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Professionalism, Mr. Feather

By OrangeBooty
Created: 2022-11-02 05:45:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >You’re Stormfeather, Wonderbolt trainee.
  2. >Well, you were, if you want to get technical.
  3. >You signed up for boot camp to try and get into the team.
  4. >You even managed to de well enough to get appointed as the leader of your own two pony team.
  5. >But you sprain one fucking ligament of your wing and Captain Firecrotch suddenly appoints you as “Unfit for service”.
  6. >So, you got stuck in your previous job, good ol’ quality inspection.
  7. >Not exactly “Acrobatics team” glamorous, but hey, you had a good eye for pedantic things.
  8. >And besides, you even managed to get a promotion.
  9. >So you get payed a couple hundred bits more, and have to move from calm, rural Ponyville to noisy, luxurious Canterlot.
  10. >Yeah, you weren’t exactly the epitome of good luck.
  11. >Still, could be worse, they could had made you move to Appleloosa.
  12. >You weren’t very fond of sand, or gust of winds. Getting shot wasn’t high on your priority list either.
  13. >Ironic, considering you did enlist in the military.
  14. >But enough of that, you have a job to do, fancy or not.
  15. >Canterlot is surprisingly easy to navigate when you can just stay above the crowd.
  16. >And thank Celestia for that, since you’re already late as it is.
  17. >You land near the entrance of a 3-story building, kicking up dust, making a unicorn couple shout at you.
  18. >They’re always so welcoming in this town.
  19. >You open the door and walk towards the reception desk.
  20. >You stare at the mare behind the counter for a while, before clearing your throat.
  21. >”Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, do you need anything?”
  22. “Yeah, I was supposed to start working here today, I was transferred from Ponyville.”
  23. >The receptionist looks at you for a second, then perks up.
  24. >”Oh, you must be Stormfeather, right?”
  25. “Yep.” You simply respond.
  26. >She points behind her, towards a flight of stairs.
  27. >”Go to the third floor, second door to the right” She says. “You came just in time too, we need someone to help one of our employers supervise a couple events.”
  28. ”Well, that’s convenient.” You say.
  29. >She waves you off, then goes back to reading her magazine.
  30. >You start climbing the stairs up to the third floor.
  31. >You could go outside and simply fly up, but this is your first day in the job, you got to make a good first impression.
  32. >You reach the third floor, and head towards your boss’ office.
  33. >As you open the door, you see a slightly overweight unicorn sitting in a recliner, shuffling some papers.
  34. >He looks up to you, and then puts the papers away.
  35. >”Yes, hello, can I help you?” He asks in a gruff voice.
  36. >”Hi, I’m Stormfeather, the new employee?”
  37. >He thinks for a second, before seemingly recognizing you.
  38. >”Ah, yes, the Ponyville transfer, right? Come on; don’t just stand there. Please, sit down.” He says, pointing at the chair in front of him.
  39. >You do as he says, and sit down in front of him.
  40. >He picks up his stack of papers and takes out a file from them.
  41. >”Coincidentally enough, I was just looking at your curriculum. Your boss had some very good things to say about you.”
  42. >She did? That’s new.
  43. >”She was very insistent on you getting this promotion.” He says while shuffling through the pages. “I hope the move to Canterlot wasn’t too problematic for you.”
  44. >What could possibly give you that idea.
  45. “Oh, not at all, the moving services in Ponyville are pretty damn good.” You say. “Well, when they don’t drop all your stuff in top of someone, that is.”
  46. >Your boss laughs, then looks out the window.
  47. >”Yes, I remember one time when I had to move from the outskirts to downtown, it took them an entire week to move all my stuff.”
  48. “I can imagine that must have been pretty annoying.”
  49. >”Like you wouldn’t believe!” He says. “We had to sleep on the floor for four days. Luckily the house was new so we didn’t have to clean anything, but still.”
  50. >Your boss laughs, then puts your folder away.
  51. >”Anyway, I shouldn’t waste more of your time. You were told we needed help for one of our older employees, right?”
  52. “I was told a coworker needed help, but they omitted the age, as far as I remember.”
  53. >Your boss chuckles, then leans on his hoof.
  54. >”Come on now, son, this isn’t Cloudsdale, I wouldn’t let employers older than the firm itself do the field work.”
  55. >He wasn’t wrong, the youngest Pegasus that retired from the Rainbow Factory was 83 at the time, and they had to get more security guards because he sneaked back in every day.
  56. >”Anyhow, you’d be working with Ms. Harshwhinny for the next couple weeks. Don’t ask for her first name, even I don’t know it, and she’s been working here for 20 years.”
  57. >Wait, did he say “weeks”?
  58. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, did you say ‘weeks’?”
  59. >”Yes, we are extremely behind schedule, and only you and Harshwhinny were available in such a short notice of time.” He explains. “It’s nothing mayor, we just need you two to supervise Princess Celestia’s birthday—“
  60. “Well, I guess that’s not that bad…”
  61. “—And the Bison‘s visit in Appleloosa.”
  62. >Horsegoddammit.
  63. >Yeah, that was too simple, now was it.
  64. >“Now, come on, don’t look so blue, it’s nothing mayor, you’ll just be logging around some barrels of cider around, and making sure no one starts a bar fight.”
  65. “So, what, we’re working security too?”
  66. >”Well, no, your job would basically be to tell actual security if anything suspicious is happening. That goes for both accounts.” He adds. “I assume that kind of stuff wouldn’t be hard for you, considering you were in the military.”
  67. >You look at him in confusion.
  68. “Wait, she added that in the curriculum?”
  69. >”Yep. I’m not entirely sure why, but there it is.” He says, while handing over the file to you “It’s even bolded, so she probably thought it was very important.”
  70. >Or that he would think you were some stupid grunt and assign you to menial tasks.
  71. >”So, the Wonderbolts, huh?” He says while reclining back in his chair. “If you don’t mind me asking, is there a particular reason you left? Your file didn’t say anything, and while I love this job, I don’t think you’ll leave such a position for it.”
  72. >You put the file back in the desk and look at your boss.
  73. “I messed up my wing during a test flight. Nothing serious, but I guess if the milliseconds start to pile up, you’re not really much use for a coordinated stunt team.”
  74. >Your boss reclines forward.
  75. >”Well, that must of sucked for you, sorry for bringing it up.”
  76. “Eh, don’t worry about it; it’s not something I had any saying over.”
  77. >Your boss turns around and looks at the clock on his wall, then turns back to you.
  78. >”Well, I guess chat break it’s over, huh? Harshwhinny is currently supervising at Canterlot’s Castle, fairly certain you can’t miss it.”
  79. “I dunno, the white, gold and purple kinda mesh with the sky, I may need a map.”
  80. >”Well, you could always keep flying until you see people wearing even more clothes than normal, that’s probably the castle.”
  81. “You mean more clothes than what’s normal here, or in any other place? Because if you meant the first, I’m going to have to look for people wearing five coats and three shirts.”
  82. >Your boss laughs again, then reclines forward.
  83. >”Nah, you probably reached the Crystal Empire at that point.” He says. “Well, I won’t take more of your time, we both have work to do.”
  84. “Right, see you later, boss.”
  85. >”Likewise, kid.”
  86. >You get up from the chair and start heading for the door, before your boss stop you.
  87. >”Oh, I almost forgot, we put together some money to get you a welcome gift.”
  88. >He opens a drawer from his desk, and passes over a small bottle to you.
  89. >You grab it and examine it.
  90. >It’s a half liter bottle of coconut rum, the expensive kind, if the label is to be believed.
  91. “Oh… wow. Thanks, boss, I don’t know what to say.”
  92. >”Don’t mention it. Your old boss mentioned you drank, so I thought we could get you something as a welcome gift.”
  93. >You guess this isn’t what she had in mind, but you’re not complaining.
  94. >”If you ever need a place to hang out in, my wife owns a bar downtown, so just say the word.”
  95. “I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks again, boss.”
  96. >After tucking the bottle in your bags, you leave the building and start flying towards the castle.
  97. >Not exactly hard to miss, considering it’s the biggest tourist attraction in the country.
  98. >As your approach the castle, you spot a brown mare in a purple coat directing other ponies around.
  99. >Given that she’s the only one without a uniform, that’s probably your partner.
  100. >You land a couple meters away, as to not knock over anything.
  101. >The mare turns around and looks at you, with what you’re assuming it’s either contempt, indifference, or indigestion.
  102. >”This area isn’t open for visitors yet.”
  103. “I was told to look for a “Ms. Harshwhinny”, first name unknown?”
  104. >”That would be me, what do you need?”
  105. “I’m your new partner, Stormfeather, I’m here to help with the preparations.”
  106. >”Ah, yes, I was told you were coming.” She says. “Honestly, I’m glad you’re here, I’m not particularly fond of taking care of directing ponies.”
  107. “Not really much of a choice, considering everyone is booked.”
  108. >”That is true, but I still prefer it when everything is already prepared before I arrive.” She says. “Oh, and before we begin, I’d appreciate it if you were to drop the jokes, professionalism is a very important part of our job.”
  109. ”I’ll put my most stern face, don’t worry.”
  110. >”You should be careful; there’s a very thin line between ‘stern’ and ‘constipated’.” She says, scoffing.
  111. >You can tell you’re going to get along just fine.
  112. “So, what do we need to do?”
  113. >”Luckily for us, the preparations were mostly done by the time I got here, so we’ll be able to do our actual jobs in short notice.” She says as she turns around towards a cart full of unpackaged cargo. “Or at the very least, I hope we can.”
  114. “You’d think they’ll get more than one pony organizing this stuff, considering the occasion.”
  115. >”That’s what you’re here for, Mr. Feather.” She says. “But yes, some outside help would have been nice as well.”
  116. >You start checking out the boxes around you, and realize you have no idea what are you even supposed to do.
  117. “Now that I think about it, they didn’t even tell me what you needed me for.”
  118. >”You’re in charge of food, drinks, and decoration. They need to be perfectly accommodated, we don’t need anypony knocking over vases or plates just because they can’t reach the cheese.”
  119. “Right, and the decoration?”
  120. >”It has to be perfectly spaced, neither too busy, nor too sparse.” She says, waving her hoof around. “I was told you have a great eye for this kind of stuff, so I’m expecting results, Mr. Feather.”
  121. >Great, first day in the job and you’re already expected to do everything perfectly.
  122. >I mean, why would they? It’s not like it’s the birthday of the person who’s been ruling over the kingdom for like two centuries.
  123. “Hey, no pressure, right? It’s only Celestia’s… what, 2000th birthday?”
  124. >”2034th, to be exact.” Harshwhinny corrects.
  125. “I already feel bad for the guy in charge of putting the candles in the cake.”
  126. >”Professionalism, Mr. Feather, we already discussed this.”
  127. “Right, sorry.” You say sarcastically. “So, is the food already inside, or..?”
  128. >”Surprisingly, only a small part of it was brought inside. The rest of it it’s still sitting on that cart over there.” She says while pointing at a cart parked in the middle of the road.
  129. >You walk towards the cart, meaning to inspect the contents inside it.
  130. >As you reach it, you see that’s it’s not even refrigerated, and even if it was, the back doors are half open.
  131. >Either Harshwhinny was right and the contractors are terrible, or they were in such a hurry they put everything in the first squared object they found.
  132. “How long has this been sitting here?”
  133. >”It was already here when I arrived, so three hours, at the very least.”
  134. >That can’t be good for the neither the food, nor the drink.
  135. >You open the doors, and fly inside.
  136. >At least everything’s where it’s supposed to be.
  137. >You open one of the boxes to examine what’s inside it.
  138. >Cupcakes, muffins, and other assorted pastries.
  139. >You close the box and go towards the back, where a rack of bottles is.
  140. >White wine, and champagne.
  141. >Yeah, this is definitely the dessert cart.
  142. >You poke your head out of door and motion to Harshwhinny.
  143. “Hey, could you get someone to help me get these inside? This stuff shouldn’t be out in the sun.”
  144. >Aaaaand she’s not here anymore.
  145. >Glad to see the team is willing to communicate.
  146. >You hop out of the cart and start heading inside, trying to find your partner.
  147. >Along the way, you told two ponies to bring out the stuff in the cart inside.
  148. >Well, they whined they were on break, but working for the company that’s paying them has its advantages.
  149. >As you go inside the main hall, you see Harshwhinny ordering around some ponies that were setting up the sound system.
  151. >Huh, you never noticed how toned her rump wa—
  152. >”Hey, work first, ass later.” You say, berating yourself.
  153. >You approach Harshwhinny, who turns around when she hears your hoofsteps.
  154. >”Ah, Mr. Feather, I assume everything was fine?”
  155. “I wish, they left the freaking desserts out in the sun, it’s a miracle nothing went bad.”
  156. >Harshwhinny scoffs, then looks at the ponies setting up the speakers angrily.
  157. >”That hasn’t been the first time we had a similar problem, the first batch of potato salad we brought in had to be returned after somepony left it outside the fridge overnight and rotted.” She says, while glaring at somepony in the kitchen. “Let this be a lesson, Mr. Feather, just because something’s cheap, it doesn’t excuse the headaches it brings.”
