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By KarmaFields
Created: 2022-11-13 09:53:11
Updated: 2022-11-13 09:58:24
Expiry: Never

  1. # What's this about?
  3. A rebellious Pegasus named Lithia lives in the human world, where pony slavery is common practice. Recaptured after fleeing from her previous master, she gets bought by a mysterious and cruel man. The man believes he can get Lithia under control and use her as a tool for his own ends. Will he manage to break Lithia's spirit, or can Lithia endure and regaining her freedom once again?
  6. # Author's notes
  8. Divided into chapters based on what parts were originally posted together. Chapters are pretty short. If you are intimidated by the word count, just read it chapter by chapter. Each chapter should only take around 10 to 15min to read. Posted to the mlp/spg/ thread. Any feedback is very much appreciated. Even a 'nice' lets me know someone is actually reading it and the hours spend writing this down were worth it.
  11. # Chapter 1
  13. >Voices outside your cell come closer.
  14. >Keys scratch on the lock.
  15. >Suddenly bright light, as the door is thrown open.
  16. >Behind the fat store owner, a tall, skinny man enters your cell.
  17. >Haunched in the furthest corner you watch the tall man take a few steps towards you.
  18. >He kneels to meet your eye level.
  19. "You probably heard what we were discussing. It's not looking good for you, uh-"
  20. "Lithia", the fat man dares to blurt out your name.
  21. >Your eyes narrow to a fierce stare.
  22. "Lithia, huh? Well Lithia, this is your chance. I need someone to help me out."
  23. "And you are a damn cheap skate.", the store owner grumbles.
  24. "SHUT UP! Be glad someone wants her."
  25. >The thin man turns back to you.
  26. "I've heard what you did with your last owner. Do you know that they had to amputate that arm?"
  27. >A smile flashes over your face.
  28. >Serves that fool right.
  29. "No one wants to buy you. Your price is cheap and I'm in need of cheap labour. Say, how about we work together, eh?"
  30. >His fake sympathy sickens you to the core.
  31. >You stare at him, wishing he would just fall over and die.
  32. "Oh okay then. Just an offer."
  33. >He shrugs.
  34. "Remind me again, what will you do with her if no one buys her?"
  35. "Well, uh, then there is no use having her around anymore. Got a business to run 'ere. I'll have to sell her for parts to get some return."
  36. >You growl spitefully. You'd show them, if only these meat-bag weren't so strong.
  37. >But even your outwardly defiance can't stop the fear from creeping into your heart.
  38. "See?" the thin man says with a sugary voice. "I'm here to help."
  39. >The thin man stretch out one of his disgusting appendages towards you.
  40. >He wants you to agree to your own enslavement. That bastard!
  41. >But you are desperate. Your proud mind can't stop your fearful heart from raising a hoof to touch his hand.
  42. "Great!"
  43. >The man gets up and turns to the store owner.
  44. "Now about that price, it's still way too much. I want at least another hundred off. If you don't, I won't take her."
  45. >In shock, you watch the two haggle.
  46. >You sold out your last scraps of dignity for a chance of survival, only to be betrayed.
  47. >A rage you've only ever felt once before washes over you.
  48. >The thin guy turns around to wink at you and reaches with his hand for your snout.
  49. >With nothing left to lose, you snap at his hand as hard as you can.
  50. >But miss.
  51. >As if he expected you to do this, he had quickly pulled back.
  52. >Another wink, then he turns back to the store owner.
  53. "She is clearly dangerous. No way I'm paying that much."
  54. >And the haggling continues.
  55. >Betrayed and alone, you lean back against the wall, close your eyes and wait it out.
  56. ---
  57. >You have been bought, fitted with a new obedience collar and brought to your new home.
  58. >A run-down house somewhere in the suburbs.
  61. # Chapter 2
  63. "Have a seat, if you want."
  64. >Grey loves to act like he is talking to a friend, instead of the slave he just bought.
  65. >He can take his fake friendliness and shove it up his arse.
  66. >The humiliating obedience collar you are forced to wear stops you from saying that out loud though.
  67. >Better wait and see what kind of a person Grey is before you start shit.
  68. >Since he likes to be buddies with you and this wasn't really a command, let's see what he does when you ignore him.
  69. >While you continue to stand rooted in the middle of the kitchen, Grey takes a seat at the dinner table.
  70. >The kitchen is small, with the table taking up a good chunk of the available space.
  71. >It has everything a normal kitchen would have, like an oven, a refrigerator, and a microwave.
  72. >But they all look like ancient relics, in desperate need of replacement.
  73. >Maybe he really is poor.
  74. "I admire your courage."
  75. >Grey's unexpected words pierce through your cloak of I-don't-care attitude.
  76. >Surprised, you look at him.
  77. "The store owner told me what you did to your old owner. Most ponies are pathetic weaklings who wouldn't even dream of defying their masters. I can only imagine the punishment you must have received after they captured you again... But, here you are, still stubborn, already trying to defy your new owner. *Sigh* You are useless to me like this."
  78. >He grins upon seeing your eyes widen in shock.
  79. >Stupid Lithia, you underestimated him even though you saw the tricks he pulled on the trader.
  80. >You breathe in deeply, trying to keep your stoic mask in place.
  81. >Don't show any fear. Don't give him that satisfaction.
  82. "Your last owner was a fool.", Grey continues with a smug smile.
  83. "He knew about the stick, but never considered the importance of the carrot. Sit. Down. Now. I have something to offer you that you will want to hear."
  84. >For a moment, you hesitate, considering your options.
  85. >You remember what they did to you after they caught you fleeing from your old master's house.
  86. >A shudder goes through your entire body.
  87. >You are not weak, but you are tired from all the fighting.
  88. >Slowly you sit down.
  89. "Good. Let's make a deal."
  90. >He gives you an alligator smile.
  91. "After one year of labor, I will let you go free. How does that sound?"
  92. >Your mouth opens in disbelief, but no words come out.
  93. >He watches your reaction closely.
  94. >Initial disbelief turns into anger, then despair as you consider his offer.
  95. "I can't trust you! I'll play along and you'll just keep me, or sell me, or you'll-"
  96. >You don't want to say your last suspicion out loud.
  97. "Look, next time this year, I won't have any use for you anymore anyway. I have big things planned, and if I have to set you free to get some use out of you now, then that is fine by me."
  98. >Grey folds his hands on the table, waiting for your response.
  99. >Freedom. The prize you have endured for this long. All the torture, the pain, the humiliating things you had to do, you all endured them, waiting for your chance to strike and take back your birth right.
  100. >And this man just offers it to you as if it was nothing.
  101. >A year is nothing.
  102. >Whatever work he has for you, you have done worse.
  103. >Impatient, Grey reaches out a hand across the table.
