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By Neighpalm
Created: 2022-11-27 05:29:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >All of 3 weeks pass by before people begin to experience changes
  2. >With the long incubation time, the only people who managed to not get infected were guys who spent all their time in isolation
  3. >NEETs who didn't interact with their family, WFH people
  4. >The issue with the disease was that you only had to come into contact with someone to pass along the infection
  5. >Over the course of two weeks about 90% of the male population turned into stallions
  6. >Life, for everyone, had permanently changed
  7. >For the men still unchanhed, it meant staying away from society and eachother
  8. >The month-long incubation period meant that any interaction was too risky
  9. >Society morphed and was forced to adjust while a few outsiders watched from afar
  10. >You had no idea you were infected, just that the past couple days have been filled with news of transformations beginning
  11. >You woke up early on a saturday as a human, went back to sleep for a couple hours and rolled out of bed as a pony
  12. >Thankfully, you were able to shout at Alexa enough to get a news channel on the tv
  13. >The two anchors were stallions, they weren't the night before
  14. >Day 4 of the ponydemic, no one has any idea what's going on
  15. >You should probably call Femanon before you starve to death in your room, she's one of those 'horse girls' you think
  16. >You met her at Bronycon, and maintained a mostly online friendship despite her being miraculously from the same state
  17. >She liked ponies, but also talked about how she used to work with horses at some volunteer gig
  18. >Now you just needed to figure out how to call her, since you couldn't really type
  19. >Your pc was unlocked very slowly with a pencil held in your mouth to operate the keys
  20. >The mouse required an inhuman level of finesse for you to manage a double-click and open discord
  21. >Since you couldn't open your phone to get it to text her, you needed to use an online medium
  22. >You start with a block of hoof-smashed-on-keyboard text and a call
  23. >She answered after a second attempt
  24. >"Hey. Did you turn or something?"
  25. "How'd you know?"
  26. >"You usually type words, and you sound a little different. Also it seems like it's getting everyone."
  27. >The call goes silent for a few seconds
  28. >"What's up?"
  29. "I need your help."
  30. >With all of this happening so quickly, there wasn't really anything set up that you could call and get help if you were stuck somewhere
  31. >There were probably a lot of dead ponies stuck places with no one to check on them
  32. >Like you were about to be
  33. >Your room had a round, smooth door handle that no amount of hoof or biting could turn
  34. >"Are you stuck somewhere?"
  35. "I'm at home."
  36. >"Can you hold on a couple hours?"
  37. "Yeah, I guess."
  38. >"Let me finish feeding the horses and then I'll come by. You'll be okay by yourself for a couple hours?"
  39. >She sounded different
  40. >Concerned?
  41. "Yeah, yeah I'm just stuck in my bedroom."
  42. >"Okay, I'll come by as soon as I get done here."
  43. >The call ended, leaving you trapped in your room
  44. >You were kind of hungry, and also needed to pee
  45. >A few hours pass by and you only have the news to entertain you
  46. >The computer is too difficult to use, and typing takes forever
  47. >You watch the same reel of midday news until there's a knock at your door
  48. >Not your bedroom, but the front door
  49. >Which you were unable to get to
  50. >Until you had a great idea, a genius one in fact!
  51. >Rushing back to your computer, you grab the Overwatch anime titty mousepad you totally got as a joke
  52. >Grasping it in your mouth, you used the rubber bottom side of it to get a grip on the doorknob and pull it open
  53. >The immense pride you felt was interrupted by another knock
  54. >"Anon?"
  55. "H-hey!" you were caught off-guard by how your voice had gotten a bit scratchier
  56. >Maybe because you hadn't been talking all day
  57. >With some work you were able to get the door unlocked and it opened from the other side
  58. >It was Femanon, she looked down at you curiously
  59. >She didn't say anything, staring intently as you backed up a few steps to let her in
  60. >"I haven't gotten to see a pony up close yet. Mr. Richards turned and let us take care of the horses for him, the guys who usually volunteered haven't come by at all lately."
  61. >Crouching down, Femanon pulls a carrot and holds it out for you
  62. >You were less than amused
  63. "I'm not a horse."
  64. >"You're a little horse."
  65. >Again, not amused
  66. "This isn't funny, I'm really freaked out over this."
  67. >You turn and walk in, Femanon lets herself in and closes the door
  68. >"Why are you worried? You can just keep working from home."
  69. "I can't use a computer very well with these hooves."
  70. >"What about one of those public care things people are setting up? They're trying to help get ponies situated."
  71. >You hadn't heard about those, confusion evident on your face
  72. >"They're trying to find everyone who turned into a pony and help them."
  73. "Help them with what?"
  74. >Femanon rolls her eyes, "With not starving to death in their own homes because they can't open a door."
  75. "I don't trust something like that."
  76. >"Then you can come back with me, but from now on you can't really be on your own."
  77. >Femanon grins, "I've always wanted a pony."
  78. >You didn't really have a choice but to go with her, as uncomfortable as it made you to be so dependent
  79. >She raided some of your groceries in the fridge and helped you into her car
  80. >You were actually a little big to be in the front seat next to her, so you were in the back, which gave you a view of multiple car wrecks as she drove through the back-roads