  158. “Heh. Yeah, my grandpa used to say som—“
  159. >”Hey miss!” One of the working ponies interrupts. “We’re ready to do a sound test here, do you want us to?”
  160. >”Yes, go ahead.” Harshwhinny says.
  161. >As soon as he flips the switch, the speakers let us a screeching noise, making everyone cover their ears.
  162. >Well, except for Harshwhinny, who looks like she protected her ears with sheer contempt alone.
  163. >The pony flips the switch back, turning off the speakers.
  164. >You’re fairly certain you heard a window crack.
  165. >Either that or one of your eardrums, you’re not sure.
  166. >”Do I even have to say it?” Harshwhinny asks indignantly.
  167. >”Yeah, yeah, I probably put some cables in the wrong place, give me a minute.”
  168. >Harshwhinny raises her hoof in frustration and looks at you, before sighing.
  169. >”I’m getting a drink, you want to come?” She says.
  170. “Drinking on the job? Count me the hell in.”
  171. >Harshwhinny lets out an exasperated sigh as she sits down near the kitchen counter and opens a bottle of cider.
  172. >Unsurprisingly, it was some off-brand that probably came from Guoxia, so Celestia knows if that thing was even made with apples to begin with.
  173. >You sit next to her, getting a glass from a nearby cabinet.
  174. “I think they’re doing a great job so far, wouldn’t you agree?”
  175. >”Please, spare me the sarcasm.” She says, before taking a large chug from the bottle. “The amounts of corners they cut so far would make a sphere look edgy in comparison.”
  176. “Yeah, I can see that.” You say before pointing outside. “Did you even see the brand of wine they brought? May as well serve the bastards ethanol with food coloring in it.”
  177. >”Which is ironic, considering I seen children beverages with a higher alcoholic content than this.” She says while looking at the empty bottle of cider, before tossing it in the trash can.
  178. >You walk over to the refrigerator and put some ice cubes in your cup, before pouring some of the rum your boss gave you.
  179. >Harshwhinny looks at you with a confused expression, then points at the bottle.
  180. >”I doubt they brought something like that for the event, where did you get that?” She asks.
  181. “Oh, the boss gifted this to me, said you guys pilled the money for it.”
  182. >”Hm, so that’s why he went around asking for some bits the other day.”
  183. “Wait, so he didn’t tell you?”
  184. >”He said it was for ‘a surprise for the new guy’. Which if you were aware of his wife’s profession, it wouldn’t be a surprise at all.”
  185. “What, you’re meaning to tell me all the bottles in his office weren’t just fancy jugs of water?”
  186. >”When an alcoholic is married to a bartender, it’s a pretty surefire bet that any bottles you see around either are probably not water.”
  187. “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing when you put it like that.” You say, before taking a sip out of your glass. “Hey, I didn’t even ask, do you want some rum?”
  188. >She looks at the bottle, then back at you and shrugs.
  189. >”I’m not particularly fond of flavored rum, but I’m willing to make an exception today.”
  190. >You pass over a glass to her, and pour some of the contents of the bottle in it.
  191. >Harshwhinny takes a large gulp, downing a third of the glass in one go.
  192. >You chuckle, before taking another sip form your glass.
  193. “So much for professionalism, huh?”
  194. >”Legally speaking, we’re on break, so for now, professionalism is not required.” She says before taking another large gulp of her glass, finishing it.
  195. “Speaking of breaks, do you think that guy finished fixing the cables?”
  196. >”I sincerely doubt it, but we should check nonetheless.”
  197. >She gets up and puts her glass on the sink, you doing the same after finishing what was left of your drink.
  198. >You walk back into the main hall, as soon as the pony taking care of the cables stands up.
  199. >”You’re just in time; I think I managed to get it right this time.”
  200. >”For the sake of everyone standing here, I certainly hope so.”
  201. >The worker flips the switch and, surprisingly enough, the souls of the damned didn’t try to escape this time, but rather a song.”
  202. >It was nothing special, just a sample made to test the range of the speakers.
  203. >It sounded well enough, but some parts clipped them, and the bass was too loud, drowning the rest of the instruments.
  204. >”So, what do you think, pretty good, or damned good?” Says the worker while leaning in one of the speakers.
  205. >”Yes, I’ll admit it sounded adequate enough.”
  206. “Eh, I’ll have to disagree with you.” You say. “It’s too loud and it’s clipping the speakers during the parts with more instruments, and the bass is set too high and drowns the music.”
  207. >”Hm. I didn’t notice it at first, but now that you mention on, some parts did seem to be overtasking the sound system.” Adds Harshwhinny.
  208. >”Well… I could try and get the DJ to check it out before the party starts.”
  209. >”Yes, please do that.” Says Harshwhinny, before turning around.
  211. "You totally noticed it, didn't you?"
  212. >"I'll be honest, I thought it was part of the song. After 2000 years, who knows what kind of music the princess may be into?"
  213. “Hey, it’s only been two-thousand thirty four years, how bad could it be?”
  214. >”She may be into hardcore electric banjo orchestral dueling, we may never know.”
  215. “For some reason all I’m picturing is plucked Slayer solos being played passive-aggressively while a tuba plays in the background.” You say. “And I don’t mean playing a melody, but rather a constant bellowing sound, like if you insulted Cthulhu’s mother or something.”
  216. >”That’s… an oddly specific description.”
  217. “So was yours.”
  218. >Harshwhinny looks at you for a second before seemingly agreeing with you and looking forward again.
  219. >As you walk past the kitchen, you notice that it’s still mostly empty, except for a couple boxes.
  220. “Hold up a second.” You say to Harshwhinny before entering the kitchen.
  221. >You go in and confirm that the ponies you sent only brought one box inside.
  222. >The fact that it’s not hot to the touch means they probably brought it in a while ago.
  223. “For Luna’s sake, how much did are they paying these guys, three bits and a box of soft cider?”
  224. >You storm out of the kitchen in frustration and head outside.
  225. >Much to your surprise, the cart is still mostly full, with the two workers you sent nowhere to be seen.
  226. “Well, that’s just fucking great.” You say before sighing.
  227. >”It’s there a problem, Mr. Feather?” Harshwhinny says while walking through the door.
  228. “No, I just send some guys to get the heat-sensitive stuff inside before it went bad and they decided to be smart-asses, nothing mayor.”
  229. >”Ah, good, I was afraid something important happened, like say, the pastries for the party of a princess with a sweet tooth went bad.”
  230. >…
  231. “You know, I’m starting to understand why you’re annoyed with sarcasm.”
  232. >”What could possibly give you that insight?”
  233. “Leading by example is a good thing, you know.”
  234. >You walk towards the cart and set up some boxes on your back, using your wings as support.
  235. >”Um… what are you doing?” Says Harshwhinny in a worried tone.
  236. “The job we’re paying the guys inside to do.” You say while hoisting another box on top of you.
  237. >”Mr. Feather, do leave the arduous job to those wh—“
  238. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll stop when they actually do their jobs.” You say while putting a third crate on your back.
  239. >”Or you can do that.” Says Harshwhinny while staring at you. “How exactly are you planning to bring all those crates inside?”
  240. “Through the door.” You say, sarcastically. “Unless you willing to hop on my back and keep these in place, I can’t fly in through the window.”
  241. >”Mr. Feather, I sincerely doubt you’ll be able to bring those in without spilling anything.”
  242. “Yeah, but it’s not like anyone else is going to.” You say, while working towards the door. “Can you open this thing?”
  243. >Harshwhinny sighs in annoyance before opening the door.
  244. >You drop the last box in top of the table, putting as much effort as possible to keep the bottles from breaking.
  245. “Right… that should be the last one.” You say, panting slightly.
  246. >”I must admit, I was wrong.” Says Harshwhinny. “Now please, put your jacket back on, Mr. Feather.”
  247. “Ah, it’s not we wear clothes to begin with.” You protest.
  248. >”We are given these uniforms for a reason, Mr. Feather, we—“
  249. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” You say, while reaching for your jacket. “Honestly, I don’t know why they gave this thing, purple isn’t my color.”
  250. >”Would you have preferred green?”
  251. “I think grey would have fitted me better.” You say. “But seriously, purple? I mean, it looks good on you, but I feel like I’m trying to signal Cloudsdale when I’m wearing this thing.”
  252. >Harshwhinny looks slightly confused for a moment, but she recovers almost instantaneously.
  253. >” I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Feather.”
  254. “I wasn—“ You stop yourself when you realize she actually meant that. “Don’t mention it.”
  255. >You put your jacket back on and walk next to Harshwhinny.
  256. “So, do you think they’ll actually get this ready for tonight?”
  257. >”They better have, or I’ll make sure they never gets contracted for anything ever again.”
  258. “Jeez, that’s kinda harsh, don’t you think?”
  259. >”Says the pony that had to bring in 30 crates of cakes inside all by himself.”
  260. “You know what, let’s pretend I didn’t say anything.”
  261. >The rest of your afternoon is spent either getting ponies to stop lazing out, or carrying around crates that they left lying around.
  262. >Harshwhinny, meanwhile is ordering ponies around, trying to get the preparations done before the party starts.
  263. >And surprisingly enough, things actually turn out alright.
  264. >Sure, you had to support a couple light fixtures with 2x4 planks, and if that guard moves the podium is going to fall down, but hey.
  265. >You actually managed to get things done before the deadline.
  266. >The party mostly goes down without a hitch, barring the occasional pony that got shitfaced before 9 PM.
  267. >Luna gave a big speech about how her sister is one of the kindest ponies she ever knew.
  268. >According to Harshwhinny, she gives that speech every six years.
  269. >And surprisingly enough, the cake wasn’t a fire hazard, they just stuck a large “2” shaped candle on top of it and called it a day.
  270. >Which honestly, didn’t surprise neither of you that much.
  271. >And Celestia ate half the damn thing herself.
  272. >Once again, not exactly surprising.
  273. >You walk out to the balcony, next to Harshwhinny, with a bottle of wine you swiped from the kitchen.
  274. >You put the bottle next to Harshwhinny, who’s writing something on a notebook, making her look at you.
  275. “Not exactly a Cognac, but this the strongest thing they had in there.”
  276. >”Thank you for the offer Mr. Feather, but I don’t drink on the job.”
  277. >You look at Harshwhinny with the most incredulous expression you can manage.
  278. “Well, that’s good, because I wanted to drink what was left of that bottle the boss gave me.”
  279. >Harshwhinny closes her notebook and sticks the pen in the inside pocket of her jacket before turning to you.
  280. >”We were on break at that time, so we weren’t working, legally speaking.”
  281. “Yeah, like those two dudes I sent for the boxes?”
  282. >”Don’t compare to them, Mr. Feather, I actually do my job.” Harshwhinny says in a pretty annoyed tone.
  283. >Crap, you may have actually pissed her off with that comment.
  284. “Sorry, I was trying to make a joke, looks like it didn’t work.”
  285. >Harshwhinny sighs.
  286. >”I’m sorry, it’s been a rough day, you can imagine I’m not exactly in a good mood.”
  287. “How about we both admit we’re being dicks and leave it at that?” You say, trying to make it clear it’s a joke.
  288. >Harshwhinny laughs, and then looks at you.
  289. >”Now that’s an arrangement I can agree with.” She says before looking at the bottle of wine. “On second thought, since the party’s coming to an end, how about that drink?”
  290. >You shake your head, and laugh.
  291. “So, we’re not working anymore, huh?”
  292. >”Legally appointed breaks, Mr. Feather, they’re great for stuff like this.”
  293. “Let me just get some glasses, I’ll be right back.”
  294. >You walk back into the main hall, and start heading for the kitchen.
  295. >As you walk outside the kitchen, you catch a glimpse of some ponies you think you recognize.
  296. >When you look at them again, you realize that they’re actually your old team, along with Soarin’ and Captain Magmapubes.
  297. >Well, you know what direction you’re not goin—
  298. >”Hey, is that Stormfeather?” You hear Pizzelle, your former wingpony, ask.
  299. “Celestia, if there’s any way you can show your appreciation for us making this party possible, please don’t let her recognize me…” You say under your breath.
  300. >”Cadet, are you not going to salute your former squadmates?” You hear Spitfire shout at you.
  301. “That’s not what I fucking meant.” You think to yourself.
  302. >You sigh, and turn around.
  303. >At the very least, it’s nice to see some of them again.
  304. >And apart from Spitfire being an ass as usual, you managed to have a pretty pleasant conversation.
  305. >Seriously, we’re an acrobatics team, not goddamned Special Forces, you can unclench every once in a while.
  306. >Still, you can’t leave Harshwhinny waiting, so you say your goodbyes and start heading back to the balcony.
  307. >Before you can reach it, you’re stopped by Pizzelle.
  308. >”Hey, you drop off the map from a couple months and you’re not even gonna stick around with us?”
  309. “Oh, come on, you know I’m just going to end up fighting Spitfire over some stupid shit.”
  310. >”Well, that’ll certainly liven up this party a little. I mean, by Luna’s tits, I was the only one that sat through Spitfire speeches, and even I’m getting bored.”
  311. “What, you’re telling me you’re not enjoying sitting still while wearing a suit specially made for high speed flying?” You say sarcastically. “Hell, next thing you’ll tell me you been baking cookies.”
  312. >”Scones, Storm, they’re scones.”