  104. "Agree to be my willing slave for one year and I'll let you go."
  105. >But you can't trust him, the rational side of your brain yells.
  106. >Humans have lied and betrayed you too often.
  107. >He even lies to his own kind.
  108. >But you are a mare drowning in the ocean, and he just offered you a place on his boat.
  109. >Years of fighting have worn you out.
  110. >You just want this all to end.
  111. >You shake his hand.
  112. "Great! From now on, I have to insist that you call me master."
  113. >He grins.
  114. "Say it."
  115. >You hesitate before giving in.
  116. "Yes m-master"
  117. >For the second time in your life, this man managed to make you agree to your own enslavement.
  118. >Your stomach turns with disgust. Not for him, but for yourself.
  119. "The rules in this house are simple, but we'll go over them tomorrow. For now, the only rule you need to know is, do what I say. And if I'm not around, you do what Xena says. As long as she doesn't contradict me, of course."
  120. >Before you can question who Xena is, a green unicorn enters the kitchen and trots over to Grey's side.
  121. "Xena, show Lithia to her new room and answer her questions. She is free to spend the rest of the evening in her room."
  122. "Yes master~", Xena answers obediently.
  124. >You trot behind Xena up the stairs.
  125. >She leads you to the last door in the hallway.
  126. "This is your room. Try not to make a mess of it- or else. "
  127. >Your new room is small, barely big enough for a bed and a nightstand, which are also the only two pieces of furniture inside it.
  128. >What are you even supposed to make a mess of in here?
  129. "At least it has a window", you think.
  130. >It's already dark outside.
  131. >You have lived worse, like in that dirty cell at the slave trader.
  132. >At least this place seems clean and the bed makes a comfortable impression.
  133. >Now that you are out of Grey's earshot, you feel emboldened to ask Xena a question that has been burning on your mind ever since you first saw her.
  134. "Uhm, why don't you have a collar? Does he control you some other way?"
  135. "Well, aren't we the curious kind. I'm not tracked at all. Master trusts me. Something he will never do with you."
  136. >Xena face is all smug, as if this was some point of pride. You are confused.
  137. "Wait, so you could leave at any time? Why are you still here then? Please, if you knock him out, we can both guh-"
  138. >You are thrown hard against the wall.
  139. >The impact drives the air out of your lungs.
  140. >You gasp.
  141. "How DARE you! How DARE you even think such things! I will rip your fucking wings out, bitch! Feather by feather!"
  142. >Her face contorts into a sadistic smile as she slowly walks towards you.
  143. >Your heart starts pounding fast.
  144. >With all your might, you struggle to get away from her, but her vile magic keeps you pinned against the wall.
  145. "And what about that stupid hair barret? Why are you wearing that whorse? Trying to seduce master by being extra cute, huh? Think you are better than me, hah?!"
  146. >She rips the barret from your hair.
  147. >Your eyes tear up.
  148. "No! Please- I-I-I need it. I'll do anything. P-Please!"
  149. "Oh~"
  150. >She grins an awful, toothy smile.
  151. "Then I'll make sure you'll never see it again. A slave doesn't own property, you are property."
  152. "Nooooo. Please..."
  153. >Tears start flowing down your cheeks as you helplessly are forced to watch Xena turn towards the door, your barret in hoof.
  154. "What the fuck is going on in here?"
  155. >Grey appears in the doorway, looking pissed off.
  156. "M-m-master, I-I was just punishing her. She tried to convince me to betray you!"
  157. "Ugh, you had clear orders. She is new. We talked about this."
  158. >Xena tries to make herself as small as possible in front of her master.
  159. "B-but she needed punish-", she meekly protests.
  160. >Now Grey starts shouting.
  161. "THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! I am the master here. You fucking obey."
  162. >He abruptly takes her head and smashes it into the bedpost.
  163. >Xena slumps to the floor, limbs outstretched, unconscious.
  164. >Instantly, her magical grasp around you vanishes.
  165. >Scrambling to your hoof, you get as far away from Grey as the tiny room allows.
  166. >He looks up at you, all anger seemingly gone.
  167. "Sorry you had to see this on your first day.", he placates you.
  168. >Huddled up in a corner, you look at the unconscious Xena lying on the floor.
  169. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that thick head doesn't swallow her own tongue. She'll be alright."
  170. >He lifts Xena with both arms, careful to support her neck.
  171. "Try to get some sleep. Tomorrow I'll come wake you up when breakfast is ready."
  172. >With that, he carries Xena out the door and closes it behind him.
  173. >You breathe heavily in your little corner, trying to calm down.
  174. >The tears stop.
  175. >Quickly, you get up to retrieve your barrett from the floor where the unconscious Xena had dropped it.
  176. >It's a simple orange barrett with no further decorations on it, but it means everything to you.
  177. >It's your only connection to your guardian.
  178. >Having it again soothes your nerves.
  179. >You lie down on your new bed, tucking yourself in.
  180. >Warmth and comfort surround you. If only you could stay here forever.
  181. >You take the barret out of your mane and place it under your tongue.
  182. >A little ritual you have been doing ever since you got it.
  183. >It helps you sleep.
  185. >In your dreams, you see him again.
  186. >He approaches you with open arms.
  187. "Hi, Lithia. Long time no see."
  188. "Where were you?", you cry out.
  189. "I missed you so much. They wanted to make horse sausage out of me!"
  190. >Your guardian clenches his fists, but then pulls you into his warm embrace.
  191. "I tried to, but I could not reach you down there. I'm sorry."
  192. "Don't leave me again."
  193. >A tear rolls down your face.
  194. >He gently lets his fingers glide through your mane.
  195. >You tell him everything that has happened to you.
  196. >How you were captured again after biting your previous owner, the things they did to you, the cell, how you narrowly escaped being sold for parts, only to be bought by a total psycho.
  197. >You tell him everything and he listens.
  198. >When you tell him about Grey's promise of freedom, you see your Guardian's eyes light up.
  199. "But that's great, Lithia! Only a year left and we can be together! You can finally come home to me."
  200. >Looking at the ground, you paw with your hoof.
  201. "But I can't trust him. Why can't you come get me right now? Please... I'm scared."
  202. >Your guardian sighs, his shoulders droop.
  203. "Y-you know I can't."
  204. "Why?"
  205. "I'm too far away. You have to come fly to me. I wish there was another way..."
  206. >He hugs you tight once more.
  207. "You can do it. You are my strong warrior mare. One year is nothing to you and I'll help you out as much as I can."
  208. >You lay next to him, with your weary head on his chest.
  209. >You wish you could remain like this, but soon you slide into a deeper dreamless state of consciousness.
  212. # Chapter 3
  214. >Your blanket is ripped away.
  215. "Wake up."