  81. "The highways are worse?" you asked as she passed a turn to get onto the interstate
  82. >"A lot worse."
  83. >You hadn't really paid that much attention to the news outside of the last couple days when this pony thing had come to a boiling point
  84. >And even then, not really
  85. >After about an hour of driving in which you almost got carsick, Femanon comes up to a wood gate on a country road
  86. >"Don't get excited, I'm just picking up a couple things."
  87. >She is gone for a long while, leaving you to wonder just what she was picking up
  88. >It turned to to be some clothes she wore while at the stable and what you suspected to be a brush
  89. >You couldn't get a good look at it from the backseat
  90. >"Yes it's a brush, I'm not the first girl here to suddenly have a pony. You're going to thank me later."
  91. "Why didn't you grab this stuff before you came to my house?"
  92. >"I had to pay for some equipment before I can take it home and I wasn't going to spend all that money if you already had someone taking care of you."
  93. "Has that happened before?"
  94. >"Twice, actually. One of them still lives with his parents and the other moved back in with his when he turned. I totally would have taken them in."
  95. >She looks at you in the rear-view mirror, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and also that you didn't have other plans."
  96. >You try to smile, but she was seeming a little too eager to have you
  97. "What all did you buy from them?"
  98. >"Brushes and some boots for you."
  99. "What do I need boots for?"
  100. >"So you don't bump a leg while you're still learning to walk."
  101. "Oh... Is that a thing?"
  102. >"Yeah, you have four legs now and at some point you're gonna kick one of your legs by accident and I don't want you to injure anything."
  103. >You decide to be quiet
  104. >The drive leads you back to Femanon's place, the suburban townhouse she rented with a roommate
  105. >As you were let in, you were greeted with a somewhat annoyed stare from Hannah
  106. >"My god, you really kidnapped someone." she sighs, "Run while you still can."
  107. >"N-no! He didn't have anyone to turn to!"
  108. >Femanon hugs your head to prevent you from chiming in, but you were more preoccupied with the faceful of her chest
  109. >You then realized you were bigger than you expected ponies to be
  110. >With the both of you standing, your head was almost at her neck
  111. >"He's staying outside."
  112. >"It's cold outside, he can stay in my room."
  113. >Hannah rolls her eyes, "I'm not cleaning up after him."
  114. "I'm a person, y'know."
  115. >"Used to be, actually."
  116. >Before you can issue a firm 'fuck you', Femanon pulls you through the house to her room in the back
  117. >You noted quite a few hanging pictures of horses and other horse things on the walls
  118. >It seemed that Femanon's preference in decorations was basically anything equestrian
  119. >There was a framed horseshoe, a lamp with a decorative trim around the bottom of the shade depicting a herd of horses, and one or two porcelain horse statues on the desk next to her laptop
  120. >The bed had a generic horse plush laying next to a higher quality Braeburn she'd gotten at Bronycon a few years ago
  121. >Both were tucked under a blanket depicting a simple repeating pattern of horse silhouettes
  122. >The kind that was interlinked so if you focused on one part of the blanket it was a bunch of black horses on a white background, but became white horses on a black background if you looked at a different part
  123. >It was trippy, you didn't notice Femanon set her stuff down and pull out the brush she'd mentioned
  124. >On the opposite side of her room was a sliding glass door that lead to a porch overlooking a small backyard, she lead you through it and once you were outside she began to run the large brush through your coat
  125. >"Can't have you shedding, can we?"
  126. >It was calming, if a bit ticklish in some spots
  127. >She said a few weird things, like she forgot you were a person
  128. >Mainly just calling you a good boy, but you liked the brushing too much to complain
  129. >Several colorful clumps of fur were trashed in the process, leaving you wondering when the next time this would happen would be
  130. >Holding the sliding glass door open, Femanon ushered you back inside with a "Come on."
  131. "You know I'm not an animal, right?"
  132. >"It's a habit, sorry."
  133. >As you stepped past Femanon, you felt an unsettling sensation on your ass
  134. >She'd grabbed your tail, gently, but you could feel her fingers brushing through the long hair
  135. >"So, you're kind of settled in now. How about we go over some ground rules if you're gonna be staying here?"
  136. >Too late to turn back now, Anon
  137. >Maybe you should have called mom instead
  138. "Uhh, okay."
  139. >"Hannah works from home, her office is upstairs so most days you'll need to keep it kind of quiet. Monday through Wednesday I work, but the rest of the week we can go to the farm. In the fridge Hannah has her kombucha, just leave leave it alone but you can help yourself to the yogurts."
  140. >Femanon scoots over on the bed, "As long as you don't get dirty, you can sleep up on the bed with me, or I can put some blankets down on the floor for you."
  141. >You'd couchsurfed before, sleeping on the floor more accurately
  142. >"Now that's out of the way, we can do whatever."
  144. >The evening passed slowly as you helped Femanon binge through some random fantasy show on Netflix until you both fell asleep
  145. >Tucked under the horse blanket together, Femanon snuggled up to you
  146. >It was an awfully long amd stressful day for you, becoming a pony and all
  147. >You wonder how the rest of the world is handling this very briefly before dropping into a deep sleep from exhaustion


by Neighpalm

Stripped Screw

by Neighpalm