  313. “Yeah, if you could stop doing that, it would be great.”
  314. >”Ah, come on, you and I both know everypony digs the accent.” She says while nudging your chest.
  315. “They would if you could actually do it properly; you sound like someone with a mid-Atlantic accent trying to imitate a southern one.”
  316. >”Man, are you always this much of a killjoy?”
  317. “Only when I’m trying to avoid you guys.” You say as a joke.
  318. >”Speaking of which, seriously, why don’t you come sit with us?”
  319. “Other than the previously stated reasons, I can’t just leave Harshwhinny waiting.”
  320. >Pizzelle looks at you in confusion, and you point towards the balcony.
  321. >She sticks her out and sees Harshwhinny, then turns towards you.
  322. >”Well, I didn’t knew you were into that, thought it’ll explain a lot.” She says before laughing.
  323. “Yeah, it kinda started when you tried to fuck everyone in boot camp.”
  324. >Pizzelle stops laughing then looks at you with an annoyed expression.
  325. >”I do that one time, and you never let me forget it.”
  326. “The first rule in the military is ‘Try not to fuck anyone’, and what do you do? You try to fuck everyone. It’s kind of hard not to mention it, you know?”
  327. >”Well, at least I wasn’t going after ponies twice my age.” She says in an attempt to defend herself.
  328. “Oh for fuck’s sa— She’s my co-worker, Zelle, I got a raise and was transferred to Canterlot.”
  329. >”Oh.” Pizzelle says. “You’re still going to bang her, right?”
  330. >You simply stare forward and scrunch.
  331. “Women over 30 usually don’t fuck the first guy they see, you know.”
  332. >”Oh, come on, who wouldn’t go for you? You work a blue collar job, you got a fucked up wing, and you’re an ass most times than not, who could resist that?”
  333. “Yeah, thanks for the support, Zelle.”
  334. >”Hey, don’t mention. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to our table, I’d rather not get Firecrotch to shout at me, we are on a formal event after all.”
  335. “Right, don’t want this party to get too excited, we may make the dust move. “
  336. >Pizzelle turns around, but suddenly stops.
  337. >”Hey, I meant what I said about hanging out some time, everypony’s been wondering where you ran off to after you got kicked out.”
  338. >You sigh, then look at her.
  339. “Yeah, I know, but I got some stuff to take care about first. Can’t go partying when half my house is still in boxes, you know?”
  340. >”Hey, you can always do what Midnight did and live in a tree. Hell, I don’t think you even pay taxes if you do that.”
  341. “Yeah, but unlike her I actually shower even when it’s not raining.”
  342. >Pizzelle scrunches her nose, then gags.
  343. >”Please, don’t remind me.”
  344. >”Okay, I seriously need to go back now; I think ponies are starting to notice. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone…” She says while wiggling her eyebrows.
  345. “Yeah, hey, remember to send me pictures of the after party orgy when you’re done.”
  346. >”Oh, fuck off.” She says while walking through the door.
  347. “Love ya too, Zelle.”
  348. >You walk back outside, with the glasses and put them on the table.
  349. “Hey, sorry, I got caught up talking with some old friends.” You say.
  350. >”Oh, don’t worry about it.” Says Harshwhinny. “I’m sure your old squadmates were happy to see you.”
  351. “I… didn’t say anything about them.”
  352. >”Please, Mr. Feather, it’s not that much of a stretch to believe that you crossed paths with the Wonderbolts in a formal event.” Harshwhinny says while taking one of the glasses. “Also, I saw you talking with somepony on a Wonderbolt uniform.”
  353. “Oh. You didn’t hear anything from that conversation, did you?”
  354. >”Only bits and pieces, nothing important. Although I certainly hope your friend learned the value of showering.”
  355. >You reflexively scrunch at the thought of Midnight’s hygienic habits.
  356. “Please, I’d like to keep my dinner where it is.”
  357. >”Believe me, Mr. Feather, I wasn’t going to inquire. There are things that are better left not known.”
  358. “Yeah, thanks for doing that.”
  359. >You raise the wine bottle and Harshwhinny pushes her cup towards you, and you pour wine into your cups.
  360. >You grab your cup, and take a sip, she taking a large gulp.
  361. >You think for a second, then turn towards Harshwhinny.
  362. “Just so we’re clear, when she said “live in a tree”, she wasn’t talking about a treehouse or anything like that, it literally was a tree.”
  363. >Harshwhinny puts her cup down and looks at you with a confused expression on her face.
  364. >”Then how did she..?”
  365. “Guess.”
  366. >”And she was accepted into the Wonderbolts despite that?”
  367. “As long as it didn’t affect your flying time, Spitfire didn’t say anything.” You explain. “I mean, obviously we complained, but all we managed to get was a group meeting that discussed the ‘Benefits of personal hygiene.’”
  368. >You take a large gulp of your glass before continuing.
  369. “One time we threw a bucket of soap water over her, she didn’t talk to us for a week. Said we messed up with the ‘great pegasi traditions’ or some crap.”
  370. >Harshwhinny puts her glass down and scoffs.
  371. >”Remind me of the last Grand Galloping Gala, a hippie, who I’m guessing bathes every three harvest moons, took down a giant blob monster by singing.” She says.
  372. >You look at her with an incredulous expression.
  373. “Singing.”
  374. >”It was more of a high-pitched fluctuating whinny, but she did refer to it as ‘singing’.”
  375. “Hell, next thing you’re gonna tell me our first line of defense is friendship. Wait a minute…”
  376. >Harshwhinny laughs, then turns towards you.
  377. >”Well, if it’s stupid, but it works…”
  378. “What, like singing to calm down a giant blob monster?”
  379. >She looks at you with an annoyed expression.
  380. >”Sometimes, the stupidity outweighs the effectiveness.”
  381. >You spend the rest of the night talking with Harshwhinny about each other’s past.
  382. >Your time with the Wonderbolts, and how apparently she’s the only one that supervises important events.
  383. “No, no, I’m serious, this half a ton mountain of muscles got scared by a fucking butterfly, he knocked out four ponies trying to get away from it. When we told him that there was a butterfly sanctuary near the base he quitted right where he was standing.”
  384. >She laughs, before regaining her composure and adjusting her neckerchief.
  385. >”Okay, so are you familiar with the Equestrian Games?”
  386. “Yeah, they were hosted in the Crystal Empire this year, right?”
  387. >”Correct. So, there was this archery event that was done with magical ice arrows. Obviously I insisted that it was extremely dangerous and it could have been done perfectly well with regular arrows, but they didn’t listen. Then they added a security check that disabled unicorn magic, can you guess where I’m going with this?”
  388. “Who got stuck with an arrow?”
  389. >”A could froze and almost fell in top of the crowd.”
  390. “…Oh.”
  391. >”Yes, they decided to start listening to my concerns regarding safety after that.”
  392. “But why use ice arrows in the first place? I don’t get it.”
  393. >”Supposedly, they were safer.”
  394. “Well, that’s ironic.”
  395. >You take a sip of your glass, before leaning forward on the table.
  396. “You know, it’s been nice working with you, I never had anyone actually listen when I tell them something doesn’t look right.”
  397. >”Likewise, Mr. Feather, I wouldn’t have been able to get everything done by tonight without your help, so you have my thanks.”
  398. “Ah, come on, I’m sure you could have totally got things done without my help.”
  399. >”I’m serious, I don’t believe the event would have been ready if you had not been around to help, especially with the matter of the food.”
  400. “Hey, I had to put all that strength training from the military in use at some point.”
  401. >Harshwhinny turns towards you and looks at you.
  402. >”Yes, I can imagine.”
  403. “Come on, if you keep that up I may have to pick a fight with Spitfire to show off.”
  404. >You try to pour more wine into your cup, but realize the bottle is empty.
  405. >You think for a second, then turn to Harshwhinny.
  406. “Say, technically speaking, our shift ended like two hours ago, would you like to, um… have a dance or something?”
  407. >”I’d much rather go to the drink counter and get shitfaced.”
  408. “Now how am I supposed to say no to that?”
  409. >Both of you hop of your seats and start heading inside.
  410. >You manage to catch a glimpse of your old squad, Spitfire and Soarin’ being the only ones that aren’t completely plastered.
  411. >You sit on a stool next to the counter, with Harshwhinny following suit.
  412. >After a couple (Read: half the stock) of drinks, you’re both pretty tipsy, but still manage to hold a conversation.
  413. “So you squeed at the demonstration. I find that very hard to believe, you know?”
  414. >”Believe it or not, Mr. Feather, it did happen. I’m not particularly proud of it, but it happened.”
  415. >You laugh, and then check around you.
  416. >You see ponies both leaving, and heading towards the back of the castle.
  417. “You know, it’s getting pretty late, do you know where to hail a cab?”
  418. >”The castle provides accommodations to those who live far enough to make the trip a hassle. Or those who can’t make it due to their inebriated state.”
  419. “Does that mean we can get a room, because I kind of don’t have any money for the cab.”
  420. >Harshwhinny pauses for a second, before taking another gulp of her drink.
  421. >”And, of course, the rooms are used for… other activities.”
  422. >What the hell is she talking abo—
  423. >Oh.
  424. >OH.
  425. “W-wait, they actually let them bang in the castle dorms?”
  426. >”As long as one doesn’t thrash the room or disturb the other patrons, you’re allowed to do anything.”
  427. “Yeah, the first two usually correlate.”
  428. >”Quite, especially if used as a stress release.”
  429. >You take a large gulp of your drink as you try to figure out what Harshwhinny’s intentions are.
  430. >Because, you know, people don’t usually go “Hey, you can totally fuck in there and no one will mind” in casual conversation.
  431. >”I don’t know if I’m making myself clear, Mr. Feather?”
  432. “Yeah, you haven’t been exactly subtle.” You say before finishing your drink. “Although I feel like I should ask, why me?”
  433. >”I had a very stressful day; and you certainly have proven yourself capable of handling yourself today.” She explains. “And you’re somepony who I believe I can trust with… sensitive matters.”
  434. “Yeah, it’s probably for the best if I keep my mouth shut about this, isn’t it?”
  435. >You think about Harshwhinny’s proposal for a minute.
  436. >She’s not bad looking, especially for her age, and she seems to take care of herself, physically speaking.
  437. >On the other hoof, it’ll be pretty awkward if someone were to find out about this.
  438. >On the other, other hoof, it’s a private matter between you and her, so it doesn’t really matter what other ponies think about it.
  439. >Theoretically speaking of course, it’s not like anyone is going to find out, right?
  440. >…
  441. >Oh, to fuck with it.
  442. “Sure, I don’t see why not.” You answer.
  443. >Harshwhinny smiles lightly and puts her drink down.
  444. >”That is quite good to hear, Mr. Feather. Please, follow me.” She says, while hopping of her chair.
  445. >You do as you’re told, and trail Harshwhinny down the halls of the castle.
  446. >She keeps swaying her tail to the sides as you’re walking, letting you catch glimpses of her vagina.
  447. >You have a sneaking suspicion that she’s doing that in purpose.
  448. >”Here we are.” She says while stopping near a large wooden door.
  449. >Looking around, you notice that while it’s not a crowded part of the castle, it isn’t exactly what you’ll call secluded.
  450. “Seems kind of… open, if you ask me.”
  451. >”This hallway leads to two places, Princess Luna’s chambers, and the main kitchen.” Harshwhinny explains. “The latter won’t be used until tomorrow morning, and the former won’t interrupt us, even if she heard us.”
  452. “Got it all planned out, huh?” You say as a joke.
  453. >Mr. Harshwhinny opens the door, then looks at you with an annoyed expression.
  454. >”You do realize who you’re talking to, right?”
  455. >You chuckle, and head inside.
  456. >The room is pretty generic, except for the quality of the fabric of basically everything made of cloth.
  457. >Probably silk, if you had to guess.
  458. >A small bathroom to the right of the entrance, including a small shower.
  459. >Two ponies could fit in there if they were standing on their hind legs, despite its size.
  460. >That’ll probably be useful to remember for later.
  461. >Harshwhinny walks past you and stands next to the bed.
  462. >”Mr. Feather, if you would be so kind?” Says Harshwhinny while pointing at the bed.
  463. >You hop onto it, and lay on your back.
  464. “I’ll be honest, I usually prefer to be on top, but I don—“
  465. >Harshwhinny jumps on top of the bed, before sitting in top of you with her legs apart.
  466. >You can feel the heat coming off her on your stomach, which makes you blush a little.
  467. >Harshwhinny notices, and smiles.
  468. >”Feeling a little flustered, Mr. Feather?”
  469. “Sorry, I’m used to having to fly around for a bit before the mares jump on top of me.” You say jokingly.
  470. >She stops smiling and smirks, before lying down on top of you.
  471. >Harshwhinny puts her head next to your neck and inhales deeply, making her shudder.
  472. >She slowly traces your neck with her tongue, all the way to your chin, before kissing you.
  473. >As she breaks off the kiss, she sits back up, before bumping into your penis.
  474. >She looks behind, then back at you and gives you a mischievous smile, before taking off her jacket.
  475. >She throws her jacket on top of the table next to you and scoots back until your member is sitting firmly between her cheeks.
  476. >She starts grinding against you, leaving a wet patch on your lower abdomen.