  216. >Eyes still closed, you pull your limbs closer to your chest to protect against the chilly air.
  217. "Wake up.", the commanding voice repeats.
  218. >You try your best to ignore it and find your way back to dreamland.
  219. >The voice begins a countdown.
  220. >This should have been worrying, but drowsiness stops your brain from thinking straight.
  221. "3... 2... 1..."
  222. >A sudden, painful electric shock to your neck causes you to jump up on high alert, wings spread, ready to fight or fly away.
  223. >The rash movements make you choke on the forgotten barrett still in your mouth.
  224. >Coughing, you spit it out on the mattress.
  225. >With your heart pounding away and wide eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light, you make out the silhouette of a person at the other end of the bed.
  226. "Good morning, Lithia. Change of plans, we gotta go now.", Grey says.
  227. "I'll see you down stairs in five."
  228. >He leaves your room, sure that you are awake now.
  229. "Fuck", you pant.
  230. >This could have easily given you a heart attack if you were an older mare.
  231. >With the adrenaline-rush of the wake-up call slowly subsiding, you fold your wings back.
  232. >It is still dark outside your window.
  233. >Either this is another mind game, or... well, you have no clue.
  234. >You wipe the barrett clean of spit and place it back in your messy bed-mane.
  235. >He left you no time for brushing - or even something to brush with - so you settle for giving your red mane a few hoof strokes.
  236. >Some may call you superficial for caring about your appearance, but for you it's a sign of defiance.
  237. >No matter how much they try to humiliate you and push you around, you remain a proud member of the Pegasus race.
  238. >They can't take that from you.
  240. >Downstairs, Grey awaits you, looking at his watch, with his foot tapping on the ground.
  241. >If you had taken longer than five minutes, he doesn't say.
  242. >Instead, he directly leads you outside to his parked car.
  243. >There, he makes you sit down in the foot space of the front passenger seat.
  244. >Even with the seat shifted backwards as far as it goes, it is still pretty cramped.
  245. >With the closing of the car-door, a wave of unease rolls over you.
  246. >Whatever he has planned for you, there is no escaping it now.
  247. >Your hoofs can't hope to open the for humans designed car-door handle.
  248. >Grey sits down next to you and starts the car.
  249. >Neon lights of various buttons and instruments light up in the dark interior of the car.
  250. >You roll off the driveway into the night.
  251. "We'll be there in about an hour. You may rest till we get there."
  252. >From your low position in the car, all you see through the windows is the inky blackness and an occasional street lamp.
  253. >As the speechless drive continues, the warmth of the car, together with the rhythmic deep noises of the engine and your cramped accommodation, all work together to relax your body and mind.
  254. >Tired and no longer able to care, you rest your head on the seat in front of you and doze off.
  256. >Much too early, the engine stops.
  257. >It has become dawn outside.
  258. >Grey opens your door and lets you out.
  259. >You stretch your stiff body and smell the air through your muzzle.
  260. >It's salty.
  261. "Where are we?"
  262. >An annoyed looking Grey gestures at you to continue your sentence.
  263. "... master."
  264. >Now you are not only tired but also annoyed.
  265. "At the shore. I need you to retrieve something for me. From a boat."
  266. >He pulls out a map.
  267. >It flaps in the cold ocean breeze.
  268. "It should be about a half-hour flight off the coast. Fly there. They'll give you a package. Then come back. Understood?
  269. >The chance to fly again, after so many months of being detained in a stinky cell has you excited.
  270. >Denying a Pegasus to fly is like denying a fish water.
  271. >Of course, you hide your excitement from him, lest he think you are enjoying his mistreatment.
  272. >Instead, you raise an eyebrow.
  273. "The ocean is huge. What if I don't find that boat?"
  274. "No excuses, Lithia!"
  275. >Him uttering your name, has you grimace.
  276. "Your predecessor managed to do it. Here, take this."
  277. >He hands you a compass.
  278. "Come back with the package, or don't come back at all."
  279. "That's an option?", you jest.
  280. >No verbal response, but the cutting gesture he makes at his throat says it all.
  282. >The breeze whirls through your mane and tail, making them flutter widely.
  283. >Under your breath you curse Grey one final time, before you spread your wings and take off.
  284. >Soaring through the sky again after so long makes you forget your anger quickly.
  285. >Beneath you stretches the glittering ocean; behind you, the sun rises slowly, and under your wings, air rushes by.
  286. >You beat your wings faster, then slower, fly up, glide down, it's all so much fun.
  287. >Something no flesh sausage, or stuck up unicorn will ever understand.
  288. "Fuck dirt eaters!", you yell as loud as your hard-working lungs allow.
  289. >A Pegasus deserves to be free like the wind!
  290. >Maybe all the cruelty your kind has to endure at the hand of miserable dirt-bound creatures is just simple jealousy.
  291. >You shake your head. It's not that simple.
  292. >The compass in your hoof keeps you on course.
  293. >There is no anxiety about finding that boat or not.
  294. >If you don't, you'll just fly over the ocean as far as your wings will carry you.
  295. >Either the collar will shock you into a wet grave, or maybe he will just let you go.
  296. >Unlike back then in the cell, when you first betrayed your pride for naked survival, you are okay with dying like this.
  297. >The minutes pass and far too fast you spot something on the horizon.
  298. >It's an old deep-sea fishing boat.
  299. >For a moment you consider simply flying past it, but Grey's promise keeps you from doing it.
  300. >You don't have to drown today. Real freedom is only a year away. You only have to behave now.
  301. >With four loud clops, your hoofs land on the white boat deck.
  302. >Your elegant wings fold neatly back to hug your slender frame once more.
  303. >Looking around, you are confused to see no one approaching you.
  304. >The ship seems deserted. Maybe it's not even the right ship.
  305. >Suddenly, you hear wings flapping and a fellow Pegasus lands in front of you.
  306. >The yellow-colored mare wears a collar just like you. In her right hoof she holds a small package.
  307. "Hi", you greet the new arrival.
  308. "Hello! So you are the new pick-up mare, huh?"
  309. "Seems like it."
  310. "Well, here."
  311. >She hands you the package.
  312. "See you soon, probably."
  313. >The yellow mare unfolds her wings again.
  314. "Wait! Can you tell me what is going on here? What's in the package?"
  315. "Uhhh, I'm not exactly supposed to say. Ask your master."
  316. "Master", you spit out the word. "You mean Grey?"
  317. "Oh you are one of those. Love it. Grey's previous pick-up mare was so meek and afraid. I don't know if he bought her like that or did something horrible to her."
  318. >Yellow shakes her head.
  319. "Glad you still have your wits with you! Say, how long have you been Grey's uh - forced help yet?"
  320. "Only a day."
