all across your body
  184. >you're getting really sensitive now
  185. >fur standing on end, tiny pressure points on each of the hair follicles
  186. >you're thinking of the future
  187. >bright sunbeams of joy in your world
  188. >the tenderness of fulfillment
  189. >it's coming. it's your future.
  190. >it only deepens your imagination more and more, there seems to be no end
  191. >like a stream, churning on and on
  192. >eroding resistances in its path
  193. >you bite your lip hard, your body tensing in waves, you're not far away now
  194. >you're going to be a real mare.
  195. >it's all you need. all you want.
  196. >a wave is crashing
  197. >convulsions in your nethers, heat through the edges of your whole body
  198. >you're dimly aware of hot juices squirting around your hoof as you start to pass out, mouth hanging open
  199. >staring blearily at a stain of mould on the ceiling until your eyes drift closed
  200. >perfect sleep.
  201. >to be continued, if you want?

My First Maregasm

by anotheranonfilly

My First Maregasm Pt.2 Discovery

by anotheranonfilly

My First Maregasm Pt. 3 Investigation

by anotheranonfilly