  477. >As soon as she reaches as far back as she can, she raises her flank, before slowly making her way back down.
  478. >You attempt to raise your hoof to grab onto her hips, but Harshwhinny stops you using her hind hooves.
  479. >She keeps this up for a few minutes, until her juices start dripping off the sides of your torso and you start moaning.
  480. >Harshwhinny pauses for a few seconds to catch her breath, and then looks behind her, seemingly impressed you haven’t cummed all over her back yet.
  481. >She smiles at you again, then stands up.
  482. >She places her entrance on top of your head, and puts enough weight on it to make you feel it, but not to penetrate her.
  483. >She looks up to you, before sliding off her neckerchief.
  484. >”I expect results, Mr. Feather, I hope you won’t disappoint.” She says before applying more pressure on you member.
  485. >Before she can plunge on you, however, something slams onto the door, scaring the crap out of both of you.
  486. >”Ever heard of a doorknob, jackass?” You hear a male voice say, whom you recognize, but can’t quite recall.
  487. >”Hey, I know how to open a door!” Says who you believe is Midnight.
  488. >Honestly, you’re surprised you didn’t smell her coming.
  489. >”Motherfuckers…” You mutter under your breath.
  490. >You turn around towards Harshwhinny, who you’re expecting to be fuming right about now.
  492. >Surprisingly, she’s looking rather worried, if still composed.
  493. >Honestly, it’s pretty jarring.
  494. >You sigh, then get out of the bed.
  495. “I’ll…” You say before facehoofing. “I’ll take of it, don’t worry.”
  496. >”Seriously, it’s a door, it’s not that complicated.” You hear the male voice say.
  497. >”Shut up, I know what I’m doing!” You hear Midnight say.
  498. >You open the door just as she was trying to shoulder bash it, making her fall face first onto the floor.
  499. “I have a doorknob, you know.”
  500. >”I’ve been telling her that since she started.” You hear Thunderlane say.
  501. >Makes sense you didn’t recognize him, as he was part of the other squad.
  502. “Hey Thunder.”
  503. >”Sup’ Storm.”
  504. >You look back down to Midnight, who’s lying on the floor.
  505. >She turns around and meekly waves at you.
  506. “Do I even want to know?” You ask.
  507. >Midnight gets up from the floor, letting you take a better look at you.
  508. >Is… is her coat clean?
  509. >”You see…” She says, making you pay attention to her again. “…Pizzelle told us you were busy and wouldn’t be able to hang with us, so we thought of something.”
  510. “Celestia give me patience, because if you give me strength I’m going to fucking kill her.” You think to yourself.
  511. >”If you can’t go to the party, we’ll simply have to bring the party to you!” She says, acting like it’s the best idea ever.
  512. >You look back at Thunderlane, who simply shrugs.
  513. >”Midnight, first and foremost, it’s four in the fucking morning; I’m trying to sleep here. And second, I had a very long day, and I—“
  514. >Before you can finish that sentence, Harshwhinny walks next to you, fully clothed again.
  515. >”Ohoho, who’s you—“
  516. >Before Midnight can even think about how to finish her sentence, Harshwhinny glares at her, making her jump a little.
  517. >”I heard they’re inviting you to a private after-party?”
  518. “Well, yeah, but—“
  519. >”And where would this take place?”
  520. >”Right here in the castle!” Says Midnight. “They let us stay in the main hall after the party ends in case we need to greet anypony.”
  521. >You look at Harshwhinny, who looks at you with the same face she always has, but with seems like a hint of defeat in her eyes.
  522. >”Mr. Feather, it would be rude to ignore the request of your former squadmates.”
  523. >You open your mouth to speak, but she lightly taps you with her hind leg.
  524. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” You say. “Midnight, could you lead the way?”
  525. >She wobbly gets up and starts flying down the hall.
  526. >”Alright everyone, follow the leader!” She enthusiastically says before barely missing a light fixture.
  527. >Thunderlane looks at both of you and shakes his head.
  528. >”I’m so sorry about that.”
  529. “Hey, don’t worry about it, man.” You say.
  530. >”No, I am going to worry about it, that was just stupid.”
  531. “Dude, seriously, it’s alright, don’t worry about it.”
  532. >He sighs.
  533. >”If you say so. I’ll see you back at the main hall.”
  534. >As soon as Thunderlane walks out of earshot, you turn to Harshwhinny, who covers your mouth with her hoof before you can say anything.
  535. >”I hope you understand that if you ignored her request, she would eventually try to drag you out and found us sleeping together.” She explains. “I’m sorry for taking a decision for you, but we couldn’t risk something like that.”
  536. >You grab her hoof and slowly bring it back to the ground.
  537. “Look, I understand where you’re coming from, don’t worry about it.” You say. “Let’s just get to the hall before she comes back.”
  538. >As you turn around the corner, your old squad stands up to greet you.
  539. >The other one keeps quiet, with only Soarin’ and Thunderlane waving at you.
  540. >Well, despite everything, it’s good to see them anyhow.
  541. >You sit next to Pizzelle, and Harshwhinny sits across from you, next to Lime Jelly.
  542. >Guess what she did before she joined the Wonderbolts?
  543. >Before you can say anything, Pizzelle grabs your shoulder and leans next to you.
  544. >”Listen, Storm, I…um, I’m sorry you got dragged onto this.”
  545. “Oh, why would I be upset? I only got dragged out of my room at four in the goddamn morning.”
  546. >Pizzelle lets go of your shoulder and sits upright with a guilty expression.
  547. >You sigh, then look at her.
  548. “Look, I get it, you guys wanted to spend some time with me, but couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
  549. >”It wasn’t my idea.” Retorts Pizzelle. “Midnight apparently understood ‘He’s busy’ as ‘He’ll see us some other day.’ and said we should meet up as soon as possible so you’d be able to get back to work as soon as possible.”
  550. “You did tell her I was busy with moving house, right?”
  551. >”Do you honestly think she would’ve cared?”
  552. >You sigh and recline back in your chair.
  553. “Well, at least she didn’t wake me up.”
  554. >Pizzelle looks at you in confusion.
  555. >”The hell you mean she didn’t wake you up, weren— Oh. “
  556. >You look at Pizzelle, who takes a quick glance at Harshwhinny, then back at you.
  557. “Yeah, I’m slightly peeved about that too.”
  558. >As the night passes, you catch up with your old teammates, mostly what they been up to since you left the academy.
  559. >Lime Jelly left her daughter in charge of her store and is using the money from the airshows to expand her business.
  560. >Midnight started bathing after she almost caused a biological disaster when she crashed through a storm cloud.
  561. >Rainbow Drops retired from the weather factory to focus full time in becoming a Wonderbolt, which makes her the youngest person to ever retire from there by a large margin.
  562. >Sightseer… went sightseeing. What a shock.
  563. >And Pizzelle hasn’t been up to much, according to her at least.
  564. >You explain that after you left, you went back to your old job in Ponyville, but got promoted and had to move to Canterlot.
  565. >”So, you had to get all the way from Ponyville to here, which probably cost you an assload of money, for a raise of..?” Asks Rainbow Drops.
  566. ”700 bits.”
  567. >”Wow, and I thought we got a shitty deal.” She says.
  568. >”At least we get tax write-offs and things like that.” Sightseer adds. “All he gets is spending time sitting on his butt doing nothing.”
  569. >This comment earns an angry glare from Harshwhinny, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
  570. >”I been meaning to ask…” Says Jelly. “…Since you’re mostly doing civie stuff, you haven’t gone soft on us, have you?”
  571. “I can still fly, you know.” You respond.
  572. >”No, I mean… remember that time you had to drag the big guy all the way back to the academy after he hurt his wing?” She says while pointing at Bulk Biceps. “I really doubt they have you carrying stuff around in an office.”
  573. >”Mr. Feather’s physical strength is in top-notch form.” Interrupts Harshwhinny. “He was great help in bringing in the articles the workers couldn’t be bothered with.”
  574. >”So, they do have you doing the heavy lifting.” Rainbow Drops.
  575. >”Yeah, but that’s not the same.” Retorts Jelly. “We were mostly about overall strength. You know, including endurance and stuff like that.”
  576. >Midnight raises her head from the table and looks at Spitfire.
  577. >”You know what you should do?” She says. “You should fight Spitfire.”
  578. >The rest of your team look between each other and agree, some rather enthusiastically, and other not so much.
  579. >”And once again, I have to be the voice of reason.” Says Pizzelle with a rather large hint of annoyance. “Guys, we’re on a bloody formal even, he can’t fight anyone here.”
  580. >”Yeah, I’d have to agree with the rookie.” Adds Spitfire, standing next to your table.
  581. >Pizzelle sighs in relief.
  582. >”Thank you ma’am, I didn’t want this to escalat—“
  583. >”And besides, I’d totally win.” She says while looking at you.
  584. >”I sincerely doubt that.” Says Harshwhinny.
  585. >Spitfire looks at her with a half-annoyed, half-amused expression.
  586. >”Oh really? What makes you say that?”
  587. >”Well, for one:” Says Harshwhinny while getting off her chair. “You are extremely inebriated, your reflexes are severely impaired.”
  588. >”Even so, being a Wonderbolt requires awareness not much ponies have.” She says to defend herself.
  589. >Harshwhinny scoffs, and then walks around Spitfire.
  590. >”Another issue is your musculature, while obviously toned; it seems it’s simply that. Your bulk is not much different from a regular pegasus.”
  591. >”We train in endurance and agility, not brute strength.” Spitfire retorts.
  592. >”And you expect to win a fight only with diligence?” Harshwhinny responds back. “While Mr. Feather is presumably slower than you, his musculature would be more than sufficient to keep up with your efforts, not to mention absorb the force behind any strike.”
  593. >”Yeah, well—“
  594. >”It’ll be no contest.” Says Harshwhinny before sitting back in her chair. “All you would get is several bruises, sprains, and a shattered ego.”
  595. >”Yeah, well, I see a lot of talking, but not a lot of action—“
  596. >”Ms. Spitfire, this is the castle of the royal sisters, and you’re expected to be on your best behavior. I was under the impression that the military taught you discipline?”
  597. >Spitfire opens her mouth to say something, but simply shakes her head and walks back to her table.
  598. >Everyone in the table looks at Harshwhinny, you included.
  599. >”I… apologize for that outburst, Mr. Feather, as I said; I had a very stressful day.”
  600. >”Okay, I don’t think she realizes what she did.” Says Midnight.
  601. “Listen, you see that huge guy over there, the one lifting the table? Even that guy is scared of Spitfire, and you basically told her to fuck off.”
  602. >”A charlatan with an ego the size of Canterlot Castle itself? I fail to see what is there to be afraid of.”
  603. >Harshwhinny checks the clock on the wall, and then looks at your former teammates.
  604. >”If you would excuse us, it’s very late, and we have to report back early tomorrow. Mr. Feather, if you’d please?”
  605. “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”
  606. >Harshwhinny starts walking towards the chambers, and you turn around.
  607. >”So… that just happened.” Says Pizzelle.
  608. >“Yeah, I would seriously reconsider joining the Wonderbolts again if I were you.” Says Sightseer.
  609. “Guys, come on, I’m sure Spitfire is not that shallow. Besides, she’s fucking hammered; I doubt she’ll ever mention this again.”
  610. >”Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Says Pizzelle. “I… suppose we’ll see you some other time?”
  611. “Call ahead, so I know to leave the door open.”
  612. >”The lock was extremely complicated, dammit!” Midnight says to defend herself.
  613. “See you guys around.” You say before turning to follow Harshwhinny’s trail.
  614. >Before you can do that, however, Pizzelle flies in front of you.
  615. >”Listen, when I said I was sorry, I really meant that. I shouldn’t have let—“
  616. “Zelle, seriously, it’s fine, stop worrying about it.”
  617. >Pizzelle looks at you before nodding.
  618. >”I… okay, I’ll take your word for it. Now come on, you have someone waiting for you.” She says while raising an eyebrow.
  619. “Yeah, and you have like twenty.”
  620. >”What, you’re angry you didn’t get invited?”
  621. “Yeah, yeah, see you later Zelle.”
  622. >Pizzelle salutes you, and you start walking towards the dorms.
  623. >The morning after, you wake up to the sound of rushing water.
  624. >Sitting up, you notice Harshwhinny isn’t in bed, so that means the sound is probably the shower.
  625. >Luckily enough, it seems you weren’t dehydrated enough for the hangover to affect you.
  626. >Either that, or it hasn’t caught up with you yet.
  627. >You get out of bed and start checking your stuff.
  628. >Well, other than your wallet and the jacket, you didn’t bring anything else.
  629. >Kind of a pointless exercise, considering you are still in the castle, but hey, better safe than sorry.
  630. >You hear the water turn off and see Harshwhinny get out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her head.
  631. >”Ah, Mr. Feather, I trust you had a good night sleep?” She says as soon as she sees you.
  632. “I would have liked to go to sleep earlier, but yeah.”
  633. >Harshwhinny takes to towel of her head, and neatly folds it into a square before putting it on top of the bed.
  634. >”I hope last night’s activities won’t put a hamper on your performance today, Mr. Feather.”
  635. “I don’t have a hangover, if that’s what you’re asking.”