  321. "Oh wow, and he already sent you here. Makes sense though. Heard he is in a lot of trouble right now."
  322. >The mare grins.
  323. "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Yellow. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on."
  324. >Yellow walks towards you and raises a hoof.
  325. >You look at her hoof in confusion.
  326. "Come on, give it a clop!"
  327. >You oblige her weird request.
  328. "So you know Grey, right? He offered to let me go in a year. C-can I trust him?"
  329. "I wouldn't trust any human, especially not Grey.", Yellow laughs.
  330. >Your head suddenly feels very heavy.
  331. "But hey!", Yellow tries to cheer you up.
  332. "Could be worse. At least he offered, honest or not. No one offers me anything. Just try to get some leverage on him and make him hold his word."
  333. "Yeah... if Xena doesn't kill me first."
  334. "Who?"
  335. "His unicorn slave. A real mind-broken whorse."
  336. >The thought of having to get back to her makes you shudder.
  337. "Huh, I didn't know he had one. Makes me wonder why he doesn't sell her to cover his debt. Unicorns are pretty rare and expensive. Strange... Oh well, not my problem. Would love to talk more, but I really have to go now. I think they time us. See ya!"
  338. >Before Yellow takes off, she turns around once more.
  339. "Oh, almost forgot to ask for your name."
  340. "Lithia," you say, your voice flat.
  341. "Like the element? I like it!"
  342. >Flapping her wings, Yellow takes off.
  343. >For a while, you look at her shrinking silhouette against the clear blue sky.
  344. >She seemed so... cheery. But how?
  345. >The flight back is strenuous but unremarkable.
  346. >The high of the first flight is replaced with an exhausting fight against the strong outbound air currents.
  347. >Despite the brightly shining sun, your lack of sleep is catching up with you again.
  348. >Exhausted, sweaty, and yawning, you hand over the package to an anxiously waiting Grey.
  349. >He gives you a head pat, but you are too exhausted to be ticked off by it.
  350. >On the way back, Grey decides to turn on the radio, robbing you of even that little bit of sleep.
  351. >You are not sure if he did that on purpose or if he is just an inconsiderate jerk.
  354. # Chapter 4
  356. >Arriving back home, there is nothing you'd rather do than head straight to your room, slide between the comfortable mattress and warm blanket, close your eyes and drift away.
  357. >Of course, you are not allowed to do that.
  358. >While you were abducted in the middle of the night to play delivery mare, presumably Xena got to sleep in, with her only task being to prepare breakfast in time for your arrival.
  359. >Grey forces you all to sit at the table together as if you were some kind of big happy family.
  360. >While your mind longs for rest, your empty stomach is not thaaaat unhappy with the idea of being filled first.
  361. >You sit opposite to Grey, who has put the package next to him on the table.
  362. >Wearing his fake "let's all be friends smile", he bites down on a prepared slice of bread with cheese on it.
  363. >You decide to return the favour by giving him your best "Fuck you, I don't want to be here" stare.
  364. >On the right side of the table, Xena sits slumped over a bowl filled with colorful cubes.
  365. >She seems to be trying to avoid direct eye contact with Grey.
  366. >Could it be that you judged her wrong?
  367. >Is her mind-broken self actually capable of harbouring resentment towards her "master"?
  368. >Doesn't seem likely, but you are willing to give her a second chance if that is the case.
  369. >Turning your gaze downwards to your own bowl, you realize that it only contains a pittance of colorful cubes compared to Xena's.
  370. >If it were up to your stomach, you'd have gotten up by now to give Xena a new hoof mark on her stupid face.
  371. >Resisting the urge, you fish out a cube from the bowl with your muzzle, then crunch down on it.
  372. >Supposedly, it contains all the nutrients a healthy pony needs.
  373. >This highly processed, cubic plant-garbage looks like dog food and tastes like cat food.
  374. >But over the years of being a forced laborer, you have gotten used to its weird taste.
  375. >Those cubes being so incredibly cheap, meant your human overlords seldom bothered to give you anything else.
  376. "You did well this morning", Grey says to you, taking another bite from his sandwich.
  377. >You don't even acknowledge him with a glance.
  378. >Instead, you take a mouthful of cubes from the bowl and continue to crush them with your teeth.
  379. >If Grey is irritated by your lack of response, he overplays it well.
  380. "Thanks for preparing breakfast, Xena."
  381. "It's my duty, master.", Xena replies quietly, but like you, she avoids direct eye contact.
  382. >Grey puts down his sandwich.
  383. "Xena, come here."
  384. >He points to the floor next to him.
  385. >Xena's body tenses for a brief moment before she gives in and gets up to obey her master's request.
  386. >You'd almost feel sorry for her, but then again, she wouldn't feel sorry for you either, evident by her idiotic attempt to starve you to death.
  387. >With shrunken pupils, Xena sits down on her haunches next to Grey.
  388. >She twitches as Grey's hand makes unexpected contact with her head.
  389. >Gently, he begins to pet her, careful to avoid the bruise that her encounter with the bed post must surely have left.
  390. >Xena begins to visibly relax.
  391. >Clearly enjoying her master's attention, she closes her eyes.
  392. >Grey continues to give her ears a good scritching too, which gets her moaning a little bit.
  393. >Then finally, he pulls his hand back.
  394. >Xena smiles from ear to ear as she opens her eyes again, seeming blissfully happy.
  395. "Pathetic" is all you can think.
  396. >He knocked her out cold last night without as much as a warning.
  397. >Yet here she is, back to eating out of his hand again.
  398. >Your neck hairs stood up involuntarily while watching the two.
  399. >No, no, you don't need this.
  400. >You'll just ask your Guardian to give you some way better scritches tonight... even if they're only dream ones.
  401. "I'm sorry, master. I should never have questioned you."
  402. >You squint upon hearing Xena utter this pathetic garbage.
  403. >She returns your spiteful glare with a smug smile.
  404. "Master? Lithia is staring at me in a meaaan way."
  405. "Yes, she is. She still has it, you know? That inner fire which keeps driving her to rebel, despite all the pain."
  406. >He fiddles with one of the two rings he is wearing on his left hand.
  407. >A sudden, painful shock from your collar makes your muscles spasm.
  408. >Your wings try to unfold but find themselves painfully wedged between your body and the chair.
  409. >Your legs hammer against the table, catapulting the bowl through the air.
  410. >It shatters into many tiny pieces on the floor.
  411. >The few remaining cubes scatter.
  412. >As sudden as the shock started, it also ends, leaving you with sore limbs and a few new bruises.
  413. >You slide further from the table with the chair.
  414. >Your wings hurt.
  415. "See? Instead of breaking down or crying, she moves further away from the table. Why?", Grey asks Xena.
  416. >From her position on the floor, Xena tilts her head to look up at Grey.
