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Oog's Tale - SymphonyAnon

By SymphonyAnon
Created: 2022-12-05 14:51:20
Updated: 2022-12-07 20:09:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >be oog
  2. >oog thin like berrypicker
  3. >no grugina want look oog
  4. >eat bright plant from ground
  5. >see spirits give many wisdoms
  6. >spirits show oog thick like hunter
  7. >spirits show oog with many coloured fourleg
  8. >spirits show fourleg and oog intimate
  9. >oog likes spirit wisdom
  10. >oog wake up from spirit wisdoms
  11. >oog grab rock, lift and drop
  12. >lift rock until thick like hunter
  13. >grugina want oog now
  14. >oog no want grugina
  15. >spirit wisdom show coloured fourleg
  16. >oog survive outside cave
  17. >oog look for coloured fourleg
  18. >many looks, fourleg nowhere
  19. >oog sad, eat more plant from ground
  20. >oog see spirit wisdom again
  21. >spirit show oog near big water
  22. >spirit show coloured fourleg drinking from big water
  23. >oog knows where big water
  24. >oog walk to big water
  25. >oog find coloured fourleg drink water
  26. >fourleg scared
  27. >oog pull berry from groundplant
  28. >offer to fourleg
  29. >fourleg near and eat berry
  30. >fourleg happy with oog
  31. >oog happy with fourleg
  32. >fourleg walk fourleg place
  33. >oog follow
  34. >oog see many coloured fourleg
  35. >fourleg colours like sky water colours
  36. >oog found happy
  37. >oog feed berry to many fourleg
  38. >fourleg love oog now
  39. >oog found true happy, no return unhappy cave
  40. >dark berry colour fourleg smell oog loincloth
  41. >dark berry fourleg lick oog
  42. >oog feel nice
  43. >oog remember spirit wisdoms
  44. >spirit know best, oog obey wisdoms
  45. >oog walk other side fourleg
  46. >oog intimate with dark berry fourleg
  47. >all fourleg feel nice, many rub and lick
  48. >oog dark berry fourleg many nice time
  49. >dark berry fourleg lick oog
  50. >other fourleg smell oog loincloth
  51. >oog intimate with other fourleg
  52. >time pass
  53. >all fourleg child
  54. >oog chief now
  55. >oog take care of fourleg and fourleg oog child
  56. >oog happy life

Bitswap - Unknown Author

by SymphonyAnon

Transparency - XRaynon

by SymphonyAnon

Detachable Genitals - SymphonyAnon

by SymphonyAnon

Detachable Genitals v0.1 - Crystal Anon

by SymphonyAnon

Transparency Part II - XRaynon

by SymphonyAnon