  636. >”While that is good, I wasn’t referring to that.”
  637. “What, you mean Spitfire wanting to beat the crap out of me?”
  638. >”Mr. Feather, please don’t be dense.”
  639. >You sigh.
  640. “Yeah, I know, sorry.”
  641. >Harshwhinny stares at the ceiling for a moment before looking at you.
  642. >”I would like to apologize for yesterday. That was very unprofessional of me.”
  643. >You look at her in confusion.
  644. “What do you mean?”
  645. >”I put us both in a situation that would have made it extremely awkward for both if it didn’t go well.”
  646. >Wow, she looks honestly sorry.
  647. “Look, I get what you’re saying, but you shouldn’t blame yourself.” You say in an attempt to console her. “I mean, I get it, you had a shitty day, and had to let out some steam, we all have to sometimes.”
  648. >Harshwhinny looks a little better, but still seems to have a hint of regret in her expression.
  649. >”Thank you for understanding, Mr. Feather, but that still doesn’t take away the fact that we were drunk and many things could have gone wrong, either short of long term.”
  650. “…Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
  651. >You think for a moment before deciding something.
  652. “Look, I think it’s better we left this behind us. I mean, not pretend it didn’t happen at all, but, you know, use it as a… bonding experience or something. I dunno.” You say, as the hangover catches up to you. “And maybe to lay off the alcohol next time.”
  653. >”Maybe that is for the best.” Says Harshwhinny.
  654. “You still owe me a one-night stand, though.” You say as a joke.
  655. >“I’ll make sure to notify an interior designer, don’t worry.”
  656. >You chuckle at her response.
  657. “Hey, while you’re at it, could you get him to make me a sound-proof door? I don’t really like getting interrupted.”
  658. >Harshwhinny goes silent in thought.
  659. “Um, are you alright?”
  660. >”Yes, it’s just that…I hope you’d understand if I say the afternoon left a rather poor impression of the Wonderbolts in me.”
  661. “Why’s that?” You ask.
  662. >”Well, for one, they don’t seem to be able to comprehend the meaning of ‘privacy’. Nor subtlety, for that matter.”
  663. “Well, it’s not the Wonderbolts themselves that are like that, it’s just…”
  664. >”Your old squadron?”
  665. “What? No. I mean, Zelle can be kind of annoying, Rainbow Drops has this tendency of letting everyone know she’s a Wonderbolt, and Midnight is, well, Midnight. But Sightseer is literally the nicest pony I ever met, and, come on, Lime almost literally trained her ass off so she could become a Wonderbolt and send money to her daughter.”
  666. >Harshwhinny thinks for a second, before looking at you again.
  667. “But yeah, I gotta admit the Wonderbolts have a tendency to attract a lot of assholes. I mean, when I was in the academy, one of the recruits on the other squad almost got the freaking elements of harmony killed, and the first thing she did was to ask for a hoof bump.”
  668. >”I… wait, are you serious?”
  669. “Hell yes, I am. I mean, she got demoted right there in the spot, but still.”
  670. >”Given Ms. Spitfire’s actions last night, I’m surprised she wasn’t promoted.”
  671. “Nah, Spitfire could never do that, I mean, she’s kind of a bitch, but she does follow regulations. Most of the time.”
  672. >”’Most of the time’?”
  673. “Being captain of the only flying stunt team in Equestria does have its benefits when it comes to following protocol.”
  674. >Harshwhinny looks at you for a moment before glaring out the window and sighing.
  675. “Uh… Harshwhinny?
  676. >”Yes, Mr. Feather?”
  677. “You alright there?”
  678. >”Yes, a pony being able to disregard their duties thanks to their social status doesn’t affect me in the slightest.”
  679. “Well, if it any consolation, I think it’s bullshit too.”
  680. >Harshwhinny turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
  681. “I mean, she went all drill sergeant on us during training, and we had to listen to two hour long lectures if anypony had the slightest thing out of line, but then she could do whatever she wanted.”
  682. >”It sounds like your time on the academy wasn’t one you particularly enjoyed.”
  683. “Honestly, I thought there was going to be more flying and less lectures.”
  684. >Harshwhinny chuckles.
  685. >”To be honest, Mr. Feather? When I got this job I expected to be traveling all over Equestria. In all my years, I have left Canterlot maybe four, five times total, so I understand how you feel.”
  686. “I’m glad I’m not the only pony who got less than what they bargained for, instead of the other way around.” You respond as a joke.
  687. >”Even so, I still enjoy the time I spent working here. I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
  688. “Yeah, me neither. I mean, it could have used more physical training and less droning, but hey, I wouldn’t have gotten this fit otherwise.”
  689. >”Yes, well, I hope all that training helps you with working under the effects of a hangover.”
  690. “Believe me, there’s no training in the world that could help you with that.”
  691. >You hop out of bed and put on your jacket, then follow Harshwhinny out of the door.
  692. >As you leave the building, she stops and turns towards you.
  693. >”I’m afraid I forgot to mention something before we left.”
  694. “What?”
  695. >”I had a lovely evening, for the most part. I wouldn’t mind doing this again once we get to know each other better.”
  696. >You stand there looking at her, not sure of what to respond.
  697. “I, um… would love to, sure.”
  698. >”That’s good to hear, Mr. Feather.” She responds. “Now come on, we have a job to do.”
  699. >As you walk inside the reception, the mare sitting in the front desk flags both of you down.
  700. >”Ms. Harshwhinny, Mr. Feather, the boss said he wanted to talk to you.”
  701. >You look at Harshwhinny as she does the same.
  702. “Did he say what for?”
  703. >”No, but it sounded serious, I wouldn’t keep him waiting.”
  704. >”Thank you; please tell him we’ll be right there.”
  705. >You silently climb the stairs, hoping he hasn’t found out about yesterday.
  706. >I mean, there’s no possible way he could had, but it’s still worrying you.
  707. “Hey, you don’t think he—“
  708. >”Mr. Feather, I know what you’re thinking, and that is a baseless worry.” Interrupts Harshwhinny.
  709. >You sigh.
  710. “Yeah, I know, but I’m still worried. I mean, it was Celestia’s birthday, it’s not like they wouldn’t have security everywhere.”
  711. >”Guest bedrooms are monitored every eight hours. As I said, it’s a baseless worry.”
  712. “I certainly hope you’re right.” You say as you get to the third floor.
  713. >You open the door to find your boss reading the paper.
  714. >”Ah, Harshwhinny, Stormfeather! Come on, don’t just stand there!”
  715. >Harshwhinny turns towards, and then cocks her head a little.
  716. >Gee, wonder what she meant by that.
  717. >You both sit down in front of the desk, and your boss does the same.
  718. >”So, I heard it went down pretty well?” He says.
  719. >”There were some complications with the catering, but Mr. Feather proved to be extremely helpful in that regard.”
  720. >Your boss looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
  721. >”How come?”
  722. “I had to lug some boxes around, but it was nothing mayor.”
  723. >”I must object to that sentiment.” Says Harshwhinny. “Without his help the party would have been extremely delayed at best. His dedication to get the job done is commendable.”
  724. “Ah, come on, if it weren’t for you bossing around everypony would have just sat on their asses doing nothing.”
  725. >Your boss laughs.
  726. >”Well, seems like you make quite the team, huh?”
  727. >Harshwhinny freezes for a moment, before fiddling with her neckerchief.
  728. >”While the compliment is appreciated, I would personally prefer it if Mr. Feather and I wouldn’t be the only ponies in the field next time.” She says.
  729. “Considering it seems like we’re the only ones who aren’t busy with anything else, I don’t think that’s gonna happen for a while.”
  730. >”Sadly, he’s got a point.” Your boss says. “Until the situation in Appleloosa has been solved, you two are own.”
  731. >Harshwhinny closes her eyes and sighs, before sitting straight up again.
  732. >”While we’re on the topic of Appleloosa, do you have the date for when the train departs?”
  733. >”Luckily, the train leaves tomorrow at high noon, so you still have plenty of time to pack up.”
  734. >”Very well, we shall get to it then. Is there anything else you need of us?”
  735. >”Nothing really comes to mind at the moment, to be honest.” Your boss says. “Why don’t you take the day off, to get your stuff ready before tomorrow?”
  736. >”Yes, I believe that would be for the best, what do you think, Mr. Feather? Asks Harshwhinny.
  737. “Hell, I’m not refusing an off day.”
  738. >”Well, that settles that then.” Your boss says while clapping his hooves together. “See you tomorrow morning.”
  739. >As you get up from his desk, he remembers something and asks you to sit back down in a surprisingly stern tone.
  740. >Harshwhinny looks at you, and you shrug in response.
  741. >You sit back down, and your boss clasps his hooves and takes a deep breath.
  742. >”Listen, I heard there was some sort of… altercation in the bedroom halls of the castle last night?”
  743. >Harshwhinny jumps on her seat, then looks at you.
  744. >She has the same look she had when Midnight tried to break down your door, and it’s still incredibly off-putting.
  745. >“Well… yes, bu—“
  746. ”It was nothing important; you can take my word for it.”
  747. >”I believe you, Stormfeather, but picking a fight with the Wonderbolts isn’t something to be taken lightly.”
  748. >If she weren’t so composed, Harshwhinny would have hit your boss with a chair at this point.
  749. “Boss, like I said, it was no big deal; it was just my old squad screwing around.”
  750. >”One of the guards said Captain Spitfire approached you in a hostile manner. Care to explain that?”
  751. “Alright, remember when I said it was my squad screwing around? One of them said I could totally take her on a fight and, well, she really likes to show off the physical part of the training. Luckily, Ms. Harshwhinny managed to defuse the situation.”
  752. >”Luckily, Ms. Spitfire is a rational pony, and backed out when told that it would not be an appropriate response.” Harshwhinny says, as if nothing had happened.
  753. >Your boss looks at the both of you and claps his hooves in thought.
  754. >”Well, looks like Stormfeather was right, it was nothing big after all.” He says, back in usual tone. “Sorry for the scare there, but I can’t scold anyone while being a big goof, now can I?”
  755. >Your boss laughs, and you turn to look at Harshwhinny.
  756. >She lets out a deep exhale, then turns and smiles at you.
  757. >Like, an actual, genuine smile, not a “They’re going to have to buy new bedsheets after this” kind of smile.
  758. >It’s… kind of cute, actually.
  759. >”Well, I guess that really is all for today now.” Says your boss. “Oh, and before you go, I’d like to remind you that today is happy hour in my wife’s bar.” He says while pointing behind him.
  760. >You’re fairly certain that you just Harshwhinny gag a little.
  761. “Er… I think we’ll pass, boss. Don’t want to have a hangover during a train ride, right?”
  762. >”I suppose you’re right.” He replies. “Well, see you tomorrow, guys!”
  763. >You both wave your boss goodbye and walk down the stairs and out of the building.
  764. >You turn to Harshwhinny, who seems to still be kind of nervous.
  765. “Hey, you holding up alright?”
  766. >”Yes, Mr. Feather, but thanks your concern.” She says while straightening her hair.
  767. >She’s silent for a few seconds before turning to you.
  768. >”That was a nice save back there.” She says.
  769. “Hey, I figured there was two options, either someone ratted us out and we were completely screwed, or he was talking about Midnight trying to redecorate the room with imprints of her face.”
  770. >”I’m just glad it was the second one.” She says while looking at the floor. “I don’t believe we would have been punished, but it could have taken quite the toll on our reputation.”
  771. “Seriously, you’re the one worried ponies would judge her by rumors instead of by your work?”
  772. >”Mr. Feather, first impressions are a very important factor in this job for both parties, and rumors count as such.”
  773. “Hell, imagine how it would have been for me, being the new guy. ‘Hey, what you did on your first day on the job?’ ‘Oh, you know, lugged a couple boxes around, interrupted two guys’ break, and had sex with my coworker, nothing out of the ordinary’.”
  774. >Harshwhinny, rather poorly, tries to hold back a smile.
  775. >”Mr. Feather, I hope you’re aware the last one didn’t happen. You were there, after all.”
  776. “Hey, rumors tend to exaggerate, you know?”
  777. >You laugh a little, and then check your watch.
  778. >High noon, it’s technically lunch break.
  779. “You know, I think there’s a restaurant around the corner, do you want to go get something to eat there?”
  780. >”As long as you’re inviting, I’ll take up your offer.” Harshwhinny says before turning towards you. “I’m afraid I forgot my wallet at home last night.”
  781. “As long as you pay next time, I don’t mind.”
  782. >”That is only fair. Shall we go, then?”
  783. >The next day, you’re standing in the platform, waiting for the train.
  784. >Harshwhinny beat you to the punch by being there at 10 AM.
  785. >You just showed up half an hour before the train arrived.
  786. >Harshwhinny told you to be more punctual, as the train could have gotten to station early.
  787. >Yeah, and the weather factory gives accurate weather reports.
  788. >Hell, you even bet 10 bits it’ll be late.
  789. >And since the train company apparently hates Harshwhinny, the train arrived fashionably late.
  790. >By like an hour.
  791. >After cashing in the 10 bits from Harshwhinny, you head inside and put your luggage in the overhead compartment, as she does the same.
  792. >You both sit down, you taking the hall seat-bench-thingy.