  417. "Uh... to get away from you?"
  418. "To not hurt herself as much on the table when I shock her again. She didn't give up at all. In fact, she prepared for more."
  419. >You growl at the two, but he guessed your intentions correctly.
  420. "I wish you still had some of her fire left."
  421. >Giving Xena a head pat, he sighs.
  422. >Xena's face contorts in pain, but she does not resist. He must have patted her on her bruise.
  423. "No. Master please." She clings to his arm.
  424. "I would follow you to the end. She is just an ungrateful bitch."
  425. >He sighs again and tells her to let go of his arm.
  426. "I'll have to do some work now. You know what chores need doing. Use her for that how you want, but make sure everything gets done."
  427. >He grabs the package and gets up.
  428. "Don't forget, I need her next Monday for pick-up. If she isn't able to fly, I'll make YOU swim for it instead. Understood?"
  429. >Xena nods energetically while following her master a few steps towards the kitchen door.
  430. >Before leaving, Grey turns towards you.
  431. >You are still sitting at the table, unmoving like someone petrified you.
  432. "I'll be in the basement, Lithia. If she overdoes it, scream. I'll hear you."
  433. >He grins, as a shiver rolls down your spine.
  434. >Grey may be a sadistic psychopath, but so far he seemed far more reasonable than his deranged sidekick.
  435. >If she pins you to the wall again like yesterday, there is nothing you can do about it.
  437. >With Grey gone to do whatever it is he does in his basement, Xena turns back to you.
  438. >The previously meek and subservient unicorn is now completely changed.
  439. >With a sadistic smile, she lifts you from your chair and holds you up in the air.
  440. >Your feet dangle uselessly as you try your best to suppress the upcoming panic.
  441. "LET ME GO!"
  442. >Your outburst earns you a mild chuckle.
  443. "Your training starts now, bitch."
  444. >Xena's attitude has you very worried.
  445. >There is nothing too bad she can do to you, right?? Grey still needs you alive and well.
  446. >Showing your teeth, you give her the only response you can think of.
  447. "Fuck you."
  448. >Your vision gets blurry and your ears ring as your head makes sudden contact with the ceiling, producing a little *thub* sound.
  449. >Laughter layers over the ringing in your ears.
  450. "Say that again?"
  451. >Grasping for the last straw in this incredibly unequal power battle, you respond with clenched teeth: "Do that again. A-and I'll scream! He'll bash your head in again!"
  452. >For a moment, Xena considers your words, then you are unceremoniously dumped to the floor, landing on your side.
  453. >Despite the pain, you manage to contort your muzzle into a faint smile.
  454. >You won that round.
  455. >Xena steps over to you and places her forehoof on your head.
  456. "If it was up to me..."
  457. >The pressure on your head increases.
  458. "...but master needs you so I'll be gently with you."
  459. >The pressure goes away as the hoof is removed from your head.
  460. "But there are punishments... painful ones, humiliating ones, that will leave you fully able to work."
  461. >Her magic grabs your mane, pulling your entire body up by it.
  462. >The pain drives tears into your eyes.
  463. >Eyes, which are now looking directly into hers.
  464. "Do what I say and the pain will stop. It's that easy. Understood?"
  465. >The tears blur your vision.
  466. >This is not the first time you have faced someone trying to coerce you with violence.
  467. >From painful first-hand experience, you know that now is the time to switch from open resistance to inner resistance.
  468. >You nod, slowly, very slowly.
  469. >Xena lets go of your mane.
  470. "Good choice slave."
  471. >Looking at Xena's forehead, you imagine a bullet hole right between her eyes.
  472. >It satisfies you a little.
  473. "Your first task is to clean up this mess you caused. And get a mop for the blood."
  474. >Only now you notice the cutting wounds on your left thigh.
  475. >The red blood is hard to see on your red fur, but the wounds sting.
  476. >For the rest of the day you do exactly what Xena says.
  477. >Cleaning up the pieces of the bowl and the scattered cubes is done quickly.
  478. >Afterwards, you mop up the few little blood stains on the floor.
  479. >That done, the day is sadly still far from over.
  480. >Your next task is to clean up the rest of the breakfast.
  481. >Under Xena's watchful eyes, there is no opportunity to snack a little on the left-over bread.
  482. >Your stomach growls, but after a few hours the feeling of hunger goes away by itself, like it always does.
  483. >The tiredness however stays with you all day.
  484. >Xena makes sure you don't have a single moment of rest.
  485. >You do the laundry, vacuum the floors, and wipe dust from the furniture, all while Xena is lazily watching, occasionally yelling and pulling your mane if you act too slow for her liking.
  486. >All the real chores are completed before the day is even half over.
  487. >But that doesn't stop Xena of course.
  488. >Creatively, that bitch constantly comes up with new bullshit work for you to do.
  489. >While sorting all the cups in the cupboard by color, after having previously sorted them by size, you come close to your personal limit.
  490. >To painful is the realization that you are wasting your precious life doing meaningless tasks for cruel people.
  491. >Every second, every minute, every hour, every day that passes is one you will never get back.
  492. >All you have is the hope that one day after you regain your freedom there is still time left to actually experience it.
  493. >Being tired and distracted, you accidentally let a cup fall and shatter on the floor.
  494. >Having just been given another excuse to punish you, Xena is positively gleaming.
  495. >Since she is going to punish you anyway now, you decide you might as well go for it.
  496. >Turning around, you make yourself as big as possible, your wings expanding to full width.
  497. "What the fuck is wrong with you? He knocked you out! Does it not go through your thick, horned skull that he doesn't care about you? You are a SLAVE! Does he have to murder you before you wake up?!!"
  498. >Taken aback by your sudden outburst, Xena takes a small step back.
  499. >Gears are seemingly turning in her head.
  500. >Then her eyes narrow and her magic aura activates.
  501. >A big kitchen knife flies next to her, pointing straight at you.
  502. >But you don't give her the opportunity to use it.
  503. >Taking a deep breath, you scream as loud as you can.
  505. >Loud footsteps are fast approaching.
  506. >Frightened, Xena drops the knife.
  507. >Wearing safety goggles and a rubber apron, Grey storms through the kitchen door.
  508. >This is the first time you are actually glad to see him.
  509. >He points at you.
  510. "Explain."
  511. "S-she tried to murder me because I dropped a cup!"
  512. >You point out the knife and the shards on the floor.
  513. >Angrily, Grey points at Xena.
  514. "Was I not clear enough?"
  515. >Like someone flipped a switch, Xena is back to her submissive self.
  516. >She lowers her head. Tears form in the corner of her eyes.
  517. "B-but master! She questioned my l-loyalty again."
  518. "Yeah, and I question it now too! You keep disobeying my direct orders!"
  519. >Xena winces, as Grey takes a step towards her.
  520. >Seeing her reaction, Grey stops, takes a deep breath, and says:
  521. "I'm taking your magic privilege away. Go get your collar. I'm deeply disappointed in your behavior."
  522. >Then he glances at you.
  523. "And YOU, I've had it with your attitude. Get out of my house. Don't leave the property. You'll be sleeping outside tonight."
  524. >With head held high, you trot out of the kitchen towards the house's backdoor.
  525. >The familiar click of a collar locking sounds behind you.
  526. >Before you close the backdoor, you make out Grey saying: "clean this, then go to your room."
  528. >Outside with the door closed, you do a little jump of joy.
  529. >Not only did you stand up to Xena, it also got you out of the pointless busy work she had you do.
  530. >You plan to enjoy every moment of being outside without supervision, finally free to do what YOU want to do.
  531. >The coldness of the air does dampen your good mood.
  532. >The garden is enclosed on all three sides by big hedges.
  533. >A little tree grows off to the left side. It has already shed most of its leaves.
  534. >There is a little toolshed in the far right corner.
  535. >Sadly, it is locked.
  536. >Trotting around the small garden warms up your muscles.
  537. >It's not enough however, as soon you start to shiver.
  538. >The last light of the autumn sun illuminates the clouds of breath coming out of your cold muzzle.
  539. >Your fur is too short for these temperatures.
  540. >It didn't grow in, as you had spent too much time in heated places.
  541. >Flying would heat you up pretty fast, but would also leave you sweaty, and you definitely can't fly all night long.
  542. >Especially not in small circles over the property.
  543. >But he won't let you freeze to death... right?
  544. >As time passes without anyone coming to check up on you, you start to get nervous.
  545. >While you run in circles to keep yourself warm, the sun vanishes over the horizon.
  546. >Increasingly desperate, your eyes dart around the increasingly darkening garden for anything that might help you stay warm.
  547. >A leaf falls from the tree.
  548. >If only you could burn it for warmth.
  549. >Then an idea hits you. Quickly, you gather up a big pile of leaves with your hooves.
  550. >After the pile is big enough, you lie down in it, using the leaves as both mattress and blanket.
  551. >The constant rustle, the strong odor of decomposition, and the insects wandering about naw at your sanity, but at least the leaves do keep you warm.
  552. >Placing the hair barret under your tongue like you always do, you watch the night sky with its million little lights so far above you.
  553. >Your body aches from the mistreatment it received today.
  554. >It shivers in the breeze penetrating the leaves in a few places.
  555. >But your mind is content.
  556. >You feel more like the master of your destiny, than you did in a long time.
  557. >For a while you watch the cosmic ballet above, unable to fall asleep.
  558. >When you do finally drift away, it's into a dreamless void.
  559. >Maybe that's what being dead would feel like.
  562. # Chapter 5
  564. >You open your eyes.
  565. >It's still nighttime.
  566. >The sky is pitch black except for a big red disk tinting your surroundings a dark red.
  567. Nervously, you look around.
  568. >It's hard to make out details in the low light with everything tinted red, but you still seem to be under the tree in Grey's garden.
  569. >Only something is... is wrong.
  570. >Leaves rustle as they fall off your rising body.
  571. >You breathe in through your nose, trying to make sense of what is happening.
  572. >A warm breeze carries a faint smell of cinnamon towards you.
  573. >It seems to come from the unlit house.
  574. >The wooden facade is tinted red by the weird sun and interspersed with empty, dark windows.
  575. >Unsure of what to do, you approach the house.
  576. >As you trot over the grass, you give your mane a quick hoof run through to make it somewhat presentable.
  577. >With a sinking heart, you realize that your barret is missing.
  578. >Desperate, you search through your mane.
  579. >In the dim red light, it's super tough to make out any details.
  580. >The increasingly metallic taste in your mouth adds to your inner panic.
  581. >Then you remember.
  582. >Relieved, you spit the barret into your hoof and put it back in its rightful place in your mane.
  583. >You feel a little less lost now.
  584. >To your surprise, the terrace door is open, letting you peer inside the almost completely dark hallway.
  585. >For a moment, you hesitate at the threshold before scraping all your courage together and entering the building.
  586. Inside, the smell of cinnamon grows stronger.
  587. >Stepping on a creaky linoleum board, you realize how quiet everything is.
  588. >No car engines, no birds, no anything.
  589. >Where is everyone?
  590. >Should you try calling for help, or would Grey be mad if you woke him up? Is he even here?
  591. >You walk down the dark corridor with its otherworldly red shine.
  592. >A couple of steps, and you come across the door to the basement.
  593. >Outside light from a nearby window gives it a red highlight.
  594. >The door stands a crack wide open.
  595. >Through the crack creeps a strong smell of cinnamon.
  596. >Has this something to do with what Grey was doing down there yesterday?
  597. >The door gives way with a quiet squeal.
  598. >The red light does not reach fully down. The bottom part of the stairs recedes into impenetrable darkness.
  599. >The smell is stronger than ever now.
  600. >Its sickly sweetness almost overwhelms you.
  601. >With your heart pounding, you take a careful hoofstep down the first step.
  602. >It doesn't creak, and after a moment of listening with perked ears, you feel emboldened to take the next step.
  603. >Then another.
  604. >   Then another.
  605. >       Then another.
  606. >           Then another.
  607. >               Then another.
  608. >                   Then another.
  609. >"Please don't Lithia."
  610. >"Eeeek!"
  611. Startled, you shriek, and your heart skips several beats.
  612. >You turn around as fast as possible.
  613. >A fair distance up the stairs behind you, a bat is perched on the open basement door.
  614. >His blue eyes glow in the red darkness.
  615. [
  616. ⎛⎝(•̀ⱅ•́)⎠⎞
  617. >Your shock turns into anger.
  618. >"D-don't scare me like that!"
  619. >Exhaling slowly, you feel a sense of relief though. You are no longer alone.
  620. >   "Sorry."
  621. Suddenly, the realization hits.
  622. >If he is here, then this must be a dream!
  623. >   "Yes and no.", the bat replies to your thoughts.
  624. >"Let's just go somewhere nicer, yes?", you beg.
  625. >"This place... it's creeping me out."
  626. >A shiver goes down your spine as you realize that you turned your back towards the unknown darkness at the bottom of the stairs.
  627. >You turn back around and stare into the darkness, too scared to move forward or backward.
  628. >"... p-please. I don't want to be here. H-help me."
  629. >   "I have no power over this dream. Lithia, you need to do this on your own. Be strong like I know you are."
  630. >A sudden warm and moist breeze stinking of cinnamon washes over you from down stairs.
  631. >It makes your fur stand on end.
  632. >A loud *thud* comes from below.