  793. >The train departs, with Harshwhinny being more silent than usual.
  794. “Hey, you’re not mad about losing that bet, are you?”
  795. >”No, Mr. Feather, I’m just thinking about what we’re going to do when we get to our destination.”
  796. “You mean, other than organizing?”
  797. >”No, that’s exactly what I’m worried about. Appleloosa is certainly an… antiquated town, and making everything conform to their standards will be complicated since I know almost nothing about it.”
  798. “Maybe use apples; I got the sneaking suspicion that they’ll like that.”
  799. >”Why, Mr. Feather, your insight knows no bounds.” Harshwhinny snarks back.
  800. >Welp, somepony is on a shitty mood today.
  801. “Hey, come on; don’t worry so much about it, our job is to make sure everyone does theirs, not planning the thing.”
  802. >Harshwhinny sighs, and lies down.
  803. >”Perhaps you’re correct, but this is a very important yearly tradition.”
  804. “What, more than Celestia’s birthday? Which went completely fine, by the way.”
  805. >Harshwhinny stands back up, and looks at you sternly.
  806. >”That did not include having to cater to two extremely different species, Mr. Feather.”
  807. >You raise your hoof, but put it back down when you can’t think of anything.
  808. “Look, if you’re really that worried that much, we can just ask the locals. I mean, I doubt anyone would mind telling us what they want for the party. And besides, there’s gotta be some bison around, right?”
  809. “Besides, it’s Spaghetti Western: The Town, it’s not exactly a genre with over-arching settings and plots.”
  810. >”Can’t say I’m particularly fond of the genre myself.”
  811. “You haven’t even watched For a Few Bits More?”
  812. >”No.
  813. “Gunfight at the O.K. Stable?”
  814. >”Guess.”
  815. >You think for a second, trying to remember any other popular western movies.
  816. “…Wild Wild West?”
  817. >”That’s science-fiction, Mr. Feather, not western.”
  818. “Hey, it has western elements, it counts.” You say in defense. “Eh, you’re probably more of the drama type, probably.”
  819. >Harshwhinny looks at you for a moment, before looking out the window.
  820. >”I’m a bigger fan of action movies, to be honest.”
  821. >You sit there for a second; trying to figure out if you heard her right.
  822. “Okay, you definitely said “action”, right?”
  823. >Harshwhinny sighs.
  824. >”Yes, Mr. Feather, as incredulous as it may be, I do enjoy such genre after a long day of work.”
  825. “Well, I mean, action is a pretty broad term, so, you know…”
  826. >”Action-mystery, to be exact.”
  827. “So, what, film noir?”
  828. >”That’s drama, Mr. Feather; Celestia knows I already have enough of that at work to be watching those kinds of movies.”
  829. “Really? It doesn’t seem that bad.”
  830. >”It’s not when ponies are willing to work and listen what you’re telling them to do.”
  831. “Unlike the ones in Celestia’s birthday.”
  832. >”Exactly.”
  833. >Well, that got awkward really quick.
  834. >Maybe getting back to the previous topic is for the best.
  835. “So… any favorite movie?”
  836. >”Reservoir Dogs, I have lost count of the amounts of times I re-watched that film.”
  837. >You can’t help but to let out a small chuckle at her response.
  838. >”Is there something funny about my taste in films, Mr. Feather?”
  839. “No, it’s just that... that movie is drama.”
  840. >”Wha-- I think you may be confusing it for something else.” Protests Harshwhinny.
  841. “It’s a thriller, Ms. Harshwhinny.” You say, imitating her. “Now, thrillers are about giving the audience heightened feelings, like suspense.”
  842. “You know what else makes the viewers suspenseful? Drama films.”
  843. >”Any plot needs to have some dramatic tension to keep the audience interested, action films are no different.”
  844. “Yeah, but Reservoir Dogs is about finding out who screwed over the gang, and their actions grow increasingly paranoid over the course of the film, which adds dramatic elements to the film.”
  845. >”While correct, the plot is not about the increasing mistrust between the group, but rather about finding out who’s the police informant. If it were only about their relationships, then yes, it would be a drama film, but it’s not just about that.”
  846. “But you’re forgetting about Eddie an—“
  847. >”Hey, are you guys just about done?” You hear the machinist say. “Seriously, we arrived at Appleloosa about ten minutes ago, and I really need to get going.”
  848. >You and Harshwhinny look out the window, and then at each other.
  849. >She stands up and turns towards the machinist.
  850. >”We’re terribly sorry about that; we didn’t realize we had arrived at our destination.”
  851. “Yeah, that’s great and all, but I really need to get going.”
  852. >”We shall let you get on that, then. Mr. Feather, if you will?” Harshwhinny says while looking at you.
  853. “Um, sure, be right there.”
  854. >You hop off your seat and fly to where Harshwhinny is, before following her off the train.
  855. >As soon as you two get off the train, it rides off, its horn blaring all the way out of town.
  856. “It’s totally a drama film.” You say while looking at Harshwhinny, who responds with an annoyed glare.
  857. >You walk into town, following your partner.
  858. “So, where are we staying?”
  859. >”There’s a hotel near the outskirts of the town where we have a room in reservation.”
  860. “I’m assuming we can’t use the mini bar?”
  861. >”Only the essentials were paid for, Mr. Feather, budget cuts affect everypony these days.”
  862. “Well, that would explain a lot, actually.”
  863. >”Indeed it does.” Replies Harshwhinny.
  864. >Your walk is interrupted by the sound of a growling stomach, which makes Harshwhinny stop in her tracks.
  865. “…Was that you?”
  866. >”I… um, yes, I didn’t have time to get breakfast before leaving for the station.”
  867. “And then the train arrived an hour late, that’s ironic.”
  868. >”I thought I made it clear to spare of the jokes?”
  869. >You snicker at Harshwhinny’s expression.
  870. “Come on, it’s fun to see you annoyed.” You say while looking around. “Anyway, do you want to grab something to eat? I mean, there has to be a place here that doesn’t serve only alcohol.”
  871. >”Yes, that may be for the best.” She says before starting to walk again.
  872. >After a couple minutes of walking, you manage to find something that doesn’t look like a bar and head in.
  873. >As soon as you come in, over a dozen ponies turn their heads to your direction before resuming what they were doing.
  874. “Two city folks in the middle of cowboy territory. What could possibly go wrong?”
  875. >You manage to find an empty table and sit down on it, with Harshwhinny in front of you.
  876. “You know, I think we totally went in a saloon.”
  877. >Harshwhinny looks around for a second before turning back to you.
  878. >”It seems oddly clean for such a busy place.”
  879. “Well, yeah, people spend the night here; nobody wants to stay on a place that’s dirtier than the sand outside.”
  880. >A pony with a rather impressive moustache approaches you, lugging around a notepad with him.
  881. >”Well howdy folks, welcome to our fine establishment, how may I help you?”
  882. “We were just passing through, though we’ll get something to eat on the way.”
  883. >”Well, you came to the right place then; you won’t find better food or drink anywhere else in Appleloosa.” He says before flipping the notebook on his hoof. “Would you like something to drink?”
  884. >”What are your options?” Asks Harshwhinny.
  885. >“Well, we got cider, “
  886. >You raise your eyebrow, while the waiter looks at you.
  887. >After a couple seconds of waiting, you look at Harshwhinny, who simple responds with a confused expression.
  888. “Um, what about food?”
  889. >”Oh, we got apple fritters, apple pie, applesauce, herbed applesauce, spiced applesauce, wine-poached apples, caramel app—“
  890. “Okay, okay, I get it: apples. By Luna’s pale ass, stop.”
  891. >The waiter looks at you, still in the same pose he was while doing his impression of a dictionary.
  892. >A dictionary about apples.
  893. >Actually, that’s not a good analogy.
  894. “I’ll just have a slice of apple pie.”
  895. >”Alright, you can choose from granny smith, red delicious, golden delicious, fiesta, honeygold, fuji, pacific ros—“
  896. “Granny smith.” You say in an annoyed tone, while resisting the urge to smack him upside down the head with your chair.
  897. >”Okay, what about the lady?” Ha says, pointing at Harshwhinny.
  898. “Golden delicious apple fritter and a bottle of cider, if you will.”
  899. >“Coming right up.” He says before walking off.
  900. >You look at Harshwhinny, who seems slightly amused by something.
  901. “What, what’s so funny?”
  902. >”You were right, Mr. Feather, it is pretty fun to see other ponies annoyed by something.”
  903. >You sigh, then rest you hooves on the table.
  904. “So, anyway, when are we supposed to start the preparations for the buffalo whatever?”
  905. >”Tomorrow at high noon, in the city hall. Luckily, we’re only supervising this time, and nothing more.”
  906. ”Thank Luna, if I wanted to do manual labor I would have stayed in the military.”
  907. >”The Wonderbolts had you do manual labor?” She asks.
  908. “No, I was in the guard before, but we barely did anything. The most interesting thing that happened was Nightmare Moon’s return, and that got resolved in like 22 minutes.”
  909. >”But didn’t you mention that your previous job before the Wonderbolts was quality control?”
  910. “Okay, first, I left the guard and went for a normal job, then joined the Wonderbolts, and second, no I didn’t mention it.”
  911. >”I must have read it on your file, then.”
  912. “…You have a file about me?”
  913. >”Of course I do, Mr. Feather, I keep tabs on all my potential coworkers. That way I can make sure I don’t end up with ponies that can’t do their jobs.”
  914. “Well that’s… smart. Kinda creepy though.”
  915. >”Perhaps, but it’s effective.”
  916. >Before you can keep questioning Harshwhinny’s apparent underground information network, your waiter comes up with your food.
  917. >”Here you go fellas, eat up.” He says as he lays the plates on your table.
  918. >”Thank you.” Says Harshwhinny before grabbing a fork and a knife.
  919. “Yeah, appreciate it.”
  920. >”Ah, don’t mention it; it’s my job after all.” He says before trotting away.
  921. >You and Harshwhinny mostly stay silent during your breakfast.
  922. >Mostly because the food is pretty damn good.
  923. >When the guy said it was the best in town you kind of expected him to come back with a plate of nothing but cores, but look like he wasn’t lying.
  924. >You stop eating for a second to look at Harshwhinny.
  925. >She only finished one and half of a fritter, and is swirling around the cider in the bottle.
  926. >She looks… tense? Bored? It’s really hard to read her expressions at times.
  927. >Let’s go with tense for the time being.
  928. “Don’t tell me you paid for that but you’re not going to eat it.”
  929. >Harshwhinny stops swirling the bottle around and looks at you.
  930. >”It’s not that, I’m just… distracted by the thought of the upcoming event.”
  931. >Okay, that’s definitely not a tone you ever heard her talking in before.
  932. “Are you seriously still worried about that?”
  933. >Harshwhinny puts the bottle down and sits upright.
  934. >”I do not intend to make even a single mistake during work hours, Mr. Feather, this event is no different.”
  935. >Now that’s more like it.
  936. >You put your hooves in the table, trying to be as dramatic as possible.
  937. >It transmits the message better, you know?
  938. “Harshwhinny, listen. I understand you can’t do this job without putting your damnedest into it, but you of all ponies shouldn’t worry if her best efforts aren’t good enough. You’re extremely good at this job, and you can certainly handle something as simple as this.”
  939. >Harshwhinny stares at you for a moment, before smiling.
  940. >”Thank you, Mr. Feather, your trust is appreciated.”
  941. >Alright, now you’re getting somewhere.
  942. “It’s what I’m here for. Well, not really, but hey, I can do moral support too.”
  943. >As you finish your breakfast, Harshwhinny wipes her mouth and stands up.
  944. >”If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Feather, I’ll go pay for our food now.”
  945. “I’m not stopping you.” You say as you take a bite of the last of your pie.
  946. >As she passes towards you, you can feel something soft just barely touch your side.
  947. >You turn around and see Harshwhinny flicking her tail.
  948. >Did she just stroke you with it?
  949. >Earth ponies do have prehensile tails, so there’s that.
  950. >But then again, you can’t really see Harshwhinny doing that.
  951. >Yeah, but you didn’t think she’ll be into action movies either.
  952. >Eh, it’s not really that important, you can ask her about it later, if you ask her at all.
  953. >You get off your chair, and head towards the front of the bar.
  954. >You see Harshwhinny pocketing the change she got from the bartender.
  955. >You walk up to her, making her take a quick glance at you.
  956. >”I hope y’all enjoyed yer food.” Says the bartender, while looking at the both of you.
  957. >”It was certainly better than I was expecting.” Responds Harshwhinny.
  958. >The bartender laughs, then puts down the glass he’s cleaning.
  959. >”Yeah, most folks that pass through here say that. They think that just ‘cause we’re the only place in Appleloosa that doesn’t get people shitfaced we suck, they usually come around when they actually taste the food.”
  960. “It’s a good thing too, since the hotel we’re staying doesn’t serve breakfast.”
  961. >”Hell, I’m surprised y’all even found room in here, usually every room it’s booked by now. First time I’ve seen tourists show up to the thing, though.”
  962. >”Actually, we were hired to supervise the event by the mayor.”
  963. >The bartender looks at you, then picks up the glass again.
  964. >”Well, in that case, I hope y’all can help make it go smoother than last year’s. I don’t even know how we still help each other after that.”