  633. >The steps shake.
  634. >You stumble backwards up the stairs as fast as you can.
  635. >*thud*
  636. >*thud*
  637. >Your eyes spot movement in the shadows at the bottom of the stairs.
  638. >Something huge.
  639. >You scream, turn around, and run up the last few steps towards the basement door.
  640. >The thuds behind you grow louder and faster.
  641. >thud........ thud...... thud..... Thud.... Thud...
  642. >In the corridor, you gallop back in the direction you came from.
  643. >Suddenly, something cold snatches your hind leg and tries to pull you back.
  644. >You fight against it with all your might, desperate to get away from that thing.
  645. >Each step toward the garden door is a fight.
  646. >Your muscles scream, but fear and adrenaline keep you pushing on.
  647. >THUD, THUD, THUD!, THUD!!
  648. >Reaching the garden door, the thing around your ankle comes loose.  
  649. >Suddenly free again, you run outside over the dark grass towards the tree.
  650. >A high-pitched whistle, like that of a teapot, makes you shake to the bone and marrow as you gallop towards the red-lit tree for cover.
  651. >Out of breath, you cower behind the sturdy stump.
  652. >Your heart pounds in your ears while you try to be as still and quiet as possible.
  653. >The whistling gets louder.
  654. >You eyes tear up.
  655. >You pinch them close and cover your ears with your hooves to block out the noise.
  656. >I'm not here.
  657. >This isn't happening.
  658. >I'M NOT HERE
  659. >NOT HERE
  660. >NOOOOO
  661. >(>_<)
  663. >(~_~)
  665. >(-_-)
  667. >( _ )
  669. >"Wake up"
  670. >It's Grey's voice.
  671. >You open your eyes.
  672. >It's a cold morning. You lie in your pile of leaves, with cold sweat clinging to your fur.
  673. >The morning sun shines warm rays on your face.
  674. >There is a faint smell of cinnamon in the air.
  675. "Here, I brought you something. Thought you could use it after spending the entire night in the cold."
  676. >He grins, fully knowing that he is the reason you are out here.
  677. >Still shaking, you rise to a sitting posture.
  678. >Grey hands you a hot mug of tea.
  679. >Carefully, you take a sip. It tastes like Christmas and soothes your nerves.
  680. >Looking around, everything seems normal again.
  681. >"Let's head inside, shall we?", Grey says and leads the way.
  684. # Chapter 6
  686. >The cold morning sun shines brightly as Grey watches you place the spit-out barret back in your mane, intrigued.
  687. >Then he gets up, making an unmistakable gesture for you to follow him.
  688. >You watch him walk away on the wet grass.
  689. >Memories of your nightmare replay in your head.
  690. >Horrifying, yet so distant as if it happened to another mare, coincidentally named Lithia as well.
  691. >You sneeze and take another sip from the tea, making your stomach feel pleasantly warm.
  692. >Grey has almost reached the house.
  693. >You get up to follow him, groaning as your bruises painfully remind you of their presence.
  694. >Hastily, you empty your cup, burning your mouth a little in the process.
  695. >Stiff muscles ache as you make haste to follow Grey inside.
  696. >For a moment, hesitation grips you at the threshold.
  697. >But the warmth of the inside air blowing past your ice-cold muzzle quickly overrides any fear.
  698. >Stepping inside the house is like stepping into another world.
  699. >What seemed like a prison just yesterday now feels like a shelter.
  700. >Even the playful maritime decorations, which you thought to be so tacky and inappropriate for the kind of person Grey is, now feel like a nice addition.
  701. >The picture hanging in the corridor of the silly seagull with a piece of bread in his beak brings a little smile to your face.
  702. >Until it reminds you of how hungry you are.
  703. >You haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday. If you can call one mouthful of nutrient cubes that.
  704. "The pile of leaves,"  Grey nods approvingly as you enter the kitchen, "that was very crafty of you."
  705. >To your stark disappointment, the kitchen table is empty. No signs of breakfast anywhere.
  706. >Grey must have noticed your disappointment.
  707. "We already ate. Sorry, thought you needed the extra bit of sleep."
  708. >Frustrated, you paw at the ground and complain: "I'm hungry."
  709. >The door behind you opens, and Xena enters the kitchen, trotting to Grey's side while giving you a smug look.
  710. >She got to sleep inside, but at least she still has to wear her collar, suppressing her magic. Her mane is meticulously brushed, reminding you of how messy your own must look currently.
  711. >You sneeze, covertly aiming in Xena's direction.
  712. "Are you alright, slave?" Grey asks, feigning concern.
  713. "I'm hungry!", you repeat. This time louder with more energy.
  714. "I'm hungry what Lithia?"
  715. "I'm hungry and cold. If you don't give me anything and make me sleep outside, I'll die before the next pickup."
  716. >Even he must see, that he can't treat you like this if he wants something from you.
  717. >Grey shakes his head as if you were a filly in school, having just said something stupid.
  718. "I can only help you if you let me, slave. Let me help you, please."
  719. >Grey looks all concerned at the last part, as if he is actually begging you to be reasonable.
  720. >Something is up. Your on high alert now, all fatigue falling off you instantly.
  721. "I'll do your stupid pickups, okay?! What more do you want? Stop trying to starve or freeze me to death. You need me! Be nice to me and I'll sit out my time till the year is over. No more troubles. Promised."
  722. >That's a reasonable request, right?
  723. >Grey's facial expression darkens.
  724. "This is not how this game is played slave. I'm the fucking human here, and you do what I fucking say with a fucking smile on your muzzle. That's what you agreed to."
  725. >With small eyes, you nod at Xena.
  726. "I'll never be a pathetic bootlicker like her. Forget it! I want decent treatment, or else you can go send your 'beloved' Xena swimming for that package herself!"
  727. >Grey clenches his fist.
  728. "That's it! I've had it up to here with you. I've tried to be reasonable. You say you are not pathetic? Hah! How about we test that right now?"
  729. >Test it? How? Your rump makes contact with the closed kitchen door as you slowly back away.
  730. "Xena, pin her down."
  731. >Before you can turn around and flee, Xena has already pounced on you.
  732. >You're pinned to the floor on your stomach, all legs stretched out, with Xena on top.
  733. >Her whole body lies on yours, the weight making it hard to breathe.
  734. >You can feel the fleshy lumps of her teats pressing against your lower back.
  735. >At least she isn't a stallion, and... oh no.
  736. >You struggle to get free, but your slender Pegasus build is no match for the sadistic Unicorn.
  737. >Xena nibbles on your left ear, sending a cold shower down your back, before seductively whispering into it:
  738. "Maybe this time you'll learn. Do keep struggling whorse. I'll enjoy every pathetic little muscle spasm you make."