  965. “…Do I even want to know what happened?”
  966. >”Let’s just say it was the first time in a couple years we had a showdown at high noon.”
  967. “Uh… yeah, we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
  968. >”Good, rebuilding once was already costly enough.”
  969. >Both of you walk out the saloon, then start heading towards your other.
  970. >As you said before, it was pretty close, just two blocks away.
  971. >You enter the reception, and Harshwhinny goes to the front desk to get the keys to your room.
  972. >Harshwhinny enters the room, with you following behind her.
  973. >It’s unsurprisingly rustic, but the TV in the corner and the black marble flooring clashes with the wood walls and supports.
  974. >To your left there’s a bathroom with a shower and bathtub, along with the essentials.
  975. >In the middle of the room sits a king sized bed, with what seems like brand-new sheets.
  976. >It seems like they were trying to make it look fancy, while still going for a wild west theme, but stopped mid-way through.
  977. “It certainly is fancier than what I expected.” You say to Harshwhinny.
  978. >”Luckily, the company managed to get us this room thanks to the fact that we’re the supervisors of the event.”
  979. “Looks like they were trying to make a good first impression.”
  980. >”It certainly seems like it.” She says while running the tip of her hoof on the bedsheets.
  981. >”No dust. Either this room has been cleaned recently…”
  982. “…Or they got new everything to impress us.”
  983. >Harshwhinny puts her hoof down and clicks it against the floor a couple times.
  984. >”I say we give them the benefit of the doubt and say that cleaning is not considered a luxury in this place.”
  985. “Yeah, let’s go with that for the moment.” You say while looking around the room. “Anyhow, do we have anything else to do for the day?”
  986. >”We need to make inventory of available stockpiles and budget. After that we need to inspect the prints and banners to make sure they don’t have printing errors.”
  987. >Right, the fun part of your job.
  988. “Do you have them on you?”
  989. >”I was told they’re on the reception, under the counter. They’ll need to see our identifications before they give them to us.”
  990. >Well, that seems rather… excessive.
  991. “That much security for what amounts to a state fair?”
  992. >”They seem to take this very seriously.” Says Harshwhinny. “An agreeable change of pace, if you ask me.”
  993. “Well, at least we don’t have to walk to the other side of town to get them.”
  994. >”Yes, that is also something I’m grateful for.”
  995. >Both of you walk down into the reception, then to the front desk.
  996. >After showing the receptionist your IDs, you take both the blueprints and the test copies of the banners to the dining room and sit down on a table.
  997. >Luckily for you, the ranch they were going to host the event is big enough for everything to fit.
  998. >Sadly, the prints and banners were not only horribly out of alignment, but they also seemed to have been made in fucking PowerPoint.
  999. >Which meant you and Harshwhinny spent the rest of the afternoon writing down the mistakes and circling them in the banner itself.
  1000. >By the time you were done, the hotel was already serving dinner.
  1001. >You and Harshwhinny decided you may as well eat there since you’re already sitting on a table.
  1002. >After finishing your food and giving the papers back to the receptionist, you both walk back to your room.
  1003. >You take off your jacket and toss it in top of the bed.
  1004. “Well, that was fucking boring.” You say as you turn towards Harshwhinny. “At least I didn’t have to lug boxes around all day, huh?”
  1005. >You see her rubbing a hoof on the back of her neck while groaning.
  1006. “Oh crap, are you okay?” You say while walking up to her.
  1007. >”Yes, Mr. Feather, I’m fine.” She replies. “But looking down all day has been hell on my neck.”
  1008. >She puts her hoof down and rolls her neck around a few times.
  1009. >”I’ll be fine, I just need to lie down for a while, don’t worry.”
  1010. “What, don’t tell me the years finally caught up with you.” You say as a joke.
  1011. >”Heh, they did that a long time ago, Mr. Feather.” She says while taking off her jacket.
  1012. >She puts it in top of the TV, along with her neckerchief and lies down on bed.
  1013. >You walk up next to the bed and sit next to her.
  1014. “You know, I could give you a massage, if you think it’ll help.”
  1015. >Harshwhinny opens one eye to look at you.
  1016. >”Thank you, but I don’t think having someone with no experience do it to be the best idea.”
  1017. >You huff.
  1018. “No experience? You would not believe the stuff they teach you for stiffed muscles in the Wonderbolts.”
  1019. >”Is that so?” Says Harshwhinny while rolling to lay on her stomach. “Very well, if you believe that it’ll help, then go ahead.
  1020. >Don’tlookatherbutt,don’tlookatherbutt,don’tlookatherbutt
  1021. >You mentally slap yourself and sit upright.
  1022. “Right, here we go.” You say while repositioning yourself.
  1023. >You trace the muscles of Harshwhinny’s back, trying to find a stiff one.
  1024. >You reach her shoulders, and find a pretty large knot next to her neck.
  1025. >That’s probably the one you’re looking for.
  1026. >You keep going up to her neck, tracing the muscles on it.
  1027. >They’re pretty stiff, but nothing you can’t fix.
  1028. >You start tracing circles around the knot on her shoulder, which elicits a low moan from Harshwhinny.
  1029. >After you take care of that, you start applying pressure to the muscles of her neck, in an effort to loosen them.
  1030. “You should take a shower after this, the heat can help.”
  1031. >” …Maybe I should.” Says Harshwhinny before rolling her shoulders. “You wouldn’t mind joining me, would you?” She says while turning her head towards you.
  1032. >You grab her and make her look forward.
  1033. “Professionalism, Ms. Harshwhinny. I can’t do anything if you’re moving around.” You say as a joke.
  1034. >Harshwhinny chuckles.
  1035. >”Second time I had that turned against me.”
  1036. >As you continue to massage her, you notice two things.
  1037. >One: She’s incredibly tense, with several knots in a large amount of muscles, and two: she’s not the only one who’s enjoying this.
  1038. >In case it wasn’t subtle enough, you’re kinda getting chub here.
  1039. >Well, you don’t think she will exactly mind, but it’s not exactly what she’s lying in bed for.
  1040. >Just concentrate on the massage; you’ll be fine as long as she doesn’t notice.
  1041. >You trace down her neck all the way to her shoulders, and feel some pretty large knots.
  1042. >You start tracing the muscles on her shoulders, noticing a couple of pretty big knots.
  1043. “Celestia’s butthole, you do realize how tense you are, right?”
  1044. >”I don’t have time to do stuff like this, Mr. Feather, my work takes priority to trivial matters.”
  1045. “Harshwhinny, you have knots on top of other knots, you should take a break every once in a while.”
  1046. >Harshwhinny stays silent for a moment, before putting her head on the pillow again.
  1047. >”Perhaps you’re correct, Mr. Feather, but free time is a luxury I cannot afford.”
  1048. >How many hours does this woman work a day?
  1049. “Well, the least I could do is help you with those too, shouldn’t I?”
  1050. >”If you think it’s for the best, then go right ahead.”
  1051. >You work your hooves down, all the way to the top of her rump.
  1052. >Unsurprisingly, the muscles of her back are also pretty damn tense.
  1053. “Okay, you know what, fuck it, I’m just gonna give you a full body massage.”
  1054. >Harshwhinny raises her head to look towards you.
  1055. >”I appreciate the offer, but I feel that’s not necessary.”
  1056. “Not necessary? It’s like a goddamn pirate ship in here, there’s knots everywhere.” You say before sitting next to her. “I’m being serious; this isn’t good for you.”
  1057. >Harshwhinny looks down then sighs.
  1058. >”Very well, you made your point. Go right ahead, Mr. Feather.”
  1059. >And with that, you get back to massaging, tracing down the muscles on her legs.
  1060. >As you keep massaging them, you can hear the joints pop every time you put even a small amount of pressure.
  1061. >This makes Harshwhinny let out short moans, or hums.
  1062. >Which isn’t helping the situation downstairs on the slightest.
  1063. >You work your way up to the small of her back, and start massaging a couple knots near her tail.
  1064. >Harshwhinny stretches her back, just barely missing your member, then repositions.
  1065. >”You’re doing a great job, Stormfeather.”
  1066. >Did she just use your full name?
  1067. >Hell, you must actually be doing a good job.
  1068. >You resume your normal massaging, going up all the way to her shoulders.
  1069. >You apply pressure near the shoulder blades, massaging in circles.
  1070. >As you unknot her muscles, she rolls her shoulders, and lets out a low hum.
  1071. >Alright, you better wrap this up.
  1072. >You apply weight on her shoulders, and rock back and forth to relieve the tension.
  1073. >After you’re done, you clap your hooves together and get off from Harshwhinny.
  1074. “Right, I’m pretty much done here.”
  1075. >Harshwhinny stretches, and you can hear a couple of joints crack.
  1076. >She sits on the bed and looks at you.
  1077. >”Thank you, Mr. Feather, that certainly helped.”
  1078. “Hey, don’t mention it; I’m just glad I could help you with that.” You say trying to cover your erection.
  1079. >Harshwhinny notices your fidgeting and looks down.
  1080. >You’ll pray to Celestia that she won’t notice, but that didn’t work out too well last time.
  1081. >Harshwhinny looks back up to your face with… wait, is she blushing?
  1082. >She clears her throat and jumps off the bed, walking past you.
  1083. >”If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Feather, I’m off to take that bath now. I hope the heat helps like you said.”
  1084. “Trust me on this one; it’ll be good for you.” You say, trying to play it cool.
  1085. >Harshwhinny nods, and then goes inside the bathroom.
  1086. >You let out a relieved sigh, happy that she didn’t comment on it.
  1087. >Alright, time to think what the hell you’re going to do with this.
  1088. >Well, if she’s going to be there for a while you could have a quick wank.
  1089. >You walk to your suitcase and open the front compartment, where you keep your tissues.
  1090. >Keeping those things finally paid off, it seems.
  1091. >You hop onto the bed and position your back against the head rest.
  1092. >You tear open the pack of tissues and start rubbing your member.
  1093. >After going at it for a couple minutes, you decide to speed up and lower yourself a bit into the bed.
  1094. >You start fondling your balls and speeding up your stroking, trying to cum as fast as you can.
  1095. >Before you’re able to finish, however, you hear the bathroom door open.
  1096. >Cursing every deity you can think of, you hastily throw the covers on top of you and cross your legs.
  1097. >Harshwhinny walks out the bathroom, with nothing but a towel lazily thrown over her back.
  1098. >She walks to the bed, rolling her neck, before jumping on it.
  1099. >Shitshitshitshitshit
  1100. >Harshwhinny lies down, and lets out a long sigh.
  1101. >”You were right, Mr. Feather, I feel much better now.”
  1102. “See, I told ya.” You say, trying to play off the fact that you’re trying to hide your erection.
  1103. >Harshwhinny throws you a quick glance downwards, then looks backup at you.
  1104. >”Well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that enjoyed that, at least.”
  1105. “Yeah, it’s been a while since I gave anyone a massage; I was getting kinda rusty at it, I’m glad I had someone to practice on.”
  1106. >”To be completely honest, I haven’t realized how tense I was before.”
  1107. “I’m actually kind of surprising it wasn’t being detrimental to you, considering.”
  1108. >Harshwhinny looks at you, then lets out an exasperated sigh.
  1109. >”Okay, this is getting extremely awkward; I can see your bulge, Mr. Feather.”
  1110. >You blush hard, and look away from her.
  1111. “Yeah, sorry about that, it’s just that it’s been a while, and after the th—“
  1112. >”It was an observation, not a reprimand.” She says, throwing the towel off her. “And considering my behavior, it would be hypocritical of me to complain.”
  1113. >You look at Harshwhinny, while raising an eyebrow.
  1114. >”You’re not the only pony that has relieved themselves in unorthodox places; I hope you’re aware of that.”
  1115. “Well, yeah, obviously, but it’s kind of rude to do it with company around.”
  1116. >”Yes, it’ll also be a shame if these sheets would get stained, wouldn’t it?”
  1117. >You chuckle.
  1118. “I’m sure that’s probably not the weirdest thing they cleaned out from these.”
  1119. >You sigh, then recline back.
  1120. “Look, I’m sorry about that, I understand if you’re mad, but—“
  1121. >”Why on Equestria will I be mad about that?”
  1122. “Uh… because I was jacking it to you..?”
  1123. >Harshwhinny laughs.
  1124. >”Mr. Feather, I literally masturbated on top of you. Getting angry about what you’re doing would be ridiculous.”
  1125. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  1126. “Yeah, when you put it like that, it does sound kind of ridiculous.”
  1127. >”Now, would you kindly remove that bedsheet?”
  1128. >wait what
  1129. “I’m sorry, what?”
  1130. >”As you know, it’s customary to pay for any services provided to you. I don’t intend for this to be the exception.”
  1131. “Nah, look, the massage was a gift; you don’t have to do anything.”
  1132. >Harshwhinny looks at you with a stern expression, and sits up.
  1133. >”Mr. Feather, I insist you let me pay you back, I don’t feel right being the only one who relieved some tension.”
  1134. >You shake your head, and grab the edge of the bedsheet.
  1135. “Alright, if you insist…” You say, before throwing the sheet from over you.
  1136. >”Thank you, Mr. Feather.” Says Harshwhinny before scooting in front of you.
  1137. >You hold back your laughter in an attempt to not ruin the mood.
  1138. >Harshwhinny raises a hoof to your member, and starts to rhythmically stroke it up and down.
  1139. >You let out a short sigh as she continues her movements.
  1140. >After a couple minutes, you notice that while you’re enjoying yourself, Harshwhinny’s technique isn’t exactly… varied, not to mention she seems to have tensed up again.
  1141. “You know, I didn’t give you a massage for you to tense up again doing this.”
  1142. >Harshwhinny stops stroking you, and looks up before sighing.
  1143. >”I’m sorry, Mr. Feather, but I’m used to being on top on these situations, I don’t exactly have experience with this.”
  1144. “Listen, I can’t enjoy myself if you’re sitting there just mechanically stroking up and down looking absolutely miserable.”
  1145. >”Well, it’s not exactly something I particularly enjoy doing.”
  1146. >You think for a second, before coming up with an idea.
  1147. “You know, we never were able to actually do anything in the castle…”
  1148. >Harshwhinny smirks, then stands up.
  1149. >”I propose we take measures to make sure nopony interrupts us this time, then.” She says as she hops off the bed and locks the door.
  1150. >You lay back down in bed as Harshwhinny hops on it and lies on top of you.
  1151. >You feel some moisture trickling down her leg and into your crotch.
  1152. >”Well, Mr. Feather, I don’t usually do this, but considering the circumstances, how about you take the reins tonight?”
  1153. “I was going to help you warm up, but it looks like you beat me to it.” You say while putting your hooves on her hips. “Looks like the water wasn’t the only thing heating up in there.”
  1154. >”Work on your dirty talk, Mr. Feather.” Harshwhinny says while slightly lifting her chest from yours.
  1155. >You stay silent for a second, thinking on what to do.
  1156. >You could always return the favor, but hooves are absolute shit, unless you find shoving your entire forearm inside a vagina hot.
  1157. >So, if you can’t use your hooves, there’s only one other option.
  1158. “Alright, hold up.” You say while pushing Harshwhinny into a sitting position. “Could you lean against that wall?”
  1159. >Harshwhinny looks at you incredulously, but walks – or rather, shuffles – to the wall nearing your headrest, giving you a face full of her vagina.
  1160. >Harshwhinny looks down to you, waiting for you to do something
  1161. >Not wanting to leave her waiting, you trace your tongue across her outer lips, and give her clitoris a flick.
  1162. >She lets out a contented sigh, and her leg twitches slightly.
  1163. >You trace your hooves up her legs, stopping to give her butt a firm squeeze before resuming your work.
  1164. >You part her lips with your tongue, and plunge right in, eliciting a moan from Harshwhinny.
  1165. >After a couple minutes of doing so, Harshwhinny puts her hoof on top of your head, and pushes you against her.
  1166. >You look up to her, and see her looking at you with half-lidded eyes and a slight smile.
  1167. >”Not bad, Mr. Feather, but your technique could use some improvements. Shall we switch for the moment?”
  1168. >You chuckle, and nod your head.
  1169. >”Good, just follow my lead.” She says as she moves her hoof towards the back of your head, keeping you in place. “First and foremost, don’t pull out all the way; second, direct stimulation is very important, do try to remember that.”
  1170. >You get back to work, following Harshwhinny’s instructions, and start prodding the roof of her canal.
  1171. >As you hind her g-spot, you apply pressure to it and start tracing circles with your tongue, which makes Harshwhinny legs wobble a bit.
  1172. >”Great job, Mr. Feather, keep that up.”
  1173. >You do as your told, stopping every few minutes to give her clit a lick or to suck on it before getting back to what you were doing.
  1174. >After a couple minutes, Harhshwhinny starts humping you, while bringing down a hoof to massage her clit.
  1175. >”You’re doing very well, Mr. Feather, just hold on for a couple more seconds.” She says before she closes her eyes and lets out a moan.
  1176. >True to what she said, a couple seconds later you feel her clamp down on your tongue, as her juices roll off your tongue.
  1177. >She lets go of your head, letting you pull away from her, and you get sprayed by a last, weak squirt from her.
  1178. >You clip your face with the back of her hoof, and lick up what you can.
  1179. >Harshwhinny lies down next to you, seemingly much more relaxed than before.
  1180. “Seems like I’m a fast learner, huh?” You say while nodding towards the juices running down your chest.
  1181. >”Indeed you are, Mr. Feather. I’m glad you decided to follow my suggestions.”
  1182. “Hey, I didn’t exactly have much of choice with you clamping down on me, now did I?” You say before chuckling.
  1183. >”Yes, I may have gotten a little over-eager there.” She says while blushing a little.
  1184. “Well, if you want to make it up to me, I still have this thing to take care of.” You say while pointing at your still erect member.
  1185. >Harshwhinny looks at it, before turning her head towards you.
  1186. >”There’s a pretty simple way to fix that.” She says before crawling over to your dick and giving it a lick. “But then again, you did say you wanted me to enjoy myself too, right?”
  1187. >Harshwhinny jumps out of bed and opens a back pocket on her bag, producing a pack of condoms.
  1188. “Hell, seems like you had the whole night planned out, didn’t you?”
  1189. >She takes a condom out of the box, and tears open the package.
  1190. >”I always traveling with a pack of these, Mr. Feather, I’d rather have them and not need them, rather than the opposite.”
  1191. “Like you said, it was an observation, not a complaint.”
  1192. >Harshwhinny jumps back on bed, then puts the condom over the tip of your dick.
  1193. >She puts her mouth over the condom, and in one swift motion, deepthroats you, while unrolling the latex.
  1194. >You let a small groan, and Harshwhinny takes your twitching member out of her mouth, before standing up and lining the tip with her entrance.
  1195. >”Like I said last time, I expect results, Mr. Feather.”
  1196. “I’m not planning to disappoint you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
  1197. >Harshwhinny smirks, and then lets her weight drop, taking your entire length in less than a second.
  1198. >You let out a groan, as Harshwhinny lets out a short sigh.
  1199. >After both of you get used to the sensation, Harshwhinny starts rocking back and forth, while gently lifting her hips which you grab on to help guide her.
  1200. >She smiles at you, then stops her movement and lifts her hips, letting half of your length out pull out of her.
  1201. >”Think you can keep up, Stormfeather?” She says while looking at you smugly.
  1202. “I’d worry more about you finishing before me two times on a row, Harhshwhinny.”
  1203. >She smirks, and then drops her hips, which make a rotund slap noise against yours.
  1204. >She pulls out until only the tip of your member is still inside her, and slams back in again, which makes you let out a low moan.
  1205. >Not wanting to be undone, the second time she does that, you reposition your legs and thrust upwards at the same time she slams downward, which makes her moan this time.
  1206. >As you keep rhythmically thrusting into Harshwhinny, she reaches behind her, and starts fondling you.
  1207. >Not wanting to be undone, you let go of her hips, and start massaging her clitoris in circles.
  1208. >Harshwhinny lets go of your balls and lies down in top of you, preventing you from stimulating her clit any further.
  1209. >She wraps her arms around you, and kisses you.
  1210. >”No cheating, Mr. Feather.”
  1211. “Yeah, you’re one to talk.” You scoff back jokingly.
  1212. >She starts rocking back and forth on top of you, but at a higher pace thanks to her new position.
  1213. >She once again puts her head next to yours and takes a sniff of your hair, and she tightens around you.
  1214. >You wrap your legs around her and start thrusting again, trying to make her finish before you.
  1215. >As you do that, she starts to moan in your ear, seemingly in an effort to make you do the same.
  1216. >Which works perfectly, as you can start to feel the pressure build up.
  1217. >You reposition yourself, you put as much force as you can behind your thrusts, hilting yourself in her with every moment.
  1218. >Your efforts seem to work, as she presses her head against you and groans.
  1219. >After a couple more thrusts, you hilt inside her and cum, at the same time she does the same, clamping down on your member.
  1220. >Harshwhinny sits up and starts rocking back and forth, trying to get off as much as she can off her orgasm.
  1221. >You both stay in place motionless, trying to catch your breath.
  1222. >”Seems like I won, Mr. Feather…”
  1223. “Oh, bullshit, it was only less than half a second before you.”
  1224. >”It could have been half a second as it could have been half an hour.” She says as you pull out of her. “You still came first.”
  1225. “What, don’t tell me that ruined your orgasm.”
  1226. >Harshwhinny pulls her hair back to her normal style, then looks at you with a stern expression.
  1227. >She lets out a short laugh, and covers her mouth with her hoof.
  1228. >”I’m just teasing you, Mr. Feather, you did a fine job.”
  1229. “Ah, you did most of it; I was just lying there most of the time.”
  1230. >She lies down next to you, and crosses her front legs.
  1231. >”Still, while adequate, your technique still could use some improvements. Faster isn’t always better, especially in these situations.”
  1232. “It’s a good thing I have someone willing to teach me how to fix that, don’t I?”
  1233. >”Indeed you are, Mr. Feather, let’s just hope you learn as quickly as you finish.”
  1234. “Oh, fuck off.” You say before laughing.
  1235. >Harshwhinny does the same, before snuggling up to you.
  1236. >“We have a pretty long day tomorrow, Mr. Feather; I suggest we try to get as much sleep as possible.”
  1237. “Well, there’s just a little issue with that plan.”
  1238. >Harshwhinny raises her head from your chest, and looks at you.
  1239. “I still have the condom on.”
  1240. >”Oh, right.” She says before sitting up. “Yes, you should probably take that out first.”
  1241. >Compared to the last two days, the rest of your week was pretty uneventful.
  1242. >As in “really fucking boring”.
  1243. >You spent most of your time either telling ponies what to do, or fixing their higher-up’s fuckups.
  1244. >Basically, your job.
  1245. >And no one wants to do that.
  1246. >Luckily enough for you, some bison ended up arriving to Appleloosa early, and Harshwhinny managed to get confirmation on whether or not the event was appropriate for both parties.
  1247. >They didn’t find the thanksgiving play funny, for one thing.
  1248. >But other than that, they found the event appropriate enough, even if it needed a little tweaking.
  1249. >The night of the event, you’re stuck with supervising the part that’s actually a fair, and Harshwhinny is doing the same on the reception.
  1250. >The night goes surprisingly smooth, save for the obligatory drunks and unruly guests.
  1251. >Seriously, you didn’t even know it was possible to lift, let alone bodyslam, a bison.
  1252. >You’re still wondering how security managed to kick that guy out.
  1253. >As the event starts coming to a close, you hang by the bar and get two of the few cider bottles that were left.
  1254. >Walking into the reception, you stop Harshwhinny writing something down on her notebook.
  1255. >You approach the table she sitting down and put down the bottles on it, making them clink against each other.
  1256. >Harshwhinny looks up from her notebook up to you, then to the drinks with the same expression.
  1257. >She scribbles something on the bottom of the page and puts it on a pocket on the inside of her jacket.
  1258. >You sit down on the other side of the table, and uncork one of the bottles.
  1259. “So, things turned out okay in the end, huh?”
  1260. >Harshwhinny grabs the other bottle and takes a shot form it after uncorking it.
  1261. >”The event isn’t over for until two more minutes, Mr. Feather.”
  1262. “You should tell those ponies that closed out the bar to open it up, then.” You respond sarcastically.
  1263. >“If I were to do that, we’ll just drink everything that’s left. I think it’s better if it stays closed.” Harshwhinny retorts before taking another shot of her bottle.
  1264. “Then I’ll have to drag both our asses to the hotel room, yeah, maybe you’re right.” You say before laughing.
  1265. >Harshwhinny scoffs then turns to you.
  1266. >”Mr. Feather, not only I could drink you under the table, I could do it both over and on if I needed to.”
  1267. “Yeah, you’ll probably want to do something else over the table while we’re at it.”
  1268. >”Somehow I doubt you’ll complain if I did.” Responds Harshwhinny.
  1269. >Before you can come up with a witty response, Harshwhinny stops looking at you, then checks her clock.
  1270. “What are you doing?”
  1271. >”Wait and see, Mr. Feather.” She simply says.
  1272. >Just as Harshwhinny lowers her hoof, you can hear a distant noise I the distant, and walk out the window.
  1273. >You stare at some ponies using roman candles to shoot fireworks, while other ponies and bisons cheer.
  1274. >”Originally, they used cannons to celebrate the ends of events such as these.” She says while walking up to you. “When they phased those out, the tradition died down. Figured I could bring it back if I used something a touch more modern.”
  1275. “Hell, seems like it’s working, everypony’s loving it.”
  1276. >”Also, the tradition originated after the bison and the ponies decided to live together in the same area, I thought it fitted the theme well.”
  1277. “Got it all planned out, huh?”
  1278. >Mr. Harshwhinny opens the window, then looks at you with an amused expression.
  1279. >”You do realize who you’re talking to, right?”
  1280. >You offer a toast to Harshwhinny, who looks at you before hitting her bottle against yours.
  1281. >”To another job well done.”
  1282. “Indeed, Ms. Harshwhinny.”

It's too late to think of a witty title

by OrangeBooty

Professionalism, Mr. Feather

by OrangeBooty

Frozen Wings

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Blue and Orange on The Rainbow

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White Cream

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