  739. >With fire in your eyes, you clench your teeth, and you put every little bit of energy you have into throwing her off.
  740. >Xena laughs.
  741. "More, more!"
  742. >You are too weak. Dread washes over you like a cold ocean wave, paralyzing your muscles, stopping your pointless struggle.
  743. >Your head rests on the kitchen floor.
  744. >Grey comes back, bringing with him a cloth iron.
  745. >He plugs it in and kneels down next to you.
  746. "I had really hoped that promising you freedom would be enough. But perhaps one year is just too long for your mare-brain to comprehend. This is your fault. Let's see how pathetic you really are, shall we?"
  747. >A few moments of horrifying anticipation go by until something makes a clicking sound behind you.
  748. "You know, I could use the collar for this. But I found this to be more effective... and personal."
  749. >The burning hot iron makes contact with your exposed flank.
  750. >You scream.
  751. >Every fiber cries out to get away from the terrible heat, but Xena's weight keeps you in place.
  752. >Pain!
  753. >Your world empties until only you, your tender flank, and that agonizing burning on your flesh exist.
  754. >It burns! It burns!
  755. >Then the iron is removed.
  756. >You gasp for air, then cry.
  757. "That's gonna leave a mark. Too bad about your cutie mark. I liked the bird."
  758. "s-stop" you whimper, but to no avail.
  759. "Stop who?"
  760. >Pain from your seared flank throbs through your entire body, like needles driven through flesh.
  761. >His voice fails to penetrate the fog in your brain.
  762. >Another part of your flank makes contact with the iron.
  763. >The searing pain drives more tears into your eyes.
  764. >The smell of burned fur reaches your nose.
  765. >You can't think straight anymore.
  766. >Only pain exists!
  767. "s-stop please stop."
  768. "Who should stop?", Grey asks while the iron continues to burn your tender flank.
  769. >You try to roll away from the mind-breaking pain, but you are completely helpless.
  770. "master. Master!", you exclaim as loud as you can.
  771. "Oh?"
  772. >The burning stops, and you feel like puking.
  773. "Will you be good now?"
  774. "y-yes.", you sob, your burned flesh throbbing with pain.
  775. "Hmmm... Doesn't sound particularly convincing to me. What do you say, Xena?"
  776. "I can feel her squirm beneath me. I reckon she is just pretending too."
  777. >From the corner of your eye, you can see Grey raising the iron again.
  778. "Nooo! I-I'm a good slave. Master please. I-I'll do anything. Please!"
  779. "Sounds good. But how do I know that I can believe you? Hmh... how about you tell me a secret? Yes, a secret!"
  780. "I-I don't have one."
  781. "Oh, is that so? But your barret seems like a big secret to me. A grown mare shouldn't wear such a childish thing, let alone suck on it in their sleep. What's its secret? A family heirloom perhaps? Could it be distracting you from your duties? I'm your master. I need to know such things..."
  782. "I-I" you stutter like the pathetic mare you are.
  783. >All the posturing, all the fighting, was just you pretending to be someone you weren't.
  784. >In your dream you did not face the monster. You ran away and cowered behind a tree, eyes shut, hoping for someone to save you.
  785. >You didn't overcome your old master by being a brave mare.
  786. >He had a heart attack, and you just took advantage of that.
  787. >A brave mare wouldn't need a guardian to cuddle her every night.
  788. >You are as pathetic as Xena, just less honest about it.
  789. >This realization hurts more, than any physical pain ever could.
  790. >You sob harder, trashing your head from left to right.
  791. "Your master is waiting, slave."
  792. "It... *sob* it's a gift...*sob* from my mom, master."
  793. "Is that so? How sweet. And if your master wanted to have it, what would you say, slave?"
  794. >Through a haze of tears, you see the iron glowing in Grey's hand.
  795. >Something inside you breaks.
  796. >It shatters like your bowl did yesterday.
  797. "... t-take it master."
  798. >The only friend you ever had. Betrayed.
  799. >Selfish and weak, that's what you are.
  800. >Grey bends over and plucks the barret out of your mane.
  801. "Thanks. I'll keep that for now."
  802. >Petting your head, he adds: "I thought you'd hold out a bit longer, but I'm glad I didn't have to burn your other flank too."
  803. >There is nothing more that you wish for, than for the hard floor beneath you to become permeable. To let your spirit fall through it. Away from your pain stricken body, away from this place, away from everything.
  804. >It's good that you'll never see your guardian again. He would despise you for what you have become.
  805. "Get off her.", Grey commands.
  806. >Reluctantly, Xena gets up, leaving a small wet spot on your lower back.
  807. >You don't make any attempt to move.
  808. "Get up."
  809. >You get up trembling, your flank screaming in pain as the seared skin stretches and bends.
  810. "Xena, go fetch the cream and her blanket."
  811. "Yes, master."
  812. "And you, Lithia, sit at the table. I'll get you some cubes."
  813. "Yes, master." you say so quietly that you fear he didn't hear it.
  814. >But he did.
  815. >You try your best to sit down, but the pain is too great, and you don't manage to lift your leg high enough to assume the posture.
  816. >Grey turns around with a full bowl and sees you struggling.
  817. "Sorry, my fault. You may stand."
  818. >Holding on to the bowl, he looks at you demandingly.
  819. "Th-thank you master"
  820. >While you eat, Grey tells you that you will have to continue to live outside for today and tomorrow.
  821. >Your blank mind conjures up no feelings upon hearing these news.
  822. >Apparently, Grey has to work with Xena in the basement and doesn't yet trust you enough to stay alone upstairs.
  823. >After you are done eating, Grey rubs your burns with the cream the returned Xena has fetched.
  824. >It soothes the pain a little, but not by much.
  825. >You get to take a bottle of water, a little box with more cubes and your blanket outside with you.
  826. >Grey also gives you the key to the shed as a reward for good behavior.
  827. >The shed is small and windowless, but does a fine job protecting you from the chill wind.
  828. >You spend all day inside the dark wooden shed, smelling of rubber and dust.
  829. >Lying on your good flank, you have pulled your blanket up to your muzzle.
  830. >The cloak of darkness is soothing. Hidden away from the world's eyes, no one can judge you. Not even you yourself.
  831. >As you doze off, you catch yourself trying to retrieve the barret from your mane to place it in your mouth.
  832. >The empty feeling in your mouth weighs on you more than the pain, so you briefly head outside to try and find a replacement.
  833. >A smooth pebble of similar size fills the gap, but it's not the same.
  834. >You have to sleep on your own from now on, like everyone else does.
  835. >His last words to you in that terrible nightmare enter your mind.
  836. "Lithia, you need to do this on your own. Be strong like I know you are."
  837. >How could he have been so wrong?


by KarmaFields